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Day Job (Tiffanian)

Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 36/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Mmmmhhhmmm, 'e's a cousin twice removed, came in from the same tribe I did. Seems an alright sort, level headed, sorta like you in how she tries tah deal wit' people." Dorpina quirked an eyebrow in Tlech's direction at her response to the woman's own teasing, but after a moment she just shook her head and said; "Nah, cook's all yers. Just cuz I'm jealous 'o yer ability to get good dick don't mean I'm gonna start letting you share!"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

As it turned out Denk was related to Dorpina, albeit distantly, and she seemed to share Tlech’s assessment of his character. He might just be worth hanging about with a bit in the future. The chubby goblin chuckled at her roommate’s response about the cook, waving at her somewhat dismissively. "I’m sure ‘e gets plenty ‘sides me. An’ I bet ‘e would’n mind ‘avin’ a piece o’ ye fer a change" she said as she began to walk towards him, still quite naked and with a smear of cum across the top of her breasts. "Still, if’n ye want sum fer yerself I’ll save a bit." Once she had gotten over to the counter she’d smile cheerfully and ask "’ow’re ye today?" to the cook, leaning over just enough to give him a nice view down her cleavage. "Mash me up sum o’ dem worms, no need fer seasonins. I’ll be ‘avin’ tha special sauce fer ‘is one~" she teased, assuming Dorpina didn’t change her mind and take her up on at least a share of the action.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 36/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"I'm sure 'e does too, doesn't matter tah me. I just dun like tah share inna' moment!" Dorpina retorted, and then followed Tlech over to the cook's counter with a pouty frown. The cook, in good spirits as always, smirked at Tlech as she drew near, unperturbed by her nudity or the smear of cum across her chest, and at her order he casually undid his apron and started mashing her worms. "Comin' right up!"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

"If’n ‘e’s mine, I’d be a one sharin’, ye’d be gettin’ it free" Tlech said, playfully trying to turn her roommate’s thinking against her. Still, she would press no further, and that would be her last joke for the moment. For his part the cook seemed quite happy and happy to see her, as always. For a goblin he was quite the positive, smiley guy. He didn’t make anything of her order, just beginning to mash the worms she had asked for and slipping knot out of the ribbon that held his apron up. It was perhaps more out of the ordinary for something like this not to take place, so it was an entirely casual and routine encounter. The chubby goblin quickly sank down to her knees and scooted under the counter, reaching out to gently grasp his cock and begin to stroke it hard. His was the member to which she compared all others, not because it was the best or even necessarily close, but because it was what she was most familiar with. As a result, she knew well how to pleasure the cook best.

As he stiffened Tlech shifted further beneath him, kissing his balls before taking one into her mouth and suckling gently while she stroked. This was generally just about all the foreplay he needed, so as soon as he was fully hard she pulled back and sucked the tip into her mouth. Her tongue quickly began to work tight swirls around his cockhead, just holding things there for a little while before beginning to bob along the front half at a brisk pace. Every so often she would stop, pulling his dick from her mouth and slobbering her way down to his balls again, giving them a little suck before returning to his cock; he liked that, and she enjoyed giving him what he liked, not least because he gave her the best loads that way. Everything she did, from the pace to the depth at which she took him was a familiar and practiced technique, developed over years of trial and error. It wouldn’t take too long before she had the cook throbbing in her mouth, giving her all of the little signs that he was going to cum. Juuust at the last moment she would pull back a little, such that only the tip was in her mouth, and for a few seconds she just gently flicked at its bottom with her tongue, teasing him just that little bit before pushing him over the edge, trying to ensure that she would neither swallow nor waste any of his seed.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 57/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

As often as they'd done this, Tlech would still spot the same eager grin on the goblin cook's face as he always adopted when he knew that he would soon be enjoying the wonderful attentions offered by the pudgy goblin girl's oral skills. It generally took very little foreplay to get him hard, and this time was no exception, his rod rapidly stiffening as his blood pumped into it courtesy of her steady strokes and the kisses and sucking aimed at his balls. True to form, after a few moments he was rock hard and ready for more intense stimulation, and though he was usually fairly quiet when she blew him while he was working he always let out a little groan the first time she took her lips to his tip.

What followed as a fairly well practiced routine, the initial swirls of her tongue over the head of his rod producing her first droplet of precum as per usual and a steady drip of her favorite fluid snack. It was a tried and true method that eventually ended, as it always did, with him blowing his load in her mouth, and specifically right on her tongue. The familiar gooey substance squirted in characteristic thick bursts onto Tlech's tongue as she retained only the tip between her lips, all of his load ending up in her mouth right where she wanted it. He hadn't made a sound as she'd brought him to orgasm, as was often the case, but merely frozen in his task for a few seconds and closed his eyes in order to better enjoy his orgasm.

Once he was done, however, he opened his eyes and quipped; "Your meal is ready!"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

As usual the cook was a quiet guy, making practically no noise while Tlech blew him; if a person hadn’t looked under the counter they probably wouldn’t have noticed that anything was going on. He even managed to have a light little conversation with Dorpina as she made her order, carrying on with his job as usual. Even when she brought him to orgasm there was barely a peep out of him, just a brief inability to do much more than enjoy the sensation. For her part the pudgy goblin got just what she wanted, the most wonderful of sauces for a meal spurting out onto her tongue, thick spunk coming in waves. She milked him for all she could, trying her best not to swallow even the slightest little bit in the meantime. As he squirted his last the cook told her that her meal was ready, and if she hadn’t had a mouthful of cum she would have chuckled a bit… instead she slowly disengaged herself from him and stood, leaning over the plate of mashed worms and beginning to drool out his seed, letting it drizzle onto and into the mass; this was one of very few situations in which she would ever spit a man’s cum. When she had fully unloaded the unconventional condiment she grinned, taking a few moments to stir the concoction. "Tanks, tasty as always" she said with a wink, sitting down to her favorite meal. She would continue to make small talk with both the cook and her roommate throughout the meal, and when they were finished she would scoot out from the bar, thank the cook again, and begin the journey back to their warren to see what there was to get into.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"No problem! Lemme know if ye want seconds!" the cook replied with a grin, and then Tlech would be off to eat her meal with its unusual creamy coating with Dorpina, who had a similar sort but without the added condiment. She didn't seem jealous this time, and would eat with Tlech while chatting amicably with both her and the cook until they were both finished. She and the cook would exchange brief goodbyes, and the latter would bid Tlech farewell, and then the two goblins would be off back to the warrens to see what they could do to pass the rest of their free time.

Hell was often a fairly boring place, at least in Tlech's portion of it. The fort in which she lived was relatively isolated and in a place of little strategic value to any of the greater lords that dominated the area, leaving their own mistress to rule to her own whims without any real challenge. They had no mines, or ruins of any consequence excavate, and only a few minor worm pits from which they harvested their food, ensuring that they had very little to do besides watch out for any would-be raiders and make sure that the buildings got their needed upkeep.

As such, the goblins there generally had a lot of free time and saw a lot of lenience so long as they didn't talk back to the greater demons despite being the lowest rung on the social ladder. It was as nice as a place could in Hell, or at least it would have been from a mortal perspective if they had any idea of what went on in the rest of it.

That abundance of free time had, over the years, produced a number of ways in which to spend it. A few goblins liked to play chess, a game that had been carried over from the mortal world and been slightly modified, but they had to assemble their own boards and pieces out of broken chunks of stone or dirt, so it was a fairly intensive game to acquire the pieces for. Tlech could try to find a game of that if she liked, or play against Dorpina who had made herself a set. Some played cards, another pastime taken from mortals, and one such game would be found in the warrens when Tlech and Dorpina arrived. Sexual favors were a more valid currency than any shining coin from the mortal world, though darknuts were occasionally traded as well when the goblins could get hold of some. The coinage in Hell, darknuts, were crafted from small portions of darksteel that were normally only traded between upper ranking demons for their practical use in weapons and armor.

The favored pastime among the goblins was, unsurprisingly, sex. Orgies were common, as were pairs copulating of various sexual combinations, and Tlech was free to join or start one of the latter if she felt that she hadn't had enough of her favorite treat yet today. Alternatively, she could simply go sleep, or find someone to talk to for a while, as about half of the forty or so goblins were in the warren at the time. Going down and searching the tunnels beneath the fortress, a favored game among the younger goblins, was also an option, albeit a dangerous and relatively pointless one considering that there was nothing down there save for the occasional wild tentacled horror and a lot of rocks and dirt.
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Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech chuckled a little at the cook, replying "sure, I’ll let ye know." It was kind of a tempting offer, if only because she was still pretty horny after the events of the last few minutes. Still, she decided to wait on it a bit, to finish her meal before she decided to go through with another helping. As always it was a damn fine taste, the salty cum accenting the worms in a different way than the spices she often had him use, and definitely much different than when she mixed the two… she couldn’t really decide which of those two options she preferred, which is why she did both so often. She, her roommate, and the cook all had a nice conversation while the two roommates ate, carrying on lightly in the usual way. As far as Hell went, it was a relatively idyllic bit of friendship, and indeed the chubby goblin would count these two as rare friends in a sea of dangerous or untrustworthy individuals. The jealousy Dorpina had harbored earlier seemed to have melted away, and of course if there was any reason for her to be jealous of Tlech’s relationship with the cook it would have surely been gone years ago. At the end of it, when her plate was quite empty, she decided that there wouldn’t be any need for a second helping, at least not now, as she was relatively full… She bid her farewell to the cook and finally dressed herself again, heading back to the warren with her roommate.

Whereas in many other fortresses there were a myriad of things to be done by the lowest of the social classes in Hell, many of them related either to the economics of the place or military pursuits, the out of the way spot that Tlech called home did not. It was a tremendous blessing to live under a minor, rather useless demon “lord” without real resources, because there was little external conflict to threaten them and few difficult tasks to take up all of the energy of the goblins. It led to a lot of free time, and though that could easily be boring in such a place, there were a number of different ways they had come up with to pass their time, many of them taken from mortal ideas. The chubby goblin could have done any number of those things, a few of which came to mind. For one she could have engaged in a game of chess against her roommate, a favorite pastime of hers. Dorpina had gone out and assembled a set with some fair bit of difficulty, though Tlech was better at it than she was. There were also several different variations of card games, all of them based around betting, though as goblins had little access to the true currency of Hell mostly promises of sexual favors were on the table. Of course, in contrast to her skill at chess Tlech was quite poor at cards, no matter how the rules were laid out. She wasn’t sure if she had the strategies wrong, or if she just happened to have shit luck for some cosmic reason. These were the two options that appealed to her most in her current state of mind. Lesser options included finding another person to have sex with one on one, or joining one of probably two or three orgies currently going on in the warren at the current time. The former she had had a fair bit of in the day already, and the latter was nice when you wanted a lot of wild, unpredictable sex, which wasn’t really to her taste just then. She could also try to find someone else to converse with… but she had done a lot of that just now, and there were only a few truly good conversationalists amongst the goblins here.

As the two entered the warren Tlech would look around, trying to see if there were any groups of card players that looked appealing. Goblins that she had played with before, or simply whom she wouldn’t mind owing favors in the near future. Regardless she would ask "’ey Dorp, wanna play chess? ‘sbeen a bit, could be fun. Tinkin’ ‘bout playin’ some cards if’n ye’d rather. " In part it was now up to her roommate, though she had a hunch that Dorpina would prefer just about what she would… Of course, she was wrong from time to time.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Tlech knew all of the goblins in the warren, and could see a game containing three, all men who were probably at that point only exchanging chores and trinkets, and then a group with three men and two women in a more secluded spot. Ab was one of the men in the latter group, though Tyduk didn't seem to be present, one of the other men was a stubby but bulky goblin named Gronn who was both fairly nice and generally protective of her, and the third male goblin was the cook's little brother Sund. The smaller girl in that group was a younger goblin that Tlech didn't know that well named Yori, and the other was an averagely built woman named Rompra who was somewhat grumpy and a bit of a slut. At the other table were three goblins that were all brothers, Ding, Poncho, and Strug, from eldest to youngest. The three of them were known for their loyalty to their master, a fairly odd property but an unsurprising one considering that their father was the Lady's personal butler and their mother was her food taster. They were a likable enough lot otherwise though.

"Eh? I'd like a game o' chess actually, but if yeh wanna play cards go ahead, I've got a coupla chores I would'n mind getting outta the way afore I settle down to sleep. Don't got too long before I've gotta go on me next shift cleaning up the courtyard," Dorpina replied simply, growing somewhat glum when she mentioned her job. It was grueling and thankless work, but unlike cleaning the corridors or the dungeons it was also one that a goblin would be punished for goofing off on, as there was no point at which one wasn't under the scrutiny of the taller and more humanlike demons who were, at least compared to the goblins, much more loyal to their mistress... And always ready to dole out punishment to their lessers when they got the chance.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech could quickly pick out three separate groupings of goblins either playing cards or just lounging about in this common area of the warren. The first of them didn’t seem terribly interesting to her, three guys who were probably just playing in the hopes of pawning off some chore or other of theirs on the others. She’d probably just end up with a mountain of chores to be done, which would be… quite grumble worthy. The second was easily the most appealing of them, one off in the corner that contained Ab, the cook’s little brother, and one of the kinder and more reliable men she knew. There were also a couple of women, another indicator that sexual favors were on the table, one of them a youngster she didn’t know well and then a sort of grumpy slut who reminded her of a slimmer version of herself, if a touch less good-natured. The third group was a trio of brothers who were, annoyingly for her, quite loyal to the mistress. Their parents were favored by the mistress, so it made sense, but that didn’t make it any less objectionable. They were decent enough guys despite that, but it wasn’t really to the chubby goblin’s taste right now.

Tlech’s probing for a game of chess met with a qualified response from her roommate; she’d love to play, but at the same time she had a number of chores she had to do, and then her shift was coming up soon. Tlech frowned a bit, because she knew that Dorpina had a pretty undesirable job compared to her, one that had her under the nearly constant scrutiny of fullbloods who were quite eager to lash out for any perceived wrong. "Sorry, guess I kinda ‘ad ye workin’ a double" she said as she stopped for a moment to look around. "If’n ye want I’ll ‘elp ye fer a bit, since ye ‘elped me wit’ me work. Ye needa git yer sleep so’s ye can be ready ta go." It wasn’t too far out of her normal character to offer to help her roommates in such a way, and she was feeling sort of generous after all the ways Dorp had helped her out recently, and she’d already had a fair bit of play crammed into this day so far. If her help was refused, though, she would go to join the second group of card players, taking a seat next to Gronn.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Ehhh, dun worry about it, I know you'd do the same if I needed it. You go enjoy stackin up some debt, I've just gotta do some laundry," Dorpina replied, ending her statement with a knowing grin. She knew Tlech's luck at cards as well as anyone, and occasionally teased her about it a little.

After trading goodbyes, the other gathered goblins would greet her with smirks and waves, and Gronn would reach out and give her rump a light pinch and say; "Ey Tlech! Come tah watch, or tah play? Hope yah dun mind gettin out oh that dress if yeh wanna join in!" Ab would adopt an eager grin at that suggestion, likely remembering what they'd done the day before, and Sund would only manage to hide a similar expression by holding onto his hand of cards and covering his mouth with it. The younger of the two girls, Yori, grinned in welcome at Tlech and Rompra gave her an appraising look.

If she requested to join, they would wrap up their hand, Rompra winning a couple of credits from everyone except Yori who had folded out early, and then be dealt in. It was a simple seven card version of poker, and her hand was unsurprisingly not that good. A pair of fours and an ace were her good cards, with a two, a five, a nine, and a ten to round it out. Yori looked confident, Ab looked nervous, while Gronn, Rompra, and Sund would appear stoic. The way that betting worked was that people put in a credit ante, with the favor being decided depending on how many credits one put in by the time the hands were dealt. Two rounds of betting occurred after the ante, with a maximum bid of ten credits including things like taking another goblin's shifts for a month or accepting a challenge for marriage, though most bets never got past 3 credits, which constituted a round of oral or taking a minor chore or helping on a shift, and it was exceedingly rare to get past 5, which might include things like a round of sex or taking on a labor shift. Eight or so credits started to get into more intense bets, at which point one could demand taking one's shift for a week or breeding rights, and few games even saw a single goblin bet that much. The bets were individual, and one could fold at any time, allowing a single winner to collect bets of varying values from different goblins depending on who folded when. One could, theoretically, hold on to smaller bets to make bigger ones, but it was a generally frowned upon sort of practice.

Ab folded without anteing, displaying an empty hand when he showed his cards. Gronn, thinking for a moment, would do the same, leaving Tlech to play her first hand with Yori, Rompra, and Sund.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

"’ey" Tlech objected, "I’ll come back wit’ plenty o’ winnins!" Of course, she probably wouldn’t. Still, it was pretty obviously just teasing in good fun. She was glad Dorpina had refused her help with the chores, because she really didn’t feel like doing any at the moment anyway. "See ya, git ye some good sleep" she would say as she waved and made her way over to the group of card players. They all greeted her with the customary waving and a bit of a smirk; no doubt they knew that she wasn’t the best at this. She waved back, and as she went to sit down on an empty stool next to Gronn he reached out and gently pinched her ass, welcoming her to the group… and encouraging her to shed her clothing in order to play. The other two men grinned, Ab’s head no doubt filled with memories of her lips wrapped around his cock just yesterday. She couldn’t help but grin herself, saying "watchin’ ain’t no fun, I’m ‘ere ta play" as she pulled her dress up over her head, heavy breasts flopping free and jiggling, just a hint of dried cum still clinging to them to give the others an idea of how the rest of her day had been. This time she carefully folded the sack cloth and laid it on the stool, using it as a bit of extra cushioning for the hard stone.

The chubby goblin took her time watching the end of the final hand without her to figure out what rules they were playing by, and it seemed pretty simple. Seven cards, no draw, typical poker rules. There probably weren’t cards to play with a draw given six people playing. Rompra, the grumpy one, won that hand, getting a handful of credit from the others, though the youngster Yori had apparently folded. Her first hand was dealt, and it was a fairly shitty one really. Pair of 4, ace high. She thought quietly for a moment as Ab and Gronn both folded without anteing up… To bid, or not to bid? It wasn’t a good hand, and she would probably lose if she bet. Her eyes darted around the circle, finding that Rompra and Sund had pretty good poker faces, while Yori looked like she was quite happy with her hand. "Ehhh, ain’t got shit" Tlech would say after a moment, folding. She would have plenty of opportunities to lose over the course of the game, perhaps she wouldn’t try to bluff her way to victory on the first hand.
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Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"Uh huh.... Don't get yerself into trouble!" were Dorpina's parting words before she wandered off to be on with her own needs, her skepticism at Tlech's claim that she would come back in the black for once understandable given the pudgy goblin's usual luck at cards.

"Eheh... Well, I meant when ye lost, but if you wanna get ahead of yourself yah won't catch me complainin!" Gronn replied after Tlech had pulled off her dress, every eye at the table shamelessly ogling her now bare chest.

Once the first hand was underway, everyone would nod at Tlech's folding, and Rompra, Yori, and Sund would play out the rest of the hand. Sund would fold after the first round of betting, having put in only two chips, and Rompra would actually go up to five before the hand played out. Having a pair of kings and a pair of sevens, it seemed certain that she would win, but then Yori displayed three aces and a pair of nines, handily beating her. Scowling, Rompra would hand in her cards for Gronn to shuffle, and while they were doing that a smirking Yori would turn to Sund and say; "You're done... I think I'll see what that claim about your tongue was supposed to mean!" Then, as Sund blushed, grinned, and nodded all at once, she would turn to Rompra and say; "As for you... I think you'll be doing your own laundry, and mine too! And you'd better not mix 'em up!" Her scowl turning to a frown, Rompra would nod in acceptance. She had gotten off easy given that she'd bet five credits.

"Next hand!" Gronn announced, and then dealt out the cards. Tlech actually ended up with a better hand for once, having a pair of queens and a pair of twos. Gronn would scowl darkly at his hand and immediately fold, having absolutely nothing of note. Yori would do the same with a similar expression, having also had nothing. Ab's eyes would light up at the sight of his hand, and he would put forth his ante immediately. Sund, frowning slightly, would put forth his ante somewhat hesitantly. Rompra, as stoic as she'd been initially, would also ante in.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech rolled her eyes when told not to get into trouble by her roommate, grumbling "yea yea," although it was mostly because she had never gotten herself in trouble before. She was pretty conservative in these sorts of situations, having never bet more than five credits in her life and very rarely going above three (although three was a favored number, given what her fellow goblins tended to ask for at that level of bet).She also had a tendency to hold onto credits not for the purposes of combining them, but to cancel out orders she didn’t wish to carry out. It was a relatively safe way to play, because even though she didn’t win a ton of hands she would generally win enough to counteract anything truly objectionable to her.

Of course, when she learned that Gronn hadn’t meant she ought to strip herself nude right from the start the chubby goblin felt more than a little silly. Still, the result was desirable enough, as everyone focused on her heavy breasts for a while. She waved dismissively after a brief pause and sat down, saying "I don’t need a bet fer ta git comfterble" and grinning at them all. The first hand proceeded shortly, with only the other two girls and Sund playing it out. The cook’s little brother folded after the first round of bets with two credits on the table. Rompra, for her part, went all the way up to five credits, a pretty bold move, though when she revealed her hand it seemed sensible enough. Two pair, one of kings and one of sevens, would probably normally have been enough… but Yori was still holding a better hand. This was the first time Tlech had played with the youngster, so it would be interesting to see what kind of things she gravitated towards for bets. Judging from context it seemed that she intended to extract a session of oral from Sund, which was a tiny bit high for a bid of two credits, but not anything that would cause a batted eye amongst the group. For Rompra the story was different… doing laundry for her once. That was interesting, and made it seem like Yori didn’t really know the value of a credit. For five Tlech probably wouldn’t have settled for less than five times, probably more.

The cards were all put into a pile and shuffled again, and soon Gronn dealt out the next hand. This one was actually pretty good, two queens and a pair of twos in her hand. She watched the others closely for their reactions, noting that Ab seemed particularly happy with his cards, while Sund was much more hesitant… and Rompra was hard to read as ever. The others folded instantly, so it would be just the four of them this time. Tlech tried to remain relatively stoic as she put in her ante, though she couldn’t help but crack a little bit of a smile; her poker face wasn’t absolutely terrible, but it wasn’t good either. Still, this hand seemed promising. Sund didn’t seem to favor his chances, and though Ab was enthusiastic he was dumb enough that there was a fair chance that he didn’t have much. As such she would be willing to push her bet up to three credits this time, perhaps even four if circumstances seemed to demand it.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

This hand went on a bit longer than the last, with Ab immediately shoving in two more credits to bring the needed total up to three. Sund, frowning, would fold out, and end up displaying an excellent hand of three threes and three fives. Rompra would somewhat hesitantly put in to match Ab while gaping in disbelief at the hand that Sund had folded, and if Tlech put hers in and stay in she would find herself needing to put in another or be knocked out as Ab put forth one more, bringing the total up to five. Both he and Rompra had looked incredulously at the hand that Sund had folded, and Gronn would say; "Why the fuck would you fold on a hand like that?" Sund, frowning, would simply shrug and reply; "Didn't want to risk it."
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

At the first opportunity Ab raised the bet to three credits total, which quickly made Sund fold… with an incredible hand. Tlech wouldn’t hesitate to match that bet, though she had to turn to look at Sun and blink a few times, her expression blank. "Wot." It wasn’t a question, more a flat statement of bafflement. When Gronn chastised him for such a strange play he told the lot of them that he “didn’t want to risk it.” A three credit bet. With two three of a kind. "Wot" Tlech repeated, just… confused. Was there something she didn’t know? Did he really not like the potential of losing to Ab or something? In any case Rompra stayed in as well, and in the next round of betting Ab raised to four. The two women both matched the bet, which caused him to raise one more credit, a total of five. It was good that this was the last round of betting, because five was essentially a hard limit for the chubby goblin. To go up to it in this case? She did have a pretty good hand, and Rompra at least had been hesitant to go up to four… she might even fold out. Ab seemed pretty confident, though… Still, losing a bet like that to him probably wouldn’t be terribly bad. She scratched her chin for a brief moment considering it before saying "ehhh, let’s see wot ye got" and contribute her credits to the pot.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The barrage of disapproval at his decision to fold caused Sund to look increasingly gloomy as the hand went on. When Tlech went on to her max of five credits, Ab seemed content, and Rompra didn't seem to want to raise. Then it was time to show their hands, and Tlech had her queens and twos. Rompra, frowning, would reveal another two pairs, lower, with Jacks and sixes. Ab's grin broadened widely at the sight of their hands, and he put down his to reveal three of a kind, three nines, the winning hand.

"Ha! Gotcha!" the dimwitted goblin said excitedly, "got ya both on five credits, and you on one! I'll just be savin 'at one, but you two..." He grinned lasciviously at Rompra and then at Tlech, his eyes wandering to her bare bust. "Blowjobs!" he declared excitedly, "fer a week! Whenever I ask for 'em, s'long as it won't get ye into any trouble. Yeh've gotta use yer tits when I ask fer it too."

Rompra frowned and looked like she was about to protest. It wasn't too high for a five credit bet, but it was a little bit. Tlech was free to beat her to the punch, however, and if she agreed without complaint it would force the other woman to agree as well, else she'd look bad.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Sund seemed to get pretty down on himself over the reaction to his folding, though that was hardly something Tlech was concerned about. He would surely find something over the course of the game that would make him smile… Five credits was the limit this hand would go, thankfully, and Rompra matched it despite her apparent misgivings. When they laid their cards down it seemed initially promising, as the chubby goblin had at least beaten the other woman… though Ab had the better hand. Not as good as the one Sund had folded with, which was a shame for him; winning five credits from three people at once would have been a pretty great haul, really. Ab seemed excited like crazy to have won, and after giving the two of them looks that made his intentions quite clear he announced the prize he desired; blowjobs and titjobs whenever he desired them, for an entire week. With the caveat that they could decline if doing so would get them in trouble, of course.

It was just a tiny bit on the high end when five credits were involved, but it wasn’t so high that it was out of line. Tlech really didn’t have a problem with it, and in fact it would probably ensure that she was busy with one of her favorite activities more often than she otherwise would get to be over the course of the next week, although she could tell Rompra didn’t feel the same way… in fact she looked just about ready to lodge a protest, so Tlech kept quiet long enough to hear the objection. Her feeling was that a week was a bit long, and if no agreeable alternative was provided by the other two she would speak up and offer six days, with the two of them able to decide when and where, but not if, to service Ab on the seventh day as a compromise solution.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 61/89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

"A week? Five credits, five days o' that. An I'll suck yeh like yeh've never had it 'afore too!" Rompra said, adding a bit of pride to her promise. Ab, looking torn between glee and annoyance, replied; "I ain't askin fer outright sex, a week!" Rompra was quick to reply; "Five days!" Frowning, Ab said; "Six days, and not a one less!" If Tlech opted to put in her offer about then, it would quickly bring an end to the argument with both Rompra and Ab agreeing, the latter smirking at the extra day with Tlech.

With that settled, Gronn would shuffle the cards and deal out the next hand. Tlech, amazingly, would end up with an excellent end. Two sets of three of a kind, nines and sevens, sat comfortably in her hand. Yori, Rompra, and Sund would all immediately fold, leaving Tlech playing with Ab and Gronn. Ab, even though he put in an ante, didn't look as confident as he did last time, and Gronn would hold a fairly perfect poker face as he put in his ante chip.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Rompra quickly made her objection known, reasoning that one credit per day the command lasted was more sensible. It was probably more in line with the average, yes, but Ab was somewhat annoyed by the suggestion. He countered ultimately with the offer of six days, at which point Tlech stepped into the conversation. "Six is fair" she said, "an’ if’n ye can make us wanna, ye jus’ mite git a treat on the last day~" Rompra got her reduction in the duration of their obligation, Ab got most of what he wanted, and then there was a bit of an incentive for him to sweeten the deal for them as well. She liked doing that, because it was much easier to count on someone holding her interests in mind if doing so gave them a material benefit. She would have to talk to Rompra at some later point about what his prize might be, but that could wait until probably about the fifth day.

Once the two agreed the next hand began, Gronn again shuffling the deck and dealing out the cards. Tlech tried to keep her expression fairly even, but she couldn’t help but smile a little at the hand she had gotten. Two sets of three of a kind, a pretty incredible hand, the kind she very rarely saw. At least, not in her own two hands… This time only Ab and Gronn stayed in, which was a bit of a shame when she finally had a good hand, but no matter. Ab didn’t seem particularly confident to put in his ante either, so perhaps he would skip out early on in the betting. The chubby goblin would have to try and go in stages. Or something like that. For his part Gronn was very hard to read, as good as ever at this little game. She put in her ante and when the betting started would raise to two. This hand she would not only be willing, but would in fact be quite intent on eventually getting the total up to 5 credits.