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Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Once back at her little house she'd been given for a while, Evangeline lay down on her bed and went to sleep for a little while, while the others dealt with taking care of the victims of the aliens earlier and the young they carried within them. She was just so damn tired that she barely had the strength left to get to her bed without falling over, let alone help with taking care of said alien newborns. She hoped that nobody got mad at her as she lay there, as she figured that she'd end up doing more harm than good when it came right down to it, since she was so tired and all.


"What's going on? Is something wrong?" Evangeline mumbled sleepily as Mithra shook her awake, her eyes shooting open in a panic as she rose from the bed, the covers falling from her nude body to reveal her nakedness underneath. "Oh... sorry, I just got so tired that I fell asleep after I came in here to rest. Come on into my abode please. It's not much really, but it'll do. Would you all like some tea to drink? The place came equipped with dishes and silverware and stuff, and I've got some tea too, so... anyone, and no Mithra, I already ate something, and I made a promise that I shall keep, regardless of how tired may be, though right now I'm not extremely tired like I was earlier, so I think I can handle it," Evangeline added to the others, not really caring much about her nakedness as she stretched after her nap, going to ready some tea, or just some water for everyone if anybody wanted something to drink.

Eva is taking Natural warrior in order to gain the Duelist talent, and she's dropping 2 exp in each stat. I already switched stats around and made all necessary changes to her sheet, though if you want to check it in order to make sure I got it all right then go ahead.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 109, Status = Fine

Mage 1 (Felicia) : Fine
Mage 2 (Cremily) : Fine
Mage 3 (Sindel) : Fine
Nymph 1 : Fine
Nymph 2: Fine

(Battery can't be added with Shapeshifter, but Pheromones can and you've got Tight, so can take Snug @ plmnko.)

Felicia, noting Mithra's apparent discomfort as they prepared to leave for Evangeline's house, made no effort to engage her beyond being friendly toward her, happily allowing the elf her public persona. That ended undramatically when they arrived, the sidhe merely growing closer and giving her a comforting smile as they closed the door behind them. As Mithra proceeded to the bedroom, Felicia followed her while the rest milled about for a moment, though they didn't wait particularly long before following them in to find Eva making her offer while stretching. As Mithra sat down and Eva finished her stretch, the taller of the two nymphs that Eva had called upon approached the bed with hips swaying as well. Iris shifted the straps of her dress off of her shoulders, and the garment melted off of her to pool on the floor as she drew near.

"No need for you to get up!" she said brightly, pushing Eva by the shoulder so that she was back down on the bed, her legs hanging off of it. giving the sidhe a warning look muted somewhat by her smirk, the nymph dropped to her knees between Eva's legs. "You though~" she cooed, grasping the sidhe's cock and pointing it up at her face, "You I want standing as soon as possible!" As Mithra began to take off her armor and shift her magic-caused mutations, the former of which Felicia would approach and silently begin to help with, the nymph started slowly stroking Eva's cock as her mouth sealed over the tip, suckling gently and running her tongue back and forth. "Yes... I'm sure someone else can get the drinks!" Aezralia remarked while watching Iris take her mouth to Eva's cock, still apparently enjoying the sight of it slowly hardening under the nymph's despite that she'd seen it do so for the slimes more than once.

The angel's robe joined Iris's on the floor, and she shook her dark brown hair out of the ponytail it had been in since they'd met her. "Thank you very much for the robe, Lady Mithra!" she said, offering the elf a nod and a thankful smile, "It fits very nicely!" Aezralia was possessed of a physique that was a near-perfect mixture of athletic and curves, her body conveying both strength and beauty, her figure very much like Mithra's if the elf bothered to look. "How about us Lady Crem- Mmmmpphh! Mmmmmm~" she said, looking to the sidhe only to be silenced when the draconic woman engaged her in a deep, hungry kiss. Cremily's sparse robes dropped to the floor as well, her body rounder and curvier than the taller angel's but her behavior marking her as the dominant one between them. Aezralia was quickly subdued, a flush appearing on her cheeks and the rosy peeks of her breasts hardening visibly as Cremily's, a similar dark red in color, rubbed up and down over them. Breaking the kiss, the scaled sidhe smirked and said; "Some tea would be lovely, thank you! We'll be a bit busy to make it ourselves I'm afraid~"

Felicia giggled from behind Mithra, where she'd moved to help her take off her gear, and the elf wouldn't be done there, as the sidhe began to strip off her underclothes as well. Her hands settled onto her chest from behind after her breasts were freed from her shirt, the length of her fingers rubbing at the sensitive tips. "Perhaps we could go and make some tea, hrm? I'm sure you've got some teas that can be served hot or cold here. We might all need something to drink later~" she said brightly, concluding her gentle rubbing with a brief squeeze of the elf's nipples between her forefinger and thumb before letting her breasts go. Rising, she stripped quickly out of her own two piece robe, revealing her own lithe, willowy body, before heading towards the kitchens. She strode in confidently, leading Mithra is the elf followed, and started looking about for cups and a kettle large enough to provide water for all of them so that they could have some tea. "You aren't too nervous, I hope?" she asked conversationally, turning her head to offer Mithra a friendly smile despite the aroused blush on her face as she found a suitable container and conjured water seemingly from thin air to fill it with. "I did promise to be gentle with you, and I'll keep that promise! It's my honor to be siring a child with such a worthy warrior, and particularly so given your interest in the care of the child," she said earnestly, though from Mithra's pheromones her eyes were wandering over the nude elf's body in an unmistakably suggestive manner.

Back in the bedroom, in the meantime, Eva was under attack. Thankfully, it was a very pleasant sort of attack! Iris brought the sidhe to full hardness in short order with strokes and kisses and licks that had started sending shivers of pleasure up her spine, and then pushed Eva's knees apart and up as she curled her arms under them, moving to place her hands onto her plump backside. The change in position meant that Eva needed to lean back and support herself on her hands if she wanted to remain upright, but Iris apparently needed no hands, as her lips sealed quickly over the tip and pulled Eva's cock into the position that she wanted it in. Her tongue rolled repeatedly over the sensitive head while Eva got into position, but once she stilled the nymph took fully two thirds of her shaft into her mouth and down her throat on her first go, bobbing back to reveal Eva's shaft now glistening with her saliva. Iris hadn't even gagged in the process, and started bobbing back and forth, sucking down Eva's cock and then flicking her tongue along the underside as she drew back. Even as tight as she was sucking the nymph couldn't quite match up to the attentions provided by Lavender and Violet, particularly not since she lacked their aphrodisiac bodies to make Eva more sensitive, but the nymph was definitely serving as a close second to the slimes in terms of stimulation provided.

She also wasn't alone in giving Evangeline attention either, as Sindel came over and sat beside Eva on the bed, being one of the last to get out of her clothes. "I hope you're enjoying your wake up call~" she cooed, before kissing Eva on the mouth, her tongue coming forth to do battle while her tail flitted back and forth behind her excitedly. Breaking the kiss after tongue dancing with Eva for a moment, Sindel grinned at her and added; "You've got a minimum of three women to please, and I know Aezralia wants a turn with you too once Cremily's done "taming" her. Lets see if you can last until the tea's ready~" She kissed a quick trail down Eva's front until she had one of the sidhe's nipples in her mouth, which she took between her lips and began to suckle on while her tongue rubbed over it until it was fully hard, at which point she took it between her teeth and started flicking her tongue over it rapidly. Her other breast was soon claimed by the other sidhe's hand, which settled over it and began to knead the soft orb while her palm rubbed lightly over the tip, bringing it to hardness as well and providing even more stimulation.

The other nymph, the shorter one that Eva had named Jasmine, came forth then, divest finally of her own clothes and thus leaving everyone in the room fully in the nude. Her physique was more mild than that of her taller twin, her breasts smaller and her hips thinner, and she smiled sheepishly at Eva as she knelt on the side opposite Sindel. "I'm.... Not quite as experienced at this as my sister... I hope that I won't be a disappointment to you in comparison!" she said softly, blushing heavily, and then leaned in to kiss Eva on the lips, not breaking it like Sindel had and simply content to stay there. She soon felt the nymph's hand reaching down over her belly, and after going around her steadily bobbing sister, who had added a hand to the base of Eva's cock so that she could stroke it while her lips went back and forth, to find Eva's pussy. Her fingers danced over the sidhe's petals a few times, her motions somewhat inarticulate and clumsy, before catching her bearings and settling into a steady rubbing that gradually pushed them deeper and deeper between Eva's lower lips. Her kisses remained simple and affectionate, as did her handiwork against Eva's pussy, a sharp contrast from the deftly skilled motions made by Sindel and the relentless sucking she was getting from Iris, who seemed to be trying for all they were worth to suck Evangeline's first load out of her dick as if it were a straw.

Aezralia and Cremily, in the meantime, were getting quickly into the swing of things as well. They didn't need to have their session in the same room as Eva, but they were obviously going to, as Aezralia had been pushed against the wall while Cremily slid down her front. After paying a good deal of attention to her breasts with her mouth while one hand was playing with her pussy, the act of which had the angel sighing and gasping and grasping at the wall behind her as her wings pushed back against it, the sidhe dropped to her knees while holding the angel in place. The hand Cremily had had at Aezralia's pussy was quickly replaced by her mouth, and for a few moments she was held against the wall while Cremily ate her out, apparently to great effect given the moans that she quickly drew from the angel. Just as Jasmine approached Eva, however, Cremily pulled away and returned to her feet, and before the nymph could steel her attentions fully she saw a cock form over the draconic woman's mound. "I saw you lookin over there at Evangeline, naughty bird~" she half cooed and half growled, "Time for you to get on your knees and put that mouth to work. Lets see if you're even as good as the nymph~" Aezralia seemingly took that as a challenge, as she dropped to her knees as quickly as Cremily had stood and, without a word, placed both hands on the sidhe's hips and put her lips over the crown of her dick. She took very nearly as much of Cremily's turgid shaft on the first go as Iris had taken of Eva's, though the way she blanched made it plain that she didn't lack for a gag reflex. Even so, she began to bob back and forth, her cheeks dimpled heavily ash she took the sidhe's cock past her lips and sucked on it, evidently to Cremily's satisfaction judging by the broadening smile that crept over her face.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Oh... I see, so we're going to just... whoa... I guess we are... ahhhhhh," Evangeline began saying before her sentence died with a pleasant sigh as she was pushed back onto her bed as Iris grasped her cock, which was almost instantly answering Iris by starting to stand up. When Iris's mouth descended over her cock, Evangeline went limp... well everywhere but where it mattered at the moment at least, as she moaned softly at the nymph's attention. "A-Alright then... please welcome to... m-my abode," Evangeline added after Aezralia said that someone else could get the tea for them.

Evangeline glanced over at Aezralia through half lidded eyes as the angel spoke, watching as she slipped out of her clothing to see her perfectly sculpted body... or at least what she thought was a perfectly sculpted body anyway. By the time Cremily broke her's and Aezralia's kiss, Evangeline's cock was fully erect within Iris's mouth. She barely noticed as Felicia led Mithra out of the room towards the kitchen, where she knew that the two would get better acquainted with one another.

When Iris pushed her legs apart, Evangeline did indeed lean back for her to do as she pleased really, putting herself into the position Iris wanted. She cooed softly and let out a moan as Iris took her cock fully into her mouth while her tongue rolled around the extremely sensitive head of her member, which every time she did, Evangeline's hips jerked slightly. Iris's suckling wasn't quite as good as Violet's and Lavender's was earlier, but it was still extremely pleasurable to say the least. "Oh gods... that feels good Iris, you don't know just how good it makes me feel," Evangeline cooed to Iris as she sucked her member. When Sindel sat down on the bed beside her, Evangeline's head rolled over to stare up at her with half glazed and half lidded eyes, letting her kin know that she was more than ready for more as she spoke. "Y-Yeah I am Sindel... and I would be more than happy to let Aezralia have her way with me afterwards, she can tame me if she wants, just like you three can," Evangeline panted out to Sindel, Iris, and Jasmine, her body shuddering and her hips jerking a little every time still when Iris's tongue went across her sensitive head as she kissed Sindel hard, wrapping an arm around her and holding the kiss for as long as Sindel allowed her to before the sidhe went for her breasts, making her nipples quickly perk up for her to play with easier.

When Jasmine finally joined in with their fun, Evangeline felt herself harden up even further than she had been thus far somehow, though she wasn't complaining any really. When the shorter nymph spoke to her, Evangeline smiled kindly at her. "Oh you girls could never disappoint me in any way whatsoever. Nymphs never disappoint when it comes to sex, not for me anyway, so don't worry yourself," Evangeline managed to get out before she was smooched by the nymph, who held herself there, locking their lips together, though Eva didn't mind really and didn't make any effort to move her or either of the others away from her whilst they pretty much had their way with her.

While they kissed, when Evangeline felt Jasmine's hand creeping down her belly, her fingers dancing across her silky smooth skin, Evangeline let out a ticklish giggle, the feeling of being tickled in such a way sending a thrill up her spine like she was feeling from her cock. It sent such a thrill up her spine that she nearly lost it completely right then and there, but she staved it off for the moment... however the knot in her belly was steadily building and growing tighter and tighter, signaling that her climax was near. As Jasmine's hand reached her pussy after reaching around Iris, who was holding and stroking her cock with one hand while the other remained under her butt as she bobbed her head up and down over her length, Evangeline melted and went limp in their arms, her tongue going lax in Jasmine's mouth as she'd pushed in to try and remain at least slightly dominant during this, which allowed Jasmine to invade her mouth and give the three of them full domination of Evangeline's body to do with as they wished, as she wasn't resisting to begin with, let alone now.

When Jasmine's hand reached her pussy and began gently rubbing her moist folds, Evangeline let out a soft muffled squeal of pleasure, which turned into a lewd pleasurable moan as her fingers entered her and found a steady pace to rub and finger her with. As the three did whatever they wished with her body for the next minute or so, Evangeline felt her climax welling up inside of her, about to burst like a damn, and soon enough she was on the brink. Shaking her head back and forth, though never breaking her kiss with Jasmine, Evangeline let out a much louder muffled squeal than before as her eyes crossed and her body tensed, her seed erupting from her length and allowing Iris to suck it out of her as if her dick was a straw.

"O-Oh gods... t-that was magnificent," Evangeline panted, breaking her's and Jasmine's kiss as she unloaded enough spunk into Iris's mouth to practically drown the poor thing, likely forcing her to release her cock and allow the rest to spurt out over her face. She wondered what Sindel, Iris, and Jasmine would think, seeing how much spunk she could offer them during their fun. "I... I guess that I... c-couldn't hold out... u-until the tea was ready," Evangeline would pant, jesting to the girls in the room with her about not holding out until the tea was ready.

Unless the sidhe and nymphs had more plans for her, Evangeline would slide back up onto the bed some more, beckoning the three of them to follow her up onto the soft thing. Once they were up there, assuming they didn't grab her, hold her down, and fuck her silly, then Evangeline would have Iris lay down on her back with Jasmine on top of her on her stomach. Once they were into position, Evangeline would lean in and kiss both of them a few times, wriggling her ass at Sindel in the process to entice her to do get ready for their baby making. She would glance back over at Sindel when she was ready, where she would reach back behind herself with one hand and spread her lower lips apart some for Sindel to see just how wet she was and ready for something to take her.

"Come on Sindel, don't keep me waiting, I'll do the nymphs while you do me," Evangeline said to Sindel over her shoulder, giving Sindel a sexy wink in the process. While Sindel got herself ready for this, Evangeline would aim herself at Jasmine's tight little pussy and glide right in, hilting on the first thrust where she began rocking her hips in and out of her. "Oh gods... Jasmine you feel so good... I'm not... gonna stop until... I put a baby in that belly of yours, just like Sindel's going to put one in mine," Evangeline whispered in Jasmine's ear, letting her know just what she intended on doing while she satisfied them.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra tried to just take out her armor for the moment, to have a peaceful time to change her body at the bathroom. However, Felicia decided to aid her in take out her euipment and all were already having fun. The blonde elf just manage to say thanks as quickly changed her body, so the sidhe dont notice her corruption, ending just in time before her clothes were also removed. The surprises dont ended there, as when the angel thanks her for the dress, all were asking for fun.

Im glad than it had been of your like, Lady Aezralia... she said in part ashamed of dont had given something better to the angel, but her words were turned in a surprised gasp when Felicia removed the last of her underclothes and started to play with the elven ample breasts, her soft skin and usual body mutations at the upper torso, nearly make her melt, but she endure the plaything and tried to hide the pleasure as much as she could, it would had been easier adapt that part too, but it is really hard for her, not only her body looks to stop her of change her breasts, but also mindmake her forget to do it, her breasts always had given her problems even before lost her virginity, now corrupted after her many battles she needed a lot of time and control to stop milking or reduce the pleasure given by then. Now with the sidhe attention it would be nearly imposible without clothes and with this pleasure. Yes, we placed all what Miss Evangeline could need at the kitchen. Mithra answer to Felicia bitting softly her back lip to endure the pleasure, trying to say it in her usual polite tone, something hard to do as the sidhe looks to really be good teasing her.

Fortunately she endure to dont leak any milk drop from her udders or show anything than could inform the sidhe about her effective move, it was strange but Felicia accepted to make the tea and dont caring in all do it naked, Mithra was not used to show herself like this and her face blushed as she follow Felicia to the kitchen, trying to hide how all this nudity feel strange at her, with the moans she slowly start to remember her dark moments in the past, she even dont turn back to avoid see that orgy at Evangeline's room.

Once in the kitchen, the sidhne started to looks for the needed to make the tea, Mithra had walked behind her trying to walk also confident in part, yet she cant stop herself of try to cover her upper body with one of her arms, Maybe im just a little nervious, but its just than im not so use do this kind of things. Mithra answer returning the smile as she find the herbs and helps Felicia to prepare the tea, yet as she get close the eyes from the sidhe cant be pass be halt in the way than these see at her. She then get closer and tried to continue the talk. The truth is than it will be an honor to share a child with you, as you had proven to be loyal at your word and very kind for dont attempt to take me at the bed without a chance to meet you, a little at least. The elven had still some space between her and the sidhne, the next answer could make her take down any resistance, yet even if she get a negative she will still take Felicia here if needed to pay her word, yet it could not talk so well from the futa horned woman.

If is posible, i would be glad to know more about you Miss Felicia, if not now at least after our private time. The blonde elf ask, sure than maybe it could be hard for Felicia to restrain herself as Mithra maintain her pheromones active, maybe she was asking too much, but it could help her to accept this better, as Evangeline has show a really high libido and also the others feys until the point than that could a backfire to her people and future missions. The test dont end there and as the tea was getting ready, she get close enough to slowly start to rub the fey shoulder, neck and back. Her soft hand would be enough to slowly rise even more the fey arousal, but she would stop there if Felicia accept to say more about her or wanted a better place to start having sex with her. If all goes right, then Mithra would be happy to give herself to the fey, even all the night if needed.

In case of smut
Mithra would decide dont torture her partner any more, with her amazing nude body soon she get close Felicia, giving her a soft hug, as she give soft warm kisses to her neck and increasing the pheromones by being close her. Just relax and lets know each other as much as we can. Her breasts son pressed against the sidhe body, who lithe body was getting target of the elf attempt to give as much attention as she could. The elf tried to calm her mind, trying to just focus than this must be done, not only to give more chances to survive to her people, but also for herself and to clear her mind of all the many mistakes at her life. For too much time, she placed all her focus on both of them, trying to dont be always alert to her the town or fight monsters at the roads and forest. Her hands tried to explore every inch from the fey, each sensitive zone and notice any reaction, so she could be better to please her as the time continue. Her leg softy rub the other woman thgh, slowly reaching her privates before go a little down again. How and where should we do it? i will try to pleasure you as best as i can, but im not so experience like any of you, so please be kind and gente, we have all the night, so lets start slowly.

After say this, Mithra follow the orders from the Sidhe, trying to have some control as they continue helping each other to enjoy the night as much as they can
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

Aezralia: HP = 62, PP = 55, EP = 109, Status = Fine

Mage 1 (Felicia) : Fine
Mage 2 (Cremily) : Fine
Mage 3 (Sindel) : Fine
Nymph 1 : Fine
Nymph 2: Fine

Evangeline was shown no mercy when she exploded into the lewd nymph's mouth. Sindel kept suckling and groping at her chest without missing a beat, and though she was surprised at first Jazmine quickly dove her fingers in deeper, finding and rubbing over Eva's g-spot and making her cum even harder. Worst of all was Iris, who went from taking most of her cock to half of it but literally doubled her speed, her grip with her fingers and with her mouth growing stronger as she bobbed at a practically impossible pace, milking Evangeline's cock for all it was worth. the combined stimulation extended her climax and caused her to cum even more, but Iris somehow swallowed every drop as it spurted out of Eva's throbbing member. Her entire load was drunk down, save for the last bits that she kept in her mouth.

Pulling off of Eva's cock with an audible pop, she opened her mouth to display the copious white goo filling it, rolling her tongue around and playing with the thick fluid for a moment before rising to her feet. While Eva recovered, Iris grabbed Sindel and kissed the sidhe on the mouth, sharing some of Eva's first load with the surprised wolfish woman, who quickly acquiesced and stuck her tongue out to take some of Eva's sperm too. Jazmine wasn't spared either, sheepishly taking some of Eva's cum via a lewd kiss from her sister, and then all three of them swallowed Eva's leftovers before looking to her with a grin.

Moved into position with Jazmine on top and Iris on her back on the bottom, the taller nymph looked up eagerly and clutched at her sister, holding her by her lower back with one arm and curving her legs over her sister's hips, while Jazmine looked over her own shoulder at Evangeline with a nervous but eager look. "Eager to get started already? But you haven't even given me any attention yet!" Sindel replied to Eva with mock reproach in her voice, giving her a soft spank on her ass as she wiggled. A cock was already slowly growing out of her, but the sidhe didn't put it to use as Eva slipped her cock into Jazmine, drawing a desperate moan from the nymph as her pussy clenched tightly around her girth, her own wetness and Iris' saliva making the initial penetration quite easy. "Ooooohhhh! S... So big! It's so big!" Jazmine moaned lewdly, her hips rocking back lightly into Eva's initial thrusts while her practically virgin-tight flower squeezed around Eva's cock. Clenching the bed with her hands while Iris' free hand grabbed at her swinging chest, she moaned out; "Yes! Nnnnnn~ Cum... Cum inside.... I want all of it!"

Smirking broadly as she maintained a passive role, at least for the moment, Iris cooed; "Mmmmm~ You'd better fuck her good though! I want to feel my sister shaking when you're seeding her with your child!" Jazmine was moaning like a whore in heat, but she gave an involuntary quake at that point and very nearly collapsed on top of Iris, and Eva would quickly realize that she was already close to cumming after only a few moments of thrusting. Sindel, in the meantime, stood up on the bed and moved around, putting her hardened shaft near Eva's face and grinning at her suggestively as she cooed; "I'd have been doing it if she hadn't beaten me to it! I've got to be all slippery for you~"

In the meantime, Cremily and Aezralia were well into it on the side of the bedroom, the angel still positioned on her knees and greedily sucking the elder faerie's cock. "Mmmmm.... Yes! Just like that!" Cremily purred, placing a hand on the back of Aezralia's head, tousling her dark hair and urging her to go faster and deeper, "You've definitely put that mouth to work like this before, naughty little bird.... Go on! Harder! Show me how you want me to fuck you! Make me cum soon, or I'll have to punish you!" Her draconic tail thrashing slowly from side to side, Cremily watched Aezralia started pumping her mouth onto the sidhe's cock desperately, doing her best to ignore her gag reflex as she bobbed back and forth. Putting her hands onto the sidhe's hips, she just kept going faster and harder and deeper, until Cremily put her hands on the angel's head and wrapped her tail around her throat, cutting off her air fully while steadily fucking her face.

Despite the lack of air, Aezralia continued to let out lewd moans around Cremily's cock as the draconic faerie pistoned into her mouth, both of them obviously enjoying themselves, and after only a short while Cremily moaned out; "Ooooooh yes! I'm... Nnnnn... Almost there! Swallow it all!" A moment later it would be clear that the faerie was cumming, her and Aezralia's moans rising as streams of cum ran down the angel's chin to drip down onto her breasts. Cremily was apparently no less voluminous than Evangeline, judging by the length of her climax and the amount that spilled out of Aezralia's mouth, but despite that, when the faerie pulled out to allow the brunette angel a moment to suck in some much needed air, she immediately gasped; "Clean me up! You'd better swallow every drop!" Aezralia took only a moment to recover from the brutal face fucking before she got to work following Cremily's commands, swallowing what was in her mouth only to replace it with what she scooped off of her own body, and then with the dregs of Cremily's orgasm as she licked them off of and sucked them out of her still-hard cock.

Once the draconic sidhe was satisfied with Aezralia's work and had recovered from her climax into the angel's mouth, she once again commanded her partner; "Get up and get on the bed! Lie down on your side and open your legs, it's time that I knocked you up, slutty little dove~" Giving a lewd squeal, Aezralia rose and practically sprinted to the bed, assuming the position demanded of her quickly beside Eva and the two nymphs that she was just getting to fucking, lying on the opposite side of where Sindel was standing. Following her partner, Cremily lifted Aezralia's legs and hooked the angel's knee over her shoulder, raising one of her own legs and planting a foot onto the mattress as she yanked the angel closer, until her cock sunk right into Aezralia's pussy with a lewd sucking noise that was drowned out by the brunette angel's primal scream of pleasure. It was plain that Aezralia was soaking wet just by the noises she made, and when Cremily started hammering away at her pussy it was clear that she was loving every second of it. "Mmppphh.... I'm going to fuck you until you... Nnnn~ Can't even move!" Cremily declared, delivering a soft but audible smack to the angel's rear even as she fucked what little sense Aezralia seemed to have right out of her.

Off in the kitchen, in the meantime, Felicia looked to the shy Mithra with a smile as she attempted to cover her nudity and spoke of not being used to this sort of thing, saying; "There's nothing to be ashamed of, Mithra! To be honest, I'm not even as enthusiastic about such a wild orgy... I prefer to be more intimate with my partners, and that you seem to feel the same only makes you more interesting to me~" Felicia seemed to welcome her presence as she helped the faerie to make the tea, keeping close to Mithra and allowing their bodies to brush against one another lightly with increasing frequency. When Mithra spoke again, she turned and listened attentively before giggling, and saying; "I wouldn't do such a thing, even after our agreement... I would prefer to see you at your most passionate, Lady Mithra, and it is quite plain that overt lewdness is not the path to bring that out of you! Besides, I want you to enjoy this at least as much as I do~"

Though the signs of the faerie's arousal were plain, Mithra's pheromones slowly filling the room and impossible to ignore at this distance, Felicia still kept herself restrained, allowing Mithra her personal space as she answered the elven warrior's request; "More about me? Well...." She let out a pleased sigh as Mithra initiated touch between them, but concentrated on getting the tea ready as Mithra offered her soft caresses. "Well, I am one of the sidhe, of the Court of Winter. I am a magus, that much you obviously know, and I am over five hundred years old as of last month," she said, seeming unduly proud of that fact.

Again Felicia sighed softly when Mithra hugged her, pressing her heavy breasts against the faerie's back, but she gasped and leaned softly against her when Mithra began to kiss her neck. "I've been looking forward to it..." she said softly, opening her eyes and turning to face Mithra, letting her hands mirror Mithra's explorations. Felicia, despite her wispy physique, was very soft in all of the right places, and her touch against Mithra's comparatively hard body was very delicate but exciting all the way. Where Mithra's touch against her comparatively small breasts were stimulative, hers against Mithra's generous orbs were a light brushing that would leave her aching for more, and would have been barely felt were it not for her heightened sensitivity. She found the faerie flower to be quite damp, ready for all sorts of attention, and a moment after feeling this would feel Felicia's digits lightly brushing over her own petals. Her attentions weren't limited to Mithra's erogenous zones however, as her hands felt all along the athletic elf's sides, back, thighs, shoulders, and buttocks. While Mithra kissed at her neck and collar, Felicia kissed along Mithra's forehead and temple before seizing her long pointed ear between her lips and nibbling on it softly.

"Right here is just fine.... For now...." Felicia whispered softly into Mithra's ear, and then pulled the elf warrior into a kiss that slowly progressed from a gentle brushing of her lips into a steady exploration of Mithra's mouth by Felicia's tongue. The sidhe was taller than Mithra, but as they kissed she pulled Mithra around and gently pushed her onto the counter, seating her on it while still kissing her, darting her tongue against Mithra's. Breaking the kiss once Mithra was comfortably situated, the faerie's eyes gleamed as she slowly lowered her head toward the elf's ample bosom. "I remember how sensitive these were.... I wonder how they are now?" she cooed softly, her lips hovering inches over one of Mithra's nipples as she spoke, and then descending upon it hungrily. Felicia suckled and kissed at the sensitive nub, her tongue slowly running over the tip of Mithra's breast while she looked up into the elf's eyes mischievously. Her other nipple was seized by the faerie's fingers, applying delicate pressure as she squeezed it between her forefinger and thumb and tugged lightly on it, adding to the pleasure being sent coursing up her spine from Felicia's oral attention to her other breast. At around the same time, she would feel something rubbing over her thigh, and would find that the sidhe had sprouted a cock as she nursed at Mithra's chest.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

As she had her first climax of the evening with the three, Evangeline felt what Iris was doing to her cock as she began spurting her load, which caused her to spurt even more than she normally did somewhat. She was quite surprised to see that Iris managed to swallow every drop she had too save for the little she saved and shared with Sindel and Jasmine, both of whom swallowed the bit they were given as Evangeline lay there twitching powerfully on the bed, her member still rock hard and ready for more as she recovered.


"Y-Yes Sindel, I am eager to get started... it's not every day that I get a chance to have fun with my kin like this really," Evangeline said to Sindel when the elder sidhe commented on Evangeline being so eager, giving a cute little squeal and subsequent coo when Sindel gave her a spank. Evangeline's attention then turned back to the nymphs under her as she began thrusting into Jasmine, while Iris simply held her sister. "O-Oh don't worry, I'll fuck her good, and you too when I'm through with her," Evangeline panted to Iris as she began pounding into Jasmine at a fairly fast pace now, her body already feeling close to climax again after only a short time within Jasmine.

When Sindel moved around on the bed where her member was poking at her face, Evangeline turned her head slightly in her lust as she pounded Jasmine's pussy for all its worth, where she then opened her mouth and leaned her head forward, grabbing Sindel's right hand with her own and placing it on the back of her head. "J-Just don't choke me please, I'm not very great at this or anything," Evangeline said to Sindel as she leaned forward more and took Sindel's length in her mouth, flicking her tongue along the underside of it a few times before swirling and circling her tongue around Sindel's urethra to try and bring her as much pleasure as she could with her carnal knowledge.

Moaning softly as she continued thrusting into Jasmine, while simultaneously sucking Sindel's cock, Evangeline reached out with her left hand and grabbed one of Iris's breasts and squeezed, as if it were a stress ball of sorts while she tried to hold back her impending orgasm, for just a little while longer in order to bring Jasmine to climax with her. When she could hold out no longer, Evangeline would clamp her eyes shut and let out a ragged muffled moan around Sindel's cock as her own cock twitched and throbbed inside of Jasmine a little before erupting with her seed as she filled Jasmine full of her seed, where she hoped to give the young nymph a child as she intended, her racial abilities to choose instinctively kicking in to make sure she seeded this horny young nymph.

As soon as her orgasm was finally finished and she'd recovered from her orgasm, assuming that Sindel was done with her mouth, then Evangeline would pull out of Jasmine and take aim at Iris's pussy next, leaving Jasmine a quivering mess atop her sister who wouldn't have the chance to squirm around like Jasmine had as she was trapped underneath the younger and shorter nymph. However if Sindel hadn't released her mouth yet then Evangeline would continue to suck until she was satisfied with her mouth before doing this. Regardless, once she was inside of Iris, Evangeline would begin thrusting, slowly at first as she built up speed, reaching down between her own legs and spreading her tight folds for Sindel's cock to invade them before she started going too fast on Iris. Once Sindel was inside of her though, Evangeline would begin moaning like crazy as she thrust back and forth between the two, impaling herself in Iris, and on Sindel unless Sindel had other plans that is, which Evangeline would go along with until she could hold out no longer and poured her seed into Iris's tight folds. After that she would be completely at the mercy of her kin as she glanced over at Cremily pounding Aezralia's tight angelic pussy for its worth as well, idly imagining herself doing the same thing later as she went along with whatever the nymphs and Sindel had in store for her, hoping her stamina held out until they were done.

"Oh fuck me Sindel... fuck me hard and give me you child," Evangeline would pant in her lust haze as they went at it and Sindel pounded her from behind, unless they decided on another position instead during before Evangeline seeded Iris.

Using Evangeline's selective fertility to make her fertile for all three of her current lovers, though they can keep going if either of you like.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The things were going right, but the elf could see how she was loosing the control of all this, even more once the Sudhe answer to Mithra not only with words but also the great experience at foreplay. Im glad to heard it. The swordswoman add, more calmed after heard than the fey will dont try to make her join all that struggle at the bedroom or just try to use her without her concent.

The blonde elf continue trying even to learn from Felicia's touch, dont only in a way to copy just her skills, but also trying to learn and see where the sidhe most erogenous places are, fortunately for her, her life experiences had given her dexterous fingers, the ones able to open any lock dont mather the difficult, this mixed with her sharp eyes to learn battle moves and weakness from her foes were her most reliave tools. Mithra slowly continue learning as slowly she get closer, but then Felicia answer her needs to know more of them. ... 500 years, you should be very skilled... in a lot of things. Mithra answer in her attempts to fondle the fey, amazed by how that young looking sidhne had lived. A whole elf live, it should dont only make her amazing in sex, but also she should be a great mage by now, how many tales she could have in her memory. The elf tried to stay firm, trying to dont see herself as just a little child at the side of Felicia, after all these wars and battles her maturity and experience are in constant increase, if only her consensual sex experience werent null.

Mithra had not too much time to continue thinking as her foreplay continue, she tried her best to hide her feelings, but then Felicia touched her sensible breasts, Mithra sudden gasp They arent...so... her words cut, soon making soft muffed moans between her kisses, her endurance was getting at test and just for first time her ears were pleasured, this Sidhne looks to know even better to pleasure the elf body, her warm touches were just so good and Mithra was getting out of resources. Just then Mithra remember the sidhne words about trying to make her be as most passionate as she could. With the sidhe having placed her at the counter, the possibilities to use many parts of Felicia were reduced drasticaly with the horned woman sucking her engorded breasts, leaving only the chance of just moan or try something new.

Mithra's hands started to softly rubs and caress the woman back and also the base of the woman's horns,maybe even kiss at them, but if this dont worked Mithra would try to reach the woman crotch and member, her soft body, rubbing at Felicia in a lovely motion and fingering her as she could, maybe her only chance could be than the penetration start, with her altered honeyhole, she was expecting to pleasure the fey as much as she could.
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

"I am~" Felicia purred simply in response to Mithra's observation about her age, her smile growing a tiny bit for a second or so in the process. Later, when Mithra reached for her horns and began to caress the nubs at the base of the odd appendages, so similar to the caribou that wandered the Northern reaches of Crolia that her people had hunted in ages past, the faerie gave a pleased murmur but didn't seem to feel them as an erogenous zone. It was treated just like any other caress she made, and so Mithra moved her attentions to the freshly sprouted faerie cock, the first touch of which caused Felicia to let out a soft moan of pleasure around the tip of her breast. By that point the elf's bosom had likely begun to leak, and Felicia pushed in closer to Mithra as she suckled more intensely, beginning to drink her mother's milk and sending pleasure racing up Mithra's spine in the process. The addition of the faerie's tongue, lapping up the elven warrior's sweet fluids as it flicked back and forth over Mithra's sensitive tip, only added to the incredible sensations that she was being made to experience by her skilled partner, and the faerie hardly seemed to be tapping into her well of sexual skill by this point.

One hand still trailing back and forth over Mithra's hip while the other offered its delicate attentions to the breast over which Felicia's mouth wasn't clamped, causing those digits to quickly become coated in Mithra's milk as well, Felicia allowed Mithra total freedom with her own hands as well. Her position on the table would allow the elf to point the faerie's cock towards her folds, and her thighs would allow her to pull the faerie in if she wanted to initiate penetration now, but Felicia seemed quite content suckling at Mithra's chest for the moment. Of course, the athletic elf could opt to try and establish a more dominant role in their lovemaking as well if she liked, though she would have to cut through the pleasures emanating from her chest to do so.

Over in the bedroom, in the meantime, Evangeline was given a nod from Sindel at the request to be gentle on her mouth, and initially stood fairly still as Eva wrapped her lips around the older sidhe's engorged cock, to which she let out a delighted sigh. "Mmmmm~ That's alright dear! I'd be happy to serve as practice~" Sindel cooed happily as Eva bobbed her head onto her cock, and then Iris would add her own lewd noises as Eva bent down and put a hand onto one of her breasts, which were firm and pert but still pleasantly soft and large enough to fill the sidhe's hand. Jazmine was by far the loudest of the three receiving pleasure however, her moans almost as loud as Aezralia's, and after a few moments she began bucking her hips back in time with Eva's motions, fucking herself on the other faerie's cock.

It wouldn't take long for Evangeline to bring Jazmine to orgasm, and as she felt the nymph's folds clamping down around her she would be able to feel her own delightful release starting. Jazmine moaned all the harder as she felt Eva's cock twitching, and the first stream of boiling seed into the nymph's spasming sex inspired her to scream out her arousal for all to hear. Nymphs were legendarily fecund, and as a sidhe Eva was able to dramatically increase the potency of her seed. Glob after glob of hot, thick cream poured right into Jazmine's body, ejected from Eva's cock and subsequently sucked up directly into Jazmine's womb, practically ensuring that she conceived Eva's child right then and there. "Oooooohhhh!!! Soooo hooooot! Nnnnn~"

Once Eva recovered and pulled her cock free of Jazmine's sopping, thoroughly-filled pussy, Sindel also pulled her member free of Eva's mouth, allowing the stiff, saliva-coated cock to stand in her face for a moment before the other sidhe started shuffling around behind Eva. "It's your turn now~" Sindel said while Eva oriented herself to penetrate Iris, and as she slipped into the second eager nymph she would feel the other sidhe siddling up behind her. "You'd better give it to me hard~" Iris cooed lewdly, unable to move out from underneath her still lust-stunned sister. A few moments later Jazmine leaned down to engage Iris in a long, lustful kiss, and at the same time Evangeline would feel her inner walls stretched as Sindel pushed her cock into her sex. "Ooooohhh, you're soaking~ I'm going to make you cum all over my dick!" the sidhe whispered into her ear, and then began to make light thrusting motions into Eva while she did the same to Iris.

The position was slightly awkward for them even if it was pleasurable, meaning that Eva would have to do the brunt of the work for both partners, and that Jazmine's continued presence would keep her from really going to town on the nymph. Thankfully, the nymph realized this and climbed out of the way, allowing Eva to take her place on top of Iris while Sindel shifted closer. In the end, Eva was fucking Iris in missionary, the nymphs thighs squeezed around her sides, while Sindel pumped into her from behind, thrusting forward when Eva was pulling back and pulling back when Eva pushed down into Iris. The combination of stimulation from both her cock and her pussy was driving Eva quickly toward another orgasm, while Iris and Sindel didn't seem to be particularly close to cumming yet. Jazmine helped a bit on that front, reaching between Eva and Iris to stimulate her sister's clit, and that at least allowed Iris to tie with Eva. It was still Evangeline who came first this time, but she felt Iris clamping around her just like Jazmine had when she'd filled the other nymph up with one of her huge loads, and the other nymph made a similar scream as she came on Eva's cock while her womb was filled to the brim with the sidhe's baby batter.

While they'd been coupling, Aezralia and Cremily had been equally busy, the draconic sidhe by all appearances given the angel's pussy a pounding that should have by all appearances been painful rather than pleasurable. Aezralia seemed to be loving it though, at least judging by her noises and by the juices leaking from her pussy. "Oooooohhhh fuccckkkk! Ahhhh.... You're gonna make cum! Nnnnnnmmmppphhh yessssssss!" she would cry out after a few moments, right about when Eva was shifting from Jazmine to Iris, and Eva would be able to see the juices squirting out of the angel's pussy. "Nnn~ You love my dick, don't you, slutty little dove? You're sucking me in like you never want to let go!" Cremily purred, obviously taking enjoyment from so thoroughly dominating the angel.

Eva wouldn't have long to recover from cumming into Iris, however. A few moments later the faerie fucking her would pull out only to yank Eva back with inhuman strength, flipping onto her own back and pulling Eva out of Iris. Evangeline was put on top, at least in a physical sense, as she was mounted back onto Sindel's cock in no time at all, the other sidhe lying on her back on the edge of the bed and placing Eva in reverse cowgirl with her cock pointing outward. "Cremily~ Mph..... Why don't we give these two a taste of each other, hrm? They've been making eyes at each other all day!" Sindel said, and Cremily laughed and nodded, "An excellent idea!" She pulled out of Aezralia and smacked the angel sharply on the ass, saying; "Get on the floor! On your hands and knees!" Aezralia complied as quickly as she could, but when she knelt down immediately and put her face to the ground Cremily shook her head and nudged her so that she was alined with Eva's cock before kneeling behind her.

The sidhe wasted no time in slamming right back into the angel, inspiring another lewd scream from the angel, but before she started hammering into the woman's upraised bottom she reached down and grabbed Aezralia's wrists. Cremily then leaned back, pulling the angel up with her and bringing out another moan, the faerie's cock no doubt grinding against her inner walls. Aezralia soon had a face full of Evangeline's cock even as Sindel was pounding up into Eva's pussy and Cremily was pounding twice as hard into Aezralia's. That apparently wasn't enough for the draconic woman though, as after pounding into Aezralia and holding her wrists tightly behind her so that she couldn't move for a few moments, she commanded; "Nnnnn~ Time to give Evangeline a -mphhh- taste of how good you are, horny little dove~ Put your mouth on that dick!" Aezralia, seemingly fully in the thrall of the domineering sidhe, responded immediately, albeit not particularly gracefully.

The rough pounding that Cremily was giving her, causing her breasts and rump to jiggle with every thrust, caused her no small degree of distraction in her appointed task. She ended up lapping at Eva's juice-coated shaft for several moments, occasionally wrapping her lips over the head but quickly being dislodged by Cremily's thrusts before she could do as instructed by her domme, though all of her attentions were pleasurable still. Eventually she did manage to get her mouth onto Eva's cock though, and then both of their respective sidhe partners began to fuck them twice as hard, allowing Eva to feel the throb of Sindel's cock inside of her even as Aezralia started to bob quickly onto the younger sidhe's dick, sucking and licking eagerly with nearly as much skill as Iris had displayed earlier.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Thanks Sindel, I really appreciate that," was all Evangeline managed to say before Sindel's cock entered her mouth as she leaned in and got to work.

Squealing around Sindel's cock as she fucked Jasmine for all her worth, the younger nymph actually beginning to buck her hips back as she did so and her pussy clamping down incredibly tight around her member, Evangeline couldn't hold any longer as soon as Jasmine came around her cock, spurting her seed deep inside of her. When she switched to start fucking Iris as Sindel moved around behind her, her cock thoroughly lubed up with Eva's saliva, Evangeline heard Aezralia squealing in orgasm herself and glanced over to see her spasming a bit in Cremily's grasp, her juices squirting and leaking out of her plugged pussy... gods how she wished she was the one to plug it instead.

"Don't worry Iris, I'll give it to you as hard as I can, but my poor cock is a bit sensitive right now, so please don't be disappointed if I have to slow down a bit," Evangeline said to Iris, leaning down to kiss her on the lips before entering her, where she then broke their kiss after the subsequent moan she let out as she thrust inside of Iris to look at Sindel as the elder sidhe mage spoke again. "Y-You'd better make me cum all over that glorious dick of yours Sindel, or I'll regret choosing you instead of Cremily over there... because she knows what she wants and takes it... albeit a bit roughly I think... AHH!" Evangeline went on to say to Sindel as the sidhe thrust into her and started bucking her hips into her as she thrust down and into Iris, drawing another moan from Eva in the process.

As they began their slightly awkward, yet awesome sex position, Evangeline found that it was a little tough managing it and getting a good deep thrust on Iris while Jasmine was in the way. Evangeline was actually about to say something to Jasmine about moving when the nymph did so herself, to which Evangeline leaned over a little a kissed her as she did. As Sindel thrust into her on her backwards thrusts from Iris's pussy, Evangeline found almost instantly as they started to really get into it now that Jasmine was no longer in the way that she was never without intense pleasure, as she always had her pussy filled or her dick enveloped in the all but perfect pussy of a nymph. As they went on, Evangeline was finding it hard to hold out long enough to even make Iris cum, let alone Sindel, as her cock was already throbbing from the earlier fun and was quite sensitive all the time anyway, so she wasn't really in the perfect position to hold out long enough for them to both cum with her. She was glad when Jasmine decided to help her out a little bit and reached in to help her pleasure Iris by diddling her sister's clit while Evangeline pounded into her. Her cock twitching and throbbing inside of Iris, Evangeline in the end couldn't hold out for Iris to cum with her... at least not at first anyway, as when Evangeline finally bottomed out inside of the taller nymph and began to thrust harder and faster than before, her seed spurting out of her as she went as she squealed out lewdly again, she felt Iris cumming with her and clamping down around her as Eva's seed filled her pussy and womb as she herself screamed much like Jasmine had earlier.

Before she could really recover completely from her orgasm with Iris, with Sindel still thrusting into her a few more times before pulling out and pulling Evangeline up on top of her in the reverse cowgirl position, which Evangeline wouldn't really be able to dispute any at all, as her body was still shuddering from the pleasure of her orgasm less than a minute before. A bit delirious from the pleasure, Evangeline barely registered what the other two sidhe were saying until she saw Cremily smack Aezralia on the ass quite sharply, which brought Eva out of her daze a bit as she felt a bit of jealousy rise up within her and a want to smack Cremily across the ass just as hard, though her body was still too weakened of course from the pleasure to do so yet... and probably would be for quite a while yet.

"H-Hey... d-don't be s-so rough with her C-Cremily. W-What if you h-hurt her?" Evangeline managed to say in between her panting as Sindel positioned her how she wanted her as Aezralia was trying to do as Cremily had ordered her to do, her tongue slurping all over her dick a few times before she could get the still pulsing length in her angelic mouth, where as soon as it was Evangeline fell back atop Sindel as she and Cremily both began pounding the two of them even harder, pushing any thoughts that Cremily was hurting Aezralia away, as she had little chance to think of anything save the pleasure.

Reaching down and putting a hand on Aezralia's head while she bobbed up and down on her cock, Evangeline ran her fingers through the angel's soft hair as she went, never once forcing her cock down the angel's throat or anything like that and letting her go at her own pace, as any pace really would be more than enough for her right now. It wouldn't take much longer for Sindel and Cremily, with Aezralia's help, to completely fuck Evangeline silly. When Aezralia's mouth, along with Sindel's thrusting, brought Evangeline to another orgasm, she would fill the angel's naughty mouth with her seed as she tilted her head back and screamed in ecstasy, her body finally giving out and going limp completely as she was overloaded with pleasure, though her cock would still be about half hard and because of her fey blood it would easily stand back up should the nymphs, her sidhe kin, or the naughty angel wish to do more to her, as she couldn't hope to stop them even if she wanted to.

"O-Oh gods... c-can't move... feels so good," Evangeline panted as soon as she came this time, her head thumping back onto Sindel's chest as the elder sidhe mage finished up and filled Evangeline's womb with her seed, the young sidhe's pussy spasming and milking every last drop out of Sindel's cock and straight into her womb.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

With her peak seriously getting closer at fast speed, Mithra know than she needed to act fast to make Felicia enjoy all this as much as she could with her limits at sex practice. Of course than at her decade of fighting for herself and her people she has saw many times the carnal rituals of the many victims of the vile creatures and she also has passed time pleasuring herself at secret to sattle the needs of this cursed body, but all this has maybe not been enough for what she is facing.

Ahn hmm... hah. I never had... feel like this... Felicia, you are really so... good The blushed elf said trying to silence her moans by the huge pleasure than invade her, it was just so much than maybe she would cum by just her breasts if this continue for a while, the throught of that would make her lost her remaining honor as woman, the idea of show that naughty weakness to someone who just has meet would be really a dishonor and even more after notice how far is Felicia of her orgasm. Mithra wanted to just separe the sidhe from her naughty breasts and then try something diferent to make both focus on pleasure her partner, but she could notice how much Felicia was loving to drink of her undigned bosom, it make her bite her lip and eat her honor. How it taste? ... I will do my best to have enough for you and our child once it born. The blonde warrior was not sure now if she was still trying to make this Sidhe fall in love with her for her people or really she has already liked completely the idea of have a child with Felicia, but she dont have doubts for this now, after all nothing bad was happening and only good things would be caused by this. As all this happen, Mithra has started to do her best to use her hands to pleasure her partner, trying to caress the sidhe sides and softly rubs the futa breasts with a hand, as the other continuepleasuring the meat rod as best as she could remember has done to the equine demon from many years, a really disgusting moment for her but many times the images of that lusty moment has returning at the nights, hunting her sweet rests and making her awake so wet than she needed to end it at private before start her day. Her fingers tried to find the sidhe clit and as best as she could her attempts to imitate what has been done to her by her partner started again.

Mithra tried to do her best as Felicia had what she looks to love but soon a madness born by the lust and needs to sattle her partner come from Mithra' lips. ohh..hah. I doubt to endure all, but once all end let me do my best to sattle you... The elf said just asa her hand make the manlike member press softly against her moisted folds, ready to allow Felicia penetrate her thigh honeyhole. Once this happen the corruption at her body will try to make the best possible to press and preasure the futa member, trying to increase the pleasure on Felicia as fast as possible to make her cum and dont let escape any drop of her fertile warm seed. All this time Mithra will try to dont make soo much noise as her own orgasm certainly would come, even then she will continue to impale herself as her hands pleasure the slim body in front of her.

After maybe make Felicia cum twice at her, she will try to resist and turn to her mate, trying to ask for a kiss if the sidhe has stoped of suck her motherly milk. Each time Mithra cum, she will hold her lover, trying to find a way to stop of make too much noise, maybe with a kiss or muff her mouth with a hand if possible. Even if she get exhausted, the blonde elf will try to hide it and even move her hips to dry as much as she could the warm juice from Felicia's rod. Even then she will never will try to reach her limit and once she get really tired, she will turn to Felicia smiling softly to hide her stat.

Let me do something for you before continue, Once said this, Mithra will help Felicia to rest at her back as she softly sit over her, then using her soft ample breasts she will try to pleasure her placing the sidhe member between them and then rubing it with her soft skin. Maybe this was really new for Mithra but she has seen it in her many travels, to upgrade this she will try to clean it with her mouth and without notice it she will put her wet holes close Felicia, the enough for her to just move a little and use them to pleasure the poor elf swordswoman. As this happen Mithra will make her tongue change at a Whip-Tongue who she will use to lick and clean the meat rod in secret in fear than Felicia could notice it. She will continue doing it until make Felicia cum, once do it she will try her best to drink as much of the cum, a hard task for her because she is not used to the taste but she suppose her partner will love, after do this for a while she will rest at a side of Felicia ready to let her take her if she want and once she end both could start to drink their tea who should be ready a long time ago.

Can i ask about your home and family? is all right there? You dont need to answer if you dont want, its just than if all is fine you could stay here a time, even we could meet each other more and even...repeat this or just have a peaceful night together, after this battle i have maybe some days free so we could also help the victims to get recovered. Said before drink a little from her tea, trying to use her manners even in her actual state.
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Aezralia didn't even seem to notice Eva's gentleness when the sidhe placed a hand onto her head, as she started taking Eva's cock deeper down her throat. She could feel her tightening when Cremily hit her sweet spots, which she was doing more and more as the draconic sidhe did her best to do to the angel what Sindel was doing to Evangeline. The wolflike faerie, in the meantime, was doing her best to fuck Evageline silly, thrusting her hips up to pound her cock into Eva's tightly clenched pussy and hitting her g-spot with every thrust. Sindel fucking her and Aezralia sucking her off in combination was driving Eva toward another orgasm at an incredibly rapid pace, and when she felt Eva starting to clamp down on her cock Sindel cooed and said; "Mmmmm~ You gonna cum again Eva? You keep clamping down on me and getting tighter, you must really want to give you a baby~ Not yet though, you've got to quench Aezralia's thirst!"

The angel's lips and throat clamped around Eva's cock upon hearing that, and Cremily laughed lightly and started pounding into her all the harder as she said; "Ooohhh, she's about to -ahhh- cum for me again too!" Sindel laughed started fucking Eva all the harder, and a few moments later Eva was made to cum, prompting Aezralia to moan and tighten her throat around Eva's cock even further, sucking her for all she was worth just as she started to cum. Her three partners each moaned lewdly as Eva came, but only Aezralia matched her in terms of volume, the angel cumming right alongside her even as she drank down every drop of cum spat out by her cock. Aezralia pulled off once she was finished cumming, coughing and moaning as Cremily just kept on knocking away at her from behind, but as Eva started going soft from cumming so many times Cremily pushed her face back onto Eva's cock and said; "Get your mouth back on that dick! Don't you dare let her go soft!"

As seemed to be the pattern so far, Aezralia obeyed without a second though, and while Sindel just kept on pounding up into her at a pace that kept the pleasure shooting through Eva at overwhelming levels, she was quickly brought back to full hardness by the gasping angel. When it was evident that Eva's cock was back up and ready to go, Cremily said; "Good girl~ How would you like that cock you're sucking on stuck up your tight little ass? Hrm? I'd bet you would love to feel both of us cumming inside you at the same time~" Aezralia promptly pulled her mouth off of Eva's cock and, between her moans, cried out and said; "Yes!!! Ahhhh~ Nnnmmmmm... Yes! I want it in my ass!!" Cremily laughed again and issued yet another harsh smack onto the lewd angel's bottom, which was growing increasingly red, before pulling out and pulling a very stumbly Aezralia to her feet. Displaying strength that she hadn't shown before, Cremily lifted Aezralia, prompting the angel to wrap the draconic sidhe in her arms and wings.

Letting loose another moan as Cremily's cock slid back into her pussy, Eva soon felt the angel's tight rear placed over her erection, and didn't have to wait for more than a few seconds before her spit-lubricated shaft was embedded deep inside of the angel's tight ass. Aezralia was apparently just as exhausted as Eva, as she could barely move on Eva's cock, but with Cremily holding her up and pounding into the suspended angel she was moving plenty. What followed wasn't too different from the session with Iris, the dual pleasures impossible for Eva to resist to any degree, but by this point Sindel's member was pulsating as it hammered up into Eva's pussy, and as Eva was approaching yet another climax she grunted; "Mmmph~ Cremily, hahh.... I'm getting.... Pretty close... How about we give these two their rewards for such good hospitality?" Cremily, giggling and drunk with pleasure, nodded and replied; "Sure! This one has more than earned it! She's been trying to get me to fill her pussy up this entire time!" Nuzzling into the angel that they were fucking together, Eva would hear the other sidhe whisper; "You hear that? It's time for you to get knocked up~" Eva could feel Aezralia's ass tighten around her as Cremily whispered to her, and the angel moaned in pure need and replied; "Yes!!! Cum inside me.... Nnnnn.... Give it to me! Give me your cum!"

Felicia, in turn, whispered into Eva's ear while pumping her throbbing shaft up into the young sidhe; "Eva.... I'm going to cum soon. Are you ready for it? Ahhh.... You're so tight...." And then, less than half a minute later, Eva finally got her creampie. Aezralia tensed above her, the first of them to cum, and then Cremily moaned, and Eva would feel warm liquid dripping onto her pussy just before Felicia moaned underneath her and came, flooding Eva's pussy with sperm that was quickly sucked right up into her womb. Felicia's seed had been made exceptionally potent, an aspect of sidhe biology that Evangeline shared and had made use of to ensure that their union produced fruit, and even in her lust-consumed state Eva would recognize that they had been successful in creating a child. The elder sidhe's orgasm also triggered her own, and every last drop of spunk that she had left was pumped up into Aezralia's ass as all four of them climaxed simultaneously, producing a chorus of loud, lewd moans in the small bedroom.

Of course, once that was done, the four of them were also completely exhausted, and it took a couple of minutes for Cremily to gain the strength to move and pull out, the older faerie's stamina sapped by how long she'd withheld her orgasm. Sindel was similarly tired, while Aezralia and Eva were on the verge of passing out courtesy of the long string of orgasms that each had received over the course of their encounter. Once disentangled from her partners, Eva would be allowed to flop onto her side, and would see Iris and Jezebel lying together and facing opposite directions, with Iris on top, while both had their faces buried between each others legs, letting out light moans to signal their own pleasures. It was hard to tell how long they'd been at it, but it was clear that they weren't done yet even if everyone else is. Mithra and Felicia, in the meantime, still hadn't returned from the kitchen with their tea.


In the kitchen, in the meantime, Felicia seemed quite happy to continue nursing at Mithra's bosom, and to her question about how it was she paused only long enough to say; "Delicious~ You're simply delicious~" The sidhe would hold there, occasionally switching between her breasts to even out her attention, while Mithra was allowed to work her hands across the woman's lithe body and over her cock. Felicia made no secret of the pleasure that Mithra's attentions brought to her, letting out encouraging moans and coos while Mithra rubbed her modest breasts and stroked her cock, which took no time at all to grow to full hardness. Finding the faerie's clit proved impossible, as her cock had grown from it, but finding her pussy was easy enough, and if she opted to show some attention to Felicia's female sex her partner would appreciate it all the louder.

There would be another brief pause in her attentions to the elf's bounteous chest when Mithra pulled Felicia in towards her folds, the tip of her cocking rubbing over Mithra's petals for a moment and mixing her precum with Mithra's juices. "You don't need to resist it Mithra.... I want to make you cum as many times as I can, your pleasure alone is enough to satisfy me~" she cooed softly and then slowly pushed forward at Mithra's tugging, quickly parting the elf's folds and slowly sliding inside of her. Rather than go back to suckling at her breast, Felicia moaned softly and nuzzled against Mithra's collar as she completed her first thrust, one that had the tip of her cock kissing the doorway into Mithra's womb. She gave Mithra a moment to adjust to being filled, but the elf's mutant physique allowed her to fit the faerie's cock perfectly without any real effort, and after she'd recovered from the spike of pleasure that came from being penetrated Mithra was able to regulate the tightness of her inner walls to ensure that Felicia's pleasure was maximized.

"Ooooh! Mithra~ Nnnnn.... You're.... Squeezing me so tightly!" she moaned softly against Mithra's collar, and held herself inside for a few moments to enjoy the feeling of the elf's inner walls squeezing around her before she actually began to move. Though her warped body allowed her to provide immense pleasure to her partner, the tightness of her sex ensured that Mithra felt every thrust just as intensely. Her sensitive folds allowed her to feel every contour and vein of Felicia's stiff member as it pushed in and pulled out, and the faerie's experience began to show after only the first few thrusts. While she could enhance the muscles, Mithra couldn't move the nerves inside of her, nor could she make them any less sensitive to touch, and Felicia quickly honed in on her sweet spots and angled her thrusts to strike each and every one of them. The attentions to her sensitive breasts had primed Mithra nicely, and even with her admirable control the elf's sexual stamina was no match for that of her sidhe lover.

Felicia moaned softly into Mithra's collar again when Mithra's inner walls tightened naturally around her as pleasure drove Mithra wild. It had been a slow build and a passionate coupling, and though it hadn't been nearly as rough or as animalistic as any of her previous nonconsensual encounters, Felicia's thrusts brought Mithra to an incredibly powerful orgasm incredibly quickly. It would be difficult (but not impossible) to remain quiet through her first climax, particularly since she felt it rising several seconds before it actually began, and her partner's continued thrusts extended her orgasm for well over a minute.

By the time Mithra came down from her climax, she would feel Felicia's member slowly throbbing inside of her, and the pace of the sidhe's thrusts would begin to pick up. "Mithra...." she whispered breathlessly, in a voice made husky and low by growing lust. Her lips parted, and she began to kiss Mithra's collar up along her neck, over her jaw, until finally she took the lobe of the elf's pointed ear between her lips. "I'm going to cum~" she whispered softly into the elf's ear, and then began to pump into her with a good deal more force while leaving her hands on Mithra's hips for stability. Only a few seconds later the sidhe would issue a low moan into Mithra's ear and push herself into her to the hilt, the tip of her cock kissing Mithra's cervix just before it erupted into her depths, unleashing wave after wave of the faerie's potent seed directly into her fertile womb. Her load wasn't the equal of the eruptions that Mithra had witnessed from Evangeline, but they were plentiful enough to fill her tiny inner cavity and cause some of the thick cream to come spilling out of her sex around the seal created by her lips squeezing around Felicia's pulsating member.

The first dose of the faerie's cum, while more than enough to ensure that Mithra became pregnant with her child, was not the last that Mithra was to receive that night. Felicia just kept on pumping after her first climax ended, showing no signs of softening within the tight grip of Mithra's soft folds, and drove the elf to another orgasm shortly if she hadn't climaxed herself upon feeling the sidhe erupt inside of her. Felicia's second round was no less passionate than the first, and she shifted her mouth from Mithra's collar up to her mouth to engage her in a deep kiss that broke at times only long enough for both of them to breath. Soon enough Mithra's folds milked out a second load from the lithe faerie, but this time there was no denying her own simultaneous climax, as Felicia had started pounding her sweet spot just a few moments before she was about to cum. Her partner seemed ready to continue immediately after they'd come down from their mutual release, even starting to thrust again, but when Mithra spoke she nodded calmly and pulled out, allowing a small flood of their mixed juices to flow free of her pussy.

At Mithra's behest, Felicia laid down on her back on the floor and watched as Mithra climbed up on top of her. "Oooooh Mithra~ That feels wonderful!" she cooed as the elf wrapped her breasts around the faerie's cock, the mixture of her cum and Felicia's coating the stiff rod providing more than enough lubrication to pump them up and down while squeezing them around it. When she added her mouth to the mix, Mithra was able to taste the sidhe's leftover cum and some of her pre, the mixture producing a bitter but sweet taste that was actually quite pleasant, and brought a low moan from Felicia just before she dove her face into Mithra's offered sex and began lapping up the mixture dribbling out of the elf's pussy. Her motions with her tongue were nearly as pleasurable as her steady fucking had been, but this time Mithra was the first to bring her partner to climax, receiving a copious helping of the sidhe's unnaturally sweet semen directly into her mouth after only needing to pump her breasts and suck with her mouth for a short while. She wasn't far behind though, and after only a few more moments Mithra would be made to cum herself one last time.

After that, the two would lie there for several moments in recovery after their coupling, but after a moment Felicia would move out from beneath Mithra and head over to the stove. The kettle had been singing for several minutes by that point, and the faerie refilled the evaporated water before stirring it heavily and filling two of the cups they'd prepared. "Mmmm? Oh, you needn't worry about asking things!" she replied once Mithra began to question her about her life, and she settled back against the counter and explained; "I am sidhe, Mithra. Our Court is our family, and all of the natural world is our home! We have no need for standing structures as you settled folk do, nor do we differentiate one another by names save for those deserving of special recognition. Our names are given by mortals that we interact with, not by each other, and our biological parents usually aren't particularly important. I don't even know who mine were, as I was raised by satyrs. Specimens like Evangeline, who have their own names and defer especially to their biological parents, are extremely rare among our kind. They usually only appear when one of us opts to settle among mortals for some reason, which is what her parents did." She smiled coyly and took a sip of her tea before continuing; "I would be happy to visit you again in the future~ Though you would not be required to service me in this manner again, so any further encounters like this would be at your discretion!"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

With Sindel pounding her pussy for all its worth while Aezralia sucked her dry of her seed, Evangeline could do little to battle the pleasure really and was pretty much just left to moan in ecstasy... which wasn't all that bad in her opinion really, Evangeline thought to herself. She didn't really mind being fucked completely silly to say the least, though she just wished she had gotten a bit more time to rest a little more beforehand to recover from the day's events. "Y-Yes Sindel... yes I'm cumming... a-and I want your baby. You helped me out, so... it's the least I can do in return," Evangeline panted when Sindel cooed in her ear, moaning up a storm as she felt her body tensing up again as she clamped down around her sidhe kin.

Evangeline didn't last much longer before she came again, because of Sindel's and Cremily's sudden harder pounding they were giving Evangeline and Aezralia, and she was afraid she'd nearly drowned Aezralia, but thankfully the angel seemed to be alright as she gulped down every drop of Eva's seed. Evangeline's poor cock began going soft and limp on her from cumming so many times and so much today, but Cremily's words to Aezralia kept her from going completely soft again. Evangeline watched as Cremily lifted Aezralia up and slid back inside of her, positioning the lewd angel's ass over Eva's cock, where it then slid down and engulfed her poor member in that tight angelic ass, where Evangeline nearly lost it and came again right then and there, but she managed to hold it as she wrapped her arms around Aezralia's waist, holding on for dear life.

"Oh gods... it's too much... gonna cum again," Evangeline panted in a whisper that the angel and her kin could all hear, though it would be very obvious that she was getting tired to the others. When Sindel whispered in her ear while Cremily did the same to Aezralia, which made the angel tighten up her ass around Eva's poor cock, Evangeline just whimpered with need. "Y-Yes Sindel... I-I'm ready for it. A-And you're... s-so big. Give me your baby... give me our baby," Evangeline panted for Sindel, turning her head around to kiss the wolfish sidhe on the lips as they both reached their climax together.

As Aezralia came in her's and Cremily's arms, which in turn made Cremily cum with her, filling Aezralia's pussy with her seed, which some leaked out to drip down onto her own, Evangeline felt Sindel then cum as well, unable to hold back her orgasm any longer. Sindel's orgasm and subsequent release of her seed forced Evangeline's last orgasm of the evening... or at least she hoped it would be, as she felt like she had nothing left within her to spurt out now. She filled Aezralia's ass with every last drop of seed she had left within her taught little tummy, which wouldn't be small much longer as she felt in her heart that Sindel's seed had taken within her womb as it filled her up.

When they were through finally, Evangeline merely lay there for a few minutes after their orgasms, buried between the two sidhe and the lusty angel and unable to move. As soon as Cremily managed to get up and Evangeline was disentangled from everyone, she weakly rolled over and off of Sindel onto the bed, her body totally exhausted from the efforts of their fun. As soon as she got free she noticed Iris and Jasmine both still playing with each other in the sixty nine position, licking away at each others nethers. Evangeline just smiled at them and reached over to grab Iris's ass since she was on top, giving her butt a nice squeeze before maneuvering herself around to kiss where she'd just groped. As soon as she'd done that, Evangeline rolled over until she was laying on her back once more with her head on her pillows, the whole action taking a little bit unless Sindel and or Cremily decided to help her out a little bit.

"Oh gods... I don't think... my poor dick could... stand again for a week after all that. I... I can barely even breathe," Evangeline panted as she got herself positioned around to rest again, hoping that the pair of sidhe and the pair of nymphs were sated for the time being, because there was no way she was going to manage more sex right now most likely... at least not without some help of some sort. "I hope you lot... got all you wanted... and that you don't mind resting with us for the night... b-because I can barely even move now," Evangeline added, panting slightly still as she finished speaking, her chest heaving not quite as much as when they had finished.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra made her best to welcome the sidhe's compliments about the elven's breast milk was just so good and Mithra continue her attempts to make both feel as best as possible, she soon tried to pleasure both the futa dick and clit but then noticed the lack of the last one. This dont stop her and soon her skilled findgers caress the wet lower labia from her partner, each second she could notice the meat rod grow and get hardener until press direct at her neithers, her hands moved as best as possible to caress Feicia's erogenous spots, mostly her breasts and lower holes yet also her sides and back, all in an attempt to dont be so far of Felicia cums when she get her peak ready, but this was just futile. With her breasts making her get closer to cum, she bet for all and insert it inside her sweet hole, making a soft gasped moan once she nodded to Felicia. She wanted to say than she allow the Sidhe to fertilize her but her words werent going out her mouth so she only get able to make that move of her head.

Once this started, Mithra could easily notice than let her penetrate her was like a two edge sword, her muscles get tensed once the manlike member get all inside her, making her shiver and let free a surprised moan than she was unable to cover. It...its too much. She mutter to herself between muffed moans and whimpers, all her mind get focused on endure it and even then it was just not enough. Soon she tried to pleasure Felicia cunt or breasts but she was just stunned by the pleasure, each thrust make her feel like a pleasure shock, Felicia was just so skilled to let her try something more and soon her orgasm reached.

Her eyes wide open and for a long minute she was unable to muff her lust sounds, closing her eyes when her peak started and with each thrust her mouth betray her with a naughty sound, this orgasm was so different from the others at her life, it was not against her will or it has been made for a gross creature. Mithra's hands hug her partner and moan in pleasure as her orgasm get prolonged by the skilled sidhe, resting soon at her partner body and just kissing and licking Felicia's neck in an attempt to make her feel better. Each thrust was making her feel each inch of the hard member and once she cum she could feel how her wet hole suck with force in an attempt to take the warm seed from her partner. It was like her whole body only needed to get filled by the warm fertil liquid, so needed like a thirsty man at the desert sucking from a canteen.

Her hips move alone and she noticed how Felicia's body was moving in a different way than before, she was still in a drowzee state from her first orgasm yet the sudden press at her pointy ear make her understand what Felicia was saying. It make her doubt for a second, she nearly push Felicia aside but she bite her lip to calm herself and remember why she was doing it and that all was right. Mithra forget her past ghosts and just smile and placed her arms around Felicia in a better way to endure what was close to start. Felicia...Please, do it. She whisper and smile to hr partner, trying to show her than she wanted it with a lover hug, each inch of her body showing hthan she completely accept and is ready for what its close to come.

The potence get increase and after all that amazing sex these dont hurt at all, with her arousal, Mithra could not feel more than pleasure invading her with each strong motion from the sidhe and then her Cervix get pressed completely by the manlike member, before the first load of cum get deep inside her fertile hole, filling her completely after many continue loads. Its...so warm. Mitrha say before give a kiss at Felicia's neck and steal another from the sidhe mouth, her arms who were pressing Felicia's heac and body toward Mithra soon moved to softly rubs the sidhe body, feeling her curves, hair, horns and thighs. Until both cum together, making than the elf could not see more beyond Felicia.

With all this amazing moment, Mithra easily noticed her stamina get close to end, she know than she would not last more than some minutes and in a last attemp she ask for Felicia to let her guide her and make her guive her a gift from her. Once in a 69 stance, Mithra placed the sidhe rod between her milky orbs, her hands pressed and help her to rub it, turning her breasts to be as much irresistible to the touch as possible and then she decide to give a final touch using her changed tongue to pleasure her mate. The sweet taste was welcome by the elf who whip like tongue moves skilledful to clean and harden the manlike member, licking andsucking at it as her amazing blossom make Felicia's dick feel nearly as if it were inside her own honeyhole. Not more enduring her moans and pleasure, Mithra give muffed moans when Felicia started to lick her cum filled cunt, with her only goal as make the sidhe cum, the elf soon succed and made Felicia cum and fill her mouth with the tasty warm cream, having just a a few seconds to swallow it as much as possible before reach her own peak.

Both soon cuddled together, as they tried to recover theirs breaths until the horned girl get up to prepare the tea. Mithra dont take too much time to get up, placing a hand at her still firm sexy belly wondering if she has been successfully impregnated after all that huge amoung of cum. After get up she sit at Felicia side, a little guilty to be leaving a little of Felicia's juice at the chair and taking some from her tea as she ask and wait for Felicia answer.

After slip a little of her tea, she placed the tea cup at the table to say something more after nod softly as she was drinking from her tea. Undoubtedly im amazed and respect your culture, i must admit than its very different in many aspect from us and if is possible i would love to heard more about it or your life. She take a moment to drink a little more to calm herself of what she was close to say. Im really glad to heard than you will come back and i must confess... than i never expected to enjoy so much these kind of relashionship activities. i will be mostly honored to have your company once again. Blushed slighty the elf said at the end, mostly giving a soft calm smile and remain close Felicia, saying to accept to have sex with her with these words.

If you and the others want to stay at our town for some days we could give another resident, we have many empty houses than could be used or you could rest in this one or... ehm... Looks like the noises at the bethroom are ended, we should bring them some tea. Mithra said changing of topic to think at her words a little more and then continue. I really enjoy your company, Felicia and if is right please stay with me as many time than you want
Last edited:


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Felicia merely nodded at Mithra's display of understanding for the differences in their culture, and said; "I aimed to please, and am glad that you enjoyed yourself enough to invite me back! If we do make love again, I suspect you'll find it no less pleasurable. I can be very... Creative.... When I wish to be." Nodding again, she lifted the tea tray and carried it out, allowing Mithra to follow her out if she pleased, where they would find the rest of their party largely sprawled out over Evangeline's bed. The whole room reeked of sex, with fluids oozing from every orifice, and the elf and her sidhe partner entered just as the two nymphs were finishing each other off and untangling themselves from one another. Aezralia was a twitching mass on the bed, and Cremily and Sindel were both sitting on the floor and panting.

The sidhe and nymphs were happy to accept some tea, while Aezralia had passed out by the time they got to her and Eva was choose to accept or refuse based on her own desires.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

I dont doubt about your creativity or skills after what just happened a moment ago. Mithra answer smiling and taking a sip of her tea, meanwhile she start to try to rub away all the remain of fluids at her breasts, what were mostly her own sex juices and milk, her breasts were still leaking some small drops of the liquid. Of course than it was not a mess if it is compared at her neithers, she know than she dont have the time to clean herself and just ended her hot tea who still mix with the sweet cum at her mouth. Once they get up, she helped on what she could to carry the needed to serve some tea to the others, she was just not prepare for the look of Evangeline's bedroom and the others girls, even with the potent sex smell in there.

Mithra just remain speechless for a moment, her eyes were just looking everywhere and she quickly went to check up Aezralia after she her state. Thanks to the gods she will be fine, but maybe a little more and this could had ended in a calamity She say mostly to herself after sigh softly, really concerned for the health of the celestial. She then started to serve the drink to anyone who wanted a drink of the tea and then turned to Evangeline to say her. This room could be a little bothersome to clean for yourself, so i will help you to clean unless you want to continue this.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Oh gods, I'm gonna be sore tomorrow... so sore. But it was worth it," Evangeline said to Sindel and Cremily after finally catching her breath, glancing down to look at Aezralia to make sure the angel was still alive after the quite brutal fucking she'd taken from both Cremily and herself.

After a few minutes, when Mithra and Felicia finally came in, Evangeline looked over as they did so, bringing a tray with some tea on it for them, and Evangeline was extremely happy to accept some tea herself. Taking her mug of tea, Evangeline held it under Aezralia's nose so the smell wafted up into her nostrils as she whispered the angel's name in her ear to see if that would wake her up, though if it didn't then she would just let her sleep it off for the evening as she sipped at her warm tea, wetting her dry throat finally after all of that moaning.

"I take it that you two had some fun eh Felicia? Considering it took you two so long to get back I mean and all. And don't worry about it tonight Mithra, I can barely move, so I'll just open a window to let in some fresh air, or if one of you lovely ladies would be so kind to do so please that would be helpful," Evangeline asked Felicia, then looked to Mithra and answered her question about cleaning up.

Once they'd drank their tea and everything and had decided on what to do next, Evangeline would flop back onto her bed and cover up for the night, drifting off to sleep after pulling Aezralia up to snuggle against her, loving the feel of the angel's soft skin against her own.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Evangeline words about if they had some sex werent so welcome for Mithra who just sigh and pressed softly her forehead with her fingers for a pair of seconds as she continue checking if the angel is fine. After all these sex related events had been mostly fror Evangeline's fault, the elven just tried to stop thinking on how nearly all her time with Eva has been looking at the sidhe enjoy herself with someone else.

As you wish Evangeline, let me open the window and tomorrow before the dawn i will aid you to clean and make a breakfast for all. I hope than you get enough rest and if you want you can help us to help all the people than we rescue from the tower. Mithra continue talking as she clean herself a little to start dressing herself. Even if is not needed, i must inform than my house is not so far of this one, so i could allow to invite some of you to rest at my house

Dressed and ready to go, she turn to all and and politely say good night to all, taking with her any girl who wanted to follow her, yet it will be fine too if they decide to sleep at Evangeline's house

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Mkay Mithra, thanks. Just... (yawn)... so tired after all of that. I'd just do more harm than good I think if I tried to help you all clean most likely. And I'll go ahead and stay here since this was the home given to me to use while I'm here Mithra, but thanks for the invite. But I don't think I'll be up before dawn to be honest, but you never know," Evangeline said to Mithra as she sipped at her tea, her body still quite weak, and likely not to strengthen back up until after she slept some more most likely. "And if I can help those that we rescued earlier then I certainly will try," Evangeline added to Mithra.

When Mithra waved bye to them and went on her way, with whoever wished to go with her, Evangeline would pull Aezralia up in the bed as best she could, with some help from the nymphs or her fellow sidhe, where she would pull Aezralia's face against her breasts to rest where she too would join her and go on to sleep soon after, resting peacefully through the rest of the night hopefully without any other interruptions.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Felicia merely opted to roll her eyes at Eva's query about what she and Mithra had done together in the kitchen, the results of it obvious by the cum still leaking from the elf's pussy and the milk still slowly dribbling from the tips of her breasts. Later, when offered a chance to go and stay at Mithra's house instead, only Felicia opted to take Mithra up on that offer initially, finishing her tea and saying; "That sounds quite lovely, actually. There's enough room here for you all if you squeeze in tight enough, and I wouldn't mind a bit more room." Cremily, thinking for a moment, opted in by saying; "I think I might take you up on that offer, tempting as a cuddle puddle is. Good night."

That sentiment was echoed back, and then Mithra, Felicia, and Cremily dressed and left to walk the short distance to Mithra's own home on fairly wobbly legs. Eva was left to pull Aezralia's unconscious form onto the bed, where Sindel and the two nymph sisters joined them, Sindel sliding up behind Eva and the other two curling up on the outermost flanks. Saying their goodnights, it seemed that everyone wanted to get to sleep, and unless Eva had anything that she wished to ask of those sleeping around them it would soon be so. A restful night after a long day, and a mild headache that she awoke with while still buried in a see of nude feminine bodies.

Mithra and her two sidhe companions, in the meanwhile, arrived at the elf's home without trouble. The hour was late, and they crept in for Cremily to ask if Mithra had a gust bedroom for her to stay in. Once their sleeping situation was sorted, Felicia would move as if intending to sleep beside Mithra in her own bed, though she would take another gust room if Mithra wouldn't allow as much. Soon enough, whichever way she chose to divide the sidhe, Mithra would find herself sleeping soundly in her own bed, and would awake free of the headache that brought Eva awake and to the sound of something cooking, while a feminine voice hummed. Felicia, if she had been allowed to sleep beside Mithra, was gone, and the humming sounded very much like her voice.

(Did I give exp for completing ye Tower mission yet? Also, you may spend exp now.)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

After drink her tea and dress, Mithra and the two sidhe leaved Eva's house, they reach the elven house without problem and after prepare the room for Cremily, she Mithra and Felicia shared the swordswoman's bed. Of course than Mithra has shared her room many times when she was outside helping in the many battles of past years but she never has shared it for this personal kind of reasons, if Felicia get closer she even would allow her to cuddle with her and even when the sidhe has fulfill her lusty needs, they could even continue what they had started at that kitchen, this time of course would not pass from cuddles, rubs and maybe warm lover kisses if Felicia want to try them on Mithra.

Once the day come, the elven warrior would maybe awake a little more late as the ussual but even then would be early for anyone else, it was amazing to see than Felicia has already get out the bed. After dress herself a little she will check if Felicia was the one using the kitchen. Good morning, let me help you. Mithra would ask to help her to make the breackfast.