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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"There's some rumors going on about him and the lady of the group being an item, but those are still unconfirmed things and the members of the group are not ones to talk about their business in the public, so it's not certain how accessable he'd be." Rachaela replied to Adelle's daydreaming words, maybe misunderstanding her a bit but still saying it.

For his part, Samson seemed hesitant to send them to any other tasks. "Not so sure if I should be sending you out at this hour. It'll start getting dark in not too long a time from now, and it might not be the best idea for you girls to be going around the city at those times. The authorities are not in too many places at a time and there's a lot of bad people looking for victims." he replied. "Probably better if you went home before then, or if there's a drinker in ya, could stick around here for some drinks and see some other people. If it comes to it, Mr.Ezekiel usually lets people stay at the bar overnight if necessary." the job broker continued, gesturing towards the sturdy and sharp-dressed black man behind the counter.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Nah... if you didn't want us to go with them back to the outpost or anything, then it'd probably be best if we went on back to get some rest. At least I think it would. I'd hate to avoid being raped by some monster only to be raped by some thug instead,“ Adelle said to Samson, ignoring Rachaela's words for the moment. So unless the old guy had anything else to say to them about a job or something for the next day or anything like that, then Adelle was ready to leave.

Adelle looked to her two companions and said she was ready whenever they were, and then once they were outside again Adelle would look over to Rachaela and blush deeply. “I... I didn't mean I wanted to be his girlfriend or anything exactly, I just meant he was kind of handsome. I mean if he would have had a girl like me for a girlfriend or something, then I'd... probably not say no... but there's no way someone as handsome as him would have a girl like me,” Adelle said to Rachaela about what she'd said earlier in the bar about Adelle's daydreaming words, with Adelle having a slightly ashamed look on her face.

Adelle would go ahead and stay with Lacri that night if the nun would have her, as she just didn't feel like going and getting her things, only to have to carry them all the way over to Rachaela's place, as she was the only other at the moment that was with her that she could stay with that night.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When she heard all the self-deprecating things that Adelle was saying, Rachaela grabbed the busty girl by the cheek and tugged at it. "That sort of talk is bad, for someone like yourself. You need to be more positive, like my good friend Josephine told you earlier today. And you already forgot. Bad Adelle." the mage scolded her, almost like a mother would do to her unruly kid. Though they had no real future plans, the mage and Samson exchanged some hushed conversation before they left, which didn't seem to make Rachaela too happy. Still, she made no mention about the discussion as they went.

Eventually, the group split paths, Lacri and Adelle heading for the mini-church while Rachaela headed to her own home which still remained an unknown thing to the busty girl. At the nun's home, things looked like they had before, though Adelle's clothes were piled in a neatly organized and folded heap on a side table. Zacharias had been doing his best again.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Rachaela grabbed Adelle's cheek and lightly pinched it, Adelle couldn't help but giggle at the mage girl acting somewhat like a mother. “R-Rachaela... cut it out (giggle)... I'm not a little girl. And I don't mean to cut myself down like I do. It's just I... I don't really have very much experience in things like that. My family, they're the only ones I remember ever calling me pretty before, and I never really had the money to buy pretty things, and I've never had a boyfriend or anything like that either, so I'm not sure if guys even think I'm actually pretty other than these of course,” Adelle said, looking a little embarrassed as to the way she was acting as she lifted her large and heavy breasts and let them go.

While she awaited Lacri and Rachaela to get ready, she listened to Rachaela's hushed voices as best she could, trying to overhear what they were talking about as she finished her second drink off. When they did leave, Adelle saw that Rachaela seemed a little unhappy about something, and though while she did want to ask about what was wrong she decided not to in case it was something personal for Rachaela and figuring if she wanted to tell her then she would. So when they parted ways, Adelle told Rachaela goodbye for the night and that she would see her tomorrow, and maybe they could get another job or something the next day as well.

When Adelle and Lacri entered the nun's home, Adelle saw that Zacharias had apparently washed her clothes and had them now neatly folded on a table. She immediately went over to them and looked at them, then over to Zacharias.

T-Thanks Zach, you're really nice to do this for me,” Adelle said to Lacri's manservant, going over and giving him a little hug of thanks.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"But of course. It is the least I can do." Zacharias replied at the compliments, swiftly moving to help Lacrimosa with her change of clothing. Once the nun sister had prepared herself with the appropriate clothes, she moved back to the entry hall to pray like she had yesterday. This time, she didn't equip those spiky things, leaving them out for possibly Adelle's ease of mind. The servant dude retreated to the stove where he was making food, leaving the busty girl to her own devices. It would be up to Adelle herself to make decisions about what she would do.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After Zacharias told her it was the least he could do, Adelle watched him go and help Lacri with changing her clothing before he headed back to the stove to continue cooking whatever it was he was cooking. Adelle didn't really have anything else to do, and she felt that she needed to give Lacri proper thanks for saving her earlier, so she went over to the church hall after the nun and went in.

"Lacri... I just wanted to say thanks again, for earlier. You really saved me from that thing, and I know it was about to rape me or something. You saved my purity so I don't care what you are Lacri, human... demon, it doesn't matter to me. So... thanks Lacri, you'll always have me as a friend no matter what," Adelle said to Lacrimosa when she got into the room with her, hugging the nun in thanks.

Once she was through speaking, Adelle intended on praying with Lacri if that was what she was going to do, though if Lacri was going to hurt herself any at all, then Adelle would leave the room and go take a bath while she waited for dinner. If she could pray with Lacri, then she would do that, then go have a bath before dinner.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she did move in a fast manner, Lacri didn't manage to reach the small altar in the chapel before Adelle grabbed her for thanks. "It's... nothing... Any decent person... would have done the same..." she replied her usual tone, returning Adelle's hug for a while before going to her prayers. It was a quiet and long-feeling moment, but passed without any signs of the tallest sister getting any self-hurting in mind. Most likely something that made the busty girl's life a bit less worrysome, at least in this moment.

It was hard to be certain, but eventually the prayertime passed and the girls moved back to the main room. Zacharias was still working over the stove, looked like he had a variety of foods coming up, four different pans of slightly different-looking sauces. "Almost done here, Lady Lacrimosa. I managed to find all the ingridients this time, was a good day at the marketplace." he told them as they passed, not turning to face them and focusing on the food instead. "Curry... Zacharias is very skilled at it..." the nun sister told Adelle as she took a seat on the table. "If you want to bath... go ahead..." she carried on, taking a brief look at Adelle before turning back to look down at the table. "Sister Rachaela looked a little uneasy earlier... I think it's our turn to deliver the supplies to Blightown... You've not been there... so be prepared... that place is far more depressing than anything else you've likely seen before..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle smiled when Lacri hugged her back and when she saw that Lacri wasn't going to attempt hurting herself at all she heaved a sigh of relief as she knelt with the nun at the small altar and prayed with her. She was glad that Lacri apparently didn't see the need to hurt herself any more like she did the night before. Adelle thanked the gods for Lacri saving her purity for her while she prayed, she then thanked them because she had such strong friends.

After they finished with their prayers and everything, they went on back into the kitchen, where Adelle saw Zacharias slaving over the stove, with four different pans cooking different things. It smelled wonderful Adelle thought, but then again she wasn't very picky about food. In this world you couldn't afford to be picky about what you ate as long as it didn't poison you or anything. She listened to the brief exchange of words between Lacri and Zacharias before Lacri turned to her and told her about how skilled at making curry her manservant was, and that if she wanted to take a bath then to go on ahead and do so. "I'll go ahead and wait to take my bath after I eat, I'm pretty hungry," Adelle said to Lacri as she took a seat at the table with the nun and awaited dinner. When Lacri continued speaking and went on to tell her about a delivery job to some place called Blightown, Adelle looked up at her and listened intently as she spoke.

"So that's what she was looking a little upset about. Well... what exactly is this Blightown and why do we have to deliver supplies to it? It sounds pretty... terrifying from the way you're talking. How scared should I be? And should I even go with you all?" Adelle asked Lacri, looking increasingly worried as she thought about it.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Blightown is a town underneath the subway tunnels... the deepest inhabited area in the city perimeters... It is where the most poor and wretched people live... The hunters deliver supplies there because we care about them... and because one of the top three hunters has demanded it... Ignatius the Blazing is what he's called..." Lacri started her brief story about this place they were apparently going to visit. "The whole town is overrun with swampwater... that has poured down from some areas in the surface... And carried all the waste and chemicals that were poured there in the times before the war... Bringing with it a whole lot of mutations and similar phenomena... and since the poor have nowhere else to go... they squat in that filthy place... in houses made of rotting wood... paddling through the water that's almost knee-high... And worst of all... There's no light or electricity... So everyone has to carry a lantern with them..." the storytime continued, taking a brief stop as Zacharias brought the first two pots to the table. Like yesterday, there was rice to be had with the different curries. A few kindly souls do help them out... including my sister... but for the most part... Blightown and it's inhabitants are on their own... The upper city has enough problems with it's own problems for anyone to really care about the ones in the bottom... Lacri finished for now, getting herself a remarkably small portion of the red curry sauce that contained chicken. "We have chicken, pork, lamb and vegetable curries. Have the ones you want." Zacharias said as he pointed the different foods out.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... this Blightown kind of sounds like the place me and Mari went to when I first got to the city and Samson gave me a job," Adelle replied after Lacri first started speaking, then went silent and continued listening.

She waited until Lacrimosa was completely done to speak again, merely nodding to let the nun know she heard her.

"Rachaela is really nice isn't she, putting herself at risk that much to help others that are unfortunate enough to have to live down there in such a place," Adelle said, thinking about what all was said for a few moments as she got a plate to get some food, then after a few seconds she continued speaking, looking rather hesitant to ask what she was about to ask and a little scared about what the answer may be, "Um... are we supposed to go too? Or am I expected to rather? Because I'm honestly not sure I could do that without being paid a good amount of money, not after what all I've seen in the tunnels since coming here anyway. How often are the people taking the supplies down there attacked exactly? I mean... I'd like to help anyone in need, but not at the risk of my own life, my parents always told me to help people when I could, but not to die trying or else I wouldn't be able to help anyone at all."

Adelle got some of the lamb curry and a bit of the vegetable one as well onto her plate, loading it up with a modest amount of both, saving room for seconds of the one she liked more. "Thanks Zach, it all looks simply delicious. I'll have these two here I think," Adelle said to the manservant as she loaded her plate up with the food she'd decided on.

Once she had piled her food onto her plate and got something to drink, deciding on just water for that, she began eating the freshly cooked food while thinking more on what Lacri had been telling her and waiting on the nun to answer her questions while she ate. All in all Adelle didn't really mind going down to this Blightown, but she was worried because of what she had seen in the tunnels since coming here. She shuddered at the thought of one of those mutant beasts getting a hold of her and stealing her virginity, like the one in the outpost out in the desert earlier. She wasn't sure she that she wanted a repeat of that so soon... or ever for that matter. But if she was expected to go, then she would do so, albeit a little hesitantly and she wouldn't stray out of the center of whatever group she was with for fear of getting snatched up by something.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That place was a delight compared to Blightown... It was just an average homeless dwelling... At least that's what sister Mariela told me... And it's not just sister Rachaela... It's a sentiment and desire we all share... While most hunters don't like to do the supply runs... All are expected to do it in certain periods of time... So, you can't escape the task for too long... But if you don't want to... I'm sure the four of us can manage... The place is still far safer than most of this city... Since the people are tight-knit... They know that they have nothing to gain from harming or stealing from each other... So... Going there is pretty much a safe trip... Unless something has sneaked into the guarded tunnel there... Or if you anger the townspeople... We won't get paid... But if you try to avoid the responsibility for too long... You might get blacklisted and prevented from getting any new jobs... So I recommend you not try too much to avoid it..." Lacrimosa gave her replies to the question as she ate, eventually finishing up what little she had taken onto her plate.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Well Lacri it... it isn't really that I don't want to go or anything, or that I mind going... (sigh)... I suppose though I have no choice in the matter then, if I want to keep working with you girls that is... so I might as well go with you girls down there this time around, that way I wouldn't have to with someone I don't know, or by myself or something knowing my luck. So I don't mind going with you girls, mainly because it gives me something to do besides laying around all day, even if I'm not being paid to do so, but... I'll go ahead and say this. If something happens to me, or any of us for that matter, I'm going to find this... Ignatius the Blazing as you called him, and I'm going to punch him right in the mouth. Because yeah I want to help anyone that I can, I truly do... but I have to take care of myself as well, so I hope you'll understand and forgive me for the way I've said all this if it offends you any,” Adelle said, looking as if she was greatly torn between wanting to make sure she stayed safe, yet at the same time wanting to help those in need.

Adelle chuckled softly while she ate and couldn't help but smile after she swallowed another mouthful of food and said, “And I hope you wouldn't be too mad if I said that I want to stay in the middle of the group this time around, or at least right behind you if you're in front. Because I'm not much of a hand to hand fighter like yourself and I'm nowhere near as good with my new sword than Mari is with hers. And you're really strong Lacri, so I trust you a lot, especially since you saved me earlier.

With that, Adelle had decided that since she really didn't seem to have much of a choice in the matter, that she would go ahead with Lacri and the others down to Blightown to make the supply run with them, thinking to herself that it would be best to go with her friends now which she knew she could trust, rather than with someone that she wasn't sure if she could trust later. She took a couple of minutes to think about it all while she finished up her food, wiping her lips and around them clean before downing the last of her water, then she turned to look over at Lacri again with a bit of a serious look on her face, as if she'd just thought of something else all of a sudden.

I've been thinking about something you said though, you said that they know they have nothing to gain from stealing or attacking each other right. So what about us then? Would they attack us any if they thought they had anything to gain from it? Or would any of them... (Adelle blushes slightly)... you know... try and grab me and molest me or anything of the like, or possibly more? Because I will defend myself if I have to,” Adelle asked, letting the nun know that she was serious about defending herself if need be and hoping she wouldn't tell her off or anything for saying it like she had. Adelle remembered having to let the men her and Mariela ran into grope her breasts a bit before they managed to diplomatically diffuse the situation they were in at the time. “I mean... (Adelle blushes further)... I know when most men see my breasts their first instinct is to want to grab them. But... unless I had to allow it to protect myself from something more happening, or to protect my friends... meaning all of you, then I'm not going to just let someone grab them that easily,” Adelle then added as an afterthought to what she'd just said, trying to let Lacrimosa know that she wasn't trying to be cruel or anything. Adelle then put her hands over her face and rubbed her eyes and brushed her hair back a little as she remembered that thing again from the outpost, and what it was likely about to do with her if Lacri hadn't stepped in at the right moment.

"I just... (Adelle shudders slightly)... I guess I'm still a little shaken up about that thing earlier is all. When were we supposed to leave anyway?" She said a minute later after Lacri would likely have replied to what all she said, giving a very visible shudder for the nun to see.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I can understand what you say... but the townspeople won't attack us... since we are the ones bringing in the supplies to keep them alive... They know full well that if they do make our job difficult bu attacking us... they will not be doing themselves a service... since it might lead to them getting cut off from this kindness... If something does happen... then it will be an outside force that will be doing it... I've been there dozens of times..." Lacri kept up speaking as Adelle finished. "And as for Ignatius... he is really a good person... but if the matter is Blightown... he won't back down or take any slight... if you attacked him like that... he will likely reply with lethal force... so I advice against trying... Should be tomorrow that we have to go..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Well... alright then, if you say they won't attack us or anything, then I'll trust you, as you know more about it all than I do,” Adelle replied to Lacri with a smile once she had stopped speaking, letting the nun know that she trusted her and the other sisters greatly.

Then Adelle thought for a few moments about what Lacri had said about this Ignatius she was talking about so highly. Adelle thought to herself that if he was such a good person, then if something happened to her or any of the others when it wasn't supposed to, and it was on his orders that they were going down there and all that. Then why would he retaliate if she punched him for sending them down there and that happening to them? That truly made no sense to Adelle for some reason. If he was that great a man, then he wouldn't even flinch or shy away from a hit that he would, or at least should know was coming for such a horrible thing happening to them on his orders, because it would be a natural reaction Adelle thought, to want to punch him for it happening after he sent them down.

She thought it over for another few moments before speaking again. She thought to herself that when they went, if she somehow lost her purity to something vile like at that outpost earlier (Adelle shudders slightly again), then once she saw the man she was going to demand some sort of compensation for it. Because she was saving herself for the right person like her mother had always told her to do, that if she didn't then she would regret it deep down for the rest of her life.

Lacri... I mean no offense by this, but I'm sure it sounds pretty offensive, but I've gotta say it anyway because my parents always told me to speak my mind and let others know my opinion when it was needed. If something did happen to us like us being raped, or very badly hurt or something, then I would damn well expect some sort of compensation for it. So if that did happen to us, and if he is as good a man as you say, then he wouldn't stop me from bopping him in the mouth, and he wouldn't retaliate for it either, because it'd be on his orders that we went down and something happened, so I would expect him to take responsibility for it somehow or another, because an I'm sorry doesn't always cut it, and... well an I'm sorry can't bring back the dead either, that's... that's just the way I see it is all. I... (sigh)... I'm sorry Lacri, I've just got this bad feeling that something bad's going to happen, I... I don't know what or when, just a bad feeling is all,” Adelle said after she finished thinking over her words carefully, hanging her head slightly at what she considered harsh words, but it was what she truly thought on the matter, and she felt greatly worried for some reason about going down to this Blightown, for herself and her friends, and even for the innocent people they were supposed to be going to help. It was just a gut feeling she was having that something bad was going to happen and she just felt that she had to let her friend know what she thought about it was all, and she hoped that Lacri wouldn't be angry with her for her way of thinking and her words.

Anyway though, I'll be ready to go when you girls are. I should probably wear my shorts and short shirt I suppose, I don't want to get my new clothes dirty or any of my good ones,” Adelle added as an afterthought as she took her boots off and prepared to go and take herself a bath before bed.

Out of character I'm having a bit of a bad feeling about this one as well.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I can understand your concerns... but it should be alright... there was one time... during mine and sister Rachaela's trip down there... that some hostile mutants that had sneaked into the twon attacked us... but the townspeople were having none of that... they mobbed the creatures with numbers... dozens of them clubbed the hostiles down with planks and pipes... until they were not able to move... then they pushed them down under the water and drowned them... So... I can say the people will not be a problem... I've been assisted by them..." the nun sister told her, not bearing any apparent ill will, carrying on after the clothing part. "You can wear those... but we will be getting alternate equipment before going down... to allow walking in the water without too much hinderance..."

When the busty girl started preparing for the bath, Lacrimosa seemed to catch on. "Want me to come with you?... Or do you want to be by yourself?" she asked.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well in that case I feel a whole lot better about going down there, if we could expect aid from the townspeople that is. And that about the alternate gear sounds great. I suppose it's wet suits or something we'd be wearing in that case most likely, if it being the sewers is any indication at least," Adelle replied, looking a whole lot more relieved about the whole thing than she had over the last few minutes since finding out.

After Adelle got up and got ready to head on to the bath, Lacri asked if she wanted her to come with her or not. Adelle was actually about to ask Lacri if she wanted to take a bath together in any case, so she merely smiled and nodded to her friend, saying, "Well I was honestly about to ask you the same thing Lacri, so yeah let's go. I'll wash your back if you wash mine. And then we can get some sleep in preparation for going down to Blightown."

Adelle would follow Lacri to the bath where they would then aid each other in washing their backs and whatnot. After they were finally through, Adelle would brush her long blue hair out and allow it to dry for the most part before heading on to bed for the night, taking the time it took for it to dry to clean her gun and make certain it was still in good working condition and such.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... alright... let's go..." Lacrimosa spoke up again as she got accepted as a baathing partner. It was a relatively quiet deal to go through, just like last time, with the nun sister hardly speaking at all as they cleaned up. Surely it would be needed for tomorrow, given the place they were going into, this Blightown.

Once they got out, it was up to the individuals to do what they wanted, but Adelle already knew what she would do. Lacri gave her all the due peace she needed, taking some time to tighten screws and apply oil to the mechanical gauntlet that had been on her right hand today. It had seen only a small bit of action, but it was still probably a good thing to take care of it, lest the hydraulic spike get jammed in a critical moment and bring trouble along. She was still looking through things as Adelle finished, but was there in the room when she started getting ready to sleep.

In the morning, things looked like they had yesterday. Lacri was already gone, and it was to be assumed that Zacharias was making breakfast in the other room.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Lacri it seemed didn't mind bathing with Adelle, and kind of seemed like she wanted to, at least to Adelle it did anyway. They kept relatively quiet throughout their bathing, not bothering to talk much save for Adelle simply telling Lacri when to turn or lift an arm and such as she washed her. While they finished up in the bath, Adelle kept thinking about their journey to Blightown they were supposed to head on the next day, hoping the bad feeling she'd been getting was false and it went smoothly for them, but at the very least if it didn't go as planned or anything she would have her friends with her.

After exiting the bath, Adelle didn't bother Lacri as she cleaned her gun, while the nun cleaned and did some maintenance on the gauntlet she'd taken with her that day to the outpost. They kept fairly quiet during this as well, Adelle focusing on getting her gun cleaned and oiled and such so she could be sure it worked the next day, as she would likely need it. Once she was done, Adelle got back up and stretched herself out a bit to get her blood flowing after sitting on her bed for a few minutes doing her cleaning, then went over and got her sleeping clothes out... her tanktop and panties.

"Alright Lacri, I'm all done now, I'll see you in the morning... goodnight,and get you some rest too," Adelle said to Lacri as she went over and gave the nun a little hug before retreating to her bed and climbing in to go to sleep.


When she woke the next morning, she saw it was pretty much the same as the day before, with Lacri already being gone. She was fairly sure that Zacharias was already cooking breakfast for them, though she couldn't smell it just yet so she couldn't be totally certain at the moment. She stretched as big as she could, arching her back more than enough for her tanktop to slide up over her breasts, her large tits popping out of it. She quickly pulled it back down and got on up, then went over to grab the shirt and pair of shorts she'd decided to wear for the day, which she would likely have to change out of from the way Lacri was talking the night before about them getting some special gear, but she needed to at least wear something until she got said special gear.

After getting dressed and everything she went to go do her normal morning routine in the bathroom, peeing, brushing her hair, then brushing her teeth, then she went on out to find Lacri and see if Zacharias was cooking breakfast yet. If Lacri was praying, really praying that is, then Adelle would join her until breakfast was finished, telling the nun hello as she entered the room with the altar and telling her that she felt she needed to pray for a safe trip today and intended on doing so every day she was here.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After her own morning things were done in the room, Adelle moved out to the main room, where Zacharias was indeed making breakfast stuffs like yesterday. The man seemed focused enough on the task at hand, so much in fact that he seemed to completely miss the busty girl's entry. It was maybe a relief for the girl, since she could go about her business without any interruptions.

Once she got out into the cathedral room, Adelle found that Lacri was not praying, but doing something completely different. The yesterday's foods that had been left over were surrounding her in their respective pots, since there was a somewhat large amount of them, while a gaggle of scruffy children surrounded her. The nun sister was handing the remaining food out to them, giving each of them whatever one they asked for.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she went on through the house, Adelle indeed saw Zacharias cooking up breakfast, but she decided to let him be so he could finish it all up without her interrupting him any and maybe burn something. When she made her way into the chapel room, she saw a sight that took her by great surprise indeed... it was Lacri with all of the pots of food Zacharias cooked the night before, with a bunch of children surrounding her and the food, with Lacri handing out the remaining food of whichever kind the children wanted.

The sight of this made Adelle feel a little bad for the way she talked the night before to her friend and for now she decided to forgo her praying and went over to where Lacri was and just put a hand on her shoulder. When Lacri looked back at her, she would see Adelle smiling at her as the busty girl knelt beside her.

If I'd have known about this I would have told you to get me up so I could help you. You're really kind Lacri, and I'm sorry about last night, I shouldn't have said some of the things I did I suppose. Do you forgive me?” Adelle said to her friend, an arm around her in a half hug.

Adelle would tell Lacri she'd like to help her out after the nun's answer, be it a yes or no to her forgiving Adelle. If it was a no, then Adelle would tell her that she would need to earn her forgiveness, but if she told her yes she forgave her, then Adelle would just hug her a little and begin helping her give out the food to the children that were there until it was all gone, so that the two of them could then go and eat their own food that Zacharias was making.