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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

With Celine thinking in what to do today, Triny had all the time of the world to continue her pampers to the person at her side, who unfortunately was not Celine, theirs bodies pressed against each other smearing the warm cream juices over them as they do it, for what it looks Qamra was having a wet dream and accept tohe many caress than the human give to her as theirs tongues danced and muffed moans slowly invade the bedroom.

Mostly interested in know more of the unknown woman and hearing the noise outside Celine get up and opened the door to notice than Cutey has awakened and looks to be looking around the room near them, even having at her side two of her naughty servant dolls. Without too much to do here Celine went to the bathroom to prepare for the day and even when it take her some time Qamra stay resting and leaving all continue, mostly dont wanting to awake of a possible charming dream.

Ready to go Celine could see Vanessa's closet where a lot of clothes should be there and some perfume of the Mistress as many luxury scents at the bathroom and an open drawer. It was still early morning so the castle should be almost empty, as the awakened troops should be training or eating their breakfast as the horny ones should be loving their after party.

Celine remember than there were a lot of passages around the Mistress's chambers than she havent seen, also outside these and maybe underground passages and at least 3 floors above her, the palace was mostly a maze trap for newcomers what made Triny and the others explorers think than this was an abandoned castle and ruins, even then the elven skilled senses would lead her to any room than she has visited.

Grace was at her cradle awaken and soon happily turned to Celine, it was early morning but still Celine remember to had heard a baby cry a lot before she at her sleep notice someone getting out of the bed for a while before return, maybe Triny has awakened in middle of the night so that could be why she still dont awake, maybe that would change if by mistake Fate awaken and demand her breakfast... after all any baby would be hungry after awake... maybe that is why Grace is so happy to see her...

(luck rooll for exploration unless Celine gets help to find what she is looking, however she can go to any visited room without this roll)

Dinning room
public bathroom
breeding and nurse room
gargoyle room
Mistress office

Magic Collar
Vanessa's document

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Smiling over at Triny and Qamra as they snuggled with each other whilst snoozing the morning away, Celine figured that she'd go on about her day since they seemed not likely to wake up anytime soon. Peeking outside, Celine saw Cutey and a couple of her dolls guarding the door, which seemed odd that she'd be out there looking around, but it didn't really concern her too much so she went back inside the bedroom. Looking into the closet in the bedroom, Celine saw all of Vanessa's clothes and decided that it wouldn't hurt too much surely if she took a little something for herself so everyone she passed wasn't staring straight at her dick the whole time, plus the palace could get a little drafty and cool in the early morning hours, so she could do with something to wear.

"Well I hope she won't mind too much. I'll just take something that's not very pretty looking and whatnot, and something that shouldn't be missed," Celine murmured to herself, picking out one plain white or green shirt and a pair of trousers if there were any. If there weren't any of those kinds of clothes, then Celine would find a plain green or white colored sundress to wear instead.

Heading out of the room dressed and ready to go, Celine went to see Grace and Faith in their room where they'd slept together and saw Grace was already awake and looked over at her when she came in. Smiling at Grace as she came over to her, Celine scooped her up and kissed her on her little cheek. "Hey there sweetie pie. You hungry? Well I don't know if papa here has any milk left in her big boobies, but you can try if you want. If I don't got enough for you then we'll go see mommy later and get you fed. But papa's got stuff to do today, so I'll have to go soon. But I'll always make time for my babies," Celine said to Grace as she held her, sitting down in the chair next to their cribs and pulling whatever clothing she'd gotten aside for her to get at her breasts if she was hungry.

After she spent some time with Grace, feeding her if she had any milk left in her breasts and taking care of her that way, she'd check on Faith to see if she were awake yet before heading on to find the general lady that was supposed to help train her some, carrying the paper she'd written for her with her on the way after grabbing her swords. She still needed to get some maintenance done on her blades, but for now she'd have to settle for doing that after speaking with Vanessa later, whom she'd inform of needing to get said maintenance done for her weapons, as they'd be useless if they weren't properly maintained and whatnot.
Last edited:


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Thinking than all will be fine, Celine just let alone Cutey and her search of intruders inside the Mistress's chambers. Her cleaning soon make her try to check the closet at the Mistress's bedroom and then tried to take some unneded clothes from there. The closet was not locked so she have a free access to it and then after open it she see a huge room filled with a countless quantity of gorgeous dresses and sexy clothes than werent in all lower in luxury. Mostly of these have royal colors and among these red is the main, undoubtely this color was the favorite thanks to increase the sex appeal of the owner of this castle. As she opened the door Qamra moaned and started to move her tail happily increasing her moves on Triny.

The elven could try to stay here all the time than she likes to search sinple clothes as a shirt or summer common dresses... without doubt that search would be in vain and even the most lower dresses were at the pair with the best ones at her natal land. Without too much time to look inside the huge magic closet, Celine decided to choice between a white light dress than is made of a soft fabric as silk, it only can be tied with a mirror making a tie at her neck to make the dress stay in plce, her figure could be seen easily as also her curves. She could use heels or others shoes than werent less gorgeous as what she is trying to decide wear and there were jewels too but maybe she could avoid use them.If she wanted something less gorgeous she could use just underwear, nightie or swimsuits... however these would not be able to hide her manlike member.


Once Celine decide what to wear or walk nude, she will go to see her babies. The angelic baby with her lively charm eyes stare happily to Celine as this lift her up, making happy sweet soungs and babblings as Celine talked and pamper her. She was not eagerly to drink really, but in an instant her tail and little arms hug the elven's nude torso. This magic moment take who know how much time but Celine recovered her senses when Grace started to drink from the overflower milk of her papa, the milk from her two breasts were makin a trial than ended at the floor, where her dress almost fall completely, if Celine werent on the chair she would had been completely naked at the moment, the sweet sucks let her stay in awe for a moment but soon Grace stop drinking and just remain having a strong hold at her father, fortunately Grace is just a baby and her powers are sealed so Celine could after struggle a little free herself of the beautiful hug and place Grace at her cradle.

Once free of the powerful hug, she will check how is Fate, who soon notice than was sleep peacefully at her cradle. She know how demanding this twin sister is, so is up to her try to awake her. Celine leave the chambers and after walk for a while she reached the conclusion than the general was not where she was expecting, without be able to remember her name she would have some problems getting directions from the few soldiers passing the time or training.

Celine needed to decide where to look now, the castle was vast but there were few places where this woman could be, she could look outside at the walls, the dinning room, training room or other place... if she could remember the name she would have less problems to find her. At other choice she could go to the gargoyle girls room.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When she got out the plain white dress, Celine also grabbed a pair of panties, figuring that even though those wouldn't completely cover her penis the dress skirt would do so for her, and she just grabbed a pair of basic sandals if there were any, but she'd go barefoot if there weren't, as she was an elf and could easily travel barefoot no matter the surface just about. Once she was dressed and had her swords ready to put on she'd head on over to the babies room where she scooped up Grace and nuzzled her baby, showing her love for the little girl as Grace's tail curled around her waist when she hugged Celine back.

When Grace began getting at her breasts for her milk, which at first she didn't seem to want, but decided to drink some anyway it seemed, Celine slipped back out of her dress so she didn't get it dirty before sitting down in a chair while holding Grace as she drank as deeply as she wanted. When Grace was done drinking and just remained there hugging Celine, the futanari elf hugged her back and held her there for a couple of minutes, kissing her on the forehead and cheeks a few times before trying to put her back in the crib for now.

"Hmhm, you little cutie pie. You really love me don't you? Well I love you too sweetie. And I love mommy too and I know she loves me and you," Celine cooed to Grace, giving her another kiss on the cheek before sitting her back down in her crib. "Go on back to sleep for now okay sweetie, papa's gonna go see mommy for now, we'll both be back shortly okay, I love you," Celine went on to say, giving her a kiss as she set her down to go over to check on Faith.

Seeing that Faith was sleeping peacefully in her crib, Celine just leaned down and kissed her on the forehead before heading on out, letting her snooze for the time being. When she exited the bedroom after getting Grace to let her go, Celine would go around and ask to see if she could locate the blue haired general woman. It was tough though since she couldn't remember her name at the moment, but after asking about a few different times her name finally popped into her head... Jezebel. She looked around next for the nearest servants or soldiers to ask for Jezebel now that she remembered her name and where she could find her, following their directions to the blue haired general to ask for some training if she had the time and whatnot to do so.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Grace giggle and tried to call Celine for more attention, showing to want to stay more time hugging her, as she looks to dont have hungry like any common baby of her age. Maybe Celine could stay with her more time but for what it looks Grace would not be sattled too easily , maybe Celine could lost half the day there. Dont having the time and looking than Grace would not cry if she decide to leave, she would depart from the Mistress's chamber, her soft delicate white dress make her feels almost naked as she feels the wind passing, she was not sure when the three swords were taken to the room, but they were at the morning, so she had taken the three with her as also a pair of sandals than werent so common at all, like the rest of Vanessa's clothes.

After her difficulties at the start to find the General, she finally remember her name and once again asked for help as she walked though the corridors, this time she found a pair of girls talking with a soldier, they looks to be mostly trying to take him to eat something or anything more private. The two girls werent wearing theirs armors, trying to show theirs atributes as they were closer to the man. It was then when Celine get closer to them and made one of them turn to her, the demon soldier also looks to lost himself to Celine, maybe wondering who this whitee dressed woman is, yet the gold collar on celine's neck give them some clues so the two girls know than the soldier would think twice to take a risk to try something with Celine.

Hi, can i help you? The male ask making the two girls slighty upset, but trying to hide it as Celine ask.

General Jezebel? Sure let us guide you, one of the girls with orange hair said, she had some kind of protuberances hidden bellow her hair and she pull Celine from her arm as the other girl a blue tanned woman with dark horns push her from her back, both really trying to take her away of the soldier who was fully armored so it was hard for Celine to identify at the moment.

Once Celine let the two girls take her to where her trainer should be, Celine found than Jezebel's location was not hard to find, mostly she was at her room eating at her dinner room as three more persons were giving her some reports and were showing some areas of a map.

Even when was early at the morning, Jezebel was fully armored and trying to eat as she make some notes as the others talk. Well, there she is, now just find a way to get noticed or just go inside.

She looks to be having some free time now so she will mostly heard you, well good luck. The two girls said making a sudden push to Celine after had make her get inside the General chamber. Celine after be pushed found herself at the dinningroom, a pair of the persons turned to her, but Jezebel looks to had dont noticed her. The words between the soldiers about just who this newcomer is dont take too much to start. Return to work all of you, i dont have the time to wait everytime than someone decide to get inside my rooms without ask permission.

And you why has you come here so late? Nevermind, just say me what you need. The blue haired woman continue taking her time drinking from her tea cup before write some more and then eating a little from her desert, it looks to be ice cream or some cream looking food. Her lack of effort make her looks as she was not stressed for the moment even when she havent taken even an instant to turn to Celine as the group tried to find out where they stoped at their report.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Seeing that Grace seemed to merely want her to stay with her, Celine did so for only a few minutes more before heading on, holding Grace the whole time and sang her a lullaby that her mother used to sing to her when she was little. After leaving and finally remembering Jezebel's name again, Celine found a trio of soldiers two female and one male, that were all talking with one another and decided to stop and ask them for directions to Jezebel's chambers or study or wherever she was at the moment.

When asked by the male soldier what she needed, Celine asked them if they knew where general Jezebel was at and thanked them with a bow as the two girls led the way to her. "Thank you so much, I was really at a loss as to where she was. This place is a bit large and it's hard to remember where everything is at sometimes," Celine told the two girls as they went on.

When they arrived, Celine looked inside the room to see Jezebel inside and already in her armor, eating breakfast. "Alright, I'll wait until she's done with what she's doing before I disturb her," Celine told the two just before they suddenly pushed her inside, making her stumble as she crossed the threshold into the room.

Once the people inside were done talking and they were alone, Celine stood up straight and bowed her head to Jezebel. "I uh... I just got back last night and thought since I had free time until the great mistress required me this afternoon, that I'd see if you had time to begin training me. If you're busy though I can find others to spar with," Celine said to Jezebel.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

There was an uncofortable silence at the room once Celine spoke, only altered bythe soft drink coming from Jezebel as this just turn her sight to the elven. The others at the room remain silent as if the newcomer had said something inappropriate and they were waiting the scold than the general lady would bring.

Busy do you said? I can do all this routine work without effort. Jezebel start saying placing her cup at the desk and taking her time to get up to get closer to Celine as she explore her taking a look on the elf. I remember than you wanted to improve your skills, but doubt than you could do it if you dont focus completely on this task. From now on your training will start before the dawn and it will end passed the midnight, if you have that idea on your mind maybe by luck you will be able to use four hours of your time to improve your skills. Jezebel tone voice sound mostly the usual as always, maybe it was her usual tone and she was not always looking down to Celine.

At least this time your sword is shealted. Now i will give you ten minutes than you should use to think about how try to impress me with your fighting skills. Celine could suppose than the first part of these words are referring to when Vanessa show the firm erection of her slave the last day.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Of course I intend on focusing on training, I was merely carrying out some of the great mistresses orders up until last night is why I hadn't come back to you since the other day general," Celine replied to general Jezebel in a respectful tone, showing that she did respect her a she stood at attention. "The reason I want you to teach me, to train me to be better... well... it's because in my eyes you're the strongest warrior here, therefore you'd be the best choice to train me if I want to be strong as well," Celine went on to say, hoping a bit of flattery would help put Jezebel into a good mood with her, though she wasn't entirely sure if it would or not, but was worth trying she figured.

When told that she'd bee given 10 minutes to prove her worth to Jezebel, Celine thought for a moment before answering. What could she do to prove her worth to the general here? She was actually very unsure of what to do, but she needed to think of something obviously. "What would you like me to do to show my worth general? I'm willing to do most anything so long as it wouldn't be detrimental to my training," Celine asked Jezebel, still standing at attention. "Perhaps sparring with one of your subordinates to see what I'd need to work on?" Celine suggested to Jezebel that she could do.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Jezebel let Celine continue until she ended her blandishment attempt. Very well, just dont expect than you can excuse yourself with future assigments or flattery, even when you are right this time about who is the best Mistress's warrior. She ended with a smirk and Celine could suppose than even when she was not succed at her attempt at least Jezebel enjoy her words.

However this dont changed too much her mood and so she continued talking. Its obvious than you will face someone, however it will not be a simple practice match. Said this Jezebel invited to Celine in her completely "polite" way to leafe her dinner rom and wait at the corridor for her. After some minutes the General lady went outside and at her side a young armored girl follow them, this girl was really young and charming, Celine havent seen her at the dinner room and nobody has went inside after she went inside so maybe this girl was sleeping or in another room, maybe.

Hi blondy, that is a really cute dress, it fits perfectly to a beuty like you. Do you want to wear it at your match? The girl said smiling and realy to follow them. The trio went to a closer room, it was empty and almost dark yet iluminated by a few magic torches, Jezebel rested at a wall and looks to both for a time. your time start in three seconds, now do what you need to make me think than you are worthy.

Celine was there in front of that skimpy armored uhnarmed young girl, than in awe saw her three swords. I wonder which one will you use to try to fight me. The girl speak mostly out of any battle stance and looking the time pass-

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine was glad that her politeness seemed to have paid off at least somewhat with Jezebel, though it didn't work quite as well as she'd hoped. Following Jezebel out into the corridor, Celine waited for her to return patiently, though not at attention really. When she returned, Celine saw she had brought another girl with her, who was armored in skimpy armor, which unfortunately caused Celine's body to instinctively react somewhat, though she was able to prevent herself from popping a complete boner for now thankfully.

"Um... thank you miss. I... suppose it would be best to remove it for the match so I don't get it dirty or tear it any, since I was planning to wear it when I meet the great mistress shortly," Celine replied to the soldier girl as she followed Jezebel to an empty side room for them to spar.

Glancing over at Jezebel when she told her to do what she thought she'd need to in order to make her think she was worthy, Celine gave her a curious look for a moment before looking back to the scantily armored girl. "What um... what exactly should I do to prove my worth then general?" Celine asked as she circled the girl, walking slowly around her.

If she got an answer, Celine would listen before moving in and doing what she was told, unless Jezebel ordered her to kill the girl that is. If she got no answer though then Celine would assume she was just supposed to defeat the girl somehow or another before she herself was beaten, where she'd move in to make a probe attack to see how fast the girl was. "It depends on which one I'll need, I've got a fourth sword here between my legs as you can see, though I don't think the general means for me to use it. Because I'm not only good for that, and I mean to prove it," Celine replied to the girl, taking a couple of steps closer before throwing a quick punch out at the girl's shoulder to see how quickly she moved to avoid it.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Jezebel was not pleased to heard than Celine still have doubts on her labor. Do you really need than i repeat it again, i give you ten minutes to impress me, do whatever you want to her and show me how good you are. The general said after a Geez muffed sound.

Uhm are you looking my back, sure go ahead. The young soldier said with a smile. The next words coming from the elf made the soldier attention even looks worse she giggled and look in delight after heard that. Wow a four sword user, i havent seen one with just two hands, if you like you can use all of them on me ^^

Her inocent mock was more than evident as Celine has decided to fight with only her luxury panties on, she quickly moves and made a quick move toward her oponent and then landed a quick pounch at her.

Ouchy... i wonder if that is how your kind salute to start a fight, at least you dont tried a bite at my poor neck as many beast races. Celine supposed than her hit was succesfully, the girl dont even tried to move and just receive the hit without care if it has been to her front or back, she even dont made any move or blink before start talking and smiling. Jezebel sigh and roll her eyes for a moment, maybe thinking what she should do later after end this. Once she notice than Celine turn to her she just roll her hand as a sign to cntinue with what she was trying.

(auto hit)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Okay then. But I meant like, is she supposed to fight back or just stand there, or what. I don't think it would really impress anyone for me to just beat the hell out of her for no reason," Celine said, still unsure of what exactly she was supposed to do and all, but figuring that she was supposed to fight this girl.

When she made her move and threw her punch at the girl's shoulder with her probe attack, Celine was taken aback actually at the girl's reaction to the punch. Looking curiously from her to Jezebel and then back to the girl with a raised eyebrow, Celine saw Jezebel give her a sign to continue, where Celine showed that she wasn't enjoying attacking a target that wasn't fighting back, but she prepared to continue anyway for the time being. "I'm assuming that whatever I do to her isn't going to actually hurt her then?" Celine asked curiously as she stepped in again and quickly ducked down, spinning around and swinging her right leg around to hit the girl's legs and knock her down flat on her ass.

Once the girl was down, Celine moved in to put her into a submission hold, pulling the girl's left arm out and hooking her right arm around it and pulling as she wrapped both legs around the girl's upper body and held her other arm down with her feet. "Tap out and submit and I'll let you go," Celine demanded of the girl, going about this like a wrestling match for the moment, figuring that this would show off her brute strength a bit to Jezebel... that and this was one of the few ways she knew of subduing an opponent without hurting them too badly.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

So do you need some motivation to do it? You are the one be tested not her, i dont care if she attacks you or not. Jezebel said back a little more annoyed.

The little silent after her hit ended when she talked again but the General was not the one than answer. Hurt me? why? should we need to do that? Eeek... The girl was surprised and was taken off guard again and soon fall flat at her butt, she just remain there wondering what has happened as Celine trapped her in her submision hold, her arms were secured and Celine have her weight over her so all looks to had worked.

Uhm, is that smell coming from you, milk?

I see, so you take some time at the nursery, that is why you come until this hour.

Ah yes, i was forgeting than i must answer, silly me. The girl giggle as the combat continue. Ehm oh yes. i think than this works when you face lessers beings as humans, right? Do you want than i sumit so you can try again or do you want to end it.

Yes go ahead, i bet than you havent tried really to break an arm. Jezzebel interrupt to the girl who started to sweat after heard the plan but she still looks to dont be on pain or worried at all. But Celine could just say her to sumit and she could accept.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well no I don't need motivation, I just don't enjoy fighting an opponent that isn't going to fight back, makes it pointless really if you ask me. I just don't see what this has to do with proving myself though honestly, since I don't know how to impress you any at all really," Celine said to Jezebel, not back talking her or anything but merely confused as to what exactly Jezebel wants her to do in order to prove her worth.

Blushing slightly about the girl asking if the smell coming from her was milk and Jezebel's seemingly accusing question, Celine glanced over to the blue haired general for a moment. "N-No I wasn't there at all. I actually came straight here from the bedroom after washing up from last night," Celine said when accused of going to the nursery. "But one of my children is in the nursery, so I will likely go there shortly to see how she's doing," she added before looking back to the girl.

The way the girl spoke was almost as if she were mocking her, Celine felt, which slightly angered her, and when Jezebel spoke again, Celine looked at her when she suggested breaking the girl's arm, sounding as if she were daring her to do so. "You... you want me to break her arm? I've broken arms before in sparring, but never on purpose, and never because I just wanted to, because I'm not a sadist so I don't enjoy causing pain to people. But... if you make sure your enemy can't fight back then you've effectively won the fight, and breaking her arm would essentially prevent her from fighting back, therefore guaranteeing my victory," Celine asked, taken aback somewhat at Jezebel's words but showing that she knew what was what with a fight. "I might not be very great at actual fighting, but I was taught strategy and tactics, so I'm quite good at those. That's the reason I want you to train me, so that I can be good at both," Celine added as she held the girl in the submission hold, stretching her arm a bit more back and bringing it to the breaking point, but not going through with actually breaking it yet.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Can you say me exactly why do you think than you should enjoy this? I would never waste my time in something pointless. Jezebel said back frowning as this "duel" continue

Heh, you never deny than you feed a baby before come here~ What also do you did before come? Has you eaten something or make some daily strech exercises? The cheerful girl said in the floor still without care of anything else.

Right, break her arm so you can understand all this. But if you dont believe me and want to have a duel with her, then you could free her and give her one of yours swords, but dont blame me if you get serious wounded. Jezebel started to slowly take away her armor glove, without any hurry as Celine decide what to do.

I can see than you are doing a great effort, if you want just say me and i will surrender or we could stay like this a little more your scent is so good and i love the touch of your skin. The orange hair girl interrupt looking to be happy by how Celine was caring for her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Seeing that Jezebel obviously wasn't concerned about the girl and she didn't seem to be overly pleased that Celine hadn't understood whatever she was trying to teach her. Looking puzzled again for a moment as both replied to her, Celine closed her eyes for a moment, as if debating in her mind what to do. Jezebel obviously wouldn't train her any if she didn't go through with this, and this girl was apparently unconcerned about her arm possibly about to be broken.

In the end Celine complied with Jezebel's order and wrenched the girl's arm enough to break it, feeling sick with herself for doing so, yet she did it anyway. "There, I did it," Celine said, a bad taste in her mouth from going through with it. "And my meaning was that some people take pleasure in hurting others like this, I'm not one of those," she added to Jezebel as she released the girl and got back to her feet.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once Celine decided to break it, the room get filled with a not so normal breaking sound, the girl bellow her get a clueless face at Celine choice yet she dont react as the elven expected. Sigh... finally, at least you do it before your ten minutes ended. Jezebel said before throuw her glove to the cheerful girl who after that recovered of her awe. Eh? we will continue with something else? The girl ask as she try to wear the glove using her "fractured hand" than she could still move yet was a little out of place.

These lands are filled of many races, some are even unknown for us like the dark creatures and almost all of the races on this country have a hidden trick. You are really soft but at least followed my words without make a show like that time. Jezebel said as she hide her ungloved hand with her other arm and finally looks to be pleased.

Well Gaia is my personal sandbox or sparring partner whatever you want to call her, you have earned the right to use her and you can even cut her in pieces and all will be fine.

,,, ehm yeah... but i preffer a kind user, it maybe sound impossible but sometimes i can feel when i get hurt... i guess as im not sure "giggle". The girl looks to be ready for more even when her hand is out of place, how she remain at her feet again mostly loving their time together.

Well, whatenever i will now return to work. Do you have any question about the little test than you had passed or your new toy? I want you to see you tomorrow at the dawn no after and dont forget than you cant eat before visit me, if you still want to train something than is not battle come with me after the dinner, we can find a time for you again.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Still feeling a bit sickened with herself, Celine released the girl and got up as Jezebel sighed and spoke up. "S-So what is she exactly? Do you know? And I only spoke up so much the last time because I wanted to help," Celine replied to Jezebel before looking back to Gaia as she'd named the girl who's arm she'd just broken.

When Jezebel told her when she wanted to see her next, Celine stood at attention for a moment and listened before noting that she'd need to eat a hearty dinner to have the strength the next morning to make it through whatever training the blue haired general might have for her to do. "I... I have a couple of questions actually, if I may. What was the test exactly? To see if I'd follow your orders or not?" Celine said to Jezebel before she left, figuring it not best to actually ask just yet when she would be allowed to go and eat a meal the next morning.

Once Jezebel was gone, Celine would look over at Gaia with an apologetic look unless Jezebel took her with her. "I'm sorry about that, your arm I mean. I doubt she'd have given me the time of day if I hadn't," Celine would tell Gaia only once Jezebel had left the room and she was sure that the general wouldn't hear her, should Gaia still be in there that is, if she wasn't then Celine would say nothing to her of course and would head out to find any blacksmiths in the palace that might be able to take a look at and repair her swords, since she was certain that they needed repairing after all the action they'd seen over the last few days.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Jezebel touched her forehead maybe thinking than explain the next will be bothersome. I had already told you, she is a sandbag girl, i will need hours explain it all, lets just say than she was some kind of golem until the second princess change her for best or curse her into a more inmortal being. Anyway i had already heard your apologize about that the last time, i just needed to know you more.

The General then was close to leave but Celine needed to heard some answers to solve some doubts. Oh i just wanted to check some things about you, like which could be your future on this castle, i would had kick you out if you would had followed all my orders without ask me, this castle have enough mindless soldiers, but also i would had reproved you if you havent choiced to do something or if you would tried to face me directly. The rest of the results will be just for my mind, you dont need to know about them now.

Said this and after answer anything else Jezebel would leave, letting both of the almost nude girls do as they wish. Gaia remain there without do more than smile and see the grobe, maybe waiting for any other instruction. But then Celine come to ask her and maybe apologize for what had happened. Sorry? oh yeah my arm "giggle" All will be fine, i ussually end a lot lot lot more damaged. So do you want to train more, you can use your swords this time or well if you are really good then we could have a fight if you lend me one of yours swords, looks like she has let you on charge Without get bored in any way this girl looks to want to help Celine at her training, she maybe sound a little carefree or childrish but she must be something more... maybe not like she is a airhead.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I see, alright then. You are the general after all, so I'm sure you have your reasons. I also trust that you'd tell me when it's time for me to know. I will see you in the morning then general, until then, have a pleasant day," Celine replied to Jezebel before she left, bowing slightly in a respectful way as she left.

After Jezebel had left and Celine said what she did to Gaia, she listened to Gaia's response to her apology. "So you would be okay even if I stabbed one of my swords through you right now, just right through your stomach? I mean I'm not going to actually do that, but you know," Celine asked Gaia curiously, not actually planning on doing so, but merely wondering.

After that was done, Celine would tell Gaia that she was going to go and find something to eat for breakfast, as she was quite hungry. She'd also tell Gaia that she might come back shortly to train some more, but if she didn't then she'd see her again the next day. Heading off to find something to eat, Celine was also on the lookout for a blacksmith to repair her weapons and to for someone that could possibly check the holy enchantment on her heirloom sword.