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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Other coming hmm? Guess we'll just solve this the fast way." the woman told Adelle, not seeing it necessary to answer any of her questions. Taking a quick step back in preparation, she slammed herself forward just as fast to send the bike flying with a monstrous shoulder tackle. The vehicle was suddenly turned into a massive projectile, and it was coming at the girls rather rapidly, fast enough to completely catch them both off-guard. There was a painful thump as the bike hit them both, nailing Adelle first before bouncing off to the side and tagging the reloading Rachaela as well. Now on her back and dazed, the busty girl could hear her other gun and the bullets fly somewhere to the side from the mage's grip, as she had not been up to the task of holding onto them after getting hit with a large motorcycle. The woman was fast to follow up, her long strides quickly catching up to them as she stepped over to Adelle, one hand locking around her neck while the other gripped her gun-toting hand's wrist to keep the firearm pointed away. "Let's see you struggle against the might of an oni." she sneered as a fanged smirk formed across her lips, the vice-like grip on both points only getting more harsh as the huntress was picked off the ground and lifted into the air where she could not reach the dirt underneath for any leverage or assistance.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah, others," Adelle answered as the oni woman before she suddenly saw her bike hurtling towards her. "Oh shit!" was all Adelle managed to get out before it slammed into her, knocking the breath out of her as she hit the ground.

Before she could recover, the oni woman had her around the throat with one hand while the other grabbed her gun hand and kept it pointed away from her. Adelle resisted the urge to just fire her bigger pistol for now, with her free hand shooting up to grab the oni's hand around her neck to keep her from choking her out. As she was lifted into the air, Adelle gasped and struggled against the larger woman's grasp, likely futilely, but she did it all the same.

After a few moments in the air, Adelle swung her legs up and around the oni's neck, where she would lock them tightly around the oni and squeeze, threatening to choke her out in turn. Her free hand would during this time reach back into her backpack where her Isabella special was fixed in at, where she'd cock all barrels, whip the thing out quickly and aim at the woman's face, which if her legs were still wrapped around her neck it would leave her a very easy target.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As much as she tried, there was very little success for Adelle as she fought against the iron grip of her opponent. "Yes, struggle with all your might! It's more interesting that way!" the oni actually cheered her somewhat despite maintaining her holds firmly. The orc squad was getting closer at this point, which was somewhat alarming. Rachaela caused some breakup to the situation, a sudden spell hitting the oni from the side and making her release the busty girl, who dropped to her feet but was still in a bad situation as she was still within easy reach of the monstrously strong horned one.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Kicking her legs and trying to swing them up around the oni woman's neck, Adelle simply couldn't manage it for some reason. As the oni woman taunted her, Adelle struggled harder than before, kicking her legs at the oni woman's chest to try and loosen her grip at least a little. Rachaela saved her however as she blasted the oni woman in the side with her magics, knocking her and Adelle away from one another.

Adelle gasped and caught her breath as quickly as she could while rolling to the side so she wasn't grabbed again, where she aimed her bigger pistol at the oni woman and fired a couple of shots at her, aiming for her torso since it was the largest target to aim at. After firing, Adelle scrambled around for her other pistol and pulled out more bullets to reload it with.

"Thanks Rachaela," Adelle told her companion as she tried to quickly reload her other pistol.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The quick draw and shoot at the oni lady was easy enough to pull off, with both lead bits catching her in the center mass. Despite the shots being powerful enough for most normal targets, this was hardly a normal target and the advance of the oni was hampered only in the slightest of ways. Before Adelle could make it to her other gun, the oni came in, a steely fist hitting her straight in the abdomen. The hit actually lifted her off the ground just a bit, and she felt like her breakfast was going to come out from the impact. But more importantly, it kept her away from her other gun, which the oni kicked a little to make reaching it harder.

Rachaela was having difficulties at picking a target, but her quick decision was to try and stem the tide of the approaching orc rush. She quickly set one of them on fire with a fireball, but that only served to remove him from the attack, the two remaining ones quickly piling onto the magician . If the situation had not been as serious as it was, it might have been a comical sight to see the two hulks grapple with the 4'11 Rachaela.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Firing two rounds in quick succession, Adelle hit the oni woman with both of them, though it didn't have as much an effect as she wished. Adelle dove for her other pistol, but was cut short as the oni woman's fist came in and slammed into her stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Adelle nearly vomited from the sheer force of the blow, but luckily she held it down and merely came out gasping for air as her pistol was kicked away.

Adelle coughed as she hit the ground, one hand clenching her gut as her other clenched around her pistol. Glancing out of the corner of her eyes, Adelle saw Rachaela was in a bit of a situation herself and decided that she had to help her friend get free or they were going to lose this fight. Adelle's hand that clenched her gut went to the ground, as if she were trying to struggle to get up, where she grabbed a handful of sand, which she then threw at the oni woman's face to blind her. Once blinded, Adelle rolled away as far as she could before firing one round from her pistol at both of the orcs holding Rachaela, aiming so she wouldn't hit her friend but still do a lot of damage to the brutish bastards.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite the idea of a dirty fight move coming to her, Adelle was not going to be that lucky, it appeared. The oni saw her move coming, covering her face as she avoided the blinding chance from the sand. "Hah, a little too old to fall for that, as much as I hate to admit my age." she remained oddly talkative, even in the midst of battle. Adelle got to fire off her gun though as the sand attack bought her a few seconds, the impacts managing to free Rachaela from the grabby orcs and their huge hands. That was as far as she got to see though as the oni grabbed her by the hair, pulling back and up to bring her face into view before bringing in a thunderous punch right in the middle of the busty girl's face. She could not even hit the ground before her lights went out from the humongous whack to the face.

A headache eventually woke Adelle up again, though she was not at the wasteland anymore at that point. No, she found herself locked in a small, rough cell that looked like it was located inside a cave complex if the view outside was of any indication. The inside of her cell had no light, but there was actual electronic lights on the corridor in the form of fluorescent tube lights. She had no clothes on, and there was no sign of her gear anywhere, but it didn't look like she had been touched in any inappropriate manner, which was somewhat curious. It might have been something that the oni had ordered, the orcs probably would have railed both of the girls right there if they've had their way. But she was not completely without attention as there were bulky steel cuffs on her wrists, ones that were connected to each other by a few links of chain. Thankfully, her arms were still on the front side of her body instead of the back. Across the hall, she could see another cell, Rachaela being stored in that particular one. The mage too was completely stripped of clothing and wearing a lighter and thinner variety of steel cuffs, but she had ball gag in her mouth as well, which was completely understandable as both the orcs and the oni had seen her cast spells and were probably not willing to risk her having the freedom to use her magic power.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Flinging the sand up into the oni's face, Adelle turned and fired her bigger pistol at the orcs, freeing Rachaela from her grapplers. Adelle suddenly felt her hair tugged back as the oni woman pulled her up into the air literally by the hair of her head. "F-Fucking hell!" was all Adelle managed to utter before a large fist slammed her right in the face, and her vision went dark.


When waking back up, Adelle had a splitting headache that caused her to groan as she lay in what appeared to be a prisoner cell. She could tell that she was naked, as she could feel the cool air of wherever she was causing her nipples to harden. Looking around, Adelle got her bearings and saw her situation, or rather their situation, as Rachaela didn't appear to have escaped unfortunately.

She immediately noticed the steel cuffs locking her hands together in front of her. Yet she also noticed that she and Rachaela neither one had apparently be defiled by the orcs. Reaching up, Adelle rubbed her face where she'd been hit, checking how badly her face was messed up, hoping that it hadn't been too badly injured, as in her nose being broken or anything, and then she proceeded to check that her teeth were all still there.

"Dammit, that really hurt. And god my head is aching so damn bad," Adelle mumbled softly where only Rachaela could hear her hopefully as she moved over to the cell bars and looked around as much as she could manage.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As much as she might have wanted to reply, Rachaela saved herself the effort as she wouldn't have managed anything coherent with the ball in her mouth, which looked like it was pushing her jaw to the limit with it's size and tight fit. It was probably meant for someone a little more average in size, thus putting the mage into a hard spot. The corridor outside the cell was as rough as the cells, with no real features on the carved stone save the lights in the ceiling, which were mounted into small crevices in the ceiling. Their cells were at the back end as there was a dead end almost right there on Adelle's left, while the corridor stretched on to the other direction, where a few more cells were located, none of them having any signs of life. With an initial probe by hand, it appeared that the busty girl had avoided receiving any really bad bruises from beating, though she had a few sore spots on her head.

A few moments later, there was some activity to be noticed as a door on the far right side was opened up. Not too long after that, the oni appeared near Adelle's door, looking at both of the girls in turn. "Looking surprisingly good there, both of you. I held back a little, just to not cause too much damage."
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Finding no major damage had been done to her face, Adelle heaved a sigh of relief before looking back over at Rachaela. The mage girl seemed to have been stuffed with a ballgag much too large for her small form, which pissed Adelle off a bit more than she already was. She thought that sure a gag was expected for a mage, but not one that large for one so small. Adelle idly wondered if Lucrezia was in one of the cells to their right, figuring if she was, that she was gagged similarly to Rachaela.

When she heard the door open, Adelle stepped back into her cell a bit, where she sat down on the bed that was in there and if there was one she pulled the blanket on it around herself to at least give her some modesty. This was beginning to get familiar, getting captured like this. God was she really that terrible a fighter to get captured like this twice in as many days pretty much.

She gently rubbed her head and face a bit more as the oni woman came up to her cell door and spoke. "Doesn't prevent it from hurting like hell. So what are you going to do with us, hmm?" Adelle said, speaking in a neutral tone as she stared up at the oni woman.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was no real bed to be found in the cell, but there was a modest pile of semi-clean pieces of blankets to make up for one, so Adelle could somehow try to cover herself. And she could somewhat, but there was some difficulty to be found in that with one's arms shackled.

"I ain't gonna do anything with you, not keen on any action at the moment. The boss wants you brought out though, since she wanted to determine what to do with you. I imagine she will use you two for some morale raising purposes." the oni replied. She was not looking particularly interested about the managing these things as she was already fiddling with her gourd to have a good chug of some booze, whatever it was in there. "Unfortunately, she wanted me to make you two more "presentable", and now I have to do that. Which is good for you, since those dumb orcs would probably capitalize on the situation and stick their dicks into you ladies if they had to do this." she went on for a bit after having taken a huge sip from her bottle.

Going over to Rachaela's cell first, the oni unlocked the door as she took something that looked like a body harness with her in there. Opening up a few key points on the set-up, she set it against the mage's body, keeping the harness up with one hand as she guided Rachaela to turn around. "Have to say, almost hurts me to let the boss mess with you. Such a cute little thing. If I was in the mood, I'd take you along with me and have a good time together with some booze and tenderness. You actually remind me of a drinking buddy of mine, she is tiny too, just not human." the oni commented about Rachaela as she tightened the straps of the harness, apparently finding the mage's cute charm to be very attractive. In a minute or so, the harness was set up, Rachaela's tiny body held inside the grasp of the tightened straps of shiny leather and metal. The harness coiled around her chest, not having much effect in that area as there were no real breasts there to highlight, but the thing did make it's way into the mage's crotch as a strap was tightened to shield her privates somewhat.

Scooping Rachaela up, the oni took her out from the cell, locking the door behind her as she put the mage down onto the floor of the corridor. All things considered, she was treating her rather well. "You're gonna have to wait a bit, I need to get your friend there ready." she told the mage as she looked over to Adelle, grabbing another choice article of fetish clothing, which turned out to be a leather corset. As one might expect, it was missing any cover for the breasts or crotch, just being something to make one look thinner while highlighting their other body parts."This is for you." the oni said as she started unlocking Adelle's cell.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle did her best to tie the blanket pieces around herself, or at least in a sort of loincloth to cover her crotch. She could use her hands to cover her breasts if nothing else.

"Well that's good I guess at least," Adelle commented before the oni woman went to Rachaela's cell to prepare her for their meeting with whoever the leader here was, which seemed to be a female of some sort.

When the oni woman came over to her cell and unlocked it, Adelle took the fetish clothing and looked to the oni woman. "You know, you'd be well paid to get us out of here with the other girl you were bringing," Adelle said, taking the clothes and looking them over to find there was no crotch or breast covers. "Really? I don't get to cover my crotch but she does?" she then asked with her eyebrows raised, wishing she'd picked Lacrimosa to have come with her instead of Rachaela, as Lacri could have easily defeated this oni woman while she'd cleaned up the orcs.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Don't care for that. I don't need money to enjoy my life. the oni completely disregarded any tries to persuade her into co-operating with the two. She was soon in in the cell with Adelle, turning her around and taking off any covers that the busty girl tried to employ. "Barking up the wrong tree there. I didn't make these decisions for your dress. Boss' orders, again. After she saw you two, she made these choices for later." the oni shrugged off the misplaced accusation towards the choice of "clothing" she was providing to the pair of girls. She set Adelle up with th corset as she did so, wrapping the thing around her midsection and strapping it up as tight as she possibly could without making life and breathing hard for the blue-haired girl. Even for her, the corset managed to make her look just a little bit slimmer, and the garment served to highlight her massive tits even further as well.

"Not bad. While I do not necessarily agree with her on a personal level, gotta hand it to the boss for her choices in this field. Ready to go?" the oni said as she put one hand on Adelle's shoulder, expecting her to get going with her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh well, your loss then," Adelle said with a shrug.

Sighing as she was told that the oni woman hadn't made the decision for her attire, Adelle did as told and turned around, allowing her to help Adelle into the lewd thing. Adelle took in a deep breath once it was on and let it out, glancing over her shoulder as she covered her crotch with one hand and her breasts with her other arm. When she noticed that the shackles prevented her from doing both, she covered just her crotch, blushing deeper.

"Could you maybe make it a tiny bit less tight please?" Adelle asked, though not in a begging way as she looked up at the oni woman, and following along with her as she'd been told.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"What do you think this is, school? I didn't even tighten the thing bad. Deal with it." the oni denied any easing up on Adelle, who was not in all that bad a situation as far as the corset was concerned. The thing was stiff and would prevent more steeper bending of the midsection, but she could still breathe fine and not be concerned about that or getting her body harmed in some way. Just to enforce it, she made the busty girl go first, slapping her on the rear after she exited the cell and turned to the corridor.

The two bound ladies were lead along the corridor, where another bar door was opened up for them by a waiting orc guard. He looked as if he would try to make a move for the two delicious easy targets, but the bad look he got from the escorting oni stopped that right away. Beyond that door was a complex of far bigger caves, a few of them connected to the one they were currently in. The oni instructed them to go left, and they could see that escape was not going to be easy as there were orcs everywhere, at least a dozen of them visible in the one cave they were at. It was a living quarters by the looks of it, crude beds lining the walls while heavy tables and chairs made up the middle, with assorted orcs going about their daily grind or just loafing around, though the sight of naked human ladies roused the majority of them in both awareness and a sexual manner as enormous dicks started to rise into readiness. Still, the presence of the oni was keeping them away as none dared to even move towards them.

The next cave on the right appeared to be the main hall of the complex, with a tall enough ceiling that light did not go all the way up. There was an elevated area carved into the stone on the far back, and a luxurious living area had been set up there, with a throne covered in silks standing out as the main feature among the expensive couches, pillows and matresses that made up the rest of the area. A few orcs armed with massive war clubs stood guard at the base of the raised area, clearly marking the importance of the spot out. Near the throne, one could see some kind of humanoid standing there with their back towards the rest of the room, clearly busy with something, but it was hard to say exactly what was going on as the humanoid in question had a sixpack of enormous fox tails that were rather obstructive due to their size. It appeared that this was where they were going.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh fine, I'm just not used to corsets is all. For obvious reasons," Adelle said, gesturing at her large breasts, jumping with a cute little girlish squeal as her butt was spanked.

As they walked along, with Adelle in front for some reason, she tried to keep her cool, looking around for any kind of edge she could find to use at some point when they made their escape. With each step she took, her huge knockers jiggled deliciously, and were emphasized even more thanks to the corset. She had to admit, it was making her look sexier, though with the situation they were in, that wasn't exactly a good thing. When they passed by the door guard orc, Adelle was certain that she was about to be snatched up and raped by the big burly bastard, yet the oni woman prevented this from happening thankfully.

"Thanks, I guess," Adelle muttered softly, though loud enough that the oni woman would hear as they walked past an out of earshot of the orc.

Going where instructed, Adelle saw at least a dozen of the damn orcs around, which meant that escape would be tough. When they made their way to the main hall, Adelle looked around again, noticing the guarding orcs around them and the apparent throne with the fox tailed woman standing there. Adelle glanced over at Rachaela as they came to a halt, obviously tense because of the situation they were in. Where was Lucrezia too by the way? Adelle could only really assume that she was either up there with the multiple fox tailed woman, or down in some other cell somewhere.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The fox-tailed person appeared to be in a state of excitement as her tails swished about through the air during the approach of the girls, though her excitement was not aimed at them. The escort moved up through the hall and made their way up the few stairs to reach the stage, which was just as extravagant as it had looked from the distance, with all the stone that made up the elevated area being covered up by several layers of expensive cloth from various types of material. As they got there, the fox finally got her attention away and moved to see what was coming her way, revealing that there was someone else there as well. The other person was completely bound down, on her knees and held down by short chains connected to the stone floor and on numerous cuffs on the person. A whole variety of other items were present as well to further make it harder to get anything done. She was equipped with a similar gag and harness that Rachaela had, a blindfold made from leather that was locked shut, a bizarre set of metal shoes that appeared to make walking almost impossible and a heavy-looking metal collar. While it was hard to make out her features completely due to the presence of the blindfold and gag, it was easy to make out the fact that this was probably Lucrezia as her hair reached the floor in her current position, and it was rather unusual as stated before. At the top, her hair was black, but started to shift towards white as it went down, being dark purple, purple, yellow and finally white as one looked across the entire length of that long hairstyle. In body, she was all-around pleasing to look at, with just the right proportions everywhere, augmented by some nice D-cups.

The fox was equally nice-looking, though she was more on the slimmer side and looked fairly menacing even when not trying to look like it. Her hair was slightly messy and black all the way, but it looked like it was a deliberate choice instead of a lack of grooming. Yellow eyes and full red lips rounded her out, the look making her a good fit for the dominating position she was assuming over the other denizens of things the cave and the prisoners. Like the oni, she had that same style of robe, though hers was red and decorated with patterns of great waves, and was clearly taken care of better as well since it looked like it was new rather than the torn one of the oni. And of course she had her tails, which were the other one of her fox features, the other being her ears that were those of a fox instead of a human's. "They are awake? Just as I was about to take a first taste from my new benefactor." the fox mentioned as she plopped down onto the throne in a lazy manner, looking somewhat disappointed as she was interrupted.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Moving closer, Adelle saw the fox tailed woman seemed excited about something, though what that was she didn't know just yet. It was made clear though as she finally noticed them approaching and turned around, which allowed Adelle and Rachaela to see that Lucrezia was apparently what the kitsune's attention had been focused on. At least Adelle could only assume that the girl chained down was Lucrezia anyway, since her hair was multiple colors.

Adelle didn't say anything as she stood there, despite wanting to, while the kitsune woman gave a disappointed look about their approach. All she could really do here was bide her time and make a move when she had the chance, and that chance was not now she knew. If she could get to Lucrezia and remove her blindfold and gag, then maybe she could blast the entire room with something, because they most likely gagged her because she could cast magics. If only Lacri or Priscilla were here, they could obliterate these bastards, Adelle thought to herself. But they weren't there, so she would have to come up with something on her own.

Adelle quickly scanned the room for anything that might be notable, and once that was done she glanced around at the various people and studied them as best she could, a look of fear on her face that was only slightly real to throw them off and make them think she was scared and looking around to see what might be used on her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The fox was scanning both of the newcomers from her seat, turning sideways as she threw her sandaled feet over one of the arm rests of her chair while leaning back over the one on the other side. It was almost as if she was posing on purpose, despite it not having any particular purpose to the situation. But as it would turn out, she turned attention to Adelle as soon as she saw that the busty girl was looking around, the attempt at discerning escape routes and noteworthy things not escaping her notice. "If you're looking for the exit, it's a few more chambers of orcs down there." she pointed at the other cave mouth in the room. "Doesn't matter to me if yiu know that, it's not like you're leaving in a while, we need a few spare ladies around here." she made a further comment, rather directly indicating that she was intending to take control of the girls for a long time. "And you might not be able to live out there anyways, if things go the way they usually do after an extended period of time around here. For you humans, at least."

The fox continued to lounge on her throne, throwing her legs up against the back of the chair and leaning over, looking at the two upside-down as her hair hung down towards the floor. "The little one can cast spells. You want to feed on her? Like you usually do." the oni spoke up, looking a bit tense. This was something that she cared for, apparently. The fox replied with a gesture, which was apparently a signal to bring Rachaela over. The oni appeared to be reluctant in fulfilling the order, but she did it anyways as the fox did a handstand from her pose and came right back to her feet with a flip. Without much ceremony, she pulled the mage closer by grabbing her harness before undoing the lock on her gag and pulling the ball out. There was no time for the mage to do anything with it though as the fox grabbed her into an embrace and forcefully started kissing her in a deep, lewd manner. As this happened, both of them produced a visible aura of power, Rachaela's soon starting to diminish as the fox woman's aura overpowered hers. After about a minute of continuous kissing, the magician sister's aura had vanished completely, and as she realized it, the fox shoved Rachaela away and to the ground. "She is a fledgling still, a minor contribution. I just need to drain her everyday so she can't become a threat." was the rather blunt statement that she gave sbout the mage before flopping back to her throne. Again, the oni did not appear to particularly like how things went, but did not stop anything from happening. "She doesn't need the gag, even as it looks cute on her~"
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle didn't dignify the kitsune with a response when she said what she did, her jaw tense. That right there told Adelle all she needed to know, this kitsune woman needed to die. The oni woman she wasn't as sure about, but she was damn certain that she was going to put a bullet in the oni's shoulder to make her pay for the punch to the face earlier, then probably hit her in the face with a rock or something else big and hard if possible.

As the kitsune pulled Rachaela close and kissed her, Adelle saw Rachaela's magical aura fading, quite quickly in fact. Adelle watched the whole thing happen, wanting to go up and put her foot up the kitsune's ass and fling her into the orcs for hurting her friend, but she couldn't unfortunately. She did notice that the oni seemed displeased about all of this, reinforcing the thought in her mind that the oni would be the most pliable one here.

"When we do leave here, it will be with your head in my hands, and all of your tails thrown over my shoulder as trophies you sorry fucking bitch. You deserve to die for what you're doing here, and you won't keep me here for long," was what Adelle wanted to say, and did in her mind, but not aloud.

If she could talk to the oni woman again without anyone else overhearing them, then Adelle was certain that she could change her way of thinking. She just had to get her alone somehow, she thought to herself as she waited for what was to come next, kneeling down next to Rachaela if she had landed close enough and pulling her friend's head into her lap as she gently caressed her forehead.