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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You couldn't have known that... and I did check it... and still failed to notice, even as I have some degree of maintenance skill with these types of machines..." the maid shrugged off the apologies, doing her best to rid her uniform of the soot stains. As hard as they tried, it was pretty impossible to completely clean off the white apron, so there was no way for them to completely get Rosieta pristine and clean like she had been before.

Down the double stairs that turned around once, the atmosphere suddenly got a lot more oppressive as there was hardly any light in the underground floor, but Adelle could make out that there were ways leading forward and to the right. And to make things worse, there were doors all over the walls on both sides, giving them lots of places to look into.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh I know Rosie, but I was the one who suggested it so a little blame has to lie with me you know. But it doesn't matter now really because it's over and done with, so come on, let's hurry this up in here and get out, this place really gives me the creeps you know," Adelle said to Rosieta as she helped get her as clean as they could get her.

Once Rosie was as clean as they could possibly make her, the two of them started on down the steps. As they went further downwards, Adelle saw the lighting was terrible and only got worse and worse the further they went. She hated the dark like this and immediately began searching for light of any kind for them to see by, as it would be very hard to fight in the dark, but she moved carefully through the darkened room to see if there was anything to light their way with, either a light switch to turn on some lights, or flashlights that still worked. Regardless of whether or not she found them some light to use, Adelle would look through a few of the doors to see what all she could see inside before choosing to head on through the door leading forwards... unless Rosie had any objections and wanted to go a different way that is, then Adelle would follow her lead and whichever direction she chose.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Oddly enough, as she took some careful looks around the place, Adelle could find what seemed like a hardhat with a lamp on it lying on the floor nearby. Trying the lamp, she found that it did have some juice left, for the LEDs did light up as she turned the switch. Some of the small bulbs had already burnt away, but it could still provide them with better illumination than the surrounding darkness. And as clicking the switches on the wall didn't bring any relief, they would have to go with the surprisingly new-seeming helmet. The thing didn't have all that much dust on it, maybe causing some speculation as to what was going on in the busty girl's mind.

With some light on their side, they could investigate. There was little to see in the first few rooms besides office spaces, but the fourth room revealed some kind of excavation. The floor had been bored away, and a ladder went downwards into a human-carved tunnel. Judging from the surroundings, it was not all that old, most likely only a few years old.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Amazingly enough Adelle was able to find an old helmet with an old light mounted onto it, which still worked. Adelle lifted the thing up and put it on her head, then turned the light on. Having the lighted helmet was better than having nothing at least, even if it wasn't very good light, it was something. She offered the thing to Rosieta if she wanted it, but if the maid didn't then Adelle would set it back on her head again and continue onwards with it herself.

Checking the rooms around them, they didn't really see much of use or the briefcase they were searching for. However when they checked the fourth room they noticed the large hole in the floor, that seemed to have been made recently, like in the last few years or so, but of course that didn't mean that it was though. Adelle glanced over at Rosieta for a moment before speaking.

"So... did you expect this to be here by chance? Because I'm not sure I like the looks of it any at all really. Who knows what's down there. But I suppose we don't have much choice in the matter do we, because we've checked pretty much everywhere else. I'll go first if we go down," Adelle said as soon as she saw the ladder leading down the hole, not liking how dark it was. As soon as Rosieta was ready, and didn't decide to head back if they missed anywhere or anything like that, as Adelle forgot if there was any other directions they could have gone, then she would get on the ladder and start descending into the darkness, and once all the way down she would ready her weapons again.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The sudden excavation site seemed to catch Rosieta off-guard as much as it did Adelle. "Not a thing I would have been expecting... this place is supposed to have been abandoned for who knows how long... someone would have noticed a happening in this scale sooner or later..." the maid answered as she was asked. "But... we have not checked everything yet... there are still a good two dozen rooms to be looked at in the hall... I'm not sure if I want to go down there, but if it goes to that... we'll have to."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah I agree with you on that, I'd rather not go down there unless we've got to. I mean if we find the briefcase and everything, then we should take it back so you can tell your superiors about this, and then they can send someone more specialized to deal with this kind of situation to check it out. So come on, let's check out the rest of this place first, I'll follow your lead," Adelle replied, voicing her own concerns with going down that ladder, at least while they still had another way to go first and all. Once Rosieta was ready to head on, Adelle would follow her lead, as the maid seemed to kind of know where she was going and all, at least more so than Adelle did anyway. So Adelle merely continued trying to be the best guard she could be after all that had happened to them thus far and kept her weapons at the ready to defend her charge.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Right, let us move again." the maid agreed, leaving the strange excavation site behind. Maybe one or both of them would still return to visit, if some circumstance brought it upon them.

The pair only managed to cross across one pair of doors before something was up again. The door on Rosie's side suddenly burst open, some kind of monster assaulting her but not quite reaching the maid as she was instantly ready. Adelle could only see that much before the door next to her too exploded open and something grabbed her from behind, a ferocious pull forcing her into the room as the thing slammed her into the back wall.

When the girl got her senses back together, she could notice that she was in a small office room like the many others from before, a strange mannequin standing between her and the door. It was like the ones they had seen in the first room where the keys were, but many toys had been infused into it's form. The sound of battle could be heard from the corridor, Rosieta taking the other creature on by herself. But if Adelle wanted to go and help her, she would need to get past this other one first.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle nodded to Rosieta as they left the room with the hole in it, deciding to leave it be for now if they could help it and come back later if need be. As soon as they were out of the room and back the way they came, they only managed to make it past the first set of doors before they were both assaulted and Adelle was pulled into one of the side offices as she was thrown against the wall by yet another mannequin, though this one looked different as it had several... attachments on it. She only saw Rosieta ready herself for a fight for a split second before she was pulled into the little side office by her own foe, indicating at least her companion hadn't been taken by complete surprise at least.

"Agh... dammit... leave us the hell alone you bastards and just let us find what we're looking for!" Adelle cried out as she pulled her gun up and squeezed the trigger, aiming so the bullet wouldn't miss and possibly hit Rosieta in the process as she got her wakizashi ready to swing at its arms when it got close enough. She knew that she had to handle this thing before she could go to Rosieta's aid with her own foe, so she steeled herself for battle. If her bullet hit the thing, then she would charge it, using her shoulder to knock the thing either down or at least out of her way so she could get into the corridor with Rosieta and at least give herself some more space to maneuver around.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Putting her quick plan into motion, Adelle fired her gun, scoring a good hit that prevented a charge coming her way as the mannequin was determined to countercharge her attack. It was a good opportunity to get her blade out and spring onto a melee attack as well. But as luck would have, getting within range was not as succesful as the quick revolver blast had been. As she swung her blade at the target, the busty girl's wrist was caught and her attack stopped pretty easily right there. While the other hand held the attack off, the assaulting construct quickly slipped it's other hand into Adelle's dress from her open cleavage and clamped firmly onto a boob. The grip was strong and determined, the molesting made worse by what was possibly ball vibrators inside the palm that were quite nice. The thing slipped the sizey breasts out as it adjusted the hold a bit, the wrist moving the leather down as it went and made assaulting the girl's front easier.

Adelle 5/5 FP 1/10 AP
Toy Mannequin (Male) 5/6 HP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Firing her gun, Adelle almost smirked when she scored a hit on the mannequin, but stopped herself short of doing so as she knew that would only jinx her luck. When she charged in however to attack with her sword, the thing caught her wrist in mid swing, preventing her from finishing the swing and hitting the thing. She gasped and blushed slightly when the thing grabbed one of her breasts, whimpering softly as she was molested and the thing slipped its free hand down into her dress to grope her. Then she let out a soft cry as she felt the hand begin to vibrate on her sensitive mammary, which made her start feeling a little aroused by the touch she was receiving from the thing.

Just before she was about to start struggling to get free, she felt the hand pull her dress down so that her breasts spilled out of her clothing, bouncing out for her foe to molest and grope easier. She blushed deeper red as her nipples began stiffening up from both the cool air of this place, as well as the pleasant touch of the vibrating hand. Shaking her head a bit to try and ignore the lust and arousal starting to build in her loins, Adelle brought her gun over to the wrist of the the hand holding her sword arm, where she would pull the trigger and resulting bullet would hopefully blow the thing's hand off and allow her to get back a bit from the thing and fight once more. Assuming she was able to get free in that way, or by simply pulling free, she would take a swing at the thing's neck with her sword, hoping to decapitate it so she could go and help Rosieta with her foe.

"I don't... have time... for this dammit," Adelle said through clenched teeth as she brought her gun around, the sound of her voice making it obvious that she was struggling to fight the arousal starting to build in her loins.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Adelle got countered there in the start, but from there, five rounds of failure on both sides '.' Decided to make the counter a disarm since the mannequin doesn't intend to hurt her.)

Despite being molested, Adelle had a plan to rid herself from the attacker. But again, the mannequin showed that it too had some tactical eye, as the sight of the gun coming over alerted it somewhat. Letting go of the lovely boobie it had been teasing, the animated plastic man brought it's hand up with quickness, chopping at the girl's wrist and making her drop the gun. Even at that attack, the creature had not caused any more than a slight hurt to her, a thing that the blue-haired girl was noticing. She was not being hurt, only pleased and humiliated a bit. That was a quick end to her gun shenanigans, but it had been a slight mistake on the opponent's part too, for the struggling pair went to fight each other for some time. The mannequin never quite managed to grab Adelle again, and she had a hard time trying too get her arm free from the clutch of the opponent. As they wrestled, some more sounds of battle could be heard from the corridor.

But after about a good minute of struggling, the clamp was once again applied onto Adelle's chest, the creature teasing her nipple between it's fingers as it massaged her more with quite the intent to get her turned on hard enough.

Adelle 5/5 FP 2/10 AP
Toy Mannequin (Male) 5/6 HP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After coming up with her plan, Adelle began to put it into action and starting bringing her gun over to shoot where she'd intended on shooting her foe. However as soon as she did so, Adelle found her wrist being karate chopped, causing her to yelp a little as she dropped her gun, which thankfully didn't go off in the process and hit either her or Rosieta. She noticed however that the thing didn't seem intent on hurting her any, as the chop on her wrist was more startling than painful, the surprise of being hit like that being what caused her to drop her weapon rather than pain. Thankfully the thing was forced to let her breasts go when it stopped her gun arm, which she was glad for because the stimulation would have gotten to her after a little while,and every second free meant one more second that she could turn this all around and destroy the thing.

She struggled to get free from the thing's iron grip it had on her, but she simply wasn't able to get free as for nearly an entire minute the two of them struggled and wrestled back and forth, her trying to get free, and it trying to grab hold of her again. In the end though as luck would have it, Adelle found herself grabbed again, the thing groping and squeezing her large mammaries and arousing her a bit more as time went on. She also heard Rosieta fighting outside in the corridor, however she still couldn't tell how her companion's fight was going as she continued her own.

"N-No... let me go damn you... I'm not in the mood... for this right now," Adelle grunted and cooed as her breasts were groped again and her nipples teased. Again Adelle tried to ignore the stimulation being applied to her breasts and continue the fight, because while it still had her sword arm held, it didn't have her other one, so she tried to grab her sword from her right hand and into her left, which she would then stab down into the thing's wrist, trying to force it to let her go so she could get her gun and shoot it again.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Without her gun that was now on the floor between them, Adelle had to resort to her blade, one that was being held back still by the strong hand of the opponent. But like before, the creature too was firmly on top of the situation and predicting her moves quite skillfully. It was easy enough to get the blade to her free hand, but as the stab was coming down, the grip on her chest loosened in a hurry to get out of the way and avoid the dangerous blade. Even so, a quick maneuver followed as it once again performed astonishingly well for something constructed like this mannequin was. Moving to the left, it spun to Adelle's side, grabbing her left forearm and continuing the spin along, moving both itself and the girl in a neat rotation that unfortunately for the victim ended up against the wall. Squishing the busty girl's upper body against the wall, the creature had pinned the grabbed arm behind her back pretty firmly, her butt somewhat presented in a slight bend-over. Even this was performed without any pain, the upward tug stopping just at the border where it would be painful instead of merely uncomfortable. With the presented opportunity, it moved on to a new area, now sliding the free hand under Adelle's dress and into her thong. Soon, the vibrations coulld be felt on her privates, and despite the strugges she put up, Adelle was not able to break the hold as the assault progressed.

Adelle 5/5 FP 4/10 AP
Toy Mannequin (Male) 5/6 HP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(See I told you that her luck would end up with her most likely losing. Hasn't made another hit on the thing yet save the very first one. :p )

Adelle saw some success as she managed to switch her sword to her other hand, which amazed her a bit actually as she had expected to be stopped instantly before she even made any headway with this plan. Her prediction came true pretty much, though a little later than expected by her as the thing caught her after letting go of her breasts and maneuvered around to dodge her stab. As the thing spun around and dodged her attack, Adelle soon found herself pressed against the wall, her large titties squishing against the flat surface a bit as she was pinned to the wall, her ass sticking out a bit as she was bent forward against the wall some. Amazingly the entire move didn't cause her any real pain, which she was glad for, yet she didn't like the fact that it was happening in the least.

"Agh... s-stop it damn you... I told you I don't wanna do this right now," Adelle grunted a the thing, though right after she spoke she felt the thing reaching down into her thong where the vibrating hand began rubbing her soft petals, forcing her to let out a moan that she couldn't hold back any as her arousal mounted more and more, her pussy getting wetter and wetter from all the stimulation. She wasn't able to struggle free no matter how hard she tried either, leaving her to believe that she wouldn't be able to win as her heart started to sink. She quickly formulated another plan to break free, and tried to bring an arm up along with her right leg, which she would then use to push off the wall, assuming one arm was free to use, if not then she'd be stuck using just her leg to give herself enough strength in the push to get free. If she could manage to break free then Adelle would try and hack the thing's arms off, not willing to give up just quite yet despite her continuous failing.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Well, it changed here. Even with the -2 Adelle has on things.)

Initially, there was little success in Adelle's plan as the thing simply pushed back against her maneuver and molested her a bit longer. But there was a brief hesitation of sorts after that and as the second push came, the busty girl managed to loosen herself enough to slip away and even cut at the thing with her sword. She was accurate, and quite easily severed the arm from above the elbow before the thing could jump back to both avoid her attack and block the door. While she had managed to destroy one arm, there was another surprise coming. From the stump of the arms burst forth a long, floppy pink dildo which seemed to move on it's on accord. It was also longer than the arm, and was immidiately swung towards the busty girl, in an attempt to catch her most likely. But even with her panties down someway and her boobs loose, Adelle saw it coming and ducked the swing.

Adelle 5/5 FP 5/10 AP
Toy Mannequin (Male) 4/6 HP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle pushed back against the thing as per her plan, however she didn't manage to push hard enough on the first try. She noticed the thing hesitate just a little bit though and pushed a second time, this time resulting in her managing to break free... barely. Then she managed to bring her sword around her sword, which sliced right through the thing's arm just above the elbow, which forced a smirk out of her that she'd had some success with her attacks finally. As soon as she'd cut the thing's arm off though she gasped in surprise as the long pink colored dildo sprouted from the stump of its arm, flopping about as it did so as if it had a mind of its own, or rather the mannequin had total control over it like it was another arm.

"W-What the hell? Whoa!" Adelle asked nobody in particular as she witnessed the thing, just managing to duck under the thing as it swung out at her to grab hold of one of her arms or legs she imagined.

With the thing having a much longer reach than it did before, Adelle knew that she would need to stay well away from it and dove for her gun, trying to get a hold of it and bring it up to shoot her foe int the midsection since it was the biggest target on the thing. If she couldn't manage to get to her pistol then she would move in close to the thing and keep it as close as possible, believing it would mess up its ability to attack her as that dildo arm was so long, where she would slash at the thing's other arm with her sword, hoping to force it to have two of the dildo arms and hopefully get rid of the chance to grab her at a very close range.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Failuresssss for four rounds again. But then, things.)

Getting the gun would be hard for Adelle since it was under the mannequin's feet at the time and would leave her very much open to anything if she dove for it. So it went to the close combat as the opponent stepped forward to meet the busty girl again. While it did try to grab her with the dildo from a distance, once the distance was reduced, the thing went back to trying for a grab with the vibra-hand. Neither it or Adelle herself really managed to achive anything for some exchanges yet again, both missing possible opportunities with their strikes.

But eventually, Adelle did manage her goal, her blade severing the other arm as well. As expected, it did sprout out another floppy dildo like the other one had. Now that it had been reduced to these arms, the mannequin realized it had to switch strategy. The dildos withdrew somewhat, their lenght reducing as it sought to use them in a more close-quarter way. Whipping the thing at the busty girl, it grabbed both of her forearms as the floppy, flexible things coiled around them after a botched evasion. While it might have looked that this was not an effective method of attack, the thing did have more surprises hidden in it's body. A pair of glass cups burst out from a compartment under the opponent's chestplate, quickly reaching Adellle and more specifically, her chest. The things attached themselves on her boobies, a strong suction quickly starting as the mannequin went back to trying for restraint via arousal.

Adelle 5/5 FP 6/10 AP
Toy Mannequin (Male) 3/6 HP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Noticing that her gun wouldn't be easily gotten as it was under the thing's feet, Adelle resorted to her sword and moved in close to the thing. They started fighting back and forth with each other after she moved in close, with it trying to grab her as she hacked away at it, with neither one of them managing to hit the other. After a short time though, Adelle managed to get a lucky shot in and hacked the thing's other arm off, and just as she figured would happen, another long pink dildo came out of the stump that was its arm to attack her with.

"Ha... now what are you gonna do huh buddy?" Adelle asked the thing, readying herself for another bout with a smirk on her face that she'd taken out both limbs.

She watched the thing's dildo arms retract in some to reduce their length a bit, which made her groan at the sudden change as it was now ready to fight her in close quarters, something that she didn't like the looks of any at all and something she hadn't prepared for really, nor expected. Before she could barely even think to move back, the thing's dildo arms swung out at her and grabbed both of her arms, and then coiled around her own limbs. She struggled for a moment before watching as the pair of cups came out of its chest, and she pretty much new what those were for as they shot forward and attached to her large mammaries, where she felt the suction begin. Her nipples immediately jumped to attention after the minute or so of not being touched had caused them to go down a bit, and she felt her milk welling up within her breasts as a few small bits began squirting out of her bosoms, filling the suction cups with her warm milk.

"Ahh... t-that feels... so good... t-taking so much... weight off them," Adelle panted, moaning softly for a few short moments before shaking her head furiously, trying to fight the incredible feeling of being milked, "N-No... l-let me go dammit... I don't... I c-can't let you... do this to me."

Adelle started struggling as furiously as she could to break free, because she knew that if she didn't hurry up and get free then she'd quickly give in to the nice feeling that the strong suctioning was giving her as her milk filled the cups the thing had suckling her breasts with. If she managed to get free she would try and cut the thing's pink floppy dildo arms off so it had nothing to grab her with, to give her more of a fighting chance to keep from getting grabbed by the damn thing.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Giving the plastic man a fight for it's prize, Adelle struggled to free herself, actually managing to do it and chop off a part from the almost tentacle-like dildo holding her back. But there seemed to be a lot of the pink wiggliness left as the old part barely reached the ground as it fell off before more sprung forth to grab the girl again and estabilishing the hold on her again, the freedom lasting only a few seconds. She went to do it again, and again the same thing repeated, only leaving floppy pink stuff on the ground for she never managed to really get free despite hurting the thing in the process. A harsh spike of suction hit her then, really driving in some more of the pleasure that the busty girl was getting from being milked by this fusion of sex toys made man-shaped.

Adelle 5/5 FP 9/10 AP
Toy Mannequin (Male) 1/6 HP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle struggled to get free from the thing and managed to get free enough to swing her sword at the thing, lopping off the dildo tentacle thing holding her. However it didn't completely free her as more of the dildo sprout forth from what was left of the dildo arm and grabbed her again, getting a good grip on her again. She hacked at the thing again and chopped off some more of it, though some more managed to get a good grab on her, just as the suction cups sucked hard on her breasts, larger squirts of milk spilling out of her breasts and shooting out into the suction cups as she felt herself weakening some more from the constant stimulation.

"N-No... g-gotta fight it... c-can't let it... win... p-please gods... help me," Adelle panted from her position as she gathered her strength for one last big push to struggle free and win her fight, where she would try and hack at the thing one more time, praying to any of the gods that would listen to her for help.