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Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 56/68, PP = 52, EP = 15/52, Status = Fine, 1/25 Resistance
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 0/50, PP = 50, EP = 93/114, Status = Helpless

Mithra uses Energy Wave X = 15 on herself, as she can only hit one of the three slimes no matter how she places her blast. Her Spirit Ceiling is 10, 7 in her armor, so that's a total of 23 EP and 8 HP.
Attack: Automatic hit on the one grappling her, hits the other ones.
Damage: 6 + 4 = 10 * 15 = 150/2 = 75 damage.

The angel attacks the slime moving to rape Evangeline using Energy Blast X = 12
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 8 * 12 = 96/2 = 48 damage.

Casting (Dark Slime) : Success.
Attack (Greater Force Bolt vs angel) : Hit.
Damage: 3 + 1 + 9 = 13 * 3 = 39 damage. The angel is knocked unconscious and her clothes are destroyed.

Evangeline's body was unresponsive, the vague sense that something had been broken by the powerful force blast that the slime had struck her with registering as she helplessly watched the slime rolling towards her. The alien reached her in no time at all, and Evangeline felt slimy tendrils reach into the shreds of her clothing and pull out her member, the slime woman's aphrodisiac's causing her rod to begin to stiffen despite the pain that she was in. Closing its eyes, the slime girl's mouth opened, and her head started descending towards the battered faerie's helpless cock, eager to take it in and begin sucking away at Evangeline's powerful soul.

Mithra, meanwhile, was squirming within the grasp of the slime still holding her, its poisonous substance seeping into her skin and threatening to paralyze her with lust that was already rapidly dominating her mind. The angel stood facing the other violet slime, but when she heard Mithra's cry to help Evangeline she spun about and unleashed a blast of white light. Evangeline, who was about to be fed upon by the slime, saw the glow passing through the slime as the beam came toward the two of them, and the slime opened its eyes just before the magic tore a fist sized hole in it, completely destroying its core. It dissolved into nothing just as Mithra gathered all of the spiritual strength that she could, and unleashed a blast upon herself that caused her to be dropped to the ground.

When she regained her senses, a splitting headache joining the aphrodisiac-inspired arousal, Mithra found that the slime that had been holding her was nowhere to be seen, as if it had vanished into thin air. The angel, having rescued Evangeline, was unable to turn back to face her opponent in time, however. The last of the slimes unleashed a burst of force right at her back, which slammed into her and knocked her to the ground. The blade of energy extending from her hand vanished as she struck the ground several feet away, leaving Mithra as the last of them still conscious. The slime was slowly backing away towards the trees while eying the elven warrior with a scowl.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The arousal in her system make her fail for a long trial in her attempts to hit the last slime, her aura just destroy the grey slime vanishing it from this world, but the huge amount of power cause her fall at the floor, her head hurt as she turn to see the result of her mistake, she was close to run and aid her two partners at this battle, but then she understand what could happen if she leave escape this monster, this monster will call more and soon nothing will be save, her town will be invaded by these things and her people could turn into just mindless breeder slaves.

Her body just move as fast as she can, charging her sword with the last of her spirit, this time she will only shoot when she get close enough to dont miss. Her energy leave her body leaving only the energy enough to continue fighting, she was not sure than this could be enough to defeat this creature, but she will be ready to end the job or die in her attempt to save her people.

Get close and use an Energy Wave 11, if is possible get close any ally, but dont at a place to hurt them
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

As Evangeline lay there in pain, unable to move, she had the feeling that something had been broken from the force of the blast she'd been hit with, but she wasn't sure what bone it was just yet. All Evangeline could really do was watch as the purple slime girl came towards her, eager to suck away her soul while she was helpless. Pulling away the remnants of her clothing with a few little slimy tendrils and pulling her quickly hardening cock out from the tattered clothes to begin suckling on it.

Before the slime could feed on her any though, Evangeline saw a bright white light shoot towards her moments after hearing Mithra cry out to the angel. The beam she saw tore right through the slime, destroying its core in the process and sparing Evangeline for the moment. She turned her head to look over at her savior only to see her too be taken down by the same kind of power that hit her, save from the other purple slime.

It was all on Mithra now Evangeline thought to herself. She could only hope that the elven warrior could take out the slime and save them from what would happen to them, which was something Evangeline didn't think she could bear, being raped by the alien scum that invaded their world, a slime no less, which she knew what would happen even if she managed to get away afterward... she wouldn't be able to bear children of any kind until she got the crystal the slime would put into her removed, and she wasn't sure if anyone in the hidden village had the means of being able to do so. Plus the same may happen to an angel, which was something she couldn't stand to see happen either.

"Come on Mithra... please I know you can do this," Evangeline mumbled in pain, trying to will her own body to move so she could help, or at the very least to will some of her spirit energy over to Mithra to help her empower her own power.

Nothing I can really do unless you'd allow Evangeline to lend her EP to Mithra some how. I hope the rolls turn out good, because I don't want one of those damn slime crystals in Eva. And did the angel not have that much HP left for only 39 HP dmg to take her out?
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Bound, Sealed (DC = 40)
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 50, PP = 50, EP = 114, Status = Bound Sealed (DC = 40)

Mithra uses Energy Wave X = 11 Her Spirit Ceiling is 10, 7 in her armor, so that's a total of 15 EP and 4 HP.
Attack: Miss, Mithra has a 21 attack and the dark slime has 45 Dodge.

The angel had already taken a force blast to the chest from one of the slimes, and it's an NPC with stats rather than a full powered angel, who could have wiped out an entire army of slimes without ever having any problems. Also, if you have problems with how this fight was run, I can break things down for you if you want.
Mithra and Evangeline gain 2 exp each, but are captured.

Evangeline felt herself slowly blacking out, darkness closing over her vision as she watched Mithra extricate herself from the dead slime. The elven warrior rose and immediately charged the last of their enemies, her sword glowing as she pushed the last of her power into the blade in order to strike down their final foe. The slime backed away from Mithra, a frightened look on its gooey face, but just as her strike was about to land and destroy the thing it pulsated and then shot aside, her energy blast missing it by inches and destroying a nearby tree instead. She dropped at its feet, her energies spent, and blacked out just as she felt the alien creature washing over her.


When they awoke at about the same time, Mithra and Evangeline to find themselves both bound, their limbs spread out wide and wrapped in tentacles leaking copious amounts of the aphrodisiac slime. They both felt incredibly aroused, and could see one another from across the small chamber in which they were being held, as well as the angel that they had attempted to rescue before Mithra had thrown away all of her energy at the very last slime. The walls of the room were organic and made of the grey flesh of the invaders, the room itself was overly warm and humid, causing the both of them to sweat. A moment after they awoke, a pair of violet slimes formed from pools in the floor, both of them smiling and head towards each of the women silently. Both took on the forms of curvy women, as such creatures were often seen doing, but even though they were aroused both of them were still lucid enough to realize that their ability to access their spiritual energies had been hampered somehow.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Evangeline watched as Mithra's attack failed to hit the slime and the elf passed out from the exertion of using her spirit energy too much. When she saw her fall she knew they had lost as her own consciousness faded. Her final thought as she fainted was that maybe her father was right... maybe she wasn't ready to fight. Then her eyes closed as blackness overcame her vision.


When she next woke, she saw she was bound by tentacles that leaked some sort of fluid onto her body. The fluid she could almost instantly tell was an aphrodisiac because of how aroused it was making her, her arousal made her penis so hard it hurt. She could see Mithra across the room in a similar predicament, and the angel they were trying to save was there as well, all three of them bound to the wall by several tentacles.

After waking up, the first thought Evangeline had running through her mind was that she was going to slap Mithra for not just letting the thing go instead of wasting what was left of her energy on it and getting them captured like this, because now she herself was probably going to end up like all of those she knew from Therion that were taken by these crazy fucking things and turned into mindless followers of the aliens. She'd rather die than be taken like this and she actually thought of trying to use her own spirit powers to kill herself to keep from being turned like so many of the others she remembered being taken by the aliens... some of her friends she went to school with and played with growing up, some of their neighbors, a couple of her cousins. Thinking of all of those she'd never get to see again because of these fucking things made her despair to the point that she now actually wanted to end her own life so she wouldn't become like them. But just as she was about to try and summon up her power it faded slightly as she felt a spirit seal upon her that hampered her abilities to do so.

She glanced down to see a couple of the violet colored slimes form into sexy looking women as they came towards Evangeline and Mithra, and Evangeline thought to herself no... it can't end like this, she refused to allow herself to be taken by these damn things and she refused to let herself despair. She gathered up her spirit energy to try and use her psionic powers she'd learned to hopefully give her an edge with which to break through the seal upon her spirit powers, if she could manage that then she would be able to break them out of here. She couldn't fail now, not when she had so much left to say to her father and tell him she was sorry for leaving like she did without explaining it to him herself why.

"Come on Eva, you can't lose here, not like this. Mom would probably kill herself in despair and dad would probably curse you for allowing this to happen to yourself, you can't lose now. Think of all those you swore to avenge by coming to Mithra's village, think of those you left behind to come here and help... think of what's going to happen to you new friend Mithra if you can't do this... and godsdammit I can't let an angel be taken by these things, not something so beautiful and pure, I can't let her be taken like this too. I can't I can't I CAN'T," Evangeline thought to herself, using the memories of those she left behind, and those already lost to fuel her spirit and resolve, also knowing if she didn't break free then she was as good as lost like all of those the aliens had already taken.

Her determination thankfully burned within her even hotter and brighter than her loins were burning and aching from what the aphrodisiac slime was doing to her and she would not lose here... she couldn't afford to lose and she refused to give up no matter how grim the situation, it would be a cold day in every hell in existence before she fucking gave up. She calmed herself as she gathered her spirit energy to bring her psychic shielding up to maybe give her the strength to unleash hell on these things and get them out of there as far as she could, before she couldn't fight the burning aching need that was quickly building in her penis.

While she built up her power, Evangeline knew that they probably wouldn't be able to break free easily without some sort of distraction. She thought fast and decided to try and talk to the slimes, they were forming into humanoid shaped women, so maybe they could understand her, and who knew, maybe she'd be able to talk them out of this, and desperate times called for desperate measures. "H-Hey, slime girls. You want our spirit energy right? And I don't think you really want to hurt us or we'd be dead already. I tell you what, if you'll let us down and help all three of us escape from here and take these seals off of us, then I... (Eva gulps)... then I'd be more than willing to let you both feed on me to your hearts content once we're out of here as long as you didn't turn me into one of those mindless husks and didn't hurt me," Evangeline said in a scared and shaky voice to the slime girls, she didn't like the idea at all really, but she was hoping that at the very least that if they didn't accept, that it would buy them some time with which to get free. She kind of hoped they accepted her offer though so they wouldn't have to maybe try and fight their way out of here, though she wasn't sure if she could trust them to not attempt to take everything she had and turn her anyway, but she could at least try because it was worth trying while she attempted to get her spirit powers up.

Firstly I'm spending my 4 XP to raise my spirit from 46 to 50, giving Evangeline a resistance of 25 instead of 23, so now she only has to make a roll of 15 or higher to do this. Evangeline is then going to use Psychic shield with 10 EP for all the good it'll probably end up doing for her.

After spending the 4 XP on spirit, I changed all of my stats and stuff accordingly, and added these spirit powers. 1. Gorgon's gaze for demonologist. 2. Energy blade for Spirit warrior. 3. Telekenisis for Psion. 4. Holy wall for Holy magic. 5. Piercer for Shadowmancer. Let me know if i need to change anything else and I will as soon as I'm able.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Taken for her feelings to defend her people from these aliens, Mithra decide to make a nearly lost bet and use what she could of her energy to beat the last slime, however she was so tired and far away of her target than the creature just move away to dodge the potent soul blast. Mithra then notice than she has made a huge mistake when she notice than her whole body was out of any energy, soon her eyes get fully gazed and fall limp on the floor, very tired to even curse herself by what could happen to them.

The time passed and slowly the blonde elf recovered her spirit power, soon her body manage to feel a different atmosphere than the cold mountains, she was completely wet bellow her clothes, not only for her sweat but over all the strange slime from the invaders than has invaded the whole room, in shock she opened her eyes who take a moment to see her surroundings, there she was in middle of a living room, at least clothed and with her sword at a side, then she saw her partner and the angel, both girls were in the same position than her. Before Mithra could try to apologize to them, some slime creatures appear close them and their intentions were more than easy to know. The swordswoman bite her lip and then decide to try her best to get free and save each other from the creatures, her mind could sense the seal on her and she supposed than Evangeline have one too, this could be a hard situation, but she should try it, not only for her but for all what she has been trying to protect.

Using all her strenght and dexterity, the young elf struggle to get free of the tentacles and then draw her sword ready to defend herself as much as she can.

(Use quick draw and all the passive dueling skills to increase dodge, dunno if thief skill could work to get free)
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Sealed (DC = 40)
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 26/52, EP = 47/118, Status = Bound, Sealed (DC = 40) Psychic Shield X = 10, Stunned

Round 1
Grapple (Mithra) : Failure.

Resistance (Evangeline) : Failure.

Both failed, but Eva's offer is intriguing enough to get the slimes talking.

Round 2
Grapple (Mithra) : Success, Mithra breaks free.

Resistance (Evangeline) : Success.

Both slimes come over and suck on Evangeline a little, with Eva not resisting as agreed in the shoutbox so long as the slimes let them go.

Pleasure (Evangeline) : 4 + 1 + 10 + 12 = 27 PP, Eva is drained 18 EP.

Pleasure (Evangeline) : 3 + 1 + 10 + 12 = 26 PP, Eva cums in the slime's mouth and is drained 17 * 2 = 34 more EP, leaving her at 47 EP for the round.

Mithra's initial struggles against the slimy tentacles holding her proved fruitless despite the lubrication provided by their liquid coating, as she barely managed to budge any of her limbs in their incredibly strong grasp. Evangeline's attempts to grant her spirit's strength to her limbs was met with failure as well, but oddly, the two slimes that were advancing on them came to a halt at the bound sidhe's words. The one closer to Mithra glanced over her shoulder while the one closer to Eva tilted her head to the side and said; "Oh? You'd let us feed whenever we wanted so long as we left enough that you could recover? And all we have to do is take you out of here?" The other slime piped up, "Do you promise? Pinky swears?"

They had stopped, at least, and Eva had kept them talking long enough for the two of them to keep trying to get free unmolested. When Eva agreed, the two slimes approached her, and just then she felt her spiritual power breach the seal holding it in, the metaphysical hole in her bonds held open by a constant flow of power and thus allowing Eva to use her power to her heart's content. At about the same time, Mithra managed to yank one of her arms free, and then the other, and a moment later the elven warrior had dropped silently to the floor and drew her sword. The slimes had both come to stand (or whatever they did) in front of Evangeline, and thus didn't notice that Mithra was free yet, giving her a moment in which she could act freely.

"We usually don't get to feed much... We're supposed to suck captives dry and put the souls into the reactor, so we don't get much energy out of it. If you give us a free sample we'll help you and your friends get out of here!" one slime said, and the other nodded before adding; "But you have to pinky swear!" Up close she realized that both of them were slightly different shades of purple, the one that had started closer to her being a slightly lighter shade than normal while the other one was darker, so much that it was almost blue. Whatever her response might be, Eva didn't have long to respond, as the two slimes started forward again with hungry grins on their faces, eyes fixed on her hardened member.

The speaker reached her first, and a single slimy tendril reached out and wrapped around Evangeline's rod. The slime girl closed her eyes and leaned forward before her sister could steal her prize, her slimy lips sealing around the tip of the faerie woman's cock as a dozen slimy tendrils forming her tongue began rubbing it aggressively, one even parting her cum-slit and exploring the entrance to her urethra. The act was not only incredibly pleasurable thanks to her natural sensitivity and the aphrodisiacs that comprised the whole of the slime's body, but completely visible to Evangeline thanks to the transparent head of the alien slime girl. She gave a pleased coo, and that was all the warning that Evangeline had before the slime's head slid forward, pulling Eva's cock into her body as she took the whole thing in one swift gulp. The array of tendrils somehow followed it, creating a pocket inside of the slime in which they rubbed the sensitive head all over while the walls of slime began to vibrate and contract. The sheer power of the sensations was incredible, very nearly making Evangeline cum immediately from the sheer power of it, and she felt her essence being sucked out of her through her cock at the very same time.

"Hey! I want some too!" the other slime whined, and the darker one pulled back slowly until Evangeline's member popped free of her mouth, a drop of precum immediately appearing at the time. "You're really yummy! You'd better let us suck out everything~" the one that had just released her cock said, but it wasn't free for long. All too soon it vanished down the lighter slime girl's throat, her slimy body easily taking every inch of Eva until she was all the way to her base. The slime girl's inner walls began to contract rapidly around her shaft, sucking with powerful and relentless force while the slime along the underside vibrated against her most sensitive nerves, and within seconds Eva's oversensitive body could stand no more.

The slime sucking her off let out a low moan around her cock when she felt it tense, and the sight of rope after rope of her sperm being sucked out of her even as a flood of her soul was sucked out as well, the slime able to feed fully as Evangeline came for her. The constant suction and vibration continued throughout Eva's climax and for several moments after, until a tremendous amount of her semen was visible floating about within the slime as it dissolved into her. After a moment she pulled off of Eva's cock with an audible pop, giving the perfectly cleaned tip one last lick and saying; "Yummy~ I look forward to having some more later!" The other slime pouted, "I wanted some...."
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Evangeline barely noticed Mithra's failed struggles as she spoke with the slimes, attempting to negotiate their freedom as her own spirit faltered a little as her power failed to break through the spirit seal placed upon her. She did however watch the two slimes stop at her words, making her feel a little apprehensive suddenly that they actually thought over her offer.

"Y-Yeah I would let you anytime you pleased provided you made me feel good when you did and didn't hurt me any, as long as you did that... and as long as you would free my friends here too and didn't put any of those crystal things in my womb or theirs, cause even though I've got this thing here between my legs, I'd still like the option of having a true baby of my own some day. And if you could take off these seals on us, I'd be even more grateful to you if you agree to help us free, so sure I'll pinky swear if you swear the same to me," Evangeline replied to the pair of slimes in a diplomatic tone as they came over to her.

The slimes stopping and speaking back to Eva gave her and Mithra both time to prepare themselves to again try and get free. She noticed Mithra managed to pull herself free from her bonds after the slimes both started towards her, even as her own spirit power managed to break through the seal upon her body. At least she would have the power to break through it easily now and blast these two if they decided to go back on their word.

When they spoke again to her, Evangeline actually felt... sympathy for them. She didn't know why, but she couldn't help but feel a little sorry for them if they barely got enough for themselves. Maybe they would willingly help them if she offered them a good enough arrangement with her, she thought carefully but quickly about it before speaking again once they were both done talking. While she took only a couple of seconds to think about it, she noticed that they're shades were different from the other slimes she'd seen before, so maybe they were different minded and would listen to reason. She also couldn't help but giggle a little at the hungry grins on their faces as they approached her, they looked kind of cute actually, she thought, suddenly imagining herself one day laying naked on her bed in the house she'd been given in the hidden village with the two slime girls here wearing dinner bibs around their necks and licking their lips as they stared at her laying naked on her bed, ready to pounce on her.

"That's really sad actually that you don't get all that much. Wouldn't you rather have a better life than that? One where you could feed and not have to bother giving any to someone else? I... I would be willing to give you that life if you promise to do what all I said earlier. But first go ahead and have yourselves a taste, and yes I'll pinky swear, but I'd have to be able to move my hands first sweetie before we could, and also I OH... oh gods that feels good," Evangeline said to them, letting out a soft moan and subsequent coo as the darker slime reached out and grabbed her fully erect member with a slimy tendril.

It was almost as if the two were in a race to see which one of them could get the first taste of her, and Eva couldn't help but feel a little happy and pleased that she had two girls all but fighting to get at her member like this. But... they were her enemies weren't they? She had to admit she was already starting to have doubts about just how evil they actually were, thinking maybe it wasn't them that were evil. And who knew, maybe it was only the ones they served that were evil. However all of those thoughts were cut short as she watched the slime girl lean forward and seal her slimy lips around her large member.

She let out a soft gasp of pleasure when she felt those slimy lips wrap around her as the slime's many tendriled tongue began aggressively licking her, one of them even slipping into the end of her urethra an inch or so and licking inside. This caused her pupils to dilate when she felt it and for some reason she greatly enjoyed the feeling of her doing that as she felt a little spurt of her pre shoot out and into the slime girl's mouth, her body's natural sensitivity as well as the aphrodisiacs the slime was pretty much made of only made it that much more intense along with the fact that she could see the entire act through the transparency of the slime, and the fact that she was bound and totally at the slime girl's mercy also played a huge roll in how great it was making her feel.

"Oh hon... that feels great... ahh... if it'll always feel this great... mhmm... then I'd love to have you both... oh gods... s-stay with me i-in my house. I'd let you feed whenever you both got hungry in that case," Evangeline panted out in between her own soft sweet moans when the slime girl let out a pleasant coo.

When the slime girl suddenly thrust her head forwards and impaled her face upon Evangeline's magnificent erection, Evangeline's body instinctively thrust forwards to meet what was causing her so much pleasure, because even though she had the mind of a girl and normally acted as such and all, when she was horny she couldn't help but think with the wrong head just like a man would. When she felt the inside of the slime girl's mouth begin to vibrate and contract around her large member, she nearly lost it and exploded right there, but managed to hold out even as the tendrils inside began writhing and teasing all over the extremely sensitive head of her hot hard dick. When she felt her own spirit energy leaving her she immediately knew that the slime girl was feeding directly upon her soul's essence and shuddered slightly, shaking her head back and forth a couple of times as she began even feeling a slight bit of pleasure because of that as well as she bucked her hips back and forth in time with the slime girl's thrusts.

She vaguely heard the lighter colored slime tell the one sucking Eva off that she wanted some too, and so the one suckling on her member and very essence pulled off of her as another bead of her pre was brought to the surface by her skilled suckling. "Oh... t-thanks I guess, I mean I hope that's meant as a compliment, and don't worry hon, just live up to your end of the deal and you'll get it. And has anybody ever told you that you're really good at that? Because I've had a succubus do that before and you're as good if not better than she was," Evangeline said to the darker slime and complimented her after she pulled back from her still painfully hard member, the bead of pre-cum now slowly running down her length from her tip.

As soon as she finished speaking, Eva let out a deep throaty moan of pleasure as her cock was swallowed once again, this time by the lighter colored slime, who didn't stop pushing forwards until Evangeline's entire length was wrapped inside of her mouth all the way to her base. As soon as this slime girl's mouth started quickly contracting around Eva's member as she began sucking as hard a she could, Evangeline shuddered, however when she felt the pleasant vibrating against Eva's most sensitive parts of her cock Evangeline threw her head back, though didn't utter a sound for a moment as she too busy reveling in the feeling of her cock being sucked and teased like that. It only took mere seconds after that and she felt herself throbbing hard, her body aching and all but begging for release.

When Eva's hard prick tensed and twitched within the slime girl's mouth, the slime girl moaned deeply around it, which vibrated it even more so she couldn't hold her climax back any longer. Her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave and she could hold her voice back no longer, letting out a very high pitched girly squeal of pleasure that would let the two slime girl's know they made her feel good. As her climax continued to ripple through her, Eva watched spurt after spurt of her seed being drained and milked out of her cock even as she continued to now consciously buck her hips back into the slime girl's mouth, Evangeline didn't feel the suction on her die down until every last drop of her cum had been sucked and slurped out of her and into the lighter colored slime. The amount of pleasure Evangeline felt from this intense orgasm was so great her eyes had crossed as they rolled up, her tongue lolling out a little as she panted for her breath, she even had a slight look of being fucked silly on her face it'd felt so great.

After a few more seconds Evangeline's sight came back to her and she glanced back down to look at the slime still sucking her cock. She thought that she was going to continue sucking her as she watched her semen floating about inside of her slime body, and when she saw just how much she'd spurted out into her current partner she couldn't help but think to herself, "Wow... I can't believe I could cum that much. Even that succubus I summoned that time couldn't get this much from one orgasm, and she made me cum quite a few times," Evangeline thought to herself while she watched her semen being absorbed by the slime girl's body.

A few moments later the slime girl pulled herself back and finally let Evangeline's cock fall from her mouth, though not without giving it one last suck to make a loud pop as it did so, causing Evangeline's body to tense from the but of pleasure on her now hypersensitive member. Evangeline started coming down off of her pleasure high once she felt the cool air that was hitting it, though she jerked a little and let out a cute eek when the slime girl licked the now perfectly cleaned tip of her member again. When the lighter slime spoke, and the darker one pouted a little bit, Evangeline thought to herself that she rather kind of wanted these two to come with her. One reason was their plight of not getting to feed their fill and she had plenty of spirit energy to spare for them and then some, and she was such a kind person at heart and couldn't not want to help someone that wasn't being fed enough as that went against her own nature, even if she knew they were her enemy, but the main reason was because if they could make her feel like that just from a blowjob, then full sex with them would be magnificent. There was a small voice in the back of her mind that was telling her to offer them a place to live in her home with her, and against her better judgement because of her needy libido, her mind told her that would likely be the best way to ensure that they listened to her and helped them out of this place without a fight.

There was another voice in her head however that was telling her not to do it and fry these two where they stood. She was torn between what her heart and mind, and what her hatred and knowledge were telling her to do. Her heart was saying that even they deserved kindness, and she could give them that, and a chance at redemption for themselves, while her knowledge of the alien invaders was telling her to burn them all, however at the same time her mind was telling her that wouldn't be a good thing to do at the moment considering how trapped they all were, while her hatred was telling her not to fucking care, to set the whole place on fire and burn them all, even if she had to burn with them. In the end, her heart and mind both one out over the other two... for now at least, because while she did think that everyone deserves a second chance at life and everything to become better than they once were, she also knew that some things and people simply didn't want redemption for what they'd done. Her heart though was telling her that maybe... just maybe if she could get these two to join them willingly as allies, then maybe one day more would willingly leave in exchange for having a better life, and then maybe one day they could possibly rescue all of those who'd lost their souls... in her heart and mind it was something worth trying for, something to fight for, even if it meant her life she had to try, and by gods she didn't plan on failing again, she was through failing those that depended on her. Of course her body and mind being so full of lust might have been compromising her better judgement, but she felt confident that this was the right thing to do, for her, and for everybody.

"Oh gods you two... that was magnificent. But please... no more yet... not until we get out of here. If you take too much more then I'll faint and if we don't wait until we're out of here, I fear we may not get the chance to have any more fun like I promised you. And I soooooo want to have more fun with you both. So will you accept my offer please? I... I kind of liked what we did, and I'd love the opportunity to get to do it again," Evangeline said to the two slime girls in front of her, unable to hold back a sweet coo at the thought of more sex because of how aroused her body was, her member still pointing at the sky... or ceiling rather.

"I've got some questions though too if you wouldn't mind answering them. The first and most important question I've got to ask is this. If you left with me, would the rest of your kind, or your old masters here be able to track you and find you easily? And the second is can you remove this seal on me, because if we end up having to fight on the way out, I'd like to be able to protect my friends, and since you two are going to help us out of here I consider you both among those. The rest of my questions can wait until after we're out of here and have the time to do so," Evangeline asked them after a few moments of catching her breath, really hoping they couldn't be tracked at all by their kin or their old masters, because if they couldn't then she would be able to keep them in her house maybe.

Hoping? She couldn't believe she was hoping that... but something was telling her that they wouldn't go back on their word after accepting her offer to help them. She felt in her heart that she could trust them for some reason, and she hoped that she wasn't wrong to follow her heart. Then something hit her about wanting them to come with her, she couldn't help but stare at them and not feel a small bit of lust well up inside of her, that told her to pretty much jump their bones, if they had bones of course. But she'd felt the same thing when she first saw Mithra as well for some reason, though she'd never risk her new friendship with Mithra to pursue that of course, but she'd also felt the same about the angel they were trying to save too, though she doubted an angel would want to have sex with someone like her. But then Eva remembered reading in some books in the library back in Therion about futanari like herself. She remembered where she read in a book once that futanari were very lustful and that many had many lovers, even harems worth of lovers because of how much they needed to spend their pent up lusts once they came into their own, and she remembered on the way to the hidden village she masturbated pretty much every night, and had summoned that succubus on a couple of those nights and a pair of nymphs on others, to experiment some, and her libido had only grown with time as did her sensitivity to pleasure.

Was that what she wanted though? Did she want a harem full of lovers all to herself? She wasn't sure exactly, but she couldn't help but think that her mind and body were unconsciously craving such a thing, and she was one of the sidhe, and the fey were often known for their enjoyment of sex and such. The only thing she knew for certain right now though was that she wanted them to get out of there, and since these two slime girls had said they would help them escape provided she fed them all they wanted, she figured they were their allies now and would fight to protect their meal of Evangeline. She was more than willing to allow them that meal provided they did what they promised they would.

The young lusty and busty sidhe decided to lower the amount of her spirit energy she still had coursing through her to break through the seal so that she could keep it up and not waste any more of it than necessary as she waited to recover from her orgasm completely, however if they removed her seal then she would drop her buff power completely once they were to safety. Regardless of whether or not the slimes removed her seal, once she'd recovered she would reach out with her mind to Mithra and the angel both. If they did remove her seal, then Evangeline would lower her spirit energy consumption down to the point that she wasn't wasting any at all any longer, but could still keep her buff going.

"H-Hey you two... can you hear me? Miss angel are you awake yet? Come on and wake up if you aren't. I think we can trust these two to help us get out of here. Mithra i know you hate the invaders, but... I really think that not all of them are just evil, it's just some of their nature to want to feed on our spirit energy kind of like succubi do. So please don't try and fight with them both right now, we can't afford it okay, and besides it may alert any others in this place at the same time and blow any chance we've got to get out of here," Evangeline said through her telepathic link to both Mithra and the angel, using it to wake the angel and calm Mithra if it was necessary, because she knew how much she disliked the alien invaders and all.

(Anything else will be posted after plm makes his post. Like Evangeline introducing herself to the slimes or whatnot.)

Action derpery:
Dropping the spending on Psychic shield from 10 per turn down to 3 so she doesn't waste any more and knock herself out, I believe this will bring her upkeep down to a total of 1. Which I think should keep her resistance high enough to break through the seal with a roll of a 6 or better unless the slimes take it off, if they do remove the seal, then she'll keep the buff going at 2 EP so she pays no upkeep but still gets a small bonus to stuff. Also for her actual action on the next round provided she is able to of course, she's going to spend 3 EP to use telepathy on Mithra and the angel (to wake her up unless she's already awake).

Changelog derpery:
Eva now has a new flaw. Fetish: urethral insertions (Whenever a tentacle, slimy tendril or whatnot penetrates her cock's urethra, she'll take an extra 8 PP dmg.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Even whit her full strengh recovered, the elf swordswoman was unable to get free of her bonds, the tentacles holding her limbs looks to be very well secured for the slimy wall tendrils, Mithra was starting to lost the hopes to get free at time, but then the slime girls start a conversation with Evangeline. Good work Evangeline, Mithra through as she looks to have more time to escape from this grapple, she wasnt sure than she could beat these creatures with this seal on her, so her only chance is to free the angel and then help her partner, maybe she could not have the time to save her from being raped by these girls but she will try to dont give them the time enough to drain Evangeline's soul.

The sex session started more soon than Mithra expected, she cant fail again and Trying again with all her might, the blonde warrior finally manage to free her arm and then take her sword to start to free herself of all the tentacles, Evangeline looks to have a hard time trying to resist the work on her, as these slime creatures looks to be very skilled in give pleasure to their victims, Evangeline words at the start looks to be used to distrac her captors but soon they were turned in a twisted idea of what these creatures could think. All these moans and pervert words were turning into a torture for Mithra, she stop herself for try to attack these monsters and turn her fury againts the tentacles trying to free the angel of them and then decide what they should do.

Just then Evangeline words come direct to her mind and the elf could not be more against what she said. Are you serious? they just have sex with you and now you think than they arent dangerous? Miss Evangeline, they arent like a succubi who i also hate, each time than they take part of your spiritual energy they also take part of your soul until you turn into a mindless puppet, even if they dont try to do, as you said is part of their nature. So stop to think as them like friends or pets and prepare yourself to get away of them when the time come. Mithra send her message through the psyquic tunnel as she free the angel and then try to free herself from the seal in a silent way.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"N-No Mithra please, I didn't mean to make you mad. I just... I don't think we can get out of here without their help, and I'm too scared to try and break my word with them, or I'm afraid we will lose our souls. And if they do keep their word and help us then it would be improper to just turn on them and destroy them. And I truly don't think they mean to turn me or I would have already been turned," Evangeline said back through the mental link to her friend, hoping to get her to see reason, because she wasn't sure if she could manage another fight at the moment and she didn't mind having to offer her body to the two slimes in order to get away.

"So Mithra can you at the very least wait to attack them until we're either out of here, or until we would need to? I'll understand if you don't like the idea, but at the moment I fear I may be too weak to fight anything else even if we got rid of these two here and tried to flee, and if something else gets a hold of me and rapes me, then I'm done for Mithra, because I can't fight pleasure very good... I'm only a young lust filled sidhe after all and this aphrodisiac isn't helping me any. But I'm still in my right mind enough to do what needs to be done though if I have to, so just keep trying to get that angel free and we'll see where this'll go before we make a final decision on anything, okay. Is that acceptable for now Mithra?" Evangeline continued through her telepathic link after a moment in a pleading tone to Mithra, waiting for an answer to her plan before she said or did anything else.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra was starting to slice the tentacles to free the angel when Evangeline talk again. They dont have the time to discuss this any longer so Mithra just decide to say some final words using her mind.

Maybe you should be more worried for the chance than they dont fulfill their word than break your word. And take the soul of someone take time, so you cant just hope than they are friendly only for be fine now.The blonde elf take a moment and think for a second before accept than she couldnt be able to beat them at the moment.

Fine, i will leave them live, but they cant come with us, that would be very dangerous. Mithra said before start to get focused in break her seal once the angel is free and awaken.

Action: Release angel and awake her if needed.

2nd turn try to dispel the seal on Mithra.

shake the angel to try to awake her in case than Evangeline mind words dont manage to do it.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 26/52, EP = 44/118, Status = Fine, Telepathy, Psychic Shield X = 2

The slimes, after sucking out a healthy dose of Evangeline's seed, seemed all too eager to help. She was released from the tentacles immediately, and the lighter one even wiped the seal off of her head while the other said; "Nah, they couldn't find us, at least not any better than they could find anything else! Besides, they'll probably just think we got ourselves destroyed while we were out hunting anyway." After that, it was easy enough for Eva to establish her mental connection and start up her conversation with Mithra and the angel. The latter turned out to still be unconscious, but she awakened quickly enough when Mithra cut her free and she ended up falling face first onto the ground. Letting out a low groan, she rose to a kneeling position and then stood.

She blinked in surprise at Mithra as she realized what was going on, and then spoke over the mental link; 'Who are you two? How did you get free?" She quickly wiped the seal away from Mithra's forehead, and then hopefully the elf did the same to the enchanted glyph in the center of the angel's forehead so that the other woman could use her own powers properly. As yet, nothing else had come into the seemingly sealed chamber, and the question of how exactly they would get out was yet to be answered.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

As Evangeline was released from her tentacle bonds, and the seal was removed from her forehead, she cooed cutely in the arms of the two slimes as her body came down off the pleasure high she was in from her orgasm only a minute or so before. "A-Alright then... thanks you two," Evangeline cooed to the two slimes while she recovered from her orgasm.

After she had recovered and had a brief conversation with Mithra through her telepathic link, she noticed Mithra cutting the angel down from her bonds where the angel landed flat on her face on the floor. Evangeline hears the angel speak through the telepathic link to her and Mithra a couple of moments later. "I'm Evangeline, and my elven friend over there is Mithra. We tried to save you outside from those other slimes, but... luck didn't appear to be on our side that time around. Might I ask your name? And also I've... kind of made a deal with these two slimes here to get us all out of here. In exchange for me giving them some spirit energy and such, they'll sneak the three of us out of here safely so we aren't... turned at all. I... the main reason I decided to go through with the plan was so neither of you had to, and so we didn't risk losing again, because I'm not in very good shape for a fight at the moment and I wouldn't want you two to have to endure any sort of torture because of me failing," Evangeline said through her telepathic link, her last sentence directed at Mithra as much as the angel girl they were trying to rescue. Evangeline sighed through her telepathic link and continued after a moment, saying, "But if it looks like things are going to start going south then if you have to... leave me and go, I don't want my mistakes to endanger both of you in the process."

After finishing up saying that, Evangeline looked to the two slimes again and smiled softly at them, though she had a bit of a tired look on her face from how much of her spirit energy was taken from her by the two slimes. "Okay now you two, we're ready to leave whenever you are. Now how do we go about getting out of this place without anyone or anything spotting us or trying to stop us? I really don't know if I can handle a fight, but I suppose I could manage one if I had to of course. Before we go though, I'm Evangeline. What can we call you? I mean what are your names... or do you even have names?" Evangeline said to the two slimes, asking them their names and looking curious as to whether or not they have names of their own.

If they don't give her their names or simply tell her they don't really have names, Evangeline will continue speaking after a that. "Well... I'll call you Lavender and Violet then if that's okay," Evangeline would say, looking at the lighter colored slime, then the darker colored one to give them proper names for their colorings. while they decided how they would all go about getting out of there.

After that she would glance back over at Mithra and the angel. "I'm going to try and use some of my spirit power to help us out in case we've got to fight on our way out okay, it may not be much, but at the very least it'll help us a little," Evangeline said again through her telepathic link to Mithra and the angel, wanting to see what they would do and thought of her plan to get them out of there, hopefully without having to fight in the process, and hoping they would agree to it without getting angry at her.

Action derpery:
Evangeline is going to activate Blessing with 2 EP to give them all a small buff to stats in case they run into something to fight. As such she'd only be spending 2 EP and no real upkeep afterwards.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Without expect than the angel could be still sleep after all the talk with Evangeline, Mithra cut the tendrils and saw the angel fall not so well... maybe the elf could had been more carefull, but there was not anything than could be made now. The three looks to have a little moment to talk using the psyquic path than still is on them.

The elf just nod to the angel once she was introduced to the celestial, then she turn to Evangeline and shake her head before answer. Please rest for a while Evangeline and let the rest to us, we must be ready to face anything and having you close your limit will reduce our chance of a future victory in our next battle and im against leave you behind, i will take you to my town, even if i must kill all these creatures to acomplish it. Mithra said as she remember the many persons than where possible lost at the fallen angel mansion.

Done this, Mithra accept to let the slime guide them out of this place, ready to fight if needed and looking around for any possible menace.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Blessed X = 2
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 26/52, EP = 42/118, Status = Fine, Telepathy, Psychic Shield X = 2, Blessing X = 2

'They can't be trusted,' the angel thought immediately, 'Slimes have defected from the aliens before, but that doesn't mean that these two are legitimate. I am called Aezralia by the way, and I would say that it's a pleasure to meet you, but... Circumstances have not been kind to us, it seems. Anyway, if you think you can trust them, we shall, but we must be very careful! There's no telling what might lie ahead.' She nodded in turn to Mithra and Evangeline, but after Mithra's proclamation regarding not leaving Evangeline behind she added; 'It won't come to that, I hope, but if it does we must be in this together, else we will not survive.'

The slimes, in turn, answered Evangeline out loud; "Oh that's impossible! We were just gonna walk you all out the front door." The other slime nodded, "No sense trying to be sneaky inside of a living fortress, but we'll just tell anyone that we encounter that we're taking you to processing. Try to look like the converted! You know, all naked and slimy, and kinda lifeless! We'll fight if anything tries to stop us, but we probably won't have to!" The darker slime then added; "But hopefully it won't come to that!" There was a brief pause, "We don't really have names.... You can call us whatever you want!"

After she'd named the two slimes, they both nodded, "Works for me!" the first said, "Me too!" added the other. After that, Evangeline's burst of magic washed over Mithra and Aezralia, and though it wasn't particularly powerful it was still a valuable boon given the danger that the three of them were still in. After that, the slime that Eva had labelled Lavender said; "Are you lot ready to move out!? We'll open the doors whenever you're ready!" There weren't any doors to open, not obvious ones at least, but when Mithra and Evangeline signaled their readiness the two slimes moved over to one of the walls, which parted for them as they drew near. "We must be careful," Aezralia said quietly, and then moved up next to the two slimes, albeit keeping her distance from either of them.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"I... I don't know if they can be fully trusted yet myself miss Aezralia, but we don't have much choice but to trust them a little I think. And same back to you as well, it's a pleasure to meet you too. And don't worry, we'll be very careful. Also you two, hold onto my hands, I have a bit of spirit energy left, so I'll try and teleport us out of here, I believe I can manage to get us all three back to where we first met, in that clearing where you were being attacked Aezralia, then we'll take you back to get some rest," Evangeline said through her mental link to Mithra and the angel, who's name she now knew was Aezralia.

"Hey you two, I can teleport us out of here, but you'd have to hold onto my hands or just a part of my body, it doesn't really matter where. But anyway, if I took you both with us and after you both got to feed after I recovered some of my energy that is... then what would you do afterwards? Come back here? Or would you want to stay with us, or go elsewhere, or what?" Evangeline asked the two slimes, wondering what their plans for the future were after they got out of this place, then she kind of gestured all four of them closer, Mithra, Aezralia, Lavender, and Violet. When they all grabbed a hold of her when they were ready, she would tap into her spirit energy well inside of her body, where she would bring her energy up to the surface and then after applying all she needed into her body to teleport them all the way back to where they met Aezralia where she was being attacked earlier.

Evangeline knew that this would likely empty what little spirit energy she had left, but she had to get them out of there, because she felt that it was her fault that they were in this situation for some reason. "Come on please... this has to work, I have to get my friends out of here so please work," Evangeline thought to herself, though because of her mental link with the other two, they would hear her thoughts as well as she emptied as much of her spirit energy she needed to do to get them out of there.

Evangeline is going to use Instant Transmission to get them out of there, taking them to the place they first met Aezralia and using as much EP as needed, and if she ends up going over her spirit ceiling, then she'll do it as much as needed as long as it don't kill her.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra was close to use an spell to increase her perception when suddenly the gel girls inform them about could be their only chance to get out there. N...no way! is that really nescesary?. answer ashamed Mithra not really happy to the idea to walk nearly helpless in this creppy place filled with creatures, even if this was not some kind of mishevolous trap game of the slimes to make them walk for themselves to their dimisse, Mithra's changes at her body had make her so worried to expose herself even when she can shape her body into a more normal view. She was close to turn her tentacles into a more normal curse and slowly taking away her armor when her blushed face get relief and turned into a surprised one when Eva said than they can teleport out of there.

You can do that? Said glad the blonde elf as she tie her armor again and give her hand to Eva trying to stay ready to act if the slimes try something. Even when they looks to be good creatures her years fighting had show her than many foes are the worst when they act friendly before stab your back.Please dont over do it Evangeline, if you need it we could rest a little before escape. Said using their mind after heard the girl mind. If all goes riht they could find a way to return here and destroy the place.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Blessed X = 2
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 52, PP = 26/52, EP = 34/118, Status = Fine, Telepathy, Psychic Shield X = 2, Blessing X = 2

"You can do that?" Violet echoed Mithra perfectly, and Lavender seemed curious about Evangeline's ability to teleport as well. "That will make our escape much easier!" Aezralia added, and then the five of them coalesced, each of them grabbing onto Eva, before they all vanished in a flash of light that took them out of the tower and back to the sight of the battle that had taken place earlier. "I can't honestly say that it's good to be back here," the angel said, "But anything's better than that tower!"

Turning to Evangeline, she said; "Thank you for getting us all out of there so quickly, fighting our way out of that place would have been a nightmare. Though, if you don't mind me asking...." She glanced at Mithra as if including her as well, "What were you doing out here?" The two slimes stepped back slightly, giving the other women some space, but both of them were smiling at Eva gleefully. "We've escaped!" Lavender said gleefully, and Violet added; "You're all safe! Do we get to feed some more now? You were delicious~" They both stared at Eva longingly, staring at her crotch in particular.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Yes... I can do it, it's actually rather easy when you've got as much training in using your spirit energies as I have. So hold on tight, I haven't really done this all that much, but I can do it... it just takes a bit of spirit energy to do,” Evangeline said to the three that were staring at her curiously after she stated that she could get them out of there by teleporting them out.

Once she had visualized exactly the battle site where they'd met Aezralia, Evangeline began burning her spirit energy to teleport them back to it. With a bright flash of light, they were taken from the alien place and found themselves back outside where they'd found the angel being attacked earlier. Evangeline heard the angel thanking her and then asking them what they'd been doing out there when they found her being attacked, though she was panting quite hard and unable to answer her easily while she tried to catch her breath enough to speak again.

We were... hah... hah... we were patrolling... hah... for... hah... aw hell, I'll let Mithra... hah... explain it to you. I need to... hah... catch my breath for a minute,” Evangeline panted, deciding she'd let Mithra tell the angel why they were out there

When the two slimes began looking at her longingly, with Violet asking if they could feed more since they were now safe again, Evangeline glanced over to them and saw the gleeful looks they both had on their faces. She gulped a little as she saw the looks they had, a little worried that she wouldn't have enough energy to handle them again just yet, so she decided to see if they minded waiting until she recovered a bit, hoping they would notice that she was quite weakened from their earlier fun/feeding.

Okay you two... I did promise you could feed some more didn't I. But first, could you allow me to recover a little bit... I'm quite exhausted from all of that earlier, and I'm positive if we go at it again you'd knock me out cold and I'd be unable to fight if we had to,” Evangeline said to Violet and Lavender, hoping they would see reason as she released the energy keeping her buff powers going, though she kept her telepathy going just so she, Mithra, and Aezralia could continue talking if need be.

If you want to, after she's recovered some of her EP, if they'll allow her to rest that is, then you can go ahead and start out the smex scene and I'll fill in Eva's bits. Also, drop the Blessing and Psychic shield, but keep telepathy going just cuz. I want Mithra and Aezralia to both hear Evangeline scream out loud both with their ears and with their minds.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

After be tken away of the alien castle, Mithra see herself with the others in middle of what was the battlefield, she take a moment to look around until Evangeline start to talk. Making a frown when her partner talked about what they were doing in frnt of the slimegirls, however maybe that small information will not cause any harm, so Mithra decide to talk with the angel using the telapatic channel than Evangeline place of them.

Indeed, we are patrolling the area in an attampt to protect my town from these creatures.

miss Aezralia, Can i ask your reason to be here? Maybe we could help you if you need it.

Said expecting than they dont need to return to her town now, for some reason she still expect than these slime girls could have something between hands. So maybe she could found it as they help the angel.