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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Again, the distraction of the vibrators provided enough advantage for the bottle creature to avoid Adelle's swing. As the sword sailed past the thing and the busty girl stepped to the side to avoid the retaliation, she noticed that the one creature that had stayed behind had laid a rather unexpected trap as her step slipped on the now-lubed floor. Still, she kept her footing and avoided tripping.

The maid seemed to faring a little better as she gathered herself after the tackle, a quick kick launching the bottle thing away and more importantly off from her. The enemy slammed into the floor somewhere behind them as the other one moved to approach her. The maid tried to get back to her feet, but didn't manage to get her footing and slipped on the slippery oils. This opened a window for the other thing to jump her, which it did, barely giving her any time to catch her breath or remain unmolested.

Adelle 4/5 FP 5/10 AP Rosieta 3/5 FP 5/10 AP (grappled)
Oil Construct x3 (3, 3 and 3 hp (grappling) )

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Once again as Adelle attempted to attack her foe the vibrators caused her to miss her target, her legs wobbling a good deal because of it. However some good happened for her this time around as she managed to sidestep the thing's retaliation attack on her, though she slipped a little in a trap laid by the creature that stayed back, which it had squirted its slippery oils all over the floor in an attempt to cause her to slide down, but she just managed to catch herself.

She noticed that Rosieta seemed to be having a bit better luck than she was, amazingly managing to kick the strange bottle creature off of her out of sight for the moment. However Adelle then noticed the maid slip on the oils she barely caught herself on, as the other bottle creature attacking the maid managed to jump onto her before she could get up completely, forcing her back down.

"D-Dammit... why can't I hit you... just go away... please," Adelle panted in a whimper, all but certain her pleas would fall on deaf ears as she moved back and out of the slippery oils so she didn't fall down, swinging her sword at her foe along the way.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she backed off, Adelle swinged at the bottle creature again, slipping as she did so. The thing ducked her chop, and as it saw her footing loosen, it spun around on the horizontal level and kicked her off her feet. As hard as she had tried, the busty girl failed and was tripped onto the oil spill she had tried to evade. Still, she managed to flail her legs hard enough to avoid getting grabbed by the creature harassing her.

Again, Rosieta seemed to not be too lucky with her attackers. The one already on her started groping her with it's oily hands, the vibrator panties aiding it no doubt as the maid failed to escape. The other one had now recovered from the previous kick as well, trying to get in to help the other one with Rosieta but not quite finding a spot to allow for entry into the grapple.

Adelle 3/5 FP 5/10 AP (grappled) Rosieta 3/5 FP 6/10 AP (grappled)
Oil Construct x3 (3, 3 and 3 hp (grappling) )

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Damn really, she hasn't made a single roll to hit yet? Jeez. Also it says she managed to keep from getting grabbed. But she's grappled?)

Adelle's swing missed yet again as she swung her sword, slipping in the oil as she did as it ducked under her sword. The thing spun around, then kicked her when it noticed her losing her balance, knocking her flat on her ass and causing her breasts to jiggle, but thankfully she was able to keep from getting grabbed by the thing.

She noticed the maid however didn't have as much luck and the one she'd just kicked off her a few moments before was coming back into the fray. But while it had recovered and rejoined the fight, Rosieta was able to struggle enough with the other bottle creature that was grappling with her that it wasn't able to get a hold on her.

Adelle tried to get back to her feet as quickly as she could, likely slipping a little in the oils a bit, but she would try and grab hold of something to aid her in doing so. While she was getting up, Adelle would aim and shoot her gun at the thing attacking her, trying desperately to drive it back and away from her.

"G-Get away dammit.. Why can't I fucking hit these things? Come on Adelle focus and hit these things goddammit," Adelle said, berating herself for her continued misses as she scrambled to her feet.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(The grappled bit is derp on my part. And yes, she has failed all attacks. Two of them would have hit if she didn't have the penalty from AP points, causing her to roll all them combat things at -2 :3 )

Clearly, the frustration she was going through gave Adelle some strenght of will, for she managed to slide back to her feet even without anything there to aid her as the nearest table was some feet away. The bottle thing jumped at her, all too predictably as the busty girl saw it coming a mile away, blasting a hole in it and following it up with a sword strike that lopped off an arm from the odd creature. It still faced her, but was in a pretty terrible condition. But even as the thing failed, the buzzing toys carried on with their work, relentlessly driving Adelle's pleasure towards new heights.

On the other side of the room, Rosieta's terrible luck continued as she tried to fend off the harassing bottle piles but failing nastily. The one already on her pinned the maid's arms behind her and then rolled both of them over,molesting her along the way. Now the path was open to the other one as well, and the thing piled onto her, the maid getting sandwiched between two gropy, touchy creatures that molested her all over. From the sounds she was making, Adelle could determine that Rosie would soon succumb to the feelings of pleasure as the things rubbed her with their foamy hands.

Adelle 3/5 FP 6/10 AP Rosieta 3/5 FP 9/10 AP (grappled)
Oil Construct x3 (1, 3 and 3 hp (both 3hp ones grappling) )

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Poor poor Adelle, and damn torture panties. :3 )

Adelle shakily got to her feet, managing to find her footing despite the oil, and she didn't even need anything to hold onto to do so amazingly enough. As soon as she was on her feet again she saw the oily bottle creature jump at her, but this time she was determined not to miss, so steeling herself she whipped her gun around and shot a hole straight through the thing, and then she swung her sword at it, taking off one of its arms. She saw it was on its last legs now, though if she didn't hurry up and end this fight then her new panties would be the end of her, which the things were buzzing up a storm within her, causing her to tremble ecstatically and let out a soft moan.

She stole a glance over at Rosieta and saw her having some quite bad luck with her two enemies, having been sandwiched between them both with her arms pinned behind her. Adelle new she had to hurry and deal with her foe before she could help Rosieta though, remembering the mannequins from earlier. With that, Adelle would aim her gun at the bottle creature she had been fighting, squeezing the trigger and hoping the bullet hit, then assuming it hit she would turn and rush to Rosieta's aid and get the ones off her with her sword, crying out, "Hang on Rosieta, don't give in to those bastards now. We can't afford to lose again dammit,"

Of course if she ended up missing her shot on her own foe she would have to follow that shot up with a sword attack on it instead, leaving Rosieta to her own devices for the moment.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Again, the show of steely determination allowed Adelle to temporary ignore her shaky legs and keep her aim steady for another shot that broke apart the bottle thing's head. That was enough damage for it, and it broke apart into a pile of bottles and foam mittens, once again reduced into inanimate objects that would't be harmful to them in all probabillity. Unfortunately, Rosieta was not all that lucky, and the molestation continued as the things ignored her feeble escape attempt. Soon, the maid seemed to have given up on resistance and surrendered herself to the creatures, her limits broken.

Still, the maid's breakdown had a positive side, for it allowed Adelle to swing at the creatures unmolested. One of her cuts gouged a dent from one the topmost creature, the other missing as it was alerted to her presence and rolled off. The one that was holding Rosie still fumbled away from under the maid and was unable to affect the battle as Adelle and the other one exchanged blows, the girl hitting her target again as she too was slammed with a hand of foam. Now, she was up against one almost dead and one full-health creature.

Adelle 2/5 FP 6/10 AP Rosieta 3/5 FP 10/10 AP (Ecstatic and helpless)
Oil Construct x2 (1 and 3 hp)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle was again able to maintain her footing despite the torture panties she had on, aiming her gun steadily at her foe and putting another bullet through the thing, breaking apart the bottle like head it had and taking it out with that shot thankfully. Her charge though didn't seem to be quite as lucky as she was Adelle saw, the maid only feebly trying to escape and only ending up failing to do so, where she then stopped struggling and allowed the things to do whatever they wished to her. Of course Adelle couldn't really fault her too much really as she was quite distracted and all.

Adelle used the distraction provided by Rosieta's surrender to rush in, where she swung her sword at the one on top of the maid, knocking it off of her somewhat, yet alerting both of the remaining ones to her coming to Rosieta's aid. The one she'd knocked off of the maid managed to get a good hit in on her with its foamy gloved hand unfortunately, making her grunt in a little pain from the blow, but again it was nothing she couldn't handle for the moment. Seeing the other one getting out from under Rosieta, Adelle knew she had to pull this off quick if she had any hope of saving them from whatever these things wanted to do to them, and she couldn't allow herself to be beaten again... not twice... no not three times in a row.

"No... not again dammit. I can't let us be beaten again... not like this. I don't know... and I don't care what these things want to do to us... but I'm not going to let them do it," Adelle muttered to herself, trying to will herself into winning this battle.

She simply couldn't allow her and Rosieta to be put through another torturous hell by something weird in here, she thought to herself as she pointed her gun at the damaged one, pulling the trigger and trying to take it out, where she would bring her gun around and put a bullet into the other one if she succeeded in taking the first one out. However if she missed with her first shot she would follow that attack up with a sword strike to the damaged one in an attempt to finish what she'd started.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Still maintaining her determination, the busty girl aimed her gun and fired again, success still remaining on her side as the second creature was reduced back to normal bottles. But that's where her luck ended, as the other creature burst onto her as it's buddy went down, smacking at Adelle and batting her arm aside as she tried to swing at it again. Before the girl could muster another blow, she was downed with a hard slam to the side of the head, partially stunning her. There seemed to be another session of something weird coming up as she had failed, and more of the things began to form around them, two of them picking up Rosieta and placing her onto a table after her guns had been thrown aside. The same seemed to be happening to Adelle as well, for she too was disarmed and picked off the ground, only to be set on another table near the maid.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Aw goddammit man, she ain't going to win a single battle in this place unless she can get rid of dem panties. :rolleyes: I was really having high hopes about this fight, but that hope was thoroughly dashed with that. ;_; )

Adelle was able to blast away the bottle creature she'd already damaged with her shot, the bullet tearing through its bottle head and taking it out as well. However her luck didn't last as the third thing slammed onto her as she took the other down, knocking her sword arm away when she tried to bring the blade around and preventing her from hitting it. Then just as she was about to try and get her weapons up again to try and finish the fight in their favor, she was hit in the side of the head, taking her to the floor. The things took her weapons and set them aside along with Rosieta's and set the both of them on a couple of tables, with Adelle whimpering, afraid of what might happen to them now.

"No... goddammit no... why... why do I keep losing? What the fuck do the gods have against me? What did I ever do to them? (sobs)... No let me go... I don't want whatever you're going to do to me dammit..." Adelle sobbed to their enemies with tears streaming down her cheeks, feebly struggling to get free and grab something, anything that she could use as a weapon to fight, because she didn't want to and didn't feel they could afford to lose again... not to some other weird thing in this place. It seemed to Adelle that ever since last night when she'd lost to those thugs and had been raped, that her luck had simply gone from bad to worse with every minute that passed, and the thought that kept running her mind was that before she was able to complete this job she would become such a slut because of whatever magic was being used to animate these strange creatures and other things in this place that she wouldn't be able to think of anything but sex, and that scared her more than anything.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Much like before, the show of resistance towards their plans was not appriciated by these things either, as the mannequins had done. Still, they did not resort to violence. Four of them surrounded Adelle and each took a limb of the busty girl, keeping them in place and holding her down until she tired herself out with the struggling, as there was no chance of her overpowering four of them in her weakened and prone position. As this was done, the things kinda leered down at her to stop, even as they didn't have properly discernable facial anatomy to properly allow that.

On the other table, Adelle could see the second group of creatures peeling Rosieta from her uniform, doing it is a surprisingly careful and gentle manner as the ecstasic maid seemed to be waiting for them to start whatever it was they were planning.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle started to try and roll off the table they'd placed her on, yet before she could even get close to doing so, four of the bottle creatures grabbed her, one taking each limb and holding her down very firmly, preventing her from getting free from them. Her body was simply too weak to try and break free of the things and she knew there was no way she could overpower them, not in the exhausted state she was in at least. So with tears in her eyes, Adelle let her head fall back onto the table with an audible thump, sobbing softly to herself and cursing her luck as she lay there at the mercy of these things and whatever they were about to do to them both. She glanced over at Rosieta and noticed she was in much the same state as she was, though the creatures were stripping her naked while she watched, and this for some reason was starting to arouse her a bit, well that along with the vibrators buzzing in both her lower holes.

She couldn't help but squirm a little more, her body desiring some attention itself now despite her not wanting it. The longer they held her there, keeping her helpless, which was a little thrilling in and of itself, the more aroused she got and the better the vibrators felt inside of her holes, tickling her most sensitive places. "D-Dammit... f-feels too good... can't fight it any more," Adelle cooed as her limbs went limp in the bottle creatures grasps, her body and now her mind succumbing to the burning aching need in her loins. "C-Come on then dammit... make me feel good... I stopped struggling already, so at least make me feel good for it," Adelle added a few seconds later, whining some more to the creatures as she lay there, trying to wriggle her body around to get the vibrators to give her the release her body and now mind desired.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Adelle did pacify herself, there was no need to tell the odd bottle creatures to act. Their grips loosened as she submitted, the previous firmness subsiding as they looked at her in what felt like eagerness. At some unspoken command, the dress that had gotten onto the busty girl could be heard and felt unzipping itself from the rear, and soon it flew off on it's own accord. The leather garment had somehow acquired a zipper and flopped to the floor near the table, leaving Adelle almost naked, only the dildo panties still on her. At the sight of this, the animate bottle humanoids turned her over to her belly, leaving their victim a bit less unsure as to what was happening. Still, she could see on on the right pulling off one bottle form it's body and the stopper flying off, soon leading to four different cap sounds as all four had apparently done the same thing. A barely warm wetness soon dripped onto all four of the girl's limbs, coating their entire lenghts in a stream of liquid. It appeared that the oils in the creature's bottles were being used on her. As one, they began to spread the oils around, their soft and foamy hands seeking to coat her flesh with the stuff. It wasn't a dirty feeling all that much, as the oils had quite pleasant smells to them, different recognizable and unknown fragrances floating about. Still, the ones going for her legs didn't quite reach up to butt level, stopping just before they could get there. Also, it seemed like they were not going all around the limbs, only the backsides. Maybe the front would be prepared separately...

Soon, their switched to another location as the limbs were done, the liquids pouring onto her back next. At the same time, there was another curious development as the bindings on Adelle's little toy panties began to loosen. They soon opened up completely, the two bottle things that had previously been at her legs gently pulling the thing off from her and discarding it to the floor. But it appeared that they wanted it away for their own purposes, as soon the oils poured onto her buttocks, and the creatures began to spread it around. They didn't hold back, for the liquids were applied to every little crevice around the area.

On the other table, the same thing was happening to Rosie, who had been completely stripped. Or not completely, as her head-dress was still on. Now, Adelle could see that the maid was really as fit as her previous analysis had been, the chest department not quite managing to reach her own but still formidable and nicely shaped. Her eyes were emerald green and quite bright, though there was a degree of cold hardness to them even at this point, bringing some confirmation to the busty girl's ponderings as to the nature of her work. It was likely that her charge had done a lot of nastier things than simple housework in her life.

After they had completely coated Adelle in the pleasant-smelling oils and even teased her ass a bit, the things flipped her over to her back. New bottles were taken out, and it looked like it was time for the front...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As soon as she submitted to them, the strange bottle creatures loosened up their grip on her a good deal. Suddenly she heard the zipper like sound on her dress, then felt the thing fly off of her, leaving her in only the torturous panties, which buzzed away inside of her. She allowed herself to be rolled over without much trouble, even going so far as to help by pushing on the table a bit with her hand, making her wonder just what was about to happen. She then felt the creatures begin dripping oil onto the backs of her arms and legs, using their soft foamy hands to spread it around her body, then they soon moved onto her back and did the same thing there, the pleasant feeling making Adelle sigh pleasantly at the feeling, almost like they were giving her a massage, and now she was a little sorry she'd tried so hard to stop this, as it felt pretty good coupled with the vibrator panties.

Then suddenly she felt the panties loosen themselves up a good deal before the two bottle creatures at her legs slipped the things off of her, making a soft wet lewd sound as the two dildos exited her lower holes because of how tightly they were wrapped around the two lengths. Adelle gave a soft whine as the panties were taken off of her, missing the constant pleasure they brought her, but that was soon replaced by a soft moan as the bottle creatures poured more oil onto her, now all over her butt, which they then began rubbing and spreading it around, the nice smelling oils being poured onto and rubbed directly onto both her tight wet folds and her soft pucker, both of which twitched in anticipation at the attention and teasing they were receiving, with Adelle's body arching a bit and causing her breasts to jiggle deliciously along with the rest of her.

When Adelle arched her back, she turned her head to look behind her at what the things were doing exactly, and when she did so she noticed that Rosieta was in much the same boat as she herself was in, and she also noticed that the maid was very well built body wise, and it was very... sexy. She didn't have as large of breasts as she herself had, but that didn't take away from her beauty any. She also noticed the quite cold look in those beautiful emerald green eyes, which all but told her that the maid was most likely a lot more than just a maid. However all those thoughts were brushed aside for now, as Adelle had more pressing issues on her mind at the moment as she brought her attention back to the bottle creatures and their lewd massage of her body, which felt great.

"Oh gods... I don't even know... why I was struggling... this is great... feels so good," Adelle cooed softly, her body relaxing at the pleasurable massage she was getting, her eyes drooping a little from the pleasantness of it all. The busty and now very horny young woman again even helped them to roll her over onto her back once more, where she then begged for more attention, "Come on... please do more than that... my body's burning up here."
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle practically begged them to continue, the creatures turned their bottles onto her again, starting with the rubbings as the liquids were applied onto the front sides of her limbs this time. Much like before, they took care of those areas first, getting the oil properly seeped into her skin with a steady and thorough handwork. It was almost obsessively thorough, as they oiled even the areas between her fingers and toes, seeking complete coverage. Cracking open new bottles as the old ones ran out, they applied the stuff onto her midsection and neck next, even on her face. The hair was left alone, maybe thankfully, but there would likely be no unshiny spots on the busty girl after these creatures were done with their work.

Finally, the less pleasurable parts were done, and the streams of warm liquid poured onto Adelle's nipples and her lower bits. While they had been gentle before, the ways of the creatures changed somewhat at their main area of attack. The liquids were applied for complete coverage, the girl's boobs getting coated altogether even as the bottle monsters had not touched them yet. Then, the bottles were set aside and both of the upper body ones grabbed around a breast with both hands, sliding their hands up while squeezing at the same time. At the end, they grabbed the nipple and tugged upwards at it, tensing them quite hard before letting go. Then, the foam hands clamped around the supremely sizeable mounds again, the same motion getting repeated many, many times as they sought to get their work done. The ones on the lower body didn't want to get left behind in achievement, and they too almost slimed their victim's lower entry before clamping the bigger areas of their foam gloves into her, two of them molesting her insides quite thoroughly as they pulled her legs open to get in better. Having estabilished their plans into working order, the creatures kept their perverted massage going for what seemed like a long time, not caring one bit how many times Adelle had climaxed or pleaded for them to stop. They needed to get her into condition, and they were determined to achieve just that.

On the side, Rosie was still getting mostly the same treatments, though a foam mitten had been stuffed into her mouth and a bottle was being used to penetrate her while the things oiled her ass more thoroughly. Maybe the things had taken a liking to her butt. The thing was very nicely formed, so Adelle could see where they got that idea.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's wishes were finally granted by the things, which then began oiling up her front side just as much as the back, making sure to oil her arms and legs first before moving onto the rest. When she felt them rubbing oil even in between her toes she giggled ticklishly and squirmed around deliciously, making her breasts bounce around. She giggled more when the foamy hands began rubbing the oils onto her waistline, being a rather ticklish girl, wriggling around as they then rubbed some of the oil onto her neck, tickling her there also.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity to her, Adelle felt the things begin pouring their oils onto her breasts and nipples, as well as her soft tight wet folds and she wondered why they bothered oiling her there as she was already so wet that it was like a waterfall down there, her eyes closing as the fragrantly scented oils touched her most naughty places. She then felt the two bottle creatures around her top grab hold of either breast and while they squeezed, they ran their foamy hands up her large orbs, grabbing either nipple when they reached the top where they tugged up on them, hard. Adelle let out a little pleasurable squeal when they did this, her already pert nipples getting even harder as a result of their teasing. She cooed softly when they repeated this a second, feeling her body heating up a great deal from what was happening. Then as they repeated it for a third time, Adelle felt something sloshing around in her breasts and she knew it was her milk about to squirt out, yet all she could do was lay there and let it flow out, as her body was too weak and felt too good to want to stop it.

"Ahh... my b-breasts... they're so s-sensitive... my milk... my milk is coming out. Y-Yes... pinch my nipples.. squeeze my milk out... milk me..." Adelle panted in between her moans as the things squeezed the third time, trailing off into pleasant sighs and coos of pleasure. Then as the things reached her nipples that time and pulled on them, two squirts of milk erupted from her teats, squirting up into the air and falling on and around her as the busty young girl arched her back mightily, though she didn't have an orgasm from the pleasantness of having her breasts milked.

Then, as soon as her breasts were beginning to be milked with every squeeze of the large orbs, Adelle felt her lower lips parting to accept the larger part of one of the bottle creatures foamy gloves, while the other at her lower body did the same to her soft pucker, which was still a little loose from the vibrators and allowed easy access to said hole. She arched her back again when she felt them enter her, letting loose with a loud lewd moan of pleasure. They didn't even really have to spread her legs apart, as Adelle was so lost in the pleasure of the moment that her legs parted of their own accord to allow easier access to her nether regions.

"Y-Yes... oh gods it feels so good... don't stop... fuck me... harder..." Adelle panted in between her lewd moans, wriggling her hips around a little as she was raped by these things, her mind in a completely different zip code without any thought of escaping.

Soon enough, Adelle felt a knot forming in her belly just like with the hermaphrodite woman the night before, yet this time she wasn't freed right before finding her release. The creatures continued their assault on her body, her tight folds clenching on the foamy bits inside of her and trying to wring all of the oils out of them. Adelle felt her pussy throbbing around the foamy glove inside of it, her body starting to tense up more and more until finally it couldn't build any more from the fucking her pussy and asshole were taking and the milking her breasts were going through. She tilted her head back and let loose a cry of ecstasy, her voice likely heard throughout the entire factory as her body arched into a perfect crescent moon shape, staying like that for nearly half a minute.

When she finally came down from her pleasure high she felt that the bottle creatures hadn't stopped one bit in their pleasuring of her body, her breasts still squirting a little bit of milk out with every squeeze they went through, while the creatures down low continued fucking her lower holes, many lewd noises coming from down there as she moaned and begged for more, her eyes totally glazed over with lust. Adelle's head rolled over as she tried and failed to recover from her orgasm, the creatures not relenting any at all in their pleasuring of her body. When she turned her head she noticed Rosieta going through much the same as she was, though one of the things had stuffed a foamy glove in her mouth and another had stuffed a bottle in her sopping folds. They also seemed to be focused a lot on the maid's very nicely shaped ass, oiling it up a lot more than the rest of her. Adelle wondered what else the things had in store for her as she moaned again after seeing the erotic sight of Rosieta getting fucked by the things with her.

"More... make me... c-cum more," Adelle breathed out with a moan, trying to grind her hips against the creatures raping her holes so she could find release a second time.

Soon she was granted just that, as her body hadn't really recovered from her first orgasm because the things didn't give her a rest afterwards and merely continued working her towards another one. She arched her back again, crying out in sheer bliss as her pussy clamped down around the foamy glove buried inside it, her juices and milk squirting lewdly squirting out and coating her inner thighs and chest in the two different liquids. When she came down off her pleasure high from her second orgasm, Adelle could already feel a third one coming closer, and her body already began tensing up in preparation for it. Only a minute after her second orgasm her third hit, sending her so high into orbit that she'd be able to land on the floating city when she came back down. Once her third orgasm struck, Adelle's mind began melting and succumbing to the lust burning so brightly within her that she felt like she was about to melt, not caring what else these things did with her any longer as her fourth orgasm began building within her loins.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The molestation treatment carried on for yet another cycle, bringing Adelle to a total tally of four climaxes in the end. After the final one, the things enacted a final attack on the tired girl, the ones below retreating as the other two lifted Adelle's legs up. The still-vibrating panties were picked up from the ground, and before she could make any kind of resistance towards them, two of the creatures slid them back on. The panties did the rest and tightened themselves on properly again. Their mission complete, the piles of bottles disassembled, collapsing into their individual bottles again and leaving the busty girl behind in her now satisfied, pleasant-smelling and shiny condition.

The same thing had happened to Rosieta as she too had been refitted with the equipment they had, though the things had not clothed them after the stripping.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The things kept going, never once letting up on Adelle, and she wasn't coherent enough to tell what was going on with Rosieta any. When her fourth orgasm finally struck her she tilted her head and body back once more and this time screamed out loud in bliss, unable to contain her joy from the pleasure of the moment.

Adelle suddenly felt them all stop with all they were doing as the two fucking her lower holes went away. She then found her legs being lifted up as the other two came back with the torture panties, which they slipped back onto her. She wriggled around in a feeble attempt to stop them, though there was no way it was going to work. The panties tightened themselves up around her waist of their own accord, with Adelle feeling the vibration within her again and moaning out lewdly from the pleasure, unable to really do anything else as she couldn't really move much.

"N-No... p-please... don't put them... back on me... p-please I beg you..." Adelle babbled out, barely able to form the words as the panties were put back on her.

Once the bottles creatures had left the two of them alone, Adelle couldn't really do anything but lay there, her body twitching every few seconds as she basked in the bliss of the pleasure. In the lust addled state Adelle was in, there was no way she would recover before Rosieta, her young body unused to pleasure on that scale. When Rosieta did recover enough to move again, she would see poor Adelle laying on her table, her body still randomly twitching with a quite satisfied look on her face. But Adelle had recovered enough to be capable of speech at that point, so when Rosieta came to check on her, her quite glazed over eyes would glance over at her.

"H-Hey... a-are you o-okay? C-Cause I c-can't move... body's... t-totally numb," Adelle would manage to get out in between her ragged breaths, most likely letting Rosieta know that Adelle wasn't used to that kind of stimulation and was quite inexperienced in terms of sex.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As weird as it seemed, Rosieta was up almost as soon as the creatures had reverted back to inanimate bottles again. It was almost as if she had never gone through the whole deal, even if she was kind of shaky on her feet while redressing the entirety of her uniform back on. The whole fact that she had been oiled went pretty much unnoticed, which caused some of her clothes to look weird, like her stockings. Eventually, she did come to look at Adelle and how she was managing. "Not much to say in that... I've been through worse things in life..." the maid said as she sat down on the floor and leaned against the busty girl's table, finishing her getup with the glasses.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle lay there once Rosieta came on over, apparently not having to take the amount of time to recover that she was, Adelle felt more than just a little embarrassed, and... ashamed. Once Rosieta was through speaking, Adelle felt a tinge of anger towards the maid, feeling that Rosieta didn't really care about her any and only cared about the stupid briefcase they were sent to retrieve.

"I'm sorry Rosieta... if only I was a better fighter... we wouldn't have lost..." Adelle said, letting out a soft sob before continuing, but not letting out any more sobs than that, trying to stay strong so Rosieta didn't think her weak, "And I have been through worse too... last night I was raped... my purity stolen from me. I tried to fight the woman that did it to me, but I couldn't stop her. She was a hermaphrodite and used her... (Adelle's blushes)... thing on me."

After Adelle finished speaking, she lay there for another couple of minutes recovering before finally finding the strength to raise up, where she found her entire body coated in the oils. She didn't want to dirty her coat and stuff up, so she opted to put the leather dress back on for now, since it seemed she would be able to put it on and take it off at will now. She would give the panties another soft tug, seeing if she could use the oils to slide them off her body, but if they didn't budge then she wouldn't have much choice but to leave them there. Not that she minded them being there or anything, as they did feel quite good, but they were a little annoying and distracting when she was trying to work here. Maybe once they got out of this place she'd have to wear them around Lacri's place while relaxing, or maybe wear them to bed, she thought to herself.

"I'm ready to go now whenever you are," Adelle said, giving the lead to Rosieta this time around unless the maid didn't want it, in which case Adelle would lead them on through the door they'd been aiming for before being ambushed.