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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The squids did not seem to be in a mind to disagree, exploring what space they had in their new habitat as Adelle left. Considering where they had lived before this, it did not seem much of a change to things, except maybe the lack of furniture which the office had been filled up with. The pods still did not go anywhere, but they too had no interest in being locked up and preferred the open lid to the closed one.

It did look like the TV was not much of an entertainment tool these days, as most things that it had going were either music videos or programs of the past, but there was something helpful too in the form of different news channels from what appeared to be independent people who wanted to spend their time on keeping the other people informed about the happenings of the world. There was one specific to the city and the surrounding area that Adelle currently resided in too, a thing that might prove to be useful at times to inform her of events and conditions that might be happening around her.

Just like before, the cat creature did not seem to be in any state of mind to sleep with Adelle, not even coming to the same room and remaining on the couch like it had been most of the day. The night was quiet around the area where she now lived, and there was little that could disturb the busty girl, though she could see from her bedroom window that Boris was still up, some light coming from the window that faced her own on the neighboring house.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Thankful that her pets didn't want any sexy fun right now, Adelle decided it best to let them roam the cellar at their leisure for the time being, at least until she decided to have a bit of fun with them. After sitting back down for a while and watching the TV set and seeing the different things that were on there, Adelle came upon a news channel that seemed to be quite up to date on the city's happenings and whatnot.

Checking the channel, Adelle remembered it so she could turn over there anytime she wanted to check and see what was going on around her. Leaving her cat friend on the couch, where he seemed comfortable enough, she did her bathroom things before bedtime and prepared to hop in once she was in the bedroom. Glancing out her bedroom window before closing the curtains shut, still in her panties and tanktop she was going to sleep in, Adelle peeked out and over to see the light in Boris' house still on indicating he was still awake. She looked over there for a minute or so to see what all she could see before closing the curtains and climbing in bed, where she would soon fall asleep.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Looking over to the neighbor revealed that Boris might have been doing a bout of weapon maintenance, an AK passing Adelle's sight as the man moved the thing over to do some work on it. Other than that, she did not really see what was going on there. It was not hard to fall asleep after that, the relative silence of the surrounding area not having much that could bother her. And as the night rolled by, morning did come again as it had come each day before that, bringing with it another day of activity or whatever the busty girl opted to use it for. Having spent the first day in a bed all her own, she found out that Kozlov had not scrimped on funds when selecting one, the bed being particularly fine and pleasant to sleep in. The place appeared to be completely fine still, though she could hear some TV sounds from the next room. The time did not appear to be too late, a little after the 8am mark.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Not seeing much other than Boris cleaning his guns, Adelle smiled a bit at the knowledge that if someone tried to fuck with her, that he'd probably come to her rescue, as he'd seemed quite nice and all. Climbing into bed, Adelle found it was quite comfortable and was soon very relaxed and falling asleep, the last thought that went through her head being that it cold only be better if she had a lover to snuggle up to.

The next morning when she woke up, Adelle raised up and looked around the room, as she'd heard the television. Seeing nothing wrong save for the TV being on, which she assumed it was her cat friend that had turned it on, Adelle climbed out of bed walked over to the window and opened the curtains as she stretched to look out, completely forgetting she was in just her panties and a tanktop that only stretched halfway down her waist. Walking on to the bathroom to do all of her morning business, Adelle came back out with her hair fixed up in a ponytail and was still wearing her sleeping clothes, but had laid out a pair of her jeans and a green T-shirt to wear.

Heading out and into the kitchen, she passed by the TV to see what was on it, glancing over at her cat friend with a smirk as she went through. "You're up early buddy. Hope you're ready for some breakfast, because I got us some bacon yesterday at the market, and everyone likes bacon," Adelle told the cat.

She then went to the kitchen and got everything ready for cooking, pulling out some bacon for the two of them, and making an extra piece for each of her pets in the cellar, and then she made some toast and scrambled a couple of eggs to go with it. Once breakfast was done, she collected all of the scraps and put them onto a plate, which she set to the side while she cleaned the dishes, where she then took said scraps to feed the other pets. She fed each of them by hand to make sure none of them got more than the others, gently petting them while they ate.

"I don't really know what you little critters eat honestly, but I'll find something else for you besides my table scraps," Adelle said while feeding them.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she exited the room, Adelle could see that indeed it was the cat and his antics, having enough skill to work with the remote and get the TV on by itself. This time around, the chosen channel was much better, the local news one. She could actually see that the fight with Jet had managed to get attention and was now being talked about while there was footage of the man's dead body being taken away by the emergency people. While it might have looked like a report of some homicide, the reported had some info on the situation and stated that it was a dispute inside the community of hunters, though she questioned the need for this kind of force being used for internal control. She clearly did not know the full story, it looked like.

Eating and feeding the others in her household did not go any differently than it had gone yesterday, all of them eating what was being offered. Maybe the things in her basement were omnivorous, but the fact that they had attacked her before might have been a hint about one way they feeded themselves, as strange as it was.

As Adelle was exiting the basement, she heard a knock on the door.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After feeding her little critters in the cellar, and the thought that they perhaps fed on her juices crept into mind, though she'd have to test that later. Petting each of her pets, Adelle went on back up the ladder once she'd finished feeding them the scraps, where she heard a knock at the door. "Hang on a minute, I'll be right there," Adelle called to whoever was at the door, rushing back to the kitchen to put the last plate in the sink before rushing to the bedroom to grab her pistol just in case. Once she had that, she hopped back to the door to answer it, not realizing she was still in her bed clothes consisting of a pair of skimpy panties and a tanktop that only went about halfway down her waist.

"Alright, I'm here I'm here. Who is it?" Adelle said as she got to the door, calling through and asking who it was as she glanced through the peephole if the door had one. Opening the door once she made sure who it was, Adelle kept her pistol behind the door for the moment as she looked around, with whoever was there able to see her panties some.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Going through the motions to keep herself secure, Adelle went about to get her gun but forgetting to get dressed in the process. "I'm the tax official." she heard the reply to her question, though it was obviously Mariela from both the verbal cue and the look from the peephole. As she was let in, the sister of blades could not miss the clothing mishap that was going on. "I did not know that this was a thing you did." she commented on it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh ha ha Mari, welcome welcome to my new humble abode," Adelle replied as she opened the door for her friend.

When Mariela said what she did about Adelle's clothing state, the busty girl blushed a little, but recovered quickly and looked back to her friend. "Well it's my house now, plus I just got through eating breakfast and hadn't put my working clothes on yet," Adelle replied to her with a shrug of her shoulders. "So what brings you over here? Also you want something to drink? I've got... water... and some sodas, and a few beers too, but I doubt you'd want one of those this early," she added as Mariela came in, heading off to grab her clothes she'd laid out for herself earlier, which was what she was about to go do anyway before Mariela came up.

Coming back to the living room, Adelle would be fully clothed now in her green T-shirt and pair of jeans, which she'd be zipping up as she came back in. "Oh yeah, meet my new pal here. Snuck in last night on me over at Rachaela's and I think he kind of likes me. I just call him Buddy for now, since he responds to that... for the most part at least," Adelle said once she returned, gesturing at the cat on the couch.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The sister took the invitation and got in, following after Adelle and not going into wandering mode to look for herself. Again, she had changed her daily weapon, this time sporting a more , each of them having different colors of blade that could be seen from the skeletonized sheaths. The early morning did not appear to affect Mariela's habits though. "Gimme a beer. I'm not weak enough to be affected by a single can."

After taking the brief leave to her bedroom for getting clothed, Adelle found Mariela and her cat friend fighting for the beer can, though she could clearly see that it was not serious on the cat's part, who just might have been trying to tease the blade sister. It might not be the best first impression one might give, but that was how the creature did it's thing. But it stopped soon enough, and the two separated as Mariela gave a somewhat bizarre look to the cat, who she happened to be sharing the couch with at the time. "Hmm, that is not one way I imagined one would make friends, but I suppose it works." she said, taking a chug of beer while still keeping her eye on the competitor for the beer.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, I've got some in the fridge in the kitchen, go ahead and grab you one if you want it. I'll be back in there in a minute," Adelle called to Mariela.

Coming back in she saw her cat friend and Mariela fighting over the beer, making her think that the cat was a drunk or something possibly... which was actually a little funny. "Heh, he's just teasing you a bit... I think. Yesterday morning right after I woke back up he dropped one of my... toys right on my forehead, but I don't think he was trying to hurt me really... at least I hope he wasn't anyway," Adelle said with a chuckle, coming over to the sofa to sit with them. "So... you just coming over to see where I lived now, or is this more of a... job call? If it's about Margaret, Rachaela and I had a run in with her a couple of days ago, and I tried to tail her but she noticed me and I had to bail. Started to just come up behind her as best I could and plug her in the ass then drag her back to you, but she'd have probably whipped my ass," Adelle asked curiously as she sat down on the sofa between Mariela and the cat.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Once Adelle moved onto the couch, Buddy vacated to the other piece of furniture nearby, which was a single-person comfy chair. He could have remained there as the couch was a three-seater, but was apparently wanting to give some personal space both for himself and the girls. While he had taken a beer yesterday, it did not look like he was drunk from the usual steady pace of his movement.

"Not a job call, no. And I did hear about the meeting you had with that bitch. You did the right thing in not trying to engage her, I doubt we could take her with the two of us. If it's you and the four of us, then I'd believe in our chances. Just came to see this place you got yourself and how to get here if there is need for a quick meeting, possibly a place to drink if that is a thing in the future." Mariela explained her reasons for dropping over before downing the rest of the can, which crumpled in her grip afterwards. Much like the cat yesterday, she too signalled the finish with a burp, showing that somewhat masculine side of herself once again. While it would have been unheard of for Rachaela or Lacrimosa to act in such a way, it looked like the blade sister had no aversion towards un-ladylike behavior, even if she was all dolled up in the group's chosen uniform.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"M'kay, well this is home now I guess. Which is good I suppose because it keeps me from having to mooch off of you girls. And I suppose I've kind of got the central house since I'm practically centered between all of your houses and whatnot. I mean Lacri's place is about as far from here as your place is, and Isabella's and Rachaela's aren't too much further from here than that, so I wouldn't mind meeting up here with you four when need be," Adelle said as she sat down, glancing over at Buddy when he hopped over to the chair next to them.

"I was thinking about what all I need to do today actually before you rang. I've gotta run by the gun shop shortly, and a couple of places at the market to see if I can get some of those big cages to set up in the cellar and to get a couple of other things too. Then I've got to go see Raizan and check if he's fixed my sword yet, because... heh, he was none too happy about when I brought it to him yesterday. I think he was giving me a break somewhat though since it was the first time I've ever really used a sword," Adelle told her after the sword wielding sister finished her beer and belched like she did. "If I've got some extra time after I get stuff done I might see about a job at the bar, just... always seems like I get the shitty jobs you know. That strange chick from the sewers on that second job we went on, the one that took your sword apart in one swing. Well Samson sent me and Terumi after Jet yesterday and that woman killed him before we could knock him out, then she took his jetpack before I could stop her. Kind if pisses me off, but she did kind of save me this time, because Terumi got knocked down and Jet was bearing down on me pretty hard, and I don't think I could have held him off before Terumi jumped back in honestly," she added, telling Mariela a bit about what had happened the day before with the job to find and stop Jet from hurting anyone.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The mention of the event where her sword had snapped did not seem to please Mariela too much as she stomped the ground when it happened. "And there's another one... cost me both a blade and a dress... damn them." she began to tighten up, the mention of things that went against her starting to affect the blade sister's mood. "Never really liked Jet, but I still think he did not really deserve a fate like that. Terumi though, be careful if you decide to work with him again. I do not know what it is, but somehow I feel bothered when he is around, in a strange kind of way. I haven't worked with him, but even his presence does that." she switched off from the unpleasant parts of the conversation, to calm herself if nothing else. "I think I could come around to Raizan's as well, Sis Lacrimosa is supposedly there as well, getting a new weapon idea that she had been thinking about into reality. Well, getting herself a weapon to aid with fighting. It is not exactly new to use those things."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well if you like I can give you a ride over there on the bike, because it'd probably be good to get started sooner rather than later and all, since I've got some things to pick up today," Adelle told Mariela once she'd finished talking after telling her where Lacri was at or going to at least. "I'm hoping to have enough time left over for a quick job maybe, but I'm not sure I will. One can hope though," she added, getting up and grabbing her key for the bike and the house before grabbing some spending money (about $400 give or take a bit), then she came back with her pistol holsters on her legs and her sword slung over her back, figuring she wouldn't need any heavy firepower today and opting to leave the assault rifle and sub machine gun behind this time.

Once she had everything ready, Adelle led her to the garage and climbed on the bike, started it up and waited for Mariela to hop on for them to head on out to Raizan's.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Fine with me." the sister agreed as the two of them opted to see Raizan and possibly Lacrimosa as well. It did not take them any longer than it took Adelle to get her belongings together and ready for departure as Mariela had everything in order. The pair hopped onto the bike, Mariela's style being something from a princess tale as she kept both of her feet on one side, almost like some member of royalty would when they were on a horse. While it was maybe a bit unbalanced, she still held onto the bike frame with a strong enough grip using both hands.

While the pair were there almost on the opening time, they still missed out on being the first ones as Lacrimosa had made it there before the two of them. By the time they got in, the pair could see Raizan turning over the project that the nun had requested over to her. It was a pair of gauntlet-like weapons with a brass knuckles grip on the inside, a foursome of blades extending out to some one and half feet from the front. It was clear as to how they would be used, considering how Lacrimosa fought, and the metal plate that covered the grip extended some ways back towards the elbow to give them some increased defensive capability in the form of forearm blocks in addition to the ones with the blades themselves. A dull gray color was the most prominent feature of the things, the only real mark being the large red crosses on the armor plates. The nun seemed to appreciate them, getting the things on to give them a few practise swipes at the air.

It was not hard to notice that something had been keeping Raizan up and away from rest, the man looking like he was about to pass out any moment now. Still he did not give in, and went on to explain things a bit better to Lacrimosa as she looked over the bladed gauntlets. "As you asked for the most durability I could manage, I went ahead and utilized some of my prized tungsten alloy to make these things. I've never worked so hard in my life to sharpen something. Not even my apprenticeship days..." he yawned afterwards.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"M'kay let's go then," Adelle said after she'd gotten her things, climbing on the bike and starting it up.

Once they headed out, Adelle noticed how Mariela was sitting on the bike, which worried her at first, but she was able to adjust enough to keep from falling over. Once they'd gotten over to Raizan's place, they noticed Lacri inside getting whatever she was there to get. Pulling the bike up in front of his shop, Adelle turned off the engine and kicked out the stand and followed Mariela inside. Adelle looked at the strange weapon Lacri was getting with a bit of a curious stare, wondering what it was supposed to be exactly.

"Wow, looks like a pretty good weapon Lacri. And good work Raizan, I might have to get some body armor made from that stuff if I could ever save the money to afford it. Especially if you're that good," Adelle said to the two, flattering Raizan a bit as she noticed how exhausted he was. "Go get some rest, if you haven't been able to repair my blade yet I'll come back tomorrow, I'd rather you be rested and healthy," Adelle then told him, not worrying about her sword yet unless he had it done, in which case she'd pay him for the repairs and shoo him off to bed before turning back to her companions to see where they were going now.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The suggestion that he had not managed to clear up the orders caused a questioning look from Raizan. "Missy, mere tungsten is not good enough to keep me from doing my work. It will take more than that. And if you want body armor, you have to develop some serious strength to move around with a few plates of the stuff. It is a seriously heavy variety of metal, even when alloyed." the smith informed her as he went to the back to retrieve the sword as well, which had now gained some width in the repair process, but could still fit into the sheath no problem. "There, repairing that was like spreading butter when compared to the brutality of trying to get those eight blades into the proper edge."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Eh it's nice to dream about some strong armor like that though at least, even if I never could wear it," Adelle said to Raizan before he went and brought her sword over to her, where she paid him what she owed for the repairs if anything and noticed the added width made into her blade now.

"Wow, thanks Raizan, now go get you some rest and I'll definitely take better care of it this time around. Something this beautiful should be taken very good care of, gotta treat it like a lady," Adelle said as she took a look at her new and improved sword.

With that she looked to Mariela and Lacri to see where they were going before she rode her bike off to the market to look around for some cages or something similar to keep her new pets from roaming about and maybe fighting with each other in the cellar. If Lacri or Mariela either one were heading that way, she would tell them that she didn't mind giving them a lift part of the way there as far as the market since that was where she was going, asking both about where she might get some cages or fencing to put up that was large enough for what she was wanting, where after getting to the market she'd look about for a place that sold it.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After asking around, Adelle found that she might have some company in Lacri, who appeared to have some interest towards going to the market. Regardless, neither of them seemed to have any real idea as to where one might find the things she was looking for. Mariela appeared to have some business with Raizan, so she opted to stay behind and head to the bar on her own. Like the other sister, the nun used the sideways type of sitting, something that was not hard to imagine being the best way when dressed like the two were. It would take some setting up to mount oneself normally onto the bike when using a long dress, after all.

After making the trip to the market and looking around some, the pair found themselves at a store that was selling things related to keeping animals, more about the farm animal type than actual pets. There, one could find chain link fence both high and low in addition to many other things related to animal keeping and farming.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Chatting with the girls, Adelle found that Lacri was apparently needing to head towards the market and offered her a ride in that direction since she was heading that way too. Leaving Mariela at Raizan's as she had other business with him, Adelle waited for Lacri to hop onto the bike, just like Mariela did, where as soon as she was on and balanced out, Adelle started the bike and set off with Lacri on board with her. "That thing looks awesome Lacri, oh and I ran into that chick again from the sky city yesterday, the one from that first job I went on with you and the others. She... kinda saved me while me and Terumi were fighting Jet. Wished she hadn't have killed him, but then again he was probably about to do the same to me before she killed him," Adelle told Lacri as they went towards the markets.

When they got over to the markets, Adelle went around to find a pet type of store, where once there Adelle went on inside with Lacri still in tow. Inside, Adelle found pretty much just what she was looking for after a little searching within the place... some fencing that would be perfect to separate her pets down in the cellar. Adelle checked out how much a roll of the tall fencing would be and one of the lower set rolls as well, figuring one of each should be enough for the cellar to keep the two different kinds of creatures apart in their own areas of the cellar while leaving enough room for her to move about and even store some things if need be.