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Mitsuko X Space Escape

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Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Anyway, that's how things are at the moment, so be patient, besides there are plenty of other H-games that you can play that are way better than mine :p


And you're taking all the good ones for beta-testing!
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Anyway, that's how things are at the moment, so be patient, besides there are plenty of other H-games that you can play that are way better than mine :p

Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

And well, maybe Pen got that impression, but really the enemies don't have a counter, it's just that if your too weak, you do 0 dmg, and 0 dmg won't make the enemy flinch, so he can continue his attack, breking your combo, that came up unintentionally when I was coding the upgrade system, reminded me of the days I played Maplestory, where if you try to tackle a too high level monster, you do only miss to him, so you must go level up and then go at it again, so I decided to leave it.

Anyway, that's how things are at the moment, so be patient, besides there are plenty of other H-games that you can play that are way better than mine :p


So glad to hear from you here, and I seriously can't wait for this new release. I love how the leveled enemies sound and I can't stop checking your blog in anticipation.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Anyway, that's how things are at the moment, so be patient, besides there are plenty of other H-games that you can play that are way better than mine :p


Thanks for getting back to us Uriel. Here's to hoping it's out soon. ^^

Also, nope. Every new good game that's come out I've beaten, collected all the CG and really have no reason to continue playing. XD Everything new coming out lately is another damn RPG maker game.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Anyway, that's how things are at the moment, so be patient, besides there are plenty of other H-games that you can play that are way better than mine :p

It's okay to brag sometimes when your product is superb :p
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

can't play the games FPS keeps bottoming out.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Great animations and what not, its just....I don't......I don't feel like I'm playing a demo that's been thoroughly beta tested...

Is it just me?
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Great animations and what not, its just....I don't......I don't feel like I'm playing a demo that's been thoroughly beta tested...

Is it just me?

Agreed games buggy as hell. Also anyone else annoyed at how fast she loses hp and gets turned on while getting raped?
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Haven't play that far, but most enemy repawn instantly after killed. They also have rediculusly large hit detection. A wolf with half of Mitsuko's height can knock her down when she is jumping in the air or on a higher platform. Wolf also seems to easily break Mitsuko's combo and send her on the floor, not too sure if that's intended.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Finally made it to the save point blindly running around so I can test stuff now. Is there one in the 2nd level?

If you hit 0's on enemies, they can interrupt your combos and sometimes just randomly too. Good luck escaping if a slime gets in you a corner right now with the way they respawn.

It's really difficult to get your arousal down and since I like to test all the animations, that sucks. I keep hitting the full arousal drop in the save point too on accident. I'm currently just letting it lower on my other monitor, it's soooo slow. Oh joy, after leaving the save room it goes back up to fully aroused, more waiting! I'd request that the arousal meter lowers much quicker.


Right now I just had a bug where I died to a slime/wolf and he hit me after the rape animation, I just started floating out of the game with 0 hp instead of getting the load or title screen options.

Not sure if a bug but the wolf rape animation shows him trying to mount you doggy style regardless of which way you're laying on the ground when it touches you, though it switches to the missionary position if you fail to escape that if you were on your back.

After leaving the save room on the first map, your arousal maxes out. So it's very difficult to test all the smexy animations. It seems it happens when going from the first map to the 2nd map as well.
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Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

This whole 'beta testing' thingy didn't went as planned, but well at least it's the same as always buggy as hell :p
About the damage and stuff, yeah I agree that this still needs some heavy tweaks, it's hard to find the correct balance between damage made/received/level system/upgrades, so I think it will be a while until I hit the sweet spot
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

By far not as buggy as the old game. The horse is sexy as hell. Would love it if the masses of cum would inflate mitsukos belly, but that is just a fetish of mine.
Bugs are when you restart a game, be it by loading a savegame or by just starting a new game after dying.
Also I love the fact how fast you get damage... Imagine being a weak girl and you get suddenly attacked by a bunch of wolves...
And while you are out of power to fight back you get constantly forced to mate with them until you begin to like it....

This whole 'beta testing' thingy didn't went as planned, but well at least it's the same as always buggy as hell :p
About the damage and stuff, yeah I agree that this still needs some heavy tweaks, it's hard to find the correct balance between damage made/received/level system/upgrades, so I think it will be a while until I hit the sweet spot

You can do the damage tweaks when you do the difficulty settings. It is good for normal mode.. Hard mode should be a nightmare, but needs better game mechanics. Easy Mode should be half the damage it has now, while it has double the hornyness growth of normal mode.
The Level Up system with the rare rare random drops sucks though...(defeated 30 enemys for 1 chip drop, and need at least 5 chips to do something useful). An exp system like kyrierus would be a bit better imo

Thank you for making a nice and sexy game
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Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

The only bug I found so far is that suddenlly theres a possibility that you and the enemies become invulnerable to damage, and so every hit will cause 0 damage. Please just fix that and ill be gratefull xDDD. Also I loved the horse animations!!!!!!!!
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Played a little, bugs found:

1) when you load a previously saved game, all the stats except "will" are "undefined", this means that Mitsuko does not inflict nor take damage (atk and def are "undefined") and that she can't escape.
2) I've spent some chips in upgrading the ATK and then my chips count got stuck to "-2" .

Some gameplay issues (strictly subjective)
1) I feel that when you are not naked, damage should be inflicted on suits and underwear. This because at low levels Mitsuko can sustain approximately two or three rapes with full "will", if your "will" was already lowered by hits taken, a single rape could mean "Game Over"... and, you know... we play for the game AND for the ROR...

2) Enemy respawning it's really tiring, either limit it whenever stage is loaded or use a greater timeout...

3) The zoom should be tweaked more or it could be manual, most of the time I cannot see the "escape" bar and the "will" bar

What I liked compared to previous versions:
1) the fact that even if it's "game over" Mitsuko can still "enjoy" her captors. If we could have a "Game Over Climax" nothing could be better.
2) the blob enemy is pretty nice.
3) the level design is more varied.
4) the "stats" systems seems a good idea.

What I'd really like to see.
1) more anthropomorphic enemies (sex is better when you have hands, IMHO);
2) Game Over Climax, as stated above;
3) Mitsuko "Sex Rage" mode (activated by a pill or by some condition): Mitsuko goes "Horny" and the moment she reaches an enemy the rape start, but instead of damaging her, it restores her "energy"... you know... like in Pac-Man with rape added... :D
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Hmm, I managed to find a slime, a wolf and a poop monster thing. Where is the horse at?

Also as buggy as the demo may be. The positions with the wolf is hawt! Especially the missionary ones.
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Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Hmm, I managed to find a slime, a wolf and a poop monster thing. Where is the horse at?

Also as buggy as the demo may be. The positions with the wolf is hawt! Especially the missionary ones.

Horse is second map, 2nd floor to the left through a door. I didn't find that 4th monster you're talking about.
Re: Anybody want updated Mitsuko X?

They just charge like 55%... There are worse...

That's actually pretty stupid of them, as the inflated prices are a large part of the reason DLsite stuff is so heavily pirated. I'd pay $10-15 for some of the really good games there, but $20-30 is in the range of real games (ie games that will last weeks or even months). I simply can't justify paying $20+ for some of these hrpgs that you're done with in a few hours tops. But then software prices in Japan in general are heavily inflated. Some of those crap Illusion games sell for like $80+.

I wonder how much of a cut Steam takes.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Horse is second map, 2nd floor to the left through a door. I didn't find that 4th monster you're talking about.

Ahh thanks. I was playing a different version on . That would explain it.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

The "poop monster", AKA golem, is in the same place it used to be in previous demos - on the very bottom of the cave stage, beyond key-locked doors on the same level as the elevator from the lab complex. I don't know how you managed to get to the golem without encountering one or two horses - but hell, bugs happen. Check the room where you found the blue key once again, at least one should spawn (EDIT2: Scratch that, I read up you were playing the old demo)

As for my question: how do I break the container with the daggers? I tried all the weapons on it to no avail. The only thing I didn't try was the explosion skill, which I can't use due to a bug (i took off her clothes in the menu and couldn't put them on again, while the skill requires her not to be nude). Any help?

EDIT: Oh, and as for the "bugwatch and suggestion" corner:
- make the back-or-front rape system more consistent, I commonly found Mitsuko knocked over not how I intended her to;
- decrease the rate at which rapes decrease Mitsuko's will bar and fill up her arousal. It's kind of frustrating that she can only take up to three or four rapes regardless of her defence.
- thr bug that i encountered and mentioned above: Mitsuko's clothes, once removed by deselecting them in the menu can't be put back on.

Still, awesome demo. I can't wait for it to be continued :D
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