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Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The people in the crowd started glancing at one another, but it wasn't until Jane cleared the window and started running towards Clara with the knife again that someone stepped in and stopped her. Once the first person moved, a few other men stepped in to help. The murderous maid found herself pinned face down on the ground, disarmed. And, it seemed to Sheogorath's Devout, with more then the required amount of groping.

At just that moment, a group of guards arrived. There were about a dozen of them, armed with swords and pikes. None had drawn their weapons, but they quickly formed a rough circle around Clara, Jane, and the men pinning her down. They looked tired. One of them, with a badge of rank Clara didn't recognize on his shoulder, spoke up. "What's going on here, then? Let that woman up."

The men reluctantly let her go. One of them started to explain, but Jane cut him off, pointing at Clara. "Her! You! She KILLED my LOVE! MURDERED HIM! She cruelly seduced him, STOLE HIM from me! Dead now! HER FAULT! I'LL KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID!"

The officers casually stopped Jane from running at Clara again, this time with her bare hands, and signaled two of his men. Both shrugged off their cloaks, and a few seconds later they were leading a more-or-less covered and thoroughly gagged maid away.

"As for you..." a robed man that Clara hadn't noticed before placed a hand gently on the officer's arm, and whispered something into his ear. The man looked young, in his early twenties at best, but the officer listened carefully to his brief words. "You'll be coming with us as well. We'll need statements from all involved parties to be sure that this is dealt with properly. Here." He removed his own cloak and held it out towards the remaining madwoman, who was several steps out of his reach. His other hand seemed to be resting casually on his sword.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara watched as the men pinned Jane down, thankful that she didn't have to use her own powers to overpower the woman she once believed to be her friend. Though the madwoman was slightly confused as to why their hands wandered over certain parts of Jane's body more than others. Surely they only needed to secure her arms and legs? Though she didn't dwell on that thought for long, Clara was just relieved they had stopped her.

Though at Jane's accusation Clara looked horror-struck. "B-but, Clara hasn't killed anyone!" Panic in her voice, Clara looked around nervously at the gathering of people, wondering if they were about to pounce her as well. Though thankfully it didn't seem like anyone wanted to restrain her now that the guards had arrived. "C-Clara doesn't know what Jane is talking about, she thought Jane liked her..."

She watched as Jane was walked away, covered and gagged to hide her indecency and to stop her screaming, and as the apparent leader of this group of soldiers addressed Clara she looked up at him, fear in her face as she wondered what was about to happen to her. Though as he offered Clara his cape her features softened slightly. "O...okay, Clara will go with you. But Clara doesn't know why Jane attacked her. Jane asked Clara back to her house... Clara has been with Jane since she got off work. Clara doesn't know who it is that she has supposed to have murdered... And Clara's clothes... they're in Jane's bedroom." Clara wrapped the cape around her to hid her naked form and followed the man to wherever he planned on taking her.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Several people in the crowd laughed slightly at the news of where Clara's clothing was, and one gave a loud whistle, but the soldiers didn't visibly react.

There were several more whispered consultations as the soldiers started leading Clara after Jane, the officer giving unheard orders to several of his men. A total of six people escorted the necromancer down the street, including the officer and the robed man. The other remaining soldiers went off in pairs in different directions. One pair went up to Jane's front door. " Some of my men will get your belongings. They'll catch up to you shortly. It isn't far."

The madwoman was escorted away from her former lover's house, and only a few streets later entered a district that seemed to have more trees then one might expect in a city, and which looked considerably more expensive then the one where Jane lived. The compound the guards entered was the biggest Clara had seen, though fairly mundane looking. At least to the casual eye. She could feel the slight energy of magic as she crossed the threshold, and there were clearly more spells woven in just about every doorway she passed through, some more powerful then others, all simple and not obviously dangerous. In fact, they didn't seem to do anything at all, at least not at the moment.

The room where she was left was plain. A wooden table, two identical chairs on opposite sides, one to the left of the door and the other to the right. A bright, bare bulb hung above the heavy table, and a mirror hung on one wall. The spells on the only doorway had seemed unusually powerful, perhaps having been refreshed recently. She was left alone for a few minutes.

The officer was the next to come through the door, and he brought Clara's clothes, leaving long enough for her to put them on. When she was done, he sat in the chair below the mirror. "So. Your friend there tells me a man is dead, and that it's your fault. Tell me what happened last night, especially at the inn where you met... Jane, and afterward. Take your time."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

A cold shiver ran down Clara's body as she entered the compound, the feeling of unseen magical energies passing through her, as if they were trying to purge the Gift her beloved Lord had given to her. The mad devout pulled the cloak around her more tightly, as if to stop whatever spells protecting the building from harming her. For once in her life Clara didn't utter a peep as she was escorted to the interrogation room, and once she was left there she stood in place for several minutes, just staring at the mirror. Once her clothes were brought to her Clara hastily put them on and then resumed her staring contest with the mirror.

Though as the officer entered once more and sat down Clara took the chair opposite him, assuming that was what she was expected to do. "What happened at the inn?" Clara paused for a moment, thinking. "Clara... Clara went to the inn, yes. It's where Lord Winder told Clara she'd be staying the night, waiting for the summons of the Patriarch. So Clara went to the inn. And she met a man there. A... Corporal? He never told Clara his name, but she was quite taken with him. Mmm, yes. He was an impressive man. Clara and the Corporal then went to her room, and she..." Another pause, this time a heavy blush rising in the madwoman's cheeks. "Clara... she performed oral sex on him... But Clara didn't do anything else with him! She promised him she would, but she wanted to check out the city before it got dark, so she asked if he could wait for her, and he said yes. But when Clara came back he was gone. Clara was a little sad, but she guessed she'd see him again if she didn't leave Lockacre too soon. And that's when Clara met Jane. Jane seemed to like Clara, and wanting a little intimacy with someone Clara went to Jane's home. She didn't intend on staying all night, but Jane was a wonderful lover and left Clara exhausted. Clara doesn't know why Jane attacked her afterwards though..." Clara trailed off as she finished her account of the story, sadness in her voice. "Clara only came here to spread her Lord's word, she didn't mean to cause all this trouble for everyone."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"If you don't want to cause trouble, I'd suggest a little less promiscuity. But that alone isn't necessarily a crime. We'll see what everyone else involved has to say, but if you're telling the entire truth I expect you'll be free to leave by evening. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be back before too long."

The officer stood up abruptly, and started to leave the room. "Oh, where are my manners? Can I get you something while you wait? Water, wine, anything? And I'm Captain Mentas, by the way."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Um... Clara will have a water please," The young woman nodded to the Captains suggestion before choosing on her beverage of choice. "And it's nice to meet you, Captain Mentas. Clara will be certain to try to not cause any more trouble for you."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

This time Clara was alone in the room longer. There was no obvious way to keep the time, no sounds from outside, even the lamp was fueled by oil rather than a candle, which might at least have provided some reference. But before Clara got excessively restless, the door opened again. This time it wasn't Captain Mentas, but an unfamiliar man.

He sat down opposite her, both his hands forming fists before they hit the table. "Your 'friend' there turned on you pretty fast, girl. Though I suppose that shouldn't be too big a surprise after she tried to kill you. What did you do to piss her off so bad?"

He paused for a second, then cut the madwoman off before she could respond. "I don't really care. I just want someone to go to prison. Or better yet, hang. Corporal Stark was a friend of mine."

Again he paused, and again he started speaking again before she could get anything out. "And I think that someone should probably be you. When I left her, Jane was singing like a bird. Come clean, and maybe it will be prison instead of the noose."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara watched the Captain as he left the room before turning to face the wall opposite her and stared unblinkingly at it, her feet swinging idly as she hummed an unfamiliar tune. Though as the door opened once more the madwoman's gaze snapped to the person entering, a new man she hadn't seen yet.

"B-but Clara didn't do anything!" The young woman objected, her own hands slammed down on the table as she stood up as the man suggested she go down for the crimes that she honestly believed she hadn't committed. This man and his ideas were an obvious and immediate threat to the completion of Clara's mission, putting a strain on the mad devout's already taxed mind, and threatening to push her over the edge.

"Clara didn't come here to cause trouble, she is a good girl. Why should she be punished for a crime she did not commit? Clara came here to extend her Lord's hand to the people of this city." Glaring at the man, Clara remained standing for a moment longer before dropping back down into her chair, her arms crossed over her chest. "Clara demands to see the Patriarch. She doesn't want to speak to anyone other than him now."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The soldier leaned forward, hands nearly to Clara's edge of the table. "The pa - you mean the Patrician? He wouldn't bother to attend your execution, girl. And if you keep insisting you don't know what you've done, that's going to happen sooner then you - !"

The man cut off as the door opened again, revealing Captain Mentas holding a cup and a third chair. "Not scaring the poor girl I hope, Sargent?" He put down his chair, passed Clara a cup full of clear liquid, and sat down next to the other soldier. "Now where were we?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara's eyes narrowed even further as the man continued talking about her execution, her anger quickly turning to hate. This soldier, whoever he was, was a clear threat to the mad devout, and as such she decided he needed to be removed. As he leant over, almost to her side of the table, Clara didn't lose her nerve, her eyes locked with his as she quickly thought over the best way to deal with him. Destroying his mind would be easiest, no doubt, but then she'd have a body to deal with. And moving that around, even with her strings of madness, would prove a bit problematic. No, perhaps she could just dominate him utterly, sway him over to her side. That would probably be best.

However, before Clara could even begin to weave her madness into the appropriate form to rewrite this man's mind the other man, the friendlier man, Captain Mentas, returned. And with his return Clara's plans dissolved. Perhaps now the violent man would show restraint?

"T-thank you," Clara accepted the cup and downed it in one gulp, placing the container onto the table once she was done. "T-this man said Clara had to be sent to prison, or hanged. Is this true?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Well, if you killed somebody then yes, you'll go to jail. Hanging isn't so likely for a woman. If you haven't committed any crimes, and you cooperate, then you'll be on your way before too long."

The other man spoke up. "But we know you did it! Your friend sang like a bird! And you'll still end up dancing the hemp -"

The captain raised a hand and the other man stopped talking. "As a mater of fact, Jane's story is... somewhat confused. She claims to have poisoned the Corporal, but can't recall what she actually used, and we haven't found anything likely at her home or in the inn. And close friends of both her and the Corporal" he gestured at his associate.

"I was his friend, and he told me every time he nailed some girl. They weren't together. Something is screwy here, and I think it's you!" He moved to slam his fist down on the table again, but stopped with a guilty glance at the Captain.

"And then, of course, Jane wasn't seen moving the body. That isn't necessarily a problem, that late at night, but the body was seen moving. By several people. Apparently under its own power. Any idea how something like that might have happened?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara listened to the two men in silence, confusion slowly appearing on her gaunt face as Captain Mentas explains the inconsistencies and holes in Jane's story, and her annoyance from earlier slowly creeping back up as the other man insisted that she was going to be put to death, despite her having no recollection of killing and moving the Corporal.

"...Clara does not," She replied weakly to Mentas' question. Of course, she knew very well that she could easily do it herself, but she wasn't about to tell them that. Even if she did already display that ability when she first arrived, and had probably already been briefed on it beforehand. "Clara knows she didn't do it. Clara would remember doing it, and she doesn't remember it. So Clara didn't do it."

"All Clara wants to do is see the..." A pause as Clara tried to remember the correct word. "...Patrician. He should be sending a person to fetch Clara when he is ready."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"The patrician is a busy person, Clara. He doesn't come visit... people we're interviewing. Or summon them to visit him, even. Now, I'd love to help you out here, but if you aren't going to cooperate I'll have to find someone else who wants my help. You understand I'm not accusing you of anything, but if you saw something helpful, or even just have an interesting theory about what might have gone on... well, I'm sure the Sargent will put it in his report."

Captain Mentas stood up and started walking towards the door. His Sargent pointedly watched, grinning and shooting occasional glances at Clara as his hands balled into fists again.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Clara hesitated for a moment as Captain Mentas got up and moved towards the door, a look of fear appearing on her face as the young woman's eyes flitted from the Captain to the Sargent. Clara knew if she didn't say anything then she'd be left alone with this man, and he clearly saw her guilty for a murder she had no recollection of. But she knew she couldn't say anything for it could be used as a confession.

"...Clara would like to help, really, she does. But, she cannot explain something if she weren't there," Clara paused, her voice quiet from fright. "B-but... perhaps there is a resident of this city that has caused a commotion before?" The faintest of smiles tugged at the corners of Clara's mouth as an idea quickly formed in her head. It may not be able to save her completely, but it may be able to take some suspicion from her. "Clara remembers being told that people with powers are frowned upon and are seen as suspicious. Clara wonders... in a city like this, wouldn't there be someone that would fight against the supposed tyranny of their kind?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The captain shook his head sadly, and left the room. The Sargent turned back to Clara, an evil grin on his face. He abruptly leaned back in his chair.

"You think you're clever, pretending you don't know anything. Almost good enough that I might believe you really are innocent. The captain... he's a good man. Thinks the best of people. Why, he thought you'd cooperate. Tell us what you knew, help us find the killer, who surely couldn't be a nice girl like you. He would have let you go!"

The man spat on the floor, then glanced at the mirror for a flicker before turning back to Clara, slamming his fists onto the table. "Looks like I was right this time, though. You see, we're not stupid. We know the dangers your sort bring. And we've fought them for thousands of years! You think we haven't found ways to spot you? We know Jane couldn't have done the necromancy, but you... you're a filthy witch. That's enough to stick you in a cell until we sort out who did the murder. Maybe it was some perverted citizen who thinks the unnatural arts are acceptable. But we'll find out!"

He grinned again. "And in the mean time, you get to learn what the inside of a cell is like. Think you'll like it? Does that jog your memory?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"But... Clara doesn't know anything. How many time does Clara have to say it?" The young woman asked, a confused expression on her face as she tilted her head to the side to look at the man. She wasn't afraid of this man any more. He was merely a bully, and she had grown bored of him. "Clara didn't want to disappoint the captain, but she wasn't with the corporal when he died."

"Clara is NOT a witch," She argued defiantly, the word cutting through Clara. The mad devout crossed her arms over her chest. "Clara's great lord, Sheogorath, bestowed these powers upon Clara so she may spread His glorious word and perhaps convert people to His flock. And the way you are treating her, she doesn't think He would appreciate it."

"Locking Clara in a cell would solve nothing. And Clara is waiting for Lord Winder's messenger. If you cannot get the Patrician to see her then perhaps Lord Winder would be able to see Clara?"
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The man seemed to sense that Clara wasn't really afraid anymore. "Personally, I think keeping your sort off the street solves plenty of problems all on its own. And your lord shouldn't send us witches if he doesn't like how we deal with them."

He glanced over Clara's shoulder, then stood up abruptly. "Come along then, I'll show you to your cell. Hopefully the other prisoners won't be too rough with you. Or are you going to resist..."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

"Clara keeps telling you that she isn't a witch," The young woman said, almost shouting now as she glared at the man. "You should be honoured that Clara's great lord would offer His assistance. Lord Sheogorath risked His own men to push back the Orcs that have been troubling your city. And this is how you repay him. You should count yourself that Clara's lord is a benevolent lord."

When the man stood up and told her to follow him to her cell Clara did as she was told and rose to her feet, quickly following behind the man. "Clara shall not resist, but this does not mean Clara is accepting the charges made against her. She just wants this over and done with as soon as possible so she can get back to waiting for Lord Winder's messenger."
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

The soldier was slightly sullen as he lead Clara out of the room and into the jail, continually looking back to make sure she was following. Most of the cells seemed to hold one or two men, looking bored or tired. Nearly half looked injured in some way, bruised or with splinted limbs. A few had bright bands of metal secured around an arm or leg, glowing with some sort of enchantment.

Near the back of the prison area, they came to a different sort of cell, larger but holding upwards of a dozen people each. The men in these looked less bored and more rowdy, and while their injuries were as frequent they weren't as bad. One near the end held women. The sargent took out a key and went to open the cell, when one of the women flew at the bars screaming.

"I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL STAB YOU, YOU THIEVING WHORE! LET ME -!" The sargent glanced at Clara for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face as he continued moving the key towards the lock. Then he shook his head and stopped.

"No... can't have a prisoner actually dying." He led Clara back a few cells, and opened the door to an empty one, gesturing for her to go inside. Jane's cell would be visible from the door, but not from further back inside. The possibly-former maid was still shouting obscenities, and a few of the other women in her cell seemed to be joining in, in a good-natured way.
Re: Sheogorath Shibboleth (SirOni) GMed by thetwo

Following the man through the holding area Clara stopped for a moment as they passed the cell housing Jane and looked in, quietly watching the woman for a moment before shaking her head in sadness and continuing on behind the sargent. The mad devout would've liked to have taken the young waitress with her on her travels once her mission was over with, but it would seem that Jane allowed herself to be consumed by her own madness before she could allow Clara to bestow Sheogorath's Gift to her.

"Clara hopes this matter will be cleared up soon, she has business to attend to," Said the madwoman as the sargent locked her away for now, watching him until he leaves the holding area. "Hello? Will anyone listen to what Clara has to say?" She calls out loud enough so that the nearest cells would hear her.