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Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

“in that same vein however, why would a go‘auld use it‘s own technology, when it may break his cover, and his host has access to better?“ The AI interjected. “There are too many presumptions to be made. I may have found something. Prepare our escape, this will either work, or we will have to leave with haste.“
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven nodded.

"Agreed, we don't know enough about this situation to be able to make any good guesses on it or anything, which is somewhat infuriating. What have you found?"

As he asked that, he nodded to Alberik to indicate the emergency transport was ready.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

“I‘ve managed to sneak access to some of the interface‘s backup files.“ Alberik explained. “nothing useful to keep in and of itself, but if i can replace the system with it‘s backup, it may invalidate the self-destruct.“

He nodded once Draven indicated their escape was ready, turning back to the screen. Attempting now.“
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven slowly nodded.

"That just might work, good thinking. We're ready ... now."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Alberik didn't answer, focusing all his attention on the work at hand.

It was simple in theory. prep a copy of as much of the ship's internal systems as possible, and replace all that he had inside the ship in as short a span as possible. With luck, whatever system controlled the self-destruct would be reset, without time to become aware of or defend against the intrusion.

With everything set, he started the process, leaving a portion of his capabilities free to handle any issues, but otherwise pouring his entire processing power into the effort.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

At first nothing seemed to happen, then one by one systems started reverting back to pre-destruct settings. After about a minute, the countdown vanished, everything seeming to have worked.

Then things got really interesting. Suddenly, the engines fired up, the ship beginning to move on it's own!

Draven let out a curse, looking at the console, seeing if he could shut it down. When he got there though, his body stiffened.

"What in the ... the ship has set a course, it's FTL drive is powering up. Course plotted will take us to ... Earth."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Strange..." Alberik said, just before the engines started to spin up. Ariana opened her mouth to ask, but Draven beat her to the punch with her answer. "Any sign of why? Can your ship keep up, Draven?" She asked quickly, moving to watch over his shoulder.

Alberik kept working on his own. It seemed to make sense that there was some sort of intelligence hidden in the system as well, so instead of directly trying to stave off the symptoms, he let Draven worry about the FTL while he began trying to hunt down and isolate the nebulous entity that was giving them trouble.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"None that I can think of, maybe it was their next target and the ship was pre-programmed to go there. My ship should be able to keep up, but we can't transport off in hyper-space. I'm attempting to shut down power to the FTL drive, but it seems like something else is in control of the ship now, something that got control when the countdown was wiped clear. Actually, I have an idea. It's rash, but it may buy us some time. I'm heading down to their engine room, if you can call it that to blast out the drive systems. It will strand the ship here, but that may not be a bad thing."

It took a little bit, but Alberik got the sense he was dealing with some sort of AI type virus, something that was hijacking control of the Klarnell ship. Perhaps this was why the ship had been set to blow up. A bit further study revealed a bit of a shocker. The virus wasn't Asgard in nature like they might have hoped for, it was encoded with the same types of formula Alberik had come to recognize in their brief stay aboard the ship as Klarnell.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

“That seems a prudent option.“ the AI responded, continuing to work away at his own station. Workingin two directions, he began do download the entire copy f the backup operating system, starting t goo. Over the code to remove any dormant copy of the virus embedded there, all while still working to remove the active intelligence woorking against them.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Alberik found that the virus was present in almost every major system restore point, as well as through most every system the ship currently had running. It seemed capable of thinking for itself as well, for some of the internal security systems tried coming online to deal with them. Fortunately Alberik would be able to keep those from functioning, though for some reason a few of them seemed inoperable to begin with. Then, the virus activated the internal sensor scans, scanning them. Strangely, after completing it's scan, suddenly the FTL Drive, and everything powered down, and Alberik suddenly found himself back in full control of the ship with no problems from the AI. However a single file now appeared to access, one that looked like it had been hidden until the scan completed.

Draven had just reached the engine room when everything suddenly turned off. Pausing, he reached over to one of the panels on the wall, one he had determined to be a ship intercom, pushed the button and spoke.

"Did you do that Alberik? Everything just shut down here."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Alberik maintained his own defense as the internal system AI began routing security systems towards his own intrusions, his own examination of the backup systems showing the virus having been there for effectively the lifetime of the ship. Once he had a full copy safely away from the active virus' influence, he began purging it's code from the backup, planning to try a second reboot to give the other AI nowhere to hide.

He noticed his opponent going for the sensor array of the ship, and thinking ahead, he responded by locking down environmental and airlock controls. The unexpected happened however, as once the AI had finished scanning those on board, it appeared to give up, Alberik quickly regaining all system controls.

With all this going on, there was a noticable pause of nearly three seconds before he answered the comm from Draven. "Yes, and no. I do believe it is safe to keep the engines online, however." he answered, opening this new folder on the terminal, expecting either a new kind of attack aimed at himself, or a message from this other AI.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven paused for a moment.

"OK, I have no idea what the hell that's supposed to mean, but I'm on my way back up then."

As soon as he opened the file, he was in for another surprise. A Klarnell suddenly appeared on the bridge! At least, it appeared to be a Klarnell at first, until it began to flicker slightly, indicating it was a hologram. It regarded the two of them for a moment, before beginning to speak in what Alberik would easily identify as Ancient, for their language was contained in his memory banks thanks to the Asgard.

((Stuff in (") marks will indicate in another language from me.))

("Greetings, you are probably wondering why a Klarnell would choose to record a message and design an AI virus specifically to scan for you and relinquish control of such a powerful ship to you. We are aware of the long standing battle between your kind and ours. Know however that not all choose to support these actions. Enclosed in a smaller file are details regarding the reason this war started, and the belief a large number of our people hold. However ours is not the only offshoot grouping, there are others who are outcast even by our war hungry brethren, those who simply wish to eradicate all life, believing our plight is unsolvable. Their ultimate goal is to wipe out all other life, taking you with them. You of course know of the main forces, the ones who capture your women for various needs and desires. Then there are my people. We long ago realized the errors in judgement, and the real reason for our plight through researching. This of course dealt with what you call anomalies. We have been, with little success, opposing our brethren since the start of the war, but we are few in number. I fear our days are very limited, as our brethren now consider us a threat to their ultimate goals, which by now you must know of. In a last ditch effort to disrupt their plans, this virus was created to seek those out who would ally themselves with those known as the Alverans. Originally, this message was to be received upon the ship arriving at the planet called Earth, however if you are hearing this portion, then you have been scanned by the ship's systems, and the virus is now dormant. I entrust you will deliver all of the information in the systems to the Alverans, in the hopes you can end this nonsense. If we are still alive when this happens, then perhaps we have a chance to eventually establish a peaceful relationship. Nevertheless, no matter what you decide down the road, the others must be stopped before they accomplish their goals. This ship, and all of it's technology are now yours, and you will find key information regarding what we ourselves know of the anomalies, which should at least give you a fighting chance. Good luck, and may your side prevail.")

A moment later, the hologram winked out, leaving Alberik and Ariana to process things differently. Alberik at least would know what had been said. For Ariana, she would have no idea what had just happened, but might have the feeling she had missed something big.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The pair stood side by side as the hologram spoke, one gaining insight, the other confusion. When it ended, Ariana turned to the AI. "Soo...?" She asked simply.

"It would appear there are rebels within the klarnell, they're the ones that planted the virus. Once it registered that we were on the side against the main klarnell agenda, it relinquished control of the ship to us." He paraphrased, making the young woman nod. He then proceeded to repeat the information for Draven, once he was back on the bridge.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven stared at Alberik for a few moments.

"So, another faction of Klarnell then, one that wants peace. This warrants further looking into, if they exist somewhere still and can be communicated with, perhaps there's a chance this doesn't have to end with their extinction, or ours. And we have complete control over everything?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

“I beleive so. With it‘s apparent directive completed, it either deleted itself, or has gone dormant, in case the klarnell retook the ship.“ he elaborated simply. “i will keep an eye on the systems, just in case.“
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven slowly nodded.

"Most likely dormant then. It probably won't give us any issues unless a Klarnell boards the ship. Still, we should copy whatever is in it's archives for later use, just in case. In the meantime, I think this needs to be reported back, and we need to figure out some place more secure to take it that won't give away anything vital. I'm thinking one of the old uninhabited outposts the Bentari vacated when they were driven out."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Wherever you think is best. I'll begin copying the database immediately." Alberik answered, turning back to the console he had been working at.

It was then that Ariana chose to spoke up. "That's all well and good, but we have another stop on the way, don't forget." She said simply, shifting on her feet and crossing her arms over her chest.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven smiled slightly.

"I haven't forgotten. Still, we need to get someone else here to secure the ship, which means we have to wait a bit longer. We can't risk losing access to what we've been gifted. There is very little that can make a shape shifting race uneasy, but these main Klarnell concern both me, and our governing body. Enough that there has been talk of a bio-weapon to be used should the opportunity arise to design one to wipe the Klarnell out. This splinter faction of them complicates things, but in a good way. I don't support the use of a bio-weapon, but there has been strong pushing ever since we found out about these Klarnell."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

“Since the beginning? That seems quite harsh. If i had to hazard a guess, i‘d say your race hasn‘t felt threatened for some time, and cooler heads are not prevailing.“ Ari answered, a hint of accusation in her tone. “But yes, that is what I meant. Just making sure you didn‘t think this find invalidated whatever possible threat waits to be found in the second location.“
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven nodded slowly.

"The last time there was a true threat to our race, it was when the Draque and Enoly still served the Sentinels in the early part one of the war. At that time, a bio weapon had been designed to wipe out the Enoly and weaken the Sentinel's forces, however the arrival of those you call the Ancients changed that, and the weapon was fortunately never used. That was before I was old enough to even be a part of the governing body, I was the equivalent of a small human child then. The Klarnell, according to some, are enough of a threat to justify using a bio-weapon on, only because there appears to be evidence to support that if given the chance, they would do the exact same to us. From what we do know of them, it seems the only reason they haven't yet is because they still need humanoid females to reproduce with. If they were to find a way to make their own women capable of reproduction again, they would no longer have a need for humans. At which point, I do agree, they would likely seek to eliminate all human life in this and the Pegasus Galaxy. I'm not keen on such an attack, unfortunately I am but one in a decided minority opposing that plan. My hope is that this new information will at least slow down the push for such a dramatic step. If not well ... nothing says I have to inform them of any potential control over the anomalies we might gain from this ship. As for our other destination, that is every bit as important. We just need to be sure this objective is secured before moving on, lest we make a fatal mistake somehow."
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