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Susan Summer (plmnko)

Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

With a sudden move from the golem's hand her attempt to get free was stoped, she gasped and groaned pityful by her needs to end this before he could fill her belly with their unknown jizz, her wet flower couldnt resist too much as that long member would soon make her orgasm again and maybe for many times until she could get this thing sattled. Fortunately Ruby take the opened caused by her failed attack and the continuous pump at her inner walls, killing soon that creature and saving Susan from a prolongued rape. Sigh... finally we made it, thanks Ruby... ehh? Susan exclamed in surprise when she was ready to rest a moment soon placed at her back and getting her legs spread in front of the horny demoness.

The silver haired girl could see that huge ...huge meat rod over her belly, even bigger than that time than Ruby take her at that bed challengue. As long i can walk later... Susan gasped and suppose than Ruby will not force all so suddenly. Of course Ruby, please take me with care and get a relief, we must do this quickly before my breasts get filled again. The swordswoman could notice how easily her pants and underwear could be removed, Ruby and any monster could pull them down easily as she couldnt close them completely thanks to her new body.

It was not the firt time than Ruby would cum inside her so Susan was not so worried with that and just suppose than the word wife was just used now as a lust word used by Ruby in these kind of moments, her eyes half closed and her body tensed as she could feel the touch at her petals, she tried to relax herself as she still wonders if that huge dick could even fit inside her. But out of that sudden fear, she could not do more than notice how her cunt was melting by the touch, she was amazed by how much she wanted this too, Ruby was taking her with such so naughty and dominant words, like a propety.

Ahh... mmn... cant be! Susan tried to wishper but it turned into a moan, her body squirming in delight as she couldnt believe how deep Ruby went inside her, almost taking her whole breath. speecheless she tried to find it out why this could be possible, it cant be possible, i cant make that fit... but feels so good... its because that plant woman changed me!? her throughts dissipated as the dick get out suddenly and Ruby words make her blush even more.

Her breasts jiggled in delight dont being stoped in any way by her shirt what now looks to work just as a sport bra, easily could be removed, the touch by anyone would not be reduced by the normal fabric of her clothes. Like a succubi? Ahh... Ruby... its so good... you will make me cum soon~ Dont so fast, please...you will break me

Susan said as her moans get intensed by the touch at her breasts, soon the young warrior could not stop herself of want to feel that huge thing cum inside her.

Make me yours Ruby... A wife... soon before i faint... dont let me faint Ruby. Susan begs worried than she will lost more time and cause more problems to Sibella, Ruby was so intense and her body was so lewd almost as the one of a succubi, it made her get worried and curiouse too by how she will end when she get out this maze.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Heh, you won't break love, you're body is made to take cocks like this in it. Trust me, you'll feel so much better when we cum together. And I'll water Lily's seedlings for you so they can grow perfectly. And don't worry love, you'll be my wife as soon as we cum together... I promise you that," Ruby cooed in Susan's ear as her hands groped her large breasts some more and squeezed, pinching Susan's nipples at the same time and drawing a couple of little beads of milk from them. "And I won't let you faint love, I promise. I'll always hold onto you so you won't," she added in a whisper as she pounded Susan for all her worth.

Ruby's hands continued to squeeze and grope Susan's breasts as she knocked away happily at her pussy, with her large shaft soon twitching and throbbing to signify her pending release. Susan soon approached her own climax as well and was quickly overwhelmed by the pleasure that Ruby's huge pole brought her and just before she hit her peak she felt Ruby's hands grasp her own, her fingers entwining with Susan's as she rammed herself in one final time before exploding inside Susan, filling her already swollen womb with her seed, swelling it further as her cum bathed Lily's seedlings in there. Susan felt her consciousness starting to slip a bit, but as soon as Ruby pulled back and thrust one more time as her lips locked with Susan's in an intense and passionate kiss, Susan felt herself remaining conscious along with Ruby as another set of massive spurts of seed washed into her and began splashing back out onto the floor to pool around them because there was so much.

finally, after an entire minute or spurting her seed, Ruby pulled out of Susan, where she laid her massive cock across on Susan's belly again before rolling over and pulling Susan over with her so they were both laying on their sides facing one another. "Now I claim thee as my wife by Netherworld law, and by Crimean law if I recall correctly. Hmhm... if you want to be my wife that is," Ruby murmured to Susan as they lay there recovering from their powerful orgasms.
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Maybe Ruby's words would had hurt Susan in another moment, her idea of perfection werent these body sizes and she loved her old body, the damage of have this change was reduced with the hope than the matriarch could heal her later, that is mostly why she endured the change and just focused on end this maze. But now she could denny it, Ruby's cock feels so good all deep inside her new body, her old one would had been in pain by the first thrust or faint in pain.

Yes, it must be truth... it feel so good have you inside Ruby... Susan said between moans gasping and softly giving coos as her breasts were almost milked by her future husband, accepting in her aroused state than Ruby is completely right about her. Please fill my womb Ruby... turn me into your wife... The silver haired woman couldnt stop herself of move her hips as the wild penetration continued, her body merged with the lust increasing on both, slowly coming to her peak.

Ah...Ruby i love you! Susan manage to said as she pnats and prepare for her release, her body starting to squirm when Ruby cum too and fill her insides, the human was in an awe state close to faint when Ruby made her stay there with her with a lover kiss. Her huge breasts were in fire as the touch end and her hands were holded for a whole minute in which she could not do more than enjoy each load and her belly growing more until the floor also get a pool of fluids, it was even possible than the remain of clothes than she wear would get some of the warm demoness cum as more let out from Susan's body.

Completely in bliss she needed to take a minute to recover her breath, she could feel the warm large dick rsting over her and she still was amazed than something so huge has made her so happy and fit her like a glove. Susan was turned to Ruby and the demoness said her vows and rules in both lands, these werent the home of the human but she smiled and pull herself close Ruby to give her a soft lovely kiss as her arms get around her head in their hug.

I accept to be your wife Ruby... The human was now almost in her mind so this was not a mistake, she cant deny than she was so worried for Ruby and what made them win that last fight was their love to each other. Susan remain doubts melted by how kind and incredible having sex Ruby has been.

I want to stay more time like this... but we must move soon. The swordswoman then cuddle and hugs Ruby for a moment more before try to get up, rubbing softly her belly as she see still some cum leaking out. Once they could get dressed and ready to leave Susan will choice the right door again.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Good love, and I understand, you want to help your friend I know. And maybe later after we get these seedlings out of us we can have a baby of our own someday. I'd like that a lot, and I'm sure you would too, hmhm. But enough resting, we're both feeling better now and we should get moving before your poor breasts start swelling back up with milk and we need to stop and me milk you some," Ruby said to Susan with a giggle a they snuggled with each other.

After another minute or so Ruby raised back up and looked around for her clothing which was mostly destroyed and shredded save for her upper clothing unfortunately, as were Susan's pants somewhat when she found them a few moments later. Though Susan's pants were still wearable, they just wouldn't cover anything below her thighs, and they barely covered them as it was. Their shirts though were still wearable for the most part, though Susan's left arm sleeve was a bit torn around the wrist, and since Ruby's was drenched in her own cum she decided to pour some water over it and simply tie it around her waist to at least cover her poor cock a little bit even if it wouldn't fully hide the monstrous thing.

"Alright love, let's go then, I'm ready when you are and I'll follow your lead," Ruby told Susan as she hefted her large bastard sword back up and sheathed it while Susan collected her gear.

Heading through the door on the right, they went steadily upwards and heard the sounds of running water getting louder as they went, and they came upon a large hole where a waterfall poured down into the darkness, though there was a path leading behind the waterfall itself with magic torches that lit the place enough to see and get out of there. The path led around and through another doorway of sorts and into another small chamber, though this one was actually empty with no traps of any kind from what Susan could see, though there were 3 doorways this time to choose from, all on the same wall straight ahead of her and they were even labeled as door number 1, number 2, and number 3. With the first one on the far left, the second in the middle, and the third on the far right.

"Well if this isn't a trap of some sort I don't know what is," Ruby muttered as they looked at the doors, with the devil woman looking around at the room a bit too which was only about 15 feet in any direction from wall to wall, so not a whole lot of room to maneuver if something attacked.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan nods and cuddle softly at Ruby. Yes, she must be in danger and we havent heard of Ashera in a while, maybe she is close where Sibella is now. Susan blushed and was specheless for some seconds. A baby? it would be my first time to have a normal pregnancy... i will love it, but we must first focus on end this... Susan was slighty worried about the possible pain, this time wouldnt be a monster or a wolf, she was worried about her body and what she could do to find her old friend if she make a family with Ruby. Then she just nods about her breasts needs to be drained by Ruby, she was worried, would Ruby take too much time to do it or would she get a like on this? Susan just hope than all get out sane of this maze. Thanks Ruby, i would need your help when my breasts get filled with milk, but there must be still some time so lets move.

Once said this tehy get up and Susan find her clothes very damaged but not so much as Ruby's one. She couldnt do more than gasp in ashame as she look herself, she was now dressed even more provocative, her legs were exposed and the small pant made her hips and rear looks more naughty, at least she have her panty to cover her dignity, as she couldnt close completely her mini short.

With all her gear in place the two moved. Do you think than this maze have more than monsters and traps? I would love to find a treasure box with some clothes or... well any treasure would be great, it cheer you up a little find hidden things than are helpful. Susan said slighty fully red as she see how Ruby is dressed now, her friend's clothes dont leave any to the imagination.

The two leave the roomw without problems and saw the waterfall, it was scary see that darkness at the botton, it certainly wouldnt be good to fall there but at least they get out that dangerous place after open another door. Wow, that looks to be a long fall, the waterfall from outside dont looks so high... do you think than this is the same ?

The small room where they get now was strange, it was like a maze inside other maze and the silver haired girl just nod frowing when Ruby said than this could be a trap. Yes... i bet than all these rooms are filled with unneeded surprises, but we cant go back now...

hmm.... lets go all straight, to say the truth if this were safe i would love to open all the rooms but we must avoid as much rooms as needed. Really, it has been too much sex cratures for my like.

Susan then opened the door with the number two, trying to close the door if needed.
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hmhm, alright then cutie, I'll follow your lead. I'm more a bash the hell out of them and follow orders kind of gal myself when it comes to a fight," Ruby said before following Susan, her mostly nude red skinned form glistening with the remaining sweat from earlier and bit of water that splashed up from the waterfall they passed.

Heading through the door, the girls began going downwards steadily again. Up ahead of them they could see a faint light at the end of this tunnel, which as they got closer it got a little brighter. Soon enough they came to the point where they could make out the doorway, and suddenly it shut, leaving them in mostly darkness again. "Well how rude. Come on Susan, I can still see pretty good at least. I'll hold your hand until your eyes adjust enough back to the bit of light the torches give," Ruby said as they walked along, with the devil woman gently taking Susan's hand and leading her along as they walked to last little ways over to the door.

Once at the door, Ruby knocked twice on it before turning the knob and pushing it open, where they came face to face with... themselves. In the room, the very center of it, there stood an almost exact copy of Susan and Ruby. The only difference was that the Ruby copy had not only her penis, though normal sized instead of the near monstrous sizing that Ruby now had down there, but she also had a mass of about a dozen or so reddish colored penis tipped tentacles that were similar in size to her cock, which was fully erect and ready for action. The fake Susan meanwhile had only a set of 8 tentacles sprouting from her back, all of them flesh colored and penis tipped as well, but more like a human's.

"Oh the dopplegangers. This ought to be fun young Susan. Don't get raped too much, for those two are full of lust, as much as you both are," Ashera said with a chuckle.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Ok, i will try to do my best leading, its all more easy at your side Ruby, if you werent with me maybe i would havent reached this place alone. Susan said back as she tried to dont see too much the nearly fully in display body than her new wife or husband have, the small bright on it make her softly wish to have the time to hug her more, but they needed to end this maze now.

The path in front of them was larger as they were expecting but fortunately Susan still have her boots out of damage so walk in this damp place was not so bad, however it looks like she has forgoten to turn on her lamp as she soon was exploring this place with just the torche's lights and that intense one in front of them, than vanished once they get closed making her gasp in surprise as her eyes were almost blind for some seconds. Ah, i will see soon, thanks Ruby... at least it was not a trap... do you think than we could find something like a box with a treasure here? it would be boring to find just monsters. She add mostly so Ashera could heard too and the unknown woman dont focused in Sibella, soon the door get opened and Susan could get used to the light what just make her be able to see theirs new foes.

Uhm, they dont look so much like us... these dopplegangers suck, my clone looks as a cow slut but at least she is dressed a little. Susan said sure than her body was not so naughty now as the one in front of her after be changed by Lily. She soon prepared her enchanted weapon and aimed to herself. Same tactic Ruby, follow me and lets beat one... It could be hard hit ourselves but remember than they are monsters or something... im not sure is my first time fighting these beings.

Susan then tried to rush and take by surprise her clone (susan clone), slashing the upper body and part of the tentacles, so this monster could be more easy to be defeated.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan: 14 vs 11 FS, hit for 1 FP dmg
Ruby: 16 vs 14 FR, hit for 1 FP dmg

Fake Susan: 1 vs 7 Susan, miss
Fake Ruby: 20 vs 6 Ruby, hit and grappled by the tentacles and teasedfor 1 FP dmg and 1 AP dmg both

"there's possibly some more treasures down here. I only know about the ones that were in the room I was in," Ruby replied, looking a bit up at the prospect of treasures to find.

"Hmhm, these girls are exact copies of you both save the tentacles and in Ruby's case her copy's penis is sized to her own at its normal size. So yes Susan, you look a bit like a slut yourself at the moment. What with those huge tits of yours and whatnot. Oh I'm going to enjoy having you so much when I catch you," Ashera replied with a giggle before quieting herself to let Susan fight without distractions.

Susan moved in swiftly, managing to slash her sword at her foe, which caused the fake Susan to yelp in pain before she stumbled back to prepare to retaliate. Ruby meanwhile also managed a good hit on her counterpart, slashing her large bastard sword across her foe's side before kicking her back. Looking on their wounds instantly sealed up and they were left with only scars, but the pain hit them bad enough that they grimaced to show it.

The fake Susan came back at the real Susan, but missed thanks to Susan's nimble dodging skills. Ruby's opposite though managed to get through Ruby's defenses and with a rather harsh slap right across the devil girl's tits before she wrapped her arms around Ruby as her tentacles began coiling around her limbs and the fake Ruby leaned in and kissed her on the lips as her hands groped Ruby's nice heart shaped ass. "D-Dammit... Don't worry about me Susan, I've got this. But... maybe it's better if we take on each others counterparts. Because fighting myself is just... weird you know," Ruby said with a grunt as she began struggling to get free.

Susan - FP: 6/6, AP: 0/10,
Ruby - FP: 6/6, AP: 1/10, grappled by the fake Ruby

Fake Susan - FP: 5/6
Fake Ruby - FP: 5/6, grappling the real Ruby.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The joy of find a treasure soon melt down when Ashera started to tease some more the poor Susan with her new image, the words at her mind make her get softly dark in anger. How dare you? Im not and just look me how i will beat that thing. Susan said inside her mind as one of her arms hug her ample blossom and push down a little more her skimpy shirt to hide her breasts of Ashera's view if that was possible. Her rage to heard be named slut come soon to reflect in a direct hit to her clone, the scream of this dont made her go back and really she wanted to make this thing stop to look as her.

She easily dodge the first blow thinking than this clone was slow and easy to beat at the side of the golems from before, but then she turn to her side and notice Ruby who looks to havent follow her plan to take down one first, Susan just sigh and even when she could bet than Ruby would love to have her clone over her, the demoness maybe would have an easier job beating this fake Susan.

Well, i dont have any problem beating this thing but fine lets trade, it may be hard to fight someone looking like you but im sure than we can beat them easily.. Susan said before rush to try to free Ruby from the red skinned dopperganger, her sword doing its best to dont cause harm to the real Ruby and slicing some of the false one.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan: 5 vs 5 FR, hit for 1 FP dmg and freed the real Ruby from the grapple
Ruby: 3 vs 16 FR, miss

Fake Susan: 5 vs 17 Susan, miss
Fake Ruby: 1 vs 16 Susan, crit miss and countered for 2 FP dmg.

Susan: 20 vs 3 FR, crit hit for 2 more FP dmg and knocked out.
Ruby: 17 vs 16 FS, hit for 1 FP dmg

Fake Susan: 15 vs 10 Susan, hit for 1 FP and AP dmg and grabbed

Susan managed to move in and slash her sword across the arms of the fake Ruby, forcing her to release the real Ruby from her grasp, where the real Ruby then spun and swung her blade at her fake counterpart in a revenge attack since the fake Susan wasn't next to her at the moment. It missed horribly as she swung, but the fake Ruby wasn't able to counter her with a quick attack of any kind thankfully.

The fake Susan came in behind the real Susan, attempting to grab her up, but she missed badly as Susan sidestepped her tackle attempt and turned back to the fake Ruby. It was just in time too that Susan turned back around, as the fake Ruby came at her, her tentacles flailing wildly in an attempt to grab her and very likely do naughty things to her. Susan was able to quickly duck under her lunge and turned it around in her's and Ruby's favor very quickly as she swung her blade and caught the fake Ruby in the midsections with her edge, cutting the fake Ruby pretty badly.

Susan then finished her off with a swing at the back of the fake Ruby's head, the flat of her blade clanging right at the back of her skull and knocking her out cold. Ruby followed that up with an attack on their remaining foe, the fake Susan, where she managed to catch one of her tentacles with the blade and cut it off, causing the fake Susan to grimace in pain as she hissed. The fake Susan then tried to retaliate by attacking the real Susan, where she hit with 4 of her tentacles that were coiled around one another like a fist, the blow hitting Susan across her tits as another 4 of her tentacles coiled around Susan's limbs and pulled her over into her arms, facing away towards Ruby, one hand groping Susan's tits while the other began reaching down between her legs to rub there to arouse the poor silver haired girl.

Susan - FP: 5/6, AP: 1/10, grappled and being molested by the fake Susan.
Ruby - FP: 6/6, AP: 1/10,

Fake Susan - FP: 4/6, grappling and molesting Susan
Fake Ruby - FP: 0/6, KO'd
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan after talk with Ruby who was grappled moved quickly to help her, she tried to not only protect her new lover but also show than she was far better in battle of what Ashera think of her. She take the chance of a distracted lust minded foe, her sword wounding with prescise moves the red skinned clone and free the demoness of her tendrils, with a silent quick move she easily noticed her clone trying to take her from the back what make her smirk.That obscene body is really slow. She said as quickly dodge to a side and continue hunting her prey, she easily dodge and caused the right damage to stunne Ruby clone and without stop placed a final hit on her foe's back head trying to dont kill her and just make her faint. See, Ashera? Im not and looks as that naughty nude slut. Susan said aloud so Ashera and her clone could heard her, maybe she was also amazed by how her body moved, her will and pride looks to be so strong on her than she easily learned to move this body.

Quickly she turn to Ruby and smiling softly add when the red skinned girl cut one of the tentacles of their oponent. Well done Ruby,lets show them than nothing even clones can beat our bond and skills. The silver haired girl said after Ruby wounded some more the remain clone, however this made Susan get opened for the fake Susan and soon she saw her limbs traped by her clone's tentacles. Let me go! Susan exclain after groan and recover of the sudden blow, she was glad to still have the remain of her pants and her panty, these clothes would give her the time to escape before the fake Susan could try anything else. However her small top who from the start dont covered too much her large blossom havent given any protection and soon her breasts were gropled after that first tentacle hit who shouldnt had caused any damage. This fight ended when both decided to appear naked and uharmed, give up and release me. You will never be able to beat us. Susan said trying to endure the pleasure as she struggle to free herself a little to stomp using her boot with all her might the barefoot of her opponent in a way to show her than be fully naked in a fight is a disadventage, the pain by this sudden attack would maybe free her body a little more, maybe giving her the chance to give a jab at the side of her clone so she could find the time to escape from these tentacles and slice them with her sword.
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan: 17 vs 12 FS, hit for 1 FP dmg and broke free
Ruby: 18 vs 16 FS, hit for 1 FP dmg

Fake Susan: 16 vs 4 Susan, hit and grappled her again for 1 FP and AP dmg.

Susan: 19 vs 5 FS, hit for 1 FP dmg and broke free again
Ruby: 20 vs 17 FS, hit for 1 FP dmg and knocked the fake Susan out for a victory.

Struggling mightily against her fake, Susan managed to break free from the fake Susan's grasp just before the fake's fingers brushed across her soft moist petals, though Susan's bra didn't fare very well in the process and she felt the fabric tearing a bit in the process. However she did manage to break free thankfully in the end. Ruby followed up with a blow to the fake Susan's side as soon as the real Susan was free.

The fake Susan however retaliated and managed to slap Susan across the face with one of her remaining tentacles and dazed her slightly just long enough for her tentacles to rebind her. The real Susan however was quick on her feet and managed to quickly break free as she elbowed the fake in the side of the head, where Ruby followed up with another blow with the flat of her blade to the side of the fake's head, knocking her out cold as she fell limply to the ground.

"Whew, that was close Susan. Looks like we got lucky that time around though I think," Ruby said, panting a bit from the exertion of the fight, but looking mostly okay. Now that they had nothing attacking them, Susan could see only a single path leading forwards, though she could go back and take another path if she wanted to.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The fight continued, there was not a chance than Susan will stay quiet as she was wraped by this sluty clone. With her body doing her best to escape of the grip there was just a few seconds before she pulls away to save herself of anything than her foe could be thinking to do.

The tearing sound passed almost unnoticied as she tried to move her sword to hurt her foe, but she dont had that time and soon a tentacle hit her face, in part disgust and the potence from the hit made her lost sight on her foe making her be grappled again.

Then she just using all her strengh moved her body to with her elbow give a sudden potent hit at her clone and soon Ruby give a last hit to end this quick fight. Susan then as she recovered her breath turn down to see her clone, that jiggling butt falling made her frown as she check her neck to find if she was alive and then gets up to answer to her new mate.

I suppose than you are right, maybe we beat them so fast thanks than they were unnarmed... And your clone lacked of your potence and skill... fighting. I doubt to be able to beat you, at least it would be a really hard task. Susan said turning softly to a side before point to the door in front of them. Lets continue before they awake.

Said this the silver haired girl tried to check her clothes, wishing than all were fine after this last battle, she softly remind to had heard her small top used as bra beung damaged slighty in that first struggle. Then they take the door in front of them, trying to take caution of what they could find ahead.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Heading through the doorway ahead of them, they continued along the path, finding a bit of decent light once more as they went. Ruby took the lead as they went and had her sword out, swinging her tail around to Susan and telling her to hold onto it so they didn't get separated from one another easily. The winding path went on until they came upon a large canyon like gap with no visible way across where there was another doorway that was encrusted with gemstones along the sides of it, making it seem important, while to the side was another path leading downwards.

"Oh hell, that's one helluva long drop Susan, and I don't see any way across that we can use easily," Ruby said as she walked up to the edge of the large gap. "And... I don't think we wanna fall down there either Susan. Take a look," Ruby added after a moment, taking Susan's hand and holding tightly so she could look over the edge, where deep down in the hole Susan saw a mass of large thick pink tentacles all linked to several strange creatures.

In the side of the walls leading down to the tentacled creatures was a large set or steps, which led up to the far side of the gap, and a further look on their side showed that there was a set leading down, though it looked treacherous at best, so they would definitely need to be careful heading down if they decided to go.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Dressed and armed for what will come the two ladies move deep inside the maze, Susan remain close Ruby as this lead and her eyes fight to get used to the soft light on these tunnels. I never expected than this maze were so large, but for what it looks we should be close to end it. Susan said as she suddenly was asked to hold her mate's tail what made her blush as she feel the strong appendage between her fingers, the walk was not so large and soon her eyes notice the light coming from some gemstones, it has been a long time but she remember when she found some with Tess at her first journey, they were in worst condition than now, naked and drenched with tentacle jizz after give birth some of them, maybe she was pregnant but dressed at least and armed.

Lets try to dont get so close of the edge... oh great... tentacles. Yes lets do our best to dont fall because even think on it hurts. Susan said back, really sure than she will be unable to even crawl for a while if all that take them. Lets also try to dont make any noise and dont let fall too much rocks to dont call their attention and yes have a good hold before give the next step. The silver haired girl take a deep breath before start givng a check where they should move, trying to prepare her gloves to have a good firm hold, each of them needs to be ready to help the other without fall in the way.

Once both were ready the dangerous walk on the rift start, all theirs senses placed in the task to reach stealthy to the other side to take that mysterious gemstone door.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Aye, I'd like to not cause any stirring from all of those... heh, all of those magnificent looking tentacles. Despite the fact I don't want them to grab us, I have to admire them at least a little," Ruby whispered back to Susan as they began their descent into the dark underground canyon.

[Stealth roll succeeds]

Carefully picking their way down, the girls got down to the bottom of the treacherous path without knocking anything down to cause any of the creatures to stir and wake on them. Once they arrived at the bottom of the rift and looked around, Susan saw that it would be tough to pick their way quickly through here. The creatures were all arrayed around on the cold floor around the rift in a way that the girls would have to climb over several tentacles along the way if they wanted the quickest route, though they could take the longer route around them and give them as wide a berth as possible which would give them a better chance of slipping through unnoticed, however the creatures would have more time to simply wake up on their own if they took the longer route also.

"Which way you wanna go Susan? Quick or safe?" Ruby whispered to Susan, almost so low that she couldn't hear her as they debated which path to take.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The silver swordswoman sigh, she was not expecting than Ruby could have such feeling for these creatures, maybe the demoness has study them or she has meet many of them at the past. Maybe we should talk about them once we manage to reach the other side. If i only had brought a rope, this task would had been more easier Susan answer back really trying to dont think on these creatures and theirs skills when they could be theirs preys.

With some effort they manage to reach the bottom without any mishap, once down Susan could have a good view of all these creatures, each of them sleeping and maybe waiting to when the time to capture a woman come, there were two paths to choice and the human ponders a little before point to the safe's one of the paths, certainly she wanted to get out of here as fast as possible, but these monsters were unknown for her, maybe they will react so fast or could smell them if they get closer, no doubt the dry cum from her defeated oponents at her neithers could make easier the task of notice her.

Having in mind all this she tale Ruby's hand to start moving to the largest path, trying to dont make any noise and see where she will step to avoid any rock to fall at the floor.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Aye, rope would have been very helpful here," Ruby said in agreement with Susan as they both prepared to descend into the dark cavernous ravine.

[Stealth Roll: success]

Ruby held Susan's hand and followed along, keeping a close eye on their surroundings to keep from bumping anything to give their position and presence away. The pair carefully picked their way around the creatures, hoping to keep from waking them up with a wrong step or just anything really. Thankfully they were able to make it to the far side of the ravine and the path leading up was just about 10 feet or so away now. None of the things seemed to be about to wake up at the moment, but it was hard to tell, though... one of them shifted in its sleep and a pair of tentacles flopped over in front of the path leading out of the ravine, meaning the girls would have to climb over it to get past.

Ruby gave a look over at Susan that pretty much told Susan that Ruby would be throwing curses at the thing if she didn't mind waking it up, but with more than just the one of the things there, it wasn't a very good idea to do that. Ruby motioned at Susan to follow her over to the tentacles as she made her way over. The devil girl's tail swished in the air behind her a couple of times before she nodded at Susan and began carefully stepping over the tentacles.

[Stealth Roll: Failure on Susan's part]

Ruby managed to make it over without too much trouble, though when she turned to help Susan climb over them too, Susan's foot came down on a loose stone that shifted under her weight and clattered a little bit, loud enough to draw attention to their presence. "Oh shit... Susan... let's go now... before they wake up. Or we'll get the hell fucked out of us," Ruby cried and helped Susan over the tentacles as they began stirring along with the rest of the beasts. The girls had only a few moments to move before they were spotted and then they would as Ruby said have the hell fucked out of them once they were caught by the things.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

most of myself want to fail the next rolls for unknown reasons >_>

But as a player i must try to get out

With the path choiced, Susan tried her best to dont disturb the sleeping beasts of their slumber, for what it looks they were really tired to sense them or they werent waiting for a girl to pass across a bunch of them.

All passed without any problem and they mantain all under control even when one of them placed a pair of tentacles on their path. The silver haired girl could notice how much Ruby wanted to meet more close on of these beasts what made the swordswoman shake her head and push the red skinned woman softly to deny such ideas, they were so close to escape of this terrible fate to desist and jump to theirs slimy apendages.

Soon the time to climb come and when Ruby made it looks easy, for some reason the crag dont endured where Susan step, what make her feel more than feels fat and pissed with her new slutty body, but mostly worried for had screw this. Cold sweat come out and the time loks to flow slowly as the stones fall until reach the floor, causing the needed noise to agitate these creatures.

There was a huge need to curse herself aloud but she know than there was not time, quickly she tried to get up and avoid the rape of her life.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

[1st Escape roll: success for both girls]

Susan and Ruby got over the tentacle after Susan got back to her feet and began running up the sloped path that went up in a zigzag pattern up the side of the ravine. The creatures tentacles had a long reach and Susan could see them reaching up after them she and Ruby scrambled up the path to the top. There was one that managed to reach up and flop across the path which Susan and Ruby both jumped over easily enough, though Ruby stumbled slightly as she landed, but she recovered easily enough and kept going.

"C-Come on Susan, keep running. I know you're getting tired, but we gotta keep going or those things will pound our pussies raw," Ruby panted as she ran along with Susan. They both passed the halfway point and continued running upwards, where another long tentacle came up and flopped across their path, curled around a bit to make it tougher to jump over.

[2nd Escape roll: success for Ruby, failure for Susan]

As the girls neared the thing, Ruby broke into a sprint and long jumped the thing, while Susan however tried to hop over the two parts of the tentacle that were curled up in front of her. Susan easily hopped the first one, while when she went to jump the second time the tentacle curled up into the air in front of her as the last 2 feet of it coiled around Susan's ankle and gripped her tightly. Suddenly, it yanked Susan down, where she hit the ground before it began dragging her over to the edge. Ruby dove back to grab Susan's hand just as she began slipping over the side, with one of Susan's hands gripping the rock face as well to catch herself.

"D-Damn Susan. I got you... hold on okay. I won't let go no matter what okay, so don't you give up on me," Ruby grunted as she held on to Susan's hand for dear life, not willing to let her go to the creatures below.

Basically she's got one last chance to get away and must first break free and then make the escape roll. It's just a basic d20 vs d20 roll for both.