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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 8 vs 8 Orc 2, hit
Shana - 10 vs 15, Orc 4, miss
Vanessa - 6 vs 5 Orc 5, hit for 2 FP dmg

Orc captain - 12 vs 15 Karrie, miss
Orc 1 - 2 vs 2 Karrie, miss
Orc 2 - 2 vs 17 Karrie, crit miss and counter for Karrie for 2 FP dmg on him
Orc 3 - 13 vs 7 Shana, hit
Orc 4 - 16 vs 12 Shana, hit
Orc 5 - 10 vs 8 Vanessa, hit
Orc 6 - 11 vs 4 Vanessa, hit

Karrie - 10 vs 10 Orc 2, hit and finished him off
Shana - 1 vs 8 Orc 4, miss
Vanessa - 16 vs 7 Orc 5, hit for 2 FP dmg and killed him

Orc captain - 3 vs 9 Karrie, miss
Orc 1 - 16 vs 18 Karrie, miss
Orc 3 - 20 vs 1 Shana, critical hit and knocks Shana out of the fight
Orc 4 - 2 vs 17 Vanessa, critical miss and counter for Vanessa for 2 FP dmg
Orc 6 - 9 vs 9 Vanessa, miss

Karrie's first slash with her axe was successful in hitting the first of the orcs to get to her, addling him a little bit as her blade cut into his chest some. Shana swung her sword at the second orc to come along in the group of them, though he ducked under her swing. Then Vanessa swung her greatsword at the third orc to come at them, catching him right across the waist and forcing him back a little as the rest of the orcs fell upon them.

The captain of the orcs immediately went after Karrie, swinging his club at her face, with Karrie just barely able to parry it. Then the first of his underlings also went after Karrie, but she was able to duck his club swing. His second underling Karrie could see was easily parried and countered with a swift kick to the balls by her, forcing him to grab them in the process as he fell to one knee. The third and fourth ones went after Shana, both of them hitting her with their clubs, the first in the stomach, and the second in the back with Shana stumbling between the two burly green orcs like a pinball in a machine. The fifth and sixth underlings both went after Vanessa, who was also hit by both of her opponents, though she was much less fazed by them as she obviously had a stronger body and was able to stand her ground without being knocked around like poor Shana had been, though Vanessa still looked a little scuffed up from the blow to her face and chest, though her armor managed to prevent her from being too hurt by the second hit.

After that, Karrie was able to finish off the one she'd kicked in the balls, taking his head clean off his shoulders with a swift powerful swing of her axe. Shana though was still unable to hit anything with her sword, the same orc ducking under her blade this time. Vanessa finished off the orc she'd cut to begin with, stabbing her blade straight through the chest and piercing his armor and his heart, taking the number of their opponents from seven to five.

The orc captain went at Karrie again, who again easily parried his club swing, while she was able to jump back and away from the other orc still targeting her as he swung his club. The third orc came in and crowned Shana right in the back of the head while she wasn't looking, the poor young priestess's eyes rolling up a little as she fell to the floor, completely unconscious, with the orc that knocked her out looking down at her with an evil gleam in his eyes. The fourth orc saw that Shana had been taken care of and decided to go after Vanessa to help subdue her, so they could have some fun with the three. The last remaining orc tried to club Vanessa in the back of the head, but the farmer girl apparently saw it coming and so spun around and sliced his chest open in the process.

"Damn, they got Shana. Karrie, we've gotta end this quick," Vanessa called out to Karrie while fending off her two opponents.

Karrie - FP: 3/5, AP: 0/10
Shana - FP: 0/4, MP: 3/3, AP: 0/10, unconscious
Vanessa - FP: 4/6, AP: 0/10

Orc captain - FP: 5/5
Orc 1 - FP: 4/4
Orc 2 - FP: 0/4, dead
Orc 3 - FP: 3/3
Orc 4 - FP: 1/3, hurting pretty badly
Orc 5 - FP: 0/3, dead
Orc 6 - FP: 3/3
Last edited:

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The battle began, Karrie was worried about being outnumbered but she had to hold fast anyway, thankfully they seemed to want to divide up as the captain, first orc and the second went after her, focusing on just the three attacking her, Karrie managed to get a good few blows in and fall one of them already, she managed to block and barely parry some blows as well, Shana didnt have much luck and that was a bit of a hit, as that means more orcs would go after her or Vanessa and they didnt have any support via Shanas healing magic.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 15 vs 2 Orc 1, hit
Vanessa - 16 vs 16 Orc 4, hit and killed

Orc captain - 6 vs 7 Karrie, miss
Orc 1 - 15 vs 5 Karrie, hit
Orc 3 - 18 vs 1 Vanessa, crit hit on Vanessa for 2 FP dmg
Orc 6 - 7 vs 15 Vanessa, miss

Karrie - 3 vs 16 Orc 1, miss
Vanessa - 13 vs 11 Orc 6, hit for 2 FP dmg

Orc captain - 1 vs 2 Karrie, miss
Orc 1 - 18 vs 4 Karrie, hit
Orc 3 - 1 vs 20 Vanessa, crit miss and counter for 2 FP dmg
Orc 6 - 4 vs 11 Vanessa, miss

Karrie's fight with her two remaining foes was getting more heated, with Karrie slashing at the orc captain's subordinate and cutting his shoulder in the process. Vanessa swung her greatsword at the orc she'd already wounded, finishing him off with a swift attack as her blade cleaved through his chest. This left the two of them facing four more orcs a Vanessa slowly made her way over to Karrie's side, hoping to make some sort of team effort against their foes so nothing snuck up behind them during the fight.

The orc captain again tried to hit Karrie, who yet again easily evaded his attack with a swift parry, leaving her to wonder just how he became the captain of these guys when they've done more harm than he has during this fight. The first of his remaining soldiers smacked Karrie right in the face with his club, causing her to see stars in her eyes, though she was able to steady herself after a moment or two. The second of his remaining soldiers went after Vanessa after deciding to leave Shana on the ground for now and caught her off guard, slamming his club into the back of Vanessa's head, but despite knocking her senseless, Vanessa managed to keep from going down, apparently having a hard head. The last orc soldier missed Vanessa, who managed to block his club with her greatsword and push him away with ease.

After that, the situation was fast looking grim for Karrie and Vanessa as the orc captain came in at Karrie again, her luck somehow holding out against him as she ducked under his attack. The next one though found its target and struck her in the gut, leaving her breathless as her other opponent hit her. The second remaining soldier came at Vanessa again, though this time she was more than ready for him as she jumped in before he got close enough to attack, where she then put her knee in between his legs, forcing him to one knee as he clutched his balls. The last orc came at her, but she easily heard him coming and parried his swing, keeping him at bay for now. It looked like both of Vanessa's opponents were quite badly hurt and that it wouldn't take much to finish them off.

"Damn, Karrie... if we don't manage to win this fight, I just wanna tell you that I'm sorry," Vanessa called out to Karrie, readying herself for the next round.

Karrie - FP: 1/5, AP: 0/10, nearly unconscious
Shana - FP: 0/4, MP: 3/3, AP: 0/10, unconscious
Vanessa - FP: 2/6, AP: 0/10, getting close to blacking out, but still in the fight

Orc captain - FP: 5/5
Orc 1 - FP: 3/4
Orc 2 - FP: 0/4, dead
Orc 3 - FP: 1/3, hurting badly
Orc 4 - FP: 0/3, dead
Orc 5 - FP: 0/3, dead
Orc 6 - FP: 1/3, hurting pretty bad

(This one's getting close.)

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Although the orcs around them were dropping like flies, Vanessa and Karrie were being beaten up pretty badly by the orcs they were facing, Karrie was clutching her winded stomach and was dazed from a solid club to the face that made her nose bleed, trying to catch her breath and defending herself was diffiicult, Karrie focused on the last remaining soldiers with Vanessa before going after the captain.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 19 vs 18 Orc 3, killed
Vanessa - 18 vs 19 Orc 6, miss

Orc captain - 17 vs 13 Vanessa, hit
Orc 1 - 6 vs 9 Karrie, miss
Orc 6 - 12 vs 19 Vanessa, miss

Karrie - 12 vs 3 Orc 6, killed
Vanessa - 13 vs 19 Orc 1, miss

Orc captain - 8 vs 4 Karrie, hit and knocked out of the fight
Orc 1 - 4 vs 7 Vanessa, miss

Vanessa - 14 vs 2 Orc 1, hit for 2 FP dmg

Orc captain - 8 vs 19 Vanessa, miss
Orc 1 - 2 vs 15 Vanessa, miss

Vanessa - 17 vs 9 Orc 1, hit and killed

Orc captain - 17 vs 14 Vanessa, hit and knocked out, losing the fight, though they did dish out quite a bit of damage if that's any consolation

Karrie was able to rush past her two foes to Vanessa's aid, swinging her axe at the orc that Vanessa had kneed in the groin and taking his head off. Vanessa meanwhile swung at her remaining foe, but he was able to back step away, causing her to miss badly.

The orc captain comes in after Karrie, but instead of attacking her he goes after Vanessa, swinging his great club into her side, knocking the wind out of her a little. Karrie would see the other one she'd been fighting coming for her after turning a little, allowing her to easily dodge him. Vanessa meanwhile was able to recover just quickly enough to evade the last orc as he swung his club at her face to finish her off, barely staying in the fight as they were now on their last legs and surrounded.

Karrie was able to finish off the other very wounded orc quite easily while she and Vanessa were now back to back. Vanessa then lashed out at the last remaining soldier the orc captain had left, barely missing his chest with her greatsword in her hasty swing.

The orc captain then crowned Karrie in the back of the head and the net thing she saw was stars and the floor rushing up to meet her as she face planted the dungeon floor. Though she wasn't completely out just yet, merely too exhausted to continue fighting. She would see Vanessa evading the other orc that was left, and then slashing him back. After that it went back and forth for a few tense seconds before Vanessa was able to take that orc down by thrusting her greatsword through his chest, leaving only the captain left for her to deal with. Before Vanessa could pull her sword out of the orc she'd just downed though, the captain moved in and clubbed her in the back of the head with his weapon, taking the strong farmer girl down in the process, defeating the last of the girls. The last thing Karrie would see before darkness filled her vision was Vanessa collapsing to the floor, her greatsword clanging beside her as she fell.


When next Karrie woke, she would find herself bound to a hard surface and from the cool air hitting her she could also tell she was naked, her hands held above her head and both of her legs bound to either side of whatever it was she was on, keeping them spread open. When she opened her eyes, she'd see that she was shackled to one of the half a dozen tables in the room that had shackles on them. Upon looking to either side of her, she'd see that Shana and Vanessa were both on tables as well, also shackled just like herself.

"You're gonna pay for killing my men, wenches. I'm gonna fuck you all before I leave to go find more men to recruit," the orc captain said suddenly, and when Karrie looked down at her feet, she'd see him at the end of the table she was shackled to, completely naked and his cock hard as stone.

She would then hear Shana and Vanessa groaning as they awakened from their slumbers, with Shana gasping out loud as she saw the situation they were now in. Karrie would see Shana begin struggling like mad to break free from her shackles. When she glanced over at Vanessa, she'd see that while Vanessa looked fearful at their situation, she didn't seem overly concerned about it, looking at the orc captain with quite defiant eyes.

The orc came over, first to Karrie, where he then pressed his lips against hers, forcing her to kiss him. And if she tried to bite his tongue while forcing it into her mouth, he'd catch her before she could and pull back, slapping her across the face for her trouble. After that, regardless of whether or not she tried to bite off his tongue, he would then reposition himself down between her legs after getting up onto the table with her. Then he'd grab her legs and pull her up to his big green body, where he would then begin prodding his large green dick at her virgin pussy. Before Karrie could really prepare herself any, the orc roughly thrust forward, piercing her tight virgin pussy and tearing her hymen.

The big burly orc didn't even give her any time to catch her breath after that and began roughly having his way with her. Despite the pain of having her virginity stolen from her, Karrie would soon start to feel the makings of pleasure forming in her loins as the blood of her purity dripped onto the table under her. The big burly orc captain wouldn't slow down with Karrie even a little, his balls slapping against her ass as she felt him hilting every one of his eleven inches of orc cock in her. He would keep going until Karrie would feel his length starting to throb inside of her, the orc man groaning as he sped up his thrusting even more so, rapidly building Karrie closer towards her first orgasm. Soon enough, Karrie would feel the orc bottom out altogether as her orgasm washed over her, shoving his member as deep inside of her as he could, where she would feel it throb greatly one last time before it exploded inside of her, spurt after spurt of his thick spunk filling her womb.

The orc pulled out, then wiped his dick off on Karrie's face before going over to Shana. The young priestess was thrashing around on her table, her shackles rattling a bit as she did so. However she couldn't break free of course, as the orc captain moved over her, just as he'd done to Karrie moments before. Shana let out a mixed squeal of pain and pleasure as her pussy was thrust into by the large orc, spreading her lower lips wide as her body tried to accommodate the foreign invader. The orc didn't waste any time and roughly had his way with Shana as well, holding the young priestess down and forcing her to take his cock in to the hilt, with Shana letting out cries of pain and pleasure both the whole time. Soon enough, Karrie would hear Shana let out a loud and lewd squeal of pleasure and when she glanced over, she'd see the young priestess twitching in the orc's arms, a powerful orgasm washing over her as her eyes glazed over. Yet the orc didn't stop in his thrusting, apparently not having found his own release just yet.

The orc continued going for another two or three minutes with Shana, switching positions a couple of times during his fun. Finally, after five minutes of roughly raping Shana, the orc thrust in deep and didn't move for a moment, then with an arch of her back, Shana cried out again in orgasm, reaching her second since he started even as he poured his seed into her. Karrie would see Shana's belly starting to swell slightly from the sheer amount she was filled with. Once he was done emptying his seed into Shana, he pulled out of her and forced her to suck on his still hard member.

"There you go bitch, lick and suck it real good, you'll start to like it soon enough. I want it clean when you're finished," the orc captain said to Shana, who Karrie would see was doing as ordered with half lidded eyes, apparently too lust addled to go against him any longer.

Shana licked and sucked on the orc's cock until he exploded in orgasm again, nearly drowning Shana in the process as she tried and failed to catch it all in her mouth. She swallowed down as much as she could though, however most of it dribbled down her chin and onto her breasts before she could catch it though. After that, he pulled his cock out of her mouth and smeared what was left of his spunk into her hair before letting her head go for her to fall back onto the table, totally exhausted from the rape.

After that, the orc went over to Vanessa and rolled her over onto her hands and knees, where he then slammed his cock into her pussy from behind, eliciting an unbidden moan of pleasure from Vanessa's lips. Just like with Karrie and Shana, he didn't waste any time and immediately went as hard and fast as he could. While he brutally raped Vanessa from behind, he reached around with his left hand and began pumping Vanessa's fully erect and twitching member, bringing a squeal of delight from her in the process. It didn't take long for him to bring Vanessa to a shuddering climax, her seed spurting out of her cock while her tight wet folds clenched around the invading orc cock.

The orc hadn't reached his climax yet himself, just as with Shana earlier. He continued roughly pumping Vanessa's member while fucking her, groaning as his balls slapped against Vanessa's inner thighs and the hilt of her shaft. Vanessa soon reached a second orgasm, her seed spurting out and coating the table she was on with her spunk, but still the orc didn't let up and showed no signs of being close to release himself. After another five minutes, Vanessa ended up having another three orgasms, the table under her now coated in a small pool of her seed. Finally after nearly ten minutes of being roughly raped, Vanessa felt the orc's shaft throbbing greatly at his imminent release, then after a few more seconds of thrusting, he hilted himself inside her, filling her womb full of his seed as she cried out yet again in orgasm, her eyes totally glazed over from the pleasure she was feeling.

After that, the orc didn't force Vanessa to suck and or lick on his length to clean it, he instead pulled her up and unhooked her shackles from the table, placing a collar with a leash on it on her now and dragging her with him. He then did the same to Karrie and Shana, dragging all three of them with him over to what appeared to be a throne of some sort which he then sat on it. He pulled on all three of their leashes and forced them to kneel in front of him.

"Now you... please me. And if you so much as even think about fighting back any, I'll knock you the fuck out," the orc said to Karrie, pulling her over and into to his lap. Then he looked at Shana and Vanessa, and ordered, "And you two, fuck each other while I watch, it'll please me more."

At that, Vanessa didn't hesitate, and Karrie would see that Vanessa seemed to still be quite lust addled and in need of more pleasure. Shana didn't try and stop Vanessa at all, but she didn't look as if she liked the idea of doing this for the orc, but she had little choice in the matter as he yanked on her leash, forcing her down onto her hands and knees. Vanessa then moved up behind Shana and eagerly thrust herself into Shana, her member throbbing like mad inside of Shana. Vanessa proceeded to fuck Shana like crazy from behind, with Shana moaning lewdly as she was taken and Vanessa looking like she was in heaven. Vanessa thrust in deep and hard, slamming her hips against Shana's as they went at it. Within only a couple of minutes, Vanessa was moaning lewdly as she unloaded her seed into Shana, filling the young priestess up with her seed. After that, Vanessa pulled Shana back on top of here, where Shana in her own lust addled state began bouncing and impaling herself upon Vanessa's length, looking like she was enjoying herself now as the room was filled with the lewd sounds of their love making and moans of pleasure.

While they went at it, the orc lifted Karrie up and eased her down over his cock again. He then began bouncing her up and down over his length, forcing Karrie to take it and enjoy it as the pleasure began to overwhelm her again. Karrie would feel another climax fast approaching her as she was forcibly impaled on his cock. After a couple of minutes, Karrie would feel the orc cock throbbing inside of her again as he groaned in pleasure, smiling as he looked directly into Karrie's eyes. Then with one final thrust, he slammed his cock as deep inside of her as he could manage, where he spurted his thick spunk out until he'd filled her up so much her belly slightly bloated from how much she'd taken, with her orgasm ripping through her body again. The pleasure so great that Karrie's back arched so much that she could see Vanessa still relentlessly knocking away at Shana behind her. After that, Karrie would feel her body succumbing to exhaustion once again, the last sight she'd see being that of Vanessa and Shana crying out in ecstasy as they both achieved climax once again, Vanessa pulling out to unleash her seed all over Shana's nude body.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The rest of the battle was blurry and somewhat un coordinated as the wounded Karrie tried to hold on and defeat the remainder of these enemies, Karrie was able to finish of all of the orcs under the captains command which gave her renewed hope as she and vanessa aimmed to finish off the captain, this never came however as Karrie was smacked in the back of the head and knocked to the ground face first, her nose making a sickening crack sound as it broke on impact with the ground, dazed and just about to pass out, Karrie was conscious enough to register Vanessa also passing out like she did, making her give out a quiet whimper before passing out...

Eventually Karrie woke up, her nose still freshly bleeding as she realised she was tied to the tables that she saw earlier, her worries even higher as she realised she was naked and the orc captain was standing at the end of her table, realising what was going to happen her eyes started to tear up as she thrashed at her binds thoroughly trying to convince herself this wasnt happening, eventually the orc came over to her and kissed her, disgusted by this she tried not to get into it, shutting her eyes and hoping it would stop soon, eventually the orc went back to the opposite side and thrust its throbbing cock into her waiting lower lips, she gave out a gasp of pleasure and pain as it tore right through her hymen and robbed her of her purity, not even paying attention to it the orc continued to thoroughly fuck Karrie as she cried in a mix of pain, pleasure and fear repeadetely, eventually both Karrie and the orc found their release as the orc cummed almost buckets into Karries waiting lower lips and Karries eyes nearly rolled back into her head from reaching her first orgasm, after this the orc somewhat nonchalantly wiped the remaining spunk off his dick onto Karries face, leaving it covered in cum as Karrie shamefully looked at her slightly bloated belly.

Karrie didnt really pay much attention to what was happening to Shana and Vanessa, not bearing to watch what would happen to them, she only silently weeped for herself and her friends for leading them into a battle she almost knew they couldnt win, eventually she found the binds being undone but instead replaced with a collar and a leash, yanked off the table, Karrie had to shuffle on her knees as her legs were shaky and almost impossible to stand on from the pleasure given to her, she was brought over to some throne as the orc commanded her to please him, Karrie sat there not moving or even registering as Shana and Vanessa fucked beside her, eventually she was picked up and lowered onto the orcs dick again, panting and giving out cries of pain as her pussy tried to desperately accept the large cock inside her, she was relentlessly pulled up and down on the orcs dick like a human sex toy as her body bucked and bounced with each thrust, eventually the orc came to another orgasm and spurted more of its cum into her, the orcs dick pressed right up to her cervix as her belly bloated more, her womb was absolutely filled up with the cum of the orc, she felt herself be removed from the orcs dick and the cum drain out of her as she reached a peak of exhaustion and passed out, crying still...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Some time later, when Karrie next awoke, she would find herself laying on the table again, shackled like before and unable to move, though this time she would find herself laying there with a blanket over her, at least allowing her to retain some small bit of modesty, but underneath the blanket she was still naked. She would also find her face cleaned up of the blood on it from where he nose had been busted, though it wasn't broken thankfully. However the rest of her she would find hadn't been cleaned any as she still smelled of orc spunk.

When Karrie had gotten her bearings again after waking up and looked around, she would see Vanessa and Shana on the floor next to her table, going at it again, or still going at it she wasn't sure which it was. But what she did know was that they both looked rather kind of happy as they pleasured each other Vanessa slamming into Shana as deeply as she could with every thrust while Shana squealed in pleasure at being taken from behind like she was. Karrie would see the orc sitting on the foot of the table watching the two intently as they went at it.

A few moments later, the orc would turn to look at Karrie again, seeming to have been waiting for her to awaken. "Good good, you're awake again. I've been waiting forever for you to wake up, Now let's get to it again bitch, you're going to make up for killing my men by bearing my young until you've given me two for every one of my men you killed. I don't know if you're already carrying yet, so we're going to do this until I'm sure you've taken in enough of my seed to get knocked the fuck up," the burly orc said to Karrie, looking rather evilly at her.

Karrie would see the orc come closer to her, where he would then yank the blanket covering her off and toss it over his shoulder, leaving her totally exposed once again to the big ugly orc's desires. The orc grabbed her legs and forcibly pulled them apart, where he then rubbed his length up and down her lower lips, getting her moist and ready to accept him once again, apparently wanting her to enjoy him more, likely so that she'd be more receptive to his advances. Soon enough, after she was wet enough to his liking, he shoved his long fat cock into her again, hilting on the first thrust and groaning slightly from how tightly she was gripping him.

This time around, the orc was taking his own sweet time, driving the pleasure into Karrie's body, forcing her to moan and squeal in pleasure. After a short while though, he began picking up his pace until he was roughly knocking away at Karrie, his cock pressing against her cervix with every thrust into her, the pleasure starting to overwhelm her. Minutes later, after Karrie was writhing around in the orc's arms, moaning her pleasure, she would see Vanessa suddenly stop thrusting into Shana, then she'd see Vanessa pulling herself out of the young priestess. The orc, distracted by his now quite rough raping of Karrie, failed to notice Vanessa stopping what she was doing.

Karrie would see Vanessa looking around the room for something and after a few seconds of searching she would eventually find whatever it was she was looking for as she reached out for something that Karrie couldn't see at the moment. During that time though, Karrie would feel the orc cock inside of her twitching and throbbing greatly, feeling like it were about to explode within her tight folds. She would see Vanessa getting up to her feet just as the orc groaned out loud, pressing his hot hard dick deep inside of her where it rubbed against her most sensitive places and forced her to reach her own climax just as he reached his own, spilling his seed deep inside of her again, her pussy being filled with so much that it began splashing out around his throbbing member and onto the table they were both on.

Just as he finished unloading his seed into her, Vanessa made her way over where she then struck with whatever it was she had been looking for earlier, diving onto the back of the big orc captain.

"Die damn you... I told you I wouldn't be your bitch! NONE OF US WILL!" Vanessa cried out, stabbing what looked to be a piece of wood into the neck of the burly orc.

As soon as she stabbed into his neck, he let out a gurgling howl of pain, Vanessa's makeshift weapon having pierced his throat somewhat in her attack. The orc however was able to throw Vanessa off of him, knocking her away and out into the floor to Karrie's right, where he then jumped up really quickly, his large member sliding out of Karrie's clenching cunny as he went after Vanessa.

Karrie would see the fight break out between the two, with Vanessa kicking her foot out at him and catching him right between the legs, forcing him to double over in pain as he tried to scream out, which only came out in a bloody gurgle now. He was able to manage to get back up, where he punched Vanessa right in the gut, knocking the wind out of her as she fell back some, trying to catch her breath. The orc then grabbed the leash attached to her collar, yanking on it and pulling her back towards him. He was about to level her with a close-line, but Vanessa saw it coming and ducked just in time, where she then grabbed her leash as she passed him and then jumped on his back again, using her leash to begin choking him. She pulled and pulled as hard as she could upon the leash, slowly choking what was left of his life out of him, as he was already most likely going to have bled out from the wound he'd taken in the neck from Vanessa.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity, Vanessa let go of the leash and the orc fell to the ground in front of her, his body now cold and lifeless. Vanessa took a moment to catch her breath before reaching down and rummaging around in his pockets for something and soon enough she produced a key from his corpse. Vanessa then bounded over to where Shana was and lifted her up, then placed her on the table next to Karrie.

"Karrie... Shana I'm so sorry that I didn't manage to kill that bastard, gods I'm so sorry. Please forgive me... both of you. You fought to rescue me and the others from that damn spider woman, and I repaid you both by getting us captured," Vanessa said to them, looking about to cry after she finished speaking, her lips quivering as she used the key she'd taken off the now dead orc captain to unlock Karrie's, and then Shana's shackles, then she unlocked her own and let them fall to the floor with a clang, then pulled Shana over into her lap where she began gently caressing her cheek.

"It... It's alright... Vanessa. I-It wasn't... your fault okay. It was... my fault that we... got beaten like that. If only I hadn't... allowed myself to be... knocked out so quickly. Then we wouldn't have been... raped like this..." Shana said, panting madly as she tried to catch her breath while laying there in Vanessa's lap. Shana took a few seconds to catch her breath, then continued speaking, "At least... it was kind of fun... with you Vanessa. You didn't hurt me... or anything... and it... it really felt... (Shana blushes deeply and looks away shyly)... good with you."

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie eventually woke up, still shackled to the now familiar table, struggling again she was still hoping this entire scenario was a obscenely fucked up dream, she noticed that the orc captain was waiting for her to wake up, quietely whimpering as she started to cry again, Karrie kicked and struggled and got a hard hit against her gut for her troubles, stopping her from struggling as she was forced to take the orcs hard cock into her pussy again, silently crying Karries entire body bucked and bounced each time the orc thrust into her, too caught up in her own grief, pain and pleasure to see Vanessa making a move, Karrie was forced to let out a scream of pleasure as she reached her orgasm at the same time as the orcs, her belly bloating slightly from the cum she was now used to the orc expelling, eventually she was witness to Vanessa managing to kill the orc captain with a makeshift weapon, eventually Vanessa came over and free`d Karrie, who had to gently get onto the ground and kneel, panting as she felt the orcs seed drain out of her, her nose started to bleed freshly again, covering her face with her hands, Karrie started to cry for a good two minutes, ashamed her purity was stolen by a ugly monster instead of someone she wanted to lose it with...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Oh gods Karrie... please forgive me, I just couldn't win the first time around I'm sorry," Vanessa said to Karrie, gently setting Shana down now that she knew she was alright, and going over to help Karrie out some after seeing that Karrie was apparently taking what happened to them really hard.

Vanessa gently placed a hand on Karrie's belly where she pushed down a little, helping to drain out the remnants of the orc's seed from her womb, though Karrie would see when she managed to clear her eyes of tears for a moment that Vanessa's own still fully erect member was near her face, as the futanari human girl was leaning over her a little. Soon enough, Vanessa apparently had as much of the thick spunk pushed out of Karrie as she could get without a bath of some sort, and so she took the blanket and tore a small piece of it off and pulled Karrie up into her lap much like she'd done with Shana before, and then she started dabbing Kaei's nose where it'd been bleeding, trying to clean her up some. After she'd cleaned her nose and the rest of her face up as best she could, Vanessa then pulled Karrie into a friendly and loving hug, giving her a shoulder to cry on if she still felt the need to do so.

"Don't worry miss Karrie, I'm here for you, for both of you. I've been raped before in this place, so I know what it's like. It isn't fun let me tell you, but you shouldn't get so depressed over it, I mean it's horrible and all, but the more you let it get to you, the more often it'll happen. Come on and calm down now okay sweetie, I'm here for you, and so is Shana," Vanessa said to Karrie, trying to give her some words of comfort, though it was up to Karrie how to take them.

Shana meanwhile, was still unable to move on her own and simply laid there on the table, her nude body showing off to anything in the room. Vanessa would lift Karrie back up and set her back onto the table, at least trying to get her off of the stone cold floor.

"Stay here for a minute, I remember seeing him take our stuff over here and tossing it into that back room over there," Vanessa said to Karrie, gently placing her fingers under Karrie's chin and getting her to look up at her where she placed a little kiss on both cheeks.

Vanessa went over to a door that was in the back of the room, where she tried it, only to find it locked tight. Karrie would see Vanessa try the key she'd gotten from the now dead orc captain only for it to fail too. Then Vanessa apparently got mad as she back up some and then bullrushed the door, slamming her shoulder into what looked to be solid oak. However Vanessa's strength appeared to be much more than the door could handle as it broke off the hinges, where she then pulled it out of the way. After a couple of minutes carrying things out, Vanessa placed all of their things on the table next to them, and then she made one last trip into the room back there.

"They had a some clothes back there, and a bit of food if either of you are hungry. Plenty of bread and other things that are still good to eat. There's also another room past that one, it leads to a bath if you both wanna get cleaned up after eating," Vanessa said to them after coming back out the last time, taking a few old dishtowels that she'd found in the back room and using them to clean herself and the other two off with, doing what she could to help her new friends.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

After getting some help draining as much as the orcs cum out of her as possible, Vanessa cleaned Karries face of blood and tears, Karrie giving a small cry of pain each time she so much as brushed against her broken nose, pulling her into a hug, Karrie hugged her in response, calming down now and stopping herself from crying, after Vanessa departed to try and retrieve their equipment, Karrie walked over to Shana and helped her sit up, hugging her and muttering she was sorry several times, eventually she got back up as Vanessa tossed their equipment onto the floor, putting her familiar clothing back on, her shorts torn slightly from the ensuing scuffle in combat, the back of Karries head had a very bad bruise from where the blunt club had knocked her out cold, dusting herself off, Karrie took a moment to catch her breath and pick up her war axe and wait for Vanessa and Shana to finish getting changed.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

After Vanessa got back with their things and Karrie had pulled Shana up to sit with her, the young priestess hugged Karrie back with equal tightness, telling Karrie that it wasn't her fault and to not blame herself, that she wasn't angry at her. After Karrie put her clothing on, she would see that the other two weren't even trying to do the same with their own clothing. Shana stood up on shaky legs and came over to Karrie, where she then placed a hand over Karrie's nose and then she muttered an incantation of some sort. Karrie felt her nose warming up as the pain lessened little by little until finally all the pain was gone from it and Shana then removed her hand. Karrie would then feel that her nose was completely healed and she would feel that there was no trace of the break it from earlier.

"There we go Karrie, good as new. And again, don't blame yourself. I honestly didn't figure after that plant thing stole my purity that we'd manage to win every fight. I was hoping at the very least though that we would beat those orcs, but as long a we're all still alive and well, then... (sigh)... I can get over it, and as long as we manage to save everyone else as well," Shana said to Karrie after healing her friend's nose of the break in it.

"I understand you maybe wanting to get out of here quickly Karrie, but if you don't mind. I would like to get cleaned up in that bath I found, and get a bite to eat if that's okay. I think we could all do with both some food and a bath," Vanessa said to Karrie, gathering her robes she'd gotten from the armory earlier, but not putting them on.

"How long exactly have we been here Vanessa? I kind of lost track of time what with... (Shana blushes very red)... the two of us having sex like we were," Shana asked, looking very embarrassed about saying the last part.

"As far as I can remember, which isn't a whole lot mind you, after Karrie fainted again in that bastards lap while we went at it Shana, she was out for about... two hours or so. Thankfully though after that one we had before Karrie fainted, we were able to rest for an hour or so ourselves before that bastard made me get back up, where he then raped me a couple of more times before he made Shana get back up and forced me to take her some more. Everything after that you already know Karrie," Vanessa said, giving them a little rundown of what went on while Karrie was out, looking like she was having to think very hard on the details.

After that, unless Karrie simply didn't want them to, Vanessa would lead them on into the back room where she'd gotten their stuff from. Inside they would see that it looked kind of like a pantry of sorts, with a good bit of edible food on the shelves within, then on the far side of that room there was another door. Vanessa would lead them over to that door and inside was indeed a bath. It was a whole bathroom actually, equipped with a large enough bath for them all to fit in, as well as all other things normally found in a bathroom.

"Here it is you two, looks like a pretty good bath to me, and the only way in or out is the door we just came in from, so I'd say we'll be alright if we go ahead and take one. Plus this will be the first true bath I've had in like... two weeks or more. That was the main reason I wanted to take one," Vanessa said, looking like she was glad to have the chance at a bath.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Smiling as Shana fixed her nose, she hugged Shana in response and thanked her, following Vanessa as she went back to the backroom, they managed to find a bath, Karrie almost as relieved as Vanessa when they found this, she was tired and she needed to relax for a bit, looking at the two, she would have to ask if they were willing to come down the smelly path with her after this, but for now she yawned and stretched her arms out.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Shana returned Karrie's hug after fixing her nose, then together they followed Vanessa on into the backroom, then down to the bath area.


"Well... not that I like the smell or the thought of going down it, but if there are other girls trapped like in the arachne webs in the room to the south, we've got to try and help them," Shana said, still not even in her own clothing as she stepped into the water, which was a little warm, warmer than the cool dungeon air around them at least.

"Yes, Shana's right, we should check it no matter how bad a smell there is coming from it. You never know, we might even find something awesome in there, but then again we may find trouble just like we did in here," Vanessa said, agreeing to go down, but sounding as if they needed to be very cautious in the process.

With that, Vanessa stepped into the water as well after helping Karrie out of her clothing so she could get in as well. Together they bathed, Shana offering to wash Vanessa's back and hair, then Vanessa offered to return the favor to Shana and did the same. Then after a few minutes, the two of them looked to Karrie together and eased through the water next to her and told her that they would both wash her, if she didn't mind of course. If Karrie didn't want them to, then they would merely go back to soaking with each other, with Vanessa leaned back against the bath wall, while Shana kind of cuddle up against her, laying her head on Vanessa's shoulder.

If Karrie told them it was okay, then they would proceed to aid her in getting washed up, with Shana gently scrubbing her back with a loofah they found, while Vanessa helped her get her hair washed and everything, after which Vanessa and Shana would cuddle up to each other against the bath wall. The whole thing would take around thirty to forty five minutes or so for them all to get fully cleaned up and to relax for a few minutes. When they got out, they would find a few towels in there to dry with, the orcs apparently not even bothering to try and use the bath at all, with Vanessa saying that was probably why the towels were all still there.

During the time in the bath with the two, Karrie would now finally see all of Shana's body features other than her hair color and eye color, which were both brown, Shana also had larger B-cup breasts, though they were perfect on her body, she had a totally shaven pubic area, and she had a quite beautiful heart shaped butt. Vanessa she saw had her ten inch long, inch and a half member between her legs, which was at the moment quite flaccid thankfully, she still had the same average B-cup breasts she'd had before, her bright red hair still shoulder length but now pulled up into a ponytail from something she'd found to do so with, she had green eyes and stood around five and a half feet tall, and her body despite having a couple of bruises on it was quite pretty, she was curvy yet at the same time muscular, though that was probably from her work on the farm she said she lived on.

After that, they would redress, with Shana looking a bit depressed about her robes being in the mess they were in. It looked as if they were ripped in a way that would show both breasts. Before Shana could even do anything about them, Vanessa took them off her hands and yanked them, ripping them the rest of the way apart in one spot, effectively splitting them in half. Shana looked shocked and sad at the same time, until a couple of moments later, Vanessa wrapped one half of Shana's robes around her breasts, covering them up, then she took the other part of the robes and wrapped them around Shana's lower waist where she then looped them around between her legs, creating a makeshift pair of panties for Shana.

"There you go sweetie, you look just perfect, and I must say, you've got the body to show off with clothing like that," Vanessa said, giving Shana's butt a little pat with her hand while admiring her work and apparently Shana's body as well.

"N-No I don't Vanessa... my body isn't all that good looking. Your body is really nice looking, but not mine," Shana replied, blushing very red at her own words just as much as Vanessa's compliment, apparently admiring Vanessa's body in return.

Karrie's clothing was a little torn in a couple of places, but all in all it still covered her well enough, though there was a place ripped around her navel that went up a little bit towards her breasts, looking like it wouldn't last if something tugged hard enough. Vanessa's clothing was all but destroyed, but she did much the same as she had with Shana's, but she only had enough to cover her top, or bottom. She chose to cover her bottom, not wanting anything to see and try and grab her vulnerable cock.

So with Karrie looking like she'd come out of a bar fight with her clothing a little torn, with Shana looking like an amazonian warrioress with her clothing, and with Vanessa looking... kind of like a slut with her clothing, the three put their armor and whatnot back on, fixing their weaponry up as well like it had been, and then they headed back into the pantry like room, where Vanessa grabbed them some bread to munch on.

"Hell, we might as well take a much as we can and not let it go to waste you know. Look, there's a couple of backpacks over there. Come on Shana, me and you can carry those and some of this food so we'll have some for later," Vanessa said to Shana, pointing over at two backpacks sitting in the corner.

The two of them packed as much food as they could find into their new backpacks, managing to get pretty much all of it between the two of them. They left a few small loaves of starting to mold bread and a few other partially spoiled foods and only focused on the stuff that was fresh enough to eat without maybe getting sick. Once they were done, Vanessa and Shana both ate some bread and got something to drink before they looked at each other and nodded, then they nodded to Karrie.

"We're ready to go now Karrie, whenever you are," Shana said after swallowing her last piece of bread.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The group had a relaxing warm bath which was probably going to be a rarity in this world as they all took turns cleaning each other, Karrie gladly accepting being cleaned by both Shana and Vanessa, she got more knowledge of the physical appearances of both Shana and Vanessa, eventually after the three had their baths they all had a look at their clothing, Karries was relatively unscathed but made it look like she had come out of a barfight, Shanas was makeshift since her robes were torn so much and Vanessa was practically naked, only her lower half being covered by some torn rags, meaning people would easily spot her futa nature if she ever became aroused, the three had a quick bite to it before they left the room, coming back to the three hallways, Karrie looked into the pathway with the bad smell coming from it, groaning, she pulled her jacket up slightly and zipped it up, bringing the collar up to cover her nose, she asked "Anyone want to follow me in here?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Once Karrie was ready to leave after the bath and food, Shana and Vanessa followed her on out, with Vanessa looking a little embarrassed about her clothing, but thankfully her armor covered her breasts enough to keep them from being seen. After they left, it didn't take them long to make their way back through the large kitchen/dining hall the orcs were in, passing by their now dead bodies. They soon came back to the tunnels where the horrible smell was coming out from.

"We already said we would Karrie, besides, I wouldn't dream of you having to go it alone at this point," Shana said, assuring Karrie she wouldn't abandon her.

"Well I've smelled worse than this before myself, what with living on a farm and all. So it doesn't really bother me all that much," Vanessa said, shrugging her shoulders as she prepared to follow as well.

When they followed the smelly tunnel down a ways, they found themselves in an enormous room. Inside they found a dead and already mostly rotted corpse, of what race they couldn't tell exactly without getting a little closer, but that would require getting closer to the stench. Near the corpse they saw a rolled up piece of parchment laying next to the corpse as well. Other than that however they saw nothing of any interest in the room, other than what looked like tattered clothing laying scattered about all over the room.

Vanessa looked between her two companions and decided not to make them have to go over any closer, so she did herself. She looked closely at the corpse for a few moments and grabbed the scroll that was rolled up next to it, then she came back to inform them of what she'd found.

"Well, there was this scroll here, Karrie you can have it since we're carrying all the food," Vanessa said, handing the scroll to Karrie, then she continued, "And the body over there, I think at least, is or rather was a dark elf. What little skin there was left was darker than that of a high or normal elf, and I saw the long pointed ears rather than the ones like your friend Sylvia had Shana."

Almost forgot to add in this after the battle. Karrie gains a +1 to FP now after that fight. She was on the verge of doing so anyway and the fight put her over, regardless of winning or losing.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

In the tunnel with the horrible smell, they realised what was causing it, the corpse of what Vanessa told her was a dark elf, sighing, Karrie was handed the scroll by Vanessa again, shrugging she took a look at it and started reading, curious on what was on it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

(Identified a scroll of identify. You may identify one item in your inventory.)

1. an unidentified scroll
2. an emerald amulet
3. a dark potion

When Karrie read the scroll Vanessa had given her, she would feel a slight bit of magic course through her head. Suddenly the EGG gave her a prompt, telling her to identify one of the items she had in her pack.

"Wow, I can feel the magic coming off of it Karrie. It's only a little bit, but it's more than enough for me to feel it. Oooo I wonder what kind of scroll it is. What's it do?" Shana said, staring intently at the scroll in Karrie's hands and looking giddy about what it might be.

Vanessa for her part, was smiling at Shana's reaction to the apparent magic that she couldn't feel, as she had no talent with the stuff. She placed a hand on Shana's head and ruffled her brown hair as she started giggling at the young priestess.

(You can technically still identify the waraxe in your inventory, but there's no point in it really. As its status hasn't really changed since you got it.)

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Slightly curious, Karrie decided to use this identifying scroll on the dark potion, checking what it would do on being drinked.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

After making her choice, Karrie decided to identify the potion she had. As soon as she chose it, the EGG gave her another prompt, telling her what all it did exactly.

(Identified a potion of healing, now every time you find another dark potion, you'll know it is a potion of healing. A potion of healing replenishes all FP to the drinker, but its a one time thing, so use it wisely and at the right time.)

After the EGG prompt again, Shana looked to Karrie with a mixed look of excitement and curiosity. "Well... what did the scroll do Karrie? Come on please, the suspense is killing me," Shana said, all but begging Karrie to tell her what it was and did.

"Yes please tell her, because she's liable to go crazy if you don't. And I'd hate to have to aid a crazy priestess as horny as this one is," Vanessa said, patting Shana on the shoulder this time and laughing at her some.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie was slightly surprised at the dark looking potions effects "Max potion, i have a feeling we`ll need this for a tight spot" she said, curious, she pulled out the emerald necklace and decided to put it on, since she had nothing else to lose at this point, she also pulled out the unidentified scroll as well to read that.