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Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Minotaur
19 vs 8 +2

Kila's fireball found it's mark and the distinct smell of charred fur filled the chamber as the minotaur bellowed in pain. It swung it's ax around wildly failing to actually land anything but producing a fearful display.

Kila vs Minotaur
3 vs 15 +2

Kila launched some sort of spell at the Minotaur that emitted a light pink glow, but whatever it was supposed to do failed to materialize. The Minotaur shook it's head in a slightly confused manner but it seemed to remain in control of it's faculties, limited as they were.

Minotaur vs Senira
16 vs 18

The Minotaur bellowed as it charged at the last person to successfully make an attack upon it's person. Senira barely ducked her way under a backhanded ax swing and could only stare at the considerable damage it had done to the wall before she quickly back stepped away from the powerful beast.

Senira FP 5/5 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Kila FP ¾ AP 0/10 Status: Fine

Minotaur FP 6/8 AP 0/15 Status: Fine
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

If that's what it took to get him down, well, they could do this all day. Senira backed up a few steps and launched more fire, a grin on her face as she looked at the minotaur.

"Boy, someone got up on the wrong side of the stall this morning... what's the matter, big boy, didn't get milked? Or are you trying to miss us on purpose?"

As long as its rage was focused on her, well, Kila could do what she needed to- without having to worry about however many pounds of axe coming at her.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Minotaur
11 vs 7 +2

Senira launched another fireball at the Minotaur and it's slow lumbering form was completely incapable of moving out of the way. Once again the smell of burnt fur filled the room as the beast began flailing about in pain.

Kila vs Minotaur
17 vs 9 +2

Kila's spell finally met it's mark as a pink colored cloud engulfed the Minotaur and they could see it's already cloudy grow even duller. It seemed to relax and it's ax lowered to the ground as it looked around in a daze.

“I'm not sure how long that's going to hold...”
Kila warned Senira, as that spell didn't seem like it would hold long. “Try Focusing on your next spell!”

Senira FP 5/5 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Kila FP 3/4 AP 0/10 Status: Fine

Minotaur FP 5/8 AP 0/15 Status: ....whu....
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

She nodded. "Sounds like a plan. I hope you're not too sad about missing out on him, though... you looked like you were drooling there, for a second...." she teased as she worked to focus her next spell. She'd concentrate on it, long enough to charge it up... and then unleash it when it was ready. She just hoped she wouldn't miss this one, because if it closed with her...
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“No worries, this is hardly the only one.” Kila stated with a grin.

Senira vs Minotaur
Focused, Auto-Hit
9 -2 vs 20 +2 (No critical, roll purely to check.)

Senira focused for a moment as she found the well of flame that resided within her soul. It pour out of her like a fountain of fire engulfing the minotaur in an inferno that caused it to release a heavy scream the echoed through out the corridor. When the font of flame withdrew it revealed the heavily burnt visage of the beast that was heavily wounded but not yet dead.

Kila vs Minotaur
Focused, Auto-Hit
18 -2 vs 4 +2 (No critical, roll purely to check.)

It became apparent that Kila was focusing on her own spell at the same time Senira was as she thrust her own hand at the Minotaur. The beast shuddered as if it were hit by a massive fist and it crumpled forward with a hand clutching it's belly. It looked up to glare at the two of them with murder in it's eyes.

Minotaur vs Senira
16 vs 6

The Minotaur launched itself bodily at Senira and she felt her body being tosses like a rag doll down to the ground. The Minotaur raised it's ax and threw an overhead swing at her but it's strength failed it and if found itself dropping it's weapon as it shuddered.

Senira FP 4/5 AP 0/10 Status: Knocked Downs
Kila FP 3/4 AP 0/10 Status: Fine

Minotaur FP 1/8 AP 0/15 Status: Almost Finished
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Hey, horn-head! Down here!"

There was really only one way she could see this ending well- if he wasn't going to come to her, she'd have to go to it. She'd pull herself along the ground, until she could get close enough to grab him, and would then channel a bolt of lightning right through him. It would have to finish him, because she was taking a huge risk by doing that.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira vs Minotaur
20 vs 8 +2

Senira grabbed onto the minotaurs leg and channeled the full force of her lightning spell through his body. The beast began to spasm and roar as it thrashed around a bit before finally collapsing to the ground finally dead. Kila hesitatingly approached the corpse and gave it a quick prod with her foot to confirm this fact.

“...well, despite everything that went better than I thought it would.” Kila stated as she helped Senira to her feet.

Senira felt energy gather in her stomach as she recognized her victory. It was begging to be used and she felt that it could be used to increase her endurance, increase her ability to use magic in general or to boost the damage output of one element of magic. The choice was hers.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"...and another one finally bites the dust, as it were." She breathes a sigh of relief and regains her feet. Thinking a second, she chooses to enhance her ability to use magic in general with the energy in her stomach. If she can do more things, than that might help her be more useful in a fight instead of just hoping her damage skills could get them through.

But what they really needed was a front-line fighter... and hopefully there would be one in the room where the minotaur had made its entrance from.

"...admit it, Kila. The only reason you said one of these was fun was because you wanted to see me get done by one." Senira nudged her hat, giving her friend a cheeky grin as she proceeded over the broken rubble and through the door.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

Senira's Magic Trait becomes 1!

“...I would've gone first.” Kila stuck her tongue out at Senira as she followed her through the rubble. On the other side, they found a dungeon that had a heavy odor to it and seemed kinda warm all things considered. On the other side of the room, they found what they were looking for.

Chained down on her hands and knees next to a bed made out of straw, they saw a muscular woman with long blonde hair. They couldn't see her face as she was chained facing the wall, but they could see her well used pussy dripping minotaur cum and her distended belly heavy with child.

“Who's there?! This had better not be another trick!” And she was certainly still lucid and very much defiant against her captors. "Unbind my hands and I'll varnish these halls with your brains!"
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Easy, easy... we're friendly. We ran those orcs off and killed that minotaur. He won't be bothering you ever again. Kila, keep an eye out there- they might try to bring some friends back, and we'll need to be gone from here before then... no matter how much fun it sounds to you, I don't think an orc gangbang would be good right now. After a few good bottles of booze though... then maybe." she shrugged.

She'd check the chains, trying to find a point where she could unlock them.

"Relax. My name's Senira, I'm here to clean this place out. How'd you like to come along and give me a hand?" she asked the woman, still working at her chains. She didn't want to release her hands until she was sure she wasn't going to pound her into the wall, though...
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

As Senira circled around the Amazon, she could see that not only was her hands and legs bound, but her nipples had been pierced and chained together through a ring mounted on the floor. Judging by the wear and tear on the other chains it seemed completely necessary to keep her from struggling against her bindings. She had a pretty face that was only marred by a scar that crossed it in a surprisingly even manner.

A brief glance at the surrounding room revealed a key hanging from a nearby wall that appeared to fit the chains.

“...are you really? I could hear that minotaur scream from here...” The Amazon paused to consider her next words. “My name is Aria. Do you know what happened to my sisters? They came in with me.”

“Your sisters? If they're not here, then they've been moved into the castle to be transformed like I was.” Kila stated. “I'm Kila, by the way.”

“Transformed?” Aria stretched her neck to look at Kila. “Wait... you mean those monsters were... release me, I have to find my sisters!”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Then we don't have much time to lose."

She'd snatch the key and undo the chains, trying to release her from the bindings.

"Are you still able to fight?" she asked, eyes flicking over the amazon's form.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“I am an Amazon. Like being with child is going to slow me down!” Aria smirked as she rubbed her wrists. Despite her distended stomach, she didn't seem to be slowed down by it in the least nor by the chain that still hung from her nipples. The Amazon swiftly moved towards the downed Minotaur and picked up it's ax. She took a couple swings with it and it seemed like she had a better handle on it then it's previous master.

“Well? What are we waiting for?” Aria seemed excessively hasty, even considering the situation. It was probably part of the reason she was caught in the first place.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"We're looking to take the place over. It involves finding Miguel and his master and doing horrible things to them. But we have to move carefully. If we rush, we end up chained to a wall and screwed by minotaurs. We need to find that spirit the dryad mentioned, and ruin its day. Come on, let's go."

She would take a look around, and point further down the hallway, sprinting down it.

"Those orcs might be back soon, so hurry!"
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Sounds like a good plan, I suppose.” Aria paused as she waited for Senira and Kila catch up to her. “Those two won't stand a chance against me now that I'm free. So where's this spirit you're talking about?”

“Downstairs somewhere... it's that rope freak.” Kila answered as they made their way back down the stairs to the second floor. They found themselves in front of the unopened door from earlier.

“That bitch? I remember them bringing her up whenever they wanted to try to exhaust me.” The Amazon responded.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Shall we go in and say hello, then? I can bet you anything we'll get her good. I don't think that minotaur was weaker than her, so we might have an easier time. Let's see here..."

She opens the door, spell on her lips and grin on her face. It wasn't like anything had really managed to get hold of her yet, and she was confident it wouldn't happen here, either.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Be careful with this one, if this ghost gets a hold of you she can and will hold onto you for days...” Aria warned before Senira opened the door.

As Senira opened the door, the first thing she saw inside was a veritable spiderweb of ropes and chains spread out over the room. And in the center of that room a translucent figure was visible.

The figure was covered in only rope and it was tied tightly around her body without restricting her movement in anyway. Almost as soon as the door opened, she turned to face the party with a cruel smile.

“Well well well... welcome to my parlor said the spider to the flies.” Her eyes fell upon Senira first. “More pretender heroes... like I was before they taught me who I really was. Oh I can't wait to play with you...”
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"...there's nothing pretend about me. But as for you being taught your place? Let's take you back to school, shall we? For example, my name's Senira, and I'm here to pretty much end your little playtime. Speaking of which..."

She held out a palm and soon enough, a ball of fire was hovering in it.

"Let's give 'rope burn' a new meaning, yes?"

She'd give it a throw, looking to hit the specter or the ropes themselves.
Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

“Oh my sweet little sluts... my playtime has only just begun!” The ghost taunted the party.

Senira vs Specter
17 vs 7

Senira quickly threw the gathered fireball at the spirit, successfully catching her enemy flat footed after her taunting. The spirit glowered at the mage as it seemed to fade out for a moment before regaining her consistency.

Kila vs Specter
16 vs 19

Kila sent her own spell at the former adventurer, but whatever she just tried to do didn't seem to have any effect on the ghost. The spirit leered at Kila, “That's so amusing... I've broken fully grown succubi and yet you think you stand a chance against me.”

Aria vs Specter
10 vs 12

Aria tried to capitalize on the spirit's distraction by striking her with her massive ax, but the large weapon sailed right through the ghosts body to no effect. “Someone didn't learn their lesson from before...”

11 vs 6

Instead of attacking, the specter seemed to be focusing on something within her web work of chains and robs. After a brief moment, a mass of rope in a vaguely humanoid shape dropped to the ground before righting itself and facing the party. “You don't mind if I bring a couple friends, do you?”


Senira FP 5/5 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Kila FP 4/4 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Aria FP 7/7 AP 0/10 Status: Fine

Specter FP 9/10 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Rope Demon FP 5/5 Status: Freshly Summoned
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Re: Senira's Journey (Green Jay)

"Boy, you talk big, if anything else. Besides, it's not like you'll have a chance against me, anyways. It's to the point where I could simply burn you away, and you couldn't do a thing to stop me. Case in point, watch this!"

She would focus on this fire for a bit, and then launch it at the specter again, as if to prove her point.

"See? You can't even hurt us, so why don't you just fly away and kick Miguel in the teeth while you're at it and save us the trip?"