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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I suppose..." was the very short reply from the other girl, collectively directed towards most of what Adelle had said to her. The two of them had an empty shower room waiting for them, so the two could select whatever shower they wanted from the lot of them. The place was somewhat beat up, crack here and missing bit of paneling there, somewhat reminiscent of a prison shower with it's 20 or so showers. But there was hot water and a decent selection of cleaning equipment available, so it was not bad at all.

"Well, pretty much the same reason for me... And this is better than some other options I could think about..." Cutey told her reason to be there as she scrubbed at the busty girl's body. Once they moved to the sauna, the only person they could find there was the winner of the first match of the evening. This girl didn't have anything to say, not paying the two of them too much attention as they entered. There was enough space in the sauna for at least ten girls, so the space was pretty good and enabled the two to take a spot pretty much where they wanted.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After getting into the showers and stuff, Adelle patted Cutey on the back again. "Hey, don't sell yourself short sweetie, you did pretty good out there all things considered and almost beat me if I hadn't gotten lucky there, and you've obviously got some fans out there too, so we know that people out there like seeing you," Adelle said as they started washing up in the showers, with Adelle taking some of the nicest smelling soaps to wash herself in, getting some rose smelling soap if there was any. When Kanai told her that her reasons were similar as for why she was there wrestling, Adelle smiled at her and gave her a little hug. "Sorry about that then in the ring and all, I hope I wasn't too rough and all, but you were kind of beating me pretty badly up until that point. And thanks for this, I'm glad that you're nice enough to help me after the match and all. I hope everyone here is as nice to me after a match," Adelle added to Cutey as the smaller girl scrubbed her in return.

After they were through in the showers, Adelle and Kanai went on to the sauna where Adelle noticed only the girl who won earlier in the first match, who didn't seem to really notice them much at all really, or perhaps she was merely ignoring them. Regardless it made no difference to Adelle really and after they got inside, Adelle sat down, taking her towel off as she did so and picking a spot directly across from the other girl to sit. "So Cutey, about your other matches. Did you lose them the same way as ours earlier? Just wondering is all, you don't have to answer if you don't want to," Adelle asked while they sat in the sauna, kind of ignoring the other girl in there with them the same as she was ignoring them.

After relaxing for a bit, when Adelle and Cutey were done with the sauna, Adelle would head on out of the sauna, with or without Cutey coming along too, where she would get her clothes together and put them back on before finding Cutey. "Say, where are we supposed to go in order to get our pay for the match? I'm assuming it involves going to find the two that helped get me signed up and stuff, like the red eyed one from before that I talked with," Adelle asked Cutey once they were out of the sauna and after they had gotten their clothes back on, with Adelle unable to get her things from her locker at the moment because it was still locked and all and she'd have to get the key from the two before that showed her to said locker.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Don't worry about it... I know what I was in for when I signed up..." Kanai tried to shake some of the concerns that Adelle seemed to have towards her.

In the sauna, they had some further discussion. "Aha. Still a little too shy to manage this kind of exposure..." Kanai replied in brief, not talking too much in the hot room. The girl on the opposite side left sometime before them, letting the two of them be alone for some time. But eventually, they too left, leaving the space free for the next possible girls that might come in after their bouts.

Back at the locker room, there was little need to look for the pay, for the girl that had just left before them was waiting to hand both of them a few bills. Adelle got more than Kanai as expected, her bit being twice the amount that the smaller girl's pay was. "Freya told me to hand you two your pay. She and Frida were still too busy with managing the event to come around." she told them before going back to her own locker and finish her own business. "Oh, she also left your locker key there. It's in the lock."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"True true, we both knew what we'd signed up for, but... heh when they told me that sometimes one of the girls can go a bit too far, well I honestly was a little scared. So I hope that I never get one of those girls to do battle with in the ring, wouldn't want to come out with broken bones or anything. Other than making money though I'm here to have fun, whether I win or lose as long as I have fun doing this then I don't care either way, because I still get paid," Adelle said as they sat in the sauna, before the other girl left the room and left them some more privacy. "But hopefully you can manage to overcome that fear of exposure... something or other phobia, can't remember which one it is honestly. I hear that people that have that fear can try stripping to overcome it, but I don't know how well that works, a friend of mine back home tried it, and never really left her job as a stripper, said she made too much money to bother leaving," Adelle went on to say, trying to give a suggestion to Kanai about her phobia of exposure she seemed to have.

When they were through with their relaxing stay in the sauna, Adelle and Cutey headed on out, where Adelle saw the girl that had left the sauna not long before waiting for them. When she handed Adelle and Kanai their pay, Adelle smiled at her and took the money from her. "Hey thanks, tell them if you see them again before I do that I said thanks to them too. Oh yeah, do I take my key with me, or do I need to give it back to Freya or Frida?" Adelle told the girl, asking her about the key before waving bye to her as she headed for her locker to get her things from it. After collecting all of her things, she looked over at Cutey. "So you gonna leave, or you gonna stay and watch some of the other matches? I as thinking of staying and having a drink to cool down also before heading out, but I'll only stay if I've got someone to talk to. If you go ahead and head out, I'll probably go out to look for a costume of some sort to wear for my next match. I have something in mind, but it may cost me a bit, so I'm not sure about it. Also do you know if we can come back tomorrow for another match or like later tonight or something? They weren't very clear really about when to come on back for my next match," Adelle added as she went over to Cutey, taking her key with her to give back to Freya or Frida before she left if need be, but putting it into her backpack to put onto her bike's keychain when she got back to Rachaela's place.

If Cutey wanted to stay with her, then Adelle would go with her, getting a glass of scotch to sip on during the next match or two while they rested up, chatting with her all the while about whatever and just generally getting to know her really. If Cutey went ahead and went on though then Adelle would too, waving goodbye to the smaller girl at the doors before parting ways with her and heading to the clothing store that Rachaela had taken her to a few days before to get clothes at that would actually fit her because of her extra large breasts. What was her name again?... Josephine that was it, she would go to see if Josephine had any sort of outfits like she was looking for.

(She's going to look for a cute belly dancers outfit at Josephine's place if she's got any, or ask her where she might be able to find one if she doesn't have any.)
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yes, it is for you to keep as long as you keep coming around for things." the girl told Adelle as she got her shirt back on. "And I believe they won't let you fight twice during the same event, at least at this point. I heard something about the high rankers doing two matches a day, but it's probably not an option for us yet." she finished before putting on a track coat and leaving the dressing room.

For her part, it looked like Kanai too would be leaving as soon as she was ready."No... I'll head towards home sooner than later. It'll be late soon, and I'm getting kinda hungry." was her opinion and plan. Since that was tied to Adelle's own plans, the two of them left the gym, splitting up at the door since their ways were in separate directions. A pair of chunky bikers had appeared to the entry of the gym as well, but they paid little attention towards the two, most likely being there to keep any intrusive men away from the wrestlers. Even the Cutey fanclub might have some dubious people, after all. "Good show, Sapphire." one of them commented as Adelle passed.

After making her way to Josephine's, Adelle found that she had already closed down for the day, though the tailor was still doing some cleaning inside.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"M'kay, I wasn't sure about the key and how many times we could go a day in the ring. Thanks again," Adelle replied to the girl, giving her a wave as she left the room after putting her coat on.

Hearing from Kanai that she'd be heading on because she was getting hungry, Adelle felt her stomach was a little empty and then it growled a bit, which made her blush. "Okay, I guess I'm getting a bit hungry too then. So I think I'll head on as well so that I can drop by Josephine's to ask her about some sort of outfit that I can get for in the ring, and then I can get a bite to eat," Adelle replied to Kanai as they finished getting ready, with Adelle putting the key into her bag before she headed for the doors after slipping her coat and hat on. "Be careful out there alright, we'll see each other again tomorrow I guess, well hopefully we will anyway," Adelle told Kanai as she reached the doors.

Seeing another pair of bikers, Adelle was actually a little surprised to be honest. When the one told her good show, complimenting her on a job well done earlier, Adelle brightened up significantly and flashed both of the biker guys a smile. "Hmhm, thanks boys, hopefully I can do even better tomorrow," Adelle giggled as she cheerfully replied to the biker, flashing a cheerful smile as she went past, stopping for a moment beside the one that had spoken to her and leaning up to give a little peck on the cheek, then she did the same to the other one. "Thanks for keeping us safe here guys even though I'm so new and all, a little gift from me," Adelle then said, tipping her hat to the two as she walked off, checking her pistols to see if they were still loaded or not and if not she'd load them on back up and re-holster them as she headed for Josephine's clothing place.

After a few minutes, Adelle had made her way to Josephine's clothing store, only to find she'd already closed up shop for the day apparently, but she did notice the woman inside doing some cleaning up. "Hmm... maybe she'll let me in to look around and buy something if I ask nicely," Adelle said to herself as she headed over to the doors to try them and see if they were locked.

If the door didn't open, then Adelle would knock on it to try and get Josephine's attention, at which point she would wave her over to the door. "Hey, miss Josephine... do you remember me? It's Adelle, Rachaela's friend from the other day, the one with the huge breasts. Please, I need to ask you if you have some certain outfits that I'm looking for, or if you know where I can get them at least. Could I come in and have a look around for an outfit or two to buy please? You're the best clothing place in town for what I'm looking for I think," Adelle would tell Josephine should she open the doors for her, or if they weren't locked up just yet and she was able to go on inside, though if Josephine didn't open the doors and merely came over to them she would call through them to the beautifully dressed woman.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Josephine was pretty close to the door, so getting her attention was not difficult at all. "Yes, I remember you. I don't forget that easily." the tailor remarked as she unlocked the door. "Looks like you might be in a hurry, so I will make an exception. Try not to make a mess anywhere, I'm almost done with the cleaning." she carried on, basically letting Adelle look around like the customers usually did. It looked like Josephine was always aiming to impress with just the clothes she herself used, using a dark purple creation at the current moment. It was only slightly more restrained than the previous outrageous number that she had worn when the two of them had been introduced.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

It looked like Josephine remembered her, Adelle thought to herself as the girl unlocked her door. "Oh thank you Josephine, I promise I won't mess anything up, and if I do then I'll stay and help you clean up," Adelle said, assuring Josephine that she wouldn't mess anything up or she'd repay her by cleaning and tidying up a bit. "What I'm looking for though is... I think I've heard it called a belly dancer's outfit. And your outfit is as beautiful as the last one was that I saw," Adelle went on to say, complimenting the girl's clothing like she had the last time.

Looking around through some of the clothing, while making sure not to mess anything up, Adelle also picked out a couple of more shirts like the one she was wearing as well as a couple of pairs of capri pants to go with them, one set green and one set black. Other than that she looked around for a belly dancer outfit or two that would fit her, assuming Josephine either didn't answer her about having any and tell her where to look or take her to actually show her where some were.

Adelle's choices, should Josephine have any, would be , , or maybe .
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, well I try to keep myself on par with the clothes that I sell. Would be bad for business if I was not up to notch. Still, the best articles are usually the tailored ones." Josephine remarked as she went back to cleaning the little dirt there still was left at the point. She had been pretty thorough with the matter of cleanliness, most likely another thing that brought her customers around. "Hum, might not have any of those around. The skimpier numbers I usually handle via specific order, since they are not really the number one thing I do." she carried on when the dancer outfit was brought forward. And as the store keeper had indicated, Adelle didn't really find a kind of costume that she had been looking for. Everything else she got easily enough though. "I can have something made, but it needs to be a specific order and we need to figure out the specs and your sizes. Could also look elsewhere if that is not suitable to you. There is this one store I know that makes more... questionable attire. Or maybe you already know of something like that. Your choice, in the end." she offered a selection of possible actions as Adelle had gathered her small pile of new things.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hearing from Josephine that she'd likely have to get the dancer's outfit tailored custom fit to her sizes, Adelle was a little let down, but figured she could just have her sizes taken and have it custom fit to her proportions instead, which would probably end up being better in any case since it wouldn't be too tight or loose on her. She was glad though that she was able to find the other clothes, which brightened her back up from feeling a little down about the dancer outfit she couldn't find.

"So could you go ahead and do my sizes and stuff then right now and then have it tailored for me in the next few days?" Adelle asked Josephine, a slightly hopeful look in her eyes as she paid for her other things and got them put into a bag to take back with her to Rachaela's home. "If so then we can go ahead and do that, and I'd like them to have a see through skirt that hangs down in the front and back, one blue like my hair was the other day and the other black, if that's acceptable that is and doable," Adelle added to the beautifully dressed Josephine, following her over to get her sizes taken if she didn't mind going ahead and doing them for her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I suppose it is important then. Put your stuff over there and stand still." the storekeeper told Adelle as she asked to be measured right then, producing a measuring tape from her pocket. Without too much hassle, she did the strategic measurements with what was plentifully trained precision. "Hmm, I did imagine that you might have been bigger than Isolda, but looks like I was wrong there. She had slightly bigger assets..." Josephine remarked after she had measured the bust area of Adelle with her tape, soon finishing up on the rest as well, writing up the measurements as well as the specifics that she was asked onto a small notebook afterwards. "Might take a few days to make this, but could be sooner if I have free time and there aren't a lot of customers during businesstimes." she said, collecting the pay for the clothes that had been bought from Adelle as well as a small sum for the custom order. "The rest will be due when the costume is ready."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"M'kay Josephine, thanks. I've gotten into this wrestling thing and I need a good costume, something sexy," Adelle replied to Josephine, setting her stuff down and heading over where Josephine was at, taking off her clothing as she went.

When Josephine started doing her measurements, Adelle giggled a bit , being a little ticklish and all. When Josephine started talking as she finished up with Adelle's bust measurements, Adelle blushed a bit at the statement that Josephine had thought that Adelle's breasts were even bigger than Isolda's breasts were. "It's my curse to be huge I guess, and the worst part about it is my mom told me before I left home that I still have some growing to do probably, so I can really only wait for them to get even bigger than they already are unfortunately, most likely anyway. And thanks Josephine, I really appreciate this, I'm glad Rachaela introduced us, because you really do make some of the best clothing I've ever seen anywhere, and... ah here we go," Adelle said to Josephine as she dug around for the proper amount of money to give her for the stuff she'd gotten from the store already and the little extra she'd need to give her for the custom order. "The sooner the better for it really, but I don't mind waiting so long as it gets done and I'd rather have quality, so take as much time as you need okay. I guess I could make do with a costume from that place you mentioned before until you get these two done. Could you point me to it by chance? I'll take a peek over there on my way back to Rachaela's maybe unless they're already closed, hopefully they'll have something that I can use until I get the best done," Adelle went on to say after getting the money out and handing it to Josephine, giving her a wink as she stated that she clearly thought Josephine's clothing was the best to her regardless.

When Josephine answered her, Adelle would see if she had time to run by the other store, unless it was in a bad part of town that is, in which case she wouldn't bother until tomorrow when she had someone with her and would instead take what she had on back to Rachaela's place for now, thanking Josephine and bowing her head to her as she left and headed back for the magic using sister's house for the evening to get some rest after the wrestling match earlier.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You know where Isolda's club is? The store is in the same building, but in a corner that might go unnoticed since the rest of the place is pretty grandiose and huge. Look around the building and you'll find it, the store window is not something you can miss if you pay attention. While I'm sure they are still open for business, I'd probably not try and go there at this hour unless you have others with you." the storekeeper told Adelle, giving a decent enough indication where to go and look for this store. While she had not visited the place before, it was not going to be a problem to find Isolda's place as it was the biggest estabilishment of it's kind in the city. Having gotten herself out, it was Adelle's decision if she wanted to go and find the mentioned store, despite the possible risk that might come from going around the city during the evening.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah I think I know where it's at, I'll go have a check tomorrow then after I get up, because I have heard that it's not in the best part of town, and I don't want a repeat of the other day," Adelle said as Josephine told her that Isolda's place had a shop she could go to in order to find something of the sort she was looking for.

Once that was done, Adelle would put all of her things into her bag before bidding Josephine farewell for now, telling her she would see her again whenever her things were ready and to contact Rachaela when the new outfits were ready and she could let her know so she could come and get her new things. Leaving the store, Adelle would head back to Rachaela's house so she could get a bite to eat and relax after her match earlier, keeping the safety on her guns off until she got back.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Josephine wrote one last line to her little note as Adelle left, most likely a reminder to delay the info through Rachaela. It was not an absolute certainty, but was the most likely thing.

Despite the slowly creeping dark of evening, there was little to see or hear along the way. Most of the stores had closed up or were in the process of doing so, only a few small eateries and bars still staying open in face of the incoming night. Only until a few blocks away from her destination did something out of the ordinary happen, but it was indeed extraordinary. Along a longer street between two buildings, something was standing in Adelle's way. It was far from anything human, a dark purple ball of some kind of energy floating along the same direction that she was going to go. An aura of black flame surrounded the apparition, seemingly sucking light from the surroundings. While it did not seem to have taken notice of her, it was still in her path. The busty girl could wait it out and see what was going to happen, or possibly take another path around it. Combat was always a possibility too, if the thing was something that could be fought.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Waving bye to Josephine as she left the store, Adelle headed on back to Rachaela's house for the night. Along the way, she could see the sun going down and the streets darkening as she walked along them, which made her quicken her pace slightly as she didn't want to get caught outside at night again... not after the other night. Passing several other stores closing up shop for the night or bars and whatnot about to get into full swing for their business for the night, Adelle started to stop along the way to grab a bite to eat, but thought better of it, feeling that she needed to save her money when she could so she had plenty. Moving on a bit quicker, Adelle was now only a few short blocks away from Rachaela's place when she saw between a couple of buildings in a larger alleyway something that appeared to be what Adelle thought was a ghost. At least she thought it was a ghost, or maybe it was just her eyes playing tricks on her or something.

"What the hell is that thing?" Adelle asked herself in her head curiously.

Adelle pinched herself on the side of her right breast and winced a little and blinked. Nope it was still there, whatever it was. Whatever it was seemed to be going the same way she was and it was darkening everything around it from the looks of it. It hadn't noticed her yet either she could tell, or if it did then it didn't really care or consider her a threat apparently. Adelle was always an adventurous person, even at a young age, and ghosts never really scared her all that much growing up, so seeing this ghostly apparition didn't really scare her so much as intrigue her. Adelle decided to risk getting a little closer to see if she could tell what the thing was perhaps, taking cover behind any dumpsters, trashcans, boxes, or some such things that she could take cover behind as she slowly moved a little closer, though if it seemed to notice her, Adelle would simply look at it curiously from where she was. If it came at her though then that was another thing altogether and she would quickly step back and away from it, pulling her old gun from its holster and aiming at the thing to maybe scare it off, a slightly frightened feel within her if that occured.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With her careful approach and the help of a few dumpsters, Adelle could close the gap between herself and the apparition somewhat. At one point, the thing did a rapid turn, revealing that it did actually have features in that spherical body. A gash of a mouth dominated the lower side of it, while two smaller gashes served as eyes. Somehow, the busty girl's position managed to serve her well enough to avoid detection, and soon the floaty spinned back around to continue floating onward. At that point, there was a passerby at the other end of the street, most likely someone coming from a evening of fun as their gait was visibly wobbly. Now, the ball was heading towards them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Stealthily moving in, Adelle moved slow and low, making sure to keep her head down as she did, she noticed a few dumpsters lining the sides of the alley that she could use to take cover behind thankfully. Peeking around the corner of one of the dumpsters, Adelle saw it was rounded, like a sphere, and that it had a gap on the bottom of it that seemed to be a mouth of some sort, while there were two smaller gaps further up that seemed to be eyes. Seeing this on the creature made Adelle only that much more curious as to whatever it was exactly. When it spun around, Adelle ducked back behind the dumpster a bit so it couldn't see her, then she peeked back out, where she saw it was continuing onwards through the alleyway.

Looking down the alley, Adelle saw that the thing was heading towards the far end of it, where there was someone walking by. Whoever it was hadn't seen the thing and was completely oblivious to its presence, as they seemed a little drunk if the wobble in their walk was any indication, and it was going right for them and would likely get the jump on them if she didn't warn them. Dammit, what was this thing anyway? She didn't want to fight it if she could help it, but it was appearing that she wouldn't have much choice if she wanted to help the person it was going after to escape it.

Knowing that she couldn't just let this thing attack the poor person up ahead of her, Adelle moved up towards the ball thing a little from behind her cover, where she would pick up a piece of trash or a rock if there was one nearby, which she would throw at the little spherical shaped apparition to get its attention. Once she got its attention, Adelle would back away slowly, moving back and away as quickly as it advanced if possible. If it came at her fast though she would turn and run, hopefully drawing it away from whoever that poor person was as she sprinted with all haste towards Rachaela's house, though she wouldn't shoot her gun at it if possible and would instead slash her sword at the thing when it came closer, but if she could scare it off by pointing her gun at it then she would do so, and if it seemed like it would go after the person again instead of her then she would take a single shot at it, aiming as good as possible at it before she pulled the trigger so she didn't accidentally hit anyone else in the process.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Finding a fist-sized clump of concrete that had crumbled off from the building that she leaned against, Adelle picked up the piece from the ground near her feet and went on to throw the man-made rock towards the floaty weirdness that was advancing towards the other person there. While she didn't manage to hit the creature from the distance, she did get it's attention, and it turned again. This time, it kept on coming, not turning back anymore. For their part, the other person got enough hassle in front of them to determine that it was probably not good to come forward and stumbled away from the apparition and Adelle, most likely going behind the corner when they reached the other end again.

With the ball now focused on her, Adelle found out that it was relatively slow to move, not moving faster than before. Still, the busty girl would not outrun it with her backstepping, as it moved in pretty much the same speed as she did.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The first thing she found to grab and throw was a piece of concrete that had fallen from the building that she was hiding against. She saw the thing turn around where it began coming towards her, ignoring the person it was chasing now. She hadn't hit the creature with her piece of debris, but she succeeded in doing what she set out to do in getting its attention. Seeing that it was coming towards her now, Adelle got up and started back, while the other person was rushing off out of the alleyway, leaving her alone with this thing now.

"Alright whatever you are, come and get me," Adelle said to the thing as she backed off slowly at first, but taking several quicker steps back once the thing started towards her.

Adelle would glance over her shoulder to see if she was about to run into anything before she turned her whole body and continued towards Rachaela's house, though she kept glancing over her shoulder as she didn't want to take her eye off of it for long unless she had to. She noticed though that it was moving pretty much as fast as she was, which was good that it hadn't sped up after her or anything. If it sped up however when she turned to head on, luring it towards Rachaela's house, Adelle would take off in a sprint to get away from it.