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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Kagari moved over and got Karrie into birthing position with Shizune's help, while Haruka got some water and towels for them. Once they had everything they'd need, Karrie's labor would progress rather rapidly, Karrie's contractions coming closer and closer together very fast. She would feel a bit of pain from the whole thing, more than enough for her to cry out, but not enough for her to be in sheer agony from it all. In between getting anything Kagari needed for helping Karrie birth the child, Haruka and Shizune held her hands the entire time, letting her know they were there for her and putting her mind at ease.

Within as little as thirty to forty five minutes or so, Karrie felt the baby already coming out, with Kagari telling her to push with all everything she had. Soon enough Karrie gave birth to baby kitsune girl, who cried as soon as she was out of her mother's womb. As soon as the baby was out of her, Haruka held something up to her mouth and urged her to drink.

"Here my mate, it'll help lessen what pain there is for you. And I'm so happy it's my child. Would you like to name her Karrie dear?" Haruka said while Kagari cleaned the baby up after the birthing, still holding Karrie's hand with one of hers while she offered the vial of grey liquid up to Karrie's lips, apparently wanting her to drink it.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

During the birthing process most of Karries thoughts became a blur as she entered rapid contractions to birth the baby, after forty five minutes which only seemed like ten with the speed Karrie was processing things, she had finally given birth to it, she was offered something to drink which she drunk down, she was asked if they wanted to name the baby after her, which she nodded to.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

(She was just wondering if Karrie wanted to name her since she was the one that gave birth, not name the baby after her.)

"What would you like to name her my mate?" Haruka asked Karrie after she'd drunk down the potion offered, which after about ten seconds began washing away all pain there had been for the young human girl.

While Karrie decided, she'd see Kagari and Shizune cleaning up the room after what all had happened, with Kagari bringing the baby kitsune girl over to Karrie and gently setting her in Karrie's arms if she wished to hold her, giving her to Haruka if she didn't. Karrie would see Haruka looked almost ecstatic while she gently caressed her's and Karrie's child's head, tickling her little fox ears and giggling when they twitched, the baby cooing softly and cuddling up to whichever one was holding her and going to sleep. Karrie would see the baby had white fox ears and tail like Haruka's, though she had Karrie's eyes, and though there was barely any hair on her head besides what little was around her ears, it was easy to see that it was going to be white like Haruka's, though there was no way to tell if it would stay that way or not of course as she grew.
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

-Oh right, sorry-

Smiling, Karrie was almost too giddy to answer Harukas questions as she cradled the newborn in her arms, gently tickling the child with Haruka as she looked up at Haruka with the smile on her face "I.....I dont even know..." she said quietely, too busy cradling the child and giggling when the baby cooed at her.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

(No problem)

Before the baby went to sleep, she began giggling and cooing softly at Karrie's tickling her, her little fingers grabbing hold of Karrie's finger and looking up at her, as if recognizing her as her mother. Haruka meanwhile sat down on the bed with them both, slipping an arm around Karrie and pulling her close, kissing her on top of the head while gently caressing their baby's head, letting their child grab her finger too just like with Karrie's a few moments before.

"Well she must have a name my mate... a good strong name," Haruka said, holding Karrie close while Karrie held their baby, who was even now going to sleep in her arms, everything apparently being too much for her as her little eyes closed and she fell asleep.

After a few moments, Karrie would see Shizune and Kagari both leave, bidding them both farewell and Kagari telling Karrie to get some rest after they got done talking and thinking of a good name, pointing at a cradle next to her bed and telling her she could put the baby in it to sleep for now. After that, Haruka laid there and continued holding Karrie close, apparently waiting for Karrie to come up with a name suggestion or two before giving a couple of her own.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The baby started to go to sleep in Karries arms, sighing, she set the baby into the appropriate cradle while she cuddled with Haruka, trying to think of a name "Oh i dont know.....Ami?" she said.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Hmm... Ami. that's a good name. Ami you shall be little one," Haruka said, looking thoughtful as she caressed their child's head as she fell asleep in her cradle after Karrie set her into it, with Haruka covering her up.

Once Haruka said that, she kissed Ami on her little head and then cuddled up with Karrie, gently caressing her head with one hand, while caressing her belly with the other. "Sleep now my mate, you'll need your rest if we're to go and save your friend Shana's friends. Hikari saw a couple of demons taking some humans and elves and such further down the other day, they looked as if they'd been raped by some demons she said too," Haruka said, trying to soothe Karrie to sleep and at the same time giving her a bit of info about the ones they were trying to save. Haruka pulled a blanket up over them both as she pulled Karrie close to her to keep her warm, her quite large yet at the moment flaccid member pressing against Karrie's belly.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The two settled down again, Karrie was tired from her recent birthing and haruka wanted her to sleep, yawning and squirming slightly, Karrie eventually fell into a deep sleep to recover her strength.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Haruka kissed Karrie on the forehead just before she went to sleep, murmuring she loved her before Karrie fell fast asleep. Haruka soon joined Karrie and fell asleep as well, the two of them cuddling closely for warmth as they slept.


Some time later, Karrie would wake, and see that Haruka was no longer in the bed with her, apparently having woken herself some time before. To her left she would see Ami still in her little crib, still sound asleep. To her right she'd see the bed next to her own had Shana in it, the young priestess apparently having given birth sometime while she was asleep as Shana was sitting there awake, holding a baby okami girl, Karrie would also see Hikari sitting there next to her, cuddling with the young priestess girl. It appeared that the okami baby was Hikari's instead of Kagari's, and Karrie could see that Shana looked happy, despite telling her that she didn't like the fact she'd been raped and knocked up because of it.

"She's so beautiful, she looks just like you Hikari," Shana said to Hikari, glancing up at the okami herm.

"But she has your eyes my mate, and your hair," Hikari said, caressing the baby's head and holding Shana close.

"C-Can I name her Hikari? Please?" Shana asked Hikari, who nodded at her and gave Shana a kiss on the lips, then a few moments later Shana continued, "I'd like to name her after my mother... Lucia."

"It's a beautiful name my mate. Lucia you shall be... my child," Hikari said, leaning in and kissing the baby on her little forehead.

The two apparently hadn't noticed Karrie had woken up yet, as they were caught up with in the moment of their own child's birth to look over to see. A couple of minutes later Karrie would see Haruka entering the room, where she came over to her bed and sat down on it after seeing she was awake, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning Karrie my mate. How are you? You slept for quite a long while, it's time for breakfast now. Your friend Shana had her child in the night, but you somehow slept right through it all without waking. Ami woke in the night, but she merely needed changing and then went right back to sleep," Haruka told Karrie, pulling her into a hug while the baby slept on in her little crib.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Sleeping, Karrie was woken up by Haruka who gave her a kiss on the cheek and a good morning, Karrie yawned as she noticed Shanas child had been born as well, Karrie murmured to Haruka in a half-asleep tone "Mrm..i sleep heavily..." as she almost fell back to sleep sitting up.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"I can tell, but come, breakfast is ready and you should eat. It'll help you recover some after the birthing last night," Haruka told Karrie, giving her a little shake to wake her back up.

Once she had Karrie awake, Haruka would leave the room again, saying she was going to get her something to eat and bring it back. While her alpha was gone, Karrie heard Ami suddenly wake with a cry, apparently wanting something. Upon checking, Karrie would be able to tell she didn't need changing or anything like that, leaving only that she either merely wanted attention or was hungry.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Being shaken awake, Haruka departed temporarily, Karrie heard Ami wake up with a cry, worrying her, she walked over and picked up Ami, petting her and figuring she was either vying for her attention or hungry, Karrie sat and gently tickled Ami for a while to see if attention was what the newborn wanted.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie was quickly able to figure out that Ami was wanting to be fed, as the baby reached for her mother's naked breasts when she picked her up and pulled her over, tickling her. As soon as Karrie realized what Ami was wanting, the baby would latch onto her nipple and begin drinking her mother's milk, greedily gulping down all she could manage.

While Ami drank her mother's milk, Haruka would bring a couple of plates of food back into the room, setting them on the bed with Karrie, for her to eat as soon as she was through feeding the baby. It wouldn't take too long for Ami to drink her fill, giving Karrie the chance to eat her own food now. Haruka stayed there with Karrie, the second plate of food apparently being her own as she began eating off it when Karrie did her own, the kitsune herm giving her a loving smile as they both ate.

"After we eat my mate, do you wish to head out to try and find Shana's friends? Or would you rather stay here for a while longer and head out tomorrow after you've had more chance to recover? If we go today, I'd rather Shana stay here to recover more, but if we wait until tomorrow I wouldn't mind her coming with us, but in my opinion I believe you both should remain here for at least a little while to care for the children. But it is your decision my mate, whichever you wish to do I'll come with you," Haruka asked Karrie while they ate, apparently ready to leave whenever Karrie was, and sounding a little eager to go on out as well for some reason.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

It seemed like the newborn was hungry rather than needing attention, Karrie had to breastfeed Ami for a bit to fill her up as Haruka came back with some breakfast, nodding, Karrie let Ami breastfeed for as long as she wanted before setting her back in her cradle and eating, she was asked whether she wanted to depart now or later by Haruka, after finishing a section Karrie said "Later." before continuing to eat.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Ami drank quite a bit from her mother's breasts, seeming almost as if she'd been half starved before finally finishing up. With Haruka taking her off of Karrie's hands and burping her and such before setting her back in the crib where she lay there cooing softly and looking around, mostly up at her parents. When Karrie answered Haruka's question of going out now or later, Haruka nodded her head. "Very well then, tomorrow we shall go out and help find the ones you were searching for. I'm definitely going, and I've talked with the others, and Shana said she wished to go as well, but was unsure if she should leave the baby to do so, and Kagari said that she would go as well if Shana didn't. Shana said that she'd go if you wanted her to, or stay if you wanted her to, that it was your call my mate," Haruka said to Karrie while they ate, the fox herm petting Karrie's head gently.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Nodding, Karrie said "I See, Shana can come along if she really wants to but if shes too tired Kagari can come along as well" Karrie finished in between mouthfuls of food, swallowing and stretching her arms.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Very well, I'll let Kagari know that she may be coming with the two of us," Haruka said, caressing Karrie's cheek gently and glancing over to Shana, adding, "I'll let you ask Shana before I go do that though, just so Kagari doesn't get ready to leave only for Shana to decide that she wants to go."

After that, Haruka and Karrie would sit there and finish their food before Haruka gestured over at Shana, who was eating some food with Hikari, apparently wanting Karrie to speak with her on the matter before she left.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Nodding, Karrie was still eating as she looked over at Shana, finishing her mouthful she shifted closer and asked "Do you want to come with me and Haruka when we continue the search for your friends?", Karrie looked slightly concerned and hoped her birth went off with no hitches as well.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie would see that Shana still had about half of her plate of food left and was taking a drink of water when she posed her question to her. Shana gulped down the water she had in her mouth and nodded to Karrie. "Yes I would like to Karrie, because it'd probably be best if I were there when and if we find any of them, as they know me," Shana said in response to Karrie question, looking rather anxious of getting back out and actually finding her friends.

"Very well then, I shall let Kagari know that it'll be the three of us then. Kagari can still help us though, as she's our pack healer and shaman. I believe she can come up with a way for us to quickly make our way back to here," Haruka said, getting up and heading off to inform Kagari about the situation apparently, before she went out though she glanced back over her shoulder at Karrie, saying, "I'm not sure exactly what all you could do for now while you rest my mate, but if you'd like I can bring you a book or something to pass the time."
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Nodding, Haruka said that Kagari would probably provide some form of support role back in the packs home, Karrie nodded and said "Yeah, something to read would be nice thanks."