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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"I get what you mean Karrie, still a bit risky though when you look at what could have happened in there," Vanessa said seriously, but she didn't look unhappy about her doing so.

"Please warn me next time before you do that my mate, I'd rather not lose you, the mother of my child," Haruka said with a little growl in her voice that told Karrie she was sounding a little angry to mask the worry she was obviously experiencing from Karrie running into the room and back out.

Some of the loot that Karrie had gotten from the treasure chest looked like it was obviously magical, though when Haruka picked up the bracers and looked at them, she was a little curious as she turned them over and such as she looked at them. The scroll Karrie could see had an incantation written down on it that could be used by anyone that read it aloud and invoked the spell on it. Vanessa inspected the ring thoroughly before slipping it onto her finger, where she looked quizzically at it, apparently unsure of what it did.

"Hmm... curious... I don't know what it does, but it feels right to wear it I think," Vanessa said, holding her hand up as she looked at the ring again.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Yeah....should have really warned ya before rushing in there" Karrie said, realising that the implications could have been much worse if she got caught out while trying to get the chest back to the way they came in, Karrie noticed that the scroll could be used to activate a incantation, Karrie inspected what was written on it but she did not say it aloud, so she could figure out what purpose the spell would serve.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Haruka merely leaned over and kissed Karrie on the cheek, letting her know she wasn't mad at her really. The scroll Karrie saw in the meantime had an identifying spell on it like the one she'd gotten previously in this place not too long ago, before she'd met Haruka and the other Shifters.

"I don't know how to put these things on, else I would do so and see what they do," Haruka said as she fiddled with the bracers, apparently not knowing how to get them on.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie smiled as Haruka kissed her on the cheek, leaning over and giving her a cheek kiss right back, it seemed like that this scroll was another identifier, this time around she decided to read the incantation aloud, intending to identify what the ring would do.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

[This ring is a ring of regeneration. Every turn the wearer has a 25% chance of recovering 1 FP. Though there is a 50% chance during battle that when it heals the wearer that it can raise their AP by 1 also.]

Identifying the ring proved a simple task, as after she read the scroll and directed the simple little spell at the ring Vanessa now wore, Karrie soon knew that it was a ring that would slowly heal the wearer during battle, but at the risk of possibly making them more aroused. Assuming she told the girls, Vanessa would look a little intrigued about the whole thing.

"So... do you want it Karrie, or not? if you don't want it then I'll keep it, unless you'd rather have it Haruka," Vanessa said, holding out the simple silver ring with a lapis stone set in it after taking it off.

"No I'm fine, if my mate would rather have it or you, then keep it or give it to her," Haruka replied, shaking her head no that she didn't want it.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie smiled when she noticed the ring was one of regeneration, could come in handy for Vanessa as she was the healer of the party in a sense, it could help keep her topped up so she dosent have to waste time healing herself instead of others, when she offered the ring to Karrie she shook her head and said "You keep it Vanessa, you need it more than i do." in a caring tone, after this Karrie would read the identifying spell aloud again to see if it had multiple uses or just one use, if it did work she would direct it on the bracers this time around. If not she would allow Haruka to equip the bracers, helping her get them on if she had trouble doing so.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Alright then I'll take it if neither of you wants it," Vanessa said, shrugging her shoulders as she slipped the ring back onto her finger and looking at it.

When Karrie looked back at the scroll, she found that the writing on it that was the spell was gone and had faded beyond the point she could read it again, meaning that the scroll was a one time usage. Helping Haruka get the bracers on, Karrie was quickly able to strap them onto the fox herm, who looked at them curiously. "Thank you my mate. Are these things supposed to protect people? They don't look much like armor to me if they are," Haruka said as she looked at them, picking up her axe and standing back up from where they'd sat down to rest for a few moments. It was hard to tell just what the bracers did or if they were even magical in some way, but at least they didn't seem to be doing anything bad to Haruka... at least not yet anyway.

[Also Vanessa is the fighter type that Karrie found a little earlier on. Shana was the cleric type that could heal.]

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Oh my bad, it has been a while after all

"Its supposed to protect a archers arm while they fire, but in this case they seem well made enough to act as wrist guards so blocking will be easier." Karried answered, tightening a strap so it was fully in place on Harukas wrists, standing up Karrie discarded the now useless scroll and had a look around "Right...now where do we go..."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

[It's alright, no worries.]

"Ah I see, so it's to make sure the string of your bow doesn't whack your wrist on the shot. It makes sense I guess to have something that'll keep that from happening. But I have no bow and no not how to use one even if I had one, so I'll use them as you said, to block anything that comes at me, since they've got metal here on the top parts," Haruka replied as she looked at the bracers some more before standing back up, hefting her axe up over her shoulder. "I suppose we should head back the way we came and down the other path. Came out to be worth it by coming this way," Haruka added.

Heading on back down the passageway towards the waterway from before that they had swam across to get where they were here, Haruka stopped at the waters edge and looked across it back to where they'd come across from. "Once we get back across, what say we head back through to our sanctuary for some rest... if you'd both like that is," Haruka said when they reached to water.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Nodding, the group started to make their way out of the pathway they had gone down and stopped at the river they had to swim across to get there, Haruka mentioned they could stop and get some rest. Karrie took a moment to think and asked "Are we tired or hurt at all? If not we could take that other route...." wanting to make the most of her time in these caves as enemies could most likely come back to where they were before while they rested.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Well I'm not hurt per se really, but I thought we could all use a little rest, maybe just a breather once we cross the water then," Haruka said, not looking truly tired any, but just a bit winded.

When they crossed the quite cool water again and got to the opposite side, the three were again quite cold and shivering and needed to huddle up with each other to warm up, with Haruka pulling the to against her so they could warm up again. Once they were warmed back up and dried enough, they got their clothes back on and set off once they were all ready to go. Making their way back to the fork in the path, where the southern route was the only one left that they hadn't gone through yet.

"Well let's go then, no time like the present I say," Vanessa said when they got to the fork, sounding a bit adventurous.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Haruka suggested they had a short rest after swimming across the small river, Karrie nodded in agreement and they all swam across once more, taking the time to have a cuddle to warm each other up, Karrie blushing slightly as she ended up being smooshed inbetween Vanessa and Haruka. After this they all got their clothing back on and went back to the fork in the road, after this they took the last remaining route. The southern route.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Heading down the southern path after getting ready once more and everything, Karrie and the others moved on southward, making their way on down the tunnel a bit further until they came to a closed wooden door. "Well doors won't stop us, come on you two, I'm feeling really adventurous at the moment and I wanna explore this place," Vanessa said, reaching for the door and opening it before going on inside.

When Vanessa opened the door and went inside, Karrie and Haruka didn't really see much in the way of threats inside. On the far side of the room was another doorway that led south further, and she could also make out a small pool on the eastern side of the room that had a door on the other side of it, but to get to it would require them to either swim across the pool or walk across it, as it was hard to tell which they'd have to do in order to get across as the water was a bit dark.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The group made their way into another fork in the road after coming through a big set of wooden doors, there was a doorway that lead further south and a door on the east side they would have to cross a pool of water to get to, thinking for a moment Karrie said "Lets go east first. I have a feeling there might be something there.", she decided to selflessely test the waters first so if anything was hiding in wait in the pool of water it would only get her and her partners could help her out, getting her clothes off again, Karrie would step into the pool and try to make her way to the other side where the door was.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

As soon as Karrie's toes touched the water, she saw that it wasn't very deep in the least, only about a couple of feet all told, it was a lot warmer though than the underground river was earlier. The others shrugged their shoulders, seeing that it seemed safe enough since nothing had gotten Karrie just yet or anything. When she made her way out to the center of the pool though, that's when it got strange. The water began glowing pink all around her and she immediately began feeling very aroused, her folds becoming wet with arousal. As soon as she turned to look at the others and likely try to warn them, she would see that the two of them were also affected by the water as there were bulges in the front of Vanessa's trousers and Haruka's shorts.

"W-What is this... I'm feeling so hot... my... my dick, it aches so badly," Haruka said, panting already with arousal as her cheeks turned pink as she tugged at her shorts down, where her member sprang out for Karrie to see it was so big and hard that it obviously hurt her something fierce.

"Y-Yeah, my dick is aching so bad too Haruka... gods it hurts," Vanessa whimpered, tugging her trousers down to reveal her cock which was like Haruka's, big, hard, and obviously in a little bit of pain and or discomfort.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Stepping into the water, Karrie found out that it was only about knee high this time around, meaning there was no need to swim, treading the water forward she heard her allies following close behind her. It seemed much warmer than the other water they had found earlier, as they reached the center of the pool Karrie felt something off about it, looking around she found herself suddenely assaulted with a wave of arousal, causing her loins to become wet as she moaned in surprise and turned around to Haruka and Vanessa, noticing the same had happened to them "G-Get out...its..a-arousing...~" Karrie found it impossible to hide the arousal in her voice and she found herself stepping towards the two, panting and moaning in her arousal induced stupor.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

As Karrie tried to get out of the water, turning to the other two and telling them to do the same as she went, she would find it relatively quite easy for herself to escape the water if she wished, as the arousal she was hit with apparently wasn't so bad that she couldn't resist it completely. As she made her way to the poolside, where she then fell to her knees in or outside of the water depending on how much the arousal was really affecting her mind, she would notice that Haruka and Vanessa neither one could move, though not for lack of trying. It looked like the water had solidified around their knees and was holding them in place and when Karrie looked behind them slightly she would see a couple of strands of gooey water stretching up and coiling around their wrists, holding them so they couldn't move or even really struggle.

"W-What's h-happening?" Haruka whimpered, looking down at her dick which was throbbing greatly with need.

"I... I don't know," Vanessa whimpered in response.

Before Karrie could even attempt to reach out to help the two, she would see another single strand of the now thick and gooey water rising up to Haruka's and Vanessa's crotches where it brushed up along the underside of their throbbing lengths a few times, teasing them it seemed as the two wriggled their hips around to try and get more out of it. Several more strands of the thick gooey water rose up around them and wrapped around the girls, holding them completely in place where they couldn't even move now to break loose. Then the single strand at their crotches moved in slowly and continued teasing them, brushing along the underside of their lengths again, not stopping in this for about a minute or so. If at any time Karrie tried to move back into the water to help the two, she would find herself immobilized by the thick gooey water as well as it locked around her ankles, making her trip forward where it did the same to her hands and arms a bit as she tried to catch herself from the fall.

Then all Karrie would be able to do was watch as the strands of the thick gooey water stopped teasing the pair and wrapped around their lengths a few times like a tentacle would have done. While Karrie was down on her hands and knees in the water, or watching from the side, she would see something floating around in the water that she hadn't noticed before, it looked much like a little worm of some sort with several tiny tentacles coming out of its sides. The worm would then drift its way up the strand of water towards their crotches, where it would dawn on the two trapped there what was about to happen. The strand of water moved forward and the tip of it on each of the two gently penetrated their urethras, Haruka and Vanessa both letting out a squeal as it did so. It began writhing around and thrusting in and out of their dicks, the two's knees going completely weak, though it held them up so it could continue. The watery tentacles continued thrusting into the girls dicks for a time, with them both eliciting lewd moans of pleasure as they both reached climax, their seed spurting out into the watery tentacles, which soaked their cum right up and drained it from their dicks like sucking water through a straw. Once the remnants of their climax had been drained, the girl's dicks remained hard as iron as the tiny tentacled worm that was about an inch and a half to maybe two inches long and maybe half an inch wide at most made it to their penises where their tiny tentacles began wriggling around the heads of their sensitive penises.

"Oh gods... no not that, please anything but that," Vanessa whimpered, Haruka only whined as the one did this to her cock.

The worms tiny tentacles spread their urethras open where the heads of the worms began pushing their ways inside, the girls hips both seizing up on them as they arched their backs in pleasure again, the arousal caused from the water making anything that ought to feel even slightly painful feel like pleasure instead. All Karrie could do really was watch the worms wriggling their way down into the girl's dicks, their skin pulsing slightly and moving as they did so. Finally, the worms seemed to have found their destinations and stopped moving, where they now resided inside of the two futa girls prostates. They then used their little tentacles and attached themselves to the inner walls of the girls prostates and began using some sort of magic or something to make the girl's dicks begin spurting seed out of them, as if they'd lost all control of their loins.

A sudden change came over Vanessa however Karrie would see as the poor girl was held there, whimpering pitifully for something to pleasure her or something, anything to take her mind off of what had just happened to both her and Haruka. Karrie saw Vanessa's groin, just below her dick began throbbing, the skin looking like it was bulging slightly, then... when whatever change that was coming over her was done, a pair of testicles had grown on Vanessa equal in size to Haruka's own. Once this was done, the water finally released the pair who fell to their knees, their cocks still hard as steel and drenched in the slimy water. Karrie however wasn't released just yet as she saw the two looking at her hungrily, Haruka stroking her large cock and licking her lips and Vanessa gently stroking and fondling her new balls and sighing pleasantly at the sensations she now felt because of her new acquisitions, precum dribbling down both girl's lengths. Karrie was still feeling a little aroused at this point, but Haruka and Vanessa both looked totally out of it, like they were about to jump her bones and fuck her silly. She could try and stop them somehow if she wished, or maybe run instead, it was her decision really.

"K-Karrie... my mate. Come and we'll make you feel really good, you can have either one of us... or both of us if you'd like," Haruka said softly, the arousal in her voice so great that it was easy to tell she had no control over her actions, though it was up to Karrie at this point what to do, but her friend and lover had both just been in infested with a parasite of some sort, so what could she do really.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie had managed to get out of the pool before its effects managed to overcome her, panting she looked out at Haruka and Vanessa who were under the clutches of the water which had seemingly solidified around them and was now starting to seemingly milk them dry, panting and recovering from her arousal Karrie tried to get back into the water to help the two out of the bindings but only succeeded in tripping forward and getting her trapped also, stuck in a awkward position of her on her hands and knees, she was poised in such a way she couldn't see the fate that was befalling her comrades, making her panic as she heard them moan out repeatedly in pleasure as she said "V-vanessa?! Haruka?! Whats happening!" in a worried tone, trying to move her wrists and ankles free from the solidified waters grip, oblivious to the parasites getting into her comrades dicks. She heard Haruka speaking and definetely not acting like herself as she struggled in the solidified water again "Guys snap out of it!" she tried to call out to stop the two sex crazed herms.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

As Karrie struggled to get loose, she managed to break both of her hands free thankfully just as Vanessa seemed to have gotten used to her new acquisitions and started towards her, her eyes totally blank and glazed over with lust. Haruka made a grab for Karrie, but she was able to shimmy her hips around a bit and push Haruka back, where the fox herm stumbled in the water, bumping into Vanessa. This didn't stop her for long though as she got back up and helped Vanessa back up to her feet as she'd fallen over when Haruka bumped into her. With that the two started back towards Karrie again, their precum dripping from their members as she came towards her, and Karrie's legs were still trapped in the water where it had solidified around them.

"Come on Karrie, don't you want us to make you feel good?" Haruka said, panting slightly as she and Vanessa started towards her again, both of them stroking their members and fondling their balls. It didn't appear that the two were going to take no for an answer, so Karrie would have to do something to snap them out of it.

Karrie - FP: 5/5, AP: 2/10

Vanessa - FP: 6/6, AP: 5/10
Haruka - FP: 6/6, AP: 5/10

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie at least managed to get her hands free and keep Haruka and Vanessa away from her for a while, struggling she needed to get to her weapon next to her clothing pile outside the pool, she struggled in the bindings of the water to try and get her ankles free, if she suceeded she'd make a run for her weapon and weild it so she would only use the blunt end of it, so at most all she could do was knock the two sex crazed herms out, if she didnt get free she'd stay on the defensive trying to keep haruka and vanessa off of her while she tried to struggle free again.