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Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Ahead of her, there was a metal door, hanging off its hinges, that would lead her into the castle. The path also lead around the curved building, to where the stained glass windows were.

There was also the garden path she had yet to check... and that hole in the wall back near the main entrance. It didn't seem like she was being watched...

There was a howl behind her, closer than the one she'd heard before. It sounded like whatever it was, it was getting closer...
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate pondered the door into the castle, and then the garden path seriously, before the howl drew her attention and reminded her she didn't have time to dawdle. Turning to look for just a second, she started to jog towards the door and immediately regretted moving that quickly, as the strategically placed rope demon made a shock of pleasure shoot up her spine, her petals parted in a way that made the fabric of her breeches rub her a little too close to home for a moment as she gasped softly, and slowed to a fast walk, occasionally wincing and tensing as it happened again.

Wearing a rope harness was great, but it didn't do her any favours in keeping her from getting unusually aroused for no reason and once inside, she had to stop for a moment and catch her breath, calming down as she felt herself slicken a little.
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Her feet would kick up the dust in the room- a mild amount of it covered the long tables, some with plates and platters still adorning them, even if the old china was cracked and broken by now. It looked to be a feasting hall, with several rows of long tables and a raised platform at the south end of the room. Those tables and chairs still seemed to be relatiely dust-free, but the material hanging over them was full of dust.

On the opposite wall, Hecate could see two doors- one about midway along the west wall, the other in the northwest corner. Both lolled open, inviting a potentially unobstructed way in.
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate took the time to look around after she had calmed down a little, sneezing at the dust that was kicked up as she entered. Staring into what looked like a giant dining room or banquet hall, Hecate took her time, walking slowly around the room as she made her way towards the raised platform, slowly tugging the fabric away that covered the seats and tables, enjoying the sheer strangeness of the situation.

So far she had been attacked by jelly, rope, armour, and managed to wind up in a castle. Despite the situation, Hecate had to admit she was having entirely too much fun.
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Surprise round!

Wrap demon attempts to latch onto Hecate! (10)

Hecate takes 1 FP damage and gains the Encased Lv. 1 status! (4) (-1 to attacks)

As she pulled the cloth off the table, suddenly, it seemed to take a life of its own. It flapped through the air and began to wrap itself around her, managing to get ahold of one leg. It was working the material, trying to get itself into position for another attack, and the rope squirmed as it was compressed by the wrap demon.

Hecate 7/8 FP 0/10 AP

Wrapped Lv. 1 (-1 to attacks)

Wrap Demon 7/7 FP
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate let out a startled squeak as the cloth came to life, struggling a little before punching at the fabric, which admittedly made little sense, but she had been startled and simply reacted as her leg was snared.
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate punches the sheet! (13 - 1 = 12)

She hits for 1 FP! (10)

The wrap demon strikes again! (3)

It can't even get close to Hecate! (16)

Her fist tore through the fabric, creating a small hole. The cloth flailed about, and tried its best to get around her again, but it just couldn't move fast enough! It settled for flapping in the air, trying its best to get around her again.

Hecate 7/8 FP 0/10 AP
Wrap Lv. 1

Wrap Demon: 6/7 FP
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Managing to actually damage cloth with her fists, Hecate was pretty glad for her training as she spun away from the surprisingly slow cloth. Thus far everything had been preternaturally quick...

Grinning as she pulled the small knife out, she spun the blade into a slash grip, the blade down and facing out as she balanced and struck, her fist coming out as she brought the blade to bear on the fabric.
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate slices the Wrap Demon! (16- Bonus and Wrap penalty cancel out)

The Wrap Demon gets carved like a proverbial turkey! (1) (Wrap Demon takes... let's see here... that's 1 EP for the hit, doubled to 2 for the crit, plus another one for the knife being effective against cloth... we'll call it 3 FP damage from that strike.)

The Wrap Demon does its best to surround Hecate! (17)

It further wraps her up, putting even more pressure on the rope demon! (8) (Hecate takes 1 FP damage. She is now at Wrap Lv. 2 ; -2 to attacks.)

The little knife slid into her hand, and it proved to be a bad thing... if you were made of cloth. The Wrap Demon almost howeled in pain as the little blade made several big slices in its cloth- twisting around in its attempts to get away, it aggravated several of the other tears she'd made in it. This didn't stop it from further wrapping her up, though- it put more pressure on the little rope demon, who almost audibly squeaked at the pressure. It wasn't used to such treatment...

Hecate: 6/8 FP, 0/10 AP
Wrap Lv. 2 (-2 to attacks)

Wrap Demon 3/7 FP
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Being further wrapped gave Hecate trouble as she could only lash out against the cloth not basically adhered to her skin as she was further encased, growling and striking at the still trailing ends with the knife, feeling the rope demon tighten, unsure what to do.
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate slices the demon! (13 - 2 + 1 = 12)

She cuts up the Wrap Demon again! (7) (1 FP damage + 1 FP for the knife)

The Wrap Demon tries to wrap Hecate's arms! (14)

Hecate is bound up! (1 FP damage! Hecate now has Wrap Lv. 3- she cannot attack and has -3 to escapes!

The rope demon passes out from damage...

Though the little knife was once again effective against the cloth, Hecate left her arm out just a little too long, and the wrap demon made sure she'd pay for that mistake. It took the opportunity to wrap around her arms, binding them to her sides with one pass of itself. About the only thing left uncovered of her right now was her head. There was still a chance to break away, if she wanted to, but whatever she had in mind, she'd better do it fast.

She could feel the rope demon shudder and then go still underneath her clothes- was it dead, or just knocked out from the compression?

Hecate 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Rope Demon 0/3 FP

Wrap Lv. 3 - Hecate cannot attack! Escapes at -3)

Wrap Demon 1/7 FP
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate scored another hit, only to find her arms pinned, dropping the knife as she was squeezed and she felt the rope demon go limp. Overcome with worry about her new friend, she gave a surprised yelp as she overbalanced and fell on her side, squirming under the constricting cloth, trying to free a limb or loosen things a little so she could strike back, helpless in her current position.
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate makes an escape attempt! (17 - 3 = 14)

She breaks somewhat free of the Wrap Demon! (9)

The Wrap Demon attacks again! (12)

Hecate manages to keep it away! (12) She is now at Wrap Lv. 2! (-2 to attack)

It was a last-ditch attack for Hecate- but her struggling seemed to aggravate some of the earlier tears that she'd managed to make on the demon's fabric, and she managed to get an arm through.

Still intent upon securing its prey, the demon tried its best to get her under control again, but failed, unable to wrap up her arm again. It looked to be tiring, as well- its flaps less enthusiastic, as if it were judging its prey...

Hecate 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Wrap Lv. 2 (-2 to attacks)

Wrap Demon 1/7 FP
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate managed to loosen the grip of the living fabric, cursing that she had dropped the blade in a moment of panic when she had been temporarily rendered helpless. Knowing the creature was weak by the severity of the tears and holes showing, she lashed out, hoping to end the conflict.

Morning Green_Jay ^-^
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate attacks! (15 - 2 = 13)

The Wrap Demon falls! (2)

As Hecate's fist drives through it, the entire wrap demon gives a shudder- and then suddenly collapses upon itself, the sheet almost disintegrating upon her as her blow hits home.

The knife is on the floor, waiting for her to pick it up.

As she bends over, however, she is greeted with a pop-up:

Due to your skills, you have been awarded Unarmed Expertise Lv. 1 (+1 to attack and defense). Your FP level has increased! (new maximum 7/7)

The popup would flash for a few seconds, but would then fold and disappear.

The two doors loom before her- or she could return to the outside... the way to go was hers alone.
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Panting softly, Hecate eeped and fell over backwards as the pop up surprised her, announcing that she had apparently increased in power. Chuckling as she stood and picked up the knife, she tugged gently at the rope demon. "Hey... Are you okay?" She asked nervously, checking on her friend before choosing to head deeper into the castle. Heading for the door in the northwest corner.
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Life check: Passed

Hecate takes 2 AP damage as the demon re-settles itself!

There is now a 20% chance per post while wearing the rope demon that Hecate takes 1 AP!

Perception: Hecate (2) vs. ????? (3) = Failed!

At her tug, her little friend suddenly seemed to wake up and clench down, tightening itself around her body and forcing her breasts out, as well as slipping a loop between her petals and giving her an affectionate rub. It was obvious the little guy was still on her side, but at the same time, it felt entitled to a little taste of her warmth and juices for the blows she'd just taken.

As she opened the door, she found herself... in a kitchen.

Once a place where grand feasts were cooked, now it seemed like the only thing that was there was was a number of stoves with pans still upon them, and a large preparation area where an extremely large (think six foot by three foot) dining tray with cover lay, on an immense counter. It looked rather shiny.

Around the walls, what used to be cooking implements hung. There didn't seem to be a live soul in the place... or a chunk of edible food. There was another door in the opposite corner of the kitchen, but this one was closed.

Hecate 10/10 FP 2/10 AP
Mildly Aroused (-2 to attacks)

Rope Demon 3/3 FP
Re: Hecate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate immediately gasped as the Rope took what it thought was its Just price for taking a beating for her. Fidgeting a little, she tugged at it playfully before heading through the door and finding a kitchen...

Looking around, suddenly aware of being hungry, she poked around looking for food, her eyes resting on the large dining tray since there didn't seem to be any food anywhere anyway...