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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Looking around, Shiori didn't see too much as she held Kaei close so they could stay warm in the water, however she and Kaei did see a small path of sorts leading up to what looked to be an archway of some sort. When Kaei stated she didn't know what it was, Shiori took Kaei's hand in her own and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Well regardless of whatever it is, we're already down here so we might as well check it out right. Stay close, and remember... no matter what happens, I love you. As long as we're together we'll be fine I think," Shiori said, kissing Kaei on the cheek before starting towards the archway, with Kaei in tow.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, Kaei followed Shiori up the small slope to the door that greeted them, opening it up they were immediately greeted by two black tentacles reaching out and pulling both of them in, slamming the door shut behind them, they found themselves dropped into what looked like a small forest of some kind...and the ambient sound of what sounded like a child giggling.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As the two of them went of the slope, Shiori glanced around them curiously, yet at the same time cautiously, making sure nothing was trying to sneak up behind them or anything. They made their way to the door at the top of the slope and opened it, where two black tentacles reached out and wrapped around them both, yanking them inside as the door slammed shut after they were through it. They fell into what appeared to be a forest of some sort, and around them they could hear the giggling of what sounded like a child.

"W-What the hell was that thing? Man... now we've gotta find our way back, dammit. Wait... what is that?" Shiori growled after hitting the ground in the little forest, raising up suddenly when she heard the giggling and sniffing the air, seeing if she could tell whih way it was coming from.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Glancing around the forest, Kaei was just as a annoyed as Shiori was, looking around and trying to track the source of the noise, the two had no luck figuring out where it was coming from and who was making it.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"I guess we should look around then huh, come on sweetie," Shiori said after sniffing and looking around and finding nothing. With that, Shiori would take Kaei's hand again and they would look around, trying to find out where they were at and if they could find a way out.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, the two continued through the forest for a bit until they saw what they could only assume was a bright white light farther ahead, Kaei was puzzled and said "Its white, so it could only come from a flashlight or a angel of some kind....", trying to explain the strange light "Want to go check it out?" she asked.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As they went further through the forest, they suddenly saw a bright white light and before she could say anything about it, Kaei did so. "Yeah... nothing for it really. If it is an angel he or she may be our only way out of here now. But regardless we should check it out I think," Shiori replied, glancing over at Kaei.

Shiori would continue holding Kaei's hand and then together the two of them would head on towards the light, with Shiori keeping her weapon at the ready just in case something attacked.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding in approval, Kaei and Shiori started to approach the light, cautiously with their weapons drawn they treaded through the woods, looking at the light, Shiori hoped that it was actually a angel, getting closer, Shiori found herself getting somewhat mesmerized by it, feeling a almost primal need to cuddle the source of the light.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

They continued towards the light, remaining as cautious as they could manage with their weapons drawn. As they went, Shiori was hoping so much that they found an angel that could help them, and that maybe it would even be a female angel and she would maybe be able to thank her for helping them by making her feel good. Thoughts of her and a beautiful angel having sex in a clearing out in this forest flashed through her mind, with Kaei there as well sitting on her face and forcing her to lick her pussy while the angel rode her cock. Thinking this caused Shiori's member to begin growing larger in her robes, her body apparently reacting to the lustful thoughts.

"C-Come on Kaei, let's hurry. But not too fast," Shiori said to her mate, shaking the lustful thoughts from her head as they went while pulling Kaei a little closer to her.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori pulled Kaei closer, Kaei looked at Shiori and asked "Why the sudden stutter-", noticing she was blushing, Kaei herself blushed and looked down, noticing Shioris rapidly larger growing dick, Kaei had a somewhat unamused face and said "Shiori please contain your hormones for five seconds", since Shiori and Kaei had stopped, Shiori couldnt see the light anymore, and the mesmerizing thoughts had simply left her mind, odd, she was still aroused though.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When Kaei started asking Shiori what was wrong with her and all, the young okami girl blushed beet red in embarrassment, not wanting her to find out she was getting horny from mere thoughts. When she was chastised by Kaei for her hormones and such, Shiori noticed Kaei didn't look too happy about it and she hung her head in shame. When she glanced back up however she couldn't see the light any longer, all of the naughty thoughts she'd had vanished altogether, though she still felt a little aroused by them.

"I'm sorry Kaei... I guess I'm not a really good mate if I can't keep from thinking about sex for even a few minutes at a time. I was just daydreaming about us really, about us finding an angel up ahead and it being a girl angel and it ending up with the three of us having sex until we couldn't move," Shiori said, giving Kaei the gist of what she'd been daydreaming about, hoping she wouldn't be mad at her for thinking it.

Once that was done, unless Kaei had anything else to say or do, they would move onwards, trying to find the source of the light that had now vanished from sight.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Its okay, i have thoughts like that sometimes" Kaei reassured Shiori, smiling, continuing on Shiori could see the light was still there and it seemed to be getting brighter, this time she didnt feel her thoughts become lewd again, but regardless she was approaching it, Kaei said "I Wonder if it could actually be a angel..."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"T-Thanks for not being mad Kaei," Shiori replied, smiling back to Kaei in thanks for her kind words.

As they went onward, Shiori saw the light again up ahead, which was getting brighter the closer they got, but she was able to keep her lewd thoughts down for the moment thankfully. "I kind of hope it is an angel... kind of because my daydream earlier. Having sex with an angel would probably be so good I faint," Shiori said as they got closer to the light.

Shiori gave Kaei a soft tug on her arm and pointed towards the light, then started going a little faster, going at a brisk jog now as she readied her naginata for a fight in case it wasn't an angel they were about to meet.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Jogging at a somewhat brisk pace now, Shiori could see the light getting brighter and brighter, looking around, she could see that nothing was emitting it, confusing her somewhat, then she realized that it was HERSELF emitting it now, Kaei looked somewhat dumbfounded, Shiori then noticed that she had ghostly angel wings, the feathers transparent, she felt her mating instincts prick up along with some strange sense of piousness...
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

After a short time of jogging, they could see the light getting brighter the closer they got. Then after getting even closer Shiori looked around and tried to find what had been causing the light, only to lose it altogether. Confused, she continued to look around a little and found that she was the one emitting the light now, leaving Kaei looking confused now as well as herself. She glanced around herself and saw a pair of transparent feathered wings on her back, lightly flapping them up and down.

"W-Wow... what the... what's happened? Where did these things come from?" Shiori asked, wondering where the wings had come from, then she felt a twitch in her robes as she felt her length hardening up once more, which annoyed her a little as it had only calmed down and went flaccid again. She was looking at Kaei a little lustily as she felt her length getting erect, feeling the need to mate with her again building within her, though not so much she couldn't ignore it yet.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei seemed just as confused as Shiori was, looking around she said "I Have no clue." , looking at Shiori, Kaei had a sly smile on her face as she brushed her hand across one of Shioris wings, Shiori didnt feel anything but Kaei blushed slightly and said "...Wow...they feel so soft...", she continued running her hand along Shioris new found wing, as she did this Shiori started to feel her own lust start to rise once more from Kaei caressing her new wings, Kaei starting to cuddle with Shioris new wings didnt help either.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When Kaei rubbed her hand across one of Shiori's wings, she didn't really feel anything at first, but she saw Kaei blush and wondered why she was, but didn't ask yet. Soon though as her mate caressed her new wings, Shiori felt her arousal rising yet again from the gentle caresses of her wings, with Kaei now starting to cuddle and hug the things some.

"K-Kaei... I don't know what you're doing... but it's really getting me horny as hell," Shiori said, letting Kaei know what her cuddling was doing to her, yet not stopping her from continuing for the moment, as it felt good, but she didn't act on her building lust yet either if she could help it. However if she couldn't fight her lust down, Shiori would turn Kaei and pull her into a deep kiss, sending her tongue into her mate's mouth and wrestling with her tongue for a minute or two.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Horny? Thats o-" Shiori was completely unable to hold back the tidal wave that was her own arousal as she seized Kaeis hands and pulled her into a deep and passionate french, surprising the red mage who didnt even fight back as she frenched Shiori back, her tongue easily being dominated by Shioris as her arousal told her to go further with this.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori's lust could not be fought down by her mind, as her head between her legs was doing her thinking for her now while she kissed Kaei, holding her tightly against her. When Kaei didn't even fight back any while she assaulted her lips, Shiori began tugging on her mate's clothing, trying to pull it off of her so that she could take this as far as she possibly could. Once she had Kaei disrobed, she would get her own robes off and stroke her member a few times to bring it to full mast, where she would then quickly lay Kaei down on the mossy forest floor, giving them a natural bed to lay on as they had their fun.

"C-Come on Kaei... let's have some fun... now that we don't have to worry about our corruption any more," Shiori panted to Kaei, looking at her lovingly before going down on her and kissing her mate's lower lips, then she switched to licking it for a minute or so as she got Kaei all wet and ready for more.

Once Kaei was indeed ready for more, Shiori would move herself into position and spread Kaei's legs before gently thrusting forwards, hilting herself on the first thrust and looking in sheer bliss at just being one with her mate. Shiori then began to thrust in and out of Kaei, leaning in to kiss her while she did so. Shiori's thrusting would speed up a little and then slow down, moving only to pleasure Kaei at first, wanting to make her mate feel good before all else. When she saw that Kaei was enjoying herself, Shiori's thrusts would become more rapidly and deeper until she was hilting herself with every one. Shiori would finally break their kiss again when she felt her cock throbbing, about to release, where she looked straight into her mate's eyes, showing Kaei only unconditional love with her own.

"K-Kaei... I can't... h-hold it any longer," Shiori said, wrapping her arms around Kaei and pulling her up into her lap where she bounced her over and over, bringing them closer to the edge, yet not throwing them over until Kaei replied, saying anything at all. As soon as Kaei answered in any way, Shiori would bounce her faster and harder until they found their mutual sweet releases, with Shiori spurting her hot load deep into Kaei's tight wet folds, which would be milking it out of her most likely.

Once they had found reached their climaxes, and once said climaxes had subsided, Shiori would fall back onto the mossy ground, bringing Kaei with her and holding her lovingly while they rested and recovered from their wonderful time, Shiori panting madly after such a passionate and wonderful time with her mate, whom she loved even more now than she had.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shioris newly found lust was simply too high to be held back as she started to strip Kaei, laying her on the floor she lied down as well so she could lick and lap at Kaeis pussy, making the red mage gasp in pleasure and clench some nearby roots to stop her body bucking and arching repeatedly, stroking her own member Shiori felt it harden and become ready to go as she stopped licking at Kaei, who was now red with arousal and writhing slightly as Shiori spread Kaeis legs again, preparing her for another long fuck, hilting herself into Kaei like she always did, Shiori thrusted repeatedly as she kissed Kaei, the two relishing each others pleasure as Shiori was powered by pure love instead of lust this time around, pulling Kaei onto her lap now, the two madly frenched each other as Kaei replied "M-Me n-neither im g-gonna...hnnhnhnHH~!" as she reached her orgasm at the same time as Shiori, her wings were gone now as was the light but her orgasm was more powerful than normal her cum spurting into Kaeis inner walls as her pussy squeezed every last drop from Shiori, the two shivering in arousal as Shiori lied on the ground with Kaei still penetrated, cuddling with her mate as the twos wolf ears twitched in joy.