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The Spire


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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'The Spire' will be a Five part short story series about a woman who is held captive in a mysterious living prison, it will describe her life in the spire and her observations from position as a slave.

The Spire, Part 1

The cries and wails of women echoed through the halls of the spire, a large structure which housed thousands of women who were all held against their will here, in the middle of the spire was a large wormlike creature which rose high into the air and oversaw the collection of women whose fate would all eventually be the same.

Lily's arms and legs were bound like the rest of the women here, sucked in by mouthlike orifices which felt gooey and warm inside, Lily's body was covered with warm slime, residue from the tentacles which crawled across her bodies and performed the necessary management functions for the women's bodies while they were held captive here, the humid atmosphere here seemed to keep the women and the slime warm, it felt uncomfortable, like living inside of someone's mouth as they breathed, the place was most certainly alive, the walls of this place moved and grew.

Lily winced as the tentacle which was burrowed deep inside of her ass wiggled and spasmed, slurping up some of her soupy fecal matter from inside of her colon.

The Tentacle in Lily's mouth simultaneously released some fluid of its own, the warm salty gooey substance was thick and disgusting, but lily had long ago learned that fighting it's consumption was futile, as the more she fought it, the more the tentacle would force it into her, causing her to gag as it squirted it directly down her through, rather than lightly depositing it onto her tongue for it to ooze down her throat slowly, or for her to eventually swallow it.

Lily felt the warm stream of fluid splash against the back of her neck and run down her back, immediately closing her eyes so that none of the urine from above would find it's way into her eyes, Lily had a woman directly underneath her as well, a small blonde girl who would just as often have to endure a similar shower from Lily when she felt the urge.

As disgusting as it was, the place didnt smell like piss, the meatwall which covered most of this place absorbed most of the loose fluid, likely filtering it and recycling it, if anything, the spire smelled like flowers, likely a method of keeping the stress the captives here down, though it did little to settle the nerves of the women who all knew their eventual fate would come at any time.

Growing out of the floor in the center of the spire at the bottom was a large worm-like creature which wiggled and shifted loosely as it sat idly by, its maw would turn towards the women occasionally, revealing it's maw, a tangle of small tentacles which were ready to spring out and grab one of them at a moments notice.

The Spire was a kind of preservation device, ment to keep the captives here sustained between meals for the worm, who would occasionally become hungry and feast on one of them, seemingly at random.

Lily felt an icy chill roll down her spine as the Maw of the worm passed her, its hundreds of tentacles inside of it's mouth hungered for their flesh and Lily knew that someone would be chosen soon.

Suddenly, the worm's head jerked forward and slammed against the wall, an unfortunate woman against it was grabbed onto by the tentacles in the creature's mouth, screamed for help as her arms and legs were released from the wall behind her and she entered the maw of the worm.

The Tentacles grabbed her where ever they could, wrapping around her arms, legs and neck.

A spray of fluid gushed from the back of the creatures mouth, splashing against the front of the woman's body.

Lily cringed as she watched the beast grope the woman, its other tentacles caressing her gently and hungerly.

A large tongue came from deep down in the creature's throat, it slide up between the woman's legs and pressed itself against the woman's back, gently sliding back and grinding it's slimy membrane against the woman's delicate crevices.

The woman tried to scream but her voice was muffled by terror, looking down into the creature's throat, her and every other woman's eventual destination.

For a moment longer, the creature savored the taste of the woman's body, its long tongue continued to molest her as the thick slimy fluid which had been applied earlier dripped off of her body and back into the mouth of the terrible creature.

finally, the worm tilt it's head back and the tentacles in the maw released her, the woman slid helplessly down the creature's throat and a slight bulge was created in the worm as the woman traveled downward into oblivion.

the worm rose high up again and waited again idly, preparing for its next meal.

The Women of the Spire remained quiet, they didn't want to attract the attention of the worm in case it was still hungry.

A couple of the newer ones weeped for a moment, but Lily had been here for at least six months and never felt anything for the others anymore.

'Sweet release' she thought to herself, as she thought of the woman's fate. Her fear was over, she was no longer stuck here waiting for when her time might come. with any luck, it was a quick death, which was all these women could hope for now.

For the first few weeks, Lily remembered hoping for a way to escape from this place, a way to crawl away and reach freedom, but that hope quickly faded as she watched hundreds of women become devoured by the worm before her, taken from the wall and left screaming in their final moments.

Lily promised she would not struggle or scream like the others, she would accept her fate willingly, and although she still felt terror as the maw of the worm passed over her, she secretly yearned for release and wanted nothing more now than the horrible and inevitable death which would surely come for them eventually.

Another glob of disgusting fluid was deposited onto lily's tongue from the tentacle in her mouth, she closed her eyes and let it roll back down her throat, accepting it.

End of Part 1.
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Re: The Spire

Part 2

Lily woke to the pressure of urine building up in her bladder, she opened her eyes and tilted her head down to look below her.

The ridged walls of the spire housed hundreds of women below her, and many more hundreds above, directly below her however was the petite blonde girl who always had the misfortune of being pissed on by Lily during times like this when she had to go and this time wouldn't be any different.

Lily kept to herself like the other women did, chatter seemed to summon the attention of the worm and although Lily herself was prepared to die, she didnt want to attract the worm to that corner of the spire for some other girl to inherit her fate, occasionally, Lily would look up and make eye contact with the one above her, she had long black hair and smooth pale skin, Lily knew the girl felt just as guilty as Lily did when she had to urinate, but there was nothing either of them do, the structure was set up so that each woman had someone else directly below them, and gravity nobody's friend here, least of all the girls are the very bottom of the spire.

Lily released her muscled holding her bladder and started to piss, the woman beneath her immediately arched her neck forward as the urine splashed down on the back of her neck and rolled down her back, just as it had hundreds of times before.

The excess urine flowed against the ridged walls of the spine and trickled downward, lightly dousing the women below the blonde girl before it dissipated.

Everything about this place was humiliating and cruel, Lily thought to herself as the last drops of urine dripped from her, at least the women were forced to shit all over each other.

As she thought about it, her bowels shifted and the tentacle inserted inside of her asshole moved slightly, likely sucking up some of the fecal matter inside of her colon, Lily never felt the tentacle anymore when it didnt move, it had become like a part of her over these long months and her asshole had become accustomed to being held open now by the mass of the tentacle that her sphincter muscles didn't contract, the first couple of days that the tentacle had been inserted into her were the worst, her sphincter was constantly contracting and she felt exhausted from having to endure the tentacle inside of her.

Lily wondered what would happen if she ever escaped from this place? would her anus ever be able to recover after being held open for this long? there was no use thinking about it, it was out of her hands.

Lily looked up at the worm, it was in the process of grabbing another woman as it pressed it's maw against the opposite side of the Spire, the woman tried to fight it as she crawled and struck the creature as much as she could, but it was no use, the creature forced her down it's maw and her body appeared as a bulge against the worm's body as she descended downward.

It was pointless to mourn them, though at one point Lily did.

What was down there in the worm's belly anyway? a big pool of stomach acid ready to melt the flesh from their bodies? an ocean of slime which would drown them and eventually disintegrate them?

Lily tried not to think about it, The problem was, there really wasn't much else to think about.

She had been held here for months, and for a while, she was filled with terror, the first couple of days were the worst, she remembered being in a permanent state of despair, and shortly after, she tried with all of her might to escape, struggling for hours at a time against her organic bonds, there was plenty of time to reflect on her life, to remember her friends and other people she cared about, but there comes to a point where there simply is nothing else to think about, where life becomes a state of boredom, even pain was a welcome diversion from the monotony.

Some days, Lily found herself struggling against the tentacles inserted inside of her, not to try to escape, but to be punished and feel the pain which would follow, Lily discovered that by bouncing her body and displacing the tentacle inside of her ass, it would reposition itself and thrust again in order to maintain it's original position, doing this, Lily was able to feel the pain of the tentacle as it's mass wiggled around inside of her.

but eventually, even the pain she could bring upon herself was boring her, and she had a period where she just simply wanted to give up and die, for weeks she yelled aloud at the worm, trying to get it's attention, but it ignored her, choosing to feast on one of the other women seemingly at random.

Death would be a reward for her, and she would not resist her opportunity to accept it.

The worm turned toward Lily's side of the room and scanned the wall, lily stretched her legs out and stood up tall, her hearted started beating faster as she looked into the mouth of the creature and saw it's hundreds of small tentacles wiggling around excitedly.

Lily smelled the breath of the beast as it passed over her, it smelled like a swamp inside of the creature's mouth, the back of its throw was lined with slime and meaty surface, the worm went downward from Lily and focused on the blonde girl beneath, who squirmed as the creature lunged forward and bit into the wall behind her, lily watched from above as the creature's tentacles grabbed the woman around her legs and waist, the meaty manacles which held her in place immediately released as the girl was now bound by creature instead, the blonde yelled and tried to fight as the hungry tentacles pulled her in and held her down against the worm's meaty tongue which fondled her gently.

The worm rose its head up slightly and lily saw as the girl reached out toward her for help, shortly before the mouth of the creature closed and started a chewing motion, Lily didnt think the creature had any teeth, but the tentacles inside might be smashing up against her body in able to get a better feel of her, after four quick mashes of the creature's jaw, the worm tilted it's head back and the familiar bulge appeared in the worm's throat, the girl started her descent into the creature, her silky body being caressed by the throat of the creature while she dropped.

Lily didnt feel bad for her, she actually felt kind of happy for her, her suffering was likely over, if anything, lily was frustrated that she had come so close to being chosen and was passed over, lily closed her eyes and tried to sleep after that, hoping that the creature would take her in the night.

End of part 2.
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