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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Izak's arm looks something like . In case you wanted to know.)

It appeared that Mariela was fully aware of who she was dealing with, and backed off from the situation accordingly. Still, she seemed to be on that grumpy behaviour now, no big surprise once you've been coated with a tableful of food and drink. "That's a nice girl." Izak said as he saw Mari return to her seat, taking heed of her behaviour and retreating back to his own table in the quiet corner, most likely feeling that he had achieved what he sought.

Suddenly, the whole place was pretty much back to what it had been before the fight, only the grumbles of Mariela separating the mood from what it had been about ten minutes ago.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle watched Mariela back off and go back to her table after a moment or two, though she still looked pissed as hell about her dress getting dirty. Of course Adelle didn't fault her for being angry, because she would have been too had her clothing gotten dirty like that. She thought for a second or two that the other guy would attack Mariela again, but he instead went back to his table to, followed by Izak going back to his own table. Adelle thought he looked a little happy about stopping the fight, but maybe it was just a trick of the light or something, but she wasn't worrying about that any as she was still partially admiring his cybernetic arm.

Soon the bar was back to normal, though Mariela was still grumbling about her dress getting messed up. Adelle got up and went over to the girls table and pulled up a chair to sit with them after telling Samson that she may see him the next day for more work if she was feeling up to it, and provided he had a job that needed doing of course.

"Hey... you alright Mari? I was about to get up and jump in there before Izak did. Kind of glad I didn't now that I know who he is and what he's capable of, because I would probably have tried to punch him or something and lost a hand. Don't let that bastard over there get to you though, because look at it like this. You may have gotten your dress all dirty, but you made him look like a fool, because he got beat up by a girl," Adelle asked her friend after sitting down with them, hoping to calm Mariela's anger down some before she maybe started fighting again without caring about the consequences. After that, Adelle would order herself another drink, feeling like one more before calling it quits with the drinks for the night.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Sure, there always seems to be something, so I will most likely have something for you if you are so inclined." Samson answered Adelle's words, knowing her eagerness well by now.

While she did listen to Adelle without too much hassle, Mariela had her grumbles, even if she was not wearing one of their usuals. They had all been out of them today, after all, due to the nature of the task. "Nah, it would have been alright... he would just have thrown you over his arm. That man has amazing control over his motored arms, he has done a lot of martial arts feats with them. Or so I heard at least." she said first, bending over the table with her upper body and almost hitting her head on it, but slowing down just enough to avoid getting hurt. "And... getting beaten by a girl is nothing new here... Lacri has disciplined enough rowdy punks... along with the many other more physically potent females among us..." she finished as Adelle's drink arrived.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well I'm pretty sure girls winning fights around here isn't something that's a rarity or anything. But I mainly meant it that... well... no offense Mari, but you're pretty small, and not many people would expect someone as small as you to be quite as strong as you are," Adelle replied a little hesitantly after taking a sip of her drink.

After that, she would just make small talk with the girls about whatever they wanted to chat about while she sipped at her drink. Once she was done with it and all, she would merely await their departure before leaving, wanting to head on with Lacri back to her place so she could get some much needed rest and relaxation after their venture into the tunnels earlier.

(I really have nothing else in mind she could do that night myself. Unless you did that is.)
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah, I know you mean well but... still pissed off..." Mariela replied, not lifting herself from the table for the reminder of the time they spent there. The other three from the group were pretty much like they usually were when it came to talking, Rachaela and Isabella being more prone to it than the quiet and reserved Lacrimosa. Eventually the time was due for them to make their departure, later than they usually did after these jobs. Much like before, each girl went towards their respective homes, Adelle still sticking along with Lacri. While she could have changed places, it was probably better for them to not do this in the late hours.

Along the way, Adelle began to notice that they were being followed by someone. Lacri too seemed to notice, taking looks around the place more often than usual. The whole deal came to a stop as they got further towards the nun girl's home. A whole group of shady people were all around them, two of them on each end of the T-junction they were currently on, possibly more on the second floor of the ruined buildings around them. Judging from the weapons and masks that some were bearing, the strangers were not there to socialize with them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I know Mari, I'd be pissed too if I were you," Adelle told Mariela.

After that they stayed there for just a little while longer, chatting and such with each other. Not very long after that, they decided to call it a night and began getting ready to leave, Adelle noticed it was quite late now, much later than it normally was when they had gone back to rest at their homes. She'd decided to stay with Lacri, if only for the fact that all of her things were at Lacri's home and she really needed to get some rest.

While they walked, after bidding farewell for the night to Mariela, Isabella, and Rachaela, Adelle noticed footsteps behind them, as did Lacri she saw. At first she didn't think anything of it, assuming it may have just been someone going to their home to go to bed. But after a couple of more minutes of walking, Adelle lost any thought of that and unhooked her pistol in its holster and cocking it, making sure it was ready to whip out in an instant to shoot whatever or whoever if need be. As they got closer to Lacri's place, Adelle saw that they were surrounded by some people in masks, and most if not all had weapons she noticed, which frightened her as from their looks they didn't want to talk. Adelle wondered what could they have done to piss someone off enough to want to do this and simply couldn't come up with anything.

"Uh... Lacri... what do we do? I don't like the looks of this, and I doubt anyone would come to our aid if we screamed. Would they?" Adelle whispered to Lacrimosa, stepping up to right next to the nun as she drew her pistol from its holster. Adelle would follow Lacri's lead in whatever decision was made, so if she elected to run, Adelle would be right on her heels.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Ambushers... both succeed.)

For her part, Lacrimosa too was not taking any chances. "I don't think they are going to ask us for directions... so we fight... maybe they will retreat if some of them go down... these types are usually not stupidly brave... unless they are druggies..." she replied, a quick motion of the arm bringing her gauntlet to life, steam releasing from it as it came online and ready to hammer whatever the nun girl decided to swing it onto. The people who were clearly gunning foe the two began their approach, in a not too fast but still determined pace, their weapons beginning to look rather menacing while they did. A few of them carried chains, while others had various kinds of clubs and brass knuckles. If there was any consolation to be said, they were weapons that were not usually made for killing. But getting captured or mugged by these people might still not be a pleasant experience.

And there was other things to be concerned about as well, as the girls soon came to find out. From both sides of the surrounding buildings, undetected attackers striked at them. Lassos were flung upon them before the pair could realize it, wrapping around them and lifting them off their feet. The whole situation made attacking the oncoming guys pretty much impossible since Adelle's gun arm was pinned against her side. And to make the whole situation even more embarassing, it looked like her boobs were actually aiding the ropeman by keeping the hoop under them. It would take some determined struggling to get away, but it was not impossible. Lacrimosa too got caught, the one trying to subdue her having a lot more difficult time for he had not managed to pin the nun girl's arms in any way. Still, both ladies were prevented from attacking the guys on the ground, which was most likely the idea behind this attack.

Adelle 5/5 FP 0/10 AP Lassoed (Grappled, can't attack) Lacrimosa 8/8 FP 3/3 MP 0/10 AP Lassoed (Grappled, -2 attack)

Thug x6 (3 HP each) Lasso Thug x2 (3 HP each, both grappling)
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle prepared to aim her gun as their enemies came in, not wanting to let their enemies get too close to them if she could help it. But just as she was about to squeeze the trigger, some ropes came out of nowhere and wrapped around Adelle before she could do so, the same was said for Lacri as well, the ropes pulled them up and off their feet, her large breasts being a rather 'huge' hindrance in getting the rope off as it was looped around her up under them.

She immediately began struggling to get free from the ropes, desperately trying to break loose so she could fight, using her free hand to pull her sword out where she'd cut the rope holding her with it. She was terrified about what might happen to them if she and Lacri didn't break free, but she was fairly certain that they wouldn't just rob the two of their money that they had, of which Adelle had virtually none of her own as she'd left most if not all of it at Lacri's place in her stuff so that it wouldn't get wet. That left only her purity that they might try and steal from her, which she wasn't willing to let them have. As soon as she was free, Adelle would pull her pistol up and shoot at one of the ones on the ground coming at them, aiming specifically at the nearest to her.

"D-Dammit... what the hell... l-let go. Lacri, I'm going to scream now. Who knows maybe the others will hear us and come to help, or someone will," Adelle grunted as she drew her sword out to cut the rope and free herself, alerting Lacrimosa as to what she was about to do. Then, just before swinging her sword, Adelle took in a deep breath, then let it out in as loud a scream as she could manage, hoping someone would hear and come to their aid as they were sorely outnumbered and Adelle did not like their odds of winning against so many, "SOMEONE... ANYONE HELP, THIEVES... RAPISTS!"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Escapes... easy success for both. )

Her quick thinking earned Adelle a swift release from the hold of the rope, which loosened enough to let her down and use her gun arm again as she cut overhead and dropped back to the ground about a foot below. While the rope still remained around her upper body, it was no longer hampering her in any way. Since she had been succesful in such a quick attempt, Adelle even had time to take a shot at the incoming hoodlums, which she unfortunately missed.

For her part, Lacrimosa fared even better, her strong resistance totally preventing any further attempts at her freedom. Even better, she managed to grab the rope before the one holding it could let go, pulling harshly on it and sending the thug plummeting down over the edge of the second floor. Catching the falling criminal in her sight, the nun sister intercepted the drop and uppercutted him before he could reach the ground, the steel spike doing short work of him as it penetrated his chest. With a quick swipe downwards, Lacri dislodged him to the ground, the spike retreating to the gauntlet with a hiss and steamy billow.

But there was still the issue of the groundbound thugs, who were coming for them with a more brisk pace now. The rope ambush had upped their enthusiams, but the brutal and instant death of the other cowboy seemed to dissuade them as well. All in all, they were still going to attack, coming to surround the pair. They split their attacks in a three and three ratio, positioning altering their targetting methods and who attacked who. The ones aiming at Adelle were nasty customers, the first hit with the brass knuckles partially hitting her on the shoulder hurting not that much, but the second hit from the chain connected rather harshly onto her side. The remaining brute failed to connect with his nightstick, the tip of it just managing to touch the cloth over her chest a bit. Three others attacked the nun girl, managing to hit her a little less spectacularly but still hurting her a bit.

If someone had heard the belaguered girls, there was no response yet. If anyone even was in the vicinity.

Adelle 2/5 FP 0/10 AP Lacrimosa 6/8 FP 3/3 MP 0/10 AP

Thug x6 (3 HP each) Lasso Thug (3 HP)
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Did she only get hit by the one attacking with the chain or did she actually get hit by the one with the brass knuckles too? I was wondering because 3 FP dmg gone from one hit seemed like a bit much. Poor Adelle, I was a hoping it'd be a tentacle monster of some sort or something like that which would steal her virginity since you say no futa, not a bunch of bitch ass thugs. :rolleyes:

I wouldn't mind it if it was a futa that grabbed her and raped her either though if you don't want her to be one. :p

Adelle was thankfully able to slice through the ropes holding her without much effort, her sword swing cutting her free to drop the foot or so to the ground, where she amazingly still had the time to fire her pistol at their foes, of course she missed because she whipped her gun up too fast. Lacri she noticed fared quite a bit better as she grabbed the rope holding her and yanked it, pulling the asshole holding her off of the building to the ground, where she then impaled him upon the spike of her gauntlet, killing him dead.

She noticed they seemed a little more cautious after Lacri had killed their companion, but it didn't fully dissuade them from their attack as they moved in to surround them all. She prepared herself as they came at her, the first one hitting her with some brass knuckles that she was able to kind of ignore the blow from as it mostly missed, however the one with the chain swung it and whipped her side with it, drawing a cry of pain from her lips as she backed up some and managed to avoid the nightstick wielding foe.

"Ngh... what the fuck do you want you bastards? That hurt!" Adelle screamed out a their foes after letting out a grunt of pain, holding her sword arm in a little to clutch at her side from the pain of the blow inflicted on her.

"L-Lacri... I d-don't know if we're going to be able to win this," Adelle then whispered to Lacri, pressing her back to her friend's as she prepared herself to continue this fight.

She tried to bring her gun up to aim at one of their heads, the chain wielding one in particular where she'd hopefully put a bullet into his noggin and get rid of him, even as she brought her sword back up to try and parry the nightstick away and avoid those knuckles, screaming as loud as she could to maybe get someone's attention to come to their aid. If possible, she'd even try to take off one of their hands with her sword to drive them off and away from them, because while she was hurt and tired, she wasn't out of this fight yet, and she didn't want to find out what these guys wanted from her, whether it was her belongings, her money, or her virginity she wasn't about to give it to them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Yes, both attacks hit her and the chain was a critical hit actually. That's why the loss of 3 FP happened. And about the thugs... are you sure that they are all male? Did I actually specify that somewhere? Don't think I did :p

Also, succesfull critical headshot, but not enough.)

With a quick turn and equally swift pull of the trigger, Adelle managed to catch the chain-wielding man by total surprise, sticking the barrel of the gun to bare inches away from his forehead before decorating the wall behind them with the contents of his head. It was a grizzly enough sight to behold, but what would one expect from a point-blank gunshot with a bigger than average revolver. The rope user from the second floor tried to perform a suicide dive onto the busty girl, but was way off from target, only managing to hit the dirt on the ground and most likely breaking something in the process. Even these two failures on their side were not enough to dissuade the thugs from carrying on with their assault. The fistfighter guy slipped in pretty fearlessly, smacking Adelle in the guts with his simple weapon before the other guy clubbed her in the back of the head with the nightstick. That particular strike was enough to break the limits of her durability, and that was when the darkness came...

When she came back to, Adelle found herself in a foreign enviroment, some abandoned building in the slums by the looks of it. Of course, she was not free to do as she wanted, for her wrists were bound together over her head and secured to a ceiling beam where there was some sort of wheel to adjust height. Currently, the height was set in a manner that it barely allowed her to touch the ground with her feet, a very uncomfortable position. Very little could be determined from the surroundings as the windows were boarded over in a very precise manner, the only light to the place coming from the half-dozen small lanterns that had been placed in particular areas of the room. She was still clothed, with the exception of her hat and weapon things. Those could be found on a corner table, the gun taken out from it's holster and the bullets removed. Also, Lacrimosa's gauntlet was there, clearly stating out that the nun too had been taken in.

One of the thugs that had assailed them before was there with her, taking sips from a beer bottle and looking quite bored. But it was a bit of a surprise to see that this one was actually female under her mask-like scarf, which was now down on her neck. Seeing that her prisoner was awake, she seemed to get a bit more enthusiastic. "Lookie here, you are awake." the lady thug called out to Adelle as she got up, coming over to her. She was not all that attractive, a somewhat worn-out and tired person with light brown hair and a skinnier than average build. Circling around the busty girl, she analyzed the captive with an almost doctor-like scrutiny. "Breaking you in will be fun, there's a lot of enjoyable bits on that bod of yours. Most notably those things." the criminal confessed her eagerness, poking at Adelle's most notable feature with what appeared to be a stun rod.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(No you didn't at that. :p I was fairly certain about the chain being a critical hit though, thanks for clarifying the other one for me, it was just the way it was written out that threw me off, sorry. And Lacri couldn't have like, you know magicked us out. :rolleyes:)

Adelle spun around with her pistol out, firing the thing directly into the chain wielders head, while barely noticing the guy jumping out the window at her as he slammed straight into the ground like a fool. However she was then taken off guard as the knuckle wielder slammed his fist into her stomach, knocking the wind out of her as she gasped to catch her breath as the one with the nightstick hit her in the back of the head, and the next thing she remembered was darkness as she hit the ground.


She came back to with a splitting headache in an old abandoned building of some sort, she found her wrists were bound over her head to some sort of beam hanging from the ceiling and a wheel of some sort that could pull her up or lower her down some, but at the moment she could barely touch the ground with the tips of her toes and it was quite a painful position considering the bruises on her stomach and sides and she couldn't suppress a whimper of pain. She found her weapons were gone as was her hat and set on a table in the corner of the room, and she also saw Lacri's gauntlet there as well. A few moments later she noticed one of the thugs in front of them drinking some beer and watching them.

When the woman spoke, Adelle wriggled at her bindings some, trying get her feet to the ground a little better so her side and stomach weren't pulling so badly and hurting, but failed to manage it.

"W-What do you want from me? What have I ever done to you? Why have you taken me and Lacri? We just wanted to go rest and relax after going down into those tunnels to deliver the supplies to Blightown," Adelle asked her captor, ending in a small whimper as her breasts were poked by the eager looking woman.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The whole pleading part seemed to draw only a bemused look from the lady bandit. "What do we want from you? Not much really, only your belongings. But since there was hardly anything on you two, you got to make up for it in some other way. And I know perfectly what to do with someone sporting a form as rocking as yours." she spoke up a bit, poking at the chest she had taken a liking to a bit more gingerly. Still, it was a relief that she didn't appear to be eager with the tazing function of the rod in her hand. "It's nothing more than you being in the wrong place in the wrong time. The nun was pretty tough to fight, but she gave up and allowed us to take her in too when the guys threatened to kill you when you went down. Such a noble girl, though it does her little in this city." the woman carried on with her little speech of a reply to all the questions that Adelle threw at her. But it appeared that she had more interest towards her body than the questions. "Let's get this out of the way, I want to see the real deal already." she said, pulling up on the busty girl's shirt and rolled it enough to prevent it for coming down again. Adelle's bra was left on, but the thug woman still tugged down on it enough to pop out those large jubblies from their protective shell. "Magnificent. These are pretty much as amazing as I expected them to be." the unnamed woman pondered aloud, setting the stun rod onto a belt strap before taking a brief feel at them before moving back and around captive. Vanishing from Adelle's vision, the woman could be heard tinkering something behind her, which soon turned out to be the wheel. The bindings lowered a bit, allowing the busty girl to stand properly on her feet now. Still, she would not go anywhere as they held her pretty much there.

In a matter of seconds the female thug was on Adelle again, this time clinging to her from behind, pressing her own average form against her back. It was then that the action began in full, her hands groping all over those voluminous breasts that she had been clearly desiring. "Not what the boys decided about her, but I think they have not yet done anything to your friend. Haven't heard any outside noises in a good while. Some of them seemed intent on getting back to her for the bruises she inflicted though." the molester told Adelle as she enjoyed herself, kneading, squeezing and rolling the huge boobs all over, occasionally tugging on the blue-haired girl's nipples in long and harsh pulls. It became apparent that the criminal was not a first-timer when it came to teasing other women, for she was very skilled in the act and was somewhat managing to turn Adelle on with her handiwork. "Hmm... I just might have to ask the boys to leave you alone. This does feel like you'd be a plaything I'd want all for myself..." she spoke up again, whispering the words into her captive's ear before taking a nibble at the lobe and tugging on it. From there, she proceeded to kiss and lick at the busty girl's neckline, never letting the chest molestation die down along the way.

Eventually, after leaving Adelle panting with her treatment, the molester woman backed off again. The previous tinkering sounds resumed, and the bindings came down again. "Down on your knees. Now." instructions were issued to Adelle, further enforced with a prod of the stun rod to her back, still without the electric shock. "Do it, or this nice stunner will." While the words came, some further sounds of tinkering could be detected, followed by the sound of a zipper being pulled down.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle saw that she was likely not going to easily reason with this woman who looked rather amused at Adelle's pleading tone of voice. She was however a little relieved when the woman stopped pressing the stunrod so hard into her breasts and let out a soft sigh of relief. "But... that's just mean... I never did anything to you. And I d-don't have much money because... I'm working hard as a hunter just to get by," Adelle said, still in a pleading tone, though not so much as before.

When the woman continued speaking, Adelle merely listened rather meekly, as she was really unable to do anything about it at the moment. When the woman said she wanted to see the 'real deal' as she called her breasts and reached up for her shirt, Adelle tensed up slightly as the woman pulled up her shirt so that it couldn't fall back down over her large breasts, not that it could anyway because of how short and tight fitting it was. When that was done, she only had her blue bra left to protect her massive mammaries from anything... but that too was soon pulled down by the woman. Adelle's large breasts spilled out of her bra as it was tugged down, with the woman looking rather pleased and delighted at the sight of them.

"R-Really... I-I've never r-really been complimented on them before. So t-thanks... I guess," Adele replied to the woman telling her that her breasts were magnificent, blushing cutely for the compliment despite the situation she was in as she looked away shyly from her captor, sighing softly as her breasts were felt up for a couple of seconds and the weight taken off of them as they were lifted some.

When the woman let her heavy breasts go, Adelle couldn't help but whimper slightly as their weight was placed back upon them, liking that they weren't being weighted down so much with their heaviness. She tried to crane her head around to follow where the woman was going when she moved around behind her, but she couldn't follow far enough to keep her in sight. Adelle heard something from behind her and found it was the wheel controlling her bindings height. When her feet were completely on the floor again and a little more, Adelle felt quite a bit more relief on her strained back and sides, though she was still trapped and bound with her hands over her head unfortunately.

"T-Thank you, that was starting to really hurt me," Adelle said to her captor, her politeness not being lost despite being captured like this.

As soon as Adelle finished speaking, the woman was on her again, holding her from behind as she reached around and began groping her large breasts, appearing happy now that she was getting what she clearly wanted with Adelle. She didn't say anything about what the woman said was or may be happening to Lacri, not wanting them to know her fetishes if she could help it any. "Just please don't kill us," Adelle pleaded, cooing a little from the groping.

The woman went to town on her breasts, doing everything she could think of to them. Before long into teasing of her breasts, Adelle felt the woman grab her nipples and tug on them some, causing them to almost instantly harden up and letting out a soft moan despite how hard they'd been pulled, unable to stifle her voice any as a jolt of pleasure shot through her, likely letting the woman know her breasts were quite sensitive. As soon as her nipples were grabbed by the woman and squeezed and tugged on, Adelle whimpered as she felt the pressure building in her breasts a bit before a couple of small drops of milk appeared on the tips of her nipples, that dripped off and ran down her body. Adelle blushed in embarrassment and gently shook her head from side to side, panting as she was teased more after that, letting out a louder and lewder moan of pleasure every time her nipples were tugged and tweaked on, which brought forth more drops of milk, and a couple of times with harder tugs a small squirt.

While the woman was kneading and squeezing her breasts, Adelle felt a small damp spot forming and quickly spreading in her panties as she was getting more and more aroused, her nipples now such hard little pebbles on the tops of her mountainous breasts that they could cut the bonds holding her... if only she could get them up there to do so Adelle idly thought to herself before cooing and sighing pleasantly again by another tug and squeeze on her nipples, releasing another small squirt of milk from either teat in the process.

"I... it does... feel really good... my breasts are really sensitive... and it feels so good when someone rubs them... like that. And... I've always had trouble... with them having milk in them... even though I've never even... had sex before... ever since I turned sixteen... gods it feels so good... when you squeeze my milk out," Adelle cooed to the woman before letting out another soft moan, instinctively leaning back against her captor holding her when she nibbled and pulled on her earlobe with her mouth, then she let out a pleasant and slightly relaxed sigh as the woman kissed, licked, and nibbled on her neckline, all but melting back against her captor as yet another tweak and tug on her nipples releases another little squirt of milk form her overly large breasts, mainly because she couldn't help herself, as she'd masturbated before and played with her own breasts. However having someone else doing the latter of those two felt even better, even though Adelle didn't like that it was even happening in the first place, she couldn't help the fact that it felt good, and she let out a lewd little moan to prove as such.

It was becoming increasingly hard for her to shake away the lustful thoughts creeping into her mind, telling her to just give in and allow this woman to play with her breasts and do whatever she wished, because she would be lucky if she found someone that appreciated them and her as much as she seemed to. She wondered what the woman had in store for her as she continued with her assault on Adelle's breasts, bringing more and more moans from Adelle's lips, and more and more milk from her breasts until her front was completely drenched in her own milk.

"Wait... no... I can't just let her do this to me? Can I? Oh gods, her hands feel so good on my breasts, and every time she squeezes more milk out of them it feels sooooo good... wait, no... I'm getting wet. If she finds out I'm getting wet, she'll think I'm nothing more than a whore," Adelle thought to herself, it finally dawning on her that she was aroused enough to get wet as she began rubbing her thighs together.

When the woman finally let her go, Adelle was panting, the pleasure of having her breasts teased and milked like that when they were so sensitive feeling great enough that she couldn't deny the fact that it turned her on quite a bit. When the woman lowered her arms down some more, Adelle looked down to see rivulets of sweat all over her body as well as her milk, slowly sliding down her silky smooth skin. Thankful for her arms being lowered the rest of the way, Adelle brought her hands up to her chest to hold her own breasts for a few moment as she mumbled a thank you to the woman, who then ordered her to kneel down onto her knees.

"O-Okay... I'm getting down, just p-please don't use that t-thing. I've b-been jolted by one before and it really h-hurts," Adelle said meekly to her captor, not desiring to be shocked by the stunrod as she obediently did as ordered by the woman, wondering if the woman was undressing herself as she heard the zipper being pulled down behind her and the rummaging around, trying to peek over her shoulder to see what was being done behind her, but turning her head back around really quickly if the woman started looking over at her.

Also, I'm editing her settings around and upping the slavery from N to 2, just because of the possibilities of her being milked and such for a while until rescue arrives. Also upping some others, so I'll just show you here.

Humans: Y (3)
Male/Female: Y (1)
Female/Female: Y (5)
Pregnancy: Y (5)
Birthing: Y (5)
Non Consent Sex: Y (5)
BDSM: Y (3)
Slavery: Y (2 that you could stretch to 3 at times for story purposes, but nothing game ending or horrible please, or at least nothing she couldn't get away from with or without help)
Monsters: (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y (5)
Bestiality: (AnimalMonster, Halfhuman, etc): Y (5)
Egg laying: Y (5)
Body Alterations: Y (5)
Lewd Compulsions: Y (4)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): 3

Extra settings: still futa dammit.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, milky too... I should have expected it, to be honest. Considering the size of those things..." the woman commented from behind Adelle as the busty girl went down. The lowered position prevented her from holding her hands down, and they had to be placed over her head again as she assumed the ordered kneeling position. Just to be sure, the criminal woman tugged the rope up a bit further after taking a look, making sure that Adelle would not be able to flail her arms around. "Right..." were her words as she moved back to sight, revealing a rather unusual aspect about herself. The woman had pulled down the zipper in her pants but kept her belt on, enabling the pants to stay up while she went about her business. But that was not the thing to be surprised about. The main thing was the large-ish cock sticking out from the hole, hard and ready for action. "Not what you were expecting, huh?" she asked, almost seeming cocky about the member as she got closer to the kneeling Adelle and slapped her in the cheek with the erect tool. It was not a harsh hit, more meant as means to humiliate than hurt. "Some of the boys are actually jealous, with me being more of a man than them. It's so silly..." the woman giggled slightly after the remark, prodding her surprise cock at the captive girl's cheek, the slight moisture smearing it a bit. But the amused part of her soon vanished, and then it was back to serious mode, driving home the reminder that this was still a forced deal and she was in control. "But enough about that. I'm sure you understand what happens now. You'll be a good girl and take it in. If you bite or try some other funny shit with me, I'll make sure you'll regret it." the thug woman laid out the rules, pressing the button on the stun rod and crackling the electricity on it a bit to suggest that if she went out of her way to misbehave, Adelle would be on the receiving end of that shock.

Positioning her meaty member on Adelle's lips, the woman pushed through them as much as possible without too much remorse, beginning to thrust it inwards and outwards at her leisure. She grabbed the busty girl by the hair with one hand, pulling on the long blue strands in a harsh fashion to keep the pleasure going, still keeping the stun rod in the other as the filling cock kept on sliding around Adelle's mouth. It looked like the woman was gauging her response and behaviour, waiting to see where this act would go. Occasionally, she would poke at the captive's boobies with the stun rod's tip, probably to remind that if she behaved, Adelle too might get to have a little more enjoyment from this.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Y-Yeah, I don't know why they... lactate like that," Adelle replied to the woman, blushing red and hanging her head in shame about the fact her breasts lactated as they did.

When she knelt down onto her knees, Adelle found her arms were pulled up so that she couldn't move them around any, which at this point she was wanting to use them and hold her breasts. When she tugged the rope some more, ensuring that Adelle wouldn't be able to move her arms any, she would hear a sharp intake of breath from Adelle, signifying a slight bit of pain from the busty blue haired girl. "O-Ouch... p-please not so tight," Adelle would whimper, hoping the ropes to be loosened even just a little so that it didn't pull her sore side so harshly.

When she moved back in front of Adelle, she where the woman's zipper had been pulled down there was a large phallic object protruding from between the zipper. When she bumped Adelle on the cheek with what she thought was a cock, Adelle merely blushed again as she smeared the thing across her cheek. "I-Is this... a... a real cock? I've... never really seen one before. It's... it's so big," Adelle asked, looking almost mesmerized by the thing in front of her, her eyes darting to follow it wherever the woman moved it to.

"O-Okay... I promise, I won't do anything bad, just please don't hurt me. I swear I won't try anything. B-but just s-so you know... I-I've never d-done this before... so I p-probably won't be any g-good at it," Adelle whimpered when the woman told her what she'd do to her if she tried anything, tears streaming down her cheeks to mix with the moisture was smeared on her cheek by the cock that was there.

When the woman positioned her cock at Adelle's lips, Adelle obediently opened her mouth some to allow it in, partly out of not wanting to anger her captor if she didn't do so, partly out of curiousness as to what it would be like as she'd always wondered about it, and partly out of her inner lust starting to get the better of her and making her a bit less against it. It was all affecting her so much, that when the woman began pushing her cock into Adelle's mouth, Adelle actually pushed her head forwards a little to meet her thrust, unable to help herself. When she felt the woman's cock bump against the back of her throat, she gagged a little, not being very experienced with doing it and not knowing how to make herself not gag on it. Her breasts jiggled with every thrust into her mouth, the last few droplets of her milk running slowly down her breasts and waist.

While Adelle was being forced to suck on the woman's cock, she idly remembered talking with some of her old friends about doing stuff like this when she was a little younger, and one of the older girls that she hung around with told her and her other friends once to use their tongue to please whoever the cock belonged to more. So with that in mind, Adelle began flicking her tongue across the woman's glans and the underside of her big meaty cock. Her friend also told her to look up all submissively at the one she was pleasing as well, that they would like that. So on one particular thrust into her mouth, Adelle gagged once more and tilted her head back some and lowered it a little more so that she could look up at the woman while still sucking on her length, showing her half lidded and submissive eyes to the woman, her cheeks flushed with arousal that she couldn't force away as she gave little muffled moans to further show her submissiveness. Adelle's thinking in what she was doing was mainly that if she did as told then she wouldn't hurt or kill her, so that was what she planned on doing, barely noticing when the woman poked her breasts with the stunrod as she getting more and more into sucking on the woman's cock, finding the taste of it not all that unpleasing like she'd been told by her mother one would be.

The scent of arousal was thick in the air, from Adelle and her captor, and it was taking its toll on her willpower to the point that she was willingly allowing the woman to do as she pleased without trying to prevent it. On one particular thrust the woman did when pulling back and out again, Adelle would try and take her tongue before the woman could thrust back in and run it up along the underside of her cock, licking all of the the woman's pre-cum off of it that she could and swallowing it down willingly in her very advanced state of arousal. As soon as she'd run her tongue up and down the length of the woman's cock if she allowed her to without getting angry, then Adelle would then move her own head back around and open her mouth where she then took the hot hard meat back into her mouth, looking like she was actually starting to enjoy doing this a little if she heard the woman moaning and signifying that Adelle was indeed pleasing her a lot with her inexperienced ministrations. Adelle's captor would see Adelle clenching and unclenching her hands with every thrust, obviously wanting something more to hold onto other than the rope as time wore on.

If the woman began throbbing and twitching in Adelle's mouth about to reach her orgasm, then Adelle's eyes would shoot open, more out of curiosity than worry, as she wouldn't be sure what was happening. In that case, Adelle would look up at the woman in wonder as to what was happening, unsure if she was pleasing or hurting the member in her mouth. Once reassured that she wasn't hurting her however, Adelle would continue, getting into it a lot more so than she'd previously been, her mind clouded with lust too much to care about anything else except sucking on this magnificent cock in her mouth. At this point, Adelle's panties would be thoroughly soaked through with her arousal to the point that her dampness was soaking through to her shorts and making them wet now as well, her own virgin folds all but quivering in anticipation of this cock soon going into them despite her mind still being there enough to tell her no, that she didn't want to lose her virginity like this, while at the same time thinking to herself that at least it wouldn't be to some guy or some monster like the one that nearly did her in at the outpost the day before or whenever it was, as she couldn't tell how long she'd been in there.

"A-Am I... doing g-good miss?" Adelle would ask with a slightly embarrassed tone if she got the chance at any time during the entire thing before going back to sucking like a good girl.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The woman seemed to be pleased with Adelle's co-operation and mouthwork. "Hmm, good girl. You'll make for a wonderful toy, even if you are unexperienced." she told her among the thrustings, eventually letting go of the busty girl's head and letting her do the work while she focused on getting the enjoyment out from the act. If there was a sign of slowing down or stopping, Adelle would find herself being shoved down onto the meatstick before she could do anything of such nature. The thug woman was confident of her authority on the situation, utilizing it to full effect. Not before long, there were signs of something happening, twitches apparent in the member that was still getting the treatment. The look on Adelle's face brough even more amusement to the woman abusing her. "Don't give me that dumb look. You know what's happening." she told the captive as a frantic pumping began, both of the criminal's hands grabbing the hair in the back of the girl's head as she hammered her mouth hard for a little while. But it was a brief frenzy, ending fast as the abuser pressed herself down as much as possible into the blue-haired girl's mouth, shooting a load in as she held the girl down and unable to retreat. It was a terrible thing to do, almost choking Adelle out, but eventually she backed away and drew the erect member out. It was really in the nick of time, as Adelle had been mere seconds away from passing out. Still, the finale had left her with a mouth full of sticky and hot stuff.

While she had just let herself go, the thug lady seemed unfazed by the whole situation. Looking down at the no doubt coughing Adelle, she seemed to be ready and erect for even more things. Going around the captive in her inspective style again, she soon appeared to have another idea. The rope on the busty girl's wrists seemed to be connected to a hook or something, and the domineering lady lowered the rope again, unhooking Adelle but still leaving her wristbound. With relatively small effort, she tugged down on the captive's shirt and lowered her down onto the floor and onto her back. Once she was down and laying on the floor, the woman came back to Adelle, setting herself onto her belly and arms. The still-hard meatstick plopped onto the crevace between the captive girl's massive breasts, and the woman looked at the scene with unhidden glee. "This I will enjoy greatly. Can you guess what will happen now?" she asked Adelle, mauling those large mounds around a bit as she waited for an answer.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle could tell that her captor was rather pleased with her ministrations and continued on while the woman spoke, letting out a small muffled moan as if thanking her for telling her what she did. She would never slow down at all during her work, save to ask if she were doing a good job or not. When she told Adelle not to give her such a dumb look as that, Adelle would tear up slightly and whimper around the cock buried in her mouth as her captor began going faster and harder than before, grabbing her hair and pulling her into her crotch, giving her a look as if saying she wasn't dumb, she'd just never done this before and didn't know what was about to happen.

All that Adelle could really do other than gag slightly was whimper and give muffled moans as that magnificent cock bumped the back of her throat. When she felt the throbbing getting faster in her mouth, Adelle would begin sucking harder, thinking to herself that it must be a good thing since the woman was clearly enjoying herself. Then... when the woman thrust her cock in as far as she could, Adelle let out a choked moan, not understanding what was happening at first, but it quickly dawned on her what was going on as she felt something spurting out of the cock and filling her mouth and choking her as some splashed down her throat. She was starting to panic as her oxygen was cut off and began wriggling around and letting out frightened whimpers, her vision starting to fade as she tried to either spit or swallow as much of the stuff out as she could so that she could breathe again, and failing miserably at both.

Just when Adelle had nearly fainted the woman pulled out of her mouth, which made Adelle then suck in air through her nose which thankfully hadn't been blocked by the woman's seed, which she swallowed a good bit of on instinct rather than spitting it out. Adelle coughed a bit, holding her hand over her mouth as what she hadn't swallowed spilled out of her mouth and all over her chin, breasts, and waist. She was panting and coughing at the same time while the woman lowered the rope holding her once again, barely even noticing when the woman unhooked her from the overhanging beam, though left her wrists still bound together. Adelle, still coughing a little, obediently obeyed the woman and didn't put up a struggle as she was pushed to the floor.

"S-So... salty... I always wondered... what it tasted like," Adelle pondered aloud to herself, where the woman could hear her, panting as she did.

When the woman straddled Adelle's belly and hands and placed her still erect member between her huge melons, Adelle pretty much knew what the woman would do this time and immediately tried to move her shoulders to press her breasts together as much as possible, preparing to do what she thought the woman was wanting her to do. Adelle moaned as her breasts were teased some more, more lust and arousal evident in her voice as her moans had turned a little more lusty since the beginning of this whole ordeal.

"I g-guess... it has s-something to... do with t-these. W-Would you... like me to push them together? I-I'll need my hands at least to do so," Adelle replied with a very submissive and docile look, asking if she wanted her to use her hands and press her breasts together a bit tighter to squeeze the hot hard dick between them. Should the woman allow it, and liked Adelle participation in this, then Adelle would hold her breasts together while the woman did whatever she wanted with them, giving soft pleasurable moan as her sensitive breasts were pleased again, showing the woman a completely obedient look as she laid there without struggling any, her half lidded eyes watching the cock between her breasts and following it wherever it went. Every time the woman would pull and tweak Adelle's nipples any, she would draw a little coo and sigh of relief from her as little squirts of milk came out of her huge breasts.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Again, the way of submitting that Adelle employed seemed to be a reason of amusement and enjoyment for the woman, who looked down at her for a long while. It was a silence that lasted mere seconds, yet still seemed much longer. "Sure have a way of acting there. But that won't be necessary, I'll do this myself, and enjoy it. Tremendously." she told her captive, taking firm hold of Adelle's nipples and pulling upward on them for an extended period before guiding them together while the tug was still going and trapping her meaty member between the huge orbs. "Sure is a lot of volume in these. Not even sure if I'm through all the way." she pondered, the sight more visible to Adelle, who could make out that only the tip of the cock was actually visible in her cleavage. Initially, the thug woman started going in this manner, keeping Adelle's breasts pulled up and tense while she fucked them. It went to a more expected style from there eventually, when she let go from the strained nipples and instead focused on a normal method of sandwiching, simply pushing from the sides while going at it. The release from earlier and the milkiness had managed to lubricate the spear well enough, so the slide was smooth and the friction didn't bother either of them.

After a while, the very first signs of pleasure emerged from the woman as she gasped here and there while riding Adelle's cleavage. While she had mostly focused on her own enjoyment, the thug woman did begin to maul the boobs in her hands again while doing it. The whole deal went to another pumping frenzy in a manner of minutes, the deal ending with the second release for the woman. Not wanting to let herself go from the pleasure hole, she kept on squishing the jublies as hard as before, spraying Adelle's face with more cum. She had escaped the facial before, but now that was done too, strands of the stuff coating parts of the busty girl's face and hair. "Oooooh, not yet!" the woman almost shouted at her then, showing that she had a high level of stamina and simply keeping going after the second release, the titfucking proceeding along the same path as it had before the cumspray. No sign of limpness was apparent at any point, the hard tool working relentlessly for another good, travelling along the path that it had been sent onto for another few minutes before the criminal creamed Adelle's face for the second time in row. She was almost literally masked with the white stuff as the woman got off, slapping her tits along the way and taking a breather while sitting down near the captive.

A few minutes passed in silence, but soon the woman moved into action again, actually opening up Adelle's bindings. But it was not to be freedom, for she quickly ordered Adelle to lie down on her belly and set her hands behind her back, enforcing the order with a poke of the stun rod aimed at the blue-haired girl's boob. Once she had the captive set up properly, Adelle was flipped back to her previous position, where the woman began to unceremoniously unzip her shorts and pull them away, aiming for the panties once the shorts were pulled up and away from the captive's legs.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I...I'm n-not acting. I'm just... t-trying to make you f-feel good. I... I've never d-done any of t-this before... so I d-don't know w-what to do, Ahhh!" Adelle whined to her captor before ending in a soft moan as her nipples were squeezed and pulled again, trying to get her to see that she was wasn't acting and was truly trying to please her to keep herself from being hurt while her milk began squirting out from the harsh tugs on her teats.

"I-It is... barely," Adelle said to the woman when she pondered aloud to herself about going all the way through or not, her eyes never leaving the head of the cock between her mounds, which was now being lubed up with her milk and sweat as well as her captor's pre-cum.

When she finally let Adelle's nipples go and simply pressed her breasts together, Adelle pressed her shoulders together to mush her breasts as best she could since she hadn't been allowed to use her hands, trying her best to please and perhaps keep herself from being hurt afterwards. Even still with only her pressing Adelle's breasts together to sandwich her cock between them, there was still small droplets of milk coming from Adelle's massive tits, with Adelle starting to moan softly with near every thrust of the cock.

Shortly after, Adelle heard the woman gasp in pleasure while thrusting between her breasts, and this spurred Adelle into action some as she leaned her head down a little bit, the building lust in her own mind too much for her to help herself any longer. The busty blue haired girl began flicking her tongue across the tip of the woman's cock, licking more when she got the chance to do so. When Adelle felt the cock throbbing again between her breasts, she knew what was coming next and prepared herself a little better for it this time around, leaning her head down as far as she could without it hurting too much and opening her mouth, preparing in her own lust filled mind to catch some of it on her tongue, desiring the taste of the woman's spunk again for reasons which she couldn't explain herself

Adelle felt the member twitch greatly between her orbs as the woman moaned her pleasure in orgasm, spurting her load between Adelle's breasts where most of it splattered her face, though she was able to catch some on her tongue, which she swallowed down with a submissive look on her face, her mind telling her the reason she did such a thing was that maybe it would please her captor some. Adelle didn't feel the woman's cock deflate after that however, the memories of some of her friends telling her that most of them would go limp after only a time or two, with the one they belonged to getting tired. She was a little amazed when her captor continued thrusting her still hard tool between her breasts, titfucking her again. Her hands, should she be able to while they were trapped between her and her captor, would squeeze the woman's butt some, almost urging her on towards another climax as Adelle used the tops of her arms and shoulders to press her breasts together again as best she could to aid the woman, now having a little experience on how to pleasure her partner a little better and using what little knowledge she'd just gained to do so.

"Y-Yes... g-give me more mistress. Make me... y-your play thing... your bitch," Adelle panted aloud to the woman, her mind not yet fully comprehending what she'd just said in her lust addled state.

When the woman popped again and gave Adelle another facial, the busty girl would close her eyes to prevent any from getting in them, her tongue licking around her lips to grab what she could from around there and pulling it into her mouth. She let out a more slutty moan when the woman slapped her tits, the sensitive orbs jiggling from the slap as she laid there catching her breath after that, panting as her hands were freed enough to wipe the jizz from her face some so that she could see, which she then licked off of her fingers. Adelle had a couple of minutes to herself after that, which she used to clean her face off as best she could with just her hands, though her hair that had been matted from her own sweat and the woman's jizz couldn't be helped at the moment she found.

She glanced over at her captor with half lidded and meek eyes when the woman started moving around again, undoing the ropes binding her wrists for a moment. Adelle briefly thought about trying to punch the woman and knocking her out, but that thought was soon trashed and she obediently followed the woman's order to lay down on her belly and put her hands behind her back, not wanting to risk being hurt if she ended up failing to break free. Once her hands were bound behind her, Adelle felt herself being rolled back over onto her back, where the woman then unzipped her now soaked through shorts, leaving Adelle in only her panties, which were sopping wet from her own arousal causing her to get wet. She knew what was going to be coming after this as the woman slipped her drenched panties off too, and as soon as those were off, Adelle found herself completely naked with nothing to cover herself with.

Once all but naked, Adelle's body instantly started turning pink from embarrassment now that her body was being beheld by the woman in pretty much all of its fullness. Adelle couldn't help herself and was rubbing her thighs together after her panties were gone, her body flushed with arousal and part of her mind telling her that she wanted this to happen, she wanted this woman to take her first, while the rest of her was telling her to at least try and fight a little and not make it so easy for her captor, but those thoughts were quickly squashed by the other half telling the rest of her that she didn't want to be hurt any. So now all Adelle could do was lay there really, her virgin folds quivering in anticipation of being split open for the first time while she rubbed her thighs together and fidgeted around.

"C-Can I... at least ask something of you... before you do this to me miss?" Adelle asked her captor with half lidded eyes, her whole body shaking half in fear and half in arousal, though with fear obvious in her voice. Should the woman tell her yes that she could ask one thing of her, Adelle would continue speaking while shyly looking away as tears formed in the corners of her eyes, saying with a pleading look on her face, "I... If you w-wouldn't mind d-doing it... for me. I... I a-always wanted my first t-time... to at least h-happen in a bed. P-Plus this floor is hard and cold. I-I'd do most a-anything you asked of m-me if you would j-just please do this in a bed, for me. A-And please be g-gentle, I've been t-told that it hurts at first. P-Please its all I ask of you."
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