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Gangs of Havenport (Tassadar) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 36, Status = Aspect of Spirit activated
Also... yes. The potion bottle is, indeed, glass.

Grapple check, Isolda vs Axodd: Success
Attack roll, Isolda vs Gursh: Auto-hit (his Dodge is 39... ahehe). Success
(Isolda rolled a 12, 4) + 45 = 61. He's... he's dead. Overkilled dead.

While Axodd was still making something of an attempt to put up a fight, it was... meager, to say the least, and the white-haired beauty's solid grip was not to be moved by the spastically flailing thug. He tried in vain to kick, claw, and squirm his way out of her grasp, but to Isolda and her prodigious strength, the arrogant gangster may as well have been a child with how utterly pathetic his struggles were. It would have even been quite amusing, enough so to stop and chuckle at, had his imposing partner not made an attempt to cleave Isolda in two with lethal force. Judging from the way he decimated the bar beside her, this 'Gursh's strength matched his size and then some. Unfortunately for him, his movements were far too transparent for the apt student of the greatsword. Whether it was due to Sorio's body blow or thanks to the Voidic woman's reflexes, Gursh simply could not move away in time to dodge or intercept Isolda's powerful downward stroke. He did manage to weave his head out of the way, but the follow-through, combined with the sheer force of the cut, took him from shoulder to hip in a single motion, and the unfortunate brute collapsed onto the floor in two separate pieces. Blood from the fallen opponent sprayed onto the swordswoman's face, with some making it onto her partners, drawing disgusted looks from some of the bar's audience.

The boxer simply looked down at the larger man's remains, wordlessly, then glanced over at Isolda before looking to Renan, who could only gawk for a moment or two in utter shock before picking up his jaw. "Oh... a-ah, v... very nice, Isolda!"

"G... GURKSSHH!" Axodd's face was red now, as he tried to gasp for air or speak, provided Isolda would actually allow him to do so. "Y... Y-You'll regret this... once the boss finds out, and he w-will... you're dead! No, you'll be his personal fuckpig! Huwwwnnnggghh... guh!"
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda's sword hissed as the dead man's blood boiled along its surface, and she casually flicked her wrist and threw most of it off while continuing to hold the weakly struggling Axodd off of the floor. She was splattered with blood, and the scent of sizzling meat filled her senses courtesy of her burning blade, but rather than show disgust at the results of her strike, a very brief but nonetheless genuine look of glee crossed Isolda's features. The horrid thrill of claiming another life filled her with adrenaline, and for a brief instant the grip on Axodd's throat tightened, as if she intended to squeeze his head from his shoulders. She managed to quell her darker lust before she could inflict any serious harm, however, and after licking a spec of blood from her lips she turned to Renan and quirked an eyebrow. "Very nice!? I just cut a man in half... That's in the opposite direction of nice!" she said mirthfully, and then turned her gaze onto the struggling criminal still in her slowly tiring grasp.

A dark smile came over Isolda's features, and she lifted him a little bit higher off the ground while her other hand returned her sword to its sheath and reached between her breasts. From the money pouch kept there she retrieved five gold coins, and dropped them in a stack lightly onto the table. "For the mess," she said graciously, and then began carrying Axodd from the room. "Bring what's left of Gursh," she said commandingly over her shoulder, addressing Sorio and Renan. Once outside, Isolda sought out a back alley that was as hidden from the street as she could get without going too far, hoping that the two islanders would follow her out to the alley as well.

Once she had acquired the proper amount of privacy, Isolda hurled Axodd down such that he slammed against the wall, and then kicked him, hard, in the ribs. "Now... I believe you were talking about your boss. Nottis the One-Hander you said, right?" Isolda said casually, a bright smile on her face as her hand slowly hovered over the hilt of the sword hanging from her back. "You're going to tell me about him. In detail. Lets start with the title, actually, and move on up through his other associates and any bounties that might be on his head. End with where I can find him." She delivered her demands in a fairly casual but also firm tone, the hand on her sword indication of her readiness for further bloodshed, and her stance wary in case he should try anything particularly stupid, like try to escape.

Mechanically, pull him outside, unarmed strike, and then drop him while going full defense on the next round. If he tries to run, she'd go for the legs if she could catch up with him. I'm not sure that this is really needed though, depending on how much of a gambler Axodd is.
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 36, Status = Aspect of Spirit activated (?)

The spectacle caused a series of heads from the tavern's various patrons to turn towards Isolda and the bloody mess that was once the muscular Gursh. For better or worse, she now had the attention of practically everyone in the Resting Savage Alehouse. While the more grizzled veterans lurking about said nothing, even the more squeamish types could only gawk in horror, resulting in a rather strange silence. Even the barkeep could say little as Isolda paid her reparations for the damages. His weathered face had likely seen more than just a barfight or two, but the level of brutality displayed by the Voidic swordswoman was apparently rare, at least in this part of town.

"Ah, w-well... you know! Good... good swordsmanship. I uh, I think we must go now," suggested Renan. He was clearly somewhat nervous after the swift dispatch of the rather large, feared thug, and was constantly checking around him to ensure that others would not join the fray, even if that was highly unlikely with Gursh's remains being a terrible reminder of the consequences of crossing the beautiful, white-haired stranger. Sorio gave it a glance, but said nothing, a bit more disciplined in his response. After Isolda gave her command, however, the boxer replied with a nod and dragged the large carcass from the tavern, unfazed by the blood and gore that soon coated his hands as a result of handling the grisly remains.

Axodd was, understandably, a picture of fright when they reached the nearby alleyway, as there was no one about to hold witness should he be murdered, a very real possibility in his mind. He doubled over in pain after being slammed against the wall and kicked in the ribs, collapsing to his knees and wheezing for a few moments, trying to regain enough wind to muster a response to her question. "N-Nottis himself... Ya wanna FIGHT 'im?! Y-Yer daft! Ya might'ah killed Gursh, but he's leaps an' bounds above th' rest o' em! I mean, he... he's said ta be part demon! But I've never seen 'em myself--the Black Hepta h... has seven main members. I c-c... c-communicate with him through one of h... his other guys, urkhhh... Denth. He frequents the Ebonstone Bar. On the far west side o' town. But don't... uh, d-don't tell him I said that! I don't wanna... by the Void, I... I just wanna leave!" He looked back and forth, grimacing, looking as if he was about to scream for help, despite the pain still coursing through his body.
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

(I never did deactivate it, so it'd technically still be running. Drop X by 1 this round, meaning it now costs 0 upkeep.)

"Part demon you say?" Isolda asked, her voice dripping with mock fear, "Why, a man like that I certainly couldn't beat on my own! I'll have to go home and rethink my violent ways!" As she grinned down at the wheezing thief, Isolda couldn't help but admit that excitement that Axodd's statement had ignited within her. Another with demon blood, like hers? Could it really be? She had never met another, not really.... She had refused to think of orcs as her peers, and had never met any other void-born. What might she be able to learn from one who shared the darker aspects of her heritage? Memories from her childhood, of her father, flitted briefly through her mind, awakening a moment of very dark pain that she suppressed instantly, breaking from her ruminations in order to turn back to Axodd.

"You can go.... Once you've told me everything that you know about the, ahhh... Black Hepta. A description of this man, Denth, would be a good start." Isolda glanced back at Renan and Sorio and casually said; "Search him, find anything useful. And take his cleaver." After saying that Isolda returned to questioning Axodd, prying whatever information she could out of him about his gang. When she was finished (and if they hadn't been interrupted,) the wanderer let out a sigh and smirk at him for a moment, before she suddenly kicked him in the belly once again. Still smirking, Isolda reached over her shoulder and into her pack, retrieving the potion meant to keep her from coming down with a bad case of pregnancy, popped the cork out of it, and jovially said; "To your health Axodd!"

She downed the potion in one gulp, trying not to taste it, before grinning down at Axodd once again and taking the glass bottle between her hands and crushing it into powder and shards. "Open your mouth" Isolda commanded in a very firm tone that was also highly mirthful. Blood ran down her arms from where shards of glass dug into her palms, but the white haired wanderer didn't even grimace from the minor injuries on her hands. If Axodd so much as moved in a manner that wasn't doing exactly as she had commanded, Isolda immediately lashed out with her foot, aiming for the bandits head.
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 36, Status = Aspect of Spirit activated (x = 0)

Axodd gave Isolda the strangest of looks upon witnessing her reaction, seeing it less as sarcasm and more as sheer insanity--the same way a frightened victim would look upon their murderer in their final moments. While he looked quite disgusted with her, it was terror that had taken most of his expression, and his previously cocky way of speaking was now reduced to a stutter. The thug looked to start mouthing the words 'why', which likely echoed his current thoughts, but he dared not speak them. Instead, he could only utter the words the woman wanted to hear, hoping that it would get him out of this situation sooner, rather than later. "The Black Hepta is ah... a g-gang o' swordsmen, and t-there are seven main m-members. Lotsa underlin's w-who dunno much, like me! But Denth, he's one of 'em. Uses a weird sword like ah c-chain... lotsa jewelry on 'is face, you'll know 'em when ya s-see 'em! Now that I toldya that, I go...gotta leave town! Every one of 'em's seriously strong... an' they all got they own places 'round Havenport, usin' us ta collect gold for 'em fer reasons they never say."

Sorio merely held up Gursh's bloody remains while Renan moved in quick to search what was left of him, taking a bag of coins and his cleaver, a large, rectangular blade not quite long enough to even be considered a short sword, though it weighed over twice as much. It took the skinnier of the two Taleans both hands to hold it upright, though he passed it off to the boxer, who had far less difficulty handling it. "I think he has maybe... 40 gold?" guessed Renan, who turned towards Isolda, tossing the gold pouch up and down in one hand. "What should we do with the... cleaver?"

"Guuuhk!" gasped the redheaded ruffian upon taking yet another blow, this time to his stomach. While the kick knocked the wind out of him, his attention quickly turned to the bottle that Isolda produced, fearful of whatever plans she might have had with it. "Kkk... kuhh... w-what is that...?" As soon as the white-haired beauty quaffed it, however, a look of relief crossed his features. This passed quickly after she proceeded to crush the bottle and issue a most gruesome command. "W... what? But why? I-I already toldya... a-ah... nnnh!" Grimacing, Axodd's face crumpled and he looked as if he was about to cry, turning his head from side to side with his teeth clenched. It would only take a little squeeze upon his neck, however, if Isolda so chose, to get him to open his mouth, wide enough for her to shove the shards right in. If not, the kick to his head would render him unconscious and leave her free to do with him as she pleased anyway. Even Renan exhibited a worried look at this, but made no protests regardless, instead watching his tormentor receive a most brutal retribution.

Acquired 40 Gold
Acquired Ogrewedge (Gursh's Cleaver - counts as a One Handed Sword)
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Shifting the glass to one hand, Isolda wore a magnificent grin on her face as she pried open Axodd's mouth. She had to fight to suppress a giggle as she shoved the glass into the bandit's mouth and then forced his jaw closed. She held it there, even forcibly tilting his head back while holding the rest of him down with her other arm. Unless he got adventurous and decided to try and take a swing at her somehow, Isolda waited like that for about a minute, letting him chew on the glass, before she simply let him go and stepped away completely, now all but ignoring him.

"You can keep half of that," she said, gesturing towards the coin purse that he was playing with, "But give me the brute's toy. I'm sure that I can find something fun to do with that~" After taking her winnings for felling the large enforcer, Isolda smirked at the two and said; "So, how would you two like to help me wipe out a criminal enterprise? I doubt these two being dead will help you with your little, ahhh... Debt problem, and after the scene in the bar, they're likely to come after you as much as me."
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 36, Status = Aspect of Spirit activated (x = 0)

Axodd did little to fight his interrogator, only showing the most pathetic grimace as he chewed upon the sharp shards of glass and feeling them cut into his mouth's interior. The pain would eventually prove to be too much for him, and he resorted to a half-hearted pantomime of the chewing motions to make things easier on himself. His eyes remained fixed on those of the part-demonic beauty as he attempted to gauge her level of satisfaction, counting the oddly long seconds until she released him.

When she did, he collapsed to the ground, whimpering, coughing and sputtering blood-coated bits of glass onto the ground. His confident swagger was nowhere to be seen now, instead replaced with the symptoms of a deep, primal fear, which had overridden any adventurous notions he might have previously held. Even then, the smidge of relief that he felt almost went unnoticed, for Isolda's very presence in front of him was more terrifying than ever.

"Oh! Thank you..." Renan uttered half-heartedly, looking somewhat distracted from the view of his old tormentor reduced to a shivering mess. He nodded, quickly counting out half of the gold to stuff into his own pockets and tossing Isolda the remainder, then said something to Sorio in his native tongue, which prompted the well-built pugilist to hand it to the pale swordswoman, handle first. Her solemn reminder of the pair's standing with the gang caused the thinner man's brow to furrow, and he sighed, nodding. "You are right. They lied to us about the boat fee... and kept saying that we owed them more and more. I'm sure they will chase us anywhere, and unfortunately, we do not know this side of the world very well," he admitted.

Sorio looked to his partner and gave a firm, approving nod. Despite his apparent reticence, he did seem to understand the core of Isolda's proposal, and was all to keen to accept this new challenge. Renan could only sigh, shake his head, and shrug. He eventually relinquished a smile to the others, saying, "As I thought, Sorio is fine with this. I tried to keep him from fighting them himself because we still don't know them all... or where they live, even where they work. But we are easy to find here. They would not hesitate to kill us while we sleep. So... we are in. Until they are dead or we are. Talean men don't give their word often, because when they do, they mean it." The smaller one's hesitant look dwindled away after his explanation, it being replaced with an expression of hopefulness that Isolda would understand the reasons behind his initial hesitance. "So, you have our word."

Afterwards, he took on a more determined look before looking to Axodd, his contempt less hidden this time around. The somewhat flighty, diminuitive Talean carried a more fierce aura about him since his verbal promise to assist the swordswoman in what would be an inevitably bloody endeavor. "So, what do we do with him? And the body..." Renan then motioned to Gursh's bloody remains. "Drop their heads on the doorstep of the Ebonstone Bar? Walk in, challenge them all? If you want to hide your intent, we can also let you find out who Denth is first, but we can still be nearby. They will probably recognize us. I am sure they have many spies, because they knew when we asked a stranger to take us back once before, by boat. Then he was killed and our 'debt' went up again. And these gangs, they never fight fair, so we will always be close by. Whatever you choose, we will go with it."

Axodd looked up at the three, with barely the strength left to speak or even sputter. "Hweeehh!" he squealed, blood and saliva oozing from his mouth.
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda didn't miss that Renan had addressed Sorio in their own tongue, but for the moment she let that particular oddity pass. Taking the cleaver and examining it as Renan spoke, Isolda smiled broadly at the islander's oath. Truthfully, she generally preferred working alone, but she liked Renan and Sorio well enough, and having a bit of backup in case someone tried to knife her in the back could come in handy. "Good... I don't know how much my word is worth to you, but rest assured that I'll do my best to see it done, with you two alive and free of worry at the end. Eliminating those men that take advantage of others... It's one of my favorite pastimes really! And I'm sure they'll have plenty of neat toys and treasure to steal~" Isolda replied with an excited tone and a grim smile.

While she might not be able to comprehend why the couldn't simply take off down the road, something that she'd done on numerous enough occasions, Isolda could understand the desire to not have to look over one's shoulder for old enemies. It was one of the reasons that she never left her enemies breathing. That thought in mind, Renan's words about the broken thief caused Isolda to turn back to Axodd. She didn't bother to respond at first, as she simply stepped back towards him and lashed out with her boot, crushing his head into the wall of the building against which he was leaning. She did it again, and again, until the sickening crack of something important breaking told her of the man's demise, and then she turned back to Renan and wrinkled her nose. Isolda much preferred it when she didn't have to dispose of the corpses herself. It was why she rarely took on criminal work, too much busy work cleaning up after a fight simply spoiled the mood.

"I've never been one to clean up bodies... I suppose we should probably dump them somewhere, but I honestly wouldn't know where. In the interests of saving time, unless you two know someplace convenient in which we might hide a pair of corpses - something that I wouldn't blame you for not knowing - I'd say we should just leave them here and get to the Ebonstone. As prudent as it might be to scout things out first on my own, I think a more straightforward approach is in order for this one."
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 36, Status = Aspect of Spirit activated (x = 0)

Upon closer examination of Gursh's old weapon, Isolda would find it to be chipped in several places, but still usable. Though heavy, especially so for any normal human being, the Voidic swordswoman could make use of it if she wished. All in all, it was a rather crude blade, yet heavy and no doubt destructive, having matched its previous owner in both appearance and function.

"You have done more than enough for us already," replied Renan heartily. "No one in Havenport stood up for us like that before. It was only me and Sorio, in the past..." A heavy silence passed over the two, but only momentarily as the smaller man changed his tone, perhaps in the hopes of moving on. "Killing, huh? You have some interesting pastimes for a woman... I-I mean, no offense. But I knew you were different to begin with. In a good way."

His eyes wandered over back to Axodd, turning colder with little trace of sympathy. While the quarter-demon's methods did prove just a bit extreme, at least for Renan, it was apparent that there was no love loss between the Talean men and this thug of the Black Hepta.

Even when Isolda turned and slammed the sole of her boot upon the gangster's head, sending him to his death with a series of well-placed, yet gruesome motions, the two witnesses simply stood and watched. Renan winced a few times at the more gruesome noises, but naturally made no move to protest or stop her, as he knew that Axodd himself or one of his friends would have had no qualms about doing the same to him at some point.

"Gluukh--..." A gasp and a choking noise were the only sounds that Axodd could manage upon the first hit, and he fell silent afterwards, unable to even muster a squeak during the merciless stomps that followed. Only the telltale sound of bone breaking, as well as the unmistakable feel of his skull caving in beneath Isolda's heel, would echo through the otherwise quiet alley as she put him out of his misery. When she lifted her foot off from his deformed head, the man's lifeless body collapsed in a heap.

"Y-Yes, good idea," replied Renan. "The police here have too much to deal with anyway. They don't care about a lot of things... too many gangs in Havenport," he explained. Sorio also seemed content with this solution, and didn't give Gursh's mangled body a second look, instead starting to move along in the direction Isolda began to walk. With that, the three headed towards the west side of town, where the Ebonstone Bar waited.


Not half an hour later, they soon came across an establishment that was painted in all black, with an exterior that was rather well-maintained when compared to the Resting Savage Alehouse. It almost appeared to be unmarked, but closer inspection would reveal an engraved nameplate that read "The Ebonstone" just left of the entryway. The door would swing open smoothly for Isolda and her two new companions, revealing a lavish interior with floors and walls made of fine, dark wood. This appeared to be a noble's bar, with fine music playing in the background and the smell of expensive food wafting through the air. It also had a strictly enforced dress code, from the looks of things; the patrons within, roughly a dozen or so, were all male and wore black nobles' suits with gold trim, although many had odd hairstyles, tattoos, and other bodily modifications similar to the ones Axodd and Gursh possessed. The longer she examined the place, the more seedy the bar looked to be, especially when its regulars turned to take a peek at the three newcomers, many of whom moved their hands to straight swords that were neatly sheathed at their sides.

A neatly dressed man, tall and slender, with various markings covering half of his face, soon stepped up to block Isolda from moving further into the tavern. "Hello. You must be new here? The Ebonstone Bar is... a members-only establishment. I must ask you to leave the premises. That is, unless you can provide proof of your membership somehow."

Some of the men behind him could be seen snickering amongst themselves. The entire setup almost looked to be intentional in the way that it made most would-be customers, or at least anyone that wasn't a member of the Black Hepta, feel terribly out of place.
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

(Drop Aspect of Spirit between leaving the alley and getting to the Ebonstone. Also, search Axodd, cuz I don't think I did that yet.)

"That's generally the way of the world, isn't it?" Isolda remarked casually even as she bashed Axodd's brains out, Responding to Renan's response. "Nobody looks out for strangers, even if they see them in need. Everyone just looks out for their own, and we just divide up further and further," she continued, and then the sickening crack sounded that signaled the end of the bandit's life. It had been a gruesome end, but as Isolda gazed down at the fresh corpse, she couldn't help but think it a fitting one. She glanced over at Renan and Sorio and smirked, "Yes... Killing. You're likely to see me doing a good bit more of it in the near future~" Her grin became positively sadistic, "And perhaps after I'm done, you'll find out some of the other ways in which I'm different from other women~"

Isolda knelt down and searched the weaker of the two bandits that she'd just opted to kill, the white haired wanderer then pocketed anything valuable and turned back to her two co-conspirators to deliver her statement about leaving, and then they were off, Isolda dropping the subtle use of her powers as they left the alley. After they were a good ways away from the alleyway, Isolda casually remarked; "The guards in this city really aren't very competent, are they?"


Isolda marked herself as at least slightly surprised when the Ebonstone Bar came into view. She hadn't been expecting so upscale a place to be an outpost for a criminal organization, or at least not a local one. Her surprise didn't show, however, and she approached the door while wearing a confident smile. Her gaze swept across the interior swiftly, searching for a man matching Denth's description, and while many of them looked fairly unusual given their attempt to pass as noblemen, none of them seemed to be the one that they were looking for. That said, they all looked like Black Hepta, and Isolda became increasingly convinced that these men were all members of the gang that she'd just spontaneously decided to eradicate. The Ebonstone might pass for a nobleman's bar at first glance, but the details gave it away as a house for foul men just as surely as the Resting Savage Alehouse had been.

As such, the snickers and smiles that Isolda received from the faux-noblemen that inhabited the place, she returned with a smile. When some of them fingered the swords at their sides, that smile widened until it covered her face, her teeth just barely visible through the wide-eyed sadistic grin with which she swept the bar. That maddened smile settled on the man that approached them to bar them from the Ebonstone several moments after he'd gone silent, and she gazed at him with her steely grey eyes and her smirk for another few heartbeats, forcing him to wait. Her first instinct was to start the violence now, and ensure that none of these men left this place alive in order to spread word of her fairly distinctive appearance to their superiors. While she wasn't generally the sentimental type, she knew all too well that men like these had a habit of going after known associates of their enemies, and the image of Samia or Ciran under torture or dead didn't exactly sit well with her.

Even so, she maintained a cool head and opted to see what would happen. If she could get the boss out here and kill them all at once, it would make it much easier for her to ensure that no one left to spread the word. The idea of facing so many with only Sorio and Renan didn't much bother her. She had seen the boxer defend himself, and while she didn't have similar confidence in Renan, she didn't doubt that the first few moments would ensure that they concentrated solely on her. "Oh fret not, good sir... We see all too well that this establishment is not one in which we would quite fit in! But we have a message, an urgent one, for a man named Denth. Several friends of his were killed in an attempted robbery, you see, and we happen to have descriptions of those that killed them!" Isolda said, never losing the sadistic expression from her face. It likely didn't help her credibility too much, but what could she say... The smell of blood was in the air, and she would feel lives ending under her blade within moments. That got her excited. In order to prod the man standing before her and frighten the rest of the bar, Isolda added; "They left a message as well... That they would be coming for all of the Black Hepta," Isolda simply couldn't help it: she swept her gaze over the assembled bandits, wearing her terrible smile, and said with horrible promise; "Each and every one."
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 91, PP = 41, EP = 36, Status = Normal

"Yes... it's true. Especially in the cities," replied Renan to the swordswoman's spoken thoughts on the state of things in the world. "Cities like Havenport." Her words about killing only managed to bring about an awkward grin from the man; he expected as much, though her apparent enthusiasm with regards to murder still drew a degree of nervousness from him for one reason or another. He looked a little puzzled at her following statement, either unable to figure out exactly what she meant, or internally debating with himself over it.

After a thorough search of Axodd's body, Isolda would find another small pouch of 20 gold, a somewhat unremarkable dagger, and a small vial of a clear liquid that would carry a faintly sweet scent, should she bother to take a whiff of it, accompanied by a small rag that she could only guess was to be used with the liquid. The thug hadn't the chance to use any of these that day, it seemed, given the Voidic beauty's display of skill and brutality.

To her casually delivered observation, the shorter Talean said, "No... too much to keep track of here, I think. The best way to stay safe here is to be in a gang, maybe why there are so many. And almost all do many bad things that the guards cannot keep up with. But I think I understand, because without one, you end up alone... like us." He motioned to himself and Sorio. "But we are glad that you approached our stand." Giving her a genuine smile, the man helped Isolda with the impression that there were at least two more people in the city who did appreciate her presence.


Though her thorough gaze managed to touch upon each of the bar's denizens, Isolda would still fail to find this Denth, as described by Axodd; a man with a chain-like sword with numerous facial piercings. Several of the men now staring at her did have one or two odd studs upon the eyebrow or lip, but nothing to the effect of what was illustrated for her, and those who did carry swords didn't appear to have anything unusual about them--in fact, the design of the weapons they bore was rather uniform, as per the dress code. Regardless, many of these blades were still sheathed when she made her brief initial scan, so thus far, the identification process was made rather difficult by a combination of factors.

The tattooed man barring the trio's entrance raised a brow at Isolda when she mentioned Denth's name, making it apparent that, at the very least, such a moniker was not unknown to those inside. It even caused him to look back to some of the others for a moment, prompting an awkward-looking, yet strangely coordinated, exchange of glances that would travel from one person to another, like some sort of network, a wordless mode of communication known only to those of the Ebonstone. Regardless, some kind of message went through, and this peculiar reaction was still recognizable by the Voidic beauty as a sign that she had come to the right place, and such suspicions were practically confirmed by the frown on the sentry's face as he turned back towards her. The blood upon her frame, and on Sorio's bandaged hands, would not go unnoticed, and it caused an even more uncomfortable air to fill the high-class tavern. However, it was no reason just yet for the men to jump into action, and instead, the bouncer chose to reply in his own way.

"If... you would share a description of their murderers, then we may have a reward in store, should they ultimately be captured. While Denth is currently occupied during this time, such transgressions against any branch of the Black Hepta will not go unpunished... in the worst ways possible." Though he spoke politely, trying his best to deliver this indirect threat without appearing intimidated, the fear in his voice grew as he witnessed Isolda exhibiting a most frightening expression, which soon caused the man to stumble back two steps. Those behind him were already put on guard by her increasingly violent aura, the swordswoman's murderous intent having set most on edge.

A voice rang out from the crowd, the panic and urgency in its tone matching the looks on the thugs' faces. "T-Those two, behind her... they were Axodd's clients! She's the one that did it!" Seconds later, they began to draw their weapons and rise from their seats.

Found 20 gold, a dagger, a small rag, and a mysterious vial of liquid from Axodd's body.

Ebonstone Thug x 13
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

The announcement from one of the men in the Ebonstone, marking her as Axodd and Gursh's killer, was met by a loud bark of laughter from Isolda, who casually drew her blade, the ring of her steel leaving its scabbard joining all of the others as she displayed an utter lack of fear. "Oh, I'd be happy to give you a description!" she yelled confidently, her voice almost shaking with glee at the prospect of the oncoming violence, "She has white hair and pale skin, clad in black armor with a bloody cape! A sword on her back that burns," Isolda's blade flashed red, heating up as its inherent magics activated. Her eyes turned from grey to pitch black, her ancestral powers coming awake as well, and though the warrior's voice had been spoken in an aggressive tone, her voice had remained largely feminine up until she delivered her concluding statement, a violent promise spoken in an inhuman growl; "Not a one of you will leave here alive!"

With that, the white haired warrior sprung past the bouncer into the nearest group of Black Hepta, her blade swinging for one, and then another, and then the next, as if she had entered into a frenzy. Her swings were wild but brutal, and devilishly swift. Isolda swung with only enough care to keep from hitting Renan or Sorio if they got within her reach, but otherwise Isolda was a storm of whirling death, killing any that came within her fairly impressive reach.

Isolda firstly activates Aspect of Spirit for X = 5, costing 6 EP and 1 HP for breaking her Spirit Ceiling by 1 and 2 EP upkeep per round, but adds a +20 bonus to attack, +15 bonus to damage, and +10 AV. She then puts two hands on her sword, goes to the biggest group that she can get at if none of them have closed on her yet, and starts her favorite pasttime! She uses Whirlwind (-10 attack/damage/dodge) and Defensive Fighting for 10 more Dodge.

Important Stats on the round that she uses ye spirit power:
Dodge: 46
Armor: 22, weak against bashing (which would drop it to 16 AV) and strong against piercing (which would increase it to 34)
Resistance: 25 (35 vs Mind Affecting)
Perception: 22

Important Stats on the round that she attacks:
Dodge: 36
Armor: 22, weak against bashing (which would drop it to 16 AV) and strong against piercing (which would increase it to 34)
Resistance: 25 (35 vs Mind Affecting)
Perception: 22

Attack: 62 - 40 + 20 = +42.
Damage: 1d12 + 1d8 + 50

Whether you think ye turn in which she activates ye power would allow them enemies a round of attacks or not is up to you.
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Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 90, PP = 41, EP = 28/36, Status = Normal

Bouncer's Grapple Attempt on Isolda (made on the first round):
(Rolled a 2) + 40. Failed.

Isolda's Whirlwind Attack vs. 5 thugs: Her base attack modifier is 42, so, all autohits.
Damage: 50 + ...yeah, okay, overkill. They're all very dead.

Sorio's Attack on Bouncer: +58, autohit
(Rolled an 8) + 32 = 40 damage
Renan's Attack on Bouncer: +58, autohit
(Rolled a 6, 6) + 24 + 4 = 40 damage. Dead.

Isolda's bold declaration, coupled with the dark aura gathering around her body and the flame-wreathed sword she drew bought her just enough time to gain a few seconds of hesitation from her would-be attackers. At this point, the thugs' blades were drawn and at the ready, but they wouldn't charge in until it was already too late, as the Voidic swordswoman felt the power surging through her veins, fueling not only her strength, but her bloodlust. And in this room of sword-wielding thugs, who may as well have been a herd of unwitting sheep to the deadly Isolda, there was much blood to be drawn.

The tattooed bouncer, still relatively close to her as he was, reached forward to grab her just as the dark energy had completed filling her body, but failed miserably, stumbling forward while the armored beauty rushed right past his clumsy frame and towards a space between the bar and a round table, where four of his cohorts stood ready to attack. Isolda's movements proved quicker, however, and more importantly, her sense for combat much more potent, sharpened by the whetstone that was the Mulweissen Form, the signature bladework of her mother that allowed the white-haired beauty to quickly analyze and discern the weak points of an opponent's given stance. This was like second nature to her, more of an instinct than something that could be explained, so even in her bloodthirsty state, the openings were practically glowing in her vision, which was soon to be splattered with the blood of her opponents. Isolda took swift aim at the targets made from the gangsters' high stances, taking a low, wide arc horizontally along their exposed thighs. The fire heating her sword, characteristic of her father's Hardtslag sword style, helped in making what would otherwise be a difficult cut much, much easier, ultimately separating the men from their legs.

In one continuous motion, Isolda's blade looped around on the follow-through and over her head, parrying the stray, pathetic attempts at last-ditch attacks that any of the dismembered ruffians could make, then going about once more to slice at their now exposed necks, causing a spray of blood to hit her face and body while decapitating at least two of them. Either way, the four were of no threat to Isolda at that point. However, the man standing behind the bar, with a panicked expression, rushed to make a desperate lunging attack during the crucial moment that the mysterious woman left her back exposed to him following her impromptu bloodbath. Unfortunately for him, he was unaware of the fact that she was wise to this, and turned just in time to impale his throat, causing the barkeep's own blade to pierce the air beside Isolda's head. He didn't, or rather couldn't, make a sound beyond a stifled death gurgle as he collapsed onto the bar, his blood gushing forth the moment his murderer withdrew her sword from the fatal wound.

Meanwhile, Sorio and Renan wisely stood back as Isolda began her slaughter, though they were far from idle. Sorio was the first to act, feinting high with his right before connecting with a rib-crushing blow from the left, somewhere between a hook and an uppercut, that sent the otherwise imposing bouncer to his knees, the spirit having left him in an instant as a look of agony took over his face. His defeat would not be so clean, however, as Renan followed up, capitalizing on the opportunity made from his partner's devastating punch by drawing his knife and planting it firmly in the large tattooed man's upper back, adding death to injury. While he may have otherwise proved a formidable opponent under other circumstances, the towering doorman slumped onto his face as blood began to collect from where he was stabbed. Renan drew his knife out rather unceremoniously before looking around to take a count on the remaining opponents. The remaining thugs jumping down from the mezzanine and split into two groups, four more moving to circle Isolda while the other three focused their efforts on the two Taleans.

"S...Somebody call Denth!" yelled out one of the thugs, and a bit of commotion could then be heard from the halls leading towards the back as one of the other bystanders, a butler of sorts from what Isolda could see of him, hurried to one of the rooms in order to deliver the most urgent message.

Ebonstone Thug x 7
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Re: Takimaru Test Thread

It was like taking candy from a baby... Like threshing wheat... Like breaking in a new pair of pants, slaughtering the bandits. It was easy... And Isolda reveled in it. Stepping briefly into her mother's training, the white haired beast strode into the center of four of them as they held high guards and, with nearly inhuman speed and power gifted by the union of her two merged fighting styles, swept her blade low, passing well beneath their guard. Four of them were separated from their legs with one swing of her red-hot blade, the mixed scent of blood and burning meat filling the void-blooded woman with exhilaration. Not content that they should merely die of blood loss, Isolda raised her blade as they fell and swung again, coming from the opposite side and not only decapitating or cutting the throats of her opponents, but also blocking their paltry final attacks.

Isolda gave a quick bark of laughter, "Hah!" as they all flopped to the ground, the four of them dead even before they'd hit the floor, but then she heard and felt the bartender come running, as if to capitalize on her moment of vulnerability by attacking her from behind. Feeling in a good mood, Isolda humored him until the very last possible second before suddenly spinning place and putting her sword through his throat. They stood there for a moment, face to face but apart as if they were partners in a courtly dance, with Isolda's blade through the man's throat while his own hung in the air beside her head. And then, Isolda began to laugh in earnest, a loud barking noise that was barely human, much less feminine. She pulled her burning blade free, allowing him to slump to the bar and then to the floor, as she begun to hung and a tune whilst quickly taking stock of the situation.

Sorio and Renan had dealt with the ignored bouncer and were unharmed, something that she was glad of, though as the rest of the Black Hepta descended from the raised areas of the bar, three bandits were descending upon them. While another fighter might have gone to their aid, forming a circle against the bandit's superior numbers, Isolda had never been much of a team fighter. Instead, she began to hum more loudly as she strode towards the farthest of the four that had moved to engage her, seemingly stepping right into their midst. Sizing up her next victim with a smile, Isolda immediately spotted the same hole in his high guard that she'd seen in the men that she'd already slaughtered. This time, however, Isolda opted for a different tactic, remaining unpredictable as she stepped up and held her blade high.... And in one hand. Just as she should have swung, Isolda suddenly took up one of the discarded chairs in her free hand and reversed the momentum of her swing, spinning on her feel and smashing the chair against the bandit's side. The completion of her swing saw her blade plunging towards his belly, and if she hit she sunk it down all the way to the hilt and then released it. Taking a step forward and straightening, Isolda then grasped the handle of her blade in a reverse grip and twisted it, pulling it through the man's body and then out even as she turned to her next opponent.

Isolda hurled the back of the chair which she still clutched in her hands at the man's face, but regardless of whether or not he was able to block the hunk of varnished wood, Isolda ducked low and darted forward, pulling her burning blade along with her. Unless he blocked or stepped out of the way, Isolda caught him around the abdomen... And just kept on going, bending her elbow and flexing her wrist as she stepped and turned, potentially cutting the bandit in half. Only after he'd been cut in half horizontally did Isolda stop her forward momentum, spinning her sword back into a normal grip.

The wanderer didn't spare him so much as a second glance, however, as she turned to the next men just as she hit the crescendo of tune she'd been humming. Isolda began to , calling out in her own warped voice but with near perfect harmony; "...Straight from the sky! Twenty pine boxes all stacked to the side!" She suddenly bolted forward, "Creatures of violence....." Feinting high, Isolda suddenly spun, her cape flying wide at the completion of it while her blade went through the man's ribs, only being stopped after passing through his spine. She turned to the last man that had come for her just as she spoke the last line of the apex of the song that she'd been singing, a relic taught to her by her father allegedly crafted in a different language in which the manner in which it was sung sounded much better; "Creatures of violence!"

She put her boot to the falling man and yanked her blade out before returning to her hum, but the call for the bandit's leader caused Isolda to pause. Her sword sizzling as it burned the blood off of it and with crimson soaking her porcelain skin, even practically dripping from her hair, Isolda roared after the butler that had gone running for their leader; "Yes! Bring me more men!" With that, Isolda turned to the last man and grinned, holding her sword out wide as if offering an opening, but really preparing to deflect any movements he made to strike out at her rather than setting up to attack.

Isolda has Aspect of Spirit for X = 5, 2 EP upkeep per round, adds a +20 bonus to attack, +15 bonus to damage, and +10 AV. These bonuses are included in my listed stats.

Isolda's going to attack three dudes with Lightning Strikes (12 attack and -6 damage per hit) sending one attack at each and using 10 points of Defensive Fighting for extra Dodge.

Dodge: 66
Armor: 22, weak against bashing (which would drop it to 16 AV) and strong against piercing (which would increase it to 34)
Resistance: 25 (35 vs Mind Affecting)
Perception: 22

Speed: 19

Attack: 62 - 22 + 20 = +60.
Damage: 1d12 + 1d8 + 40
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Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 90, PP = 41, EP = 26/36, Status = Normal

Isolda's Lightning Strikes vs. 3 thugs: All autohits.
Damage: 60 + ...Again, dead.

Remaining Ebonstone Thug's attack on Isolda: 20 + 42 = 62. Miss.

Sorio's Shattering Blow on Ebonstone Thug A: +48, autohit.
(Rolled a 2) + 22 = 24 x 2 = 48 damage. Thug is dead.

Renan's Attack on Ebonstone Thug B: +58, autohit.
(Rolled a 2, 2) + 24 + 4 = 32 damage.

Ebonstone Thug B's attack on Renan: 17 + 42 = 59. Miss.
Ebonstone Thug C's attack on Sorio: 7 + 42 = 49. Miss.

Unnerved by her triumphant, inhuman laughter, the four gangsters closest to Isolda did their best to spread out, so as to avoid becoming casualties to the follow-throughs of the swordswoman's deadly strokes, seeing that the headless bodies of their fallen comrades served as a grisly reminder of such a fate. However, this did little to save them, as the nature of their attacks, regardless of how fast they may have been for a normal human, were still as sluggish as ever when compared to the swift bladework of their executioner. The first didn't charge in immediately, approaching her with caution with his blade raised in stance. Seeing her telegraphed overhead swing, he looked to capitalize on Isolda apparent 'mistake' by dashing forward and slicing horizontally towards her midsection, but found his cut jammed by a wooden chair that the Voidic woman sent crashing into him, which shattered against his hands and the hilt of his sword. The force wasn't enough to cause the thug to lose his grip, but it did make him stagger for a fraction of a second--all the time Isolda needed to deliver her deadly lunge. Skewered on her burning blade, the man writhed in agony upon feeling the flames burning his viscera from the inside out, his torment largely ending when the swordswoman wrenched her weapon from his body.

The others didn't know what she was singing, only that her voice, as well as her blood-soaked image, was as terrifying as her strength. The second one of the remaining group successfully parried her attempt at a distraction, but did so by crossing over his high guard, then rushed forward with a swift stab in the hopes of catching Isolda's neck upon his sword. The white-haired beauty was already a step ahead of him, having ducked low underneath his dedicated attack, thus rendering his thrust only fatal to himself as she moved right through him and cleaved him in two at the midsection. Blood sprayed from the thug's two remaining pieces as they fell to the ground, sullying Isolda's clothes and visage further. His cohort, waiting just behind him, had a stunned look to him, looking as if he was about to run, but his legs wouldn't move, wouldn't carry him to safety. Instead, he could only stand there in stance, instinctively raising his blade against Isolda's feint with a drastic, overcommitted motion. This lapse in judgment sent the man to join the bodies of his teammates, and the only downward momentum his blade carried after the quarter-demon was done with him was but a residual motion from his top half naturally seeking the floor.

This left one man from the foursome that had tried to take Isolda down, unsuccessful as they were. Both of his hands, with fingers wrapped tight around the hilt of his sword, visibly trembled as Isolda invited him to strike, and he couldn't help but to take a few steps back, finding her aura overwhelming in its own right. He didn't make it far, though, as his back hit the wall, and he cornered himself without realizing it. A whimper of panic could be heard from the thug, and he mustered any ounce of courage he had left, realizing he had no choice but to at least injure Isolda enough to escape, or die.


Out of sheer desperation, he charged forward, looking to cut the gore-splattered woman right down the center, but thanks to his practically legible body language, his intent was clear; to a Mulweissen practitioner, it was like reading a book. Isolda managed to parry his blow almost effortlessly, and actually slapped the sword from his grip, leaving him shocked for just a few seconds. He would then look at her, then to the door, and make a run for it, though this sequence of events went by slow enough for the swordswoman that she could do practically whatever she wanted with him instead.

As Isolda just about had her way with the group attacking her, Renan and Sorio didn't quite prove as destructive as she did, assailed by a trio of Ebonstone patrons. It was clear that even against a branch of the Black Hepta like this one, the two foreigners would have easily been overwhelmed had they chosen to fight their way out of the 'arrangement' made with Gursh and Axodd. However, they still proved more than a match for the three attacking them, with Sorio ducking and weaving through one man's wide swings, closing the distance in an instant and delivering a brutal uppercut that sent his opponent completely stiff before hitting the ground. Renan had his own problems, managing to sneak in a swift in-and-out stab to the side of the swordsman trying an overhead slash on him. The smaller Talean barely managed to avoid being hit, but his own attack proved less than lethal as well, leaving his foe wounded, but not quite out. The third of the gangsters tried to use the crucial moment in order to land a diagonal slash at the bigger boxer, but Sorio's swift footwork moved him backwards and out of range just in time.

"Oh? That's quite a mess you've made in my fine establishment," came a voice from upstairs. A man dressed in a fine black suit walked out onto the balcony upon which two staircases led upwards, possessed of pale skin and jet-black hair, with one bang covering an eye. The rest of his face was visibly pierced; his septum, eyebrow, bridge, and labret were all adorned with silver studs. If not for the interesting jewelry, he could easily pass as a noble thanks to his well-kept and groomed appearance. Chestnut brown eyes scanned over the team's handiwork, which of course, consisted of many bloody, mangled corpses, most of them having been Isolda's doing. "You two, islander... goons finally lost enough sense to rebel, have you? And because of a single mercenary?" He looked down at Isolda from his high spot, then uncoiled a long, sharp strip of metal from around his waist. "Mm... I see you have some skill." The man sighed, shaking his head, though he couldn't help but to smile despite it all. "I am Denth. It's been a while since the Black Hepta have been challenged in such a direct fashion. But don't misunderstand... carving through a few of my men won't guarantee you success against me. I'll be sure to make fine examples of you three. Especially this woman mercenary... the income you bring will be more than enough to pay for the repairs to my bar."

His eyes narrowed while his lips curled into an eerie smile, one aimed towards the Voidic swordswoman. "I heard someone calling for more men. Was that you? Heh... you'll never need for them ever again by the time I finish with you."

Ebonstone Thug x 3 (two near Renan and Sorio, one near Isolda)
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Parrying the swordsman's wild charge was almost child's-play to the battle-hardened warrior, and she even slapped the sword out of the bandit's hands. She was about to follow up and kill him as she had the others when he turned and ran for the door, and before she could follow up on that Denth appeared. The Black Hepta's local leader's entrance briefly distracted Isolda, and with a wide grin she loudly retorted; "Oh yeah, that was me! Totally callin it!" She broke into a run after the fleeing man, smoothly running her blade between his exposed shoulder blades, piercing his heart and dropping him like a sack of bricks as she closed in on the group engaging Sorio and Renan.

'Yeah, like I've never heard that line before,' she thought silently to herself while she closed the distance on the distracted criminals and pulled her sword out of the dead man. Killing them while they'd been paying attention to her had been almost too easy, and doing it when they had their backs turned... Well, it allowed Isolda to lay the majority of her concentration onto Denth, watching the well-dressed bandit out of the corner of her eye. The man that Renan had injured she dispatched with a single flick of her sword, aimed low and against the back of his knees. That strike allowed her to line up her next one, a quick spinning slash from right to left that decapitated the last man and left her facing Denth squarely, a broad smile on the voidic swordswoman's pale, blood-spattered face.

"Sorry about the mess.... I'm really just trying to get your attention," she said gleefully, her voice having returned to something close to normal. She offered the bandit leader a fairly well versed curtsy, so good that it was almost courtly in fact, and said; "Isolda... And while I might occasionally take mercenary work... I'm hardly in it for the money~" The coo in which she spoke her last line was almost sexual, and she accompanied it with a slight tilt of her hips, making herself appear more like a whore at play than a proper warrior. The vulnerable stance was held for only a brief moment before she turned sideways, her sword pointed behind her between Sorio and Renan as it hissed and crackled, the heat of it burning the blood away and leaving it clean save for a thin layer of organic grime.

"I'm afraid I've gone through all of your little friends though," she continued brightly, easing forward a step and setting herself to move. The coiled, whiplike blade wasn't exactly a weapon that she was familiar with, but it wasn't hard to figure out how it would be used. Spun about the head, and used like a whip to disarm and trip, but with cutting power not to be underestimated. It also had the range on her, not a common occurrence given her choice of blades, but something that she had encountered before. She merely had to get past it first, and then watch out for the bandit's tricks. "I have to say, your claim is a good bit more bold than I believe you understand. You see, I confess that I generally prefer to be the, ahh... Center of attention.... And few men have satisfied me all on their own. Only one, in fact.... And that was a long long time ago. I've grown a tiny bit since then."

If Denth thought that his eerie smile would intimidate her, he was sorely mistaken, as Isolda shot him one right back.... And as she was the one covered in blood and with pitch black orbs for eyes, it was hard to compete. Still, she appreciated the effort... By marking him as unstable, and therefore unpredictable. Her mother's training would only take her so far with this man, and every move could lead her into a disadvantaged position without her even knowing it, at least not until the trap was sprung. Her footing would have to be quick, and she'd have to be careful. Luckily, she was used to fighting on ground slippery with blood, and as she had done most of the work in creating the mess, Isolda would have little trouble in navigating it. "But I digress," she continued, her voice gradually resuming its inhuman form, "How about it? Just you and me~ Winner gets to be on top for what comes after!"

Isolda has Aspect of Spirit for X = 5, 2 EP upkeep per round, adds a +20 bonus to attack, +15 bonus to damage, and +10 AV. These bonuses are included in my listed stats.

Isolda's going to attack the last three regular dudes with Lightning Strikes (-12 attack and -6 damage per hit) sending one attack at each and using 20 points of Defensive Fighting for 20 extra Dodge.

Dodge: 76
Armor: 22, weak against bashing (which would drop it to 16 AV) and strong against piercing (which would increase it to 34)
Resistance: 25 (35 vs Mind Affecting)
Perception: 22

Speed: 19

Attack: 62 - 32 + 20 = +50.
Damage: 1d12 + 1d8 + 40
Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 90, PP = 41, EP = 24/36, Status = Aspect of Spirit activated (X = 5)

Isolda's Lightning Strikes vs. 3 thugs: All autohits.
Damage: ...Definitely fatal.

"Huwwwnngh!" The hapless, fleeing gangster, whose sights were desperately fixed on the building's exit, found release from his panicked state when Isolda rushed after him, the swordswoman catching up to the man in an instant and impaling him upon her bloody sword. He cringed, showing a face filled with shock. After all, he was almost there--surely any other warrior as strong as Isolda would allow him to run, wouldn't they? The thug's failed estimation of Isolda would be his last thought as he slumped forward onto his stomach, watching his own blood creep over the fine wooden floor in front of him. "Uuuuuhhh..."

The last two finely-dressed extras were easy pickings for the white-haired swordswoman, as their efforts towards causing damage were mainly reserved to Renan and Sorio. Despite this, the Talean duo's evasive techniques kept them largely safe from harm, buying enough time for their trump card to come in and murder the unwitting Ebonstone members in a flash. Sorio's sword-wielding opponent felt the back of his neck experience a sharp pain for just a moment as Isolda practically decapitated him from behind, leaving only a small segment of meat keeping him in one piece, but the tanned pugilist, already in motion, quite literally sent the thug's head flying into a nearby wall with a powerful right hook. Renan's foe, on the other hand, ended up with double the cuts, brought low to the ground before being finished off in dramatic fashion that caused even Denth to raise an eyebrow. The vast majority of the bodies strewn about in the tavern, thirteen in all, were now headless, leaving the ground even a bit slippery with their gore.

"Well, if you were trying to gain my attention, you've certainly earned it, and then some," replied Denth flatly, casually walking down the steps to the bar's left side, where it was cleanest, his odd sword trailing behind him. After a few more even gaits, he stopped in a relatively open part of the room.

"Isolda, hmm...? Indeed. It looks like your true passion is murder. A shame that you had to kill most of my men like this, otherwise you'd have made a most excellent member of the Black Hepta. After all, you seem... different somehow, like a man I know."

The Voidic beauty's confessions would not go ignored, however, and they brought a grin back to Denth's face, handsome as it was, if not for the numerous piercings, depending on one's personal taste. "Sultry and deadly. Quite a combination. I'll be sure to enjoy torturing you thoroughly, provided you survive this encounter." Raising his sword arm high, he began to swing the flexible piece of metal around his head, sending the peculiar weapon whistling through the air. He had quite the range advantage, needless to say, and a few stray cuts made upon the surrounding area showcased the weapon's destructive capabilities. "Just be sure to make it good for me, hmm? I haven't had some real fun in such a long time." Eventually, it almost looked as if a loosely flashing metal sphere of sorts had formed around him, in a ten-foot radius, with how quickly he manipulated the whip-like sword.

Renan looked as if he wanted to say something in protest to the conditions of Isolda's direct challenge, but Sorio stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder and shaking his head. Afterwards, the boxer looked at her and simply nodded, motioning for his partner to take a few steps back, towards the bar, then did the same. After all, given the nature of this swordfight, with both participants capable of large, deadly swings from their respective blades, extremely close-range fighters like the two Taleans would only get in the way.

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Re: Takimaru Test Thread

"Now you're just trying to get me excited~" Isolda retorted casually following Denth's comment about enjoying her torture, not at all phased by the threat. "And did you lose anything, really? Well... Maybe you did, but I like to think I did your community a favor. I mean, more cockroaches like you will spring up to replace you in no time, but at least there'll be a few less of you worthless bandits around for a little while. Kinda funny how that is, isn't it? You and your little shit friends parade around like you're important, and sit in here with pretensions of relevance, but when I've wiped out the lot of you... No one's going to miss you. No one but your victims will even notice, and I expect a lot of them will get snapped up by your rivals after I'm done with you. I would ask if that made you think, but the body art kinda suggests that you're not really into the whole thinking thing, so I'd rather not waste the breath~" she said sardonically, her voice returning to some degree of normal, though it had grown deeper and huskier than it normally was as she maintained her powers.

Isolda strode around the room carefully as she delivered her tide of insults, leaving Denth to stand in his spot and spin while she kept her blade behind her, ready to duck in case he should opt to interrupt her speech with violence. She watched his reaction to every word carefully, and after smirking at him through her slow circle she came to a halt, out of reach but still close. "But do tell me about this man. I confess myself curious!" she said conversationally while watching his spinning blade. It was more dangerous than it looked, and sharp, but it didn't have the mass to get through her armor. That meant that he'd be going for places that were more lightly defended, like her face and her arms, though the braces she wore would protect her somewhat from wounds to the latter. He was quick with it too, and Isolda didn't even try to kid herself into thinking that the Hepta leader was a novice with his unusual weapon. She might normally have attempted to simply stick her heavier blade into the spinning ring that he'd created and allow her greater strength to win the contest then and there, but she doubted that so simple a tactic would work against an experienced opponent. It provided a great many defensive options, and she would have to be careful of her extremities lest Denth try to take her feet out from under her or her blade out of her hand.

Her analysis for weaknesses was hampered slightly by her lack of experience against this particular style, but she could at least spot a few that were fairly obvious. While he kept up that spin, his footwork would be slowed by his need to keep is weight in that spinning motion. He'd likely be restricted to quick hops rather than more extended motions, and that gave her an advantage in mobility. There were times when the blade was behind his back, and if she could disrupt him while it was there, it might take him a little bit longer to recover unless he opted for an overhand swing, which seemed like an awkward motion given the nature of the weapon. Their terrain was slippery and cluttered, meaning that there were areas that would provide a degree of cover from that whiplike blade, and places that she could push him to that might disrupt his footwork if he wasn't used to fighting on slippery surfaces like she was.

"You are nothing, little man~" Isolda suddenly said in a deadly low purr, her voice slowly adopting its deep, raspy quality once more. That transformation continued as she raised the volume and tone; "The beasts and the wilds and the ice of Grem have tried to kill me..... The winds and waters of the deepest sea have tried to kill me... Warriors from a hundred different places have tried to kill me.... And all are behind me, dead or broken or all but forgotten. What makes you think you're any different?" She suddenly charged the man with the spinning blade in what outwardly seemed like a very reckless manner, but in truth Isolda had a plan. Her movements had brought her to a fairly cluttered portion of the bar, but with a single route directly to Denth and a number of paths through assorted chairs and tables leading to the general area that he had chosen to occupy. If he had moved at all while she circled him, Isolda had carefully watched, never letting the man and his spinning blade leave her sight.

The radius of his spinning weapon was about ten feet, meaning that she'd have to keep low to the ground, a difficult feat given her impressive stature, but not impossible. The floor was slick with blood, and that gave her a number of options as well, but for now she simply charged straight ahead. If Denth opted to capitalize on this apparently foolhardy attack, how she would respond would depend on a number of factors. Though she had apparently let rage possess her, Isolda was really quite calm, even her usual bloodlust largely absent as she fell completely into her mother's careful training. If Denth's strike was low, then she would dive to the left, through the hole left in a set of tables and chairs by the men that she had already killed when they had risen to face her, before rising to her feet and then making a second dive towards the bandit leader himself, intending to end up at his side. If his attacked was high, then she would suddenly drop to her knees and bend backwards, powersliding beneath his attack and then rising back to her feet, into a leaned forward run that would carry her past him rather than directly into him. Finally, if his strike came from above, she would dive to the right, with similar aims as to her leftwards dive, albeit on the opposite side.

Regardless of which way she went to avoid Denth's attack, or even if he hit her, Isolda's strategy after that was the same. Her first swing was a quick slash at Denth's belly, one that would either gut him or force him to jump back. It was followed by a slash at the shoulder of his sword arm using a quick flick of her wrist along with the power of her arms, and then by a second slash at his belly, which she stepped into if necessary. After that, unless Denth was already on the ground, Isolda would dive aside once more, aiming to bring herself over the a table behind which she intended to take cover in the event of the bandit leader's counter attack.

The only event that would change Isolda's strategy would be if Denth opted not to attack her at all, instead assuming a fully defensive stance, at which point she would have to time it between the spins of the blade and hope that she managed to get through, moving partially to the side rather than going straight so as to maximize her chances of making it through. Her attack pattern would remain the same, as would her move to dive out of the range of his blade.

Isolda has Aspect of Spirit for X = 5, 2 EP upkeep per round, adds a +20 bonus to attack, +15 bonus to damage, and +10 AV. These bonuses are included in my listed stats.

Lightning Strikes with 20 points of Defensive Fighting for more Dodge.
Attacks: +50
Damage: 1d12 + 1d8 + 40
Dodge: 76
AV, Resistance, and Perception: same as earlier posts.
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Re: Takimaru Test Thread

Isolda: HP = 90, PP = 41, EP = 22/36, Status = Aspect of Spirit activated (X = 5)

Isolda's Lightning Strikes vs. Denth:
Isolda rolled an 18 (+50) = 68. Hit.
Isolda rolled a 5 (+50) = 55. Miss.
Isolda rolled a 10 (+50) = 60. Miss.

(Rolled a 9) + (Rolled a 7) + 40 = 56. After modifiers, 51 damage dealt to Denth.

Denth's Attack: Miss.

Isolda's long-winded expression of utter disdain for Denth and his gang caused the studded swordsman to snort out the beginning of a laugh. "...Heh! Oh, you've quite the tongue on you. I'm actually hurt by the sharpness of your words!"

His face straightened just enough afterwards to hint a trace of anger. "But for a mere sellsword like yourself to be insulting my fine tastes is uncalled for. Perhaps after I'm finished with you, you'll learn to develop some manners for once. And then, see if anyone misses you and those two pathetic foreigners." He pointed his gaze towards Sorio and Renan during the explanation before shifting it back to the pale beauty.

"Tell me, would anyone miss -you-? Would anyone even notice in this city of crimes and perpetrators? Here, in Havenport, strength and connections alone keep you alive, keeps you relevant. For you three, who have none, I would say you're clearly outmatched, even if I am alone at this time. For there are other members of the Black Hepta besides me. Even if I should fall--which I won't--the fate awaiting you would be far, far worse. You'll never have a good night's rest again, having to sleep with one eye open for the rest of your life."

He began to alternate his strokes in a figure-8 pattern, somehow managing to maintain a respectable amount of control over the thin, strange blade. "As for that man, you'll meet him soon enough, after I turn you into a proper slave. I'm sure he'd like to have his turn with you as well, especially considering your... hmm, unnatural heritage. Naturally, he is a member of the Black Hepta... and while you do seem strong, I can practically guarantee that his strength far surpasses yours." He narrowed his eyes as she began to close in. "And you know how it goes, as a practitioner of swordsmanship. No matter what hardship you've been through to get here, it just takes one. One tiny slip, one mistake, and it's all over." His deadly, unusual weapon and its movements seemed to be a reminder of that, though on the other hand, it went both ways; a miscalculation by Denth would see him grievously injured or worse, and he was more in danger of that than Isolda was. After all, those associated with the Mulweissen Form were all about calculations and fighting calmly, capabilities that the Voidic beauty didn't lack despite what her brutal style might suggest.

The dark-haired man did have patience, however. He seemed to be waiting for her to expose an opening, trying his best to vary the spins of his blade so as to mix it up and bewilder the swordswoman. But even those committed to avoiding patterns displayed unconscious tendencies, and this much Isolda could figure out from Denth, spotting an awkward transition between his figure-8's and horizontal overhead spins. While the blade was on a travel path behind him, she capitalized. The pierced thug did not look to be caught off-guard completely, reacting on time as needed, but merely noticing her intent did not necessarily mean that he was prepared for her speed. His answer to her dash forward didn't come in time, flying right over Isolda's head as she ducked low and caught him firmly in the midsection with a powerful slice. It didn't feel quite... clean, however, not the kind of stroke that left the sender with a solid reassurance that their target was slain. Blood lightly splattered out from his wound and he grunted, moving back and off to the side quickly to create some much-needed distance. "Hrrrgh!" The confidence in his expression was quick to change after this, shifting from a smirk to a strained frown, no doubt from the shock of feeling the wanderer's power first-hand.

Denth was not one to simply let the white-haired woman simply continue to attack him in this manner, however, and instinctively sent a diagonally looping swing towards her, one that looked to force a few backsteps in order to avoid. In this chess game, however, she was already a step ahead of him. The tables and other assorted furniture around her served as makeshift barriers that she had even thought to employed beforehand--usage of the environment was foremost in her mother's sword art. And while the Black Hepta swordsman seemed to notice this initially, his reflexive counterattack, hastily made as it was, did not account for the surrounding objects, tearing through some of the chairs and tables before getting stuck halfway into one. For a thin weapon like his to have as much power was unusual, to say the least, but as it came to a temporary halt, the Voidic woman would eventually see why. Upon taking a closer look, Isolda noticed that the tip of Denth's sword, was forked, like the tongue of a snake, fitting for its serpentine nature and the way he manipulated it. More importantly, its edges were serrated, showing another part of its secret in cutting through wood the way it did. It functioned much like a saw, the teeth adding some power to take advantage of the blade's length.

That was just enough time to see the details regarding Denth's sword, however, as he pulled it back, tearing through the rest of the table and resuming his deadly whirls. As he did so, he began to move sideways, trying to move into an area with less obstacles. "Tch..."
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Re: Takimaru Test Thread

"You see, that right there is the difference between people like, and people like you...." Isolda grunted as she issued her first slash at him, "I have no presumptions of importance.... And don't worry, I'll be coming for the rest of your little friends too! They'll be able to join you in the Void!" All in all, the first part of the combat had gone well in her favor. She had scored a solid hit on Denth, opening up his hip and spilling his blood, and while she hadn't crippled him as she'd intended to, Isolda had still drawn first blood without taking any injury in return. Denth's return strike was no more successful than her second or third, ending up railing against the table that she took cover behind rather than against her flesh, and she grinned as she returned to a readied crouching position and began to move.

"Oooh, fancy. Serrated and forked at the tip?" she remarked aloud following her observations of the form into which his whip-like blade was crafted. She didn't try to capitalize on his moment of weakness, knowing that it would be brief and would only open herself up to another return strike, but she did take the opportunity to taunt her opponent. "And what would you know about my heritage?" she asked bemusedly, faking a sense of urgency beneath her tone as, despite her own honest curiosity, she suspected that he was simply attempting to foil her concentration with his words. Letting him think that he was succeeding cost her nothing and might provide an opportunity to strike if Denth acted on her perceived weakness.

She circled him for a few moments, keeping close enough to be threatening but far enough away that she wouldn't provoke an attack as she worked him, blocking him from moving into a clearer portion lest he close in on her. She could only control him so much, however, and while she could have closed in sooner, she allowed him to gain a bit of ground... Providing an illusion in which he might gain some confidence. "You were quite right though," she spat suddenly as she began to strafe in towards her opponent, watching the weakness in his technique that her Mulweissen form training revealed. Suddenly reaching out in the midst of one her bouncing movements, Isolda grabbed a chair and chucked it straight at Denth with an underhand swing, stepping up behind it and going into another dive depending on where he swung.

All of the moving about that she did might have caused a lesser warrior to tire, particularly after the wild, brutal melee in which she'd dispatched the gangster's minions, but Isolda was long used to longer battles. She knew how to keep her movements controlled, and she had always been possessed of a healthy amount of stamina, particularly for a women possessed of her curves, and had rarely grown tired to the point that she could no longer fight even when she was badly wounded. Even when using her powers as she was, Isolda rarely had need to rest between skirmishes, and given his wound and the amount of energy it took to keep his blade swinging as he did, it was likely that Denth would tire well before she could. Even so, Isolda didn't plan on giving him the time to prove that, seeking to end their exchange here and now with only one more swing.

Coming up from her dive, the voidic swordswoman rose and placed both hands upon her blade, swinging up from the hip in a smooth curving arc. It would have been a difficult strike to block for any combatant, and a difficult to blow to avoid given the superhuman speed with which she issued it, but afterwards she would be left with a great deal less ability to avoid Denth's whip-like blade. She aimed her burning blade at the shoulder of his sword arm, as she'd done before, seeking to cripple rather than instantly kill. "I won't be missed when I'm gone!"

Isolda has Aspect of Spirit for X = 5, 2 EP upkeep per round, adds a +20 bonus to attack, +15 bonus to damage, and +10 AV. These bonuses are included in my listed stats.

You can include a round of Isolda on Full Defense as she circles him, giving +40 Dodge (cuz one hand on sword,) and +30 Resistance/Perception, if you feel it's appropriate. It's unlikely that Denth's going to outlast her EP since she only pays 2 per round.

One attack with both hands on the sword.
Attacks: +82
Damage: 1d12 + 1d8 + 60
Dodge: 46
AV, Resistance, and Perception: same as earlier posts.