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Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Ah, I see. Saerif, log that. In the meantime, switch to high output energy ammunition. And don't forget that it'll overheat the weapons you have. Fire in short bursts. I don't want our med bay to be treating burns because you decided to keep a finger on the trigger."

Syilvia's troops did the same thing. They'd be able to actually deal with this wraiths now. Syilvia sighed, looking to Sivok once more...

"So these are your people...I see. Well, what should we do now?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis nodded, not sure what the hell she meant as he started walking towards the hanger and the ship, keeping quiet and his strides long as he made good time, wondering what she was flying and how she had managed to break it.

It was always interesting, fixing someone else's ship, wondering what had happened as you peeled slagged metal away and worked new wiring through the body of something that could very well be alive. It was like some kind of strange, therapeutic surgery, and he felt his mood lighten considerably as he moved, not stopping until he layed eyes on the ship that he had agreed to repair.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

It wasn't long before Jortis found the 'hangar bay' of the ship, and the doors slid open automatically for him. If his eye was trained enough, at each corner of the massive bay doors he'd see what appeared to be some kind of forceshield emitter, probably for backups in the event of a bay door breach. He's also spot the ship.

Sivok tilted his head slightly as she asked about his people, then seemed to write it off as her asking about the other Draque with him.

"We'll hunt for any survivors as well as the remaining Wraith. According to our ship sensors there should be fifteen of them left. As for the woman here ..."

He trailed off as the woman gasped for air, having aged to the point of being a frail old woman.

"I'm afraid that wraith took too much of her life force. The best that can be done for her is to try and make her as comfortable as possible until her body finally catches up to the damage done to it. It may have been possible to restore her if we had a friendly wraith here, but without one ...."

He trailed off, the implications quite clear. The woman was a dead woman walking, it was only a matter of time before her body shut down, hopefully it would be painless.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ariana's ship sat silent, with the entrance to what looked to be the cargo bay hanging open. Just inside, a holographic projection of what seemed to be an old man leaning on a staff stood, no more than eight inches tall and hovering just above the projector. Once he got close enough, it bowed a little greeting him. "Hello there, Jortis, was it?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syilvia frowned at hearing of the woman's fate. She narrowed her eyes and held the old woman's hand. Her eyes seemed to ask a burning question, to which the woman just nodded. With quiver of her lip, Syilvia placed a small device on the woman's chest before standing up, wiping her dampened eyes.

"Syri bring her up and have Lindy induce a coma," she said, looking to the dying woman.

Syri replied, "...Yes, Commander."

Before long the woman began to flicker, and then become engulfed in white glow. After that she was gone, beamed up to the Saerif to be taken care of. After a moment of silence she narrowed her eyes and pressed a few things on her laser pistol, it emitting short powering up sound. This was an indication that Syilvia just put her pistol to a high setting, enough to give these Wraiths hell.

"...Fifteen left? ...Then let's start sweeping."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis could only stare at the little man, wondering what the hell was going on. Everything else here was... unbelievable... But this? That couldn't be... By all things Holy it was! That was, It was an AI.... Still staring at the little man, the Tau opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again, and finally found he could speak. "Hello.... I'm here to help repair the ship...." He said still staring, still not quite able to believe what he was seeing...
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The small figure nodded slowly. "Yes, of course, please come in. Mind your step, space is at a premium, that unfortunately includes walking space." He explained slowly, staying put above the projector as Jortis walked by.

The cargo bay was indeed crowded, crates and similar storage strapped down almost to the ceiling, some labelled with unhelpful titles like 'cells' or 'parts' in a sloppy hand. The single path wound without forking through the crates until it reached what seemed to be some sort of living area, consisting of a glass tube with a padded bed inside, a single chair, a corner wall partitioned off by frosted glass, and enough floorspace to lie spreadeagled without hitting anything. A few of the crates here were stacked rotated sideways, so their contents could be accessed without having to remove the crates above them. A ladder bolted to a wall lead upwards and looked to lead towards the rest of the ship proper. The AI was here as well, standing above another projector situated between the tube and the partitioned corner.

"The newest damage is mostly structural, but if I can impose on you further, there is a fair amount of wiring and electronic issues if you have the expertise for it. Ariana's work is functional, but sloppy and inefficient." He explained evenly, the small hologram offering a small smile. "Tools are all in the maintenance locker, top of the ladder, parts and raw materials are here in the cargo bay, I can direct you to any of it, and I believe our host has allowed the use of his supplies, though you'll have to double-check. I have three more projectors spaced around the ship, as well as the ability to broadcast and hear from nearly every space, so I can direct you to the trouble zones and provide conversation during the process, if you wish. Do you have any questions?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Sivok merely nodded, taking a moment to tilt his head upwards. Syilvia got the distinct impression he was scenting the air somehow, but that thought was cut off when the Draque spoke.

"A few this way, and some Vorian's too. Likely a firefight. Let us see if we can get to them before the Wraith overwhelm and outflank them, shall we?"

After what seemed like forever, Thor spoke to Ariana.

"We are dropping out of hyper-space now. Stand by for sensor data."

A moment later the 'tunnel' was replaced by an explosion of light, and then suddenly she found they were in high orbit over a lovely planet. There were several other ships present already, one of which looked menacing, but didn't appear to be taking hostile action. It just simply looked like a ship you wouldn't want to fuck with.

Within a few moments of the new ship arriving, the Saerif would detect it. Database scans would find nothing but a vague reference from long ago mentioning something about a highly advanced race known as the Asgard, and a vague hand drawn image of what was believed to be one of their ships. A ship that currently was sitting less than a few miles from them in open space.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ariana nodded to Thor, keeping a watch on the viewscreen. She didn't recognize any of the ships the arrived near, which didn't surprise her. One seemed to radiate menace, and she pointed at it. "I take it that one's the hostile ship?" She asked carefully.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Thor shook his head.

"No longer. That is a Draque Warship, the Scalerious I believe. They are Draque, former slaves of the Ascendant Empire. With the fall of it, the Draque became capable of free thought and will for the first time in several million years. Now, they are allies, they most likely responded to the distress signal. The other ship however I do not recognize."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis shrugged off the strange little holographic man, following his directions up the ladder for tools before turning to address the nearest image. "I'm only here to get this thing back into vacuum. Where's the Real damage" He asked, still off put by the AI. While curious, he was still extremely warry and didn't really trust the thing one little bit.

What he did after asking was entirely dependent on the answer he recieved. He was silently hoping it was structural damage to the outer hull of the ship, it meant he could pull down a face shield and pretend the little disconcerting thing wasn't there. But something in his gut told him the actual problem was electrical, and that he was going to HAVE to talk to this thing to get the problem solved and the ship space worthy again...
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syri chimed in from the Saerif, patching through some data and a few pictures of the ship, "Commander, the patient is safely aboard the ship. Secondly, there's another ship that just came out of warp. There's not much data except some faint information about...a race called...the Asgard. Orders, Commander?"

Syilvia quirked a brow and then pressed a button on her visor, looking at the pictures taken of the ship. She hummed a bit and shrugged, "The Asgard? Like what...from Norse mythology? If that's the case...Then I have no idea. Standby to open fire if the need occurs. But I don't think they're hostile. Open a line if you need to. You're the Commander while I'm gone, take care of things."

Syilvia closed the comm link and looked to Sivok, nodding for a moment.

Meanwhile...on the Saerif...

Syri sighed as Syilvia closed the channel, looking at the screen with the new ship that just jumped in. He sat in Syilvia's chair, his hand covering his mouth in a thoughtful pose. For several moments he thought to himself before finally speaking, "Get a channel open with that ship. I want to speak with them."

A few moments later, there was a small screen and one of the bridge crew spoke out, "Channel opened, Sir. Ready when they are."

Syri cleared his throat and waited patiently for a response.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ariana nodded, turning her attention to the other ship. "I don't recognize it either, which is hardly a surprise. Can you tell how it sizes up tactically, are we going to have problems if it decides to open fire?" She asked calmly.

Down in her ship, Rhian's image nodded slowly. "Starboard wing, stress damage to the superstructure. Proper repair is infeasable with the tools we have available, increased bracing to that section will have to suffice. Judging from how fast air vented at the time, I estimate there is approximately a square foot worth of hull breach, though it's impossible to tell whether it is a single large one or multiple smaller ones. The two weapon hardpoints on that wing are unresponsive, most likely either the stretching tore them loose, or a fragment sliced them." He explained, before taking his weight off the staff and using the bottom point to indicate an access hatch. "Access is there. More than likely the damage will be visible, if not I can figure where the bracing should be placed for best effect." He explained carefully.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Sivok raised an eyebrow at the dialogue between Syilvia and her ship.

"Asgard? You won't have problems with them, they are quite peaceful unless provoked into action by hostile forces attacking a planet under the protected treaties."

Then, he was silent as they began their approach towards what turned out to be a half dozen Vorians taking fire from several wraith. One of the Wraith was struck and wounded, and did not get back up, while his companion staggered, but remained standing. Then, the still standing one began to feed on his dying soldier, restoring himself.

Several other wraith began to move out, seeming to move in a flanking position relative to the Vorians. As of the moment, they seemed unaware of the Draque or Syilvia's people.

Thor nodded.

"I do not believe they will pose a significant enough threat that we could not withstand it, however as they are hailing us, I believe this will not be a factor. In my experiences, a hostile vessel generally does not bother taking the time to try and talk to their opponent."

He pressed a couple of buttons, and then spoke ...

On board the Saerif, a visual appeared of a small frail looking grey alien with large black eyes. Despite it's appearance though, Syri could tell this was a very intelligent being, and it regarded him for a moment before speaking.

"Greetings. I am Supreme Commander Thor of the Asgard. Considering the fact the Scalerious has not attacked in defense, I believe it is safe to say you have also come to investigate the Vorian distress signal?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ariana nodded again, having not moved from her spot since before Jortis left to fix her ship. An eyebrow raised when Thor spoke again, but after a second she realized it was directed at the hailing ship and not herself. Her head swiveled from side to side slowly to see if she could spot where the recording device was situated, then game a mental shrug and resumed her waiting.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syri seemed a tad bit surprised at Thor's introduction. He nodded formally and then spoke, "This is Syri. In the absence of our Commander, I am Acting Commander in her place. And yes, you are correct. We are here to investigate the Vorians distress signal. Our Commander and some of our troops are down there as we speak."

Everyone on the bridge was curious on this Asgard fellow. They paused their operations for a moment and looked at the screen.

Meanwhile...on the Vorian planet...
Syilvia watched as the Wraiths moved to flank the surviving Vorians. As the group of her men all switched their weapons to a setting high enough to actually do something to the Wraiths, Syilvia spoke to Sivok, "They don't seem to notice us. So shall we?"

Syilvia split her troops into three equal sized teams, havign them spread out but always close enough so that they could provide assistance for each other. She waited for Sivok's reply before they began, but Sivok would have to reply soon. Syilvia didn't want those Vorians to meet the same fate as that woman...
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

A swift nod was all the reply she would get as the Draque fired their weaponry at a single target. The first wraith struck was the closest to the Vorians, and it died before it even knew it had been attacked.

The rest of them swung around, but by that point Syilvia's guards had already joined the battle, catching the wraith in a three way cross fire pattern. They were quickly cut down under the barrage, leaving them the only groups standing. Her mind however registered there had only been seven wraith, which meant somewhere there were eight more left...

There was a brief pause before Thor replied.

"I see. A quick situation update would be useful, as this will allow me to determine what kind of action is needed to assist."

Ariana could make out no discernable projection device, though she got the distinct impression it was built IN to the console Thor was using.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syilvia looked around, whispering into her communications device, "Eyes and ears open. Don't let them gang up on you or surprise you."

Her eyes shifted about, watching to any glimmering or distorting of the air. the Saerif's sensors could've probably detected something, but they were busy at the moment.

Meanwhile...On the Saerif...

"Yes. As you know we were answering a distress call sent from the Vorian planet. We managed to repel the enemy attack with the help of the two ships you see with us. Our Commander is on the ground with Sivok of the Scalerious, currently engaged with the...Wraiths." Syri thought for a moment and nodded, "Yes that would a suitable name, I think."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

It was silent for a short time, until her comm device came to life from one of her teams calling in the location of five wraith. It seemed they were building something from the rubble, though her team couldn't tell what from where they were without giving themselves away.

Thor's reply came quickly.

"They are indeed known as the wraith. These wraith are part of a faction opposing the greater majority of their species however, and do not indicate their entire people. Unfortunately, I will not be of much use planet side given my physical nature, however I can attempt to coordinate sensor readings with you, and provide any supplies that may be needed to help the survivors."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis nodded, understanding quite clearly what the problems were and heading through the access shaft as soon as he had the appropriate tools. First and foremost was patching that leak and getting the wing braced properly. Thankfully that was just welding patchwork that would only take a small amount of time. The weapon hardpoints were another problem entirely. If he had to guess, the wiring had been damaged and therefore required him to actually crawl inside the superstructure to repair the damage. Hoarding all of the tools he would need, he started on the physical damage first, meanwhile inspecting for any exposed wiring as he patched, knowing that if damage to the hull was visible, that damage to the underlying structure would be as well.

As soon as the hull was patched to satisfaction, and several braces and cross braces had been installed to support the structure, he called out for the little holographic man. "Sir... Um... AI? Rhian? I need you guide me to the internal electrical system for the weapon hard points. After that I need you to run a live current through them and try to access the controls while I patch in. This will give me an approximate location for the damage and likely, its cause as well. Regardless, once I find it, fixing it wont be too difficult. Would you mind telling what class of ship this is by the way?"
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