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Litzy (plmnko)

Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Emerald sighed in relief, thankful she wouldnt have to sleep outside or anything, they had to be very quiet going inside as not to wake up Rukara.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Sweet, sweet home. Said Litzy once they were in front of the house trying to dont make too much noise. Maybe you should sleep in the sofa until i talk with Rukara in the morning... you should be very tired, but if you want we could have some fun~ Litzy then opened the door to show the inside and at this moment she would give a drink to the girl before help her to prepare the sofa.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

"Th-thanks..." she said in response to being given something to drink, afterwards she simply lied on the couch, trying to get herself to sleep but failing to, Litzy could go out and do a bit more exploring if she wanted, she had plenty of time left.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

As Esmeral drink, Litzy check the map and choice the closer location, maybe there she could find a little more of energy. Then before leave pet her slave and smile to her. Please protect our house until i back, it will not take me too much time. Litzy leave and start to wonder if her body will dont need to sleep anymore, it dont bother her but then she will have a lot of free time to spend in the night.

[marsh or other even close location except Arena and corruption tower, maybe the mansion or any town could be better]
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy could tell most of these locations were going to be infested with more enemies than normal due to the night time but there was nothing really stopping her from going to the arena to try and completely beat it, going to the marshes again to see if anyone else had gotten lost there, the mansion to see what that dungeons theme was and any other place she could go to kill time, she could even go see Taku or Tendril if she felt like it.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

After think for a time Litzy decide to go and check Takus, she has dont see her from when the game get bugged and maybe there could be more girls, she suppose than she could have some fun with her, but as a succubus it could nor¿t be a good idea. The mage check everywhere in case to find a girl in the road
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

There was nobody to be found while Litzy was walking along to the lab, eventually finding the secret entrance to it and going inside, all she had to remember now was figuring out where Taku lived in this lab...
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

After have a boring walk, Litzy manage to reach Takus lab easily, there were some places than she could look to find her, but she suppose than the control room where are the monitors and the succubus old lab were the best places to look. Litzy decide to check the control room where she could also see everywhere and give a little peek about what has been happening here.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

On her way there, Litzy was properly paranoid about old monsters or released ones probably coming back to attack her...

[Litzy will encounter two monsters]
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The place looks to be abandoned and unused in some places, maybe Takus has leaved or the monsters had taken the facility, worried to find them she increase her speed trying to reach the control room before something bad happen.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

She first had to make her way through the corridors and rooms dotted about the lab and it didnt really help she could hear the signs of monsters being about but couldnt see them, thankfully a monster attacked to liven up this boring stroll through the labs, it resembled a old tripod but slightly larger.

[Litzy gets a normal crit, Tripod 2.0 gets a normal hit]

[Litzy gets a arousal hit which becomes a normal hit, Tripod 2.0 gets a arousal hit]

[Litzy fails to hit, Tripod 2.0 gets a arousal crit!]

[Litzy reaches orgasm!]

Litzy 4/5 HP, 4/4 AP, Orgasm, -1 to all rolls, Tight Hold, -3 to attacks.

Tripod 2.0 4/8 HP N/A AP

The battle begun very quickly, Litzy managed to get a few attacks off on the new looking tripod but in response tendrils folded out and grabbed her by her ankles, dragging her over, the tripod then morphed into what looked like a wooden horse, suddenely strapping Litzy to it and rocking back and forth immediately, the resulting pleasure was driving up Litzies instincts, and as a tendril entered her mouth and thrusted in tandem with the wooden horse as well, she couldnt take it as it brought her to a orgasm, wettening her panties and making her very flustered.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The sudden appear of one of the worse creatures than Litzy has fighted, make her shiver and whimper as she remember the countless orgarsms than that thing make her reach. why is bigger? Said to herself before give some good hits to the creature who then tie her and in front of her eyes the machine turn into a wooden horse, over it Litzy dont was able to endure the punishment as her wild part was making her fall faster on his control.

Litzy tried then to get free and then hit the creature with her improved fire spells, her hopes to win still were high.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Litzy fails to struggle, Tripod 2.0 gets a normal hit]

[Litzy casts fire magic, Tripod 2.0 fails to hit]

[Litzy casts fire magic, beating the Tripod 2.0]

Litzy didnt manage to get herself out of the wooden horse, however she did manage to focus just long enough to cast some fire magic onto the tripod, burning its tendrils to a crisp and charring its polished metal shell.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The creature grapple was even better than what Litzy remember, the fight was close to end to her until she decide to taste her new fire spells, her potent flames were amazing and the young mage was more than amazed, loking how her fire could melt even iron now. I think than i just fall in love[ /color] Said to herself happily looking to her hands, still aroused by the machine she take a time to calm herself and turn off any fire with her water spells, maybe worried for Takus. Now more confident of her spells she continue moving through the corridors.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Moving onward she had to pass through the ever changing environment door again, this one changing into what looked like a deserted catacomb area, like the place Litzy first ended up in, the door was just ahead but there was a three way fork in the road.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)


The fact than the mage must pass all this again to see her friend, was really frustrating before the warp doors, Litzy was close to think in give up and let a monster take her with Takus, but then she could be in danger if something has happened with Takus. The mage take the right part of the folk and hope than nothing bad happen to her,
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

She started to hear a subtle rumbling, then it went away, however she came across a strange lamia, her tail was normal but there was a small slit near her crotch area, her upper half was naked and her long white hair was the only thing concealing her breasts nipples, her golden eyes almost seemed to pierce Litzy, she smirked at Litzy "Hey there" she said, yawning as if she was tired.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

With the paths dont looking to end, the mage was expecting to be fighting these metallic creatures for a while, suddenly she spot her, just in front of her and giving a little grind she stop before get close her. Oh... hi. Its great to find someone more in this place, im looking for a old friend, are you new in this place Said Litzy using a charm spell, she was not sure if this girl is a Takus minion or a foe, but at least she could take her under her control in order to get stronger.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

"Yeah" the lamia said, looking around "I Was just looking for someone to help me out" she said again, slithering over to Litzy "You look exactly like someone who could help..."

[Magic test failed]
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Of course than i will help you, it has been always been a pleasure for me to help anyone in need~ Litzy said trying to have a upper hand before this get more intense, her body get streched and she yawn showing her cleavage before add. Its a really nice tail. We maybe could help each other The mage send a little wink in the last sentance part mixed with a charm spell like a last chance to control her foe before they fuck each other.