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Litzy (plmnko)

Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Upon touch, Rukara squirmed slightly, tugging it gave the same response but caressing it made her blush slightly "It f-feels weird but i...do kinda like it..." she said.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Do you think than this tail will be permanent? This place is full of corruption monsters, we must be carefull in the next floors Litzy stop to caress the tail and then check the place for anything than they dont notice, then she start to going to the next subfloor unless Rukara have something more in mind.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

As litzy let go of the tail, Rukara gave out a moan of pleasure, quietely muttering "Why did you stop.." under her breath, "If your so worried about corruption monsters, why dont we go somewhere else?" she asked.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy blush as she heard how much Rukara love than someone stroke her tail. The true is than i enjoy having adventures with you, this place is a little scary but i can endure it. In some way i expected to find a cure to curroption here, but if you want we could go to the towers and see what is there, once we get better we could end this place... i guess Litzy said trying to poke the tail playfully.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

"I dont think a area based around corruption will have a cure- Hh-haah~" Rukara was interrupted mid sentence by Litzy poking her tail again, "C-Can we just explore a bit more?" she asked "Fight enemies that arent corruption based for once?" she said again, trying to contain her arousal.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The mage stop to play and give a soft smile. Of course lets explore in a not corrupted place, do you think than in the lab could we find a cure for you? Litzy said ready to leave this place with Rukara. Also i wonder what kind of use have these special items than we get from the bosses, they looks to be very rare.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

"The lab might have something for us" she said, "I Think those items can be used in someway, maybe weapon fusing..." she said again, they teleported back to the Corruption Towers entrance and trekked back to Rukaras house "I Dunno about you but im starving right now..." she said as she made food for the two of them, she laid a map out on the table during which, for them to explore areas they havent seen or just want to revisit.

[Labs of Pleasure]
[Corruption Tower (D)]
[Old Castle (D)]
[Endless Desert]
[The Catacombs]
[The Marsh (?)]
[The Arena]

?=Not Fully Explored
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Wonder how someone can fuse one of these strange items like the corrupting seed. Hmm... the new owner of the lab looks to be really good with monster topics, she looks to have antidotes for everything and she looks to be able to collect the creatures still alive once they are free of their host. Litzy said as they leave and walk all the way until Rukara house, maybe Litzy should also look for a teletransportation spell one of these days. Of course than Litzy also was hungry after walk all the way from that tower, the last than she drink in the game was... slime or maybe cum from Rukara or one of the monsters, she was not really sure now.

After eat the mage notice than nearly all has been explored, maybe Rukara has been busy exploring or the game just was unable to recover all the dungeons. The Marsh is close the lab, we could go there first and then ask for a cure, but i remember than there is a dangerous creature who nearly catch us the last time. Is fine for you the Marsh? Litzy end to eat her food, as she heard what opinion have Rukara
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara shrugged "Sure we can go to the marsh", leaning against a wall she stretched her arms and yawned "I Wonder how Takus been" she said again, looking around her tail twitched
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Smiling the mage get up and prepare all to leave. She must be fine, also you can stay with the tail if you want, its very cute. I only want to find a cure in case than you need it and also Takus must know what is happening with you. Ready Litzy leave with her friend in search of the marsh, normaly walking together or Litzy slighty behing to have a full look of the little tail moving around, it was weird than Rukara likes to dont hide it and maybe wear pants could be a pain with a so sensible tail.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

After a trekk through the desert again they found themselves at the entrance to the marshes, Rukara looked around and drew her sword, thinking she yawned, "Shall we?" she said as she went inside with Litzy, the ground was muddy and ankle height and the roots of the various trees could be seen around them.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

After a little long walk Litzy nod and get with Rukara at the marsh, this place could maybe have weak creatures and hidden teasures, remembering something Litzy turn to Rukara. Close were you find me the last time i notice some strange ruins of maybe a lost civilizacion, do you think than it was part of a dungeon or an old city?

Once answered Litzy continue walking trying to find something out of place, maybe some fruits, items and spot any monster than could try to take them of guard
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

"Yeah i remember that" Rukara said, remaining equally as calm, low buzzing started to fill the air as they trekked deeper into the mire and the muds level rose to reach their knees.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Yuck... i miss my water spells, they were really usefull. Litz said to herself as she get inside the mud, she try to dont fall and turn around her to spot any foe, she also prepare her rod, between used to continue walking
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The two kept their bearings for a bit, making sure to check bushes or anything for things that could attack, the buzzing starts to get louder as they can see remnants of a purple jelly on the trees.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

A little tired, Litzy continue looking around until she spot a strange jelly. That buzzing an the pink jelly... could be some kind of bees? Ask to Rukara who maybe know this possible foe, the mage suppose than her fire spells could harm the bugs easily
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara nodded, looking around she tried to steer clear of the purple jelly, as not to upset anything or stir anything, however it looks like she had done it anyway as muddy tentacles grab at her from the mud and pull her under silently, leaving Litzy on her own.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara take my hand! Scared for her friend safety, Litzy tried to grab her hand as Rukara was drag at the bottom of the mud, Litzy try then to find her body using her staff to feel her for a while, ready to dodge in case than the tendrils try to grab her.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

She dosent find Rukara, unfortunately, but knowing these denizens they wouldnt just randomly kill her, although she was on her own now, making her more vunerable, the buzzing was getting louder...
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Why always Rukara is the one than disappear? well at least she would not die... i hope than she is fine Litzy think as she stop to look her in the mud, the buzz was getting louder what could be a very bad signal, quickly she try to notice from where come the buzz and run to the opposite direction, looking for a hide to escape of these possible monsters.