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Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Angie Winchester

Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66
Status: Not too shabby.

Acheron, the demon city of vice. A stolen city, and a place where one could easily find anything one wished to slake their desires - provided, of course, they could afford it. Potent alcohol? Check. Palate-melting food? Check. People who would enact violence on things for your behalf? Check. Obscure trinkets, tomes, materials, knowledge? A little more niche, but check. Ubiquitous, ridiculous sex, with whoever, whatever, however you pleased? Hell, you couldn't turn your head to spit without finding that.

Not everyone that lived in the city did so because of those qualities, however. For one reason or another, the terrible aliens that had invaded the world didn't trouble Acheron - seemingly wary of it's ruler. So, while it was certainly a a seedy place - it was also a safe place. An exceedingly rare quality these days.

Still, not everyone who inhabited the city had come to it because of those qualities. You couldn't choose where in or to who you were born. Angela Winchester, born in this town, when it bore it's old name of Artmirst and was an altogether wholly different place, to the mechanics for an unimportant gang that was long since no more. Her passion - or at least, her skills, it would seem, lay in the disciplines of machinery.

Angie was in her workshop, working on fixing up a rifle - she still wasn't sure how the client managed to remove it from his neck, a portion of it's barrel bent into a circle, apparently by a troll he'd shot with it - when she heard a loud an unusually obnoxious voice from come around the corner. "HOY! FIX-IT LADY, YOU AROUND?"

A demon appeared not too long later, clad in leathers and armor plates, with an axe and a pistol hanging from his belt - skin all red, with huge red horns sprouting from his forehead. She wasn't sure what it was about him... but Angie was getting some bad vibes from him.

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Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

"God. Damn. You. Mother. Fucking. Rifle!" Her face screwed up in part concentration-part rage Angela whacked at the bent rifle with her trusty wrench, though she didn't really expect the weapon to assume its original shape. What was that idiot thinking? A weapon this damaged wouldn't be easy to repair regardless of the mechanic working on it. It would've been cheaper just to buy a new one. Though Angela wasn't just any mechanic. She prided herself on doing what others couldn't. And by god she'd fix this piece of crap.

That is if she could have peace for one moment.

"Goddammit, what is it now!?" She shouted, hurling the seemingly unrepairable rifle across her work station and climbing out of her chair. Most people knew not to enter this part of her repair shop. Angela pulled the goggles from her eyes and let them fall to her chest, hanging limply from her neck. Turning to face what she hoped was a customer the young mechanic squinted at the demon's appearance, her narrowed eyes the only part of her face not covered in some kind of grime.

"That depends on the kind of work you're offering." Angie asked, a hint of suspicion in her voice as she crossed her arms over her chest. It wouldn't be the first time the demon's had tried to trick Angela into some kind of trap that would've ended with her on the thick end of a demon cock, but so far the more unruly ones had failed and the rest seemed to wish her no harm. For now at least. "And how much you're willing to pay."
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Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66

Status: Not too shabby.
"It ain't what I'm offerin', babe. It's what Clefherd's offerin'," the demon replied, clearly expecting the name to impress. He wasn't shouting anymore, either, which was kinda nice. "True virtuoso o' makin' things dead as 'e is, he had an idea fer a weapon, and told me ter look fer someone that could make it happen fer 'im - so's I came here, since youse pretty good at makin' shit, right?"

Clefherd... Angie was pretty sure she knew who that was. Another demon, he was the leader of the Blood Mongrel mercenary company - a bloodthirsty pack of fighters that was quickly making a name for itself. Besides the stories of their contracts that took them out of the city - according to them, 'to kill bandits and fight the invaders, in contract with an anonymous Badarian noble' they also worked as security in Acheron itself, and anyone that messed with them learned quickly just how capable they were at putting down people that messed with them and their contracts.

"Okay doll, try an' follow along with me, here," the demon continued, pulling something out from a pocket and laying it out on Angela's workbench - a rolled-up paper, which held a drawing of... some kind of spiky sword? The client pointed at the drawing, trying to use it to make it clear just what they wanted. "Imagine a chain, linked inter' a circle. Okay? Now, imagine it if one end was always facing out, and it was sharp - like, like teeth, or tiny little knives, yeah? Now, you stretch that out on a thing, so's it don't come off? And then you put it on a sword, and them make the chain spin around really, really fast."

"A sword, made up of tiny little swords, that all cut on their own! Brilliant, innit not!?" The messenger said, enthusiastically. "If ya can get a propa workin' one made, we'll give ya... say, four hunnerd denarii. Howzat sound?"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie shifted in her seat, her eyebrows rising a little at the mention of Clefherd though showed no other sign of knowing who he is. Of course Angela knew who Clefherd was, it was hard to not know who he is. After all not every mercenary group rises up in the ranks as fast as his gang have. And their goals are certainly noble. For demons at least.

Angela sat in silence as the messenger explained what it was that Clefherd wanted from her, staring at the rather odd weapon that he had in mind. "Hmm... so, let me get this straight..." Sitting forward Angela took hold of the weapon design and held it up to get a better look at it. "This Clefherd wants me to make some kind of... chain sword? Yeah, I think this is doable. I've been working on something recently that could be used in this... may have to scale it down, which would decrease the power output a little... But yeah, I should be able to build a prototype in the next few days. May be a bit cumbersome though, especially if he wants it to run for a decent amount of time. I hope he's got some strong men in his ranks. But four hundred? That's a bit low considering I'm going to be putting one of my own unreleased inventions in this thing." Angie knew four hundred denarii would be more than enough to see her through the next few months with ease, but she also knew that being the best mechanic in the city she would be able to at least have a good chance at bartering a better deal from Clefherd.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66

Status: Not too shabby.

"Only the strongest!" the demon said, flexing his arms - not very reassuring, as he was quite scrawny. Especially for a mercenary, now that she thought of it... but, then again, it's not like muscle was everything, right?

"'Unreleased inventions?' That's none of our business, Doll," he said. "An' payday that big ain't nothin'a sneeze at. Now, I was told ter offer four hunnerd, and I think that's a more n' fair proposition. But, I'm just the messengerboy, see - if Clefherd likes what 'e sees, and it's a fine, quality pro... eh, whatever-you-said, you might be able ta convince 'im it's worth a little more, eh?"

"...Hmmm. A'course, if ya need ter make a little more scratch, I can thinka' somethin' else fer ya ter do... would be easy money, maybe n' hour's work later on tonight, down over at Uun's Pleasure Den. Whattaya say?"

Angela got a bad vibe from that... there was just something about the demon that made him seem like he was just waiting to fuck her over, perhaps literally. The name was familiar - it was a gambling hall, which had hired her once to fix a few of their machines. Other vices were served there, of course - with a name like "The Pleasure Den", it would have been surprising if it hadn't, especially here in Acheron - but all in all it was a legit place, and though they had a few private rooms, it was hardly a prime place to jump her.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

As the demon flexed his, quite frankly, underwhelming biceps Angie let out a quick snort, quickly covering her laughter up with a forced cough.

"Right, okay. I suppose you have a point there. Guess we'll just have to see if the mighty Clefherd will be impressed with the finished product then," Finally getting out of her seat Angela rolled the rough schematics back up and tossed them onto the pile of unfinished gadgets and gizmo's she had been drawing up over the past months before leaning against her desk, arms folded across her chest.

"As fun as that offer sounds I'm afraid I'll have to pass. I'm not that desperate for money," Angie paused for a moment, a small smirk spreading across her lips. Besides, some of my inventions could probably provide a better time. And fortunately they should be ready to hit the market pretty soon. I should be able to make a killing off them."
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66

Status: Not too shabby.
"Arright, no biggie," was his simple answer to her refusal. "Hey, you comin' down with somethin', sister?" the demon asked Angela when she coughed. "Heh. I guess I would too, if I was exposed ta somethin' this siiiiick!" Then, with a grunt, he grabbed his forearm and flexed again, tensing his arms in a rough circle as he showed of his absolutely stunning lack of musculature.

"Hah ha! Ahh, I crack myself up... Well anyway, when ya finish up with that eh, 'potatotype' or eh, whatever it was ya said, ya can leave us a message down at Uun's! We gots a standin' contract down 'ere, so's someone's bound ta get it ta Clef, an' 'e'll be right on down ta see da contraption ya got all cooked up fer 'im. Ya need directions doll?"

For whatever reason, Angie was loathe to hand this guy even a scrap of paper and one of her spare pens or bits of charcoal to write with. Hell, she'd already been there before - and even if she did get lost, all she had to do was ask for directions! ...Still, though, that would mean talking to another demon, most like. Better him than getting sidetracked into dealing with one of the dangerously more charming denizens of Acheron, right? Some handsome devil or, worse yet, a succubus...

"Well, arright, eh... that's about it. Youse need anythin' else from me, sweetheart? If not, I s'pose I should hit the road - places ta go, people ta see, ya know?" He waited around to see if Angie had anything to say to him, but as soon as she was done with him, he took off - heading back out and waving behind him as he left, shouting "See ya later, toots!" over his shoulder.

Once he was gone, peace and quiet returned to Angela's workshop - or as much of it that could be gotten in this city, and in this workshop did, at least. Being off on the outskirts of the demon city helped some at keeping it's distractions to a minimum, but unless Angie was working on a blueprint or somesuch, a lot of Angie's chosen vocation was banging on metal and cursing - bane to both quiet and peace.

Just as she was getting back into the swing of things, though...

"Hello? Is this Angela Winchester workshop?" came a feminine voice somewhere outside. "I'm looking to commission a piece for my boss - Ripley Garland?"

Hmm... another name that Angie'd heard of before. Much like Clefherd, she was head of a mercenary troupe in Acheron - if she remembered her hearsay right, the two of them competed for work a lot of the time, so they weren't on the best of terms. Her gang didn't carry any particularly spooky reputation, like the Blood Mongrels did - leastwise Angela had heard, anyway - but the boss herself was seemingly a crack shot with her rifle, and apparently, her mercs were no slouches at hitting what they wanted to, either...

He's doing this thing, if I wasn't clear. :x

Except, you know... scrawny, instead of Ahnuld.

Feel free to react/talk/whatever as you want, I just figured I should uh, get things moving a little faster than my normal glacial pace. >.>
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie watched the messengers display once more, an eyebrow rising in disbelief that he'd continue his attempt as wooing her with his less than impressive body. Though his confidence was something to be admired.

"No no, I'm fine. I'll be able to find the place," Angela answered, perhaps a little more hastily than she had intended, as she stepped forward to see the demon out. After visiting a place as... exotic as Uun's, you don't easily forget it or where to find it. And Angela wanted to get to work as soon as she could. Yeah, seeya."

With the messenger gone Angela finally breathed a sigh of relief. It had been a while since she was commissioned to work on anything substantial, and if this weapon went well perhaps she'd really make a name for herself.

With her mind rushing with images of riches, and quickly forming designs for this 'chain sword', this latest interruption wasn't greatly received. "Well I certainly seem popular today... Yes, this is the place. How may I help you?" Annoyed by the new arrival Angela made her way to the door and opened it, and waited for the woman to walk in. It took a moment for the name to sink in but Angela was sure she had recognised it... Yes, another mercenary group, known for its clashes with Clefherd over contracts. This is turning into an interesting day... Angela thought to herself, though waited for what this messenger had to say. After all, Angela wasn't the sort to turn down work if the pay was good. Even if it meant coming in between two gangs. Business is business after all.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66

Status: Not too shabby.

"Whoa!" came a small cry of surprise when Angela pulled open the door, and the second visitor of the day following it in, gripping the outside's handle. She looked a bit thrown off by the surprise, though she quickly made to compose herself, trying to look as if she hadn't been caught unaware.

She was a tall, lean woman, with completely white - not as a human's would be, but literal white, like a cloud might be. Stark black hair fell down to just past her shoulders. The hues of her eyes followed a similar coloring - except reversed from the norm; bright, almost-glowing white pupils, surrounded by blackness. She wore a heavy-looking jacket - which swelled at her chest, in spite of it - and a wide brimmed hat, and carried a long rifle in a scabbard on her back. Perhaps the oddest thing, though, was the way the shadows fell on her, strangely casting impenetrable shadows or leaving her visible as if in broad daylight.

It seemed she'd brought a friend, as well - all too likely her sister, given their similar appearances - her skin and eyes were much the same, though she was a good deal shorter. Angela could see a skirt covering up to her knees, though anything above that save for her head (adorned with a grin and a cloth tied 'round her left eye) was covered by a short cloak.

"Ahem! Excuse me," the shadowy woman started, coughing an apology. "As I was saying, my employer wishes to commission a firearm. Simply put... while Miss Garland's skill with a rifle is incomparable and more than a match for anything, in the end, it's ill-suited for close-combat or fending off surprise attacks, and her pistol simply is not up to the task. Miss Garland feels she needs something with more kick - though, she wasn't sure just how to go about getting it."

"In short, we would like for you to build something to replace her pistol - something that'll stop anythin' that manages to sneak up on her dead in it's tracks. The details of the construction are up to you - Miss Garland trusts your genius. She simply requires that it be quick and easy to draw and fire with one hand, pack a serious payload, and have enough ammunition to afford her a few misses, as sometimes happens in the heat of close-range fighting, and we can offer... say, three hundred denarii?"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angela's eyes widened in surprise for a moment at the sight of the two women. Despite living her whole life in Acheron, and seeing all kinds of 'people' walking through its busy streets she was still caught by surprise by the appearance of these two. Though she knew not to judge others just by their looks. After all, that's how you end up losing customers. And hey, at least they aren't some dumb-looking demon trying to fuck her.

"Two commissions in one day, huh?" Angie thought to herself, a faint smile spreading across her face. She wasn't a person to turn down a request, especially when asked by one of the more prolific mercenary groups in Acheron. But to be asked by two in one day? Her day couldn't get any better. "So your boss doesn't have anything specific in mind aside from that it carries enough ammo and packs a punch?" Angela asked, her arms folding across her chest, her eyes lingering on the two women. Like most people these days Angela didn't consider herself attracted to just one gender, and on the very rare occasion she would take companions of either gender when the need arose. Though these two women, maybe due to their exoticness, seemed to stir something inside of her. "I guess it has been a while..." The mechanic thought to herself, making a mental note to self test one of her latest prototypes later on.

"Hmmm, I think I can whip something up. Will take a few days though, another client has commissioned me for another weapon so I'll have to split my time up between the two," Turning her back on the two women Angela walked further into her work shop, expecting the women to follow her. "Not sure what kind of weapon it'll be yet though, but a few ideas are forming already. Hmmm, actually..." Angela hopped to a counter strewn with rolled up parchment, and rummaged through them, tossing each to one side before finding what she had been looking for. "This could work... Not actually built it yet, but the schematics are solid. Hey, how would your boss feel about using a weapon that uses the wielders energy as an ammo source?"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66

Status: Not too shabby.

While the alabaster girl in the jacket might have been too preoccupied with her surprise at suddenly being pulled through the door, the cloaked one behind her seemed to notice Angie's enraptured gaze, giving the mechanic a little smile as she took them in - though, it may have taken her awhile to notice, if her migrating eyes had wandered far from their faces.

"Well... she wants it easy to handle, as well - she doesn't expect to use it much outside of when she's surprised, so speed on the draw is very much a factor." The demoness with the hat confirmed. "Miss Garland realizes she is asking for the best of... well, every world, but this is a custom-made piece, and she believes you well-capable of creating such for her."

The girl who had up 'til now done all the speaking... continued to do so, when Angie brought up the prospect of some kind of gun that used the user's spiritual energy as ammunition, eyebrows raising to signify her surprise. "My, can you do that? Miss Garland doesn't make any use of any magical abilities, so while it may take her some getting used to, nothing would tax her reserves but the gun, and it would deal with that pesky hassle of having to carry ammunition or reload, would it not? It's a very interesting idea, to be sure, Miss Winchester."
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

A warmth flooded through Angie's body as her face flushed a brilliant red at the compliment. she understood it was from their leader, Miss Garland, but hearing it coming from these two exotic beauties... it filled the young mechanic with a boost of confidence.

"Well it'll certainly be easy to handle and quick to draw, it shouldn't be much bigger than the average one-shot pistol," Angela began as she flicked through several more rolls of parchment, blueprints and notes on her proposed gun.

As the talkative demoness shows surprise at her question a smile spreads across Angela's face. I should be able to. Like I said, I've not actually made this gun before, but the theory is sound. Though I will need to amplify its output somewhat for it to be used as an actual weapon. See, I designed it as a kind of deterrent. You know how some people in Acheron can get, they don't always understand that no means no. So this gun was meant to give them a paralysing shock using the smallest amount of the users spiritual energy. You know, kinda like how mage's command power over the elements? This gun would create a burst of electricity, shocking whomever it was aimed at. So you can see how useful that would've been in a city like this." During her explanation Angie walked back over to her desk and sat back in her seat, the parchment spread out over the surface as she quickly scrawled over the paper. "I had meant to build a prototype for my own protection, you know, so I could see how effective it would be. But, other jobs cropped up and I never got round to doing it. But now, it sounds like this would be the perfect weapon for you boss. I could modify its design so that the user could charge it up with as much of their spiritual energy as they want, increasing its output and range. Though I guess it would still only knock out the target. But that would then leave them vulnerable, say to be captured and interrogated later on." The mechanic then paused, tapping the end of her charcoal on her lower lip, dirtying her already grimy face. "...though I guess with enough spiritual energy stored in it the gun could end up exploding the targets heart."
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66

Status: Not too shabby.

The pair listened as Angela explained the principles behind what would become their bosses' new weapon, and when she was done, the speaking demoness looked impressed. "Ooooohh... did you hear that, Neri? A lightning gun!" she asked over her shoulder to the mute demon behind her, who returned her look, but still said nothing. "Yes, something like that would definitely interest Miss Garland, just on merit of style alone. If you can make it as dangerous as you say, I have no doubt she'll be very satisfied," the speaker said, smiling.

Hmm... so the quiet one's name was Neri, was it?

The speaking demon took a moment to think before she continued. "Hmm... I do have... some concerns, though. Will it retain it's capabilities against, say, very large creatures, like trolls? Or things like the undead, or shorn weeds? That, and electrical attacks have never worked very well against the fae... we aren't fighting them now, but we demons do have a long-standing enmity with them... Ah, but, look at me, trying to play weaponsmith! I'm sure the benefits of this design will more than make up for whatever fears I come up with, and that those will be handled - after all you are the best!"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angela beamed with pride once more at the compliment the talkative demoness gave her, evident by the not so subtle grin plastered on the young mechanic's face as she continued to work on her blueprints. Though at her question Angie sat back in the chair, a thoughtful look on her face as her arms crossed over her chest once more.

...Hmm, I didn't actually think about that... The mechanic muttered, more to herself than the two women. I only took into account the kinds of people found in Acheron. As a personal weapon I'd probably not encounter many trolls or fae here, but out on missions you guys probably will. Though... I guess it shouldn't be too much of an issue. The weapon isn't, or wasn't rather, designed to cause actual damage. Just temporary paralysis. Plant-based and undead may be immune to it, though even then if you amp up the juice you'd probably end up causing a fair bit of damage to them anyway. And trolls and the like will be easily taken down if, again, you charge it up with more spiritual energy."

Angela leant forward once more, rifling through her blueprints and frowning. "Though this weapon isn't going to be cheap to make. It's not going to be like one of the other powered weapons I've designed before, it needs a conduit for the spiritual energy, which needs to be made from several items, and then that needs to be protected with a reinforced coating. Most of it shouldn't be too hard to get, I'd guess some of the shops around here stock most of what I need. The main problem is the angel feather. Or rather, several angel feathers." Again, it would appear that Angela is talking more to herself than Neri and her talkative companion, quickly scribbling down notes and equations, lost in her own little world of machines and contraptions and inventing. "And then I'd have to perform a few live field tests... guess I can't just walk the streets and just shock anyone... Though I guess I could get myself into a predicament where self defence would be needed... no, too risky. Hmmm... the arena could be a good place I guess..."
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66

Status: Not too shabby.

"Hmm..." the talkative half of the pair of demonesses hummed after Angela spoke of the weapon's potency. Probably imagining what the end result of Angie's labors would be like.

A little gasp escaped the speaker when Angie mentioned that she would need angel's feathers for this little project. "Gosh! Angel feathers? That is certainly going to make this weapon pricier than we expected. As a personal weapon for Ms. Garland, expense is of minimal concern... but, of course, the the less it costs, the better. It is a sidearm, afterall." She coughed. "We'll see what we can do to procure some of the materials you need, though. I'm sure we don't have any loose angel feathers around, but, well - where there's a will, there's a way! Especially in Acheron! Is there anything else we should keep an eye out for?"

"Well, it seems you've got everything settled, so I suppose we should take our leave. Getting into contact with us will probably be a problem, hmm... ah! Would you mind if we dropped by on a daily basis, to see how the project is going?"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

"Yeah, angel feathers," Angela repeated, looking up from her work for a moment. "The strands from the feathers will be used to keep the spiritual energy pure. Well, so long as they aren't from a fallen angel. I've already tried proper wiring it just doesn't work. Though thinking about it..." The mechanic dropped her gaze back down to her blueprints for a moment, ruffling through them, trying to work something out.

"Hmm... that may work... I suppose I could try strings from Darkhearts, though using something as corrupted as that may have adverse effects. But it would certainly cut down the price if you think it's worth the risk," Angie smiled on the inside as she stood up and walked back over to the counter to stow away her work once more. She could almost guarantee they wouldn't want to risk their leaders life so they'd more than likely go for the more expensive option. Though it wasn't like they really had a choice, Angie needed them to perfect the weapon after all.

"Sure, daily visits are okay. Though like I said, I've been commissioned for another weapon so I'll be splitting my time up between the two, so I may not be working on it during the times you pop by," The two of them would certainly be more welcome than some of the types that called in from time to time, the young woman thought to herself as she walked them to the door. "Oh, before you go, I was wondering... is something happening between the major gangs? Not like it means much to me, but I've never had the leader of any of the bigger mercenary groups ask for a commission before." Angela had been thinking it since the first messenger arrived, had found it odd that she was asked for a custom sword though chalked it up to her work finally getting the recognition it deserved. Though when these two arrived and had told her their boss wanted to commission her for a new weapon, of her own design no less, Angela's suspicions had started to rise once more.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66

Status: Not too shabby.

"Ah..." the woman said thoughtfully. "Well, we are demons, yes? Surely the Darkheart would be more appropriate?"

Of course, that's not how it worked. The angel feather was a conduit for spiritual energy, and that was essentially the same no matter who it came from - the angel feathers' place in this was to keep the energy the gun would fire pure. In control. Her blueprints and her theorems were all based with the assumption that it would be an angel feather used to hold the energy - substituting something else in it's place would throw off very minute things that, on the whole, could spell a much larger problem.

Still... the idea that something from a corrupt creature might resonate more deeply with the client's demonic personage wasn't entirely without merit. But she couldn't really test for that - after all, she was no demon. And a darkheart was most definitely a shabby solution - undoubtedly less suitable for large blasts, given the relative magical impotence of their former owners in comparison with the angel feather's bearer.

"Oh, there I go again. You know far better about this project than I do, I'm sure, Ms. Winchester - the Azure Starlings will trust that you will make Ms. Garland the finest weapon possible! Now, if there's anything else...?"

When there was, she raised an eyebrow, a signal for Angela to ask her question.

"'Gangs'? Ah, Ms. Winchester, I wouldn't know about the affairs of such neer-do-wells," the demoness replied, rather obviously not enjoying having her organization called a gang - even if it was. "But, there has been an incident among the mercenaries - a certain other troupe has appeared to have abandoned all it's contracts. This, of course, means there's more work to be had for the rest of us, and competition can get a little... 'fierce', with us infernal folk. Not hard to believe, is it?"

The alabaster woman let out a little titter. "Unfortunately, we really must be going, now. I do wish we could stay longer, but, we're quite busy - as I imagine you'll be, especially if you have another project on your plate! We'll be seeing you tomorrow, Ms. Winchester - oh, and, here." The client gently took Angela's hand, pressing a weighty but small pouch into it. "As a down payment, and in case you need to procure anything for our commission. Right - well, take care, Miss Winchester - say goodbye, Neri!"


The part of stark women both gave Angela a smile and a bow, and made their way back out onto the empty street, setting off to some unknown destination, and leaving Angie alone once more.

She had quite her hands full - two tantalizingly well-paying commissions, her myriad of personal projects, thoughts of mercenary politics and those two women spinning through her head... oh, and that god damn mother fucking rifle/necktie. She could of course immediately head out to shop or visit one of her suppliers - perhaps even find out more about the recent situation, or follow Neri and, eh... come to think of it, the demon she'd actually spoke to the whole time hadn't told Angie her name, had she? So much to do, so little time.

Acquire ye 30 roubles - I mean denarii
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Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

"Well, darkheart wires may work better with a demon wielding the weapon, but it's just finding someone who'd willingly test a potentially dangerous weapon out..."

Angie listened quietly as the demoness explained about the mercenary groups fighting over the available contracts. It made sense after all. With a fair few groups working out of one city they'd all have to make sure they got the best paying jobs. And sometimes you needed to get your hands dirty. Though the mechanic didn't believe that was all to it. What about the group that suddenly dropped all their contracts? She found it had to believe that any group would do that. But still she decided not to pursue that line of questioning. She could always enquire about that some other time.

With their goodbyes said Angela watched the two demon's leave her shop, her eyes briefly lingering on their asses, only realising the talkative demoness hadn't even given her name. Oh well, like it matters much now. She could always ask her tomorrow. Angie leant back on her chair as she thought of what to do, her gaze dropping down to the schematic of the gun on her desk. Building much of the gun would be pretty easy to do, probably able to construct the majority of it tonight. The main problem would be the wiring. And acquiring the angel feathers for it. They won't come cheap, and the mechanic shuddered to think what she would have to do to get them by other means. And then there's the problem with testing the weapon to make sure it works properly, and tweaking it until it does.

And then there's the chainsword that needs to be worked on. Which has its own share of problems. To start with, Angela had no idea how she could shrink the engine down so that the weapon wasn't too cumbersome for even the strongest of demons all the while giving it enough power to keep the chain spinning for an entire battle. Testing that out wouldn't be as bad as the gun, a construct could always help with that, and failing that she could always call on the messenger. Angela cringed at the thought of that. The demon himself didn't seem like a bad person, he just tried too hard. Though even then, maybe he'd be too weak to really use the weapon effectively. Angie recalled his rather pitiful display of masculinity. That thought brought a chuckle to the mechanic. Unless...

As an idea formed in Angela's head she suddenly sat forward, the front legs of her chair hitting the floor with a loud thud. Almost jumping out of her chair Angie walked over to one of her workstations, a hand running over what appeared to be a pile of scrap. The various bits of metalwork sprang to life, invisible hands connecting parts together, gradually taking shape until finally, what appeared to be a mounted gun stood on the desk. "C'mon, we've got work to do," Letting out a sequence of beeps, the sentry jumped down off the table and followed behind the mechanic. "Now where did he say he'd be again... Oh yeah, Uun's." Sliding her trusty wrench into the band of her denim dungarees and holstering her micro-pistol Angela locked up her shop and set off to the pleasure den, hoping to find the messenger that had come round earlier.

Assemble Contraption-
2 + X (10 EP + 8 EP over ceiling (8 HP damage)) = 20 EP + 8 HP
80 body, 68 mind (20 from X EP, 48 from 8 instances of +6 mind)
Melee; 2d6 + 40
Ranged; 3d4 + 68, 60ft range
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 38/66

Status: Not too shabby.

Putting together the kinds of wonders Angela dealt in usually would take hours upon hours of labor - but, with her gift, she was able to reduce the tedium to what was essentially nil - albeit at a cost from her reserves of vigor. Little plates levitated into place, screws and bolts rose up and tightened themselves together, and in bare moments, a pile of junk had pulled itself into a strange little thing - rather resembling a little container, with a gun sticking out the front, on clinky little legs. Despite it's relatively innocuous appearance, though, Angie knew it was no joke - her automaton's gunbarrel looking more like a very small cannon than any gun any human or even demon might brandish, her magic keeping the metal in place and unwarping as much as they kept the screw and joints tight or mobile as they needed to be. Least of all, her magic let it move and think - which it so demonstrated, by hopping off the table to submit to her whims.

It wasn't too far to Uun's Pleasure Den. The road was more-or-less entirely hers for a few streets, but more and more people started to crowd them as she entered the more populated areas of Acheron. A few of the other races could be seen throughout the crowds - Elves, Su-Ku-Ta, Humans like Angie, and even a Gruff, surprisingly - but many of them were of the infernal tribes that had founded this city. There was no shortage of temptors and temptresses among them; for the most part, succubi and incubi, ranging from those who could pass as human to those clearly from elsewhere, but nigh-all looking as if they were sculpted for the singular purpose of bedding you, and bedding you right now - which wasn't entirely untrue. The demons, chaotic as they were, though, had just as many inhuman and not-so-comely individuals as well.

Once such demon could be seen standing outside Uun's, a rather bright, lit-up sign (that she had in fact worked on) proclaiming the establishment's name to those who had not yet become acquainted with it. He was easily more than seven feet tall, practically one tremendous slab of muscle, with red skin and a pair of huge horns sprouting from his head. Rather incongruously, he also was a moderately-fancy looking suit.

The messenger she'd talked to was also there, leaning against a post and yapping animatedly about something or other with the large demon, who mostly seemed to just be listening and nodding now and then. He too appeared to have changed into a rather-presentable suit.

"Oh! Hey doll," he said, noticing Angie as she got closer. "What, ya done with that potatotype already?"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

During her short walk to Uun's Angie couldn't help but gaze at each of the people she passed. While she has lived in Acheron, previously Artmist her entire life, the young engineer rarely ventured into the busier sectors of the city unless she absolutely had to, and as such she often found herself admiring at the exotic-looking people, mostly demons though she had noted on occasion the odd mortal race warped by corrupting influences. Even the more grotesque looking of them held a little admiration. Though Angela rarely spoke of her admiration to these people. Unless one was exotic enough to change her mood of course.

Angela stopped in her tracks for a moment as Uun's came into view, a behemoth of a demon presumably acting as the bouncer talking to the messenger she had spoke with earlier. "Hmm, he doesn't look quite as idiotic as earlier..." Angela thought to herself as she noted the suit the messenger was now wearing, before walking up to the conversing demons.

"Uhhhh, noooo," The mechanic began, her arms folding across her chest. "Gonna start on it tomorrow. That's not what I'm here for anyway. I was wondering, you seem pretty capable, perhaps you could help me with something. Completely unrelated to the weapon you asked for." Angie's arms dropped from her chest and slid behind her, resting at the small of her back as she tilted her head slightly to the side, her dirty features taking on a softer expression as the young mechanic fluttered her eyes. "There's something else I'm working on, and there's one component that I need, which on my own would be pretty difficult for me to come by. What I'm looking for is a few angel's feathers, three or four should be enough. I was wondering if you could help me get them, you certainly seemed like you'd be strong enough to do this from your display earlier." Angie was well aware that this was perhaps not her best display of her feminine wiles, but she assumed that this demon wouldn't need much in the way of a show.