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Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

The snow, at that point, was only falling lightly, potentially reducing visibility to a minimal degree. There was no telling whether it would get worse or better, however. Only time would tell.

"They have cavalry," the scout reported, "at least twenty horse. The rest are on foot, but march in ordered lines. I don't think they're clanless." That report might have made things more complicated, though even orcish cavalry would be of little use out in the denser woods.

Mithra's plan to try and lure them out into the pass in order to drop an avalanche on them earned nods from Mithra's subordinates, who took her word as law. How they would actually go about trying to lure the orcs there, necessitating that they divert from their path, was something that the elven commander would have to figure out for herself, however.

(This post is not great, but I wanted to get something out. Leave me alone I'm sick.)

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The groups remain as Mithra said, as it was needed to know how skilled each of the units are and teach them what they lack before the upcoming fight, also teams made of three would be more easy to hide and she would be always trying to remain her groups united to avoid any random events. As the time passed it was needed for them to mitigate the cold sended to them, it was thanks to theirs knowledge of the area and Evangeline help than they remain in good condition, as expected they would cover any remain of them, even when the snow falling would hide the rest of the bunfire, Mithra made her best to dont let anyone get any clue of where they had coming.


Mithra soon take note of all the info gathered by this scout and she just said and decide to give her point of view to all. We could use these horses for our advantage, taking them to where we will place ours traps at night when all are resting, when they notice it they will try to send a group to go for them. I could try this alone and all could be waiting at the mountain to act at the right moment.

And yes, we must move our camp to a safe place, soon or later theirs scouts could find us.
Mithra was not interested in continue all that talk about orcs with Evangeline, the sidhe has heard from where this army has come, God reach's orcs werent like the ones at Therion. Orcs doing this armed exudus was completely far away of a peaceful walk, maybe they could be trying to do a payback or a sudden attack to a random town to recover some honor after that lost and also get some new slaves.

If we succeed, they will lose theirs cavalier advantage and some scouts. But even if we have a complete victory in this plan they will start to inquire than they arent alone. That is why we will use some mountains out of the direction of our village, that will make them move away or lost some time. The blonde elven know than lost 20 horses will not help theirs foes in any way, maybe they are expending some food at theirs animals but dont needing to feed them will be a small positive thing at the side of the sudden lost and confusion.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 122, Status = Fine

No one among the elves would question Mithra's choice of plan, the less experienced warriors and hunters trusting in her abilities completely. There was a canyon they could hide on, ready to try and ambush the orcs when Mithra led them into position, but the march would be grueling if they wanted to do it quickly, and they would have to pack up and leave to travel through the night. The canyon itself had three entrances, one wide one on each side and a narrow pass on the North East side, and if there were any further plans that Mithra wanted to make with them she would have to make them quickly. Where to retreat to when they were forced to flee, key targets, what traps to lay, what to do in case they became separated, and anything else that she might think of.

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The group of which she is the leader looks to trust completely in her, but her plan could still be so risky and have some variants than could affect her, the skilled swordswoman know it but she is sure than get an approach would be the best to prepare the forces in her town. Even if she fails to take them there or die in the process she needed to get as much advantage as she could with her choice. Soon Mithra using her magic writed some instructions and a map around them at the floor so even Evangeline could know more of these lands.

She made the map have every important place in case of change the plans. Between this she start to give more instructions. Evangeline will lead the group until i manage to gather the horses in the right place, both Belle and Dinara will support her with information of how to place traps as she use her magic to place some, these must caught ours foes as we shoot at them, theirs formations will get broken if as said before the leaders of the units fall.

Take care of the orcs with range weapon, one of ours main priorities is Evangeline safety, she must be able to return to the town where the real fight will take place. Then Mithra write a line where she then add, i will move the horses through this place, the elf pointed the narrow path, without doubt the orcs will try to follow the footprints leaved by the horses and then the ambush will be able. Dont let them know anything about the others two paths and use them to escape, our objetive is make them lost all the time needed but we cant let them attack any other town.

All the elvens know than they cant just lead these orcs away of theirs lands, many small towns were far away but with some time this army could invade them and then these vile beings would be a growing danger.

Evangeline, i need you to create a mental link with me, i will share as much information than i could from them and once this end we must share it with the elders. If someone get lost after the battle dont dare to return from the short path to our village, the best will be hide at the ruins if the weather get worse, if possible Evangeline share a link to all or use a spell to detect any if someone get lost.

We dont have time to lost now, we must depart now to prepare everything, use falling rocks, magic traps and paling ones hidden on the floor or rock walls to kill as many as possible, mostly thwy will send scouts to the area before send troops so active them in the right time to kill as many as possible. Mithra will need then to cover herself better, her plan would be move faster and stealthy, trying to find any scout searching around, if there were many she will cast an invisibility spell.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Listening to her companions silently, Evangeline watched Mithra as she gave her reply to the elven men and women around them. Upon hearing all Mithra had to say, Evangeline nodded but gave a grim look. "I hate to say this, but... if worse comes to worse we may end up having to lure them towards another town, one that's bigger and stronger than the hidden village. I can do the mental links with everyone though, but I won't be able to replenish my energies by resting while they're active, so let me hold onto one of those energy potions at least okay, because if I don't have enough energy left to teleport us all back to the next line of defense then we're screwed if we get overwhelmed. And if I was sure we could shape it all, I would suggest we burn them out with a fire attack, but without being positive we wouldn't burn half the forest down I don't think we can do that unless it's the last resort short of summoning some help up. I can darken an area though with one of my powers, blinding anyone within a thirty foot diameter cube from everything outside, so get enough of the orcs in that area and I can blind them while you all help me to pick them off one by one and set some traps to keep them trapped inside the area in question," Evangeline replied to Mithra, giving a few options though she hadn't much else that would be considered a trap really.

With that, if Mithra and the others all agreed, Evangeline would make a telepathic link with each of their party, so that she could communicate with everyone and relay orders from Mithra to the others, or tell them to shift their fire at another target that might be trying to slip away or anything like that. "If we're lucky that blinding attack I have can keep us hidden completely so they'd never know where we were hitting them from unless they spread out real good," she went on to say after making the links between them all.

Using Telepathy enough times to make a telepathic link between Evangeline and each of the others in their group, effectively making her the communications person for them to relay messages and whatnot. Then assuming they manage to ambush the orcs scouts, Evangeline will use "Patch of Darkness" on an area that is 40 feet wide and 40 feet long but only 10 feet high, if that is one of the ways she can spread it out of course, but if it isn't then she will use it on the regular sizing on the largest group of orcs that would not interfere with her and her group in any way.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 48/52, Status = Fine

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 110/122, Status = Fine

Luck: 2 out of 20. Bad times.
Eva activates Telepathy for 2 + 10 = 12 EP to make a psychic network for communication.

Mithra sneaks about once the plan goes underway. She meets scouts early and uses invisibility.
Casting: Fails the first attempt and gives away her position.

The orc scouts shout an alarm and attack.
Attacks: All three miss.

Fatigue for Eva and co: 14, no major issues.

The other elves listened to Mithra's plan and nodded, taking in the details intensely. Once the psychic network had been set up by Evangeline, they hastily broke camp and set off, Eva and the elves making a forced march towards the canyon where they were going to set up an ambush for the orcs. Some looked as if they wanted to go with Mithra instead, but they wouldn't argue with the more experienced warrior and thus went off with Evangeline.

For Mithra, she would head towards the orc camp alone for the better part of an hour, being as stealthy as possible, but quickly found herself confronted with groups of scouts moving too far apart for her to take out in one go. At one point one of them almost stumbled into her, forcing her to try and cast her invisibility, but her initial casting failed and one of them noticed the burst of magic produced by her failed spell. He spun on her just as she was out of cover and shouted something in orcish, drawing several of his companions in. They tried to dogpile her immediately, but she managed to sidestep them, for now. Her position was well and truly given away, however, and from the answering shouts it seemed likely that more orcs were on their way.

For Eva and the other elves, in the meantime, the march was grueling and cold. The wind was the worst part, especially when they left the cover offered by the trees and went onto some scraggly grassland leading up to the canyons that were their ambush site. It was a grueling march made worse by doing it in the dark, but they made it without running into orcs or any other issues, and the tireless scouts and soldiers set about preparing traps. A stone and a nest were made above the entrance to the canyon, the nest to provide a place for some scouts to hide while far from any orcs and allow them to drop the boulder. Snares or other traps would be wasted on the ground since they planned to run the horses in first, but the scouts prepared to lay other traps that they could set off at will near the mouth of the canyon. Eva would have free reign to help how she liked, using as much energy as she liked in order to aid their efforts or perhaps conserving her power for the actual battle.

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

As all would had expected, these last weeks i had been busy and focused in many RL things, etc. But i guess than mostly i had tried to dodge this post for be so hard to write it by many motives. Even now im fighting to write in this stress state and wish to just let pass the bullet, this character has passed for many things to let it unfinished and i dont have too much post to do as a player these days, i could say than its more easy for me kill demons than orcs or any other humanoid race, maybe im just loosing that skill to analize my foe by just be gming threads. Yeah, i have problems to end things

Mithra prepared all for what could be a hard mission, her orders were clears and once all get what they would do she will just leave with the mental channel placed on her, it was strange than Eveling dont tried to talk to her as she traveled for this hour, the swordswoman supposed than all were just right and focused on pass unnoticied.

It was then after move more closer to the still hidden camp than she found hostility, the orcs soon moved and so she act, doing her best attempt to hide herself but the needed speed for succeed on this made her fail. Mithra curse herself but there was not time to try her spell again, for what it looks she would need to change the plan if this get worse, the three scouts noticed than she tried to cast something and soon tried to grab her what maybe could be helpful for the blonde elven woman, her trained body easily dodge each of them and her experience in battle made her take a choice almost in the same second after evade theirs attempts.

With a kick look at the battlefield she would choice her move, the orcs had tried to dogpile, maybe all thinking than she was a mage and risking themselves to capture her, now they were close each other after their failled attempt and the rest of the orcs would get here soon. If the orcs were close enough Mithra would focus all of herself in her sword, unleashing a wave of power than would try to turn these creatures into ashes.

However if they were far away of each other, what would be strange by the last failed move of them. Mithra will activate fly yet stay close the floor, the snow and the mantle on her would help her to make them dont notice her flying skills as she take distance from them with her now improved speed and movility.

Evangeline, i get found by some scouts. Continue the plan until new orders. Mithra just think to send the message to the sidhe, but just to her to dont worry the rest of the group, their caster would have the time to decide what will she try with this new info.

After any of these two attack choices, but at the same turn she will move away, trying to run away to evade be spot by the upcoming orcs if she has managed to desintegrate these three orcs and then get her invisible spell activated when she get the time to do it and the cover. Or if what happened was than there were still survivors of these orcs (if she used fly instead she will just take a long distance from them. In the last case she will use them as a barrier for possible shoots and once the orc's move she will still try to remain a safe distance trying to take them to the ambush, shooting to them with her bow to make them follow her as she try to kill some of them in the process.

1.- If the Orcs after the grapple attempt are close enough to be all killed use Energy wave (Cone) using the max cap than is 11.4 plus a point more in exchange of a minnor damage to Mithra so her attack get additional power, if needed move alittle to hit all. Then at the same turn send mental message to Evangeline as she run to get some time so in her next turn she could cast invisibility spell.

2.- If for an strange motive after the orcs have tried to graple her arent close each other, then use fly spirit power and mantain close the floor as she get away of them to get distance and then send the mental message. The second turn if all goes right she will use her skill to change quickly her weapon to bow and arrows, shooting at the scouts as she get a safe distance of shooting at them and then get away before her turn end, all the time moving to the ambush.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Agreeing for now with Mithra, Evangeline nodded her head, but told her that if things started looking bad that she'd do what she had to in order to save them all. The harsh wind blew against her and the other elves, the cold chilling her companions to the bone and she could tell it was taxing on them. She also knew though that she couldn't risk making them a fire or doing anything with her energies to warm them up else she might drain herself too much to be of any use in a fight. So she could only urge them on and try to remain close to them all, hugging them one by one and rubbing their backs to warm them up, and letting both the men and women slip their hands inside her robes to warm them up even more.

When she and the others began setting up all of the traps and whatnot in the ambush areas, Evangeline did her best to make sure that the traps were in a good place and stuff so that they were all ready for the fighting when it came. She didn't really have much in the way of powers that could be used as traps, so she simply kept up their telepathic communications for the time being while she debated on what all she could do. She did decide on something that she could do though, and that was move some tree limbs and stuff around to make it tougher to move on anywhere save the path in the heavy armor that the orcs would likely be wearing. In this way she could better utilize her powers to give their archers a better firing pattern on their enemies so they couldn't get away before they were obliterated.

As soon as she heard from Mithra what was going on at her position, she looked a bit worried, but didn't say anything until her friend was done talking, letting her focus without speaking back other than to tell her to be careful and tell her if she did need help, and she'd teleport to her position as soon as she could and bring her back. She would then tell the others the situation with Mithra, feeling no reason to not tell them at the moment, since it would get them fired up a bit probably which would in turn warm them up, carrying out Mithra's orders to continue setting up the ambush and telling the others that too.

Assuming Mithra didn't call for her help and could handle the situation for the time being, Evangeline would summon up 4 satyrs to scout out the area for her since they didn't require too much in the way of payment. Telling her group what she was going to do, she told them also to keep a watchful eye out and to use the telepathy to contact her if anything happens.

"Alright boys, I need your help here okay. There is a force of orcs around this area, and I require your help in locating their camp and all of the positions they're occupying in this area so we can find out how many orcs are in this area. Don't engage them any in a fight, but... if you by chance think you could lure any of their female soldiers away from their camp or any of their female scouts that are out and about to have fun, then please do go ahead and try, and you can do whatever you like with them as well as keep anything you manage to take, just try to learn some useful things from them if you do that. Be careful though okay boys, I don't want any of you to get killed, and provided we have the time when you return, and I'm not overly busy with fighting or preparing for a fight or something, and depending on how useful the information you all bring me is, I may give you more than just the kiss," Evangeline told the four of them, telling them the general direction of the orcish camp and also to look out for Mithra and to help her out if they can do so without undue risk to their own lives, giving them her description before sending them out to do their jobs she ordered them to.

After sprucing her position up a bit to make it more defensible and to make it so the orcs would have to stick to the path for them to better ambush them with, Evangeline will follow Mithra's order and not advance to her position for the time being, instead summoning 4 satyrs to scout the area. Summoning them should I believe cost 12 EP, correct me if I'm wrong.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 67/68, PP = 52, EP = 35/52, Status = Fine, grappled by orc scout 2 and orc scout 3

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 98/122, Status = Fine

Orc Scout 1 taken 20 damage, melee.
Orc Scout 2 taken 20 damage, melee, grappling Mithra.
Orc Scout 3 taken 20 damage, melee, grappling Mithra.
Orc Scout 4 fine, shooting.
Orc Scout 5 fine, shooting.
Orc Scout 6 fine, shooting.

Mithra can get all three scouts in range. She uses X = 12, for 1 extra EP and 1 HP.
Attack: 30 vs their Dodge, which by default is 35 plus 10 for skirmisher and 10 more for spirit oppressor. She does not hit and does 1/4 damage.
Damage: 6 + 4 = 10, 10 * 12 = 120, 120/4 = 30 damage, minus their armor drops it down to 20 damage each.

Three others shoot at her through the trees.
Attack: 47, 52, and 47, against 58, 53, and 48 respectively. All three arrows miss, since I'm having the cover cancel out their use of Deadly Aim.

The three try to grab her again as she tries to run away.
Attacks: 40 vs 43, miss. 48 vs 38, Mithra gets tackled. The last guy joins the grapple.

Sounds can be heard coming toward her.

In the meantime, Eva summons a group of satyrs.


Mithra's blast rushed out from her sword over the three orc scouts, but despite how much power she'd put into the strike, her attack was clumsy. She had never mastered channeling her power through her sword, and the three orcs were evidently skilled at avoiding such attacks. They dove aside with surprising speed and agility, none getting more than grazed while the blast obliterated a section of brush and felled a trio of pines, setting them ablaze in the process as they fell. Then she turned and began her desperate run through the woods, readying a spell that would make her invisible, but she would find the orcs following her, voices shouting in their own tongue as they easily kept pace with the nimble elf.

An arrow would thunk into the trunk of a tree right in front of her, necessitating that she duck to avoid being clothes-lined by it, and another whizzed by her pointed ear a second later. A third nearly struck her, but instinct told her to duck just at the right moment and it only sliced through her hair instead. The other scouts were still on her tail, however, and before she could complete her spell and disappear Mithra would have to weave aside as one lunged at her from behind and to the side. She just barely avoided his arm, and the next one lunging at her in a diving tackle caught her around the waist. That was the end of her run, as one of his fellows quickly threw himself onto her back as well, trying to pin her sword arm to the ground while resting his great weight on her back. More of them could be heard closing in, and if Mithra didn't get away quickly she would no doubt be overwhelmed swiftly.


Despite her familiarity with some of them, the elves would avoid slipping any of their hands into her clothes for warmth on their journey to the canyon in which they were going to set up their ambush. Once they'd arrived and some time had passed, allowing Eva to receive Mithra's first report, they would look concerned but continue on with their various preparations.

That left Eva to summon her scouts, calling on her powers and her connection to her kin to call up four of the scouts of the courts. That call was answered, and in short order a slight whirlwind appeared around her that caused a small curtain of snow to briefly appear in a circle before her. From that curtain emerged four stocky figures, their lower bodies covered in dense white fur and their human-like top halves clad in light armor made of bleached buckskin. Bows were strung across their backs and swords hung at their sides, short straight blades of bronze, and pale blue eyes peered at her through heavy, snow covered brows questioningly.

The four satyrs would grin in response to Eva's permission regarding any female orcs that they encountered, and once her instructions were given they all nodded and muttered; "Yes milady!" The four hurried off, quickly vanishing into the snowy terrain, and then Eva was left with little to but wait, either for their return, for the elves to complete their preparations, for another psychic report from Mithra, or for the orcs to show up.

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

4 summoned satyrs out scouting

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

There was not too much to say about how the sudden combat was going on, Mithra could dodge easily or mostly by an inch the arrows than the orcs send to her, even when these looks to had just come after some seconds after the roars of the first ones. There were just too much orcs for a scout group at night in the snow storm, she was expecting to dont be already so close of their camp.

There were a lot of questions about how they act, arrows flying close her head and orcs skilled in spirit users, it was like they were expecting something to appear in middle of nowhere and this gathered together with them going to the south where many sides were in constant war, maybe they wanted to die after destroy some towns or they were aiming for something bigger. The elven have in mind to take someone as a hostage until they manage to catch her.

I may need some help. Mithra sended suddenly with her mind to just Evangeline. She remember what had happened with the wolves and she really preffer to be killed instead be prisioners of this scum, but the corruption on her has awakened her succubi side and mostly any oponent has tried to do something different instead try to kill her. Trying to forget a little her pride for avoid that and their mission she send the next message to Evangeline. There are at least six orcs and more will come soon, i must suppose than they are skilled to beat spirit users and mages. Mithra send her mensage as she made a quick move, using her legs and tendrisl at her back to change of weapon and send an unexpected rain of blows with her second sword to both orcs holding her. If they fall dath them she could use them to dodge the arrows and prepare her next move.

Use Lightning strikes at closer orcs grappling her
Use Spirited Warrior 5ep for dodge and AV
Use Spirited Warrior 4ep for 2x attack
All passives are used and Drain through pain, Apparent Innocence, Dead from the draw, terrify

passives: Hard to Hit, Skill with Weapon, Lucky, focused, fencer

2d6 + 60/2+(+2 for dueling) -6 (lighting strikes)+ 8 (spirited)+ 4 (fencer) + 6 (Dfd)
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

After sending off the satyrs to do their jobs she sent them to do, Evangeline prepared to continue helping the other elves before she received another message from Mithra about her plight. As soon as Mithra had finished speaking to her, Evangeline stood back up and sighed a bit. "Everyone... remain here and continue with the defenses. Keep a close eye out around and nobody goes alone, remain in pairs at least. If you need help you know how to reach me. I am going to help Mithra if I can," Evangeline called through her mind link with the other elves, ordering them to stay there and continue with the defenses to get the trap ready.

With that Mithra got ready and focused on one of the areas around Mithra about a hundred to two hundred feet or so from where she was now that Mithra had passed through before getting tangled up in her fight which she'd had the girl describe to her earlier before she got into a fight so she could teleport to her if need be. If she couldn't manage to get that close, then Evangeline would teleport herself as close as she possibly could to Mithra and make her way quietly over to the fight as quickly as she could, figuring that Mithra would need the help if it really was 6 on 1 against her.

"Hang on Mithra, I'll be there as soon as I can. Just try to stay calm and cool headed and take down as many as you can until I can get to you," Evangeline told Mithra calmly before attempting to teleport over to her.

If teleporting to Mithra didn't work, then Evangeline would know she'd have to summon more help she thought to herself, and some help that could fight orcs who would almost definitely be wearing iron armor. She hated to admit it, but summoning a demon or two would be the only way she could manage that easily. Sighing whether the teleportation failed for her or not, Evangeline would focus on the demon succubus she had summoned those few times when she was learning how to summon things and a couple of others like her. If she couldn't teleport to Mithra's position, Evangeline would ask the trio if they could fly and carry her so that they could all aid Mithra who was fighting a group of orcs and was surrounded, and that they could do whatever they wished to the orcs so long as none of them got away to their camp, and if they wished to take their payment before she herself could give it to them, then they could do so on any orcs they might capture for her. If she could teleport close enough to help Mithra herself, then Eva would simply order her trio of helpers to come on with her to help take on the orcs.

Sorry I took so damned long guys. I was lazy around Christmas and the last week or two has been pretty hectic around here. Anyway, whether Eva can teleport near enough to make a difference in Mithra's fight or not, she's going to summon 3 female succubi, with wings so they can fly on ahead if necessary. The cost for these 3 should be... 18 I think. If she can manage the teleport though then I dunno how much extra it would be specifically, but I'd wager no more than maybe 5 to 10 since Mithra isn't all that far.

Also if Eva can't teleport at all Tass let me know and I'll edit my post, since I can't remember if you said she could or not, cos I'm dumb.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 67/68, PP = 52, EP = 26/52, Status = Fine, grappled by orc scouts 1 through 4, in a submission hold

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 89/122, Status = Fine

Orc Scout 1 taken 20 damage, melee, grappling Mithra.
Orc Scout 2 taken 20 damage, melee, grappling Mithra.
Orc Scout 3 taken 20 damage, melee, grappling Mithra.
Orc Scout 4 fine, melee, grappling Mithra.
Orc Scout 5 fine, shooting.
Orc Scout 6 fine, shooting.

Mithra tries to attack some guys while grappled.
Grapple: 80 and 76 vs 78, Mithra fails, and one of them puts her into a submission hold.
Two more scouts join the grapple.

Eva spends 9 EP on summoning succubi.


Despite her thrashing including her extra appendage, Mithra's squirming was for naught. A burly, bald orc man held down her sword arm and a thinner one with black hair knelt on her back, keeping her on the ground. "Pile on her! Don't let her try to get away!" the bald orc grunted, and two more quickly jumped on Mithra's back, a red haired orc woman pinning her legs and a paler male orc with a single line of brown hair and a bristly looking mustache grabbing her other arm. The one on her back reached around her throat and got her in a head lock, choking off her air. Blackness set in quickly, and the lack of oxygen made it impossible for Mithra to try and call on either form of magic that she was capable as she heard more orcs closing in on her position.

"Over here! We've got her!" a woman's voice called, one of the other scouts moving to stand over Mithra and gazing around, likely in search of allies. "It looks like she's alone.... Fool," another woman's voice grunted, this one gruffer and more derisive, as a second female scout joined the first. Blackness was settling in, and Mithra was badly outnumbered as she was steadily choked towards unconsciousness...


The elves would nod as Eva instructed them to stay put, and when she walked off she realized she would have to take a minute in order to teleport away, the concentration necessary to pinpoint an exact location so far away meaning that it would require more time than Mithra's situation would likely allow, and a quick burst would cost more energy than she had to spare.

Summoning her demonic aid, Eva found herself first face to face with the first demon that she had ever called upon, the succubus Kreynaia. The busty redhead stood in the same outfit that she'd worn when Eva had first met her, her massive chest barely contained in a sleeveless white top that was fairly transparent when straining to contain her, and only a pair of black shorts that stretched to contain her plump backside. She gave Eva a sultry grin in greeting, her puffy lips parting to let her tongue slide along them suggestively, but she was not alone this time. "Hello Eva~"

To her right was an equally busty demoness, but where Kreynaia was pale the second demoness had a dark brown complexion that was almost black. She was also naked, not even shoes protecting her feet from the snow, and her figure was cut along the same lines while her hair was pure white. "Greetings, summoner mine~" the second succubus said in a sultry purr that sent a shiver of arousal running through Eva's body.

To Kreynaia's left was a third succubus, this one dark of skin but not as dark as the second, and with pink hair and a much more muscular figure than the other two even if she was fairly busty. Clad in a leather bustier, skirt, and long boots that covered her calves just like Kreynaia's, the pink haired one wore a grin that was as mischievous as it was sultry as she eyed Eva up and down. "Mmmmm, a faerie? And a sidhe too.... Delicious~" she cooed as she eyed Eva up and down.

"You must really want to get sucked dry," Kreynaia said as she eyed up her two companions, "three succubi? You might want to have somewhere nicer set up before we start." The demoness stepped forward and pulled Eva into a deep, open mouthed kiss that silenced any initial retort she might have. The demoness held her in her embrace with one arm while the other slipped casually into the faerie's undergarments, gently massaging the base of her cock and giving it the occasional stroke. When Kreynaia pulled away, their tongues were still locked in their embrace for an instant before maintaining the connection via a stretched line of saliva.

The other two succubi were beside her by that point, and a moment later Eva's chin was pulled aside by a firm grip, and her tongue was caught by that of the woman with pink hair. She turned out to be far more aggressive in her kiss as she controlled Eva's every move, starting by drawing the sidhe's tongue into her mouth and then guiding it commandingly through an even faster dance. The other planted kisses along Eva's neck, occasionally journeying up to nibble on one of her pointed ears, and Kreynaia's strokes turned to slow gliding motions from Eva's base all the way to her tip. Another few moments passed before the second kiss ended, and a delicate finger slowly guided Eva's chin to face the other way so that the ivory haired demoness could take her turn, engaging her in a slower, more passionate kiss that left the faerie's knees quaking with arousal as the embrace deepened by the second.

It was clear that if she didn't do something quickly, the trio on which she'd called would take their meal before Eva could even tell them why she'd summoned them. Already her body was hungry for it, the merest touch awakening the memory of just how good Kreynaia by herself had been able to make her feeding. Deft hands were already upon the ties and latches of her clothing, preparing to strip her, and with the elves still busy and not paying her any heed she couldn't expect much in the way of help from them either. "Or... We could just take you, right here and right now~" Kreynaia cooed playfully, "mmmmm, are you ready for us to leave you a puddle of pleasure, little Eva? I feel like you are~" Even breaking the kiss with the white haired demoness would require an effort of will from Eva, but if she managed to do so an didn't surrender to the sad coo and attempt to return to it from the other demoness she might be able to talk her way out of this.

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

4 summoned satyrs out scouting

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

As soon as Kreynaia popped into existence in front of her along with the other two succubi, Eva gulped quite visibly and audibly where the trio could see her. Looking at the three of them each in turn and taking in all of their features in the amount of time it took Kreynaia to come up to her and embrace her with a kiss, Eva couldn't help but already feel two things, one a very powerful twinge of arousal at what she had just gotten herself into, and the second was regret in summoning them, as she knew that she was going to be quite worn out by them she was almost positive, possibly too worn out to manage helping any.

"H-Hey Kreynaia, it's good to see you again, and yes three succubi, I need your mmph..." Evangeline began saying before she was cut off by the beautiful succubus when she pulled her into a deep kiss like she always did when summoned.

Evangeline leaned into Kreynaia's kiss, her left hand roaming up the gorgeous redhead's butt and giving it a firm squeeze as her fingers sank into the succubus' soft flesh. When she felt Kreynaia's hand slide under her front skirt on her clothing and pull her panties down enough to free her cock from hiding before grasping the base of it, she sighed while Kreynaia kissed her, her tongue wrestling with the demonic succubus until she finally pulled away, leaving the trail of saliva between them that gave her a twinge of arousal.

As soon as her lips were free, Evangeline looked to Kreynaia and opened her mouth to speak again. "A-Anyway Kreynaia, I need the three of your mmm," Eva began saying again before being interrupted again by the dark skinned succubus pulling her over and into as deep a kiss as Kreynaia had. The aggressiveness of the second demon succubus aroused her even further, especially as this one was drawing her tongue into her mouth and wrestling it down quite handily, a mental image of her being sexually dominated in every possible way by this succubus flashing through her mind with the demon woman finishing by putting a collar and leash around her neck when she'd fucked her into submission and left her cock limp and drained dry before making Eva into her pet. The teasing from the third of the trio was making her feel nice and loved, much unlike Kreynaia and the second of the trio.

Evangeline began to talk yet again, but she barely got a single word out before she was interrupted, her mind fogging up a bit as the third succubus kissed her. Evangeline felt like she could just melt into the third one's arms and kiss her for all eternity without a care in the world. A mental image of her and this succubus woman having sex with each other in a luxurious bed, the both of them extremely passionate and ending with Eva confessing her undying love for the succubus, who accepted her feelings and they stole away to as far off and out of the way place as they could to be together forever.

Her daydream broke when Kreynaia spoke to her again, with Evangeline's knees knocking together they were shaking so badly. The memories of the extreme amount of pleasure Kreynaia had put her body through all those times awakening the hunger for the demon succubus' flesh to take her and the other two right here and now until she nor her dick could stand any longer. Feeling all three of their hands touching her somewhere and starting to pull on her clothing to strip her, Evangeline felt her body starting to cave in a little bit, but her mind was still in control... at least somewhat.

Feeling a hand or two... or three maybe on her cock was a bit too much to resist as it hardened up to full mast, a large tent in the front half of her skirt, but she kept her wits about her and opened her eyes before she gave in completely. Bringing her hands up, she gently pushed on the pink haired succubus, though it was a bit of a lewd positioning of her hands as she'd placed her hands on the succubus' tits as she pushed her back enough to break their kiss. "N-No Kreynaia... girls... let me speak please. I didn't summon you all to have sex right here and now... though believe me I would love nothing more than that. I know that you girls don't want to be stuck here for very long, so I'll make this quick. I need your help to fight some orcs who are attacking my friend Mithra. She's an elf and I'll be teleporting us to her location or at least very close. I want the three of you to help me to subdue the orcs there attacking her if we can get there in time, and if you do you can have any of them you want as payment if I can't let you drain me dry. But if you tell me your names you two, then I promise you that when I'm not in the middle of a war zone like right now and I have a peaceful enough place to do so I'll summon all three of you back and let you have me to your hearts content... or until my cock simply won't stand anymore, or until you drain me dry, whichever comes first," Evangeline said, speaking quickly before they initiated another kiss and muffled her before she could get out her reasons for summoning them, though her stiff cock in their hands was obviously telling them that she truly wanted nothing more than to be their plaything for a while, but necessity demanded otherwise at the moment. "I am your summoner after all right? So do as I'm telling you three and help me to rescue my friend, and hopefully we'll catch a few orcs in the process. But if these orcs win against us and the town we're trying to protect then there's a chance I may not be able to summon you three anymore... and I dearly want to summon you three again... soon hopefully," Evangeline went on to say, trying to give them more of a reason to help her other than just because she'd summoned them.

Once the trio had done as told and requested... if they didn't try to overpower her that is, then Eva would begin gathering the power needed to teleport the four of them to Mithra's position, or at least close by in the trees so they could ambush them while they did things to Mithra. She knew it would take them a minute to get there at least, and anything could happen in that length of time to Mithra, but as she couldn't fly, and hadn't the energy to take them straight there now without focusing first, this would have to do, and Mithra would just have to hold on.

"Mithra... please hold on alright. I'm coming as quickly as I can. J-Just try to keep them there in that area alright, do whatever you have to to keep them there else I may not be able to get to you before they make off with you, and I won't be able to get you out of their camp easily I don't think, and I'm bringing some help too, so just hold on dammit," Evangeline said to Mithra through their mental link while she focused her powers to teleport herself and the succubus trio.

Assuming the succubi don't overpower her, Eva will being teleporting the four of them to Mithra's position nearby in the trees to launch their ambush on the orcs attacking Mithra.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The battle was not going well for the elven, she continue this helpless struggle against the scout group and when she suppose couldnt get worse more of them looks to be close to come.

Suddenly one started to choke her, is not like Mithra were a spellcaster to had ponder to cast a spell when she couldnt even focus on this struggle, but the lack of air really was a problem now than suddenly Eva ask her for make time. It even made the elf frown and fortunately she was very busy to answer back again. There was not much than Mithra could do, she just tried her best to find a way to release herself of the submission hold placed on her so she could at least talk or do something to earn time. She will try to push down away the arm at her neck and then having the soldier's other hand at her distance she will take the wrist using the weak points of the arm and hand to separe both arms from her head and so she could struggle the others grapples. If this dont work she will give up and try, showing up her hands so they stop theirs attempts to choke her.

[if possible change a thigh for tentacle mutation, the tentacle remain hidden and struggle to get out submission hold]
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 67/68, PP = 52, EP = 26/52, Status = Fine, Obedience Collar, Bound

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 83/122, Status = Fine, Charmed

Orc Scout 1 taken 20 damage, melee, grappling Mithra.
Orc Scout 2 taken 20 damage, melee, grappling Mithra.
Orc Scout 3 taken 20 damage, melee, grappling Mithra.
Orc Scout 4 fine, melee, grappling Mithra.
Orc Scout 5 fine, shooting.
Orc Scout 6 fine, shooting.

Mithra cannot win this grapple.

Resistance: Eva is charmed
Perception: Failure.


With a pile of orcs on top of her, Mithra's struggles proved fruitless, her abilities not allowing her to make her bones cease to exist and the sheer number of people on top of her preventing her from doing anything to dislodge any of the people on top of her. With her vision going black from the chokehold, Mithra saw black booted feet approaching, and when next she blinked one of them was rapidly approaching her face. Then, a splitting pain, and blackness enveloped her.

When she came to, Mithra woke up naked, her head ringing and her arms securely bound to a pair of stakes at either side, a collar around her neck that made her head feel fuzzy and her spirit feel trapped within her, and a bar chained between her legs that spread her ankles to exactly one foot apart. She was kneeling, suspended by the bonds around her wrists that coiled all the way down to her elbows, and as she awoke she heard voices that suddenly stopped.

"You're... Awake," a gruff voice grunted in accented elven. "Good... Now, for questions," a hand gripped her chin and forced her to look up into the scarred face of a stern looking orc man with dark, deep set eyes. His grasp of her language was obviously flawed, but he knew it it seemed, and with the collar around her neck spreading a cold feebleness across her Mithra could feel a strong compulsion to answer as he said; "What is your name? And what are you doing out here?" His braided black hair cascaded around his face, shrouding it from the light of the sputtering oil lantern in the corner, and beyond his fur covered frame she could see a simple tent set up with dark brown cloth, the flap open and the night sky visible beyond it.


The succubi stopped as Eva spoke insistently and pushed one of them away, but not completely. A chorus of displeased coos sounded as all three pushed in once more. The darkest skinned of the three slowly slid downwards into a squat, putting her mouth in easy reach of the bulge that Eva's cock had produced. The one she had pushed grabbed her wrist and urged her to touch the woman's breast more intensely, and moved to continue sucking lightly on the tip of Eva's ear. Kreynaia slowly slid down as well, but not without silencing Eva for another brief moment with yet another intense kiss, and with two succubi now hovering over her barely protected cock who both closed in and began to kiss and nibble upon the point where Eva's head was, the spike of arousal nearly overwhelmed the sidhe as she delivered her request and her promise. Had the protective barrier of her clothing not been there and their lips been upon her bare cock instead, Eva would have been overwhelmed with pleasure, and as she felt two sets of hand grip the waistband of her bottoms and began to slide them down it would be plain that all too soon that pleasure would be upon her.

"Please~" the darker succubus cooed as the base of her shaft came into view, which Kreynaia promptly kissed with a deep, sultry moan. "Don't you want to... Take us someplace where we can be alone? Some place we can... Have fun?" she continued, meeting Eva's eyes and thus allowing her to slip into the sidhe's increasingly lust addled mind. The subtle slice of mental influence, completely undetected, made Mithra's predicament seem so much less important, especially compared to her own growing arousal, and as she felt her psychic connection to the elf blink out with loss of the elf's consciousness the largest reminder of what she ought to be doing was suddenly gone.

"We'll make you feel good~" she continued, cooing softly and nibbling on the pointed tip of Evangeline's ear, "so good... Better than you've ever had~" Her clothing was slipping down further and further, and both Kraynaia and the darker succubus were kissing Eva's hips and moaning in anticipation as her cock threatened to spring free at any moment. "I'm... Ynsid... And I'm going to show you real pleasure!" Her hand drifted over Eva's throat and collar as she slowly began to kiss her way down along the sidhe's neck back towards her mouth.

"I... Am Carnia," the darker skinned demoness cooed, and then kissed the shaft of Eva's cock midway down, just beyond the portion that had been revealed so far, making Eva's raging arousal all the more intense. "Can I... Suck your cock? Please?" she begged, and Kraynaia moaned and added her own pleading; "All we want is to make you feel good~" If Eva insisted on keeping on topic then, the three succubi would finally relent, and with one last kiss applied to her neck and to both sides of her nearly exposed cock they would stand and step away after lifting her clothes back up.

"No fun~ Oh well! It's so much more fun when they resist... For a while~" Kreynaia purred, and Ynsid laughed heartily and gave Eva a soft swat on the bottom. "It's okay, I'll have her broken in once we're finished," she said, and then it seemed they would opt to get down to business. "You picked the wrong group if you want help in a brawl, but if you mean rescuing her... Maybe we CAN be of assistance," Carnia replied, and Kreynaia nodded softly, "we can only promise to try and help though, if it's obvious that the four of us won't be able to manage it we'll not be throwing ourselves onto their swords. If we can't mount a rescue, you'll simply have to pay us then... And YOU will be paying us! We'll take any orcs as... Bonuses~" The other two nodded and gazed at Eva hungrily, and Ylsid added; "It's not every day that one gets the chance at a sidhe~"

She gave Eva's backside a soft squeeze and added; "If we do succeed at rescuing your friend... I'll have an... Extra demand. Plus our fun today, you're mine for a week. For one straight week, you will summon me every night, and allow me to feed on you to your limit... And if you fail to call me one night, it starts over again!" Kreynaia then added her own terms; "Since she took that idea... I'll be claiming any souls we take in the service of you whole, for myself, and I get to eat first when we're making a meal out of you!" Finally, Carnia smiled softly and said; "I... Will tell you my price when it is time that you should give it, but know that it is nothing you wouldn't likely have given up willingly anyway~"

With their terms made, unless Eva had given in to temptation and opted to bring them all home instead, she would teleport to a spot in the woods, needing to concentrate for several long moments with the three holding on to her. Should it be where she had last known of Mithra's location, she would find herself in a glade... A deserted glade, save for her and the three succubi. There were signs of a struggle, a little blood on the ground, and Mithra's sword belt lying on the ground, the sheathed blade half sticking out of a bush. Tracks led off to the North, fresh ones, but Mithra definitely wasn't here. "Welp.... They're not here," Ylsid deadpanned quietly, looking around for signs of Mithra or the orcs that had undoubtedly taken her captive. Not being much of a tracker, Eva would lose the trail in the brush a few feet into the woods, and wouldn't hear anything indicating an enemy presence either.

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

4 summoned satyrs out scouting

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"I... I know you all want me, and believe me, I want all of you as well... until my dick won't stand anymore, but I p-promised my friend I would help her if things went south for her," Eva began saying as soon as Kreynaia had broken their next kiss and slid down between her legs with the dark skinned succubus, while her right hand was sinking further into the soft tit flesh of the pink haired succubus, her eyes filled with a look of wanting to just take the three right here and now until she couldn't cum anymore, a coo spilling from her lips as Kreynaia and the dark skinned one kissed the crown of her member through her clothing.

"I really want you three... so much. But I..." Eva began saying again as she felt a mental tug urging her to forget about Mithra at the same time Kreynaia kissed the bare base of her shaft, her friend's plight slowly being pushed back into the back of her mind, and Eva nearly forgot all about her when Mithra's mental link was broken, the growing arousal and lust within her taking precedence over anything else at the moment.

When she felt the pink haired succubus nibbling on her ear again, who introduced herself as Ynsid, Eva couldn't help but let out a soft moan. Her toes clenched as she stood there when Carnia introduced herself and kissed her length halfway down as her lower clothes slid down further, the young sidhe's mind starting to be overwhelmed by the trio. "I... I know you want me to feel good. A-And I want to feel good too. But n-no, I can't... Mithra's in trouble girls, I promised her, and... w-we can have so much fun when we find and rescue her," Eva said, shaking her head slightly after kissing Ynsid again while the two below pleaded with her to let them suck her off and more.

Her mind regaining some measure of her original plan to save Mithra, though not totally free of the arousal within her, Eva looked to the trio and gave a little "Eep!" when Ynsid gave her butt a little spank, her feet arching up to stand her on the tips of her toes for a moment after the spank. Nodding when Kreynaia stated that they wouldn't just throw themselves onto their enemies blades, Eva agreed to that. "Aye... I wouldn't ask that of you, but if we end up having to go to the orcish camp then I must express that I can't just let you take everything I've got for yourselves and then you just up and leave me helpless on the ground, else I won't be able to fight, and I won't be able to summon any of you three again because they'd put a collar on me preventing the use of my powers, and it would prevent me from being able to make good on my additional promise to Ynsid," Eva said to the trio with a serious look on her face. "But... if you three will help me to get Mithra back and aid me in trying to talk these orcs down somehow from attacking Mithra's hometown, then I'll promise to summon all three of you for the one week, every night, so long as you promise not to feed on me in excess to the point it hurts me or permanently damages my soul. And if you three can promise that to me and also promise not to leave me helpless in their clutches if things look bad so I can't make good on my promise, then I swear to you a blood oath, that if you end up not being able to feed on me today for whatever reason, then as soon as I am able I will summon you back and make good on that promise to let you feed for today's events as well," Eva went on to say, taking her bronze blade and poking her finger enough to draw a drop of blood to show them she meant every word and so long as they didn't just feed on her and leave her unconscious on the ground where she'd be easy prey to the orcs, then she'd summon them back to give them their due as soon as possible.

She hoped that she had a silver tongue enough to persuade the trio to not just leave her helpless if they thought they could be beaten. But if they didn't agree to that, then she would simply have to continue trying to come to a compromise along the way instead. Whether they agreed or not right then and there, Eva teleported them all to where Mithra was last known to be a minute or so later, where she looked around the glade to find no sign of her friend.

"Damn... I lost contact with her here I'm sure of it. They must have already taken her away. I was hoping that they might have been trying to rape her instead of taking her straight away," Eva said once they were there and saw the signs of struggle.

Eva grabbed Mithra's gear to bring with them just in case, figuring that she might need it if they managed to either rescue her or negotiate her release. "Well the quicker we move on, the quicker we'll find their camp I guess. These tracks are heading north, so it's got to be that way. Best to hurry along, because I know you three are pressed for time, let's go, quickly," Eva said once she had Mithra's gear, setting off at a jog to the north in the direction of the tracks, where she'd keep as close an eye out as possible for any other tracks to indicate they were heading the right way. If they happened upon the orc camp, Eva would slow and continue walking towards it with her succubus trio confidently, telling them she wished to speak to their leader... now.

Here's a hoping Eva has enough of a silver tongue to persuade those succubi to agree to her proposal, and that the orcs won't fuck with her and let her through. *crosses fingers*
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Overpowered by the quantity of foes, the young elf was beaten finally by a kick. Even as she pass out her hopes for Evangeline to come dont fade, certainly the Sidhe will come to her aid before she gets taken far away or raped by this bunch of savages.

What she found after awaken made her have all clear in an instant, at least her body havent been touched by these filty beings and be placed chained like this would had make them lost time. Anyway, wait for Evangeline again will only make the things worse, the best will be find a way to escape for her own. She could feel the cold and pain must before open her eyes, the strange feeling at her spirit and the collar on her neck only made her suppose than they were foolish enough to suppose than she have this as main weapon, she slighty care of this last with the many ways to get out this if she have the chance.

Unfortunatelly at least one of them was with her, she quicly tried to find out if she could detect someone more there before this man started with his questions, it would be hard to fight in her state but she needed to do her best to stop the war lust of these things. Trying to put down this being where it belongs Mithra tried todefend herself of what they had placed on her.

Oh that is easy to answer. My name is Mithra and i was out to hunt some animals, as it is my hobby to clean the forest of them. Why are all of you close ours ruins? The elf answer as she tried to cast some of her succubi power at her words, she was more interested in get some info from it.

Use Siren Song
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 67/68, PP = 52, EP = 26/52, Status = Fine, Obedience Collar, Bound

Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 56, PP = 56, EP = 83/122, Status = Fine, Charmed

Orc Scout 1 taken 20 damage, melee, grappling Mithra.
Orc Scout 2 taken 20 damage, melee, grappling Mithra.
Orc Scout 3 taken 20 damage, melee, grappling Mithra.
Orc Scout 4 fine, melee, grappling Mithra.
Orc Scout 5 fine, shooting.
Orc Scout 6 fine, shooting.

Resistance: Mithra failed


Having not sung her words, Mithra's ability failed to work, and her lie earned her a shock from the collar around her neck. The orc smirked at her as her body shuddered painfully, and and when it was finished he casually backhanded her across the face hard enough to make her see stars for a few moments. "You should know that you cannot lie to us, elf. You cannot disobey, you cannot run, and you cannot fight," he grunted, before grabbing her by the hair and forcing her to tilt her head back while another orc came forward with an iron brand, burning hot. He looked her right in the eyes, his scowl firm, and said; "You are property now, and since they caught you, you belong to the scouts. They'll be enjoying you soon enough... But only when you have answered my questions."

He released Mithra's hair and straightened, towering over the prone elf once more. "Now then.... Mithra.... What were you doing out here? A hunter doesn't go out armed and armored as you are, and there are no warped beasts in these woods to clear out," the orc continued coldly, "you lack the materials to properly treat a corpse were you hunting for food, or to carry it to someplace where you might have the supplies. Our scouts are already following your tracks back to wherever you came from, and you'll save your kin a lot of trouble if you tell me what you're really doing out here."


Eva's jump, along with a sudden tug from the two succubi kneeling at her feet, brought the sidhe's bottoms down, causing her cock to jump free just before she would begin to agree to their terms. Both succubi moaned, and the two hot breaths against her exposed shaft sent a powerful shudder of pleasure and lust through the faerie's body. Both women seemed to be panting softly, and the constant presence of their warm breath over her now exposed helm and shaft left Eva dizzy with arousal. Looking down as she stumbled through her promise to see them paid if she obeyed them would leave Evangeline staring at two women, each with a hand on her shaft that gave it the occasional stroke, soft lips parted and tongues extended in easy reach of her throbbing tool but never quite touching it.

Every breath they let out against her shaft sent a shudder of need through Eva's body, but even with their prey perfectly vulnerable in front of them, easily silenced if either of them simply claimed their meal, they allowed her to speak. With Carnia and Kreynaia both teasing her shaft, Ynsid kept standing behind Eva, snaking arms around her that slipped into her top and began to softly massage her breasts, rubbing and squeezing her nipples to arouse the faerie further, sending real stimulation rumbling through her body that only made her cock ache for real attention even harder. "You poor thing," Kreynaia purred, her lips just barely hovering against the tip of Eva's throbbing cock, "you need it so bad... But you won't just let us give it to you~" Then her mouth sealed against Eva's sensitive cockhead, and pleasure burst through Eva so intense that it made her body seize up with nothing more than the lightest bit of suction and the press of her puffy lips.

Paralysis kept her from speaking or moving for several seconds, and though she was left dizzy but stable a few seconds later when Kreynaia popped off of her shaft, it was turned to Carnia who claimed the tip and the first inch of her shaft. Near-orgasmic pleasure exploded through Eva, leaving what little ability to think that was left to her simply gone as her cock felt like it was melting in the brown skinned demon's mouth. Her sexual agony lasted for only a few seconds before the demoness pulled off, but the evidence of what the demons could do with only a fraction of their talents was clear as Eva was left untouched, Ynsid giving the tips of her breasts one last tug before withdrawing her hands. Only if Eva ordered them to do more would she get any further stimulation, much to her body's chagrin as her cock now refused to go soft.

"Keep your blood oath," Ynsid said somewhat derisively, "you don't even know how to do it properly anyway. As it's what I wanted anyway... I'll accept your offer only if you give me an ADDITIONAL week. I don't like to share as much as I my two companions here, and I'll need the extra time to train you properly~" Kreynaia giggled softly and nodded, "we don't take credit Eva dearest.... You will feed us once you and your friend are safe, and if it becomes clear that we can't get her out you will feed us immediately, assuming we ourselves can escape." She nearly gave the tip of Eva's rod another kiss that would surely have left the sidhe paralyzed, but then pulled back and added; "We won't leave you hanging~ Maybe if your friend is grateful enough she'll give us extra reward!"

Then Carnia's mouth was hovering over the tip of Eva's manhood again, her breath once more forcing the sidhe to shudder with arousal, "a whole week of feeding on a faerie? Deal... But I want one of those days all to myself~ One day, before you have to summon Ynsid every day but after we've all shared you for a week, to myself in addition to the... Other thing I have in mind~"

They had taken none of Eva's soul up until that point, even though they could have simply sucked her dry if they so wished, and so she would be free to teleport them all to where Mithra had been captured. "Orcish warriors don't take their prizes when they might be attacked, they're more disciplined than that," Ynsid said, sounding as if she knew what she was talking about.

Taking the elven warrior's discarded sword, Eva would try to track the signs of the orc's retreat, and would end up wandering in circles for a bit before Carnia found the tracks leading to a set of horse tracks. They went Northeast, and following them would take her towards the orc camp. Before she arrived, however, they would be stopped by a trio of armored orcs on horses, who stopped only twenty feet away with lances lowered. "State your purpose sorcerer! We do not welcome your kind here!" the leader said, a woman's voice coming muffled from her full helm, though Eva couldn't see her face or her figure through her armor.

A note for me:
There are scouts, basically stealthy archers and duelists who are better at quick ranged ambushes but have light armor and will fold under direct combat pretty quickly. There are line fighters, basically soldiers with better armor and swords and shields or polearms, but who aren't quite as sneaky and who still won't stand up to proper orc warriors one on one all that well. Finally, she can take up to two mages, a nature mage and an aether mage, but whoever isn't there won't be helping set up defenses, and the nature mage can also mix more potions if he gets left behind.

Mithra and Eva's party
2 journeyman rangers (Belle and Dinara)
8 novice rangers

4 summoned satyrs out scouting

Back at the village
3 journeymen rangers
8 novice rangers
4 journeymen militia
22 novice militia
1 novice aether mage
1 novice nature mage
9 healers
68 assorted civilians who can at least help put stuff together
Elder Davinforth, former knight and warmaster
Elder Elindor, sorcerer
Eldor Korin, prime elder
Elder Krisklein, spymaster
Elder Bindel, mystic

Supplies Remaining
3 Energy Potions
5 Healing Potions
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra fired once, Evangeline's mental contact not providing nearly enough distraction to spoil her carefully aimed shot, and Eva's own preparations proved unnecessary as the doe went own with an arrow to the heart. It would need to be gutted and cleaned quickly, lest the meat go bad, but such was the messiest part of hunting and was something that Mithra was no doubt prepared for. Eva would, in the meantime, be able to go fishing however she wished, and the lake would prove quite fruitful with trout, bass, catfish, and pike, all fish that were good enough for eating and in fairly plentiful supply if she were patient enough to drag them from the depths, either with magic or by the old fashioned way.

Regardless, while dissecting the elk Mithra would find that it hadn't been only fat that had caused the creature to bloat. Removing the guts would reveal that its uterus was distended, and that the doe had been pregnant when she had shot it, leaving both the mother and the unborn calf dead. Her cat would, in the meantime, be able to go out hunting for rabbits, and would bring a pair back before she had finished cleaning out the dead elk, the rodents simpler and easier to clean out than the larger beast and thus requiring less time. The messy task would be enough to keep other larger animals away from the lake while Mithra performed it, however, and so she would need to finish it before she and Eva could go back to hunting.

I will just suppose than that orc is not so creative, prepare a corpse needs some important and simple steps, but even African aborigines can hunt and complete the process until have a meat protected of a sudden degradation. Now add magic and the fact than they are in middle of a snowstorm, oh well is not his fault be just a soldier.

Also, im not trying to make Mithra lie

The nude blonde elf suddenly was affected by the collar at her neck, she was not expecting than the thing would react in that way when she only has changed her words to others to dont cause a conflict with her captors, maybe say than orcs were animals is talk really high about them, trash or scum would had been the words than she was looking for to dont activate the device.

There had been some difficulties to understand the orc words from the start, not only by the strange accent and any sudden sound than dont correspond, but also by the heavy hit than Mithra receive when she got uncouncious, it havent passed too much time to recover from it and her anger only has made it worse. Soon, her feminine face and fertile body receive a little more punishment to make all worst for her, the pain could be easy handle thanks to the many lives at her back, but not his effect added to the damage in her head. Fortunately, she was trying her best to focus on dont show the damage on her or she would had paying enough attention on his words to talk back or even smile in some parts of what he said about hunting. Run and fight, it was so funny heard than she couldnt try both when these were still at her hand, easily she could exchange her life in order to dont say anything than could put in danger the people at her town, but she cant just throw her life away when she has been in worsts circumstances.

Mithra take a moment as she frown trying to get what he asker to answer, part of her mind was just blaming the headache than this orc has increased just now. Was he asking the same or about how she could hunt without materials? She was not sureI was just doing my job... walking across the forest to get a good bait... sometimes trapping to have your bait alive is the best... Is in part thanks to me than these forests arent infested by corrupted beasts, aliens and demons. Mithra said trying to dont show her weakness with paused phrases, it also help her to tolerate the repulsion and hate by having this orc so close, there were a lot of things than she wanted to shut at his brute face, but it was not her bussiness make him know how bad was he informed about the forest and mostly believe than after the snowstorm can they find theirs tracks. It dont concern me, but camp so close to the Pass of Ghosts is a little risky, just some days ago we had to deal with some aliens and the winter is just close to start. She said finally in an attempt to get why they were here
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

She could barely think straight as Kreynaia and Carnia both panted softly once they had her bottom clothes pulled down enough to make her shaft pop free of them, their hot breath sending a tingle up her skin as she tried to regain her composure to speak. The trio would easily see the conflict in her mind, her inner lust demanding that she teleport them back to her house in the village and taking them all until she simply fainted from either exhaustion or they drained her dry, whichever came first. Kreynaia and Carnia would even see her shaft twitching mere inches from their faces as Eva's mind wandered deeper into the daydream she was having with all three of the succubi taking her together, not even needing to hold her down because she was completely willing at that point. Ynsid's roaming hands would find her nipples already perked up when they slid into her top to grope her breasts, the young sidhe's mind starting to slip a bit before she felt Kreynaia's lips wrap around the head of her length.

"O-Oh gods... that was... i-intense Kreynaia. And... I do want more... I want you three to suck me dry in every sense of the word. But I promised Mithra that I would come for her if something happened to her. And I... f-fuck me Carnia... that's so good. B-But no... we have to go do this before I can give you your time with me," Eva said when Kreynaia started kissing and giving a light suckling to the head of her cock, letting out a gasp and moan when Carnia switched off with her and did the same thing. "A-And I would too keep a blood oath to you Ynsid, I wouldn't suggest making it unless I intended to keep it. And if you three really agree to help and everything else then I accept these terms. I would prefer all three of your sweet asses every night, but I can handle what you're asking of me easily enough I think. I'd like to settle all of this without bloodshed if possible, but since it is orcs after all I don't know if that will be possible. I hope that their leader is an honorable and reasonable one, but if not reasonable then at least honorable," the young sidhe continued, shuddering each time Carnia's and or Kreynaia's breath touched her sensitive skin.


As they searched once they'd collected Mithra's lost gear, Eva found and lost the tracks and led them around a bit before Carnia thankfully found their trail again. "Well now that I look like a fool... hah... a sidhe that can't even find a few tracks in the woods. The very thought embarrasses the hell out of me," Evangeline said with a sigh as Carnia found the tracks and they continued onwards, a blush forming on her cheeks.

As they pushed onwards to the northeast towards the orcish camp, Eva stopped when she saw the trio of scouts on horseback come to a halt in front, lances at the ready. Eva stopped and looked up at them with a raised eyebrow, her face adopting a serious yet peaceful look as they approached.

"Sorcerers aren't welcome... or fey aren't welcome? Regardless, be at peace my dear, I'm not here to fight... unless you make me that is. I do wish to speak to your leader though, if he or she would grant me guest rights and invite me to your camp of course," Evangeline answered the woman in as peaceful a tone as she could manage to show she wasn't there to fight but would defend herself if they tried something. She had a mostly neutral look on her face as well as she tilted her head a bit to the side when she spoke, keeping herself ready just in case as she awaited the orc woman's response.