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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Lacrimosa shook her head at the question. "No... It is not anyhing like that... Though there is always a certain degree of faith present in places like this... You'll see soon enough what that tower is..." she explained but not really, keeping the purpose of the huge tower under wraps for the time being. Once they got a bit closer again, the entry gate of the place came into view, a huge double door deal. The gate appeared to be made from glistening marble, the size and weight of such a construction most likely being immense and needing heavy machinery to move. Still, there was a smaller, more reasonable door on one of them that the girls could use to enter. And that was what they did.

Inside, a massive hallway was waiting, almost empty from anything in the manner of features. There was a set of spiral stairs going along the wall, but the way on those was on the other side of the hall, a surprisingly long walk away. Before further analysis could be made, there was a poke on Adelle's upper arm that somewhat startled her. Somehow, a strange woman in a white robe had managed to sneak up on her, and was now looking at her from a very close position. Despite her apparent lack of hostility, the eyes of this sneak were unsettling enough, one having a red iris while the other was completely blank and white. "What... Is your business here?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh I see, well I suppose it doesn't really matter honestly so long as they can help us I guess," Adelle replied, honestly not truly caring what the tower was meant for so long as they didn't try and hurt her and they tried to help the lost soul that she'd found the night before.

Following Lacri up to the gate, Adelle saw it was made of pure marble, which had to have been extremely heavy and hard to open and close by hand, meaning that there surely had to be some sort of machinery to open it. As it turned out though they didn't need to wait for it to open as there was a side door that Lacri led her in through instead. Once they stepped inside, Adelle saw the long hallway stretching out before her, with the steps that she noticed near her position. Before she could really ask Lacri anything else about the place, Adelle suddenly felt a poke on her arm, which made her jump in surprise as she let out a little yelp.

Adelle turned around to see the woman with the white robes and the one red eye and took a step back, her hand moving towards her gun, but not grabbing it just yet. When asked what they were doing there, Adelle glanced over at Lacrimosa a little hopefully. "Um... Lacri brought me here because of a lost soul I ran into last night, which chased me all the way to our friend's home," Adelle said warily to the girl, taking her hand away from her gun and extending it out to shake the woman's hand. "I'm Adelle by the way," Adelle added, introducing herself to the woman, figuring that they likely knew Lacri already.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was little reaction to Adelle's reply, at first. "So... A case of someone lost then... Alright... Follow me, please..." the woman told them, a lantern lighting up on her hand as they closed the door, leaving the long hall quite dark afterwards. But the lantern did shed them ample light, despite there not being any visible source for the pale white brightness it was producing. Along the way, the place began to share more of it's nature to the busty girl as she could see what looked like big drawers on the walls, each handle having a metal plate above it, all of the plates saying practically the same thing. Name, a date and a later date. All the intersections they came across showed similar corridors going to the sides, but they didn't have to venture there as the woman leading them brought them onwards in a straight line towards the stairs that they had seen earlier from the other end. Lacrimosa had gone into prayer once more, doing the posture all the time as they advanced, more likely giving confirmation towards whatever suspicions Adelle was having. Besides their footsteps and the quiet prayers, there was no sound to be heard in the hallways.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Um, okay then, lead the way then I guess," Adelle replied, shrugging her shoulders and beginning to follow the white robed lady, eying the lantern curiously as it lit up the darkened hallway around them.

As she followed along behind the woman, Adelle saw some drawers along the walls as they passed by, all of them saying a name and two dates. This pretty much told Adelle what they were... tombs... or something like them anyway. Regardless it was a place where a lot of dead people were obviously kept. Adelle saw the woman as well as Lacri both hanging their heads low and praying quietly where she could barely hear them. Following the woman and Lacri, Adelle saw they were heading for the stairway that she'd seen when they first entered here, though she didn't say anything just yet and waited until they got to it.

"So... what happens now exactly?" Adelle asked once they made their way to the steps, following them up them or down them, whichever way the two were going to go, as she knew next to nothing about this place save it was a big white tower that apparently housed the dead.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"What happens now is... You go to talk with Emeria and she will arrange a medium to retrieve the lost one... That is what will happen." the guide told them as they started going up the steps. The climb was not too high, but the steps were long as hell as they circled the entire perimeter of the tower to reach the second floor. The second floor was actually lit, looking more like a place where people might be working. It was still pretty much devoid of anything happening though, and remained as quiet as the previous floor had been. Corridors criss-crossed the perimeter, just like before, though there were simple featureless white walls and doors instead of the grave lockers though. "Go right here, walk to the second intersection and turn left, then go to the end of the corridor to find Emeria's room. Try to keep quiet." the guide told them before turning back and starting to return to the first floor.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh okay then, I suppose that I'll have to show you all where it was and everything too in that case. Doesn't matter though, as long as whoever it was can rest in peace then then I'll definitely take the time out of my day to help, because it's more than worth it to help them to rest, for one because it's the right thing to do, but also so they won't hurt anyone," Adelle said, bowing her head to the woman as she followed her upstairs.

Thankfully it wasn't too much of an ascent, but it wasn't exactly a short one either, with Adelle glad that she didn't work here, because she'd hate to have to climb those steps every day. When they reached the second floor, Adelle breathed a sigh of relief as it seemed they didn't have to climb to the third floor or higher, thinking to herself that if she'd had to climb even more all the way to the top of the tower then she'd have to tell this woman to have whoever this Emeria was to come down and meet her halfway. Looking around though she saw that the second floor was almost as empty as the first was, which kind of scared her actually, as it was deathly quiet around.

Glancing over at the woman, Adelle nodded her head at her instructions. "Okay, right here, then to the second intersection and turn left, then follow the corridor to Emeria's room... got it. But... why do we have to be so quiet? Is there something out there that we shouldn't disturb or something?" Adelle said, repeating the directions to make sure she got them right, then asking why they needed to be quiet, though if the girl didn't answer her then she would just shrug her shoulders and head on, following the instructions to Emeria's room, whoever she was.

Once at the room in question, Adelle would look over at Lacri, should she still be with her that is. "So uh... should I knock?" Adelle would ask Lacri if she was there with her still, speaking in a whisper, knocking on the door whether Lacri nodded to her that she should or not.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"The dead... They might not be in this floor but they still hear things..." was the girl's short reply to the question she was tagged with.

After that, the pair had to proceed down the long corridors, which they did. Reaching the door, Lacrimosa did not seem to pay Adelle too much attention, going for the door right away with her fist. The reply was almost immediate, a voice telling them to come in. The nun was the first to enter, leading the pair into a pretty spartan room. It had very little in the way of furnishings, only a desk, chair and a plant in the corner. A bed was in there as well, but the was placed in a recessed area that was carved into the wall. Emeria herself was an older lady, most likely in her fifties and dressed in a similar robe as the earlier guide had been. "I take it that you have someone that is lost?" she asked straight away, apparently quite used to visitors like the two were.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh... um... I'll be quiet then," Adelle said, giving a very visible shiver for both Lacri and the woman to see, the busty girls definitely not wanting the dead to do anything to her because of her speaking too loud or anything.


Adelle was a little creeped out that Lacri didn't answer her and just knocked on the door, though she forgot all about that as a woman's voice cam from within telling them to enter. Adelle followed Lacri on inside the room, where she saw the room was fairly bare in terms of furnishings and Emeria, or at least who she thought was Emeria anyway, looked in her fifties give or take. When Emeria spoke, Adelle nodded her head at the question. "Um... hello miss Emeria, I'm Adelle, and yes we are. I ran into one of those lost souls last night that was lurking around in an alley near our friend's house. It was about to... attack someone I believe, so I threw a rock at it to try and draw it off, then it followed me all the way back to Rachaela's home before it stopped," Adelle said, going into a more detailed explanation if the woman asked for it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That was a good deed from you. You most likely did save that person's life with the distraction, for most strays are very hostile. The tower will send out a medium to retrieve them, immediately. You need to act as a guide for them, to show them the right place. Unless you have more pressing matters, that is. Then, we should manage to take care of this retrieval if you provide the medium with the location of the event. That should also be enough." the elderly woman told them, complementing Adelle for her quick decision-making and sacrifice towards the random civilian while giving them the rundown of what would happen. "Laviola will be the medium for this, you might have actually met her already at the lower floor. Her assigned duty was there today." she continued, asking if there were further question that the busty girl might have in mind.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh shucks, it was nothing, I only did what was the right thing to do. I'm sure someone else would have done the same for me in the same situation. Besides, I couldn't in good conscience just let the thing get them, I mean I didn't know what it was or what it was capable of until Lacri here told me afterwards, but I didn't figure it was anything good to say the least. And sure I don't mind taking Laviola to where it was at, I don't really have any pressing concerns at the moment honestly, and yeah we met her, she's the one that sent us up here," Adelle replied to Emeria, nodding her head to the older woman and flashing her a bright smile as she was complimented on her quick thinking in saving whoever that person had been from a horrible fate. "I suppose I should tell you that if I see any more lost souls or anything that would be... ghostly or something like that, then I'll keep an eye out and let you all know as soon as I possibly can alright," Adelle then told the woman, not really having any questions to ask, though if Emeria asked her anything else then Adelle would of course reply to her.

With that, Adelle shook Emeria's hand, if the older woman didn't mind doing so, telling her that she'd go now and tell Laviola about this so that they could get the lost soul retrieved as quickly as possible to keep people out of danger, then she would head with Lacri back out and downstairs, going back the way they'd come up to find that Laviola girl from before. "Hey, Emeria said for me to lead you to where I saw that lost soul last night to deal with it, so... I'm ready when you are," Adelle said to the girl when she and Lacri found her again, ready to head on out with her, leading her and Lacri to where she'd seen the lost soul the night before in that alleyway near Rachaela's house.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Providing us with info about these events is appreciated. It can help prevent tragedies of supernatural nature in some cases, or at least cut them short and lessen the loss of life that the lost can cause." Emeria thanked Adelle for her consideration. The elder went back to paperwork as the two left to look for this Laviola girl.

While they had previously found Laviola easily, as the girl had come to them, it was a bit harder now. The first floor had almost no light, and for some reason, there was no lantern for them to see. But after some blind searching, they came across a red light, which turned out to be Laviola's eye. And once they met, the lantern was lit again. "A task... Alright. It is my duty." the somewhat creepy girl replied to them, starting to lead them back towards the stairs. "We have to get Cutty first, so follow me. Then we can leave."

After following Laviola around and back to the second floor, they entered the girl's room, which was pretty much the same as Emeria's had been. On the wall-mounted bed, a young boy was resting. A small bit of poking from Laviola awakened them, and as the boy got up, Adelle saw that he had been cradling a skull in his embrace. It did not remain on his hands for long though, as he set it over his head like a helmet as soon as he got back to his feet. "We are going to find a stray, okay Cutty? Just an ordinary job." Laviola told the kid, who seemed to have no objection as he set up another grizzly piece of equipment, a complete ribcage that had been modified with hinges so it could be opened and closed. Trapping his own body within the thing, Cutty took quick looks at Adelle and Lacri, visible remains of crying visible on the skull. He paid no further attention towards them after that, simply following Laviola like a little brother that he most likely was.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It's no problem, and the least I could do considering what almost happened. Don't want to risk it happening again really, and Lacri suggested we come here anyway, I'd never have known to come if it wasn't for her," Adelle replied as they left Emeria's room, heading back to find Laviola.

It had taken them a little while, but she and Lacri soon found her in the darkness of the first floor, which creeped Adelle out quite a bit to say the least, as she didn't like it when it was that dark and quiet for that long without anything happening. "M'kay Laviola, lead the way, and we'll follow," Adelle said to the strange girl, following her back up the steps with Lacri where they went into Laviola's bedroom.

Once they had entered the bedroom, Adelle saw a young boy laying on the bed that was mounted on the wall. She watched as the girl poked the young boy to wake him up, where he raised up and she noticed that he had a skull in his arms, which he placed upon his head, which gave Adelle chills for some reason. Watching him then put on the hinged ribcage like it was armor or something, Adelle shivered at the sight of it, feeling even more creeped out about this place, though she said nothing of it. "Alright then, you two ready to go? If so then I guess it's on me now, so follow me now," Adelle asked the two, gesturing for them to follow her as she exited the white tower and led them on to the alleyway she'd found the lost soul in the night before. "So um... who's this cute little guy supposed to be exactly? I mean why is he coming with us? Because this is probably going to be dangerous and stuff and I'd hate to see the little cutey get hurt," Adelle asked Laviola as they walked on, a little unsure of why the young boy was going with them for something so dangerous.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Along the way out, Adelle happened to ask about the strangely-behaving lad that had joined them. Laviola appeared to have little desire to elaborate too much about him. "He is my little brother, and not a stranger to the hazards of the city. I don't want to leave him alone, is all of it, basically." she said, keeping it short.

Soon, they returned to the alley. There was nothing there, and soon, Laviola turned to Adelle. "Looks like we need to wait for the night, the lost usually only appear at dark." she told them, the day still at around midday.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle saw that Laviola didn't seem to want to talk much about the matter she asked about, so she didn't press any further than simply asking in a concerned way, though she was thankful that Laviola told her as much as she did. "Huh, alright that's fine with me. So long as you know he'll be safer with you then I won't ask further. I was just concerned about him is all, because I've got a couple of little sisters myself back home that I care about a lot and took care of more often than not while my dad was working and while my mom was either out running errands or working herself, so I know how it is to care for your siblings," Adelle replied to the red eyed girl, shrugging her shoulders as they walked on out.

Leading them to the alley, they saw nothing there, which confused Adelle a little bit before she remembered that ghosts and stuff only came out at night from the stories she'd read in the past. "Oh yeah, should've figured that's what it'd be honestly, don't know why I didn't think it wouldn't be, sorry about that you two. Would you like to hang around at Rachaela's place until nightfall, since it's nearby and everything, I don't think she'd mind very much... surely. But then again she isn't there at the moment... however her butler I guess you could call him, Garagan, he's there and can keep an eye on you both until nightfall, so that you can then do your job," Adelle said a she looked up at the sky, then glanced over at Lacri to see if she thought Rachaela would mind them staying there until nightfall, where she would hopefully be back herself so that she could see how the whole thing is dealt with. "Hey Lacri, you don't think Rachaela would mind too much do you? If they stayed at her place for a few hours until nightfall and all I mean so they could do this, I don't think she would mind much myself, but you know her better than I do," Adelle asked Lacri, almost sure that Rachaela would be alright with it since it was for the right reasons and all.

If that was decided, then Adelle would see them to Rachaela's and introduce them to Garagan, telling him why they were there and stuff and seeing if he minded keeping an eye on them until nightfall so they could do their job. Once that was out of the way, assuming the big guy didn't mind overly much, then Adelle would turn to Lacri and ask her if she minded coming with her to a store to get an outfit her wrestling thing, to better present herself for the crowd to make her money, where she would then head for Isolda's shop to look for said bellydancer's outfit that she was looking for, hoping to find a blue one like her hair in her size as they started off for the place in question, or Adelle would go alone if Lacri refused to go with her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I suppose that is alright. If they are willing to have us, that is." was the reply from Laviola when they were asked about taking the time out at Rachaela's until nightfall. Lacrimosa did not seem to object, so that was where the group headed.

Using the house was apparently not a problem, as Garagan let them in without any hassle. "I don't think Lady Rachaela minded this, so of course." he replied, welcoming the two even as he looked at them with a degree of curiosity. Even in his eyes, the two seemed to appear quite out of the ordinary, and surely the huge guy had seen some unusual things in his time with Rachaela. And again, Lacri had no objection towards doing things with Adelle, going to a store in particular. She appeared to have some reservations about the place, but did not refuse coming or try to talk the busty girl out of it either.

Going around the city once more, the two of them headed to the commercial district's richer side to look for what was once Isolda's place. Despite her apparent dislike towards the kinds of places that it was, Lacrimosa could bring both of them there. The place almost appeared to be more of a hotel than a club, being a multi-floor building that seemed to be using all five of the floors for entertainment purposes. On the bottom floor, the two of them could find the store that Josephine had mentioned, the decor and the name on the window instantly giving away that it was a place for all kinds of naughty. While the main draw appeared to be clothing of various fetish styles or just general skimpyness, there were other things of sexual nature to be found there as well.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well Rachaela isn't there just right now, but I'm sure she won't mind, especially because of what it's for and all," Adelle replied as they neared Rachaela's house.

When they arrived at the house and Adelle had explained everything to Garagan and he replied telling her that he was sure Rachaela wouldn't mind and all, she smiled brightly at the big guy and hopped up and kissed him on the cheek before getting Lacri to come along with her after grabbing a little more of her money just in case she needed extra for the outfit she was looking for. She could tell that Lacri seemed a bit unsure and reserved about it, but she was glad that the nun didn't say anything about it and refuse to go with her, because she really liked the thought of having someone strong like her there to watch her back.

"Thanks Lacri, I know you don't like this type of thing, but... really, thanks. I feel a lot more comfortable with someone strong like you with me," Adelle said to Lacrimosa as they made their way through the city to Isolda's place.

When they finally arrived at Isolda's place, Adelle glanced over at Lacri as they went inside the huge five story building. Looking around on the bottom floor as Josephine had mentioned for her to do, Adelle found the shop, which from the looks of the windows of it, she could tell it was for more than just sexy outfits and such. Adelle gestured for Lacri to follow her as she went on inside, looking around for a minute or so for the particular kind of outfit she wanted in the deep sapphire blue of her hair. If she wasn't able to find one of the bellydancer outfits like she'd wanted to hold her over until Josephine could make the couple she'd promised her, then Adelle would have to settle for something else that was near enough to a bellydancers outfit, though she would ask them herself if they had any bellydancers outfits that would fit her, regardless of whether or not they were blue like her hair and if they did have some then she would get the sexiest one she could find and just have Rachaela use her magic on it and turn it blue or something.

As she looked around, Adelle felt she didn't really need any lingerie from here, as she'd collected quite a bit of lingerie and other assorted sexy clothing from the factory the other day, thongs and g-strings, bras and bikinis, she'd even grabbed one of those sexy nurse outfits and a dominatrix outfit as well, among a few others. But she hadn't even considered getting a bellydancers outfit or she'd have looked for one. Hmm... maybe she could still go back and get one later perhaps and get it cleaned up to wear, but for now she figured to stay here where it was at least a little safer. There was one other thing though that she looked around for while she was in there, since the place seemed to be selling all sorts of lewd and naughty things... and that was some lube of sorts, lube that could act as an aphrodisiac on contact with the skin if possible, maybe something she could use in a wrestling match later or even coat her sword and gloves in it on the outset of a fight if she had the time to do so, as it could be useful just to have something like that just in case.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Going inside, the two of them found a trove of clothing that was not all that effective as clothing for the most part. Yet, there were still plenty of usable stuff as well. The keeper, or keepers, only served to further enhance the nature of the place. Manning the counter was a male person with a thick moustache, clad in an extremely gaudy white shirt, one that had a generous neckline to show off his chesthair and such, as well as a ruffled lining on the sleeves. His pants were no less spectacular, almost too tight leather pants for a person to wear. His female counterpart was pretty equally suited to the place, a shapely 30s something blonde dressed in a dominatrix outfit that had all the goods on it. Boots, long gloves, a thong rear and even a whip. When that was used is a question that might come up, but hopefully she did not use it on customers unless specifically asked for. At least, Adelle and Lacri got off without having to deal with the lash, instead getting some customer service when they came to ask for a specific thing.

"That kind of outfit? I think we haven't made something that is specifically that, but similar nonetheless." the lady proprietor told Adelle, taking her to a part of the store where they had a lot of different types of what seemed to be lingerie or bikini bottoms and tops. The variety was astounding, and most of them had a whole bunch of color varieties as well. Maybe not as pigment-perfect as Adelle might have desired, but the blue was very near there in many of the selections. Even though she was looking for her own thing, the owner still threw in a recommendation of a thing she thought would suit Adelle. "I don't know what you feel about it, but I would like to see that on you." the dom lady told her, almost coming across as suggestive when she pointed out what she offering. It was not as outright revealing as the ideas that Adelle had, but still seemed a "Comes with matching boots, gloves and a hair ornament if desired." a further bait was put in to try and make Adelle decide.

When it came to the aphrodisiac, the man threw his lot in form the counter. "There's no touch-applied stuff like that, darling. If you want fast, you gotta inject it. None of our chems work that fast on simple application via hand."
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Heading into the store and looking around some, Adelle saw the two manning the counter and couldn't help but think that the two were a little lewdly dressed, despite the kind of store they were running and all. She didn't know why she didn't expect it though considering the building it was in, from all she'd gathered from everyone she spoke with, Isolda's place here seemed to be like a highclass brothel of sorts, so when she thought about it and all it kind of made sense. Approaching the two and asking for some help in finding what she was looking for, Adelle was glad the lady was very helpful like she was, though she was a little disappointed that they didn't have exactly what she was looking for.

When the woman took her to the area of the store in question, Adelle looked at the different outfits and found one as dark blue like her hair as she could, skirt and all, though without the wings on the back of it if possible. "Hmm... not exactly what I was looking for, but it should suffice for now I think. And can I get it without the wings on the back? Not that they don't go good with it or anything, but they might get torn off anyway. You see I'm doing this wrestling thing and I need a good sexy outfit that'll work for me. The additional things would be good to have too though, even though I probably won't have any use for them while in the ring or anything. But if all of the additional things will cost too much more, then I won't bother with them, but some sexy panties to go on under the skirt would be nice if it doesn't come with them, something revealing that'll get the crowd riled up when they see it," Adelle told the female shopkeeper, explaining what she needed the outfit for and all to her. "But I would love to try it on if you'd like, so you could see me in it. Since you seem to want to and all. I'm Adelle by the way," Adelle added to the woman, giving her a playful smile and hopefully not too suggestive a wink after which she introduced herself to her.

When the guy mentioned the aphrodisiac from the counter, that there wasn't any that was like what she was asking for, Adelle again was a little disappointed, though she shouldn't have expected to find something that strong and overpowering that she could use against her enemies, or as a prank on her friends maybe. "Oh well, figured I might as well check at least, certainly would be nice to have something like that," Adelle said to the guy behind the counter, shrugging her shoulders about the aphrodisiac.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You can take them off, there is no wingless model. The additional clothes are a part of the deal, they don't cost any further money. The truth is... Well, they are a bit of an old thing and we kinda want them to have owners instead of sitting here" the lady owner showed how the clothes operated while giving a confession about the advertisement, turning the display piece and showing that the wings could indeed be detached, a small hook system in the back allowing for their quick removal and re-attachment. As for the part about panties, the owner lifted up the hem of the skirt to show that the costume already had panties, the lower portion already being a combination of the two things. Much like the lady owner's own get-up, the lower bit was a thong-backed, bit not as skimpy as it could have been. "And you need not to worry, this is actually a two-piece, despite not maybe looking like one." Adelle was given further info about this much-advertised article before she received another one to try it on. Maybe as somewhat a curious thing, the lady owner came after Adelle, apparently intent on helping with getting the clothes on.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh okay, well it's good that I can take them off when I want, because I didn't fancy having to tear them off and ruin the outfit. And it's good that the extra stuff doesn't cost anything more, because I didn't bring a whole lot of money with me this time out to be honest. So I wasn't sure I'd have enough," Adelle replied to the woman as she showed her how to detach the angel wings from the back of the outfit, then when the woman showed her the lingerie that came with it, Adelle nodded with approval. "Oh good, they look perfect for what I'm wanting them for really, revealing and sexy while not too revealing, so it leaves a little more to the imagination and adds to the sexiness of the rest of the outfit. At least I think it does anyway. Since it isn't costing me anything extra, you can go ahead and add in the rest of the stuff that goes with the outfit alright," Adelle went on to say to the woman after she lifted the skirt to show her the panties underneath.

When she was passed another outfit to try on similar to the first, Adelle couldn't help but giggle at the woman seeming very intent with helping her, though she didn't really mind at all in all honesty, as she was having a bit of fun and always loved trying on new clothes... mostly as she didn't have a whole lot growing up, so she took every chance she'd ever gotten over the years to try on new clothes and such whenever she got the chance. Accepting the woman's offer to help, Adelle would follow her to the nearest changing room and try on the outfit, letting the woman help her however was needed, though if the woman tried to cop a feel on her, Adelle wouldn't really say anything and would just let her grope or whatnot, though if she tried to go too far then Adelle might say something.