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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After taking a few looks around the gym, Adelle could find no trace of Kanai. One of the others present told her that the tiny girl had been there yesterday for a match and was most likely taking a few days for managing other aspects of life. The speedy little lady would likely not be there to make an appearance for the next couple of days, but they also confirmed that she had not quit, for she had managed to win the bout of yesterday.

At the table, the guy who had been there a few days ago was still being as sleepy as ever, and had to be poked back into consciousness. Once he was though, the man wrote her name down on a piece of paper. "Doing this is fine and all, but you can always report to Freya or Frida too. They usually handle collecting the names list for each evening. It'll be easier for me too..." the man told her about the other option, suggesting that she talk to the pair of women who appeared to be twins or at least tag partners from that point onwards when she wanted to have a go in the ring. "Once they come here with the list, I'll add you to it. It might lead to some match sillyness, and we might have to make a handicap or triple match. But hopefully not."

Once back at gymside, Adelle sought out the tall redhead amazon. It was not hard to find her, as she stood tall among the other, more average-height girls quite a lot. That and the almost lion-esque mane of hair that she kept. At the moment, she was doing a strenght exercise with a cable machine, pulling pretty considerable loads of metal plates up and down in an alternating rhythm with one hand and then the other. "Train? With me? Are ya sure? I am not a casual trainer when it comes to exercisin', you know."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When she heard that Kanai wasn't there today, Adelle was at first a little worried for her, but after hearing that she was just taking a couple of days off after finally winning herself a match the previous day, she felt very happy for her friend would have to congratulate her when she next saw her. Adelle then headed over to the signup table where she found the same guy from before sound asleep just as he'd been before as well.

"Oh, alright then, I'll find them from now on when I'm looking to get in a match, unless I just can't seem to find them, in which case I'll come here. If that's okay I mean of course," Adelle replied to the guy as she signed up after prodding him awake.

After finding the big amazonian looking girl, which didn't take very long at all because she was so tall and everything, Adelle approached her and asked if she could train with her and whatnot, where she looked a little amazed at the amount of weights she was lifting. "Yeah sure why not, I mean you're pretty strong and all obviously, and I need to get warmed up for later myself, and you're pretty nice and all. I'm Adelle by the way, don't remember if I introduced myself the other day or not. But if you don't think I could handle as much as you do then just give me a couple of suggestions as to what you think I could do to warm up without getting so sore and or hurting myself before my match," Adelle replied, holding out a hand to shake the other girl's when she had the chance to, where she would listen to the girl's suggestions and head over to the proper piece of equipment to use for a bit.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The amazon held out the her other hand and continued lifting with the other while she handshaked. "I'm Kristy. I would say that it is nice to meet you but we did meet the other time already, so it would be a bit redundant, I think." she told Adelle before going back to doing her exercise with both hands. "But about that. No matter what you do, the first times doing serious exercises will always cause some afterwards soreness if you are out of shape. What I would say is that you start in a comfortable level of effort, then increase it in increments as you begin to feel that your current level is getting easy. As for what you should select, do whatever you feel like you need to develop the most and give that area the most attention in your regimen. Gotta say, there might be some difficulties upper body exercises with that much weight on ya chest." she gave a basic overview, throwing in a comment about Adelle's tits too while she was at it. That was pretty much becoming a pattern with any new person that the busty girl introduced herself to. "If you want to increase strenght, these kinds of exercises are good, as well as ones related to weightlifting. Treadmill and rowing machine are good for endurance and general fitness. Leg exercises are good for balance and movement development. For actual fighting, you gotta spar with others."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Shaking her hand before watching the big girl go back to her weightlifting, Adelle listened to her suggestions about training, knowing pretty much that she'd be sore regardless since she doesn't really workout much. "Well I figured that mostly, just hoping I can get out of making myself too sore before my match later and all you know. I mean I wouldn't say that I'm necessarily out of shape or anything, but I don't really work out per se, I walk around a lot all day every day though so my legs I believe are in fairly good shape as it is, but might as well exercise them some more I guess while I'm at it," Adelle replied before looking down at her tits when Kristy mentioned them, chuckling a bit as she stared down and heaved a sigh, which made them rise and fall. "Yeah... believe me, I know they're big. Bigger than I originally wanted them to be. I remember a few years back when I was about fifteen or so I was flat as a washboard, told my mom that they'd never grow and I'd be flat all my life... then kaboom a year later, and they didn't stop growing. Hell I think they're still growing even now, you can probably hear them growing," Adelle said, exaggerating about her breasts and chuckling a bit more as she hefted them up with her hands before lowering them back down, not wanting to risk dropping them and maybe causing an earthquake.

"I'll work on my upper body a bit though before my match then... unless you'd like to spar with me a little that is Kristy," Adelle then said as she moved over to the dumbbells nearest to Kristy, grabbing a pair of thirty pound ones to lift in either hand while she chatted back and forth with Kristy, mostly just idle chitchat to get to know her a little better. After she did twenty lifts of the weights in either hand, she would then see if Kristy wanted to spar with her a bit before her match, and Kristy's if she had one too. "So... you wanna spar with me Kristy? Before we have to go do our matches I mean," Adelle asked Kristy when she put the dumbbells back in their proper places, standing up and stretching a bit.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Right, right. You know yourself better than I, so use what you know to shape your regimen. I'd say that you give leg exercises only minimal attention and focus a bit more on the other aspects in your situation." Kristy gave some further instruction after hearing what Adelle had to say about her daily routines. Going for the dumbbells produced a smirky expression on her. "That's the spirit."

The two of them exercised together for a while, Kristy changing to another style of lifting somewhere along the line. "Sorry, I have done my sparring time already. Zero was kindly enough to give me some of her time. You gotta ask someone else." the tall amazon told her, otherwise not telling much about herself besides a few things. She was dedicated to keeping top physical condition, both for this and her other job, which was managing a mechanics store and workshop with her father. They dealt with all kinds of machinery, but Kristy admitted that her focus on motorcycles and cars had been the thing that got her to this place.

While the two of them were doing their stuff, Adelle could notice Freya entering the place while they were still going at it. She looked to be inspecting the situation and that there were no abnormalities in the gym. A pair of vest-wearing bikers had arrived near the doors outside as well, so there was most likely not going to be any outside interference either at this point.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye, upper body stuff it is then," Adelle said with a smirk as she went for the dumbbells and talked with the other girl, though when Kristy mentioned she'd already done her sparring for the day Adelle merely shrugged, not looking disappointed or angry really. "Eh no worries, give me a chance to do some other weight lifting stuff for my arms, best to keep at it I guess," Adelle added to Kristy and went for the cable machine like Kristy had been on, changing it around so that she wouldn't be trying to pull too much, opting for thirty pound weights for them like with the dumbbells, but only doing ten for each arm before stopping so she didn't wear herself out.

While they chatted and worked out some more, Adelle noted Kristy speaking about working at a mechanics shop with her father and about how she came to this place and all because of her love of cars and motorcycles. "Say... I recently acquired a motorcycle actually, haven't really ridden it just yet. Mainly as I don't know much about it or anything. Do you think you could take a look at it and tell me what kind it is and what all it's capable of doing maybe if I bring it by your place tomorrow or something? Or you could come with me to where I'm staying right now and take a look at it, after we leave here I mean, or of course tomorrow," Adelle said to Kristy as she finished up with the cable machine and noticed Freya coming in with a couple of biker guys, figuring that they would be beginning their matches soon most likely from the looks of it, so she decided to rest up for her own instead of getting someone to spar with.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I don't see why I couldn't take a look at it, so bring it along when you are able to and I'll give you the skinny on it." Kristy agreed to give the bike an inspection if Adelle just brought it over to her place.

Some time into the resting period, Adelle could see that Freya and the guy at the counter were talking about something while inspecting a clipboard. They also looked at her at times, along with some other girls, but mostly her. Maybe what the man had said earlier was happening and there was some hassle in the schedules, or maybe it was something completely unrelated. "You think she could present us? The one that was supposed to go is nowhere to be found..." the man asked from Freya, and the woman shrugged, most likely not sure what to say.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, thanks Kristy. I was thinking to keep it, so that I could get around a bit easier here in the city and all, but I'm actually a little afraid of using it for just that so it doesn't get stolen," Adelle replied to Kristy as she stretched and all.

While she was resting back up she noticed Freya come in where she went over to the counter that she'd told the guy to sign her up for tonight where they seemed to be chatting about something while giving sidelong glances at her and the other girls in the place, though it appeared they were looking at her more so for some reason. "Hmm... wonder what that's all about, Freya over there I mean. Her and that guy are looking around over here at us... me in particular I think, but I'm not sure, and it sounds like something's going on too," Adelle said to Kristy after she noticed the pair glancing her way.

Getting up, Adelle decided to investigate since she had nothing better to do at the moment really. Walking cautiously over to Freya, Adelle nodded at her when she got to her side. "Something wrong Freya? You both kept looking over towards me and Kristy. If it's about the scheduling then don't worry about it, I can get a match tomorrow if it'll work out better for everyone, doesn't bother me much," Adelle asked Freya, truly not overly worried about getting a match that evening, hell it was more just a thing to give her something to do and maybe make a bit of extra money on the side really more than anything... to Adelle it was at least anyway.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well, the thing is that your late application kinda messes with our schedule. That's not a problem that can't be fixed, but there's also this meeting that our boss is going to attend. As the tradition has been, there is usually one representative from each attending group doing the waiting work. Our selected girl has not shown up, and we kind of need to find someone to replace them. But we can't just pick anyone, for that meeting is one that requires discreet, polite behaviour and general knowledge of etiquette. Considering the main attendants, those are absolutely vital." Freya explained the reason behind them looking around at the girls.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh well if it messes with it that much then don't worry about it, I'm not overly bothered by it really. I can come back tomorrow if it'd be better for you all. But... I don't mind helping out with the other bit. Is the pay good or better than winning a match?" Adelle said, letting Freya know that she didn't mind waiting on the match, while looking a little intrigued about the other job, which sounded more like a high class waitress type of thing really. "Is it just basic etiquette, or something special I'd have to know? Because I've worked as a waitress before back home to make some money before I came here, so I know a bit about doing it can handle that bit if I can make some very good money out of it, and I'm usually polite to most people anyway so you wouldn't have to worry about that either really, unless they were trying to hurt me or do something to me against my will of course. And I can be discreet too for the most part if it is required, though... if I might be expected to... you know, do some... (Adelle blushes slightly)... dirty things, then I would at least like the option of rejecting such things, unless I was feeling up to the task that is. If that's okay I mean," Adelle went on to say to Freya, looking as curious about this meeting job as she could to maybe further her possibility of working it if it paid better than the wrestling.

Not that the wrestling wasn't fun or anything of course, but she was wanting to make some money... it was kind of the whole reason she'd come to the big city in the first place really, and while she didn't mind getting her hands dirty somewhat, she didn't want to do something very degrading against her will just to get some money. She wanted it to be on her terms if she did anything dirty, not somebody else's, like with the wrestling. She was doing it because while it was dirty, she had chosen to do it and wasn't forced into it, and was making some decent money as a bonus whether she won or lost.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The idea of a dirty job appeared to be a something that Freya would not associate with this particular event. "Oh dear no. The ladies and gentleman over in this little social gathering are not doing this for something like that. It is a serious meeting and discussion of interests, not a party." she dismissed any ideas of this being a sex party of any sort. "The pay is pretty standard from our boss, but there always is a chance for some heavy tips. These folks don't hide their wealth."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh, okay then yeah sure I'll do it, sorry for thinking it might have been something else, but you can't blame me too much considering the wrestling stuff here though. Anyway though as I said, I've done waitress work before, so I know the majority of what to do, be polite and always listen to what everybody I'm waiting on wants, then bring it to them with a smile on my face. Is there anything special I need to know, like what not to say to certain people or anything? Or am I supposed to be like the personal waitress for our boss here or something, or just walk around and be pretty and wait on everybody?" Adelle said to Freya, asking a little more about the job and if there was anything specific she needed to know to do or not to do. "I'll do my best to help the boss though, if the other girl isn't here I mean, as it'll free you all up here and everything and give me something to do," Adelle added with a shrug, looking a bit eager to take on this job.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"If it was the decision of just our boss, that might be how things worked out, believe me. He is a firm believer in the method of business deals being handled over a generous amount of booze and easy women. But he is not the only one deciding, and there are more powerful people than he is present in the meeting." Freya told Adelle that she was not far off the mark if the bikers had their way with the execution of the meeting. "But yes, that is pretty much what you have to do. The boss might have you or some other waitress sit with himself as he fancies having girls around him, but the others are unlikely to try anything like that. There are no set people, just give the service to whoever asks for it. Also, you can speak with the participants if they address you, but common courtesies still apply." she carried on as the man from the front desk looked around. There still was no sign of the girl they had initially planned to have as the waitress, so it looked like Adelle would have this job.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle merely smiled and chuckled a little when Freya mentioned what their boss's decision would be if he had the final say in the matter of what the girls around there would be doing, thinking to herself that she was glad it wasn't just his decision, else she'd turn down the job most likely. "M'kay, yeah I should be able to handle that. Everyone at the diner I waitressed at liked me a lot, said I was always polite no matter what and never had any complaints about me. If this isn't much different than that then I shouldn't have any problems, and hell I wouldn't mind sitting with someone if they wanted me to after grabbing them a drink or something, it'd be a part of the job and might make me some nice tips to boot, which is always nice," Adelle said to Freya, looking a bit eager and sure that she could handle it if being a waitress was all she needed to do, a few memories of her old job before leaving home faintly going through her head.

As she stood there a moment reminiscing in her head, Adelle suddenly had a thought that was probably quite important to say the least. "Hmm, where is this place by the way? I doubt I'd be allowed to have my gun or sword with me while there being a waitress and all. So would I have a place there I can store them at? I'd hate to have to walk halfway across the city or something just to get back to them in the middle of the night and all, hell that's probably more dangerous than showing up with a pair of pistols in hand at a bank if you ask me," Adelle then said, asking about if she could take her things and leave them there in a safe place to collect before leaving wherever the place was to be at. "Other than that I'm ready to go I guess. Oh... almost forgot, one more thing. Would I be given something to wear there or would I need to bring something nice to wear myself? Because I haven't really got a lot of money or really nice clothes that I could wear if I need to be dressed fancy or anything," she added after a few seconds, figuring it good to know if she'd have something to wear there or whatnot as she bit her bottom lip.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You will be going to the biggest bar/restaurant estabilishment in the city, so I'm sure there is enough space for one gun and blade in some locker there. Don't worry about getting there as one of our boys will take you there when they leave. And yes they do have a select set of clothes for you to wear. I'd advise you to go and take a shower before you leave, going in there sweaty might cause some frowns. Maybe change into your regular clothes as well, unless you want to ride in that get-up."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alrighty then, it's good to know that I can take my stuff with me. and I'll change back when I get through in the shower. But um... I do hope that these clothes will fit me good though and aren't made specifically for the other girl or anything, cause if her chest is smaller than mine then I'll be in trouble I think," Adelle said with a slightly embarrassed chuckle, nodding her head before heading towards the showers and waving at Kristy on her way towards them.

Once in the bathroom area there, Adelle took her outfit off and put it back into her backpack for now, then she hopped into the shower, cleaning her body off quickly before getting out and wrapping her hair up in a towel to help dry it quicker while using another to dry the rest of her body off. As soon as she was dry enough, Adelle applied some lotions or powder, whichever seemed to be the more abundant of the two there. After that she got her other clothes back on, pulling her panties and then her jeans back up and putting her bra on and then pulling her shirt back down over her head before heading to get a blow drier for her hair, which once it was dry she then brushed it out nicely to make her look good. Once that was all done, she went on out to find Freya to let her know she was ready to go whenever they were ready for her.

"Should I wear some perfume or anything like that to be more... alluring I guess? Or is that kind of stuff going to be provided at this restaurant place or something to put on once I'm there? Just wondering is all, because I don't got any of that kind of stuff on me or anything and I figure it'd be good to wear to make me look good. Other than that I'm ready to go whenever really, just tell me when," Adelle asked Freya when she came out of the bathroom and found her, thinking the sexier and better she looked, then the better the tips she'd get and probably the better people would like her and maybe want her there at their next meeting, whenever that would be.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I don't think that will be an issue." was all that Freya had that say before Adelle went to take her shower and do some wardrobe exchange.

The busty girl managed to do what she wanted pretty easy, the locker and shower rooms being empty besides her the entire time, the other girls apparently focused on final exercises and other things before their matches later. Once she returned to the gymside, further questions could be asked from the manager of the wrestlers who was still there. "They don't probably dictate that anywhere, so you are free to do it if you want. Getting hold of some shouldn't be a problem either, considering the nature of the location." she told Adelle just as the roar of high-power motorcycle engines could be heard from outside. "Looks like they are here already, I suggest you be on your way. The boys can be impatient." was the final thing said between them for now.

Outside, a squad of seven bikes was waiting for her, Pitbull from the other day at the helm. The massive slab of a biker gestured at Adelle to sit down on the back seat of his bike, the whole vehicle being larger than normal to manage with the bulk of the rider. "Let's go, Sapphire."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright then, I'll see what I've got to work with there, so I'm off. Wish me luck okay, and thanks for this opportunity. Hopefully I'll do good since it's something I already know how to do and was pretty good at not too very long ago," Adelle said to Freya, thanking her for deciding on letting her go for this as she bowed her head a little, showing her thanks as she heard the motorcycles roaring outside.

With that she went outside, waving at Kristy as she went on out. When she got out through the doors, Adelle saw Pitbull from the other day when she was here, and she smiled at the sight of him as he gestured for her to get on his bike with him. "Heh, alright then big guy, let's go. I've got a bike of my own now, but I've not had a chance to ride it yet really," Adelle said to him as she got on the bike and wrapped her arms around his waist to hold on, grabbing a helmet before she got on if there was one to be had, but not worrying if there wasn't one. Once they began riding, she raised her head to look around as they went and, letting the wind hit her face and catch her hair if she had no helmet. "Hey Pitbull... outside of there, you can call me Adelle if you want, it's fine with me. And how far is it to this place?" Adelle said to the guy as they rode, trying to be friendly as they went and to have something to occupy her time also.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she mentioned the bike, it did not seem to present too much interest for the group of bikers. There was no helmet in sight, not on any of the seven bikers nor on Pitbull's bike. Asking for one would likely not have too fruitful results, so Adelle would have to go without it. Still, it was something that she didn't likely sweat over too much. Wrapping arms around the biker was another difficult task, with all of his fatty bulk there making him so wide. The busty girl could still hold on to some straps on the sides of his leather vest, so it was not all that bad. "Hmh, okay." was all that he had to say to the first things that Adelle said. "Not far, with our bikes anyway. I would have imagined that you knew of this place. But you are the replacement girl, so maybe not."

While the few-worded Pitbull drove them through the streets, it became clear to Adelle that they were heading towards what had once been Isolda's place, the huge party place with a shady reputation. Every corner turned drew them closer to the building, and eventually she could see the shadow of the place in the early evening.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle noticed that the bikers didn't seem to care too much that she had a bike herself, but then again she didn't really care that they didn't care so they were even on that, and she didn't bother about asking for a helmet either really, and didn't care much that she didn't have one to wear. When they made it to the place in question which wasn't too far away thankfully as Pitbull had said, Adelle saw it was Isolda's place, where she just smirked and shook her head slightly. "Ah Isolda's, should have figured that out when Freya said it was the biggest restaurant in the city, don't know why it didn't click in my head," Adelle said with a chuckle from the back of Pitbull's bike.

Once they arrived and came to a stop, Adelle waited for the bikers to dismount and then she'd follow them on inside and ask Pitbull where she needed to go to get changed for the party, thanking him for the ride and the directions assuming he told her which way to go, but only for the ride if he didn't.