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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After the suitable manners, Jezebel leave the two alone, mostly she looks to had learned some from Celine, but it was not sure if she see her as something more than a slave or concubine.

Gaia takes a pair of seconds to answer, her eyes looks to be wondering why Celine asked for that place. Uhm yeah... ? why i wouldnt be fine? is not like i havent been stabbed there before "giggle" You cant believe, but this has been a really good duel, sometimes i end turned into pieces at the floor and i get bored until i can walk again.

Just then the cheerful girl noticed her fractured arm and she played placing it into place before turn to Celine again. Well...ahm maybe i should go so someone could place this right, if you need me just go with her and ask for me.

Said this Celine could leave after put her white dress once again, she easily could go to eat something at the dinner room, as it would be difficult than they serve something at Vanessa's chambers, because she is not there. As she opened the doors she noticed a bunch of persons inside, mostly males of different races, the few women were already helping some of them to eat, serving drinks, cooking and serving the dishes. It was mostly amazing than they werent having fun and mostly these guys were just giving some private attention to these girls.

There were just four girls than looks than arent slaves or servants, it was clear than they were just there as their mate was eating too. There were three guys mostly focused on others activities.

The first of the girls was a blonde demongirl with purple eyes and red skin dressed with a suited armor, she was mostly taking with a brawny male who looks as an anthromorpy leon with deadly eyes like daggers, maybe ready to jump to any who try something unnapropied at the dinnertable. The second was a silver haired girl with a purple dress, drinking with two soldiers. The third woman is fully armored, exceptionally beautiful, with uneven white hair and brown eyes, her soft toned green skin show more than she is not a human and for what it looks she is the most disturbed person on the room thanks to the soldiers than ussually turn to her. The last woman is talking with two servant girls, the talk there is really continuous, she is a furry wolfgirl... yet Celine has saw how Qamra can remove her fur from her whole body, the two servants looks to be a cow girl and a fox girl with two tails, they have skympy clothes and the wolfgirl is dressed for combat yet she looks to be smiling...

There is a lonely male with just a cup and some bread reading what looks to be a report with a free chair close him, Celine could see than he is a pale dark skinned demon soldier with red eyes growing bellow his cap mantle. other free chair is close a sleeping guy resting his arms and legs over the desk, maybe he is dronk or had too much fun yesterday. the last free chair is close a huge troll eating.

Once Celine ha d decided where to sit, she will try to find a blacksmith, for what she suppose would be easy yet this strange castle looks to hide really well the heat.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well... I mean I've never seen anyone like you before, anyone else and they'd be screaming in pain and agony most likely," Celine replied when asked why she wouldn't be fine. "Anyway though Gaia, I'll see you later then," Celine then told Gaia before heading on to the mess hall so she could get a bite to eat.

When she made her way to the mess hall, Celine looked around at the people that were in there at the moment, taking in what they were wearing and whatnot and who looked to be sitting away from the others in a more quiet spot, mainly so she could join them most likely so she could get a good quiet spot too. Finding one of the serving girls to ask them to bring her some food, Celine would them that whatever the main thing they were cooking for the day would be fine with her. Once she had some food on its way out to her, Celine made her way towards the green skinned girl sitting alone, taking a seat across and one or two to the side the table from her while she waited for her food. However if the green skinned girl gave any signs of not wanting Celine to sit near her, Celine would instead go past and make her way over to near where the wolf girl was sitting with the other two serving girls chatting, feeling that if Qamra was an alright girl then this one would be too surely.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Uhm...im not so sure. "giggle" there must be others than arent like that... i dunno like...ehm something like ghosts or some soldiers, i cant remember theirs names, heh. Gaia answer mostly clueless than there were mostly a lot of examples of things than attacking theirs stomach would dont cause the pain normal made, like the sex dolls, golems, undeads and others things without real life. The time to leave come and Gaia wave as Celine leave her alone on the room.


With nothing to worry thanks to her mistress,'s protection, Celine went inside the almost full dinning room, the soldiers turned to her, at least some seconds before the Lion kind started to make a soft roar. Soon a servant come, a pink haired succubi, her vest were a really well made dress alluring at the eyes, so she must be more than a servant here. Of course cutey, please take a seat as i prepare your order~

Once all ready, Celine moves to where she gues will be the best place to eat, a little far of the mass of needed demons. As she seat, she notice a soft smile coming from the armored lady, however she was busy eating to start a talk, even when they have some distance Celine could notice the many gazes on this woman from the guys at the other side of the table. Dont even dare to turn to them, they dont deserve even that second lost. Its your first time here at this hour, right? It was nice than this girl decided to break the ice, however Celine's dish was close to be ready and loks like its an exotic demon dish... who knows of what is made and that purple color dont help to the view, maybe close Celine will looks better.

As Celine ponder it, she soon notice a different gaze from the oposite side, she turned without be able to avoid it... then she saw the three girls looking at her (the two servants and the wolf girl)

M...mistress... That dress is from the great Mistress~!The wolf girl almost shout and then a conmotion started, fortunately Celine is wearing the collar so soon many started to suppose the right way, however the wolf girl was almost eating her with her eyes

Bad move, this race is really obsessed with her, but she must stay there... Try to dont see her too much or get too close unless you want to see something funny. The girl drink a little more almost endind her meal and then the amazing rare dish from the day was in front of Celine... it looks to be cute but not edible...at least no more than the plate bellow it...but who knows how it taste. At least Celine can stay away of the others three girls who could be waiting the right time to get closer
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Thank you miss, I appreciate it, because I'm very hungry since I didn't eat a whole lot last night for dinner," Celine told the serving girl before she went off to grab her something to eat.

Making to sit with the green skinned girl, Celine noticed her smiling as she sat down across from her. Smiling back to the green skinned armored lady, Celine listened to her words and nodded, staying focused on her. "Aye it is my first time in this particular dining hall, I'm Celine," Celine replied to the woman.

She glanced around to see her food coming out, which looked a little... off to say the least, but she didn't worry about it, because surely she'd be able to eat it, and she'd never been too picky about what she ate. Noticing that the wolf girl was looking at her, Celine did just as the green skinned girl told her and acted as if she didn't notice them yet and glanced back towards her when she spoke up again.

"Yeah, found that out last night. One of them helped to escort me back here to the palace last night, name of Qamra. I hope that dish that serving girl is bringing me is actually edible for my race. I'd hate to get sick from something that I ate," Celine said after the girl finished talking, glancing over at the wolf girl out of the corner of her eye to see what she was doing. Assuming the food was good enough for her to eat, Celine would cautiously take a bite to taste test it before eating to make sure it tasted alright before doing so.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After Celine affirmated than it was the first time there, the woman nodded as she drink a little from her cup. There arent too much dinning rooms on this area, ussually even when there arent free seats you could order some food to take to your room, but some dinning rooms have some groups than reserve some hours or have moments when a young lady like you should avoid...

The woman has almost ended but still looks to want to stay with the newcomer. For your own good once your food come, try to eat as fast as possible, our division will leave soon as our leader have something against the group than will come soon, they will not try to hurt you but they have some lower manners. The woman said without show any hate to these unknown persons, however iher words show than even when Vanessa has manage to join these races, there still exist some friction between them.

Just minutes later her order come, the view was so terrible to describe it and it was not sure if this was meat or just remains of some jelly creature as liquid. The smell was worse and the gas coming from it looks to dont bothers the people there, so they may be used to it. Its not their faul act like that. For them the Mistress is above the gods themselves, she is their leader, liberator... some of them must be something more than fangirls, but they have rules among them to dont cause any problem to the great mistress. Dont worry, even humans are able to eat that demonic meal, maybe will be a hell eat it if you arent used but it will give you a huge amount of energy for the whole day.

Celine then decide to give it a try and then taste it mostly to know if she wouldnt be poisoned. The taste was fatal yet she could pass it without problems, luckily that smell will not stay on her mouth too much time. With her little peek to the wolf girl, she notice than this warrior was happily looking at her, waving from time and softly asking to the others girls if they know the elven. The girls looks to dont harm her really, but they want to get closer.

Celine could accept or just dont do it so she could eat all that meal without interruptions.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I see, so I should finish up quickly and move on about my business then," Celine said, nodding her head to the green skinned woman.

When her food came and the woman told her to just try and eat it quickly, but that it shouldn't hurt her or anything, Celine tasted it only to find that it didn't taste too good. "Heh, they seem like good people really I think, but they can be a bit clingy when it comes to the great mistress. And they all seem to want to mate with her from what I can tell. Also I'm not human, I'm an elf, but we generally aren't any different from humans whatsoever really, save the ears obviously. But on the inside we have a higher libido, we're better with nature and thrive a lot better when in the wilderness. And we've also got a fairly keen sense of hearing that's a bit better than humans, though not quite so much as say... one of those wolf girls probably," Celine told the green skinned woman after tasting her food.

"What's your name? If you don't mind me asking that is," Celine asked curiously before taking an actual bite of the meat and chewing it quickly and swallowing it, opting to eat it quickly to keep from having to worry about the taste too much.

Glancing over at the wolf girl, Celine couldn't help but smirk a little bit to herself, and once the green skinned woman left her, Celine wouldn't try to keep the wolf girl and her companions from joining her if they wanted to. Once she was done eating her meal, Celine would stay there until her food had settled a bit to make sure it wasn't going to make her sick before she left, so if the wolf girl and her companions wanted to come over if the green skinned woman had left, then they would have a good chance to.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

That would be the best, unless you want to eat more as you talk with the servants.The green skinned woman said as she nodded. Well, they try to mantain some distance and they exactly dont want to mate with her, most likely serve her and even give theirs life if needed. She said her point of view about the wolf girls and show herself a little out of the elven topic. So an elf, that is new. She just said before change the topic.

You can call me Aerild, you can find me mostly here at these hour or defending the walls close the exterior gardens. Try to end that before it gets cold, it taste even worse. The warrior end saying after see the elven eat more of that odd dish.

The green skined warrior stay there for a while, ready to continue the talk a little but when the time comes, she gets ready to leave. Well time to work, it was a pleasure to meet you Celine, please try to stay out of problems. The woman said giving her a handshake.

Once alone the wolf girl come, before any male demon could try to get closer to the elven, the two servants come too mostly to see what could happen. Welcome, is always good to meet a new face. Maybe it could sound strange, but can i ask a little favor to you? Can i get closer and touch your dress, it will be just for a moment so dont worry. The wolf girl said, trying to dont show her emotions to dont scare anyone, however her tail was wagging a little.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"A pleasure to meet you Aerild, and maybe they don't want to mate with her exactly, but Qamra, the one I know, she was almost acting that way is all. I'm sure not all of them are the same. I... well you know, I'm technically the great mistress's personal slave, but I want to be able to be more than just that, I wish to grow strong enough to protect her and be able to do more than just be... well... her lover. I really want to help," Celine said back to Aerild, telling her of how she wished to be stronger and why. When Aerild prepared to leave, Celine smiled back at her again and accepted the handshake before she went on, where she went back to her meal.

Glancing over at the wolf girl as she came over to her, Celine smiled again when she asked if she could touch her dress. "If you want to sure. I'm Celine, the great mistress's personal slave, or one of them anyway. I'm soon supposed to go see her for something that she wished to see me for, but I decided to come and get a bite to eat before doing so," Celine told her, finishing her meal as the wolf girl touched her dress however she and wherever she wanted to.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

That is a great goal, Celine. Just try to dont push yourself too much, even be at her side in the right moment could make a great help. Said this Aerild leave, taking with her the sight of many of the demon warriors on the room.

Celine continue eating, mostly in peace and dont being spot by anyone, except the wolf girl who remain looking at her before decide to get closer and ask her little favor. Oh thanks, Celine. It will not take so much. The wolf girl soon placed her strong hands on Celine's shoulders and after sniff a little she went down to touch the skirt. I dunno from which land you come Celine, but you are so blessed. She even gift you one of her dresses and that collar so you could always think at her.

The wolf girl then gets up and smirk, touching Celine's belly covered by the dress. This dress is really a masterpiece, has you saw the almost invisible print on it? I could touch it all the day but i must let you go to meet the Great Mistress. Just as a little tip, i heard than the Great Mistress has said than any kitchen would heard and serve any order than her personal slaves want to delivery at her room or any other place.

Can we touch it too? Yes, please. The servants asked ready to touch the dress too after heard the wolf girl's words. The persons on the hall started slowly to increase their number turning to the girls and theirs questions about who that white dressed girl too.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I understand what you're saying miss Aerild, thank you. I'll... work hard, but not so hard I hurt myself," Celine told the the soldier lady who was gracious enough to talk with her.

After Aerild left and the wolf girl came over and Celine told her it was okay to touch her dress, the young futanari elf smiled at the wolf girl while she touched her. "Aye, I do feel blessed in some ways. And thank you dear for the tip, I appreciate it. Also I'm from far to the east of here, in a beautiful land, where... actually some of your people are at, or at least some wolf people like you anyway," Celine told the wolf girl as the other two servants asked if they could touch her dress too. Celine smiled and nodded her approval that they could do so and let them get close enough to do so. "If that's all girls, I really should be going on now, the great mistress is awaiting me in the great hall. She wanted me to accompany her for something or another, I'm not sure what exactly yet and likely won't until I get to her," she added to them before heading on out and towards the great hall to find Vanessa.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The wolf girl smile softly changed to a ponder frown when Celine talked about her race. I dont remember than any of ours outposts had reported seen someone like you at the east at least not close the Great Mistress's lands Her doubts slowly fade and soon she gives a little idea to Celine about the wolve girls. Do these wolf people serve the Great Mistress? My kind has evolved for good thanks to the Great Mistress, in order to fight the subjugation and extermination than the human race tried at us and many others races, the remain wolf tribes get united in one, but who know what could happen to any new tribe than could appear from a distant land.

Celine noticed how the eyes from the wolf girl changed into a wild feral shining kind, showing the hidden genes of the primal urge of a beast ready to fight intruders at their territory. Her claw finger passed and take a small remain of the elven's dish before make a sign sound of aproval. Nice, but you should ask for a sweet dessert after end it, the chef of this dinnerhall made an excelent one. The wolf girl said, suddenly changing her feral race to her usual kind one at the start after taste the odd demon food.

The servants were happy to have the chance to touch the dress and they looks to dont be scared of how this wolf girl reacted. Yeah, dont lost any second and go to her, she must need a lot your help. The wolf girl said before Celine leave.

Once out the dinner hall, Celine decide to go to where Vanessa should be waitning her, she still have time to look for a blacksmith, but she dont know any of them yet, even then find one shouldnt be hard, but there was not a way to know if she would choice a good blacksmith for her family weapon.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Hmhm, well no they aren't servants of her, they govern themselves and have their own elders but back home we all live and work together to better all of us. And my people are... quite far to the east is why you've never really heard of us before now. I'm exploring for empty places around for my people to colonize so we've got more room for farming and whatnot, while also looking for other kingdoms and whatnot to trade and be friends with. the wolf and cat people fought alongside us against the enslavement that the demons and their servants in my homeland had us, the humans, and various other races in. And it was always an honor to fight alongside any of them, because they are loyal friends and great warriors," Celine said to the wolf girl, watching as she took a nibble of the last bite of her meat she'd had and suggested that she get one of the desserts that the chef there made. "Hmm, maybe I'll check about the dessert on my way out, thanks," she added with a nod before getting up and checking on the desserts and grabbing a cookie or brownie if there were any for dessert, smiling when the wolf girl said that Vanessa must obviously need her help.

Along the way she thought about stopping to find a blacksmith but figured that she wouldn't be able to find one that easily that would actually do as she asked even if she had the golden collar signifying she was one of Vanessa's personal slaves. So for now Celine went on to find Vanessa in the great hall, figuring that she'd want to talk to her and tell her what she wanted to.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)


Do you made that on porposse? Well..the effects wouldnt be shown soon, so if you want to change something just say me.

Celine went to get her dessert without notice any change on the wolf girl who has heard every word comming from her about her land and most likely possibility of invasion. The kitchen have a good variety of sweet dishes, from a cookie to cakes and even more, but there was not time to taste them so Celine just take the most delicious cookie than she found and then went to meet the Great Mistress, leaving behind the fire than she has started.

The path to the Great Mistress's Office was already known for her, so she dont needed too much time to get there. The ussual troops were on their place and she know the rule of dont bring any weapon through the corridors after pass the guess hall. The passage to the great mistress was like always filled with a odd dark presence. After open the last door she found the great mistress still at her ordear of have all in place for the meeting of the next day with the named goddess. But even after pass the whole time working the dark haired woman remain fresh and leaving all away once Celine come inside.

The Great Mistress then proceed to jump at the elven's arms as her seductive smirk show how much she wanted than this moment come. Goodmorning sweetheart~ How was your night? I was worried than you couldnt come after let you share our bed with as many succubi as you wish. Vanessa was just so close and Celine expected to be taken right there, yet instead of receive a deep kiss as also make a mess on the room, the Great Mistress just turn and gropped her rear as she guide her toward the table. Come here dearly, we need to talk about some things first. Celine soon take seat and the little intimate meeting started. Vanessa then placed some papers on the office desk and then taking one started.

Very well, lets start with some rumors than i had heard from the battlefield. Looks like all looks to go well with ours troops, but the mountain people had a little monster invasion yesterday. Looks like a huge beast guide the monsters though a blind spot and attacked the town and restroom of these girls. The creature take some girls and leave before the dark guardians solved all this... I would order some support, but we could be risking our truce if they suspect of us, so i only let them know than they could count with us if they need it.

She then turned to Celine lookin to be a little dissapointed as she see her bellow her face. So boring... lets talk about a really important issue than must be fixed now. Dear, that rag is so old, i only store it because it have some priceless tales among its fabric. But if you need really to wear something you are free to take anything from my closet. Sigh...i just yesterday order to my servants to prepare you a personal group of exotic clothes... they should be ready at the night, however you know what i preffer to see on you, dont you? She ended with a wink.

Vanessa passed to look at her papers for something more as she waits for Celine's words. Lets see... where is that map?oh nevermind i will give it to you later. I need you at the meeting from tomorrow and i think than the best would be in a suitable calm place at my lands where an ambush is completely useless, a plain and beautiflu safe area close the forest where we can see anything around us. Do this sound good isnt?
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Invade? No no. She merely said expand, as in colonize the empty lands that are around where she came through, while making friends with any peoples that are already there and leaving their lands alone. I edited my post to specify that in particular so that there's no enmity towards her and or her people and so the wolf girl didn't take what she'd said the wrong way.

Grabbing herself a cookie from the choices about, Celine nibbled on it along the way to Vanessa, savoring the taste as it was quite delicious. Stopping to leave her weapons outside the great hall, Celine set them down and hoped that the guards there kept them safe and didn't try to keep them or anything, else she'd have to have a talk with Vanessa. When she got inside, Celine giggled a bit at her first words and blushed somewhat.

"I... I didn't let any succubi in last night. It was only me and Triny, and one of your wolf girls, her name was Qamra, and she didn't even do anything with me. Otherwise I had a quite restful night, though... I've been thinking about some things that might be important later on, but they aren't important now so I can wait to tell you until we're done in here I think," Celine told Vanessa when she came over and into her arms, with Celine hugging her and kissing her on the cheek as Vanessa groped her butt which caused Celine to wiggle it around a little. "But... I do admit I promised to have some fun with one as thanks for helping me back in the mountain, since I have no other ways really to thank anyone around here," she added with a blush.

Sitting down where Vanessa directed her to sit, Celine looked at the table where she had some maps and whatnot laid out and listened intently to the goings on in the mountain. Nodding her head, she voiced her agreement that it was probably best to hold back for now until one side or the other solved this problem, that way it wouldn't be seen as they were trying to get in there just to take advantage of the situation. When Vanessa gave her a slightly disappointed look as she looked at the dress she had on, Celine was a bit worried that she'd get angry for taking it without asking. Hearing that she wasn't angry and had even had her tailors prepare her some clothing too, Celine perked up a bit.

"Oh... well... thank you Vanessa, I... I didn't know you were doing that. If I'd known I wouldn't have taken this. But... I was going to see general Jezebel earlier and I thought it better to show up with clothing on instead of not wearing any when we met. I only picked this one out because it looked like the most plain dress in there that I could move around good in," Celine told her about the dress she had on.

Listening then to Vanessa's meeting point she'd picked out, Celine nodded approval at the location she'd picked. "I... think that a clearing would be good, but a larger one so we'd have time enough to escape or at least get ready to fight before whatever it was came down upon us. We should make some offers too, like we'd help them to rescue any of their people that were taken by those monsters. We'd honor the borders and not move across in force, we'd offer trade between our two peoples such as food especially, which is something I think that they could really use in there honestly. Maybe even a joint venture of attempting to clear out the mountain enough for both sides to mine out any valuable metals and or gems and share equally what we find," Celine replied, tapping her chin with a finger as she thought of a few things which they could offer or ask for in return, the young futanari elf in her element as she was a noble and was used to making deals and agreements like this. "We'd definitely want to do some things to bring both sides together better though, regardless of what it is," she added.

"Oh also, I'll need some armor if I'm to help provide security for you my love. Some good leathers would do, but I'd prefer something a bit more... protecting if possible like chainmail or ringmail, preferably the ringmail," Celine said afterwards as an afterthought.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Truly expand can more easily lead to expand a territory than to colonize, what is a neutral meaning than could be taken in any way. Also through the story colonize havent been seen really good for a native of a land, specialy at America, were colonize was before conquer and almost extincion of a culture. But even when the history always comes to be repeated this game is not related to the real world. Anyway this is a medieval seeting where both forces of the two continents are in first view with a similar force, both have pros and cons but at the end a conquer or invasion will be mostly a thousand year war of deaths without really earn a result, as the war of the three kingdoms where now is China... at the end a new force beat the remain survivors after houndred years of useless wars.

But also there has been examples of how two nations joined forces... like when Persia of the east tried to invade Greece and this created an alliance of the nations around it as Sparta and the others making the first union of nations until Romans come and fuck them all... Anyway sorry for the nonsense at this text, i wanted to just show how hard and useless would be attacking an entire continent, as also how hard would be start a war when you dont know what are you fighting, but missunderstandings ussually start all or Greed mostly :(

Of course, Qamra. That kind girl than come with you the last night. Dont worry darling, wolf girls tend to only have sex when they are in heat or their couple do the enough to get their attention. Venessa said as the two cuddle and rubs each other before go to sit to start their needed talk. Indeed, you can talk with me about anything, yet i must advise you than after this little talk i will take you for hours~ But i will not be so rude today, as i will let you have more fun later with as many succubi as you want ♥

And Jezze was kind with you? I hope than both are more friendly against each other, for her own good ofcourse. Vanessa said back mostly joking, but still sounding serious about how harsh has been the General with Celine.

Celine continued, giving her impresion about the meeting point and Vanessa almost was unable to stop a small laught when the elven said the firsts words. Escape---oh Celine you are so lovely, in any moment than you wish we could make a romantic escape~ Dont worry, i had used your words from the previous night to make ours offers, as also the reports given to me at the early morning and late night.

However, we must still find out how they will react after the monster invasion at their lands, at the report than i read yesterday these humans use the monsters as a barrier or protection against us and any invader, these creatures have a huge advantage against many of ours races. At the worst case only seven of us counting you and Triny arent more weak against these creatures racial skills. Vanessa add to remember to Celine how the monsters had been created and breeded to use almost any monstergirl as helpless breeder.

Celine, cutey. A normal armor will be useless against them. Even a full armor will be nothing in theirs liquids in just some seconds. But dont worry, i have something special ready for you~

Vanessa then take away some papers of a small chest box and then place it on the desk in front of Celine, the box have some seals and have a hug lock. Do you remember that big armor than i had at the office the last time, well this is his baby. The first person than see and wears will be her owner and kind mommy, wear this beauty the whole night and at the dawn, so she dont bothers you at the meeting.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well I don't think that the particular succubus that I promised to have some fun with is here at the moment, so we needn't worry about that yet I don't think... even though pretty much all of the succubi here would love nothing more than to ride me all night long until they'd drained every last drop of cum out of me. And I wouldn't necessarily say that Jezebel was kind to be honest, but she wasn't really harsh either. Her methods might be strange, but I don't want any special treatment from her alright love. I want her to train me as best she can, the only thing I want you to do is talk to her when you need me to do anything that would otherwise interfere with any training she has me doing okay, so she doesn't get all pissy with me for not being there for my training," Celine said to Vanessa, a bit puzzled by her reaction as to what she'd said about the meeting site. "I... I'm being serious here Vanessa. I'm the eldest child of a noble family back in my homeland, so I know a thing or two about strategy even if I'm not the best of fighters. It was one thing my parents made sure I was good at since I would likely be a leader of armies one day," she added with a serious look on her face, feeling as if Vanessa wasn't taking her seriously.

"And I was only asking for some armor of some sort so if I have a run in with any more of those demon soldiers that tried to hurt you, because you never know when they might attempt something to hurt you again. And that goes back to why I want Jezebel to train me, so that I can protect you, and Triny, and the girls," Celine told Vanessa as she watched her lover place a small box on the table. When Vanessa asked what she did, Celine thought back for a few moments while Vanessa finished talking. "Hmm, I don't remember exactly, but I recall some sort of armor I think. What sort of armor is she exactly?" Celine said, looking whatever it was over closely as she picked it up to get a better look at it.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I see, that sound great Celine. But please dont let them do that, as i want my part of your delicious nectar this night. Can you say me more about this succubi, maybe i could find when she will come back so you fulfill your promise. Vanessa was really focused on the futa elf, the needs to take her right now were so huge but she endured it. Very well, i will write you a card every time so your new teacher dont think bad about you.

The talk continue and soon Celine show a little of doubts about Vanessa's words about the meeting. My love, do you see anyone more on this important meeting? I love you so much to place you on a dangerous place on this meeting, but i believe in your kind heart to solve this without hostilities. Maybe one day you will be able to lead my army, but it will not be only for your clever mind or power at battle, one day you will lead my army for what you have here. Vanessa said pointing to Celine's heart before end... and that day not a single drop of blood will be lost.

This time you will talk for me and if needed you will run with me, but nothing more, if we need to fight we will defend each other until ours reinforces come. Vanessa words were so kind and filled with determination and after let the elven hug her if she wanted it they would proceed.

All is fine for the moment with the demons, Cutey how has called that children has made a good job with that wizard. After some hours with her that poor creature started to help us with ours issues, but im sure than we need to remain ready for any new attempt against us.

When the sealed box was placed, Vanessa let the elven to ponders and see what she could, as the box dont let anything to see what is inside. A forgotten and forbidden armor, only exist five of her kind at my castle. She is only a core now, as i feeded our children you will now bear this one inside you~

This creature have a lot of magic sources, so is more than just a living armor. However for now she will only will be able to protect your life.
Vanessa then show a golden key and placed it on the desk, letting to Celine decide if she wanted to wear this gift.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Hmm, well she was the personal servant of the general in charge of the soldiers you sent out, I remember that. And hopefully I won't have to lead your armies in any form or fashion, because my people would have colonized far enough this way the borders would touch, at which point it would be considered a royal marriage of sorts between you and me," Celine said to Vanessa.

"So you want me to speak for you at the negotiations? I um... I'll do my best," Celine asked, almost stunned that Vanessa would trust her with such a task. After Celine heard what happened to the demon mage she'd captured the other day, she then listened to what Vanessa had to say about the special armor she was giving her. "S-So I have to bear it inside me? Like a child? I suppose I wouldn't mind doing that if it's really that strong of armor and whatnot. What all do I have to do?" Celine then asked with a blush, taking the key and unlocking the chest to open it and check this special armor that Vanessa was giving her.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Vanessa played a little with her long hai, having a great moment looking to Celine as this talk. Of course sweety, she will be soon at our castle. By the way, marry you in front of your lovely race sound so charming, i dunno why you think than we could have a problem is you lead my army. But... Vanessa continued a little worried there are still remainings of the curse placed on us after the long war, ours beloved elvens were one of the firsts races to witer... if we dont prepare the road your people could have the same fate.

I could talk too if you need it, im sure than i will need to exchange some words with that named goddess. The black haired girl placed her hand over the sealed box and with a grin said to the elven, as she nod to the firsts answers. Is really simple. Take the core with both hands and after pass it trhough your body you should warm it with some strokes at your breasts, then lick and kiss it before fondle it between your honeyhole... the core will do the rest but you could push inside to end faster. Once inside you must let it feed from you for some hours. The black haired woman said in an arousing tone, maybe having in mind what Celine should do

Said this the Mistress pointed to the small sofa at the side. That old fabric will be on the way, just lay and start when you are ready. The Seductive woman was really in anticipation for what Celine should do, but before try it Celine could ask more or give some more topics, as maybe she would be a little aroused once this end.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I do hope that they accept it, but you wouldn't be able to use the term slave around them at all and would likely have to free the ones you've got or simply say that they are servants, remember that please or they might attack just to free me and Triny once they find out about her and Hope and Faith. And I just don't think your generals would accept me is why I think there would be problems leading the army here. And the elves of my homeland know lots of magics, so they would be alright I think, but hell it could be years before they actually colonize this far west from the coasts of this continent." Celine said to Vanessa, feeling confident that her people would eventually make their way over this way without too much trouble.

"Yes you probably will, though if you really need me to I'll do the majority of the talking for you," Celine said about doing the negotiations with the people from the mountain. She then did as instructed with the armor that Vanessa got for her, though she thought it was strange to do such a thing like this just for it to accept her, but she did it anyway after taking off the dress she had on.

Upon taking her dress off, Celine was completely naked for Vanessa to see, where she'd see her lover's member half hard and getting harder as she did what she was told to do to get the armor to work right.