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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

In her newfound loneliness, Adelle performed the usual morning tasks that one would do. She could do it all without there being anyone to bother her, though she heard slight sounds of conversation from the lower floor as she skipped across the corridor. That was the biggest amount of exposure she received, only coming into contact with another person as she left for downstairs and saw Mariela on the living room chairs. The sister was munching on a piece of meat they had prepared yesterday, looking almost vacant in her thoughtful moment of eating and not really paying attention to what was happening. The others were most likely doing the same thing, getting some reheated fare to fuel themselves. At least that appeared to be the case, as the back of Lacrimosa could be seen from the kitchen door, the nun fiddling over the tables with something that was most likely food.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When she was through getting ready in the bathroom for the day, Adelle could hear people talking down below through the floor as she went back across the hall and figured that it was the others talking about what to do that day, or talking about breakfast or something. When she was through getting dressed, Adelle headed on downstairs, seeing only Mariela, who was eating some of the food they'd made the night before, and she noticed Lacrimosa in the dining room, likely indicating they were all eating some leftovers from the night before for breakfast, which Adelle didn't mind.

"Morning everyone, I see we're eating leftovers for breakfast. Everyone alright today?" Adelle said as she entered the kitchen, speaking loud enough so that Mariela could hear her as well. She also looked around for Prixy, to maybe somehow get her alone to ask her the question she was wondering about earlier.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Maybe as the owner of the house, it was Rachaela who spoke up when Adelle got into the kitchen. "Appears that way, yes. Should not leave it lying around or throw it away when it is still perfectly viable for eating like this." she said as Lacrimosa moved away from the kitchen table with her selected bits and made way for Adelle in case she wanted to have some. The three other sisters had taken seat around the kitchen, while Prixy was actually in company of Garagan at the moment, on the other side of the kitchen. There didn't seem to be any kind of tension between any of them, and the eating looked quite natural and relaxed. Mariela was still kinda lost in her thoughts, and did not seem to register what was being said. The ominous scythe still remained near her, the chance of dropping it off kinda perventing the blade sister from getting her other, more subtle equipment on her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Upon entering the kitchen and speaking to the girls, Adelle was answered by Rachaela, who said pretty much what Adelle's philosophy was, if there's something there, don't waste it. Glancing over towards Garagan, Adelle was actually a little amazed to see Prixy there with him eating, as she'd figured that the girl would be sitting either at the table with the girls or elsewhere, though it didn't really matter to her honestly, it was just strange is all. Mariela seemed to Adelle like she was still quite angry about Margaret at the moment, looking like she wasn't really listening to what she'd said at all.

"Aye Rachaela, it is still good to eat, no need to let it go to waste or anything," Adelle replied to Rachaela as she grabbed a plate and gathered up some of the food in there to eat. Once her plate was full of food, Adelle sat down at the table and ate, not stopping until her plate was clean... of course she didn't overdo it with the food and get enough to make herself sick or anything.

"So girls... what do we do today? I'm assuming we're going to go looking for Margaret some more, but I'm not sure exactly to be honest," Adelle asked the others curiously as she ate.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The others kept eating as they pondered briefly about the things to do for the day. "Hmmm... While we did just spend a day on vacation and another on the run, it looks like we should not be doing any hasty moves. And there are no real leads as to where we might look for her, so we are a bit stumped on this thing." Rachaela was the speaker once more, but soon got subsided by Isabella who had managed to finish her modest meatpile. "So what you are thinking is that we stay put for a day or two? Until the hassle clears a bit more?" she asked, Rachaela's nod confirming what she had in her mind. "Doesn't seem to be a bad idea..." Lacrimosa agreed. "But, that does not mean that you are bound to hide with us. If you have something you want to do, I think you could go out and do whatever. You are not under suspicion of murder, like any of us could be with the current situation." Rachaela said after a brief silence, taking her empty plate to the washing table. "It did seem that you were quite a busy girl, after all. And you are still a bit worse off financially than any of us." she said as she passed behind Adelle, most likely remarking about the earlier task that the busty girl had gone onto by herself.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Still eating her food, Adelle listened to Rachaela's response to her question, glancing over to Isabella and Lacrimosa when they pitched in their two cents worth of the conversation. "Sounds like a plan if you ask me, wouldn't be good if you girls ended up getting caught or taken in for questioning, would make you all prime targets of Margaret's as you would be unarmed and unable to fight back. But as you said, I'm most likely not under any suspicion or anything on the murder, plus I have a fairly solid alibi. I mean I doubt that it happened right when I came into your place here yesterday Rachaela, and most likely happened not long before when I was at the bar talking to Samson about another job of some sort. Anyway though, I'm going to head on out sometime soon, maybe walk Prixy to her place so that we'll know where she lives in case we need to get there to help her, or get her for a little extra backup if she's willing and able, then I think I'll head on back to Lacri's place and grab my stuff, bring it here where you all are so it's in a more defended place, and then I'll go and talk to Samson about all of this and maybe another job while I'm at it. Because you are right about me needing the money Rachaela," Adelle said to Rachaela, thinking of what she believed to be a sound plan of action, while they stayed there and kept their ears to the ground, she'd get her stuff and leave it there for safe keeping, then go out and talk to their main contacts about the situation outside.

Assuming there was nothing else to talk about or do within Rachaela's house, Adelle would finish eating and grab her gear, get ready and head on out, walking with Prixy to her place wherever it was, and then she'd got get her stuff from Lacri's and inform Zacharias about what all was happening, bring her stuff there to Rachaela's, and then she'd head on to the bar to find Samson.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Do what you gotta do, we will be holding fort down here until tomorrow at the least. If something bad comes up, do come back if it's too much." Rachaela was the one to speak, yet again. Prixy was about to leave as well, and thus came along with Adelle as she left. Garagan got the busty girl's equipment for her before they left, having kept it in safeguard just like it had been asked of him.

From there, the two of them proceeded towards Lacri's. Prixy was not against going there, for her place was supposedly some ways from the nun's chapel-like place. The two of them split once they were there, the nurse going towards the east from where they separated. While he was expecting Lacrimosa to come back, Zacharias had no qualms towards letting the busty girl in to take her stuff. She had apparently garnered enough of this mysterious male's trust for him to allow her inside without the nun sister being there. From there, it was just the trip back to Rachaela's estate home and leaving whatever she wanted to in Garagan's safekeeping.

On the way towards the Watering Hole, Adelle was approached by a sort of shifty-looking man and his , a pretty good-looking woman that was dressed in interesting clothing. One would not usually wear those kinds of things on the streets, but this one had no qualms about her flashy style apparently. "Hey, lady. Can you fight? Want to win some decent price money? I think you have some potential." the man asked her, coming quite directly at her with the questions. For her part, the companion woman remained a little to the back, but still remained as visible as she could. Most likely she wanted to garner attention as much as possible.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright then Rachaela, and don't worry, I'll be careful. You girls be careful too if you've gotta go out for anything. And also Lacri I'll bring you some more clothes from your place since I'm heading that way, that way you'll have something else to wear just in case. And I'll also inform Zacharias about all that's going on and fill him in before I head back," Adelle said as she got her stuff from Garagan, fixing her weapons up on either thigh and getting her poncho fixed on over her clothes.

After leaving Rachaela's place with Prixy in tow, Adelle headed on back to Lacri's where Prixy followed her, likely to know where Lacri lived in case she needed help and couldn't make it to Rachaela's for some reason or another. After bidding farewell to Prixy, with Adelle telling her that she would see her around at the Watering Hole bar most likely, as that's where Samson sent people out from on bounty work. After going on inside and filling Zacharias in on what all had happened the day before, Adelle went into the bedroom her and Lacri had been sharing, taking a couple of her nun dresses and stuffing them into her pack, then she gathered all of the rest of her things and stowed them into her backpack and bag.

"Alright Zach, I'm taking my stuff with me over to Rachaela's for now, but I'll likely be back over to crash here sometime in the future unless I manage to get myself a place of my own before then. I hope I wasn't a burden on you and Lacri while I was here, and I also hope I didn't offend either you or Lacri as well. If so then I'm sorry, but anyway I've gotta be running before they get worried about me. They're all staying over at Rachaela's again by the way if I didn't mention it before," Adelle told Zacharias, giving him a friendly hug before heading out and waving bye to him.

When she made her way back to Rachaela's place, she gave Lacri the extra clothes she'd brought her to have, then she took all of the rest of her things to Garagan after changing her clothes into some of her other adventuring gear, as the ones she'd worn the day before were dirty and needed cleaning. She switched into some of her other clothes though these were blue instead of green Lara Croft shirt and the shorts she'd worn the day before and the new ones she'd chosen for today were her Daisy Dukes instead of the Lara Croft shorts and her short blue shirt that showed her navel area and came down to just a few inches below her breasts... just enough to cover her breasts completely and keep her shirt from hanging out a bit. She also slipped into some of her sexy lingerie underneath her shorts and shirt, a sexy blue see through lace bra she'd gotten at the factory a couple of days before, and a sexy partially see through lace thong.

[ , and Adelle's boots are black.]

Once dressed, Adelle left almost all of her things and the majority of her money, but she did take about half of her money with her, and she also switched into her coat, hat, and scarf from her poncho and the hood it had. Once in her new outfit, Adelle fixed her guns back to her thighs and tied her boots up, then took her dirty clothes to Garagan and asked him if he could make sure they got washed, or if he couldn't do so himself then she'd ask one of the girls to do so for her while she was gone, and then she would set out, waving bye to the sisters and telling them once more that she would be careful and telling them to keep an eye on her things for her while she was gone. The only things she took other than half of her money, the clothes she'd changed into, and her weapons was most of her extra ammo for her guns, and her sword which she fixed back over her shoulder.

On her way back to the Watering Hole to talk with Samson though, Adelle saw a shifty kind of guy coming towards her with a woman in tow behind him dressed in some quite outrageous clothing for being on the streets. She put her hands on her guns cautiously as the two came closer, but when he stopped and spoke to her, Adelle listened as he seemed to not be hostile any.

"Yeah I can fight well enough. What's the catch though? And what sorts of fights are we talking about here? I could use some more money for sure, but... hmm... I did have some things that needed to be taken care of quickly. But you've intrigued me for sure. I'm listening if you planned on telling me where to go for these... fights," Adelle replied to the man, glancing past at the woman and trying to figure out just why the woman was dressed that way, as she didn't seem to be all that bothered by it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The point of interest Adelle expressed had an effect on the man, who seemed to get a bit excited over her possible joining. He quickly produced a folded paper and handed it over to her. "Follow that map to find the place, the people there will help you further to actually get fighting and earning, I am just a promoter of sorts. These fights are what was once great and had millions of followers. The superior ring sport! I am talking about wrestling. This is the women's league, like my companion there might give away." he said, the woman behind him pulling out a wrestling pose as she was mentioned. "We will pay you just for taking part, but if you win, you get more of the reward." the man told her about the conditions of the sport, vaguely hinting Adelle to go already. "Maybe there will be other new people and you'll have easier a start."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hearing the man out as he explained and answered her questions, Adelle's interest was piqued more than just a little bit, as she would get paid for just taking part in it and didn't even have to win. Seemed like easy money to her really. Though she had never wrestled before she was sure it couldn't be all that hard really, she'd seen people wrestle around before, though that was just play wrestling. Maybe she could try it out the first time and see how she did, then if she did terribly, she could get Lacri to show her some good wrestling moves, as she seemed like a very good hand to hand fighter and grappler.

"Hmm... could you at least tell me this. Has anyone ever died in the ring because the other person just didn't know when to back off or anything like that? Because I really don't want to get put up against someone that's trying to hurt me rather than just pin me or whatever to win. I'm not a big fan of pain, but I can take some hits without whining about it," Adelle replied as she took the paper, curious about if she had a chance of getting put up against someone that would only be trying to hurt her in some way.

Once her questions were answered by the guy, if he had the knowledge she sought that is, Adelle would tell him that she was greatly interested and would be there shortly after her other task was completed, and that it shouldn't take her too long before completing said task. When he was gone, Adelle would continue on towards the Watering Hole to find Samson and speak with him.

Once she got to the bar, Adelle would head on in and look around for Samson, asking the bartender where he was if she didn't spot him quickly like she had every other time before. Then she would head over and ask him about any news he might have heard that day and the day before about the incident they'd heard about on the radio. When he was done talking, assuming she'd found him that is, Adelle would then tell him what all had happened, as he seemed like he could be trusted and the bounty hunter group here seemed like a lot that would for the most part take care of their own and not let another of them get framed in such a way. Though for safety she didn't tell him just where they were, in case they were being overheard, but she would also tell him about Margaret being back in town and about Mariela's grudge she seemed to have against the other sister.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

It appeared that the question was not uncommon when Adelle asked for it. "No. Though we do have a few... let's say... bad girls on the roster, there has been no casualties. We have a medical crew always on standby, so your safety is not compromised. And the overtly violent wrestlers are punished for their behaviour, so they do not get off the hook if they go sadist on someone." the man told her, looking like he was very much wanting to see the busty girl in action. The paper itself looked like it had been scrawled up in a hurry, being just a basic map to guide the looker into a specific place from where they were at the moment.

At the bar, it appeared that Samson was missing for the first time. His usual corner table was empty, no one else there to take it for him. It looked like it was a permanent reserve. The smooth bartender dude told Adelle that the taskmaster was out to have an exercise day. "He is not in the best of conditions, with that lifestyle."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When asked about girls going crazy in the ring, the guy answered how she'd kind of wanted him to answer. So once she had his answer from him, Adelle smiled and told him that she would be by shortly at the place on the map to do battle with whoever they put her up against, and then she went on to the bar. Checking the map, Adelle saw that she might have a slight bit of trouble navigating to where she needed to go if she went elsewhere first, so she decided to look around and get her bearings and memorize where she was first, so that she would easily be able to find her way back to here, and from here on to the building in question.

When she arrived at the bar and saw Samson wasn't there, Adelle grew a little worried actually, as she'd expected him to be there and all. So when she asked the bartender about Samson and was told he'd taken am exercise day for himself, Adelle sighed a bit, feeling a little down about hearing this. So she asked the bartender if he knew where Samson was, that she had some important things to ask and tell him, or if she would need to leave a note for him instead or something. "And what's the matter with him if you don't mind my asking? He sick or something?" Adelle asked, voicing concern for the older bounty hunter that had helped her so much since she came to the city.

Regardless of whether or not the bartender told her where Samson was, Adelle would write a note for the bartender to give to Samson when he saw him again, the note telling Samson and detailing a bit about what had happened with Margaret and all and asking about the murder of Isolda the day before, and finally asking if he knew if any of the sisters were under suspicion of committing the murder, as she'd heard that the person that did it was dressed like Rachaela. Once she'd written her note, Adelle would ask the bartender to not let anyone else read that letter except Samson, though if he could get it to Samson for him to read and all then to go ahead if he could trust the messenger.

With that, Adelle would head on out and back to the street she'd met that guy and girl at, pulling out the makeshift map once more and looking at it, where she would then navigate her way to where it was leading her to.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No, it is nothing as serious as that." the barkeep told Adelle as he produced a paper for her to write in and a pen. "He just takes his work as the job mediator quite seriously, and spends a little too much time just sitting here doing the thing. A life of sitting like that is not a thing that should be kept going for too long at a time, especially with the amount of cigars and booze that he keeps taking. He needs to take some time off and do some healthy activities for a day or two. At least he understood this when I told him some years ago. He is currently doing that, but will be back in a day or two." he told her as the letter was scrawled. When it was given, the man slipped it into his chest pocket. "It will be his to see once he comes back, that you do not need to be concerned about."

After she had dealt with the paper, Adelle departed to find the wrestling place. Despite the primitive map, she didn't have to look too much and eventually found herself in the front of a somewhat shady-looking gym building. What little she could see behind the glass revealed that there were some other people inside, a few of them apparently training themselves.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright then thanks, I was just a bit worried about him is all, so just make sure he gets it, the sooner the better really. Because this is important, and could very well cause one or more of our fellow bounty hunters to wind up in jail, though I won't say who just yet. So make sure he gets that message for me alright," Adelle replied to the barkeep when he was finished telling her where Samson had gone.


After heading on back out of the bar, Adelle managed to fairly quickly find the wrestling place thankfully, as she was a little worried that she would have a bit of trouble doing so. Moving over to the building, Adelle saw it appeared to be a regular kind of gym type place, as she saw several people in there with training with some of the equipment inside. She decided to head on in and take a look around to see who she'd have to talk to about the wrestling matches. The whole building along with the shady looking guy from before had her senses telling her that this might not be entirely legal for some reason, or maybe not so much illegal as it was merely not open, but she couldn't be certain about it before she spoke with someone.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Here is the btw. He might or might not be a massive badass posing as a barkeep.)

Gathering herself, Adelle entered the gym. Inside, she saw that there were indeed a whole bunch of people training on the various equipment. But with a quick glance, one could see that there were no men. Every person in the training space was a woman, ranging from just barely legal-age ones to ones near 30 years of age. The younger ones were still a much bigger majority among the twenty or so of them. Everyone was far from normal in dress, invariably dressed in skimpy gear augmented with gloves and boots of a wrestler. If it was not skimpy, then it was something associated with a fetish, as there was a maid fighter currently sparring with another girl in the practise ring. None of them paid much attention to Adelle as she entered, but there did appear to be someone acting as the head and supervisor of the place. And it was that was the one to approach the busty girl, the calculated slowness of her approach suggesting that she was possible already measuring the new blood up in more than one way it looked like. "What do we have here? A new person to try the circuit? Are you?" she sent a trio of questions at Adelle, coming up rather close, just a few inches away from the new person in her gym. Before she could even pull out of the situation, there was already more happening as someone leaned against Adelle from behind, hands reaching around her to pat her exposed midsection. "She does seem... capable. Nice firm mid. There might be a problem here though." the other person spoke up from behind as they poked at the bust of Adelle before backing off, the voice being almost the exact same as the one that was looking at her from the front. "It will only be a... combat issue. Surely not anything else will be compromised, don't you agree?" the one on front spoke up again, the one behind soon moving to the side and revealing herself to looking . The one wearing a nurse cap agreed with a nod. "No, it should not be trouble."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she entered the gym, Adelle saw that everyone in there was female... there were no men in there at all from what she could see. While Adelle looked around the place to get the feel for it and see what might be her competition in terms of fighting, she glanced around and noticed the one lady coming towards her that seemed to be the head of the place. She tensed a bit as she stood there, wondering just what this woman thought about her as she sized Adelle up.

"Um... y-yeah I guess you could say so and... w-whoa," Adelle replied to the questions, gasping a bit when the hands reached around her from behind to pat her belly, and the stated that she had a nice firm mid section though Adelle didn't exercise nearly as much as she should, though when the other girl poked her breasts, Adelle tensed up as she was let go from the partial molesting.

"Y-Yeah they are a bit large and all I know, but they are all natural and grew that way on their own, but I can still fight. And I was told that... well that I could make some money by wrestling here, whether I won or lost, and I kind of need all the extra money I can get," Adelle said to the two after they were through talking, brushing her hair back out of her eyes and under her hat. Then she remembered that her hair wasn't blue any longer and that it was still the reddish blonde that it'd been dyed to in that factory by something or another. "A-Also... my hair was blue not long ago. Kind of got dyed while I was knocked out cold, so I couldn't really do anything about it. But if you both think it would be for the best to change it back to blue then I can do that before fighting anyone. Also, um... would you like to see more before you decide? I don't mind if you want or need to or anything like that," Adelle said, slipping her cowboy hat off to show them her hair as she asked about it, though she was almost sure that they would say that it didn't matter.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You should be able to fight. Just won't be a likely candidate for a high-flying style with that top-heaviness. I'm more vagering on the old-school way." the one in the nurse cap told Adelle her opinion even as it was not really asked for. When the question of hair was brought into the light, it appeared there was little to talk about on the matter. "No, it does not matter what color your hair is. And there is already a decent set going there, just don't wear that coat and hat when you go to have your first bout. They are... kinda bad." the apparent supervisor told Adelle. While they appeared nearly identical, the red-eyed one was clearly the one in control from this pair. Soon, both of them were all over the busty girl again, each one taking position on one of her flanks. "Soooo... what are you going to do? Train? Try a battle right away? Though we will have to put you up on the charts, you can fight in a remarkably short period if you want..." the nurse told her as they practised more surrounding strategies.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well I didn't think I'd be able to fight all fancy and stuff like that honestly, because these things would just make me weigh me down and cause me to get hurt. And I'm glad about my hair color not mattering any," Adelle said in response to them answering her questions, though she wondered why her coat and hat were bad, though it was likely so that they didn't get damaged in the fighting, so she decided not to ask her why at the moment unless she decided to tell her, though she would likely be able to tell that Adelle was wondering about what she'd said.

When the two moved to either side of her, Adelle listened to the nurse one asking her what she wanted to do just now, and Adelle looked down at the floor for a few moments as she thought it over in her head. Should she try and fight this soon? Something was telling her that she should at least ask a little more about the fighting before just jumping straight into it. "Well, I wouldn't mind getting straight into a fight. But can I ask a little more about these fights please before just going right into it? I'd like to know what um... you know all of the rules are and everything and what happens if I win or lose. Basically everything I'd need to know, because I've seen people wrestle before, just not all girls doing it," Adelle said as they flanked her. "Oh and also I'd need somewhere to stow me gear so that nobody steals it or I lose it somewhere," Adelle added as an afterthought to her question on the matter of learning the rules.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Stow your gear? Right this way." the red-eye told Adelle as she asked for it, the double girls starting to escort her onwards by the arms towards the double door at the left side of the opposite wall. The doors had no locks and actually were swing doors, moving with a simple push to make way for the trio. Inside was a locker room, empty of other people at the moment when they came in. There were a few dozen lockers there, beat-up but still sturdy-looking grey things with simple padlocks on them. Some of them had nametags, some more worn than others that looked to be added there only recently. "Pick whichever free one you want." the nurse told her as they finally let her go again.

As Adelle made choices, the red-eye talked to her more about the rules. "The rules are pretty simple. You and another girl take to the ring, sometimes tag matches happen too. Fight each other with wrestling and strikes. Try not to knock the other out instanly as that is boxing more than wrestling. Bouts have no time limit or count-out, weapons might be allowed at certain fights. Wins happen my pinfall or submission, the latter being the preferable option. How you make the other submit is... well... there are ways that are preferred over other ones. The ref might also call the match off if the other girl is going overtly sadist or getting knocked out. If you win, you get paid. If you lose, you get paid less. Trying to cause great harm on the other competitor will cause a punishment and possible dismissal." she gave a brief overrun of the rules of the house.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"M'kay thanks, I'd hate to lose this stuff. Cost me too much to risk losing it all," Adelle replied as the two women escorted her by the arms through a large double door and into another room, which had quite a few lockers that she could choose from. Adelle smiled to the two ladies and chose an empty one as far from anyone else's as she could find, where she took her coat and hat off, and then her weaponry, stowing all of it inside the locker, and then she set her pack in there for safe keeping as well, pulling her hair back into a ponytail so that it stayed out of her eyes during any of her fighting.

"So really anything goes except for going in trying to hurt your opponent, it's just preferable to go for submissions and the like rather than hits. And from the way you're talking I'd guess that you mean making them submit in a much more... naughty way rather than a submission choke hold or something. But you don't gotta worry about me trying to hurt my opponent outright, any harm I'd cause would be by complete accident, I mean I can't afford to throw away a decent place to make money like this. And what sorts of weapons might be allowed if I might ask? Is it... sexy weapons? If so then I believe that I'll have a bit of fun whether I win or lose, though if it isn't too much trouble for my first few fights, tell anyone that I fight that if they beat me to go a little easy if the winner does something with the loser afterwards, as I only recently um... l-lost my virginity, to someone that raped me," Adelle said in response to the head lady as she put her stuff up and then did a few stretches, blushing red as a beet with a slightly ashamed look as she mentioned about being raped the other day, but she quickly shook the thoughts of that time out of her mind to focus on the task at hand as she continued stretching. "All I ask is to not throw me into a fight with someone that's sure to beat me right off or someone that'll try and hurt me just for the fun of it, because if it's the latter I'll fight back like I would against a one of my bounties. Also is there any special clothing I should wear or anything? Or is what I wear completely up to me? And also I suppose it might be a good idea for me to train with someone that's been here a while that can show me the ropes as to what I might expect in the fighting," Adelle added as she finished up with her stretching.

If they told her that she would have to wear special attire, then she would slip out of her current clothing and change into the other clothes right there without showing much embarrassment save a cute little blush. After redressing, if she needed to that is, Adelle would follow them out of there to hopefully do a training bout with someone in a friendly environment, asking the two if they would be holding onto the key for her locker for her while she did her bout against whoever. She had to admit she was feeling fired up for some reason, likely because of the fact that at the prospect of making money regardless of whether or not she won, as long as she put on a good show. She wondered if there would be any sort of audience that would be watching them and taking bets and such, deciding to ask about that as she followed the two out of the locker room. "So... will people be watching us wrestling in the real fights? I'm assuming that there will be, but I don't know what sorts of people exactly. I hope nobody will try and make off with me or anything if I lose," Adelle asked, giggling a bit as she finished speaking at the thought of someone in the audience doing such a thing.