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Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"Glad you like it. Not made of the most common ingredients, but I save it for people who deserve the help," Fynn replied to her comment about the drink.

When Llæwyn showed some hesitance in terms of elaborating her issues from earlier in the day, Fynn exhaled deeply, tilting his head ever so slightly. "Hum... that bad, huh? Alright, then. I'll be right here if you need me," he reminded her before attending to some of the other customers. The rest of the night went similarly; occasionally the raven-haired elf would place a mug of water in front of the green-haired beauty to help further detox her, and within the next two hours she would find herself feeling a lot better than before, providing quite the drastic change and a bit of much-needed relief.

If Llæwyn were so predisposed to seek company or attention from anyone else, there was an assortment of elves in the bar; a table with three women about her age, one with two men, and several singles hanging out alone. However, there were none that she was extremely familiar with for the most part--it either wasn't a drinking night for the girl's fellow warriors, or they were over at the other bar.

The last call came and went, and it was relatively tame, with no big lines crowding around the recovering swordswoman. After everything was closed up, Fynn poured himself some water and took a seat on the stool right next to Llæwyn. "Phew, what a day, huh? Luckily it's not one of those crazy nights. So what's been eating at you? The Elder send you on a rough task?" He was always pretty good with his guesses when it came to that sort of thing, at least with the tavern's regulars.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn sat at the bar until it closed, watching Fynn serve the other customers absentmindedly. Every so often he would hand her a tall mug of water, which she would drink down fairly slowly. It helped take the remaining edge off of her hangover, slowly ridding her of the headache. She was feeling better, a lot better now, though her mind kept wandering to what had happened that day. How much would she tell the bartender? If she didn’t tell him, she probably wouldn’t tell anyone. Maybe it would help to put it all out on the table, to get it off her chest. The green-haired elf didn’t really notice any of the other patrons that night; it wasn’t crowded, and she wasn’t interested in drawing attention to herself.

When the last call came a few people walked up to the bar, ordering their last drinks and downing them quickly before leaving, alone or in groups. Llæwyn sat and waited while Fynn closed up, locking up the door once the last elf was out and then putting a few things away before finally sitting down next to her and pouring a water for himself. His question as to what was wrong, of course, was spot on, as he usually was, and the green-haired warrior cringed a little, sighing heavily. She had decided somewhere along the line to tell him everything, to lay it all out in the hope that she could put it behind her, at least to some extent.

"Yeah…" she started quietly, her eyes darting over to Fynn before going back to the bottom of her empty mug, "do you remember how Lynnea’s home fell to the ground? The Elder ordered me to investigate, along with her. He suspected that there were portals nearby." The green-haired warrior spun her empty mug around in her hands, grinding her teeth nervously as she paused a little bit. "He turned out to be right, and not long after we got there four tanglevines crawled out of the Void. I managed to kill two of them before one grabbed Lynnea." She was starting to want another drink. "So… It took some doing, but I killed the one that was dragging her off. The fourth one, though…" She brought her feet up onto the stool, hugging her knees instead of her mug now. "It grabbed me, and did something to paralyze me, and… it…" She stumbled over the words, trembling a little. "You can figure out what it did. Lynnea had gone for help, and Aeron came just in time to keep it from dragging me into the Void… and of course that little bitch knew just how to get under my skin and make me feel even worse about everything…" She was really hugging her knees tightly now, her eyes closed. She didn’t want to say any more now, couldn’t bring herself to speak.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"Mm, yeah, I remember that," he replied regarding her mention of the incident with Lynnea's house. However, the kind barkeep didn't make it a point to interject too much, allowing his regular to continue telling her story and occasionally letting her know that he was still listening with an understanding nod. She could tell from his slightly shifting facial expressions that he didn't quite expect to hear such a brutal story, but he sighed and placed a hand on her back, stroking it comfortingly when the girl began to show clear signs of distress.

"Llæwyn... I had no idea. If I did, I probably wouldn't have cut you off that early, but then again I've never seen you drink that much before. I definitely understand why though, now. For you to have gone through this is just..." When she could speak no longer, he stood up, slipping off of the barstool and wrapped his arms around her, patting her back. If nothing else, he was incredibly warm and his touch was calming, without any of the overwhelming nerves that Lynnea's provided, so it was a nice change for once.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn didn’t say anything, pressing her head softly into Fynn’s chest as he hugged her. He was nice and warm, and his gentle touch was soothing after all she had been through. Her arms slowly wrapped around him, pulling him a little tighter against her as she tried not to cry. She would stay like that for some time if he let her, until the urge to cry was gone and she felt more ready to speak. "I’m sorry, now I’m just being burdensome" the green-haired warrior said, pulled back a little bit. "I really… would rather not walk home at this point, even though I could. It’s kind of late and all. And…" She didn’t want to go to bed alone, or wake up that way, but the request was catching in her throat. She didn’t even really know what she wanted out of the night herself. Did she want to fuck him? Maybe. It was probably too soon after the tanglevine, but she was worried about sex now. Maybe it would be better just to have a cuddle buddy. Either way, she got up out of her stool and stood there, not quite looking at the bartender as she pondered just walking back to the room she had woken up in.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"You really aren't," replied the raven-haired elf soothingly. "Everyone has a limit, don't they? And..." Reading her expression, he sighed and nodded to her with a soft, yet solemn look, moving his hands to her shoulders. "I understand. You can stay here for the night, if you want. I'll even fix you up something nice, whatever you want. Nothing heavy though, alright?" He brushed a few stray bangs from her face with one hand, heeding her own personal 'last call' for the night.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn relaxed a little bit as Fynn put his hands on her shoulders, offering to let her stay the night, and to make her one last drink. She sighed, letting him brush some of her bangs out of her face before replying "maybe something fruity. Not too strong, but enough." Maybe with just that little bit of alcohol she would have the courage or the lack of inhibition to ask to share his bed. She still wasn’t sure, of course, if she wanted him to share more than just his bed with her or not, but she could cross that bridge when she came to it.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"Fruity, huh? Hmm, I think I have just the thing. Smooth and Pink, coming up." Fynn winked at the elven beauty before slipping behind the bar and putting his quick hands to work, mixing up a light pinkish beverage in no time. "There you go. Enough to take the edge off, but definitely nothing that's gonna leave you like a shot of Vermilion would. Made from deoricots, juicegrass and a touch of junirant."

The drink went down easy, much thinner than the special cure he gave her from earlier, and had just enough sweetness, mild as it was, to not be overwhelming by any means. There was only a hint of tanginess to it, and but a minimal trace of the alcoholic aftertaste. Llæwyn found it warming, bearing almost a similar effect as a hug from Fynn.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn sat back down at the bar, watching as Fynn mixed her requested drink. Soon enough he had made a light pink beverage for her, made from at least three kinds of fruit with a touch of alcohol. She thanked him and picked up the glass, taking a small sip and testing the taste. It was nice and sweet, though not too much so, with a little bit of tang and alcohol in the aftertaste. It went down warm without burning, and she immediately liked it. "This is good stuff. Maybe not as good as your draft, but for a different time" she said, starting to sip slowly and steadily, savoring the drink. It did indeed take the edge off, leaving her with a bit of a warm glow by the time she had nearly finished it, and either due to the alcohol or the illusion of the alcohol she felt ready to say what she wanted. When the green-haired elf finished her drink she rolled the glass between her hands a few times before scooting it towards him, looking up and saying "Fynn… I… don’t want to go to bed alone tonight. Would you be willing to share?" as she grinned a little bit sheepishly at the bartender.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Llæwyn's request was met with slightly widened eyes, with Fynn looking somewhat surprised, for once, but just a few seconds later, he exhaled softly and smiled. "Well, I... would be dishonest if I were to say that the thought didn't appeal to me." Never had he expected to be the target of this beautiful swordswoman's offer; at the same time, it wasn't something that he would complain about either way. He wasn't about to comment on how bold she was being, as it wasn't the first time she had made such a request--just not of him in particular. Taking her empty glass and placing it with the others, he closed up the downstairs portion of the tavern before the two of them headed back up to his personal chambers, which was located just across the hallway from the guest room where he took care of her.

Fynn changed into some loose-fitting sleeping clothes, and handed Llæwyn a similar set, saying, "Hopefully this will suffice, as I admittedly wasn't prepared for this." Once it was time for them to go to bed, Llæwyn would find that the light sheets were hardly even necessary, as his body next to hers was as warm as always. Somewhat boldly, he wrapped his arms around her and snuggled his cheek against her forehead, providing a sense of comfort via bodily contact.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn could tell that she had surprised Fynn with her request from his reaction, his eyes widening a little as she noted his breath catching in his throat a little. It wasn’t long before he exhaled again, though, smiling at her and telling her that it was a rather appealing offer. She got up and watched him clean up and close up the bar again, grinding her teeth a little before he was finished, and walked upstairs alongside her. At least this trip up the stairs was a little more dignified than the last one, though the green-haired elf couldn’t have known so. His personal room was right across from the one she had woken up in, and it wasn’t too terribly different from that one. Once they were inside the bartender turned his back to her and stripped off his clothes, leaving her to wonder just what his intentions were as she gave his ass a none-too-discreet stare. When he slipped on some loose-fitting pajama-type clothes she let out a tiny sigh that almost sounded like relief…

When he rooted around in his things for a similar pair to give to Llæwyn she replied "it’s fine, I didn’t exactly bring my sleepover gear" and turned around herself, stripping off her clothing quickly and pulling on the fairly comfortable outfit Fynn had given her. They didn’t quite fit her, the shirt drooping from her shoulders to reveal just a bit more cleavage than it was designed to, but it didn’t need to fit her to fulfill its purpose. They crawled into bed together shortly after that, the green-haired warrior snuggling up to the man as he wrapped his arms around her, his cheek pressed up against her face. She sighed, her arms going around his waist as she settled in for the night. She felt warm and safe in his arms, taking her mind off of what troubled her. She slowly leaned up a little, planting a kiss on his cheek and whispering "thank you… you’ve been good to me tonight" before settling down again, drifting slowly off to sleep.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Llæwyn found sleep rather easily, wrapped in the snug embrace of the other elf's arms. Cuddling with him gently, it provided a nice change of pace for the duelist, especially knowing how familiar Fynn was with her, at least emotionally; this time, her partner wasn't some relative stranger that only did so as a reward of Llæwyn offering her body in more intimate ways. The only thing that gave him away at all was the manner in which he looked upon her wearing his clothes, but the raven-haired bartender didn't cross any lines, instead providing the same kind of emotional relief, physically instead of verbally. He simply smiled when she kissed his cheek, brushing her hair with his fingers softly and leaving her feeling warm all over, which lended itself well to Llæwyn's deep slumber.

Morning came, and light peered through the curtains, shining on the two. Fynn cracked his eyes open slowly at around the same time Llæwyn did, releasing a slow groan before stretching out somewhat. "Sleep well?"
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn woke up only slowly as the sun started to poke through the curtains, blinking a few times before turning away from it, pressing her face into Fynn's chest lightly to escape the penetrating rays. "Mmph, I slept really well. Better than normal, in fact" she replied, and it was true. She hadn't taken any time to get to sleep at all, and she felt quite rested and refreshed now. "You?" she asked in return, stretching out a little bit after she had completed her requisite time in the dark. Of course, she tried to discreetly brush a leg against the bartender's crotch, to see if he had woken up aroused as so many of the men she slept with often did.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Fynn's heaving chest proved firm, but not so much to where it would be uncomfortable, and he responded to her statement with a gentle smile, sliding a hand around her shoulder and petting her lovingly. "Mm, that's good to hear. Went to bed on a much better note than on the latter end of ten Vermilion shots, I'd hope?" He gave her a knowing look and a wink, though his smile would prove to be more warm and friendly rather than one that was mocking at all. It probably helped that he was paying her body all of the feel-good attentions that it needed for quite some time now, those of being safe, secure, and of course, wanted.

As she brushed her thigh against the telltale bulge between Fynn's legs, he blushed visibly and widened his eyes at her, and he could only respond with a sheepish grin, saying, "A-Ah, sorry about that... It just does that, especially in the morning. I didn't mean to be rude."
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn couldn’t help but swoon just a little as Fynn petted her tenderly, chuckling a little when he joked about drunken stupor with a wink. "I wouldn’t know, but I’d hope so" she replied, grinning a little. She had slept with many, many men over the years, most in a more intimate setting, but few of them had treated the green-haired warrior this lovingly. She felt so warm and safe cuddled up next to him, his presence so comforting. She could get used to waking up with him like this, for sure… Her thigh soon found what it was looking for, of course, drawing a blush and an apology out of the bartender; he was quite clearly hard, his erection pressing slightly against his loose pants. "No, don’t be sorry. I’ve been here enough to know how that works" she replied quietly, leaning forward again to kiss his chest gently. "It might even be rude not to be erect with a woman in your bed" she teased, though she frowned a little. "No, it’s okay. And…" She nuzzled up to him, her head just below his chin as she got down to a whisper.

"I’m kind of worried, you know? When that thing started, it… hurt me pretty badly. But… after that…" Llæwyn could hardly bear to keep speaking, but she needed to, to make him understand her concern. "After a while it started to feel… better than you can possibly imagine." Her ears were bright red with shame. "And I’m worried that… that anything else will just pale in comparison… that I won’t be able to really enjoy it anymore." She hugged herself tightly against him again for a moment before pulling back and looking up at him. "Pardon my boldness… but would you consider trying to set my mind at ease?" The green-haired elf was blushing furiously; she had never been so embarrassed about asking for sex, not even when she was much younger and less experienced. She quickly added "please don’t feel obligated, please. If it isn’t something you want, you don’t need to do it. I won’t be offended. I understand this is… an odd request, and maybe more pressure than I wanted to put on you when I started explaining…"
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

"I suppose you're right," he replied with a somewhat relieved expression, to her implication that -not- being erect could be rude, at least in this particular situation. Leaning his head down and stroking her shoulder, he remained silent in order to hear Llæwyn out. "You mean... the tanglevine?" He paused, and the moment could have gotten more awkward, but luckily for the swordswoman, Fynn continued on. "I didn't realize it could... be that good for you. But I won't judge you in the slightest," he commented, trying to shed the mental image of his bedmate being ravaged by a mass of green tentacles, an imagined picture ironically not far from the reality that occurred just the other day.

He looking concerned at first, but then nodded slowly, replying in an understanding tone. "Sex, you mean... mm, I get it. If it's for you, I wouldn't have minded anyway." Out of all the men that he witnessed Llæwyn taking home, Fynn never quite expected to be one of them--sure, he provided her with an ear to listen, but it wasn't exactly an uncommon thing for him to do as a bartender. However, seeing how well she took to what came so naturally to the barkeep made him realize how deep he was in it. It was hard for him to refuse--after all, she was gorgeous, and the thought of laying with her kept Fynn quite hard, and impressively so. He wanted to say something, like a confirmation of some sort, or at least he felt that he should have. Instead, he simply swallowed, turning to face her slowly and nuzzling the tip of his nose against hers, his warm breath tickling her before the raven-haired elf closed in and met the girl halfway in a most sensual kiss. Perhaps he was the type simply incapable of being rough in any manner--and this could be more or less a bad thing for Llæwyn, whose last sexual experience involved a most brutal ravaging by a creature of the Void.

However, she was likely about to find out anyway, as Fynn subtly positioned himself over her, cradling her head while boldly deepening the kiss, only going further from there if the green-haired beauty would show at least some degree of receptiveness to his actions. If she did, he'd continue smoothly, his tongue intertwined with hers, his focused and warm touch causing the woman's spine to tingle and a rush of electricity to shoot through her body. He was quite good, really, in that he didn't rush to grab at her womanly assets, instead putting each of her muscles at ease with a gentle massage. Llæwyn would only feel a soft kneading sensation from her partner's hands working its way from the nape of her neck, to her shoulders, arms, and down her sides, finally reaching her hips, settling there momentarily before sliding back up. All the while, Fynn's passionate kiss would make many of her former lovers' embraces pale in comparison, as he complemented her movements carefully with his own, synchronizing with her body the same way his mind often did with hers.
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Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

There were a few tense moments for Llæwyn as she watched Fynn’s reaction to her request. He seemed genuinely concerned for her, an almost sad look on his face as he leaned in close and rubbed her shoulder, but it wasn’t guaranteed he would say yes. She was kind of kicking herself for going into as much detail as she had; surely he wouldn’t want to be her first after being raped, definitely not after she had prattled on about how good it had been. She hadn’t really thought of him as a target for this sort of thing before, even though he was a rather handsome elf; he was a good confidant and a friend, and she hadn’t necessarily wanted to mix those things with her one-night stands in the past. The look on his face slowly changed, though, and he nodded and agreed. The green-haired elf was still quite nervous, her stomach tied up tight in knots as the bartender turned a little to come face to face with her, his nose nuzzled up to hers.

The two of them stayed in that position for a little while, Llæwyn’s heart pounding against her chest in anticipation. She could feel Fynn’s warm breath against her lips, just as she felt the warmth of his body wherever it brushed up against her, even through their loose-fitting clothes. She had expected him to rush into it once he had committed, as most men (and women, for that matter) she had slept with did, but he let the moment linger before finally leaning in to meet her lips with his own. Again it was a different sort of experience for her; the kiss wasn’t hungry or lustful, but was rather sensual. The green-haired elf returned it, perhaps a little over-eagerly for the way he was kissing her, as he shifted around to slowly position himself on top of her. One of his hands cradled her head softly as he deepened the kiss, much to her liking. There was passion in his kissing, seemingly not just for the act itself, but for her as well. She closed her eyes and held her partner tight against her, her tongue intertwining with his inside her mouth as she relaxed into the embrace.

Fynn’s hands weren’t idle as he kissed Llæwyn, not by a long shot. He began to tenderly caress her all the way down her body, massaging the nape of her neck down to her shoulders, moving lower and lower as time went on. The touch was electric, rousing her up even as it relaxed her muscles; he was good, really good, and she had never had a lover quite like this. The green-haired elf idly wondered how many other women he had treated to this sort of wonderful experience as they made out. When his hands were finally resting on her hips, he began to massage his way back up, and she trembled a little in his arms, cooing out into his mouth. She had felt she needed this before, but he had made her want it in a way she hadn’t when she woke up. Time seemed immaterial, irrelevant, and she felt so warm and wanted and good… she began to grind her lower body against his as she held him tight, to feel his erection against her through their clothes and to signal that she was more than ready for the next stage if he was.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Fine

As Llæwyn began to move her hips against Fynn's, she'd find that he was more than 'ready', the defined bulge at his crotch as hard as she'd expect it to be. He mirrored her motions to show that he was just as eager as she was, and the gentle rocking motions made against one another provided the first hint of carnal urgency, but even then, Fynn remained patient. After ensuring that every last trace of stiffness or tension in Llæwyn's muscles were gone, he moved on to make her feel even better, carefully stroking and fondling her bust with one hand as the other slid down her lower abdomen, brushing against each of her inner thighs before finding her womanhood and teasing her further through the thin fabric of the girl's sleepwear.

The only possibly frustrating part about Fynn's actions in this case was that a less patient woman might have wanted to go all the way, right away. However, he did have a way of making it all feel so good; after all, he wasn't even touching her bare skin at this point, merely pleasing her through her clothes. When he did move on, however, his hands did so simultaneously, one snaking underneath her lower garments to reach her moistened lower lips, and the other methodically unbuttoning her top before opening it to reveal her lovely breasts. As he moved to skin on skin contact, which fired off nerve endings everywhere upon the swordwoman's body, Llæwyn would find that her chosen lover hadn't dropped his 'style' of flowing, sensual foreplay--it was just how he did things. He didn't just blindly grab at one part then the other in a disconnected sequence. His touch was practically liquid, flowing over her body simultaneously and covering her frame in pleasure. Llæwyn could feel her nipples being teased one at a time with a feather-light touch; her clit soon received similar attentions at Fynn's fingertips.

The green-haired beauty soon felt a wetness circling about each of her areolas, and she found that her partner had already moved down to lash the tip of his tongue along those pink nubs of hers, likely causing them to harden on their own, and eventually moved on to suckle them for a few moments. He even bothered to kiss and lick at the sensitive underside of her breasts as he moved down, trailing kisses down the girl's midline and making his way to her wet cunny, where his fingers were still hard at work, polishing her clit. Fynn exchanged meaningful looks with her, keeping his eyes locked on hers as he went down and proceeded to add to her lower wetness, painting her pink crevice with a mixture of his saliva and Llæwyn's own secretions. He didn't linger there for too long, however, only taking her to the very tip of orgasm if at all, mainly seeking to heighten the beautiful elf's state of arousal to where she would be ready for the next step.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn could feel the bulge between her partner’s legs as she rubbed up against him, and Fynn slowly began to mirror her motions, the two grinding against one another gently as they kissed. His hands had been massaging her neck and shoulders again, but now he moved on to the next stage of things, slowly reaching around her body. One of his hands began to fondle her somewhat modest bust carefully through her clothes, the other trailing down her stomach slowly. The green-haired elf trembled a little bit beneath her partner in anticipation and pleasure, his skilled touches quickly making her even more ready. When he finally reached her lower lips he was rewarded with a muffled moan into his mouth, his soft stroking finding her already wet, rubbing the moisture into her thin sleepwear. Normally she was much less patient than this, and more assertive, but Fynn had a gentle, practiced hand, and he was doing everything right to please her; she was already feeling wonderful.

The bartender continued to grope and stroke Llæwyn through her clothing for a minute or two, getting her more and more worked up until he decided to move on. He unbuttoned her shirt slowly and methodically as he slipped his other hand beneath her pants, slowly trailing his way down her mound. His moves were flowing and soft, his fingers rarely leaving her skin, but also rarely more than brushed against her, setting her nerve endings on fire in a pleasant way. Soon enough she felt his fingers tease her nipples one at a time with a touch so light and precise that she doubted the majority of her lovers over time could have managed it. The green-haired elf let out a soft sigh as Fynn pulled away from their kiss finally, almost protesting before she felt that same teasing rubs against her clit. She began to wriggle a little under her partner’s skilled touch, gasping out in pleasure as he lowered his head to slowly lick at one of her breasts, his tongue flicking against her nipple until it was quite stiff. She reached down to softly run her fingers through his jet-black hair as she threw her head back against the pillow, closing her eyes and relishing his ministrations while he started suckle gently on the sensitive nub for a while before moving on to give the same attention to the other breast.

When the bartender had given Llæwyn’s chest in his estimation he began to kiss his way down her body, starting with the undersides of her breasts and moving down her toned stomach. All the while his finger continued to lightly brush against her clit in careful circles, which was starting to really drive her wild. She raised up her head again to watch him, rubbing the back of his head as he kissed his way down, wriggling and shivering in anticipation as he got ever closer to her very wet pussy. Their eyes locked in a surprisingly intense moment as he started to kiss her mound, the green-haired elf unable to tear her gaze away.

Finally Fynn lashed out with his tongue, slowly licking the length of her slit, and was rewarded with a long, low moan. She was more than ready, as her partner would be able to easily ascertain; he had been masterful in his foreplay thus far, and it only took him a few long, slow licks to pull back a little, judging that things were ready for the next phase. "You really know how to get a girl riled up" Llæwyn whispered quietly, spreading her legs a little more as she reached out to her partner, her arms spread to hold him again. Her eyes were filled with a mixture of need, desire, and affection as she stared into his, her face and chest flushed with arousal.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Llæwyn: HP = 80, PP = 60, EP = 42, Status = Horny, Penetrated

After he had the beautiful elf all worked up from his skilled foreplay, Fynn left her glistening flower with a parting kiss, grasping the half-removed pants she wore and tugging them off all the way, leaving Llæwyn in little more than an opened pajama top, her fine legs and chest exposed for him to admire. Rising to his knees, he took a moment to free his member from its fabric constraints. He was already visibly erect, as pleasing the swordswoman had apparently did as much for him as it did for her. The barkeep removed his shirt as well, then slowly lowered himself on top of the aroused beauty, smoothly sliding his hips in between her legs. He wasn't quite in, not yet anyway, though Llæwyn could feel the underside of his shaft gliding back and forth along her lower lips, teasing her even further and causing her natural juices to slicken his manhood as well, preparing it for entry.

Fynn himself was in no hurry though, rocking to and fro as he brought his body closer to that of his lovely partner, his chest warmly pressing against hers. He caressed the side of her face once more before asking, "Are you ready...?" Once given any kind of confirmation, he'd look deeply into Llæwyn's eyes before adjusting himself promptly, then easing his hips forward ever so slowly. The resulting sensation was heavenly for both of them, with Fynn gradually sinking headfirst into the green-haired elf's warm depths, in turn allowing her to feel his cock filling her completely, parting her petals and giving her just what she had been yearning for. He wasn't too large, but rather a perfect fit, making the overall experience rather pleasurable for the girl, whose sensitive interior could feel practically every detail of her able lover's throbbing tool. "Nnnnn... aah," he gasped after sliding himself down to the hilt, becoming one with her at the completion of his initial entry.

It felt wonderful enough as is, with his body pressed so closely to hers, and to have a man this familiar with Llæwyn's various admissions throughout the years just made everything that much better--any embarrassment or inhibitions she might have otherwise had with a stranger or 'regular' was completely absent from the connection with Fynn. Soon enough, however, he'd double her internal level of bliss as he began to move. Instead of pounding her as fast and as hard as he could with reckless abandon, he methodically and rhythmically took her, again and again, a steady, somewhat slow pace allowing the green-haired one to savor every moment of their passionate tryst. Each thrust deep inside of Llæwyn sent a wave of pleasure throughout her entire body, the kind that could make anyone shiver with excitement, jolts of electricity quickly traveling outwards to the very tips of her fingers and toes.

Tilting his head downward, Fynn met her in a feverish, hot kiss, his shallow breath warming her as he continued to roll his hips into hers, the base of his shaft grinding at her clit at the end of each stroke. Shuddering slightly with every beat, he groaned softly as he explored her mouth with his tongue, immersing himself and his partner in the combination of various stimuli that, together with the trust and openness between them, made up the experience of their lovemaking. As he went on, the raven-haired elf cradled the back of her head, as well as the small of her back, in his hands, cuddling and holding her snugly in his grasp to help brace her against the tides of pleasure that came rolling in and out with his steady movements.
Re: Reclaiming the Wood (Tiffanian) GMed by Takimaru

Fynn gave Llæwyn’s wet pussy one last kiss as he pulled back, helping her to wiggle her half-down pants completely off before he got up onto his knees, freeing his erection from his own pajama pants. The green-haired elf’s eyes lingered on his hard cock for a good while, shivering a little in both pleasure and anticipation. It always felt good to be wanted like this, and it helped that he was nicely hung; not obscenely large, but a bit on the big side of normal, judging from her various previous romps. Her eyes wandered up when he slipped off his shirt, to admire the rest of his body. He kept himself up pretty well, and had a fairly firm body, though he wasn’t particularly special in that category. Still not bad to look at, of course, especially as aroused as she was, and she enjoyed taking in the sight of her partner before he lowered himself to her.

Llæwyn quickly wrapped her arms around Fynn as he got down on top of her, gently rubbing his back as she felt his cock begin to glide along her slit, not quite entering her yet, just getting himself lubed up and ready for penetration. Even just this sent little thrills up her back, his slow pacing building up her arousal to a fever pitch. Though her instinct was telling her to hurry, she was able to suppress it; the bartender was good enough that she was willing to give him free reign, to trust him to go about this in just the right way. It was sort of remarkable, really, considering that she had just been raped this morning. He slowly pressed himself down on top of her, his warm chest against hers, gently stroking her cheek and asking her if she was ready. She nodded and let out a soft "mmm" to signal her assent to move on to the next stage of their coupling.

Llæwyn stared back into Fynn’s eyes while he adjusted himself, a smile that was somewhere between affection and lust across her face as she did so. And then he slowly eased himself forward, and she felt him slowly parting her lower lips, entering her gently. Her body was very ready for it, and it slid in without discomfort, despite the size. In fact, of all the men she had ever been with the bartender was probably the most perfect fit she had ever experienced, and her sensitive inner walls could feel every little vein on his member, without being stretched out uncomfortably. As he hilted himself inside her, the green-haired elf felt quite wonderful, on a level beyond merely physical; it felt good to share herself like this with someone she was close to, and she was vaguely feeling the error of her previous thinking on the matter. This was a far more intimate experience than she was used to, and she rather liked it.

Fynn paused for a moment once he was fully inside Llæwyn, letting things settle with their bodies pressed tightly against one another. When he finally began to move she held him even tighter, letting out soft moans as he pulled back slowly, and then pushed himself back in again. He built up to a slow, steady rhythm with his thrusts, unlike almost any such experience she had had before. Each gentle thrust sent a wave of pleasure rushing through her body, causing her to shudder beneath him as he leaned down to kiss her again. The green-haired elf returned the kiss with an incredible urgency, needing to taste her partner’s lips, and to give an outlet for the emotions she was feeling. She could feel his heartbeat against her chest, mingling with hers as she licked at his tongue in her mouth, and she had never felt so connected to another person before in her life. The bartender cradled her head in his hands as he kissed her, and she held onto his back as tight as she could as their bodies rocked together in that slow rhythm, moaning into his mouth. The physical pleasure wasn’t as intense as what the tanglevine had given her, that much was certain, but that thought didn’t come close to crossing her mind in the moment. He had done a wonderful job of arousing her beforehand, and she was already building up to her climax under his attentions, though his slow pace was giving her plenty of time to savor their coupling.