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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"I... I'm not really sure honestly, but if I had to guess she's some sort of demon and not a succubus, because we've had succubi come to the temple above before, and not from down here. They were always nice as could be, and even though they still tried to seduce some of the priests and priestesses, they never really did anything more than that. I mean there are succubi that live in our world just as peacefully as all of the other people," Shana replied to Karrie's question.

After that they continued on through the southern passageway and soon found themselves in a quite long rectangular shaped room. In the center of the room they saw a large greenish plant or tree growing that had many vine like tentacles extending out from it. There were at least a couple of dozen or so that they would have to deal with if they wanted past the thing, as it was blocking their path towards the door on the opposite side of the room.

"Karrie, what should we do? Fight it or try and run past?" Shana asked Karrie, sounding a little scared as the tentacles waved about around the large tree like plant, as a few started to come towards them.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie had to think on the spot quickly as this large plant thing was blocking their way "We might as well fight it, if we get caught trying to run past we wont be ready" she said, hefting her new axe, Karrie immediately swung it at the approaching tentacles.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 16 vs 18 TT, miss
Shana - 10 vs 8 TT, hit

Tentacle Tree - 12 vs 10 Karrie, hit and grappled

Karrie - 16 vs 17 TT, miss and failed to break free
Shana - 7 vs 14 TT, miss and failed to free Karrie

Tentacle Tree - 13 vs 5 Shana, hit and grappled

"O-Okay then, maybe I should use this sword so I can cut them," Shana replied, drawing her sword from its sheath as she got ready to fight.

After they were both ready Karrie moved in a little with Shana right behind her. As soon as they were within range, Karrie swung her new axe at the tentacles, but the things were quite fast and dodged her swing, however Shana's sword swing was able to catch one of the tentacles as it came past her, her blade slicing the thing in two and taking one of the tentacles out of commission.

The tentacles however swiftly swung themselves about and one slammed into Karrie's back, knocking her forwards right into the grasp of a couple of more, one of which quickly coiled around her waist and lifted her up while another coiled around both of her ankles to keep her from kicking, though her arms were still free to fight with.

Karrie's struggles to get free however were dashed as she simply couldn't break the hold the tentacles had on her, and Shana couldn't free her either as she swung her sword at some of the encroaching tentacles and missed them all. The tentacles then slammed into Shana's side and knocked her to the dungeon floor as two coiled about her body in the same manner as they had Karrie, lifting her up right next to the human swordswoman, almost as if debating what to do with the two girls it now had a hold of.

"K-Karrie... maybe we should have just tried to run past it," Shana whimpered as the tentacles held them aloft.

Karrie - FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10, grappled and takes -1 to attack rolls
Shana - FP: 3/4, MP: 3/3, AP: 0/10, grappled and takes -1 to attack rolls

Tentacle Tree - FP: 8/9, grappling both girls

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie waited for the tentacles to get in range before bringing her war axe down and trying to cut some of them, completely missing she tried once more just to miss again, now the enemy had caught on and a tentacle slammed into her back, making her cough and stumble right into the grip of other tentacles which coiled around her waist and ankles and held her aloft, Karrie was trying to struggle but all it suceeded was making her be held upside down by this tentacle tree thing, she noticed Shana was grappled too but held the correct way up, "I would probably have tried to run past this if i didnt realise it was so fast" Karrie said, trying to cut the tentacles coiled around her waist and ankles.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie – 7 vs 9 TT, miss
Shana – 5 vs 16 TT, miss

Tentacle Tree – 18 vs 15 Karrie, hit and stripped completely

Karrie – 4 vs 2 TT, hit and broken free
Shana – 14 vs 11 TT, hit but didn't break free

Tentacle Tree – 17 vs 1 Shana, crit hit for 2 FP and 2 AP, also stripped completely and penetrated, losing her virginity in the process

Karrie and Shana both attempted to struggle free from the tentacle vines of the tree that was holding them both, however neither one of them was able to break free. The tree then brought one of its tentacle vines around and swatted Karrie right across her butt quite hard and likely bringing a squeal from her lips as it pulled and yanked her clothing off of her, leaving her naked as the day she was born.

After being stripped naked, Karrie was able to thrash around in the tentacle vines grasp enough to swing her sword at the tentacle vines, hacking herself free of their grasp and taking a few out in the process. Shana was also able to swing her sword at the tentacle vines and hacked a few away along with Karrie's swing, though she just wasn't able to break free of the ones holding her, which tightened their grip slightly as if in pain.

The tentacle vines then slapped Shana across the ass just like they did Karrie, with Shana crying out in pain a little as she was slapped. Then before she could even finish her scream, the tentacle vines grabbed Shana more tightly and yanked her legs apart as they pulled her armor and clothing off where a thick tentacle then quickly rammed itself straight into her virgin cunny, stealing the pure priestess's virginity from her. Shana screams out in pain as her hymen was torn through by the tentacle vine that was now thrusting away at her, the slight bit of blood coming from her being the only thing that was lubricating her no longer virgin pussy. Karrie would see Shana's virgin's blood slowly trickling down Shana's legs and dripping down onto the floor and a few drops splattering out onto Karrie's cheek. A slight bit of Shana's juices began slowly moistening her now plugged hole, her eyes wide with fear from what was happening.

"N-No... w-why?" was all Shana could muster and whimper out.

Karrie - FP: 3/5, AP: 0/10,
Shana - FP: 1/4, MP: 3/3, AP: 2/10, grappled and takes -1 to attack rolls, penetrated and being raped

Tentacle Tree - FP: 6/9, grappling Shana

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Thrashing about, Karrie was unable to get herself free, a tentacle suddenely whipped around and smacked her on her ass, yelping in both pain and pleasure, Karrie managed to thrash about again and cut the offending tentacles off her, not before they stripped her naked however, landing on the ground she was about to attack again as she saw Shana try to escape like she did and almost suceeding, however there was one last tentacle keeping a hold of her and that was all the tree needed, time passed by in a flash for Karrie as she could only watch as her friends virginity was stolen from her, blinking her own eyes widened as some of her virgin blood landed on Karries cheek, only making her more determined, Karrie started to press the offensive again, trying to cut Shana free from the tentacles grip.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 12 vs 3 TT, hit
Shana - 17 vs 17 TT, hit broke free

Tentacle Tree - 12 vs 10 Karrie, hit

Karrie - 17 vs 11 TT, hit
Shana - 4 vs 11 TT, miss

Tentacle Tree - 7 vs 8 Shana, miss

Karrie moved in while the tree was busy pounding away at Shana and was able to maneuver under the tentacle vines enough to hack away at the tree somewhat, making a large cut in the side of it. When she cut it, Karrie would see a thick greenish liquid squirt out some as she hit as it began slowly running down the side of the tree.

At Karrie's attack, Shana managed to get some fight back into her and began thrashing around again despite the enormous amount of pain she was likely in from having her virginity stolen from her by such a large thing. She swung her sword at the tentacle vines holding her and managed to cut away enough of the ones holding her for the rest to drop her.

The tree brought its tentacle vines around and smacked Karrie again, this time in the side. The force of the blow managed to knock her to the ground, but she was easily able to get back up before the thing grabbed her.

When Karrie got back to her feet, she was able to evade the tentacle vines swinging around and hack at the tree again, leaving another large cut in it as more of the greenish blood oozed out of the thing. Shana moved in behind her to attack the tree, but was cut off as a couple of its tentacle vines blocked her, though she was able to back off before they did anything to her. The tree's tentacle vines then tried to hit Shana, likely to finish her off so it could have its way with her some more, but the young now no longer virgin priestess managed to evade its attack.

"Y-You bastard... stole my purity... I won't rest until you're dead you hear me," Shana shouted at the tentacled tree.

Karrie - FP: 2/5, AP: 1/10
Shana - FP: 1/4, MP: 3/3, AP: 2/10

Tentacle Tree - FP: 3/9

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie managed to heft her axe and get a clean slash off on the tree, causing a large cut to appear as its presumed blood started to leak out, looking up she could see Shana start to struggle and then cut away the tentacles that had a firm hold on her, smiling now in confidence, Karrie also continued to attack, being knocked to the ground made her panic as her ass was plainly offered to the tree, but she managed to get herself up before anything got a hold of her, rushing again she managed to get another good slash off, hearing Shana shout was out of character for her and made Karrie slightly unnerved, although you would be angry too if your virginity was stolen by a giant tree with tentacles...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie – 14 vs 13 TT, hit
Shana – 8 vs 8 TT, hit

Tentacle Tree – 19 vs 14 Shana, hit and Shana is out of the battle

Karrie – 20 vs 1 TT, crit hit and killed the Tentacled Tree, winning the battle, barely.

Karrie moved in and swung her waraxe again at the tree, hacking a few more of its tentacled vines away from it as a bit more of the greenish blood gushed out of the things where she'd cut them. Shana growled at swung her sword at the tentacles again as well, taking away even more of them, leaving the thing with less than a dozen now as its greenish blood squirted out and splattered onto Shana's nude body.

The tree swung its tentacled vines around at Shana again, but this time the young priestess wasn't able to evade the attack and was slammed to the ground under a couple of the tentacles, which then coiled around he limbs again and lifted her up where the one that stole her virginity positioned itself back over her now well lubricated hole and plunged back inside, stealing what little breath she had left as she groaned out in a mix of pain and pleasure.

Just as Shana was taken by the tentacles again, Karrie saw an opening and was able to charge right in where she swung her axe at one of the cuts she already made in the tree, and her axe sliced right through the rest of the thing where it fell over and to the ground. The tentacles dropped Shana after the large one inserted inside of her only managed to get a few thrusts into her pussy, the remainder of the tentacled vines they hadn't cut laying about the young priestess as she curled into a ball and started crying from what had happened to her.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

At this point all the combat and dodging had become a blur for Karrie as she was completely focused on attacking the strange tree in a wild manner, cutting off tentacles left and right and leaving gashes in the trees body, noticing Shana was being picked right up again Karrie managed to spot a already large gash in tree, running at it she stuck her axe inside and tore it out violently, spilling more of the trees blood as it seemed to finally give out, immediately running over to Shana she dropped her axe and hugged Shana tightly, not caring for the tree blood all over her, Karrie started to feel increasingly bad about herself now, if she had just tried to run past the tree maybe this wouldnt have happened....sighing in sadness, Karrie stopped hugging Shana and retrieved her own clothing, putting it back on and taking a cloth out of the trousers pocket, she started to clean Shanas nude body while speaking to her "Shana....im sorry, this is my fault, we should have tried to run past it..."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

As Karrie hugged Shana, the young and now no longer virgin priestess hugged back, clinging and not letting go until Karrie went to get her clothing. While Karrie went to get her clothes, Shana curled back into a ball and continued crying and when Karrie returned after re-clothing herself, Shana clung to her some more, crying the entire time. When Karrie began cleaning Shana's body with the cloth and told her that she was sorry and all, Shana finally stopped sobbing enough to talk.

I... it's... it's okay... if I have to... sacrifice my purity to save the others... then at the very least it'll be worth it. But I... I'm no longer be a true chaste priestess... I don't know if I'll... if I'll be able to stay in the temple even after we save everyone,” Shana said in between a lot of sniffling and wiping the tears from her eyes, apparently worried if the temple would still accept her as a priestess after losing her purity.

It wouldn't take all that long for Karrie to finish cleaning Shana up, and Shana asked Karrie if she could get her clothes and armor and help her back into them before they attempted to move onwards any further.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

So sorry, i had a computer problem, part of the screen was cracked, had to repair it, i apologise for lackluster RPing as i have been gone for a while

Karrie finished cleaning Shana and sighed "Sorry...if...they dont take you back, the least i could do is let you stay with me" she tried saying, as a sort of apology, hugging her as she retrieved shanas clothes and helped the shaky and crying shana clothe herself.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

R-Really... you'd do that for me? You'd do that for someone you barely even know?” Shana asked Karrie, wiping the last of her tears away as she was helped into her clothes again, hugging Karrie back.

Once Shana was fully dressed again, she hugged Karrie once more, kissing her on either cheek and thanking her again. Then she glanced around the room for a moment and then back to the dead plant creature that had stolen her purity from her, giving it a kick. “Vile creature... (sigh)... I'm... I'm ready to go whenever you are Karrie, and I can still fight,” Shana said, obviously trying to forget about what had happened to her a few minutes before.

(It's alright man, I was wondering what had happened to you though. But no worries about it, shit happens sometimes that you can't prevent.)

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Ofcourse, its the least i could do for....well, letting you get attacked by..." Karrie looked at the dead carcass of the dead plant "That!", after the two were ready they continued further underground, Karrie was hoping that they would find who they were looking for soon.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

T-Thanks Karrie,” Shana said, hugging Karrie tightly as she sniffled some more.

After another couple of minutes, in which Shana managed to recompose herself after what had happened to her, she told Karrie that she was ready when she was. Once they set out again and headed onwards, the started on down the passageway leading out of the room they were in, following the corridor a ways in for a couple of minutes or so before finding themselves at a split in the path. In front of them there were three directions leading north, south, and west.

The northern path had a faint light shining down from wherever it led to, though it wasn't clear what was causing the light as yet. The western path had a foul odor coming from it, one that turned Shana's stomach some as she pulled her shirt up over her nose and mouth to block some of it out. Then the southern path relatively plain, though they could hear sounds that sounded slightly like moaning coming from that direction.

Ugh... that smell coming from the west path is awful, but if that's the way we must go then I can handle it. Which way do you think Karrie? North, west, or south? I'm not sure which way to go, but I like the looks of the northern path, it's kind if lit up and there aren't any strange sounds or smells coming from it,” Shana asked, looking at each direction in turn while they debated which direction to take.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie found herself at another crossroads, this time there were three paths and all of them had some kind of trait, all of them made her wary, looking at Shana she said "The north path may be our best bet...but what if its a trap?" she said, as she assumed she was so far down into these tunnels now that light would barely get in, Karrie didnt like the smell of the other path either, covering her nose with her hands, she had to think of a decision, after a few minutes Karrie motioned they were taking the southern path, as Karrie did not want to fall into a trap nor did she want to be plagued by that horrible smell, she started to go down the southern path keeping herself ready for anything that might come her way.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

That's true, I mean the only light down here would be from torches or some kind of fire, or magic of some sort. Either way though it probably is a trap... but as long as we don't go through the west path I'll be fine with whichever way you choose,” Shana replied to Karrie, looking glad that Karrie didn't seem to like the thought of taking the western path any more than she did.

After a couple of minutes when Karrie mentioned to Shana she wanted to take the southern path, for fear of the northern one being a trap, Shana looked a little scared, apparently not liking the sounds coming from the southern path any more than the smell from the western path. “O-Okay Karrie, but let's be careful, I don't like the sounds coming from this way,” Shana whispered as they started down the southern path.

After a couple of minutes traveling through the dimly lit tunnel, they eventually found their way to a door that was barely cracked open, with a small bit of light coming through it. They could now hear the soft moaning a good deal louder than they had been, though they couldn't see anything inside the room that could be causing it, of course their view of the room through the small crack wasn't all that great as they couldn't see the entire room within and only a portion of it.

Shana pushed the door open some more until they could squeeze through and once they were inside, the sight before them was strange indeed. Inside the room they saw about a dozen women, all bound more than a little bit with what looked like spider webbing, all of them bound to small webs in the corners of the room, and all of them with greatly bulging bellies as if they were heavily pregnant. Karrie and Shana could still hear the soft moaning, and though they saw that most of the pregnant women in the corners of the room were moaning softly themselves, they also heard moaning from overhead.

When they looked up, they would see a large arachne woman with three women hanging from a large web above them, the arachne had one of the three women, a blonde haired elf, laying under her on the web with her ovipositor plunging in and out of the blonde elf's pussy, her cheeks flushed pink with arousal from the feverish fucking she was receiving from her captor. It didn't seem as if they had been noticed as yet by the arachne or any of the women, though Shana looked quite horrified by the sight of all of the women full to bursting with the arachne's eggs. Karrie would also see that Shana was looking at one woman in particular, the elf being raped at the moment.

K-Karrie, t-that's one of my friends up there, she's a priestess of the temple above,” Shana whispered in such a low voice that Karrie was barely able to hear her. Thankfully though it seemed the arachne was too busy to overhear Shana whispering.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie travelled down the path she picked with Shana, remaining extra cautious she eventually came to a door, peeking through the crack she could hear the sounds of moaning louder now, meaning whatever was causing it was inside, looking at Shana, she nodded as the two quietely opened the door and were brought to a confusing sight, women bound to webs and heavily pregnant, putting two and two together Karrie could only gulp as she heard the sounds of moaning above her and Shana, looking up they could see the culprit pounding away at a poor elven girl, listening to Shana, Karrie nodded "We need to surprise the spider lady...we did come here to save your friends after all" she whispered, looking at Shana, she got her sword out quietely and slowly, as not to make a loud and distinctive sound of a sword being drawn, "On my mark, hit the spider lady with your magic, i dont have anything ranged on me" Karrie whispered again, waiting 3 seconds, she then whispered "Mark!"

I Feel like having a bit of a challenge, can you change it to Hard mode?
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Shana - 17 vs 12 Arachne, hit with magic for 2 FP dmg
Karrie - 9 vs 12 Arachne, miss

Arachne - 17 vs 14 Karrie, hit and webbed some

Shana - 1 vs 10 Arachne, miss
Karrie - 14 vs 17 Arachne, miss

Arachne - 20 vs 12 Karrie, hit and webbed some more

As soon as Karrie whispered back to Shana and told her to get ready to attack using her magic, Karrie would see a small pop up in the corner of her vision telling her that her difficulty had been increased to hard from normal, though it didn't say why it had been. Shana then nodded her head at Karrie, letting her know she was ready whenever she was. Shana then let loose with her magic, hitting the arachne directly in her human back and forcing her to fall from the web to the floor below. As soon as the arachne was on the ground and in range of Karrie and her waraxe, she moved in and took a swing at their foe.

The arachne though was quicker than she looked and apparently quick to recover as she managed to jump back to her feet just as Karrie swung her axe at her and dodged the oncoming blow directed at her. The arachne then quickly moved in at Karrie, spinning herself around and slamming her large abdomen into Karrie's side, knocking her to the ground and before Karrie could move away she found herself having some of the sticky webbing being shot out at her, hindering her movement somewhat.

Shana immediately rushed in to try and aid Karrie by swinging her sword at the arachne, trying to force it away from Karrie. However Shana's attack failed to connect with her target and the arachne jumped back. Her failed attack did manage to buy Karrie the time she needed to get back to her feet, where she then attacked again as well and also missed right along with Shana.

The arachne moved in at Karrie again once she'd dodged her attack, once again slamming her abdomen into Karrie's side, though this time at least it wasn't enough to knock her down. However Karrie would now find herself even more webbed then she had as another spray of the arachne's spider silk tangled Karrie up some more.

Karrie - FP: 3/5, AP: 0/10
Shana - FP: 4/4, MP: 2/3, AP: 0/10

Arachne - FP: 7/9

Why certainly my good sir. Hope you like how I changed it up to hard mode. The funniest thing is it wouldn't have really helped on any of the rolls for either side in any case, so it worked out perfectly.
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Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Nodding at Shana, the battle begun very quickly, the arachane was obviously annoyed and Karrie tried to get the next blow in, the arachane dodged easily making her curse somewhat, the arachane then slammed into karrie, knocking her onto the ground, coughing she tried to get up but found her left arm webbed to her side, getting up from a distraction created by shana she tried swinging at the arachane again but missed, repeating the process, thankfully she wasnt knocked down but now both her arms were pinned to her sides, forcing her to drop the axe, cursing under her breath again she tried struggling out of the webbing to reach for her weapon.