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Mitsuko X Space Escape

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Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I remember getting the infinite loop jump on the first ladder, on the way back up to the ship.

I think I was spamming double jump and holding up + right. I think the same thing happened before when you could climb on top of the doors in the older version.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

buggi game XD

not goes XD

door goes not open ec. to many buggis not playable.

just jump and atack the slime, and ta-da! door open.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

um.. what are the controls? It doesn't seem to be recognizing my controller, and after hitting Enter on the "press start" screen, I can use the arrow keys to move between New Game, etc and.. that's it.. nothing else on the keyboard seems to do anything.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

and heal on the save goes not yejjj XD
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Blog Update! Uriel stated that he's doing another little poll thing about the 5 things we think he we don't like about the game, I'll copy/paste his post.

Hey guys.
I figured that I should do something to get you busy while you wait for the next update, since I'm still being held captive by a certain MMO who's name I won't say...
Anyway, this time I wanted to try something new, well, I guess you have given me that kind of feedback now and then, but this time it would be gathered in one place, anyway, what I'm talking about is that for this "poll" I want you to tell me 5 things (only 5 since everyone will be posting so I will get drowned if I ask more than 5) you don't like about the game, everyone (that's a generalization I know) keeps telling me that they love the game and that is awesome etc etc, but this time around I want the other side of the stick (pause on that), if you can't think more than 5, yay for me, if you have more than 5 please just choose the ones that bother you the most (don't male another post just to put all please ^_^').

So, there you have it, I await the "hate" comments.


Well you know what to do lads, make a small list.

1. Her speech during sex is way too fast, thats gotta get fixed

2. Lack of clothed sex

3. Stomach bulging would be nice to see, especially with the larger animals or just the ones that can cum a lot

4. Tougher enemies, the ones we have now are pretty week. I understand that its only the first level and all but Mitsuko is one shotting wolves and two shotting horses with her fists.

5. Just a request but I would like to see pregnancy as a game over or something, maybe as a CG or a small 'several months later' scene where she's knocked up and servicing the baddie that did it. This one shouldn't be a priority, just something nice to have added later on.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Always liked his blog updates. They're pretty frequent and informative. Great game too.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

My priorities would be:

1: Proper speed with the text during sex
2: Clothed sex
3: Improvement on the Slime scenes, they're just lower quality than the others
4: Combat that is a bit more than get hit-> fall over -> spam attack
5: More frequent level-up cards. I don't want to grind in an H-game.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

2. Lack of clothed sex

3. Stomach bulging would be nice to see, especially with the larger animals or just the ones that can cum a lot

4. Tougher enemies, the ones we have now are pretty week. I understand that its only the first level and all but Mitsuko is one shotting wolves and two shotting horses with her fists.

Agreed with all of these, especially 2. It's kind of a waste to have to get Mitsuko all nekkid in order for the fun to start.

Also, launcher attack is too powerful.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

1) Daggers seem to be a bit underpowered. They should at least be extremely fast or hit multiple times per button press.

2) Never did care for the music in the underground area. The boss golem's song is awesome though.

3) The different weapons don't really change the overall gameplay, just the attack animation and hit boxes. Not much point in collecting them... yet.

4) More of a glitch, but saving and clothing pickups apparently revert you to the last thing you were picked up, not what you're currently wearing. Saving should remember which clothing item you were wearing last (or.... not wearing) and clothing pickups seem to only restore the durability of what you collected last.

5) Horniness should be easier to manipulate and randomly dropped aphrodisiac pills should be an inventory item -- not used on pickup.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

1) Daggers seem to be a bit underpowered. They should at least be extremely fast or hit multiple times per button press.

4) More of a glitch, but saving and clothing pickups apparently revert you to the last thing you were picked up, not what you're currently wearing. Saving should remember which clothing item you were wearing last (or.... not wearing) and clothing pickups seem to only restore the durability of what you collected last.

5) Horniness should be easier to manipulate and randomly dropped aphrodisiac pills should be an inventory item -- not used on pickup.

Hmm sorta yeah, they feel at the same speed as the sword, and deal much less damage. I always go with the sword or spear

Clothing pickups:
I haven't found ANY of it, the % is crazy

Thinking about it yeah, since the pills will be there the entire stage, but then again (same as the clothing pickup), the blue pills, what happened to them?
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Just finished the game on normal all 17/17 pickups but it does not let me start a Newgame+ from the main menu even though I saved after I completed the level selected Newgame+ my completed save and then it just does nothing.

It does make beeping noises when I press any button at all like its trying to do something but it doesn't.

If I back out and go to continue it automatically loads up a save with no input from me.

Any ideas or is this a current build "feature"
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Oh wow, didn't realise he'd actually started putting out updates again.

Are there any new enemies/animations since the release from years back?
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Oh wow, didn't realise he'd actually started putting out updates again.

Are there any new enemies/animations since the release from years back?

Uhh.. No? Slime, Horse, Wolf, and Mudblob Boss. thats it. and i think he said he wont put in more enemies to the game. Honestly i hope he changes his mind.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Pretty much all he added was more pickups. Nothing really of consequence. Mud boss was broken as hell when I fought him if I remember correctly. Close to just unfollowing this one. Not really a fan of furry stuff anyway.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I downloaded the latest version and the controls don't work for me. I can get to the main menu (New Game, Options, etc) and I can move the cursor up and down but I can't select anything. I've hit every button on my keyboard, I've unplugged and I've restarted my computer. Nothing works :(
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I downloaded the latest version and the controls don't work for me. I can get to the main menu (New Game, Options, etc) and I can move the cursor up and down but I can't select anything. I've hit every button on my keyboard, I've unplugged and I've restarted my computer. Nothing works :(

Delete your old save
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I understand that he's working at his own pace and things, which is all good. The part that frustrates me is that these same enemies have been in the demos he's been throwing aroudn (except for the horse) for close to three or four years already. In fact, older versions of the game had a floating eye enemy, making for more content than there is now, really.

He seems to be so focused on designing the level or the engine or something that the main point of this being an H-game gets lost. I'm really tired of getting a new demo that just results in me going through the same level as two years ago.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I remember him saying that until the game is finished, these are all the enemies we're getting.

He redesigned the game engine recently and things are picking up in pace. Usually it's just a few bug fixes here and there, but he's releasing more often, that's for sure.

Now I may not be the best at programming and it's been years since I've done anything serious, but I know what it's like to work with spaghetti code. I think the whole redesign of the game engine was to streamline things so he's not working with spaghetti code.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I understand that he's working at his own pace and things, which is all good. The part that frustrates me is that these same enemies have been in the demos he's been throwing aroudn (except for the horse) for close to three or four years already. In fact, older versions of the game had a floating eye enemy, making for more content than there is now, really.

Yes, the only way to see new enemies is buying the game from Dlsite when it's complete.

Seriously, I'm doing this for all of you, personally, if I were following a game that is adding bit by bit to a free, downloadable demo, there's no way in hell I would buy it when it's completed, why? because I would have seen ALL the game has to offer, the few things they could have added from the last demo to the complete game surely wouldn't make it for the price. I want the game I'm buying to have as much new things as possible, that's why you won't see anymore enemies until then; it doesn't mean I'm not working on more though, the wasp sprites have been done since a while; just need to code the sucker in, but I'm waiting to do so because I'm going to revamp the enemy ai so they have more patterns attacks and such, and another enemy is close to completion.

Honestly, is totally on my expectations that more than half the ppl that know about the game stops following, I know better than anyone that I'm slow as all hell, but I'm not worried about that, when the game hits dlsites and such, the shock alone that the game was actually completed will be enough to stir someone's curiosity...right?
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Yes, the only way to see new enemies is buying the game from Dlsite when it's complete.

Seriously, I'm doing this for all of you, personally, if I were following a game that is adding bit by bit to a free, downloadable demo, there's no way in hell I would buy it when it's completed, why? because I would have seen ALL the game has to offer, the few things they could have added from the last demo to the complete game surely wouldn't make it for the price. I want the game I'm buying to have as much new things as possible, that's why you won't see anymore enemies until then; it doesn't mean I'm not working on more though, the wasp sprites have been done since a while; just need to code the sucker in, but I'm waiting to do so because I'm going to revamp the enemy ai so they have more patterns attacks and such, and another enemy is close to completion.

Honestly, is totally on my expectations that more than half the ppl that know about the game stops following, I know better than anyone that I'm slow as all hell, but I'm not worried about that, when the game hits dlsites and such, the shock alone that the game was actually completed will be enough to stir someone's curiosity...right?

Your game once complete will actually be one of the best h platformers in existence. But could science please make cryogenics possible/accessible before hand? I got a thing for your games protagonist and it hurts knowing there will be a full game with her but I cant have it now. Freeze me now plox till the game is out.
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