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Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~​

Aezralia, at the condolences offered by Evangeline and Mithra, would shrug and say; "I've long come to terms with it. It's part of the job, and I'm sure to end up the same way sooner or later. It's not like I can die of disease or old age, and nothing really lasts forever." She would offer a respectful nod to Mithra's offer to fight at her side, "thank you... I suspect we will fight on the same side again eventually, if I remain here long enough."

~~~~Mithra's House~~~~​

Seen off by Mithra, Felicia would passionately returned her kiss, leaving the elf with the rest of her day to herself. Given maternity leave, Mithra's scouting responsibilities had been assumed by others, less experienced than the adventurer but still quite capable. Her training duties were likewise reduced to account for her temporary physical weakness, and she would be allowed to do as she liked for the rest of her day.

Felicia would return that night, just before sunset, and would announce herself with a knock at Mithra's door.

~~~~Eva's Bedroom~~~~​

"Often enough," Aezralia replied casually, "we... Have a fairly high mortality rate, so we need to keep up our numbers."
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~

"That's true I guess dove, but still the same it's sad. And I'll fight to make sure that doesn't happen to you anytime soon, because you're too beautiful to let get hurt like that," Evangeline told Aezralia with a pat on her shoulder.

~~~~Eva's Bedroom~~~~

"I see... I take it though that being pregnant with an angel baby takes longer to give birth than with a sidhe baby. At least I remember being told that by one of those nymphs I had in the past," Eva told Aezralia as they lay there. "Hmhm, I wouldn't mind helping your people keep up those numbers," Evangeline added with a chuckle, sticking her tongue out jokingly as she looked over her shoulder at the angel.

[I'm okay with a time skip now if you and Plm are, because I have pretty much run out of things for Evangeline to talk about really. Though I can come up with some stuff if need be.]
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

(Are you serious? We could continue this for months D: )

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~

It must be already clear than this town is mostly calm, maybe you could get some peace before depart of these lands for a new mission and you are most than welcome to return in any time than you want. Mithra answer back sure than they could rest and talk for a little longer before she needs to leave.

Its is possible to ask to you Lady Aezralia a little more ? Do you have another hobby than you like to do at your free time? I must confess than im not so talent as i should on the fine arts of my people, yet also not really bad . She add trying to change the topic and turn this into a more pleasant moment.

~~~~Mithra's House~~~~

Without too much to do really, the blonde elf give her best to prepare all for their nocturnal walk, even having all in order to prepare a nice dinner once they comeback from it. With a little trip she tried to buy some needed ingredients and used the travel to see if all was good at her town. With almost all in order there was not need for her to walk too far from her house and just waited for Felicia, ready to open the door once she has returned and wishing to hug her once again before set all to their walk.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~​

"Thank you Mithra," Aezralia replied to the elf's offer to let her come back should she wish to. Grinning and rolling her eyes at Eva's comment, the angel would then sardonically said; "Oh that's all you want me to stick around for, huh? I see how it is!"

Looking back to Mithra, she replied; "I don't have much free time for hobbies, I'm afraid. I do my painting sometimes, and sometimes I like to sing, but other than that I don't get out to do much. I don't drink, as a rule, and I don't get laid nearly as often as I'd like to."

~~~~Mithra's House~~~~​

Mithra's village was relatively deserted at night, most people staying out of the frigid autumn night. It was getting close to winter now, and a light dusting of snow covered the ground and buildings, and icicles hung from the rafters and the branches of the trees. Many of the elven homes had small gardens that were now barren, their produce harvested and stored for the oncoming winter, and the flickering lights coming from the nearby houses and the moon gave them light by which to see. "It's quite lovely out, isn't it?" Felicia replied brightly, smiling at Mithra as she slowly strolled through the lanes of the village.

~~~~Eva's Bedroom~~~~​

"It can, but it doesn't always. It usually only takes a while for mortals, or when we impregnate each other. If you knocked me up with one of my own kind, it would only take as long as this little one is," Aezralia replied, patting her rounded belly.

~~~~Several Days Later~~~~​

Some days later, Eva, Mithra, and Aezralia would all prepare to give birth one by one, Mithra being the first followed closely by Aezralia and about an hour later by Evangeline. They would be taken to the healer's house, where the people they had rescued from the aliens had recovered before most of them had departed from the village, and one by one they would have their children, the father's appearing as they went into labor.

The three sidhe would help them along with the elven healers, making their birthing processes relatively painless, and each would be given their children. Four sidhe girls were born that day, one each to Aezralia and Evangeline and two to Mithra, and the exhausted women would be left to hold and nurse their daughters while the healers busied about cleaning up.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~​

(i will post it if MF want to continue this event)

~~~~Mithra's House~~~~​

Mostly the two alone in the charming night, the blonde elven woman hold the arm of her lover, cuddling softly at her as the two young looking women walk bellow the moonlight, even used to this enviroment Mithra cant stop herself tto look for the warm from the other, not like she need it with her mantle and her winther clothes than she manage to wear with her pregnant belly

Indeed, im really glad to heard than you also love it. It has been a while since the last time than i could admire the beauty of these lands... thanks to share this night with me Mithra answer back in a soft tone, trying to dont lost herself completely at the moment, as being there with Felicia is certainly one of her bests nights, their soft walk slowly guide them around the town and with the time the female warrior completely frget her worry to find any danger outside or even any citizen than could notice them.

There are a few mountains close this town, were we have some lookouts even a few ones close the peaks and they give a perfect view at the meteor shower seasons and the Autumm moon. Mithra needed to stop to recover some of her courage as she see to her lover's eyes. Assuredly we should settle a date at the next weeks or months, when we have time, of course if is safe for ours childrens. The elven invitation was not exactly as what she expected, her polite tone earned by her warrior ancestry taken the best of her sweet word attempts.

If all went well on thsi date, they would mostly enjoy all what the night have to offer today, for Mithra she was more than served with Felicia at her side and from time to time she will try to give a tender kiss or soft squeeze to her partner back. After return to their house, Mithra will try to prepare her best dish with what she have at her kitchen, the romantic moment given by the soft light tone of the candles or magic source will guide them to a lovely night together where Felicia could use as wish the exquisite elven body for more than warm herself. Mithra was more than sattled with the sex from the last time and she will accept to just cuddle and give a foreplay to her lover if this dont start something.

~~~~Several Days Later~~~~​

The time slowly come and soon was time for the elven to give birth to what she expect the firsts of her childrens with Felicia, the previous days had given her time to get used to let all know her intimate relationship, however she was not expecting so much people looking at her as she give birth and the painless birthing give her chance to get ashamed enought to blush a little until Felicia get at her side.

Mithra then tried to looks more strong and focused on the help of the others, mostly Felicia. in part to make the others two mothers see how easy was for her even when she was having two babies, her competitive side made her be proud a little when Aezralia get inside the healer's house, forunately some of the helpers went to focus on the angel so her shyness was reduced.

After the not so long birth Mithra tried to dont try to think in how her daughters will look, she just hope than they were completely healthy and wished to see that surprise even than Felicia had said happen when a sildhe born.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

(Doesn't matter to me if you want to continue that little bit Plm, though there's not too much left to do with it I think. Sorry about taking so long with this post guys, had almost forgotten about it.)

Over the next few days Evangeline just mostly relaxed with Aezralia in the house, going out on a few walks with her until they both got to the point that they could no longer really walks around easily, which was likely no real problem for Aezralia since she had wings and could flutter about. When the time came that they went into labor, with Evangeline noticing Aezralia going into labor and calling for help to get them to the healers place where she too went into labor not an hour or so later herself.

"D-Damn that hurts... never... had a child before, so this is quite new to me," Evangeline said as she was laid down on the bed to give birth before the healer and the respective sidhe that sired the children helped to ease their pain.

While Sindel was there with her, Evangeline held her hand the whole time she could when Sindel wasn't busy helping the healers. When she was finally able to give birth to their child, Evangeline looked up at Sindel as she held her, smiling faintly from exhaustion. "Hmhm... she's beautiful... just like her parents," Evangeline giggled softly as she held their child, letting her nurse as much as she wished and gently holding her there. "I know our kind don't usually have names, but considering how long I've lived among mortals I feel I have to give her a name," she added, looking at their daughter to see what she looked like before remembering one of the names she'd thought of to give her. "How about Rose hmm?" she suggested, wondering if Sindel would care or not.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

~~~~Fun with Arts and Crafts~~~~​

(I guess this is ended then.)

~~~~On a Walk~~~~​

"That sounds lovely!" Felicia replied delightedly to Mithra's offer, "I love walking beneath the moon and stars... Our daughter will learn to enjoy the same too~"

She would walk beside Mithra for a while before directing them back to the elven village, and then would help Mithra with dinner and seemingly enjoy it thoroughly. She would settle in to sleep after they ate, offering no effort to do more than rest peacefully beside the heavily pregnant Mithra for the night.

~~~~Several Days Later~~~~​

Sindel, looking at Evangeline and their daughter, would shrug at the name that Eva came up with. "If a thing as silly as a name is needed, than after a flower is good enough I think~" she said lightly, and if Eva permitted she would move to hold Rose for a bit. Aezralia and Cremily would do similarly, with the angel not bothering to name their daughter.

Mithra's sidhe daughters were, unsurprisingly, completely healthy. One was a blonde, and the other had hair of a pale green color, but both had odd violet eyes, and clutched to her and quickly stopped crying and snuggled against their mother as Mithra held them in her arms.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Glad to know than both share a love for something, Mithra cuddle smiling to Felicia showing in a soft way her affection as both walked at the charm night.

~~~~Several Days Later~~~~

Tired but hidding it to the others, Mithra was so proud and happy to see her babies crawling to her, showing how healthy they were as also the many babies's qualities than just this little moment show to her, she quickly let them come and place them at her arms where they could rest and feed of her maternal milk, her eyes turned to Felicia expecting to see if she share her feelings as she wonder if they should give them a name, of the many ones than she has saw on some books
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

When Sindel made to hold Rose, Eva let her take their child, but first leaned down and kissed her little head to show her love before handing her up to Sindel to hold her. While Sindel held Rose, Evangeline looked around the room at the others, watching Aezralia hold her's and Cremily's child a bit before handing her up to Cremily to hold for a bit, while Mithra let Felicia hold their children when they felt like doing so. Smiling up at Sindel, Evangeline idly thought when she and the others planned on leaving and if she'd be able to see the children again after that. She of course figured that she would eventually be able to as soon as she took her place amongst her kind at the winter court, but still the same that would be some time in the future and there was a good chance that her children would be grown before she got to see them again.

"Hmm... would it be possible for you to bring the children here while we're staying here? So that we could see them some too before they're too old for us to dote on them and whatnot I mean," Evangeline asked Sindel while the other sidhe held their child, with Eva patting the bed beside her for Sindel to sit with her. "I've never had a child before... well rather I've never given birth to one. I'm fairly sure I've got a couple out there at least somewhere what with the amount of nymphs I've had before a couple of weeks ago. Oh and speaking of which, did my two lovely nymphs give birth yet by chance? Or do you not know?" she went on to say, asking about the nymphs she'd summoned back then to help out with them.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Felicia proudly looked upon Mithra as she fed their children from her bosom, the two young sidhe suckling on her mother's milk while their father watched contentedly. The horned sidhe offered no words, nor any suggestions that she wished to do anything but sit back and bask in the moment, for now. Mithra would have to decide for herself whether or not she wished to give her two faerie children names.

Sindel shrugged, "I wouldn't know about them. I haven't seen them. But yes, as it was a stipulation you added, we will bring our daughters around when we aren't teaching them."
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

With her lover at a side and having theirs childrens feeding with her nutritive milk, Mithra manage to see and heard what happened around her. She could see than Felicia share her feelings about this important moment. Her mind filled with possibilities about how name them or if she should dont do it slowly get brighten enough to find what she suppose was the best choice, something than could fill the space between their two civilizations.

Rose is a charming name, im sure than your daughter will love her. Mithra said expecting than Felicia could heard it before turn to Felicia and continue. I passed almost all these days trying to have all ready for their birth, i even made a list of names using books and things than i like. Some as stars, legends, heroes, common miracles than we can see around us like plants... but theirs names must be more than that,

The blonde elven mother caressed softly the two newborns softly caressing them and with confidence at her sight continued. Daena and Mathra she said first turning to her blonde children and then to the one with the light green hair. These names than i give to both share my love and hopes than both could find a life filled with virtue, honor and eternal law. But over than each of you can find their own path to make this a better place for all.

Mithra stay caressing both of them wishing than her words and feelings had been heared and understood by the two little ones before she turns to Felicia. I know than im terrible giving names, but i tried hard this time. Mithra ended wishing than these two girls would earn what she think is the most important thing than they should learn, in case than she couldnt be with them as much time as she had expected, for the first time she found than the elven lifetime is not enough.

Breaking the fourth wall

Daena and Mathra come from Persian religion. Daena (din in modern Persian) is the eternal Law, whose order was revealed to humanity through the Mathra-Spenta ("Holy Words"). Daena has been used to mean religion, faith, law, even as a translation for the Hindu and Buddhist term Dharma, often interpreted as "duty" or social order, right conduct, or virtue.

This also express the union between the divine and the mortal realm (Felicia and Mithra). Also Mithra is a goddess related to these two words, so a mix between Daena and Mathra would reffer to an eternal holy law than could aid any race in need to survive or grow as also learn a righterous path
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"I see. Well would it be too much trouble for you to check around for them by chance when you head back? I'd like to know so I can see them too if possible. And thank you, I doubt I'll be able to be there to teach them myself, but I do want to be a part of their lives if I can," Evangeline said to Sindel, asking if she could look into finding her two nymphs she'd summoned the other day. "Heh, that's one thing my foster mother I suppose you could call her made sure stuck, if I ever had children I'd love them and want to be with them as much as I can," she added with a chuckle.

"And thank you Mithra, I didn't really do quite that much in order to find a name I liked, I just went with something that had to do with nature," Evangeline said to Mithra with a little bow of her head. "I wouldn't worry too much about them though Mithra because I know that they're in good hands with my kin," she added.

"Anyway though, when I've finished wandering and whatnot I may return with you three to our peoples court to take my place, I just feel that it's not yet time to do so, and I'd rather spend my time helping to get rid of these abominations in the world as much as I can before I do fully join the court," Evangeline said to Sindel specifically, but loud enough for Felicia and Cremily to both hear it too.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

Felicia raised an eyebrow at Eva's request that she look in on the nymphs that Eva had had sex with, and Cremily glanced aside with an affronted look for a moment. "Ahhhhh, no" Sindel replied calmly, sounding amused. "Even if I cared to ask after another's nymph bastards," she continued coolly, "they are nymphs, not sidhe. They wouldn't recognize you as a parent, merely as their superior, and if you really care to see them then you need simply summon their mothers. You have spent too much time among mortals, methinks. I would advise that you not continue to hold such attitudes when you join the court, or at least not continue to show them." It was clear from the sudden shift in her mannerisms and the unified distaste of the three sidhe that Evangeline had asked something that Sindel had found at least mildly insulting, but despite her frosty stance she did seem to have meant her advice genuinely, and didn't seem intent on holding that dour expression for very long with their children all in the room.

Felicia would nod, her smile undimmed by the dour turn in another portion of the room, as Mithra spoke of her search for appropriate names for their daughters. "Those are fine names!" she would reply once Mithra announced them, "worthy of what they will be when they come of age." Felicia would tenderly reach out to brush a strand of Mithra's sweat-drenched hair from her face, the birthing causing exhaustion despite her Warped nature and the efforts of the elven healers, and after offering the elf a light caress would do the same to their daughters. "Daena... And Mathra."

(Cool ooc stuff plmnko.)
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mostly completely focused on her throughts and how Felicia will react at her choice to the names, the elven mother dont pay too much attention to how the Sidhe had reacted to Envangeline lasts words. However she still think than Eva havent given the right importance to the task of name her children.

She was loving this personal moment as she for first time feeds her twins, all these hormones were helping even more than her brain to focus on their happiness and protection, as she waited for her lover to give her opinion. Her eyes shine as Felicia said her kind words, soon her face get filled with a proud smile, feeling the relief of had made it right. Oh, thanks...Indeed, i completely believe in these two lovely ladies and what they will be able to achieve. Mithra more than enjoy the soft show of affection from Felicia as her hair get in place and then how she even name her childs, that really reached her heart and wanted badly to hug her lover, but she needed to restrain a wild teardrop than wanted to escape of her eye and also her arms were busy at the moment.

I dont want than this joyful moment end, but i wish to return to our home soon and have you between my arms. What will happen now? Also how many days can i stay with them before they needs to go to the court? The elven mother ask wishing to be with them if not their first year at least some weeks or days, after all they should give her the chance to give them a little piece of her whole love and see them grow up.

She expected than she could get up and take them at home now, she maybe could find a time as she take care of them so she could train her body as always again, maybe she could read a little or sing to them... there was a lot of things than she wanted to experiment with them. She was sure than the way of how her father take care of her would not fit really well now as she have less time before they grow up, but there was Felicia to help her.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"I... I see. I'm sorry for asking then, I uh... I didn't know," Evangeline replied to Sindel's rather harsh words, feeling about 3 or 4 inches tall at the moment since it seemed that she'd ticked off all 3 of the sidhe with her request. She would pull Rose up close and lay back, sinking back against the pillows she was propped up on as far back as she could, which would tell Sindel that Eva was regretting mentioning it and felt awkward now.

Evangeline didn't wish to keep the awkward feeling between them however and made an effort to put it behind her as she pulled Rose up and kissed her on the cheek. "How um... How will you train her? In your magical arts? Or more in my spiritual arts? Or would it be up to her when she comes of age?" Evangeline asked curiously to change the subject away from the nymphs. "I'm just curious about it is all. Maybe see if I could pass on some knowledge or technique to her perhaps," she added to Sindel while looking down at their child.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

"Now? Now you need to rest. I won't be taking them right away, I'll let you have a day or two," Felicia replied to Mithra, "I'll help you get home, and we can just relax for now."

No one seemed likely to complain when Eva hastily changed the subject, and once the conversation was over Sindel dropped her cold look and resumed her smile. "She'll be trained in magic, of course. If she inherits your abilities, however, you will be free to teach her to control them if you like. If not, there are others in the court that could help her with that."
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra dont wanted to ask for a hug in public, her own soul wanted to just go to her home and enjoy the joy of have her twins in private and over all be pampered by her lover. Just two days? I supposed than i could help even more with their care, if is possible let them visit me from time to time. The elven said trying to hide her feelings and let Felicia do the best for theirs childrens, after all she dont want them to be some spoiled childs as Evangeline.

Please lets go to our room at our house, this bed could be needed later for someone else. Mithra said as she started to try to get up or at least to sit better so Felicia could aid her without too much difficulty. Just then something went to the elven's mind and soon turn to the angel.

Lady Aezralia, maybe you could preffer to rest for the next days after this ordear, but i will be so glad if you could make a picture of us with ours babies before they need to go to the court.

Said this and after the answer received, Mithra will accept Felicia's help to get out her bed and return to their home, she after rest the needed and end of feed their babies will try to enjoy every moment of their time together. She has heard than the sidhe are really smart and grow really fast so she tried to give some lessons to her babies between her kind time with them, maybe they wouldnt follow the path of the sword but at least could learn some tips of how dodge or respect the others.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Okay, I would like to pass on at least some of my abilities and or knowledge to her, but I know that we sidhe grow up fast, so I would have to come to he court soon or I wouldn't have the chance I suppose. If it turns out she's good with spiritual powers, if I can't do so myself, could you see if she can learn the the holy powers from someone at court please? I figure those are the ones I'm best at aside from my mental powers, so they'd be the best ones to pass on to others if I even taught them to anyone," Evangeline said to Sindel before gesturing for her to scoot closer. If Sindel did move closer, Evangeline would lean over and kiss her again with a smile. "Maybe one day we can make another beauty or two, I'd like that I think. Hmhm..." Eva added before leaning in closer to whisper in Sindel's ear as she glanced over at Aezralia.

"And maybe we could have ourselves some threesome fun with Aezralia there, maybe make some angel babies with her later," Evangeline whispered to Sindel with a giggle, giving her a wink and a grin before handing Rose to her. "Take good care of her okay Sindel, and... if anything happens to me, tell her about me okay. But for now, I really need to rest. So... you wanna help me get home so we can rest a bit and have some time together with her before you go?" she added a bit louder as she kissed Rose on her little forehead, doing the same as Mithra and making to get up to get back to her house to rest some in her own bed with Sindel and their baby, inviting Aezralia and Cremily to join them back there if they wanted to have some private time too.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

"It won't be," a healer interjected when Mithra asked to be moved to her house, suspecting that someone else might need the bed, "you cannot leave until tomorrow at the earliest. We have to ensure that you or your children won't take ill." It was the normal practice when they had room to bring people to the healing hall, as elves highly valued the lives of their children, and in the cold climate and often dirty conditions of small villages like hers it wasn't rare for mothers or their children to take ill and die if not well cared for. Should Mithra attempt to argue, Felicia would interrupt her before she could say a word, "staying here will be fine! If it's how they want to do it, it's how it should be done." The sidhe was probably more powerful magically than any of the elves, but she was no less insistent on going back on her own suggestion, and it seemed that unless she was particularly forceful with her desire to go home she would end up spending the night where she was.

"Of course,"Aezralia responded. She, like Evangeline, seemed more recovered than Mithra, and her voice was warm and full of confidence. "Maybe we can do it tomorrow?"

"The powers she gets will be determined by her, not us," Sindel replied somewhat exasperatedly to Eva's request regarding the instruction of her daughters, "there is a degree of leeway for those who have the talent, but where their natural talents lie is what they'll be taught to control. I suspect that it won't be different from your own, but there is never any guarantee!" With that the wolfish sidhe's expression would twist into a wry smirk at Eva's flirtatious suggestion, and she would simply reply, "we will see... What happens, happens, and you may have need to call upon me again."

Sindel's grin would become absolutely predatory when Eva suggested being invited to enjoy Aezralia as well, and she would reply, "maybe... We'll have to see if we can make that happen, won't we?" Eva would get the same demand that Mithra had, forcing her to stay in the healer's house for the night. The three sidhe would leave them with their children for the night, though they would also depart once the conversation had wrapped itself up.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Aye perhaps tomorrow would be for the best to head back home. I wouldn't want this precious little thing to get sick on me," Evangeline said, looking down at Rose as the healer pretty much forbid them from leaving her care until the next day at least, with the young sidhe nodding her head and laying back to relax since they'd be there for the night.

Looking back to Sindel after that, Evangeline listened to her and smirked back at her. "Well in that case, if I don't get to see her before she's all grown up, then please tell her about me some. I can't really ask more than that I suppose, and of course I'll end up having to call on you again sometime... you know I will... for some reason or another at least," Eva said, giggling about Sindel's response to having some threesome fun with Aezralia. "Of course we will, she's quite the looker. I'd feel almost sad if we didn't try to seduce her with our sexy bodies," Evangeline then whispered to Sindel before laying back again with little Rose in her arms.

She would chat with Sindel after that, mostly just getting to know her a little bit before she and the other two sidhe left, after which she'd call to the healer to help her get Rose into her bedside crib to sleep so that she too could sleep some, quite exhausted after that, but thankfully not too tired... and nowhere near as tired as she was the day she'd first summoned everyone to aid in the destruction of the aliens.