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Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Upon hearing these words, Syilvia looked off to the side and considered getting the help of this Thor. It had been forever since her crew saw their families, but going back now would prove to be difficult given the state of things in the Federation. With a frown, she shook her head, rejecting the offer. She then looked to Sivea with a light smile...

"Maybe one day. When we left the Pangalactic Federation...it was to find a new future for ourselves...and for our friends and family back home. In times of turmoil and unrest...you can't afford to stay around if that resentment is aimed toward you. We can't go back now...and seeing how far we are from home would only put my crew at unease. So...Maybe one day."

After those words Syilvia bit her lower lip, narrowing her eyes. It was clear that going home would detrimental to herself and her crew.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Sivea nodded.

"I understand. Perhaps though you would like to join us soon? As soon as we have determined everyone is accounted for, we are leaving this outpost. Much of what our purpose for being here for has been destroyed, and we simply don't have the supplies to wait out a shipment from our home world. Or, if you prefer, we can send you the coordinates to the Peltas Five station. You would be able to speak with someone from the Alverans there, and I'm sure if you wanted it they could give you charts of just this galaxy, so you at least knew where things were. There have also been ... problems within our galaxy, one you just witnessed here today. Although, this is the first time they have out and out attacked our people."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syilvia listened to Sivea as she spoke, nodding periodically. Her eyes seemed thoughtful as she gave the prospect idea of going with them some thought. Ultimately, she decided to talk it over with her crew before making such an important decision.

"I'll consider it. It seems we travelled so far from our original home galaxy...so I'm sure a sense of direction and community would be welcome among my crew. We don't really know what galaxy we're even in, so how far we've travelled from the Milky Way...We wouldn't be able to tell..."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Sivea and Sivok shared a startled look at her words, and after a moment, Sivok spoke softly.

"The people of this galaxy call it the Milky Way as well. The odds of two separate civilizations from far off galaxies calling their home galaxies the same are very slim. Are you certain you ever left your home galaxy?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Syilvia's eyes widened at being told she was still in the Milky Way Galaxy. She shook her head and then thought for a moment. There's no way. We left Milky Way a year ago...

"We left the Milky Way a long time ago. I believe if we were still in the Milky Way, The Pangalactic would be involved in this 'problem' you have," Syilvia responded, pausing to think for a brief time, "Wait. In my Milky Way there is a planet called Sol III. Earth. Is there one here, too? Though...I can't really say it's inhabited anymore."

Syilvia recalled learning of the Executioner attacks on her galaxy a long time ago. The attack had basically left Earth in smoldering ruin, and killed billions. If this galaxy knew nothing of such a thing, something was surely amiss. She looked at Sivok and Sivea with terse eyes, wanting answers.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

This time Sivea's eyes went wide, and Sivok damn near staggered backwards.

It was Sivea who answered this time, a careful tone of shock in her voice.

"Yes ... there is. Earth is actually the home planet to where this alliance first started. It is very much inhabited, by billions of people. There are too many similarities for this to be a coincidence though, and as Sivok said, the odds of another civilization with the same name for their galaxy, and the same name for their planet are at best astronomical. I believe Siphon will wish to speak with her Sivok, for this is .... what?"

Sivok had started shaking his head at her mentioning Siphon.

"She can't unless we go to him. We just got word earlier he's been sent to the Pegasus Galaxy. They believe they have found Atlantis."

That drew wide eyes from Sivea, who fell silent for the moment.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"That's...impossible. Earth barely survived obliteration from 4D Beings, and has barely began reconstruction. It...It can't be. This isn't...," she babbled on, shaking her head. She had no idea what was going on. It was obvious she was rather distressed about all this. At the mentioning of Atlantis, she picked up her head and looked at the two.

"...Atlantis? As in...the lost city?"

She wanted answers, and she didn't care where they came from. With a furrowed brow, she took a seat and cradled her head in her hands, "What in the world is going on..."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Sivok's eyes narrowed at the mention of 4D beings.

"Energy beings? Either way, nothing like that has happened here. And Atlantis is more than just a city, if our records that we have, which were left behind by the Ancients, are correct, than Atlantis is also a ship built on a massive scale. Siphon and his people believe they have located it, and they probably have already left to investigate. The only way we could reach them outside of nearly a week of hyper-space travel would be via the Stargates."

Sivea shook her head.

"I don't know. This is not something I have ever heard of. I wonder though ... is it possible you crossed more than just space?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Crossed just space...That's certainly possible...Syri would probably know more about this...I...Whatever. We'll go with that for now," Syilvia commented on Sivea's claim. It was better than nothing, and Syilvia could work with it. Either way, it looks like she'd need to tell her crew about this immediately. After several minutes of deep thought, a grin pulled at her lips. This might be fun...Better than that vacation..., a voice hummed inside of Syilvia's head.

"Looks like we're gonna have to tag along with you guys to sort this all out. But...I'd still like to discuss it with my crew. Would that be okay?" Syilvia said, doing her best to hide the grin that was trying to seize her lips.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Sivea nodded.

"Of course. Sivok would you remain in orbit with them and escort them to Peltas Five if that is where they decide to go? I do not believe we will be here much longer."

The Draque simply nodded, and with that Sivea bowed to them both before going off to tend to her people.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"If that's the case then I worry about your pilot" Jortis said raising his eyes. But the offer of rest sounded nice. Taking a seat in the chair, what seemed to be the only chair, Jortis looked around and just took a breather. It was nice to relax and wrap your head around things... Seemed he was going to be stuck here for a while, and to be honest, that wasn't all that bad considering what he had seen so far.

Food and drink was also excepted, but he looked at it curiously before partaking, wondering what the owner of this ship ate. Deciding to stop being picky, he helped himself and continued to stare at the AI. "So.... How common are things like.... AI's" He said quietly, the very Idea of one so close making him nervous. He wasn't much for caring, but...

"She is not a mechanic or engineer by any stretch of the titles, and verbal instruction can only go so far. However, she is quite remarkable by many other standards." Rhian explained the small image giving a slight shrug. He directed Jortis back towards the nearest stacks, finding what was essentially astronaut rations and dehydrated meal packets, and directing him back near the chair to find a section of wall that pulled out like a drawer, revealing a sink for hot water.

Once he was comfortable, Rhian answered the other question. "I have only met two others AIs such as myself, both of which were rather unpleasant encounters. When I was created the process was quite new, of a sort, but I have little idea how many more were created after we left and lost contact." He explained. "I still have the process in my memory if needed, but we have neither the facilities nor the cumpulsion to enact it on this ship. Ariana has asked that the knowledge be deleted 9 times, but I cannot stand to see knowledge forgotten. It is the only item that we have ever butted heads on, so to speak."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Well that's a shame because she obviously needs one" Jortis answered the AI, seeming to ignore his comments about other such creations, although he mentally catalogued everything for later. Thinking suddenly, he stared at the small holo projection for a moment before asking another question even as he ate slowly, the food strange tasting but not unpleasant. "How many intelligent races are there currently in this galaxy." He asked, curious as to the answer, this place was starting to be far stranger then his own home, and that would be downright fucking odd to say the least.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"I believe Thor would have a better answer to that. Prior to our meeting him, I have knowledge of three sentient races in the galaxy, one long dead, and the other engineered into existence by the dead race. Humans were the main sentient, though my ssample size was apparently too limited. You seem to be a fourth race yourself, Thor a fifth, and the large ship we both saw sounds like it contained a sixth, though I only have speculation on Thor's words to base that on. My sensors were not adept enough to pierce it's hull with such little time to do so, they're meant for combat." Rhian answered. "I also gathered that your origins are meant to be a secret, based on analysis on your own words. I am curious, but I respect your privacy."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Then your curiosity will simply have to remain unsated" jortis said, sighing. The last thing he wanted to do was to accidentally make a time travel fuck up so he was going to be very quiet on his own origins from here on out, for all he knew his race didn't even fucking exist yet!. "As for anything and everything else, it seems we are at Thor's mercy for the moment, and he's been more then hospitable, I'm happy to stay with you and your master for the duration of my stay here and to be of service as best I can, simply being around an AI is a wonder for me, a true marvel, you should be proud of what you are, you're completely and utterly forbidden where I'm from as a kind of taboo that everyone takes extremely seriously." Jortis said, just continuing to relax. His own ship didn't really need tending to so much as it needed apparent upgrading when compared with the technological levels of the races here, especially Thor's race. He mentally drooled at how fast his little runner could truly get if it had an engine much like this ones... O the possibilities open to him now....
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

((Needing a post from Suri before I move Syilvia anywhere. Just confirming where she is going and all.))

After some time, Thor turned to Ariana.

"The Vorians are heading back to their home world, which means I am now heading for Peltas Five. Any significant repairs that could not be done here can be done there if you like."

He spoke aloud again after hitting several 'buttons' on his control panel.

"Jortis, this is Thor. If you are not busy still, please return to the bridge."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Such is Life, I am told rather frequently." Rhian responded with a chuckle in response to Jortis' comment about his curiosity. "As for myself, I'm not sure I feel anything resembling pride at my mere existence, but as I said, I am something of a rare breed where I was created as well. I-" He started, but stopped when he heard Thor's transmission to the man, waiting until it was finished before continuing. "It would seem you're being called away. Please, return whenever you wish, I enjoy the conversation."

Ariana nodded when Thor spoke to her, having been patiently waiting while the situation was dealt with, rooted to the spot. "Sounds like a good enough plan to me. I'm grounded until repairs are completed, and have no set destination to begin with, as I explained earlier. I'll check on the status of it, if you'll excuse me for a moment." She replied, then took her helmet from under her arm and fitted it on again. Once the seal was back on, she spoke over the radio, the sound not leaving the helmet.

"Rhian, how'r things holding up over there?"
Qutie well, in fact. Jortis has been most helpful.
"Oh? Repairs going well, I take it?"
Completed, for the most part. Some of our long term issues have been corrected as well.
"You had him crawling around and replacing parts? You sure that's wise?"
He noticed the state of some of the systems, volunteered to help after I explained the situation. And as far as I can tell, he did nothing untowards while he was 'crawling around'. Though given the state of everyone else's technology, I can make no guarantees.
"You're sure?"
"Huh. Well it seems we've hit the jackpot, so to speak. Chances of the first people we find being genuinely helpful seem against our normal odds, this is good news."
Well as you recall, our first contact since you awoke was somewhat less than friendly, don't forget.
"Ah yes, silly me to have not counted them. You're right again. I'll be by when I can to check up on things myself."
I will be here, as always.

Witht he conversation done, Ariana removed the helmet again, resting it under her arm as before and waiting for Jortis to arrive, as she assumed Thor was bringing him up to tell him the same thing he had told her.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis got the message and said his farewells to the AI before heading back to the bridge, wondering what was going on now. He remembered talk about a space station and a place for proper repairs, maybe they were arriving. Regardless, it was a simple matter to get back. "I'm here, what's going on?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Once Jortis was settled in the room, Thor spoke.

"The Vorians are returning to their homeworld, which means we are setting course for Peltas Five now. Any repairs your ship may need can be done there as well. In addition, as long as Siphon is still there, you may be able to get some answers on questions you had regarding if you have travelled through time. An incident some time ago caused Siphon to be thrown several hundred thousand years into the future, and he has since been able to devise a system capable of determining if one has crossed time barriers. If he isn't there, you may have to wait for him to return, unless you wish to go to him. I do not believe it is breaching anything to tell you if you do go to him, you likely might be going to Atlantis."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis listened to everything said impassively, just nodding after Thor seemed to be finished. "good to know, I'll see if I can track him down. As for this place you call Atlantis, why should it matter if i go there or not? Or is it not the most welcoming of places..." He asked a little curiously, really more concerned with repairing and upgrading his own ship as well as getting answers.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

There was a surge that lasted briefly, as the ship jumped into hyper-space before Thor replied.

"If it is indeed Atlantis, then you would need to travel outside of this galaxy, to the Pegasus Galaxy. However, you will not be able to reach it quickly by ship, therefore your only method of transportation to reach it quickly would be by Stargate. As for it's it is a welcoming place, it is difficult to say for certain, but according to all information sources we have, it is under water with a shield that could fail at any time. Siphon's hope was to restore power to the city and bolster it's shield."
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