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A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

The sisters made their way back to the caravan. Pasha stepping forward and relaying the basics of the agreement they had reached with the fae knight.

"... So basically if we get her ring, she'll let us get out of these woods without any further hassle or inspection. Meara and I have thought a little about this, and we think it'd be good to have a couple of you guys come with us. We were thinking Lonnie, since she can detect the magic of the ring with her spells, and Erasmus, just for some added protection."

The Su-Ku-Ta knew that the excuse to bring Erasmus along was pretty thin, but he was just as good as anyone else in the caravan and from the way he'd been speaking to Ra-Ra, it might be good for the younger sister to keep an eye on him and be the judge of him for herself.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Detect Magic.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Detect Magic.
Perception rolls:
Pasha: 4 + 20 = 24
Meara: 3 + 22 = 25

"Can't say I like it, but it'd be good to be on the road and out of 'ere as soon as possible," was the big caravan leader's initial response to Pasha's recounting of the story. "But you ain't gotta do it if you don't want, no need to throw yourselves into danger for this. Worst comes to worst we could always fight our way through. S'only five of 'em, after all. And we can play the waiting game as well as they can anyway. But if you two really are fer going then it only makes sense to send a few more with you to mitigate the danger."

If the sisters didn't experience a change of heart, however, then Doozer would wave over the two caravan members that they had requested to accompany them. After a minute spent filling the mage and fighter in, he offered them the same choice as he had offered Pasha and Meara. Erasmus was the first to accept the mission with his characteristic grin and flattering mannerisms. "Ah, what man in his right mind would turn down a stroll through the forest with two lovely ladies?" The bespectacled mage, on the other hand, had seemed completely uninterested as the big man spoke, and it would've been easy to believe that she wasn't even listening if she hadn't begun weaving detection spells on the two Su-Ku-Ta midway through. It wasn't more than moments after Erasmus accepted that she would confirm both that she had been listening and her willingness to join in their mission though, with a simple "sure, why not?"

The spell that the woman had cast on them affected their sight noticeably, and their new vision took some getting accustomed to before they could set off. Under Lonnie's spell, the two could see a strange mist rising from certain items and people. The catgirls themselves were releasing the odd mist, and when they looked at each other their boons allowed them to simply know that their sibling was detecting magic. Lonnie's entire body was releasing that strange mist, among a few other people and items of note including one of Erasmus's swords, some of the items in the caravan wagons, and, if they were to look at the sidhe knight for any reason then they would find that her body, armor, and both swords were giving off that strange mist in excess.

It wasn't long before they were ready to be off though, and if the siblings still hadn't changed their mind then Doozer would bid them farewell and wish them good luck as they departed. That luck apparently came to them as well, because the trip ended up being completely uneventful. Not a single corrupted faerie accosted them on their way to search for the ring, although even in the absence of enemies Lonnie and Erasmus remained professional and quiet during the trip lest they draw an attack. In the end it only took them about forty-five minutes between traveling and searching to find what they were looking for, although it would quickly become apparent that if they hadn't been under the effects of Lonnie's spells they might have never found it.

The lost ring wasn't in the undergrowth or on the ground or anywhere one might expect to find a lost item, but was instead nestled in the knot of a tree that looked just about the same as any of the other trees that inhabited the forest beyond a smear of days-old blood on it. If the ring hadn't been giving off so much of the glowing mist that their vision allowed them to clearly see it in its hiding place even through the undergrowth then it might have taken weeks of searching to discover it. However the sisters might feel about that though, it was easy enough to fish the jewelry from its place inside the knot and confirm, mostly by the signet, that it was the item they were looking for.

Despite their detection spells, however, they couldn't determine what the ring's effects were, but just that it was more magical than anything they had spied while they were getting used to their vision changes. It was in their possession now though, and all they needed to do now was to return to its owner. Of course, if the two catgirls' curiosity got the better of them then there was nothing stopping them from further investigating the ring or the area in which it had been found and the circumstances behind the knight's loss of the ring.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

"It's not a problem. We'll be as quick as we can," assured Meara in response to Doozer's words. "I'm hoping to spare you some trouble if they happen to have ah, reinforcements or something of the sort," she added in a near whisper. "Hopefully whatever pass we get from this can help in letting us through with any more of their kind."

She then couldn't help but mirror Erasmus' grin after seeing him accept the offer so easily. "You flatter us again. Let's hope that the 'stroll' is as calm as you'd like it to be," commented the older catgirl. Still, if she had to be honest with herself, it was a relief of sorts to know he'd be coming along. As a warrior, she bore no small amount of curiosity regarding the man's combat skills. While he seemed capable enough, she hadn't yet confirmed such a thing with her own eyes just yet. After all, many men who took apparent interest in Meara were all talk, but only that. Erasmus could speak well, that was for certain, but was that all there was to him? She was hoping to find out.

Then her gaze shifted to Lonnie. Here was someone who, magically, was undoubtedly capable--but unlike Erasmus, she didn't appear to be much for words. But despite her eccentricities and startlingly indifferent expression, the mage was another partner that Meara was all too happy to have on her away team. Moreso when the spell's effects solidified, which caused her to take a glance around with the new boon. It was a new sensation for her, and she squinted her eyes as she tried to adjust to the drastic change in view.

The green-clad beauty found herself staring intermittently at the various objects and people surrounded by the glowing mist, the green-haired sidhe included. What did that all mean? Provided, Lonnie herself was shrouded in it, which was perhaps a giveaway to her nature as a mage. Surely, the knight knew some magic as well--so Meara told herself, so as not to give her reason to doubt the fae any more than she already did.

Erasmus' blade was also of interest, and her couldn't help but wonder as to what sort of enchantment it might harbor. But now Meara was staring, and she caught herself, stopping--hopefully before any more awkward moments could come as a result. It was time to set off, and so she did, along with Pasha, Erasmus, and Lonnie.

While the temptation to engage in idle chatter was high, she tried her best to focus during the trip, careful not to miss giveaways of potential attackers or even the ring wherever it might be hiding. By the time they reached their destination, however, the ring wasn't far from where they were. They'd never have known without Lonnie's spell, and for that Meara had to be thankful. She stepped aside for Pasha to retrieve it, knowing that the thief was much quicker about that sort of thing, as well as much more keen in the way of spotting and recognizing potential traps.

Meara huffed. "Well, that was easier than I thought it would be. What a way to 'misplace' it, though..." she commented idly while scanning the area for any more hints of magic, as given away by the familiar 'mist' also covering Lonnie and the weapon sheathed at Erasmus' side.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha let her older sis do the reassuring to Doozer, offering a wide smile, combined with a V for victory sign and a thumbs up to show that the Su-Ka-Ta sisters were more than ready and confident in their ability to do this for the group. It was just the sort of thing a proper scout could do, the red-clad catgirl thought.

She was also glad that Erasmus and Lonnie had agreed to come. She felt safe with Ra-Ra of course, but in a strange forest like this, filled with corrupted fae, more was better. She also saw the way Meara returned Erasmus' grin, and saw that her sister fancied the charmer just a bit. Due to her upbringing, this didn't bother Pasha one bit, just so long as she got to share some time with her sister too. It didn't appear that Erasmus would have a problem with that.

The mage's spell was as thrilling as it was surprising, and Pasha let out an "Ooh!" of wonder as she blinked and looked around at all the people and objects that were now steaming with magical mist. She giggled when she saw it on Meara, and then on herself. Then she stopped giggling a bit when she realized that maybe the caravan troupe had known all along that there was something magical about the sisters. Had they figured them for succubi and taken them on anyway?

The foursome set off through the woods in the direction the fae knight had indicated, and the lack of incident during their travels was welcome to the thief. Combat here would be troublesome and it was unlikely that she would get the drop on anyone while busy searching for a lost ring.

Then, all too easily, they had found it. Pasha pointed towards it and was about to say she'd found it, but everyone else in the party was already looking that way. Meara gestured and left the way open to go and retrieve the ring and so Pasha stepped forward.

She crept up to the tree, looking around and about for any signs of a trap. If there were none, she would reach up and grab the artifact, holding it in the grasp of her palm and bringing it back over to the four of them.

"She wouldn't have just lost it there in the tree like that. Someone must have put it here. Or she did herself. Something about this just doesn't seem right."
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Meara rubbed her cheek idly in thought. Sha-sha voiced some very valid concerns, ones that the older sister thought to keep to herself at first. "Right. I wouldn't be surprised if she did, honestly... but it's fine. Let's just get it back to her, and I can only hope this doesn't actually mean anything bad as far as our own caravan is concerned. We are doing her a favor, after all. Unless Lonnie can figure anything else about it?" She turned an eye to the mage.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Detect Magic.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Detect Magic.

There were no traps, or if there were then Pasha certainly didn't see them or manage to set them off as she withdrew the ring from the knot in the tree, and soon the sisters had the object of their trip in their possession.

The other two in their group had seemed content to be relatively silent throughout the trip, at least partially because of the risk of their voices bringing corrupted satyrs down on them, but when Lonnie's name was mentioned she seemed entirely willing to part with what she could ascertain about the ring. "It's heavily enchanted. I can't tell the specifics without testing it in depth, but even at a glance it's clear that it's not something any apprentice, or even a journeyman would be able to create. This sort of thing would certainly require someone at least as talented as an archmage. Maybe a faerie or demon lord or lady, or the invaders known as elder lords?"

The bespectacled caster placed her hand on her chin as she considered the possibilities, which drew an soft chuckle from Erasmus. "Faeries or demons or aliens.... Worldly one, are you?" The swordsman's comment seemed to drain much of Lonnie's talkativeness, and she responded with a simple; "I just like books. Anyway," she continued, "if you let me examine the ring I'd probably be able to determine and tell you everything about it. It wouldn't take anymore time than our trip did."
"It hardly seems worthwhile, does it? It is obvious that whoever 'lost' this ring did not lose it on accident, not unless they were doing something odd and maybe inappropriate to that tree, but I say what do we care why she wants this or what it does if returning it gets us out of here faster? The affairs of faeries are not the affairs of our humble caravan," Erasmus argued before shrugging and allowing the two sisters the opportunity to put in their own say.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

"Huh," Pasha murmured, eyeing the ring as it lay open to view in the center of her palm, her tail swishing idly behind her as though it had a mind of its own. Her ears were perked up high and a glint of the ring's metallic sheen was reflected in both of the younger kitten's eyes.

"I like it cos it's shiny.~" She said with a wink at her sister, who would easily tell that Pasha was playing up the part of a greedy sneak thief. Moreso than what she actually was. "But if it's that magical, it must be worth a lot. Why would the faerie just leave something that important out in the open?"

That question was concerning the curious Su-Ku-Ta, and she brought the ring closer to the mage for closer study if that was what Lonnie wanted.

"I don't mind if you study it, but it probably would be a good idea to walk back as you do so. We don't want to delay the caravan any more than necessary. I for one will be glad to be beyond these woods and making camp in some place that isn't filled with horny, corrupted beastmen."

Not knowing why, she glanced furtively over at Erasmus as she said this.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

Meara simply huffed and managed a light smile in response to her sister's quip. Sha-sha was just being cute again, no doubt--a fairly easy task for one like her. But the older catgirl definitely found the hints about the ring troubling. Rather than seek to find out more behind it, however, she was overcome with the urge to simply leave it and be on their way. "Erasmus is right. Regardless of whether or not it's that much trouble, we should fulfill our obligation to the knight and be done with it," she concluded in a firm tone. "I imagine that she would, at the very least, owe us safe passage for a great favor done." Idly looking around for signs of others in the vicinity, she turned her ears about and resumed walking alongside her sibling.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Detect Magic.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Detect Magic.

NPC Stats
Erasmus: Fine
Lonnie: Fine

Perception: Erasmus and Meara succeed, spotting 2 satyrs. Pasha partially success as well, spotting 1 of the satyrs. Four gruffs also make themselves known by stepping out into the open some 30 feet ahead of the group.

"Fair enough," Lonnie said noncommittally when told to examine the strange magic ring while they made the hike back to their caravan, though she did hold on to the object despite her readily evident desire to have a little bit more time to study it. Erasmus rolled his eyes at the dour woman's statement, but his derisive look was more amused than anything else, and with nothing further to add regarding the ring he simply grinned at Pasha following her exclamation that it would be good to be free of these woods and said; "Yes, exciting as it is, I could do with a few less randy goats in my life! Lets be off before more of them show up."

The quartet of adventurers would, at that point, depart unless either of the sisters wished to do something else and spend some more of their time. The initial part of the journey back followed more or less the same lines as the journey there, albeit in reverse, but unfortunately it was not to be entirely smooth sailing. About halfway between the place where they'd found the ring and where they'd left their caravan, Erasmus suddenly bumped into Meara, a seemingly innocent brushing of his hand over her side and his lips near her ear were it not for the face that he whispered; "Trouble. Company. Both sides."

Meara's own alert senses would find allow her to spot the hidden presence of a humanoid figure hiding perfectly still in the bushes, one on either side of the path that they were walking down. Pasha, close enough to overhear Erasmus, would see the figure hidden on the right but not the one over on the left. Lonnie didn't seem to have noticed anything while studying the ring, but when four of the corrupted goatmen with completely inhuman features and blackened fur suddenly stepped out of cover a good ways in front of them with heavy clubs and shields the glum sorceress certainly did realize that they weren't alone. "Halt!" one of the fallen gruffs commanded loudly, and likely unnecessarily since Erasmus and Lonnie had stopped immediately. "Oh? What for?" Erasmus replied with a wide grin, "have we won something? Are you having a public picnic or something?"

The gruff didn't seem particularly amused by the man's humorous replies, though it was fairly hard to read the inhuman creature's features, and the one who had spoken initially grunted; "Disarm, disrobe, and drop to your knees... Now, or be cut down where you stand!" Erasmus was, for better or worse, the first of them to reply to the goatman's demand as he slowly slid his hands down to the hilts of the two swords hanging from his waist; "Oh, well... I am afraid that we must refuse! You see, well... We have business elsewhere, my female companions really have much higher standards than the likes of you, and.... I'm not your mothers last night~" The more he spoke, the more riled up the gruffs became, and if there was to be any hope of a nonviolent conclusion to the encounter with the fallen faeries it would have to be Pasha or Meara who would make it. The figures hidden in the bushes hadn't yet moved, but there was little doubt that that would change if the situation turned into a fight.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

Walking alongside her sister, Pasha was happy to be on their way back to the caravan. Although she was quite curious about the ring itself and what sort of strong magics it contained, she decided that it was impractical to find out. It could be something great, and then she'd be tempted not to part with it - and that would just lead to trouble for Doozer and the caravan. Certainly that brown faerie would be upset.

And then there was that nagging feeling about how she'd come to lose the ring in the first place. It was in such an odd place, but relatively easy to find and unguarded. Her sneak-thief senses were tingling in every way about that fact. What had Calel told her during training? 'If it seems too easy, then it's probably a trap.'

Her tail curled around Meara's a bit tighter, in an effort to settle her nerves. At least Ra-Ra was with her and would take care of her. They'd come closer as sisters in the past couple of days than they'd ever been before. It was still so surreal to know that the beautiful, honorable, athletic warrior besides her felt the same taboo feelings that the smaller Su-Ku-Ta felt. Pasha felt humbled by her sister's feelings, always having looked up to her as the prettier one, the better one. She was so lucky to have Meara, it made her heart thump just to be close to her. The earlier trouble with the troll guardian had made the little thief long for the calming, soft touch of her sister and the reassuring words that were sure to come once Pasha had time to explain what had occurred.

It was certain that they'd get their chance to be alone once they were out of these woods and the caravan could stop in relative safety. Pasha was sure of it. But they were a long way from escaping the shadowy canopy - made most evident when Erasmus gave them the heads up about the dangers to either side of them. Satyrs hiding behind tree, bush, and bramble. And then, directly ahead of them, four fallen gruffs stepped out into the open and made their crude demands.

Rather than make a retort of her own, Pasha slipped her tail from Meara and began to take advantage of her expert training and passive succubus power of apparent innocence. She knew that most eyes would be drawn to both Erasmus and her dazzlingly beautiful sister, which would allow her to use her stealth training to disappear from the notice of the gruffs and satyrs.

Drawing her daggers, she would sneakily drop back and strafe off to her left, intent on flanking the hidden satyr.

Use Stealth skill to disappear from awareness of enemies. Possible synergy bonus from Apparent Innocence and Meara's Dazzling Beauty?
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

As she was already keen to return to Doozer and the others, Meara didn't dawdle for too long where they found the ring. The less time they spent here, the more they would have to complete the trek through the forest and be on their way to the next city. Hopefully it would be a much nicer place than Southberry. Even one with just a slightly less depressing atmosphere would suffice. Someplace where the two Su-Ku-Ta could relax and enjoy a nice meal and a warm bed together.

The train of thought she was on traveled naturally, to a very predictable destination. Meara simply couldn't help but think ahead to the next time that her and Pasha would be alone, with only each other. The very thought of such a situation made her heart pound. Surely they wouldn't be able to keep their hands off of each other--at least not on her end. Outside of their brief chat earlier, the two sisters didn't yet have the opportunity to share a nice, extended heart to heart talk since the rather spontaneous encounter with the two sidhe, Caitir and Ephsana... well, not in the way that she wanted. Soon enough, they would have it. She simply couldn't wait. The very tip of her tail playfully frolicked with that of Pasha's, a loving gesture that was only a prelude of things to come.

Then, Erasmus bumped into her, as if to remind her of his presence. He was a charming man, and she would be lying to herself if she claimed that he didn't have a very good chance of a night in the sack with her, thanks to his well-chosen words and demeanor. However, he was still but an acquaintance at this point, and didn't possess the ability to make her heart race like Pasha did. It was... odd. Was this normal? Shouldn't any activity with her own sister be something of a passing fling at best (if at all), with a man being the one to truly hold her heart and make the butterflies flutter about in her stomach?

The time for self-doubt and reflection was cut off abruptly by the Erasmus' warning, which caused her ears to twitch and point outwards. She should've known than to think that this trip would be so easy. But then again, since the invaders came, it never was. Meara couldn't help but frown as she snapped her senses into focus, scanning the immediate area.

What she found was more gruffs, no doubt corrupted ones at that. If the satyrs sought to make a good impression on Meara, they were quickly tarnishing the grace period that the older catgirl tended to give others. Of course they wanted her naked and on her knees. While that wasn't something she would mind doing for a select few, to have it done at the will of these lecherous, uncivilized goatmen was not at the top of her list. Erasmus didn't help any hopes of diplomacy, but somehow, Meara didn't feel as though the satyrs were looking to strike up any sort of a fair deal. The last encounter with others like them had ended predictably, and so would this one.

"That's not a very fair deal, is it?" she replied aloud, feeling Pasha's tail subtly slide away from her own. Her first instinct was to warn against it, but the younger sister was swift, and already on her way before Meara could do much. She had to at least trust Pasha, and so she would. At the very least, she could buy Sha-sha some time. "In return, I must ask why you are stopping us here. I can understand why one might request a stranger to disarm, but what did we do to earn an order to disrobe, of all things?" she asked, casually stepping forward to close the distance, as they would certainly be alarmed if she were to break into an all-out run from the beginning. Her hand remained on her hip, just over the handle of her whip, as she spoke. "Not to mention, there are much nicer ways to ask, you know..."

Probably let Pasha go first, but then if she does pounce, immediately Power Strike x = 10 plus Lightning Strikes to the one talking or closest to her.
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Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Fine, Sneaking About
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Horny

NPC Stats
Erasmus: Fine, Aroused, taken 35 damage
Lonnie: Fine, Horny

Gruff 1: Taken 50 damage
Gruff 2: Dead
Gruff 3: Dead
Gruff 4: Fine
Satyr 1: Fine
Satyr 2: Fine
Satyr 3: Fine

Stealth (Pasha) : Success, Pasha gets a bonus from synergy with Meara's Dazzling Beauty and gets 20 on the dice, and slips out of sight to begin creeping towards one of the hidden satyrs. No one seems to notice as the goatmen concentrate on Meara, Lonnie, and Erasmus.

The one satyr that nobody saw hucks a grenade filled with shorn powder into the middle of the three. DC 32 check or Horny, otherwise aroused.
Resistance (Meara) : Doesn't matter, Easily Aroused means she goes straight to Horny.
Resistance (Erasmus) : Success, he is only Aroused.
Resistance (Lonnie) : Failure, Lonnie is Horny.

Erasmus activates Scissor Defense and Parry Mode with 20 points of defensive fighting in order to try and not get fucking murdered. His Dodge is currently 72.

The four gruffs swing at yon warrior, swords and shields.

Attacks 1: 61 and 55 vs 72. Both miss, but his Dodge drops by 5 against the next batch.
Counters 1: 58 and 47, then 58 and 48, two hits.
Damage: 4 + 5 + 25 = 34, 34 - 9 = 25 damage per hit.

Attacks 2: 52 and 45 vs 67. Both miss. Another 5 from Dodge.
Counters 2: 46 and 55, then 52 and 63. Three hits.
Damage: 5 + 3 + 25 = 33, 33 - 9 = 24 damage per hit.

Attacks 3: 55 and 59 vs 62, both miss.
Counters 3: 52 and 55, then 53 and 63. All four hit, I don't need to roll damage.

Attacks 4: 52 and 57 vs 57, the shield bash hits.
Damage: 2 + 3 + 4 + 14 - 5 = 18 damage.
Counters 4: 46 and 48, both miss.

The two satyrs shoot at Erasmus.
Attack 1: 45 vs 52, miss.
Attack 2: 48 vs 47, hit.
Damage: 1 + 6 + 15 - 5 = 17 damage.

Pasha was able to slip off with relative ease, none of the gruffs or satyrs taking any apparent notice as she silently stepped aside and vanished into the woods to begin flanking around, her daggers silently sliding from their sheaths. In the meantime, Erasmus followed Meara forward with a confident grin, though he allowed the cat-girl to take the lead in further interactions, and Lonnie kept close as well while glancing around with an entirely stoic expression and quietly whispering to herself under her breath. The lead gruff stepped forward, his shield raised and his beady crimson eyes settled on Meara as she approached and fingered her whip.

"You can guess why, succubus!" he spat, his revelation of knowledge of her nature taking even Erasmus and Lonnie aback for a moment. The corrupted faerie beastman grinned at their surprise, "And if you don't... You're about to find out!" That was the only warning that they got, and it was one far too poor for them to take an advantage of, before the one satyr that they hadn't seen stood up suddenly and hurled a heavy woolen bag into their midst. A burst of golden powder erupted as it struck Erasmus in the back, coating all three of them but thankfully sparing Pasha who had already moved away. The three were briefly left coughing in a cloud of the substance that had passed over them, the burst having come too late by far for them to stop themselves from breathing the stuff in, but by then it was already too late.

Overwhelming arousal rapidly flared up as the powder took hold in Meara's system, the sudden and irresistable need for pleasure blotting out all other concerns. The catgirl's knees went weak, and the burning need suddenly flaring in her loins left her barely able to move, much less draw her whip and fight. Even feeling her petals and the tips of her breasts rubbing against her clothes was enough to send minor bursts of pleasure racing up her spine, but that was no relief to the incredible need that was suddenly burning her mind to cinders. Behind her, she heard Lonnie let out a whimper, and Pasha would be able to watch the mousy magus sink to her knees and begin pawing desperately at her clothes. Both her sister and the mage were down for the count, disabled by whatever that golden powder might have been, but Erasmus stumbled coughing from the cloud of powder and found the four gruffs advancing on him.

"Well then... Ack ackkk.... Lets.... Ack... Get this over with!" the man grunted, and just like that a pair of simultaneous metallic sliding sounds sounded and a pair of shining curved blades appeared in his hands, one flashing and flipping about beside his right hip while the other was held over his head like the tail of a desert scorpion. That didn't stop the charging gruffs, however, and the four shield-and-sword wielding faeries bounded into range in an effort to quickly bring the man down and eliminate what seemed to be the last bit of resistance facing them.

Erasmus did not make it easy for them. Despite the bulge grown in the man's pants and the constant coughing he was still making, when the first gruff closed in and swung his straight bronze blade at the man's throat his lower blade came over in a cross and deflected it while his other arm darted forward. The point of his secondary blade dug into the gruff's shoulder, causing him to recoil and try to slam his shield forward into Erasmus' face. The first blade lashed out and met it, the two forces cancelling out, but then the second blade - which had been retracted - flicked out at the gruff's head and slashed across his face. Blood lashed across the beastman's face, blinding him, and he back off and nearly stumbled into one of his charging companions. The other two came at him at the same time, and Erasmus briefly became a whirling blur of silvery blades as the two rushed in at the same time. One bronze straight sword bounced away as it was struck by a curved silver one, and then the other went flying aside with the hand still attached. The coughing man spun in place, one catching the first gruff's shield and dragging it aside so that the other could lash across the beastman's throat, but even then the second gruff was in mid rush in an effort to bowl Erasmus over with his shield despite the loss of his hand. Erasmus' spin allowed him to turn around the charging goatman, however, and in a single graceful motion he stepped around the charging gruff and then turned to face it, his blades crossing while remaining almost perfectly parallel. The gruff tumbled to the ground with his head now separated from his shoulders, but the fourth one had disentangled himself from his temporarily blinded comrade and rushed in to bash the man in the chest with his thick wooden shield. He stumbled back, nearly falling on his ass in the slippery mess produced by the dead gruff's blood, but his swords managed to catch the gruff's sword just before it would have jabbed into his throat, and he warded the creature off with a pair of quick swings that allowed him to get back onto stable footing.

Of course, that wasn't the only issue. The two satyrs, one of whom Pasha had been moving into a position to bring down, drew bows and fired. Erasmus flipped his blades as the two shafts approached almost at the same time, and one of the arrows was cut out of the air just before it found his flesh. He had been moving a lot over the last few seconds, however, and his second blade was just a hair too slow, the edge of it shaving off the last centimeter of fletching before it passed by his defenses and slammed into his side. Even though he'd been struck twice and was bleeding both from his side and from his mouth, Erasmus merely grunted in pain and then flipped his left-hand blade again, cutting off the majority of it so that he could still fight at least semi-effectively as he faced off against the last two gruffs. The two archers would be a problem, but Pasha at least was moving into a position to deal with one of them unless she had switched her target to another, which she might very well do when she saw the gruffs split off from one another. The blinded one moved in on Erasmus, holding his shield up and watching through narrowed and bloodied eyes, but the other was edging around the now wounded man towards Lonnie and Meara with purpose in his steps.
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Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

Pasha kept low and swift and silent through the forest terrain, dodging and ducking from tree to tree, noticing how all eyes of the enemy were upon her sister and other companions.

Good, she thought. We'll have the upper hand. I'll take out these bowmen, and Ra-Ra and Erasmus can deal with those overgrown chumps.

Her confidence was soon to be shattered, however. Just like the others, she had not noticed the last satyr with the cloth sack filled with devilish powder. She had already reached the side of the trail and was doubling around again when the spore cloud went 'poof' and covered her friends in a cloud of golden haze.

Pasha saw the mousy mage drop to her knees in an uncharacteristic and sudden grasping need that would have perplexed the cat girl had she not then see her sister do the same. Pasha knew all too well that look upon Meara's face. It was one that in happier times, she might have enjoyed seeing, but now, to her horror, she saw her sister drop her whip and begin to likewise paw at herself.

This is no good, Pasha thought to herself. I must act quickly!

As Erasmus began a series of heroic parries and blocks and ripostes, Pasha gripped her daggers tightly and moved in for the kill on the bowman that had just sent a barb into her only still standing companion.

With surprise on her side, she sent both her daggers plunging towards either side of the satyr's neckline, bypassing any armor or tough hide it had and looking to end him suddenly and without any further quarrel. Erasmus could only hold out so long, she knew, and after that, there was only herself between victory or a horrible fate for Lonnie and her darling sister. She steeled herself. No one would lay a finger on Meara! Or if they did, she would make them pay.

Dagger surprise backstab multiplier goodness on satyr.

If she managed to drop the satyr, then without wasting a moment she would swiftly charge the nearest gruff in combat with Erasmus, hoping to come up behind it while it was preoccupied with the fighter and get in another surprise attack.

If it did notice her however, she would use her dexterity to get in a sudden strike at it, trying to bypass its armor and strike at its weak points.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

Meara's brow furrowed as the gruff gave his insult of sorts. And yet it wasn't so much an insult as it was the truth. The tentative grip she had upon the handle of her whip tightened. Part of her wanted to silence him as quickly as possible, even if the cat had already been let out of the bag, so to speak... and it was a portion of her being that the older Su-Ku-Ta would not ignore this time around.

Clearly, the gruffs were looking for them to either surrender or fight. The outcome between losing and surrendering would be practically identical, save for the amount of injuries or losses sustained. But Meara wasn't to shy away from the risk of danger, and certainly not to herself. If anything, she would bear the risk for Pasha's safety, and so she flicked her wrist to free her weapon from its coiled state...

Only to feel a cloud of dust envelop her from behind. The initial shock of it all caused the more martial of the two sisters to gasp loudly, inhaling a sizeable amount of shorn pollen before realizing her mistake. She then thought to hold her breath, but it was already too late. An utterly potent sense of arousal ripped through her body from breast to crotch, and she couldn't help but collapse to her knees as her instincts took over. Within a matter of mere seconds, Meara was horny. The lust was literally crippling, as she couldn't build up the strength to stand.

Suddenly, it was as if the green dress she wore was simply in the way of the pleasure she sought to someone, anyone, to bring upon her. The catgirl didn't care anymore. She wanted it off. So she began to tear and tug at the edges of her own clothing desperately in every which way, the sudden lack of reason in her mind causing her to practically forget how to undress properly. Under the influence of the shorn pollen, nothing else registered itself as a priority. What she needed now was to be fucked.

After pulling down her skirt and panties halfway, she revealed her pink crevice, glistening with her own secretions, to everyone who cared to look. It showed that her body had already primed and readied itself for penetration. Her pussy may as well have been a void, one that desperately needed to be filled, and every second that passed without having just that was like torture for her. She wiggled and writhed, perhaps less out of trying to look enticing and more out of a desperate attempt to sublimate the unbearable degree of lust wracking her entire body. Normally, exposing herself to this many people in such a manner, would be utterly embarrassing--at least on its own or without the confident order of someone she recognized as her master. But her want, her need, for sexual stimulation would make such concerns seem like tiny little details, ones that would be brushed off to the side.

Meanwhile, Erasmus bravely fought against his own arousal to deal with the enemies before them, but Meara hardly had the presence of mind to be that impressed. She might have spotted the bulge upon his crotch, which no doubt hid a cock that she would work to free and get into her mouth, pussy, or whatever was available... but why wasn't he closer? It was frustrating.

Then, just to the left of him she saw another figure making its way towards her as she glanced over her shoulder. "Nnnnn... h-hurry," she purred, her tail lashing back and forth with agitation. Reaching between her legs, Meara began to rub at her exposed cunny, and within seconds her wetness coated her hard-working fingers. The gruff wasn't the most attractive lover by her standards, but that was the least of her concerns now. No doubt he could fuck her like an animal; his lewd expression said as much. It was someone who could provide what she desperately needed, and for the time being, that was all she cared about.

If nothing else, the sight of her sex could perhaps distract some of the other combatants from being able to deal with Erasmus or Pasha in an efficient manner. She would, after all, welcome them into any orifice they chose--if they only got closer.
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Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

Pasha: HP = 29/54, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Injured
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Horny, Grappled

NPC Stats
Erasmus: Fine, Aroused, taken 35 damage
Lonnie: Fine, Horny

Gruff 1: Taken 50 damage
Gruff 2: Dead
Gruff 3: Dead
Gruff 4: Fine, grappling Meara
Satyr 1: Fine
Satyr 2: Dead
Satyr 3: Fine

Pasha sneak attacks the satyr that she was heading towards.
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Damage: 1 + 1 + 20 = 22, 22 * 2 = 44, 44 - 5 = 39 damage. Exactly as much HP as they have despite the snake eyes on damage dice.

Satyr 1 rushes at Pasha.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 9 + 8 + 9 - 1 = 25 damage.

Gruff 4 gets behind Meara and puts a sword to the back of her neck, effectively grappling her. I'm putting a halt to the combat rolls here to see how Pasha reacts to this, but as a note Erasmus, Satyr 3, and Gruff 1 haven't taken their turns yet.

Pasha was by far the more successful of the two between the two sisters in the next few moments, as Meara was so overwhelmed by the poison seeping through her veins that she was quickly down on her hands and knees, her finely sculpted rear raised high in offering to any would-be takers. The smaller of the two sisters crept up on the satyr she had spotted just before the attack began, daggers in hand, and though she might not have been as well versed in the arts of combat as Erasmus or the gruffs that he was facing off with, when she sprung from behind the intruding faerie and plunged one of her daggers into his throat, he died in a gurgling heap of flesh on the ground just as surely as he might have had he endured one of Erasmus' strikes.

The nimble young succubus turned immediately towards the melee that her beloved sister was so dangerously close to, where luckily Erasmus had dealt with all but two of the gruffs. One of them was heading for Meara while she toyed with herself on the ground while the other distracted Erasmus, a dangerous sight given the fact that Meara was practically helpless at that point, but before she could do anything about it the younger sister heard an enraged roar. One of the corrupted satyrs, the very one who had thrown the grenade filled with shorn powder into their midst, burst from the brush and barreled into her, slamming her in the chest with its horns and lifting her off of her feet with the force of its charge. The satyr's rush carried her several feet before slamming her back against a tree, knocking the wind painfully from Pasha's lungs, but even as it pulled back it looked as if the enraged beastman was ready to grab her while she was vulnerable.

Meara, in the meantime, would find an answer to her offer in the form of one of the faeries that had waylaid them standing over her, a big brutish figure that would have been the picture of powerful masculinity had it not been for the animalistic features that he sported. She could see an erection stirring beneath the thick fur coating the lower half oh the gruff's body, the outline of his length thick and long and promising to fill her up nicely, but before it could the gruff grabbed Meara roughly by her hair and wrenched her upwards. The sudden pain couldn't shake the unbearable arousal that the cat-girl was caught up in, however, and when she suddenly felt the point of a sword pressed against the back of her neck it would take an immense amount of effort just to keep herself still so that she wouldn't hurt herself.

"Hold!" the gruff grunted angrily as he held Meara up with his weapon poised to slide through her neck, a wound that would be fatal in seconds if not instantly were he given a reason to deliver it. "Drop your weapons and surrender! Now! Or she dies!" he continued just as Erasmus turned, and the sight of Meara in such danger caused the swordsman to freeze in place. The gruff's attention was mostly on Erasmus, but the exchange between Pasha and the satyr hadn't been missed, and the other bow-wielding satyr had an angle by which he could both see and shoot at both her and Erasmus. Their sole male companion glanced at Pasha for a heartbeat, sweat leaking down his forehead and blood oozing from the arrow wound in his side and from between his lips, and while he might easily have been formulating some sort of plan there was no way for him to communicate it to her.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

The daggers bit deep enough into the satyr to wound him mortally. Pasha withdrew from him with a flourish, flicking away as much blood as she could from the daggers and her fingers. Her vision turned to the melee out on the trail, where Erasmus stood fighting desperately against superior odds while her sister and Lonnie were caught helpless and on there knees. What could have been in that spore cloud that made her sister so incapable?

She was about to take her first step forward and dash to the aid of her sister when an enemy she had failed to notice charged her fiercely, catching her in the side with his two heavy, blunt horns and driving her several meters into a tree where she smacked her whole body against upon impact, before crumpling to her knees while the attacking satyr stood recovering before her.

She gripped her daggers and grit her teeth against the pain. Her ribs felt bruised, and she couldn't draw a breath. Her head as well, was dizzy from where it had collided with the bark. Still, she knew, somewhere deep down, that she needed to slash back against her enemy, or he would follow up on the attack and finish her.

Just as she was about to do this however, the combat came to a halt with a bellowing cry of "Hold!"

Pasha and her attacker both looked to the center of the melee, where the su-ku-ta gasped in horror as her sister - her most precious, beautiful sister - was being held at sword point.

"Nn-noo...!" She whined, instinctively desperate to stay the gruff's blade. Tears immediately welled up as Pasha's heart felt as though it had leaped to her throat. She caught Erasmus' eyes, but in her panic, she had no way to interpret them.

"Don't hurt her!" She cried, and then, looking at her attacker, and not knowing what else she could do, she let her daggers drop from her hand. "I surrender. Please, don't harm my sister!"

It was maddening, but losing Meara was not an option. She couldn't take the risk. She couldn't let Ra-Ra be hurt. She'd do anything. Anything at all, to keep Meara alive.

She put her hands up to show that she would no longer fight, and her eyes, low with shame, glanced at Erasmus. She did not know what he would do. Maybe he would fight on and both her sister and she would die. It was a terrible and frightening thought, but the younger sister could think of nothing else beyond keeping Meara breathing.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

While there was certainly no shortage of things going on all around her, much of which she might have reacted to with a variety of emotions, Meara was hardly in a position to worry about such matters--let alone think about anything other than sex. The effects of the shorn powder had lit a fire deep within her, one that could only be quenched with something that those virile men around her seemed all too willing to offer. Her situation was best suited for her to simply accept the next would-be partner and make it as good for them as possible, and so she lifted her gaze towards the eligible gruff, who made his way towards her with one thing in mind--something she was all too ready for. Peering over her shoulder at him, she licked her lips, wanting nothing more than to feel the lewd goatman's shaft lodged snugly in between them, as well as her pussy. Either one... or both, if another joined. It didn't matter. If this one only came a little closer, he would no doubt feel the immense pleasure that she was capable of showering upon him.

As Pasha and Erasmus struggled bravely with their opponents, there she was, bent over and on her knees. The older of the two sisters, who fancied herself as much of a warrior as she was a concubine, at least in spirit, ironically could not even bring herself to think of battle, how badly the tides needed to be turned at that crucial moment, or even her own sister's safety. It was a feeling that would have easily terrified and panicked a more sober Meara... but not this one. The judgment-crushing powder ensured that the normally capable whip-wielder had become nothing more than a needy slut, and so she acted the part, mewling in anticipation of his arrival. Noticing his obvious erection, she expected to feel it within her in little time at all. A forceful tug upon her hair, while just slightly jarring, did little to dissuade her, only igniting her deep-seated masochistic tendencies and promising her a rough, yet vigorous session. She was ready for him to claim her as his own, any second now...

Then, something sent a small jolt of pain through her spine. Something pressed against the back of her neck... was it a blade of some kind? While she was taught that some clients enjoyed that sort of 'knife play', her instincts spurred her on at the most primal level, which meant that her cravings, first and foremost, involved a cock deep inside of her, pumping in and out until granting her a warm batch of seed. She couldn't help but wonder how long she'd have to endure satisfying this customer's fetish before finally having her own urges fulfilled. It might have been unprofessional of her, when taking her training as a concubine into account. But then again, she was in no condition to think straight, given the fact that she would even consider a corrupted beastman such as this one to inseminate her.

As the seconds passed, Meara idly swayed her hips back and forth. It was almost torture, to simply sit unfulfilled in such a way, with the promise of satisfaction only a few inches away. The gruff said something. It was a threat on her own life. With the sheer intensity of her lust, she might even overlook such a thing, but one detail bothered her. Was he seriously thinking about killing her when she was practically presenting herself to him, without any need for foreplay, attachment, or monetary compensation? Surely, this had to be some kind of cruel, terrible joke. Here she was, begging to be fucked. Her succubus powers practically ensured that when she was in such a mood, no one could refuse her. And now this foolish gruff, who she normally would not have given such a chance to, was acting as if he was above such charms? It was unacceptable, to say the least. He didn't want to fuck her right then and there? That was... it was an insult, and no light one at that. The fire within her grew.

She wasn't going to be made to wait any longer. If there was ever a sexually dominant side of her, it would come out right then and there--not out of fun, but out of sheer necessity. Meara needed this, badly, and she would not be denied. Her tail swished back and forth before snaking up towards the beast's exposed crotch, teasing his testicles and the base of his shaft. It was just a bit of workup, but hopefully, the act would provide just enough of a distraction for her to casually grab his weapon hand and shift it to the side. She would then follow up by attempting to wrest the hilt of the short sword from him and toss it out of his reach, then grab his wrist and pull him to the ground with her, where she would aim to wind up on top for once. Enough of the knifeplay, the pageantry, the acting. The older sister wanted sex, and she was going to get it. If he wasn't going to mount her from behind and fuck her like the wild beast he was, then she was going to do it her way.

Should the attempt prove successful, she'd crack a sly grin for once as she straddled him, feeling his length slide along her labia before attempting to shift herself properly, so as to get him in. If it wasn't, she would unfortunately have to put up with this unreasonable customer's insults, but her continued swaying from below would hopefully entice him to share in the kind of fun with her that she preferred to have.

Attempt to Grapple, or rather, win the grapple she's currently in and force a dominant position + penetration. Hopefully that'll get his mind off of this stupid hostage business.
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Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

Pasha: HP = 29/54, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Injured
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 17/43, EP = 44, Status = Horny, Grappled, Penetrated by Gruff 4

NPC Stats
Erasmus: Fine, Aroused, taken 35 damage
Lonnie: Fine, Horny

Gruff 1: Dead
Gruff 2: Dead
Gruff 3: Dead
Gruff 4: Fine, grappling Meara, penetrating Meara, taken 7 damage, 21 PP damage, and had 6 EP drained
Satyr 1: Fine
Satyr 2: Dead
Satyr 3: Fine, running away

Picking up where we left off, Meara tries to disarm and mount the gruff hold her.
Grapple: Meara wins handily.
Pleasure (Meara) : 2 + 5 + 10 + 4 + 5 = 26 PP damage.
Pleasure (Gruff) : 4 + 4 + 24 - 11 = 21 PP damage, allowing her to drain 11 - 5 = 6 EP.
Damage: 5 + 2 = 7 damage.

Erasmus turns around and uses the same thing as last time for fuckhuge dodge.

The gruff tries to stab him, misses, and his murdered.

The satyr that didn't get a turn yet shoots at him, misses, and then turns to try and high-tail it out of there.

Erasmus' expression hardened as he saw the despair in Pasha's eyes, but even as much as he obviously wanted to do something, with the blade of the gruff's sword poised against the back of Meara's neck there didn't seem to be any other choice. For a few tense seconds he stood there, poised like a spring, but the wounded gruff behind him wiped the blood from his eyes and advanced suddenly, ready to do to Erasmus what the other gruff was poised to do to Meara if they didn't cooperate. It all seemed to be going so badly, with Pasha seemingly about to watch Erasmus and maybe even her beloved sister murdered before her very eyes by the corrupted faerie beastmen.

But then, something happened that took everyone by surprise, seemingly most of all the gruff holding Meara hostage. The young woman, so completely and utterly overwhelmed by the burst of shorn pollen that she had breathed in, could wait no longer for satisfaction in her delirious and lust-possessed state. Her tail had found the gruff's cock hard and ready, and his balls heavy beneath their protective furry sheath, both together promising the perfect ending to a savage rut, that end being a copious amount of potent cum poured into her deepest depths. She spun about suddenly to the stunned amazement of nearly everyone in the glade, wrenching the deadly blade away from her neck and then causing it to be tossed from the gruff's hand as she leaped upon him, bearing the surprised goatman to the ground beneath her.

While he might have been physically stronger than she, Meara had the advantages of leverage and surprise to work with, and thus got the gruff's hands held high over his head in short order. The sight of the beautiful su-ku-ta straddling him and her finely sculpted rear rubbing against his hardened length was so surprising that, had she been of a more sober mind, Meara would have noticed the look of surprise even on the corrupted faerie's inhuman features. As it was, however, all that seemed able to find purchase in the young woman's mind was the satisfaction of her own maddening arousal, and with nearly a foot of cock sticking out from between her legs and within easy reach of her drooling cunny that satisfaction was hers for the taking.

It would take only a shift of her hips and a quick use of her tail to have the flared tip of the gruff's length pressed up against her petals, and as wet as she was it would take only a moment of pressure even with how thick the beastman's rod was in order to get past the barrier of her outer lips. The tip was easily the thickest part of the goatman's impressive rod, its shape almost equine but with the thick tip longer and rounder at the surface, and had she chosen to take him with her mouth instead she would have found her throat invaded by the length of it, easily more than ten inches. As it was, feeling that tip dragging against her folds during her initial descent was an incredible relief for the need that burned within her, seemingly hitting every nerve along its path into her depths until finally that tip kissed her cervix with another couple inches still outside of her body. Pasha would be able to watch her sister's hips descend onto the gruff's cock, Meara impaling herself in a very different manner than had seemed likely only seconds early, and even though she couldn't quite cram the whole length inside she would feel the gruff's ecstasy through the portions of his soul that she began to siphon off.

Like Caitir, the gruff attempted to control the pleasures that Meara's body naturally provided, but he wasn't nearly as adept at it as the faerie succubus had been. His essence did seem unusually... Distant, however, as if the connection that formed between them as she began to feed was forced to stretch in order to reach the energies that her body needed. The needs of her soul were not the needs that she was seeking to fulfill, however, and with her pussy filled up and stretched to capacity those urges had exactly what they needed to find satisfaction. While it might have been worrying that his effort to take control of the situation had failed so catastrophically, once Meara began to buck onto his length the sensations proved too powerful for the already lewd-minded gruff to withstand, and so after only a few moments he would cease trying to get out from under her and instead shifted his efforts towards the purpose of bucking up into the horny succubus. Their coupling would be hard and furious just as her body craved if he had anything to say on the matter, and such promised a hasty delivery of the potent cum that the shorn pollen caused her body to crave.

Whatever Pasha's reaction might have been, Erasmus would look upon the sight of Meara overpowering and then mounting the gruff that had only moments before been threatening to kill her with at first a look of fearful worry and then a displeased grimace. While he might not have been the sort to expect monogamy at all given his own apparent womanizing habits, and even expecting as much from Meara when they had only just met would have been entirely unreasonable, seeing her coupling with the violent corrupted faerie was obviously not something that pleased him to any degree. Even so, he did not have the luxury of being distracted by the sight of her nether lips being stretched around the goatman's tool for very long, as the other gruff broke from his surprised state and lunged at him from behind, intent on stabbing Erasmus in the back. The blood-blinded warrior found himself stumbling forward with his target nowhere to be found, however, as Erasmus had replicated his earlier maneuver and danced out of the way of the gruff only to end up behind him. The man's spinning blades made short work of his lightly armored opponent, carving his back into strips before slitting his throat and stabbing him through the heart at the same time.

The two satyrs, one standing menacingly over Pasha and the other in the bushes still holding his bow, were not to be entirely idle in that time either. The smaller of the two su-ku-ta sisters was, at that point, being completely ignored by the satyr that had rammed her while he turned in preparation to deal with Erasmus, but that could easily work to the cat-girl's advantage. She had a moment of time in which to act before the satyr would charge at Erasmus, who now faced away from her as he deflected another arrow shot by the other satyr, who then turned in an attempt to flee before he could face the scimitar wielder's wrath. It seemed likely that Erasmus could deal with the unarmed satyr if he had to, but Pasha could take the goatman by surprise just like she had the last if she wished, thus ensuring that the man didn't get taken from behind by the satyr's horned head.
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Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

Just like everyone in the glade, Pasha was at first flummoxed, then flustered by the sight of her adored and truly loved sister. What had been only moments ago true fear at the thought of her sister dying and transgressed into suspense as her sister overtook her captor, momentary joy at seeing the tables turned, and then horror once again, as the shorn pollen proved its quality before her very eyes. The Ra-Ra she knew would never have given this horrible gruff the time of day, and never sullied herself on his oversized cock. It was the work of that horrid poison that these sick, corrupted fey had forced upon her sister that was to blame for this. It was as much a rape of the mind as it was of her sister's body, and it was horrible to watch, even if it meant that Meara's life no longer hung in the balance.

Her sister, whom Pasha had expressed her love for not a day prior, was satisfying herself upon a horrid creature, and being forced to enjoy it. The indignity of it would scar her noble-minded sister once she returned to a normal state, that was for certain, and Pasha's emotions now turned to a burning, seething rage. How dare they? How dare they make her Ra-Ra do such a thing!?

With cat like reflexes, the Su-Ku-Ta rogue crouched, grabbed her daggers, and with two bounding steps, positioned herself behind the satyr that had rammed her before and was intending to do the same to Erasmus now.

She leaped upon its back, driving her dagger down into his flesh, wanting to stab him over and over, to satisfy her sudden bloodlust. Tears were in her eyes, knowing already that her sister was being raped. She had to kill this one enemy quickly so that she could get to Meara's side and kill the brute before he loosed his vile seed into her. What had occurred was bad enough, but Pasha truly wanted to stop the goat man from cumming. It would be difficult, knowing her sister's skill, but she had to try. She had to save Meara from that...

Sneak attack on distracted goat man with dagger strike. The leaping on his back is fluff.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

Pasha: HP = 29/54, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Injured
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 17/43, EP = 44, Status = Horny, Grappled, Penetrated by Gruff 4, Stunned by Orgasm

NPC Stats
Erasmus: Fine, Aroused, taken 35 damage
Lonnie: Fine, Horny

Gruff 1: Dead
Gruff 2: Dead
Gruff 3: Dead
Gruff 4: Fine, grappling Meara, penetrating Meara, stunned by orgasm, taken some EP and HP damage that doesn't matter right not
Satyr 1: Dead
Satyr 2: Dead
Satyr 3: Dead?

I didn't save the rolls, but I do remember the results and how they turned out. Pasha kills the one satyr, Meara and yon gruff hump until Meara cums while getting a cream filling, Erasmus goes off into the woods to chase down yon fleeing satyr.

Regardless of whatever she might be feeling at the time, Pasha's blades would strike true despite her lack of real formal training, the satyr caught almost completely unawares when she suddenly leaped upon his back and plunged her daggers into the sides of his neck. The satyr went down, but not cleanly, and because she had leaped onto his back Pasha ended up falling with him. Her head smacked into a tree branch on the way down, nearly causing her to black out and leaving her nose bleeding profusely, and unfortunately her strike, while fatal in the long run, hadn't been instantly lethal. The satyr squirmed beneath her, pawing at the dazed catgirl and forcing her to flail, driving her daggers in and out of whatever soft portions of the fallen faerie that she could reach in a desperate attempt to escape and make good on her desire to make sure that Meara parted from the gruff beneath her before he could dirty her body with his seed.

Erasmus had vanished, gone off into the woods to chase down the fleeing satyr before he could alert any more of his kin, and that left Meara with no one to stop her from working out her lusts on the goatman lying beneath her, taking him deeper and faster by the second. Their hips came together furiously over the next few moments, sending ripples across the soft flesh of the cat girl's finely sculpted posterior as she was stuffed with more cock than her body could accommodate once she had finally taken him to the hilt, but even though it should have hurt much more than it did the sensitivity of her stretched folds and the pollen coursing through her system ensured that any pain was completely overshadowed by the pleasure of their union.

The gruff had fallen completely under her spell by that point, his hips bucking up to meet her eagerly as he panted against her neck, and even though he was trying to last there was little that he could do against the wondrous sensations that her pussy could provide. The catgirl would feel more and more of his energy flowing into her, the pleasures that her body provided allowing her to feed upon the goatman's soul to replenish her own, and that sensation only enhanced the pleasure provided to both of them. The flared tip of the gruff's tool dragging against her inner walls felt absolutely incredible, more than making up for the way in which his thick tool stretched her out, and as she bucked onto the goatman Meara would feel her peak approaching abnormally fast thanks to that and to the effects of the pollen. Likewise, she would feel her partner begin to throb within her, signalling that he too would quickly find release if their furious session didn't slow down, the former prospect innately appealing due to the shorn's pollen and the latter an idea that her body would reject immediately.

The sounds that the two couples made were a horrible contrast, particularly given their similarities. The lewd, wet claps of Meara's bottom slamming onto the gruff's hips were eerily similar to the sounds made when Pasha plunged one of her blades into the collar of the dead satyr, and should Pasha have opted to release cries to signify her struggles against the dying satyr they would sound in some respects very similar to the moans produced by Meara as she rode the gruff. Moments later the elder su-ku-ta sister's moans began to reach a fevered pitch as her impending climax finally began to crash over her, but only when they had finally risen to their peak would Pasha finally feel the satyr below her give one last shiver and then go still.

By then it was too late, however, as she could only look up just in time to see the first powerful throb of the gruff's rod as it vanished one last time into Meara's body, the gruff letting out an inhuman cry of pleasure alongside Meara's more pleasant one to signal his release, and barely more than a heartbeat later Meara's juices would burst from her followed by a wave of white as her tight flower failed to contain the massive load that it was actively working to milk from the gruff. Wave after wave of thick, sperm rich cum poured into her deepest depths, her body unable to do anything but try to drink in every drop and a blood splattered Pasha helpless to prevent it. Erasmus emerged from the woods just as Meara was coming down from her climactic high, the gruff dazed beneath her but still rock hard, and grimaced at the sight of the cum leaking from Meara's body.

"It's over," he grunted, directing the comment in Pasha's direction, but then turned to Lonnie and grimaced. "Look after your sister, I'll deal with that," he said, but then awaited some acknowledgement or action on Pasha's part before doing anything further.