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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The fight carried on, carrying mixed results as Adelle kept the one robot down, the poor thing not just catching a break and keeping getting tripped up. When it came to firing at Isabella's attacker, she had something unexpected happen as the bullet tried to fire did not come out at all, something probably being wrong with the cartridge, maybe a faulty primer. Still, the busty girl proved to be too slippery a target to the one robot harassing her as it flailed it's tentacles at her in a lackluster attempt to capture the target. Maybe she was getting better at evading blows after all these adventures around the city and avoiding a whole lot of different things.

Isabella did not fare any better, her struggling shots only managing to scrape the paint of the robot before she got tasered for the third time. And to make things worse, her resistance was beginning to wear out as she actually got tripped up afterwards, the mechanical sentry revving up it's engine as it started to retreat from the melee and pull her along, which was not particularly pleasant-looking. If any usual behaviors were of indication, it was trying to separate the two and subdue the gun sister in a safer location. What it would do after than was up in the air.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Popping the other robot again before it could get back up, Adelle kept it pinned down for the time being thankfully as she again managed to nimbly dodge the one trying to tangle her up with its robotic tentacles. Her larger caliber gun though didn't fire even though she knew that she had another couple bullets in there. Then she saw Isabella finally get taken down where the bot began to drag her off to god only knew where, which was unacceptable.

"Shit, hang on Izzy, I'm a coming," Adelle called out to her companion who had just gotten zapped for a third time as it finally began to show on her friend.

With that, Adelle spun around and swung her submachine gun up at the one closest to her that was trying to tangle her up as she clicked it to fully auto, where she pulled the trigger and into the most sensitive portion of the thing that was visible to her. Then she spun around after hitting it with a good 10 bullets or so, and fired another burst of 10 rounds into the one pulling Isabella, and assuming she took them both down she'd spin and fire the last 10 rounds of her magazine into the last one that would probably be getting back up again. "Let her go you bastard," Adelle yelled at the one dragging Isabella off as she fired at it. The busty girl had an air of determination about her, knowing that she couldn't let her companion down, and she refused to give up and let her get taken and run away.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Throwing the need to spare bullets to the wind, Adelle got her sub gun out and hit the fun switch straight away, taking trust in the spray and pray method instead of taking more precise shots. While it was certainly a decent enough idea, the execution did not just match the expectations as she managed to miss both the one attacking her and the one on Isabella's case as well. Only the one trying to recover got the spray, taking a buttload of lead which made it stop completely. Yet, the busty girl was having a streak at evading, which might have frustrated her opponent if it was a living person and not a mechanical sentry. Adelle herself might have been a little more annoyed as she had spent an entire mag of sub ammo in a quick spray.

Not completely out from the game yet, Isabella still could fire as she bent her upper body up somewhat to point the guns, taking a double shot but not really managing it as it was a bumpy ride across the ground. Still, something did go right as the robot tugging her around had to move in order to avoid the shots, which caused it to flop down onto it's face and stop the ride for a while. It was still holding on, but there was opportunity here.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Firing at her intended targets didn't pay off as well as she'd hoped in the end, but it wasn't an entire waste of time, ammo, and money, as she was able to take down the one that hadn't managed to get back up before just managing to roll away just in time to avoid getting grappled by the one gunning for her. "Dammit all, hang on Izzy, I promise I'm a coming, just give me a minute or two here... to take care of some business," Adelle called as she got back to her feet, where she then quickly reached into her backpack before pulling out her new gun that Isabella had finished for her that morning, where she then clicked off the safety and prepared to blast the bot attacking her.

Taking aim as it came at her again, Adelle knew that she would need a good up close shot to take the thing down, so she could do the most damage possible to the thing, aiming directly at the thing's eyepieces to blind it and take it down hopefully. She held up her smaller pistol and fired at the base of the robotic tentacles to hopefully keep them out of the picture, and as soon as she was as close as she could get before it did something to her, she fired her shotgun pistol, and if the first shot didn't take it down she'd fire again, at which point she'd rush over to Isabella and fire the last two shells at her opponent in hopes of both taking it down and rescuing her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The retrieval of her handy little shotgun thing gave the robot a brief opening to take a shot at Adelle, but she was prepared enough to move during the fetch. Shots rang from her guns, the robot eating both the first shotgun blast and the pistol shot, getting closer to wrecked condition after each hit but not quite going down yet. It flailed the remaining tentacle it had in a blind manner to try and reach the busty girl, but could not do it this time either as it was without it's visual sensors to target properly. The second shotgun volley finally did it in, a piece of the upper body blowing off from the lead ball hits that tore it apart before the thing rolled about for a few spins and collapsed onto the ground.

While Adelle was certainly right in her plan to get her companion rescued, it looked like Isabella needed no further help once she had gained an opportunity from the robot's fuck-up that had paused the drag along the ground. Leveling her guns at the now exposed sentry, she popped the wheel with two shots and hindered the recovery even further before going completely mental, nailing the thing with all the remaining shots she had in her old guns. Even as they were so ancient, the things still had more capacity than Adelle's revolvers. Once the bolts locked back, the gun sister stopped, not really bothering to get up quite yet. "And now I have to get this dress fixed, hnnnng. This is Mariela's forte, not mine, getting dragged and roughed up."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite her wanting it to, it ended up taking 2 blasts from her shotgun pistol along with the last of her bullets in her pistol to take the robot thing down, but she still had 2 shells left in the shotgun pistol for the one dragging Isabella away and was preparing to rush it and hit it before it could prepare itself. However Isabella seemed to have taken care of it, stealing a bit of her glory in the process, but as long as the gun sister was okay she didn't mind, mainly because Isabella was the main one of the sisters she got along the best with, likely because of their equal like of guns and whatnot.

"Well better the dress than whatever that thing had in mind for you I guess. And I am definitely going to have to invest in something with more stopping power than pistols and submachine guns. You want to get up just yet or you wanna lay there for a couple of minutes and rest while I loot the robots?" Adelle said to Isabella, moving over to her as she emptied her pistols, taking the bullet from her larger caliber pistol that seemed to have been a bad one to see if she could figure out what had happened with it, and if Isabella wanted up then Adelle would offer her a hand up before going around to the robots they just fought and seeing what salvage could be gathered from them and either used or sold for money in the city.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I suppose. Gimme a minute." Isabella agreed, opting to take a brief pause after the episode that had just happened. Regardless, she did not stay idle completely, spending some time to get her weapons reloaded. Even in the somewhat awkward position to do it and the notoriously tricksy clips of her guns, the bullets still went in smoothly with heavily practiced precision.

The robots, destroyed as they were, did not give out any easily detectable signs of valuables. The tech in them might hold some value for a person who dealt with them, which would require breaking the things down for parts or just carting them off the site as they were as far as the immediate moment was concerned. Leaving them behind might see them cleaned away, so it was a decision of the moment for the girls if they wanted to try and benefit from these things.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, you think these things are worth anything, whether for scrap or something else?" Adelle asked Isabella curiously after reloading her guns and beginning to check the robot things. "And do you think that if anyone back in town does want these that they'd want them as intact as possible? I'm guessing yeah on that, but I obviously don't know for sure, as I've never been to one of those places," she added.

She didn't really know for sure, but the tasers that were built into the things were definitely worth something, though... at the same time she thought that someone might buy the things whole and would pay extra for as much intact as possible. Regardless, Adelle would wait for Isabella's answer before she made a decision on the matter, though if she didn't really get an answer that told her much she would try to pry the things open and take all of the tasers from them and put them in her backpack to take and maybe sell to someone back in town. Then again though she could always lay claim to them and have them, and the one from earlier all hauled off to one of the scrap yards in the city for some extra cash, but she'd need to talk to Samson or someone about that, most likely the company that wanted these grounds and stuff for whatever reasons.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"As scrap, I don't think they'd sell for much. There's already more than enough of that to go around in the city. Finding a guy who deals with robots or someone who might need them for whatever reason would be smarter if you are really wanting to benefit from them. Breaking them down to parts might work as well, but that takes time and skill to do." Isabella knew to tell, her tech knowledge still being the best of the four in her group. Eventually she got back up again from her breather period, now sporting somewhat electrified ponytail and a dress that had tears on a few different spots in the back that had come from her getting dragged across the ground. Even so, she took it much better than the others, optimism remaining the primary element of her character even after a little setback like this.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, I'll see if I can claim them all and either sell them back to the company that wants this place, or find a tech person back in town that might want them for spare parts or to restore them to sell. First thing's first though, I need to wash up a bit, so if you don't mind I'm going to stop off back home and clean up before heading to the bar... unless you think we ought to head there first instead. Then maybe talk to the lady there about possibly a birth control pill or something," Adelle replied as she offered a hand to help Isabella up before testing how heavy the robots were, leaving them be if they seemed to be too heavy, but checking how easily it would be to pull one behind her if they weren't overly heavy, so she could maybe get Kozlov to bring his truck out and help her load them up should she find someone that wants the things back in town. "But on the bright side, we didn't have to fight all those guys thankfully. Because I doubt we'd have fared better than we did against those robots, and I doubt my ass could take any more of a pounding than it did," she added before heading on back with Isabella.

Once back in town, Adelle would part ways with Isabella unless she wished to get back to chat with Samson first, in which case Adelle would sigh and agree to go on to the bar first, figuring she might catch Kozlov there at least and that it'd give her a chance to talk to the healer lady about some birth control just in case Jarvis was potent in any sense of the word. If Isabella decided to get cleaned up first though, Adelle would run back to her place, wash up, then head over to the bar, taking just enough time to clean her privates and whatnot after the sex before, leaving a full on bath until later.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The smaller robots still had a wheel on them, so Adelle could take one along if she put a little effort into it, the wheel making the whole ordeal somewhat more manageable. The one at the gate was rather big, and even the Russian man's truck would likely be too small for that thing. Isabella was not against the idea of going over to the busty girl's place as she had not been there yet, and looked to be curious enough about the spot to check it out.

Before they could make it too far back, the pair could see Mariela and a few other guys that had been around the bar several times coming towards them, which might raise a few questions about the events back in the container yard.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Figuring that at the very least she might be able to take one of the smaller ones with her and if she couldn't sell it to anyone she could maybe learn how to repair it and whatnot herself, Adelle dragged the least damaged of the smaller robots along behind her, positioning it so that the wheel was perfectly fixed to roll along and make it as easy as she could on herself. Nodding to Isabella, Adelle told her to come on then and they headed for home, where she'd store the robot in the garage and either get some tools to tinker with it, or she'd store it there until later when she could find someone to sell it to.

Along the way though they ran into Mariela coming back with several of the men and women from the bar. Adelle waved at them as they approached and wiped the sweat from her forehead before stopping. "Yo, bout time you made it back. We already got them to disperse from the place and took down those other three robot sentries they had. Speaking of which I'm claiming all those bots unless either of you wants one of them. I plan on maybe keeping one of these smaller ones and learning how to work them myself, while selling all the rest," Adelle told Mariela when she and the others had gotten there. "Some soldier folks showed up, a Russian guy and his troops, who I assume were from the city. They all surrounded that group back there and we managed to talk them all down without a single bullet being fired by either group. Jarvis, the marauder guy's leader, he listened to reason and his guys, or most of them anyway, are turning straight. While the soldier leader said they didn't want to waste bullets if they could help it," Adelle went on to say, not really mentioning the fact that she'd had her pussy and ass both pounded quite thoroughly by Jarvis to help make it all happen, but Mariela and the other hunters didn't really need to know that she figured.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Actually, now that I thought about it a little, I just might take one of those things to see if I could come up with something from the parts. One should not look past any potential discovery." Isabella suddenly spoke up to lay claim to one robot, none of the things really having interest to Mariela. It was quite understandable as the blade sister probably had only the bare minimum of understanding towards the workings of machinery while the other sister appeared to have a degree of skill at it to make something that worked out of the parts and her own materials.

"Really now? That's what we were supposed to do. Now this all is somewhat worthless." Mariela appeared to be a little bothered by the hassle and the fact that she had gone to get the rest of the guys out for basically nothing. She turned to the others to apologize for the false alarm, simultaneously promising to not make it again and help any one of them in case there was a situation they needed some additional hands to get things done. "Russians, you say? You probably ran into one of the Russkie Mafia's hit squads. Maybe those guys are having designs on the yard. Could have been them to hire you in the first place. Rumor is that there is some internal conflict going around in their ranks." one of the other hunters spoke up after a bit.

As for all the pounding that had happened, the fact went unnoticed it looked like. Isabella was not telling, but somehow the look on Mariela's face suggested that she was noticing hints of the deal.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, go ahead, best not to leave them here for looters or someone else to get them," Adelle replied as Isabella grabbed herself one of the smaller robots to take with her too.

Looking over at Mariela when she spoke up about their arrival, Adelle shrugged. "I thought they were the guys you went and got to come help us. Sorry folks, but thanks for caring enough to come," Adelle said to Mariela, apologizing as well to the other hunters before the one spoke up about the Russian mob and whatnot. "Hmm... well Samson didn't exactly tell us who it was wanting the place. It's probably them or someone that's working for them that wants it. Not that I really care honestly, but all the same we managed to keep from killing anybody, which is always a good thing when we can prevent it," she added, scratching her head as they all prepared to leave.

Adelle tested the last of the smaller robots to see if she could drag them both by tilting them up so their wheels were on the ground and rolled for her, but if she couldn't manage it she'd ask Mariela or one of the other hunters to help her and promise to buy them a drink or two for whoever helped her when they got back to the bar after dropping the robots off at her place. She wouldn't look Mariela in the eye unless the sword sister did anything to get her attention, but if she did look her directly in the eye, Adelle would blush profusely and continue heading for home for the time being. Once she got back to her place, Adelle would put the robots in the garage and go in to wash up, telling the others that she'd meet back up at the bar shortly once she freshened up a bit, that she'd gotten a bit dirty.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It's probably not a thing to be particularly concerned about, sure. But keep an eye out, if there was something that they did not like, there might be bad things happening. Those guys are brutal, and have committed some rather violent acts at the slightest of perceived wrongs." the hunter told Adelle, probably not making her feel better about this job.

Afterwards, the entire group took it upon themselves to make it back into the city, having dissolved any hostilities for now. Mariela eyed Adelle a few times during the journey, and appeared to be picking up on some smells of sex, as the busty girl had not really cleaned herself up any. Anyone who tried could probably pick up on them, but most of the other hunters appeared to be smokers and thus had less acute a sense of smell than the blade sister, who only had beer in her vice list. The other hunters broke off from the group after some time, but the sisters remained with Adelle, coming around to her house. While she had mentioned interest towards the place earlier, Isabella appeared to not actually be coming in. Maybe she was being considerate.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye I figured as much. The group that came out there with us seemed alright though, or at least their leader was anyway. Didn't seem to want to fight or kill when he didn't have to. Maybe we were lucky and they weren't the worst group that they could have sent out though," Adelle replied as they went onwards back to the city.

When they broke off from the rest of the hunters, Adelle waved to them and thanked them again for coming out there, where she, Isabella, and Mariela all made their way to her new home. She kept glancing over at Mariela as they walked on, noticing that the blade sister kept glancing at her too, and she figured that Mariela could either smell the scent of sex on her, or she could at least tell that something was embarrassing Adelle enough that she was blushing when stared at.

"Here, let me unlock the doors. Also you can come on in Izzy, no sense in standing around out here with a shredded dress like that. Unless you two want to head on back to your place instead while I get cleaned up and stuff," Adelle told Isabella when it seemed that she would be staying outside while Adelle went on in, opening the garage up and dragging the two smaller robots into there to tinker with later.

Once Isabella had decided on whether or not to come on in or head back to her place, Adelle would get inside and head to the bathroom, saying hi to Luna as she went through, where she jumped into the shower and washed off all the smell of sex from her body and washing all of Jarvis's cum out of her lower holes. Once she was cleaned up, she dry off quickly and put the dirty clothes and towels into the hamper before changing into another of her plain blue t-shirts and another pair of her jeans, where she'd then get her gear back on, make sure her guns were all reloaded, and then head on back to the bar to collect her pay, telling Luna she'd be back in a little bit and where she was going.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You guys go then, I'll go ahead and make some reports. They'll probably want to hear it straight from you guys, but I'll get the conversation going." Mariela decided to break off from the pair and head to the bar a little bit ahead of them. Isabella picked up on the offer to come in, not having any reason to deny the suggestion as she was still somewhat exposed from the back, even as her bike shorts underneath the dress still covered her explicit bits pretty good.

The pair rolled right in, leaving the robots and making it upstairs. Adelle could go on to do her things while Isabella looked around, having reasonably normal introductions with Luna, who appeared to be on a more lucid state of mind at the moment since she was not shouting rapist at anyone despite seeing the state of the gun sister's clothing. Thankfully, she was a little too focused on Isabella to inspect Adelle herself, completely missing the smell on her. Who know what kind of number she might have raised from that? "Alright, you do that." was what the witch had to say, already having her mind quite clearly in the routines of her host. With that, the pair could leave again.

The bar was a little less busy than it usually was once the two actually got there, and they could find the usual events going on. Hunters at their tables, the barkeep behind his counter, Mei near the corner in a sleepy stupor. Of course, Samson was there as well, having Mariela at his table like the sword sister had planned.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright Mari, thanks. I really need to get cleaned up some and all after... that," Adelle said before she put her two robots down in the garage for the time being to tinker with later, heading on in with the gun sisters so she could get cleaned up and so Isabella wasn't left outside waiting for her with such tattered clothing.

After cleaning up and drying off, Adelle changed her clothes and came back out of the bathroom in about 10 minutes, where she got a drink of water from the kitchen and then headed on back out with Isabella when she was ready to go. When they arrived back at the bar, Adelle looked around to see fewer people there than she expected, but it made no matter to her really how many were there as she spotted Samson and Mariela over at the leader guy's table. She nodded at Isabella and headed over there to him and Mariela, ordering a glass of scotch on her way over before taking a seat with them so that she and Isabella could tell what all had happened when Mariela left... though Adelle made sure to leave out the part of her having sex with the leader of the marauders to... convince them to leave the place they were sent to clear out obviously.

After telling him what all had happened along with Isabella, minus the sex part and all, Adelle took a drink of her glass of scotch she'd ordered. "And then on our way out three smaller robots jumped the two of us and we fought them off. We're both taking them back to our place since they're offline and stuff now. I'm gonna tinker with the two I took and Izzy with the other one. And also... those Russian guys that came up on us Samson... do you know who they were? One of the other hunters mentioned the Russian mob, and these folks did look pretty decked out with some major firepower. So I'm assuming that only any military or police aspects of the city would have that kind of firepower aside from the bigger gangs. I'd like to know if we're gonna get targeted or something is all," Adelle said after telling what all had happened at the scrap yard place.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The ordered booze came to Adelle with the usual smoothness as the bar workers kept up their professional work, one of the waitresses dropping the glass at their table as the group went through the events that had happened at the container yard.

Just like the few times before, the scope of the things that Adelle had been put into appeared to be catching Samson by surprise, though maybe a little less than the past few events with their aliens and bizarre dream worlds. "Doesn't look like we are quite at normal job level yet, but getting there." he remarked, pausing briefly to stump out his cigar and take a sip of water from the glass on the table near him. "But yes, those guys. I think the man told you to truth, as I don't know of any mercenary units around here that would be made exclusively of people of Russian origin and decked out to such an extent in their gear. The largest crime groups are the most powerful forces in the city for sure, since the police are not as numerous as they, and there is no real military around either. Yet, the criminals are something of a good presence as well, since they are interested in maintaining order. Aside from the bikers that is. I've heard about some cases of practically unprovoked violence from some of the groups still, so there is no guarantee for absolute safety. Regardless, I think there should be now real danger. The person who hired us was Russian, so I'd imagine that we gave them the good deal."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Thanking the serving girl that brought her drink over to her, Adelle took a small sip before setting it down to talk. "Heh, I know right. Just seems I'm a magnet for the strange and supernatural shit that comes through here. I dunno if that's a good thing or a bad thing honestly," Adelle told Samson when he expressed his surprise at what all had happened out there to her and the others.

Listening to the rest the old hunter had to say about things, Adelle sipped her drink in the meantime and nodded a few times. When he was done, Adelle called for a refill after downing the last bit of her drink. "Hmm... well I know for a fact that the bikers are hurting right now. I... was kinda at the whole ordeal the other day when their leader got taken out, saw the bastard fall from the top of Liliana's place, and... splat right on the ground in front of me. The one that tore their place up took out quite a few of them. I think one or two of the Russian guards or possibly one of the higher ups, not sure honestly, as it was all pretty hectic at the time," Adelle said as she nodded and got her refill as she spoke. "Anyway though boss, how much we getting paid for scouting the place out? And also do you know anyone in the city that tinkers with robots of any kind that might want one that's mostly intact? There was also this one bigger one that we had to fight on our way inside the scrap yard that I'd like to lay claim to as well if possible, but I don't know if anyone around here could help me get it out of there to store it in my garage. Hmm... maybe Kozlov's truck can haul it," Adelle then asked Samson, muttering the last sentence about Kozlov to herself quietly as she made a mental note to herself to go and ask him about taking a ride out there with her.

As she sat there thinking about having the big Russian guy help her get that other robot before the Russian gang, if it was them of course, get the scrap yard all taken over and stuff, Adelle thought idly to herself that maybe she could go and talk to Liliana and see if she knew what the Russian's were wanting it for. Hell it may even be news to her and she might reward her for said information in some way, though how the mistress of the best brothel in town could reward her she didn't know, but Adelle was confident that she or Liliana one of the two could think of something.