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Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 2, EP = 42, Status = Paralyzed

NPC stats:
Aeron: HP = 100, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

(keep in mind this still wasn't using the DG system at the time, these are rough translations)
Tanglevine D's Attack Roll: Miss

Tanglevine D (dying)

Aeron was busy trying to glance between the lashing Voidic monstrosity and the state of Llæwyn's abused, cum-covered body, which did leave him looking at least somewhat distracted, to see his rival in such a state. But for all of the new imagery, the male duelist's sense of urgency didn't suffer more than was necessary, and he fiercely slashed at the tendrils that lunged at him, yet failed to be able to close the gap on it due to the creature's newfound frenzy upon losing its breeding-mate, or whatever it saw Llæwyn as.

Seeing as he likely wouldn't be able to defeat this thing in a timely manner, and unaware of the timing by which the next portals would be likely to open, Aeron sheathed his blade, stooped down momentarily and hoisted the elven woman up in his arms before running off in the opposite direction with her in tow, barely avoiding its last-ditch attempts to grab him as well.

Provided, Tanglevines weren't the fastest creatures out there, but their tentacles were still dangerous when underestimated, as the swordswoman knew. The two had narrowly escaped recapture, judging from the tentacles that Aeron managed to keep from grabbing at his ankles with swift footwork, and soon enough they were completely out of range. That wouldn't stop the elven warrior though, who kept going until they reached a relatively secluded place, closer yet to where the passageway upwards waited.

Setting her down, he grimaced while attempting to wipe some of the goo from her face with his sleeve. "Llæwyn! Lynnea told me what happened... damn, for everything to have gone that bad..." He grimaced, blushing after catching an eyeful of her nude form, but at least stopped himself from staring and removed his overcoat, tossing it over her shoulders.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn felt so useless and counterproductive at that moment, nearly paralyzed and badly weakened, and beyond that distracting her would-be rescuer from his task with the sight of her pitiful body. Still, he was doing quite a good job fending off the vines that lashed out at them, counterattacking admirably until he decided it was time to go. He scooped Llæwyn up in his arms and ran as fast as he could, which made her feel even worse; she hated being helpless like this, in a way she never really had been before. It took a little while before Aeron decided they were far enough away to stop, and he set her down gently and wiped some of the cum off her face. His grimace hurt her, in a way. She wasn't quite sure what the reason behind the expression was, not for certain. Of course, she wasn't thinking very well still, and she was still dreadfully aroused. As her rescuer put his overcoat around her she quietly said "thank you, Aeron..." She hadn't cum yet, and she felt a burning need between her legs, but she didn't want to give in, not now, and not to him, not while in this state. "I... still can't move very well..." She tried to slowly get up, to at least prop herself up against a tree.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 2, EP = 42, Status = Paralyzed

NPC stats:
Aeron: HP = 100, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"Relax," he offered reassuringly, intentionally keeping his eyes locked on hers. "We'll need to get you back to the village and tell the Elder... uh... well, that we definitely need more manpower. It must've been as bad as Lynnea claimed if the vines managed to do this even to our bes--err, even to you. Just hang on, I hadn't realized that some of them actually have paralyzing, err, fluids," Aeron stammered, looking rather uncomfortable given the situation as his eyes began to wander again. While Llæwyn wasn't known to be the most prudish girl in the village, her rival still hadn't seen her like this, and to 'top' her through the recent act carried no satisfaction in light of the misfortune that came upon her thanks to the tanglevines. All he could do at this point was try to help.

"I can carry you back up then, if that's alright with you..." he trailed off, tentatively.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn blushed a little as he slipped up, nearly calling her the village's best warrior. "I... That might not be best right now. I'm..." she muttered, looking away from him. "I'm still really worked up." The words were quiet, nearly squeaked out. She wasn't shy about sex, not in the least, but she didn't really want to admit it to him right now.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 2, EP = 42, Status = Paralyzed

NPC stats:
Aeron: HP = 100, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"Worked up? You mean..."
He gave a somewhat puzzled look, before finally getting the hint, given her rather embarrassed tone and demeanor, then averted his eyes elsewhere in turn, catching himself on that mistake which would otherwise have made the situation even more awkward.

"Void creatures are truly awful. I never thought they'd manage to do something like this to you--no offense meant of course." Aeron swallowed hard, crouching next to her and helping prop her back against a nearby tree, his hand trembling as he moved to close the overcoat over her chest further. This way, the temptation to gawk would be reduced for him, and exposure on Llæwyn's end considerably lessened for all who might eventually set eyes upon her, should they make it back to the treetops.

"So what would you have me do, if you can't even move? Perhaps we can wait for it to wear off?" He began to dig through his pockets. "In my haste, I didn't think to bring any type of antidote for the paralysis you appear to be afflicted by..."
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Of course it took him a while to get the hint. Llæwyn nearly rolled her eyes at him. "Thank you" she muttered as Aeron helped prop her against a nearby tree, and then closed up his overcoat around her, covering up her cum-glazed breasts. "I don't know what I'd have you do, dammit" she muttered again, wincing as she laid her head back against the tree. It was going to be a long wait, as aroused as she was.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 2, EP = 42, Status = Paralyzed

NPC stats:
Aeron: HP = 100, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Aeron sighed and looked around him, then back to Llæwyn, pausing. A rather uncomfortable silence passed, as he didn't want to focus too much on her used state, especially with her cunny still slowly dripping of tanglevine seed. However, he was looking more and more antsy as the seconds passed, especially while swearing to himself that he could hear the sound of portals opening and closing in the distance. Llæwyn heard the same noises, too, which lent itself to the idea that they wouldn't be alone for long if they stayed here on the surface.

Finally, he huffed, lifting her up once more and making haste in the direction of the southern entry point with a steady run.

As he did so, he explained, "We can't wait around here for too long. I'll take us back to the entry point, up to the village, and run you to the baths nearby. Don't worry, I'll make as much haste as possible before anyone sees."

With that, he made it to the hollow tree that led back up towards Grenwyll. The mass of vines shifted, rearranging themselves just for the two of them, and opened to allow entry. Aeron proceeded through and briskly carried the girl up the spiral staircase until they arrived in town, high and away from potential danger, at least those presented by the Voidic portals.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn began to grind her teeth, a nervous habit born of impatience and annoyance. The silence was killing her, and it didn't help that she was as horny as she had ever been, lying there in the forest with quite a handsome young elf at her side, and yet the artificial desire to hold back. Finally Aeron picked her up and began to run, indicating that he would try to get her to the baths before she was seen in her state. She remained silent; she had thanked him too much already, and she really didn't want to be seen being carried through Grenwyll by her rival, naked and cum-covered or not.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 2, EP = 42, Status = Paralyzed

NPC stats:
Aeron: HP = 100, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

By the time they reached the upper levels, there were just a few people standing nearby, including the elven widow Lynnea, who immediately opened her mouth to say something as she saw Aeron with Llæwyn in his arms.

"Llæwyn! A-Are you alright?!" she asked in a rather loud voice, to which the young swordsman only answered, "No time to explain!" and dashed off towards the community bath.

Luckily for them, it was only about two bridges away, and they arrived without too much incident afterwards. Thanks to Aeron's overcoat, it was only the girl's thighs and legs that were visible to others for the most part, but she did note at least two or three people that turned their heads towards the scene made by him hustling. But either way, they had arrived, and he set her down before saying, "Uh... you go first. I'll wait here, or something..." He still failed to hide the trace of crimson spread across his face as he addressed her.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn flinched when Lynnea practically yelled at her upon Aeron arrive at the landing with her in his arms. Of course she would get attention drawn to the situation. Still, her rival did a reasonable job of ignoring it and running off at top speed, keeping most people around from getting a good look at her. The bathhouse wasn't very far, either, and for the most part the bystanders only got a glimpse of her long legs. Still, when they got to the bath and he told her to go in... "dammit Aeron, I can hardly move" she growled out. "I'm paralyzed, I probably couldn't stand on my own, much as I don't want to admit it. Either help me into the bath or come up with a different plan."
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 2, EP = 42, Status = Paralyzed

NPC stats:
Aeron: HP = 100, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"We're already here," Aeron shot back, feeling some friction from the beautiful elf's mood. "I'll... fine, I'll take you there," he conceded.

Picking her up for about the third time today, he looked around slipping into one of the two large bathing rooms, clearly the one meant for women. Inside, the walls were lined with ornately carved wood, all of it bearing a certain curvature to provide a very 'organic' feel to contrast with the style of other races. There were plenty of round benches next to the main pool, which resembled a natural hot spring in a way, as well as complementary towels, washcloths, and other necessary bathing materials located over in one corner. But more importantly, it was empty, much to the male warrior's relief; the kinds of questions he would have received from the women that might have been lounging in the room on a busier day were definitely moments of social awkwardness that Aeron didn't need, as if this little episode wasn't bad enough for him. News traveled quickly enough through the community to make the small handful of people that had spotted the two together a mental threat to the pair's reputation as rivals. Well, ones that weren't also bedfellows, that is.

The blue-haired swordsman set Llæwyn down at the pool's edge before helping her out of her... well, his, overcoat. He swallowed hard, taking a moment to grab a towel provided from one of the shelves, as well as some soap, then returned to her with the supplies, setting them right next to her.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn sighed heavily as Aeron snapped at her, thinking she would probably have to apologize later. Not now, though. He picked her up and took her into one of the bathing rooms, setting her down and taking his overcoat back before giving her the supplies she needed to bathe. The elven warrior found that she could at least move her arms without too terribly much trouble now, so she scooted herself into the warm water. "...now please leave, so I can get off without an audience" she said, trying not to sound snippy or angry, but she was so damn horny it would be difficult to keep her tone level.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 2, EP = 42, Status = Paralyzed

NPC stats:
Aeron: HP = 100, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"G...Get off... a-ah, right," he stuttered, looking mightily uncomfortable from the mental image of her jilling herself off that had immediately come to mind. Not that it was disturbing to him in any way outside of how utterly aroused it made the young warrior. He wouldn't admit such a thing out loud, though, of course. Turning on his heel, Aeron walked towards the door, saying, "I-I'll wait outside, then." With that, he exited, leaving Llæwyn to her own devices, although the entrance to the bathing chamber in which she sat was, similarly to that of the First Elder's house, only covered by a flimsy drape of woven plant fibers rather than a sturdy, sound-stifling door. He would probably be able to hear her, not that such a thing would stop Llæwyn from doing what she had wanted to do from a while ago.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn sighed again and allowed herself to sink slowly down into the warm water, waiting impatiently until Aeron was gone. When she heard his steps fade she quickly set about what she needed to do, a hand moving to her somewhat sore lower body. She found that she was still leaking that thick, goopy cum out of her lower holes, and her mind wandered back to the moments the vines had spent filling her with it as she closed her eyes and slipped a finger into her well-used pussy. She didn't have to masturbate long, as aroused as she was, and yet the pleasure she gave herself paled in comparison to what the tanglevines had done to her. She bit her lip as she came, stifling the lewd moan she would otherwise have let out; and then collapsed back against the wall of the pool, letting herself relax.

Her paralysis was slowly wearing off, the warm water no doubt helping to revive her muscles, but still she didn't feel like doing much other than laying there. It was a few minutes before she tried to shift herself to get the rags and soap and begin to cleanse herself. It might take a few washings before she really felt clean, though... When she was done to her satisfaction she would test her legs, trying to stand carefully while holding the edge of the pool.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 2, EP = 42, Status = Fine

NPC stats:
Aeron: HP = 100, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

The tanglevines' cum, as well as Llæwyn's sweat, secretions and all other sorts of assorted fluids that may have been lingering upon her body came off into the water, leaving her clean as well as relieved, if not slightly exhausted from the intense masturbation session. The water's temperature also made it considerably easier to relax afterwards, and the baths themselves had a quality to them that eased excessive bodily tension, yet left the green-haired beauty feeling thoroughly invigorated afterwards.

It took perhaps a good ten or fifteen minutes more, total, for the swordswoman to fully regain control of her body, and then she'd finally be able to walk. The paralysis may have lasted longer if not for the thorough soak, but it turned out that her rival's idea to come here may not have been such a bad one after all. Llæwyn still couldn't break out into a full sprint or anything of the sort if she tried, but the feeling was at least down to something of a light hangover in terms of muscle response, rather than that of a totally crippling paralysis.

She would then have the chance to dry herself off properly, which would leave the girl quite refreshed, at least physically. When she emerged from the room, Aeron was waiting in the lobby, sitting on one of the benches with a loose robe in his hands, presumably for her. He tried not to be too sassy, gauging her reaction before saying anything rash, but let out a tentative "Relieved...?"
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Once Llæwyn felt ready to walk again she got out of the tub and dried herself, then wrapping the towel around herself and walking out to find Aeron. She felt fairly good now; the bath had done wonders for her, and she was relieved to be out of the cloud of arousal. He held a robe in his hands, almost certainly for her, and asked her if she felt relieved. "Yes... I feel much better now" she replied, taking the robe and putting it on before she let the towel fall. "Sorry for being perhaps less appreciative than I ought to have been, I was feeling rather poorly..."
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

NPC stats:
Aeron: HP = 100, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"Ah, that's alright," he replied, scratching the back of his head. "I probably wouldn't be in the best of moods myself if I lost to one of tho--err... I mean, if something like that happened. I can definitely tell it's not a good day for you." He stood up slowly, shrugging, although he did look surprised at first. After all, Aeron could hardly remember the last time Llæwyn had ever apologized to him for anything. If she ever did at all, that is. It was far from the first time he had effectively saved a life, but to think that it would be hers was definitely new for the elven warrior. Still, he immediately resorted to an air of feigned understanding, perhaps an attempt to tiptoe his way around an emotional state that the young elf wasn't quite sure about at this time.

"Anyway, I'm sure much of your equipment, as well as Lynnea's random goods, are strewn all about the forest floor. We'll need to inform the Elder before returning to that place with a bit more in the way of numbers," proposed the warrior.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn narrowed her eyes at Aeron, looking ever so slightly angry. She didn’t like the way he emphasized her loss, as if to jab at her. She had certainly never apologized to him before, but she had felt she had owed it to him, for being snappy due to her arousal. The way he reacted, this would almost certainly be the last time. "Yes, we should update the Elder. Shall I go to get proper clothing first, or do you think it urgent enough to warrant rushing to meet with him in a bathrobe?" she asked, her eyes still narrowed. She didn’t have much desire to go before the First Elder dressed in this way, but she would if her rival suggested it, if only because her home was so far away from the Elder’s.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

NPC stats:
Aeron: HP = 100, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Llæwyn's harsh look caused her rival to exhibit an apologetic look in response, after seeing that his poor attempts at consolation had accomplished little other than earn him an additional helping of the beautiful's elf's ire. The way he worded things also didn't help this either, but Aeron had yet to correct his mistakes on this end. His internal apology remained unspoken, at least for now, as he put on a thoughtful look. "Hm... no, it's not so urgent that you need to visit him in a bathrobe. I'd definitely get some clothing before seeing him. Need help walking?" If there was anything the warrior seemed to know how to do, albeit unintentionally, it was put Llæwyn's pride on the spot.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn scowled at Aeron as he asked if she needed help walking, quickly replying "do I look like I need help?" as she started on out of the bathhouse without him. "You can accompany me home if the urge strikes you, for whatever reason" she called back coldly, trying to insinuate that he might have less than honorable intentions in his offer to help her back. Of course, he almost certain had no such intentions, but that didn't stop Llæwyn from jabbing at him. She would make her way back to her home to put on something formal enough for a meeting with the First Elder, but not so much so that it would be difficult to move around in. The bath had done wonders to shake the paralysis from her legs, and she felt quite good, except for her anger and annoyance. Her rival had really gotten under her skin this time, and the proud elf was quite nearly fuming at having her pride wounded so.