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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The doctor followed Adelle, making sure that she performed according to the instructions given. Once she had gotten up onto the seat, he actually came over and removed the shackles from her hands. The reason for it came clear not a moment later as he told her to grab hold of the handles in front of her and keep gripping them. "You'll see what they are for. Stop thinking too much and focus on keeping your hands on those bars." the man instructed her a little more as he retreated to the control console, a thing that even this creation had on it. Giving a few commands to the machinery, he set the first act of the machine in motion, which caused it to go into a rocking session. The seat went about like one of those mechanical bulls in some old time casino, but staying on was not hard as it was not too harsh with the motions and the busty girl had her hands on the handlebars to keep herself from flying onto the floor. The reason for the machine was still a little questionable as it didn't do anything in terms of stimulation, the hole in the middle of the seat keeping any rubbing from happening.

"Easy, isn't it? Well, I don't think you need that to be the case." the doctor eventually broke the silence between them, pushing a button to rouse further operation from the machine. The act caused the box part that had the handles on the sides to open up, revealing a pair of glass cups on the ends of mechanical arms. The things began to extend after the front had opened up completely, stopping the extension once Adelle's tits had been cupped inside, a thing that they could do a little less effectively on someone as well-endowed as she was. It was not that they could be stopped though, just that there was less boob in each cup. "That's more like it. But, I need to be sure that you perform up to expectations." the man spoke up again as he saw the machine finish setting itself up. Yet another button caused further things to happen, this one bringing out long needles from the extenders that had the cups on the ends. The needles had no resistance in front of them and thus they made way into the huntress' nipples in short order, the tips poking some distance inside them before a fluid of some sort was injected along the needles for a while before they retreated back into the mechanical arms. The machine was quiet for a while afterwards, but Adelle could feel heat building up inside her boobies as the fluid spread it's effect into her. And then, the suction started, which caused her to start producing milk like no tomorrow. The fluid had been something that stimulated and probably even increased milk production, probably for more than was normal. Adding to that, the seat started rocking a little harsher to make the whole thing harder for the busty girl.

For his part, the doctor was content looking at the scene for now, the sight of Adelle getting milked of her fluid probably giving him some kicks.

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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Lol, I love the comment on that gif. XD)

"Alright alright, the suspense is killing me though doc, and I like to know what's going on. I apologize if it's annoying you," Adelle replied as she climbed aboard the contraption.

She was surprised by the fact he took her shackles off, where she rubbed her wrists a little before grabbing the handlebars as instructed, murmuring a thanks to the doctor as he removed them. When he started the machine up after she'd grabbed hold of the handlebars, Adelle actually laughed as it rocked forward, the thing surprising her but bringing a good bit of fun to the busty girl despite her situation. "Yeah it is kinda easy. So it's making wonder just what the catch is exactly," Adelle called back to the doctor before he started the next part of the thing.

When the cups extended out and encased her breasts within, Adelle gasped softly and bit her bottom lip, but didn't let go of the handlebars. When she felt the needles pierce her nipples, Adelle squealed aloud and tilted her head back as she did. It was a bit painful, but nothing she couldn't handle, however she hadn't been expecting it first of all, and secondly they pierced what felt like at least an inch or two inside before they began injecting something into her breasts.

"O-OW!" Adelle yelped in pain as her toes curled and her hands clenched the handlebars.

When the needles retreated back into the cups, Adelle shuddered as she felt them pull out of her tender nipples, which quickly began to heat up along with the rest of her breasts. "W-What's happening... to me?" Adelle panted softly as she felt the heat rising more and more.

It became instantly apparent what the needles had done when the suction began and her breasts began squirting milk out into the cups. "O-Oh gods... you... you didn't need to do that doc... they already lactated enough as it was when I... when I'm aroused and stuff," Adelle whimpered at the doctor as her breasts began squirting milk out into the suction cups which drank it down as quickly as it entered the cup from her nipples.

Adelle moaned out loud as her milk spilled into the device's cups, the pleasure quite hard to bear without moaning almost like a slut. She held onto the handlebars as best she could while the thing bucked and rocked back and forth, causing the cups to pull and tug on her breasts as a result. "Ngh... f-fuck it's... so good," Adelle moaned, her head shaking back and forth as she tried to bear the pleasure, though she couldn't withstand it much as her juices began drenching the seat she was sitting on, her breasts being one of her weakest spots. If any extra forms of pleasure were added into the mix, Adelle would cum and moan like a slut, tilting her head back in the process and squealing lewdly.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The doctor spent a little further time looking at what was going on, but eventually moved to fiddle around with the tank on the back of the machine after stopping the seat from moving. He produced a long hose from the base of the tank, one that had a metal nozzle and a spinning part to attach it onto something. Getting onto his knees next to the seat, the man reached under it, the tip of the nozzle touching Adelle's nether lips a few seconds after. "Now is the time for you true test. Get ready." the doc spoke to her as he started inserting the nozzle inside her, the length sinking inside her without too much consideration. The nozzle had been sized for this kind of purpose apparently, since it went just past the busty girl's cervix before stopping. With the entire thing inserted, the doctor spend a little bit spinning the attachment part, which locked the nozzle in place as it was firmly attached to the metal ring on the leather panties.

With the preparation done, the doctor returned to the console, a button press waking the tank device up as a steady machine rumble started from it. A few second later, Adelle could feel warmth inside her, a steady stream of the liquid from within the tank starting to enter her womb as the pump began to push it forward and into her. The machine was relentless with injecting the liquid, the sheer volume of it starting to inflate the busty girl after about a minute as her womb stretched to accommodate all the fluids being pushed inside by the forceful pump. As the inflation advanced, the doctor turned the rocking seat back up again, most likely getting a whole lot of enjoyment out of the scene as he witnessed the slowly inflating busty girl getting milked and shaken about, the liquid actually making sloshing sounds as it moved around. The firm attachment of the hose and the tightness of the panties kept a seal on the liquids, none of it getting out even in the constant movement. After about five minutes, the entire tank was drained dry as the liquid had been transferred into Adelle, who was now looking rather monstrously bloated with all that water in her. "I knew you could take it all. It's simply beautiful... It's unfortunate it I could not get a hold of any real semen in this volume, it would have been even better to fill you with that." the doctor spoke up as he admired the combined work of himself and the machine, simultaneously revealing that he would have used other things if they had been available to fill the huntress in front of him. As disturbing as it was to be rapidly inflated, there was no shutting out the constant pleasure of the milking that had been brought forth by unknown chemicals.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle noticed the doctor coming over to her after messing with a tank of some sort, carrying a strange hose. Her cheeks flushed pink with arousal from the milking of her sensitive breasts as he knelt down next to her. She felt the tip of the hose pressing against her sopping wet folds, where he soon pushed it inside as he spoke, with Adelle gasping as she felt the thing enter her nethers. She was lucky that she was so wet or the hose might have been a bit painful going in, the thing being quite deep inside of her.

Panting slightly from just the milking alone, Adelle gasped in surprise and a bit of pleasure as she felt the warm liquid filling her up, not stopping or slowing as it went, and not letting a single drop escape. Adelle grunted and moaned in pleasure as she felt her womb stretching to accommodate all of the liquid, which in turn caused her belly to begin swelling. When the doctor turned the bucking bull seat back on, Adelle held on as tight as she could, figuring it would hurt if she were thrown from it and the attachments ripped off her breasts and out of her pussy.

"Ngh... f-fuck. G-Gonna cum again," Adelle panted softly as her pleasure began to peak again, mostly from the milking.

On one of the rocks back of the seat, which made the cups on her breasts tug a bit to maintain their hold, Adelle squealed and came around the hose, her juices likely getting swept up in the liquid filling her womb and mixing in there. As she came down from her pleasure high, Adelle looked down, her grip starting to weaken slightly, where she saw her bulging belly sloshing the fluid around, the sound being a little lewd to her yet arousing in both sight and sound. When the tank was completely dry and her belly filled with every bit of the liquid within, Adelle felt... very pregnant. She was frightened that her womb would explode with such an amount of whatever was in there, and she shuddered when he mentioned he'd rather have used semen, which Adelle knew would have left her pregnant before she got out of this place... if she ever got out.

"Oh gods... so full," was all Adelle could really mutter at first as the milking continued and the fluid remained trapped within her young body, making her look nine months pregnant at least, possibly even more. "P-Please... let it... o-out. Feels like... I-I'm going to explode," Adelle then whimpered after a few moments, though the soft moans of pleasure didn't stop escaping her lips, her left hand on her belly and gently rubbing it while her right gripped the handlebar tightly.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh no, that would be simply a waste now, wouldn't it?" the doctor answered Adelle's pleas for emptying the water out. It looked like he was having way too much fun to allow something like that just yet.

But as luck would have it, there was a development going on in the background. The doors to the dungeon were slowly opened up amidst all the ongoing machine action, someone having picked the lock in all likelihood as the act had been noiseless and not alerted the doctor to what was happening. To Adelle's relief, the incoming person was a friendly, the female bouncer Mei to be exact. She quickly analyzed the situation, grabbing a hammer from the tools near the door as she moved a little closer. This alerted the doctor, who reacted surprisingly fast for someone so concentrated on one thing. He produced a snub revolver from within his robe, but the gun was of little use as the Chinese bouncer threw the hammer she had just picked up, hitting the gun away from his hands and probably bending the barrel with the impact. "Curse you! Don't you try to interfere with my fun!" the doctor raved at the newcomer as he got his other weapon out, a dagger which was more like a long spike than a cutting implement. For her part, Mei did not appear to be particularly fearful towards the thing, actually taunting the doctor to come on with a very Bruce Lee-esque pose and gesture.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"N-No it wouldn't... b-be a waste. If this... k-kills me, then your boss won't be... v-very happy I'd wager," Adelle groaned at the doctor, her body shuddering in a bit of pain from the stretching as she spoke.

Adelle barely noticed it at first, but the doors slowly opened as her body tried to expel the water from her womb and simply couldn't because it was trapped in there. She noticed it was Mei from the bar and tried to keep the doctor's attention on herself until Mei grabbed the hammer up and went for the doctor. She watched him pull a gun which was quickly knocked away by Mei throwing the hammer at him.

"F-Fuck you and your fun you bastard. You've probably killed people in this place, so you deserve no less than the same treatment you gave them," Adelle called to the doctor, spitting at the back of his head in hopes of distracting him enough for Mei to take him down. "K-Knock him the fuck out," Adelle then called to Mei, not using her name for obvious reasons.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Be quiet over there like a good girl, I'll soon have two young ladies to experiment with. She certainly has nice looks, and looks stronger than the average girl. Delightful." the doctor commented about the situation, the spitting getting ignored completely as he had his heavy clothing on to prevent any exposure to outside elements. Mei appeared to be mostly amused of the suggestion that she would lose and be captured by the doctor, a smirk rising to her face as she stepped forward carefully to meet him. The Chinese bouncer saw his attacks coming, swaying to avoid the initial three stabs of the incoming stiletto blade, keeping her position as the man came in closer. The fourth poke was met with a more active approach as she stepped inwards, grabbing the man's wrist as she leaned in slightly to gain some leverage before throwing the doc over herself with a massive shoulder throw. Quickly following up, Mei kept control of the prone man's wrist, twisting it to relieve him of his weapon before giving him a swift open palm to the face which ended their battle fast.

Taking a moment to snap the stiletto blade in half and removing the cylinder from the revolver, Mei soon came over to Adelle. She was a little disbelieving of what she was actually seeing, but was working on the console soon enough to make the machine stop. "Ayaaa, he got you good?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle really could do nothing but watch, wait, and hope for the best as the doctor spoke again. "Kiss my ass doc, you want me to be quiet, make me be quiet," Adelle called to the doctor to try and anger him and make him throw himself at either girl in a blind rage.

Their fight was over before it really began Adelle saw as she watched, a smirk forming on her lips as Mei threw the good doctor over her shoulder and knocked him right the fuck out just as she'd said to do. She sat there, still being milked by the machine and whatnot, waiting for Mei to stop the thing, and when it finally stopped she let out a sigh of relief as Mei spoke.

"Y-Yeah he did. G-Get this fucking thing out of me. F-Fucking bastard had that whole tank full of water and pumped it all into me... it hurts a bit," Adelle said to Mei in a slightly pained voice.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Out of you?" Adelle heard Mei reply, but she saw how things were after noticing the hose on the ground. "I think you mean this." she mentioned as she got over and leaned under the seat to see how things were."Why someone would have this kind of equipment for this kind of purpose is beyond me, but I am just a simple bouncer, so what do I know. the Chinese bouncer mentioned as she rolled the attachment part off that allowed the hose to be pulled out. Once that was done, she set it aside, offering the busty girl a chance to get off with some help. "Or you can just collapse onto my arms from there, I can catch you.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah... I don't really care why he has this shit, just so long as he doesn't use it on me again... or anyone else," Adelle replied, blowing a strand of hair out of her eyes before taking Mei's offered help to get down "I think I can climb down at least. Could use your help to push this water out of me though if you don't mind," Adelle went on to say, looking around as Mei helped her down.

Once she was down, she immediately started to press down on her stomach and pushing as if trying to pee to expel the water from within her body. She also made sure that she positioned herself so that as much of said water went on the doctor as possible. "He gets up again knock him back out," Adelle said to Mei while expelling the water from her body, heaving a sigh of relief once it was all out, where she would then take the doctor's mask off and get a look at his face.

After that, Adelle would look to Mei and nod in thanks to her. "So, where's my stuff? If you know that is. I suppose we could wake him up and ask him, because I'm not leaving without my things... I kind of, well, can't make a living without my stuff, because both my pistols were in that, one of which my father gave me, and I refuse to leave it. Plus all my ammo for my pistols, and some other things," Adelle said after looking at the doctor's face so she could remember it if she ever saw him out anywhere, assuming she didn't kill him soon that is.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"If you want me to. Not quite what I was expecting to do over here, but I think I have the skill for it. Mei offered her help to the cause. Going around back, she wrapped her arms around Adelle's belly, not quite making it all the way as there was that much bulk in there. "Ready or not, here I go." she announced before giving a big squeeze. This, combined with the busty girl's own effort, was enough to make the removal of water a relatively quick ordeal. An immense feeling of relief came over Adelle then, the removed weight affecting her in a slightly positive way. Looking at the unmasked doctor revealed that he was somewhere in the mid 40s in age and had a seriously scarred face, which was not particularly attractive to say the least when combined with his baldness. Even with the water spray, he did not come back to the waking world just then, but he was nonetheless alive still.

"I dunno. I just came down here straight away. There's another one of us doing a sweep of the other floor, so they might find something." Mei replied to Adelle once the water and doctor had been dealt with, doing her best to look away from the still mostly naked girl in front of her. And as if to enforce Mei's words, another lady stepped right in just then, being another in tight leather pants that looked fairly uncomfortable to wear, but they did not appear to bother her in any way. "And here she goes, taking all the fun. Dammit Mei."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"M'kay... go for it," Adelle replied, groaning a bit as Mei pressed down on her stomach along with her, the water starting to come out thankfully.

Adelle heaved a sigh of relief as the water came out, where she then removed the doctor's mask. When Mei explained that there was another there helping her, Adelle nodded at her. "Alright... and thanks for the save. That fucking Rosieta pulled a gun on me and then left me here. And didn't tell me we'd be stealing fucking gun and weapon plans from these people. I told them who hired me and what she was though, and who she worked for and that I was just hired to help her out, sorry cunt... made sure they at least know who she works for," Adelle said, looking down at the ugly ass doctor. "I dunno where the bastards took and put my stuff though. And hello there, I guess you're the extra backup," Adelle went on to say when the new girl came in and she noticed her.

"You can kill him if you want, but that'll just make me a helluva target most likely when they don't find me here," Adelle told the new redhead girl as she took a few moments to rest before getting to her feet. "By any chance did you find some gear just laying around up there? Or anyone else? There were three of them when I woke back up after they chloroformed me," she then asked the new girl as she stood up.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The two looked at each other for a bit, the newcomer eventually speaking up and not being quite as courteous as Mei was about the view in front of her. In fact, she was getting a good and thorough look at Adelle. "No, the top floor was pretty much barren, save for the chapel things that one might expect. There were a few rooms on this floor, one even had boxes and other such containers in it. Might try there if I were you. I would be less upset at Mei if I had someone to beat up, but the only one here is the one she gets to." she answered the question, a sudden tension forming in the air as there was a stare-off between the two rescuers. It did not appear to be hostile, more like a friendly but still intense rivalry between the two. "Not my fault that you pick the wrong places to go into."

Even that mostly factual remark appeared to be a spark, and suddenly the two were locking hands and pushing at each other for a bit, neither really shifting at the face of the other's strength as they pushed foreheads together as well. "Not my fault that you cheated in the rock-paper-scissors." the still unnamed female mentioned, but Mei shrugged it off by mentioning that she was just a bad loser. Thankfully, the two stopped at the pushing and did not take it further. "Next time..."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle noticed the new girl looking her up and down quite thoroughly as she sat there recovering from her ordeal, where she chuckled a bit. "You like what you see hon?" Adelle asked curiously, one eyebrow raised slightly as she looked over at the new girl. "Also, I'll have a look in those containers, because I have to get my stuff back," she added to the new girl.

Adelle noticed that Mei and her companion seemed to have a rivalry between one another, though it didn't seem an overly hostile rivalry thankfully. She didn't want them to get into a fight or anything though before they could get out of there, so Adelle got up when they got into their pushing contest. "Alright... let's check out those boxes. Maybe my clothes will be in there too," Adelle said to the two when their pushing contest broke up, letting them lead her over to where those boxes were at.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, maybe." was all that Adelle could get from the newcomer.

Once the semi-wrestling between the two had subsided, the newcomer took them out of the room and to the door that was near Adelle's earlier cell. Behind that one was a small stretch of corridor with four doors, two on each side before a dead end. There was a small kitchen in one room, an equally small dining room for a maximum of four people on the opposite side of that one. On the back pair, they could find a small bedroom that probably belonged to the doctor fellow on one side. On the other, there was the room that they were looking for, a small space with a pile of cardboard boxes and a couple of old lockers stuffed inside it as best as the space could handle. If any common sense was of indication, the busty girl's belongings were either in one of the lockers or some of the topmost boxes.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle just smirked at the new girl when she answered her upon Adelle asking if she liked what she saw. Heading out of the room, Adelle idly wondered if the doctor would wake back up anytime soon, and as a precaution she took the pistol he'd pulled out on Mei and took it with her just in case it still worked. When they made their way to the storage room that contained the boxes and whatnot, Adelle immediately went to the boxes to check them first, unstacking the top ones and looking in the lower ones if the top ones didn't have her stuff. After that, she'd check the lockers, regardless of whether or not she'd found her things in the boxes, looking for anything else that might be worth having a look at.

"Come on, please be in here," Adelle muttered under her breath as she searched the storage room. "And keep an eye on him too just in case, you never know if he might wake up or not, or if someone else might come in," she added to Mei and the other girl, not wanting him to awaken or someone else to discover his unconscious body and go for more help.

Assuming she found her clothing and other gear in the process of her searching, Adelle put said clothing and gear back on, reloaded her pistols and put them back in their holsters, made sure her special pistol shotgun Isabelle had made her was still there where she'd left it, and slung her pack over her shoulders once more where it belonged. If she found anything else interesting in the room, she'd get it out and sort through it after finding her gear, being very thorough in her search just in case anyone else might have gone missing thanks to that doctor bastard.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You don't need to tell us that. The two of us go a way back, and even if we are not that older than you, there is more experience between us two than most teams in the group." the other lady told Adelle, apparently taking the suggestion the wrong way a little. For her part, Mei still remained rather cool and collected, not taking it all that seriously.

Looking through the topmost boxes earned all the items that she had back to Adelle, though she could not find Isabella's custom gun no matter how hard she looked through the assorted materials. Other than her gear, there was not much to be had besides various church items like candles and religious icons. For all their business in the wrong field, the church folk appeared to be rather dedicated to the idea of the religion that they were using as a cover for all the criminal activities.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright then, I meant no offense. Just... worried is all, I think you can understand surely," Adelle replied to the girl, apologizing if she'd offended her any.

Digging through the top boxes, Adelle found her things rather quickly... most of them anyway. When she didn't spot Isabelle's custom gun in her belongings, Adelle furrowed her brow. "Fuck... come on goddammit, I liked that gun," Adelle muttered as she pulled her backpack around and looked inside of it where she'd hidden it inside, hoping it might be there.

If she still couldn't find it, Adelle would head over to the doctor's bedroom, or what she assumed was his bedroom, where she'd then look around in there to see if it was in there by chance, thinking he might have tried to keep it for himself or something. If she still had no luck in finding her custom special weapon, Adelle would go back to the doctor and pull her pistol out on him and slap him a few times with her gun pointed at his face from a few feet back.

"Hey... wake up bitch. I'm missing one of my guns. I had three, and I can only find two. Where... is... my... other... gun? That was a custom made gun that Isabelle made for me, and I want it back," Adelle would say to the doctor if she managed to wake him back up, assuming she hadn't found her gun yet.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

No matter how hard she looked, Adelle just could not find the Isabella custom. It was not in the doctor's things and not in the storage, so she had to ask the doctor.

Getting the doctor up was behind some work, him not having woken up earlier being a good indication that he had been knocked out pretty hard. But he did come to his senses, taking the gun pointed at him with surprising calmness. "Eda took it with her. Said it was a piece that was interesting, one that she wanted to show to the grand priest. Now, get your barrel off my face, I can't give it back to you as I don't have it." he told her, brushing the gun aside as he got back up, collecting his mask from the ground as he did. "Just had to see me without my mask? Why would you want to do something like that, I wonder..." he spoke up a little more, not trying to turn on the girls on anything as he realized that he was unarmed against three opponents if it turned into a fight, instead just satisfying himself with returning the mask on.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hearing the doctor, Adelle swore loudly as she gripped her pistol and nearly pulled the trigger and shot him in the face. "Goddammit! Where is this place then? I want my fucking gun back. That was a custom, made by my very good friend Isabelle and she won't be too pleased to hear that you mother fuckers stole it from me," Adelle growled at him, moving her gun around and pressing the barrel of her pistol right into his balls where she cocked the thing. "I'm not going to kill you, but I'm gonna make you and her both wish you were dead if she doesn't return and I get my gun back. So tell me, is she coming back here... soonish?" Adelle then growled at him, looking absolutely furious as she pressed her gun into his balls a bit harder to get her point across.