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Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 38/66

Status: Not too shabby.

"Tomorrow? Ah well aright then," the messenger said. "I guess ya can't rush some jobs, eh? Not dat I would know 'bout those kinds a' things - speed's my game. Dey don't come quicker 'n me!" he boasted. "Or slicker, either," he continued, giving his jacket's lapel a tug and smoothing out his hair, sparing his reflection a quick glance over in the building's windows. "Nice."

His compatriot rolled his eyes, and Angela was likely to find it difficult to suppress her own such reaction to his annoying vanity - that is, if she even cared to. Goddamn, how much of a chud could this guy be? Sadly for Angie, the messenger demon also seemed nigh oblivious to Angela's attempt to charm him, as well - all those passes at her, and he didn't even notice her trying to make a come on?

"Angel feathers?! Ey, I can help you widdat, I got me a pillow stuffed wit' angel feathers!" The shrimpy demon exclaimed, which immediately dredged a sigh out of the mountain of a demon that was his partner. "I keep tellin' you, Benny, that thing's just goose feathers n' some glitter." "No way, why's it so soft n' comfy den, eh?" "It's supposed to be, it's a damn pillow!"

"Weeelll... now dat I tink about it, even if dey ain't angel feathers - and dey are," he added as an aside to his large cohort, "Dey's probably got too much demony drool in 'em fer ya da use anyway. Tell ya what, you take me up on 'at offer I told ya 'bout earlia later on tonight, an' I'll see I can scare up fer ya on my way back, a'ight? Ehh... better make it two hours, though, might take me awhile ta find that damn Hara..."

...Wait, 'on his way back'?
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Sighing, Angela sat atop her sentry and listened to the two demon's comical exchange, rolling her eyes at the messenger demon's antics, and snorting as he mentioned how no one was quicker than him.

"Woah, woah, woah," Angie began as the messenger demon suggested he take her up on his offer once more. "Benny, was it? You seem like a nice person, but I can't just give myself to you as payment before you get what I'm asking for." Of course, Angela had never intended on giving herself up to Benny when she had tried to woo him over with her flirtatious behaviour. But now, it seemed as if that's all he'd want in exchange of him acquiring what the young mechanic needed. Angela's face flushed a brilliant red at the thought of having to give herself up to this demon.

"I, I don't normally give myself up to the people I hire, but..." Angela finally said after a few minutes silent pondering, her voice lacking some of its usual energy. "But I guess we can work something out."
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 38/66

Status: Not too shabby.

"Give yaself... whoa, eyy, listen, doll, don't be gettin' no funny ideas," Benny replied, looking a little defensive. "Ain't nothin' like that, yeah? I jes' need someone ta cover for me for a little bit tonight, an' all the other boys said no. Das' it - ain't no more, ain't no less, ya dig? I gotta d... uhh... a deal. Yeah! A little business ta take care a'." he tugged on his lapels again with a sniff, trying to look cool.

"Business my ass," the huge demon scoffed, before turning to Angie - and soon as he opened his mouth, Benny started to look panicky. "It's him an' his ol' lady's anniversary tonight, and he totally forgot about it, the dumbass."

"Shut up, Clyde, she don't need ta know dat!!" he whispered panickedly, smacking the big demon on the arm. "Um uh, specially cuz' it ain't true! Yeah. Anyway, what she does need ta know's dat it probably ain't gonna be too hard - Clyde 'ere can probably handle da normal unruly types, an' it's only fo' two hours, right?"

"An' uh... lissen - angel feathers don't jus' grow on trees, ya know? Den dey'd be tree feathers, an' dat ain't whatcha need at all. Dey grow on angels, and dose 'tings is rare - and usually, pretty mean, too. 'least, ta me, dey is, I mean. I can't promise nuttin', but I'll see what I can scare up - if ya do me dis favor, yeah?"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angela mentally facepalmed, and made a note to actually facepalm later on when alone as Benny explained to her what she'd be expected to do should she help him out. Of course she would jump to that conclusion straight away, she was dealing with a demon after all. Though that didn't stop the young mechanic from feeling slightly embarrassed and a little more ashamed for assuming Benny wanted to ravage her body as payment. Perhaps she was wrong about him?

"Heh, uh, sorry about that, kinda... jumped to conclusions..." Angie muttered out, her face flushing red once more as she apologised to Benny. If... if that's the case then yeah, I could handle that. My baby should be able to scare anyone out of trying to cause trouble while I'm around." Angela patted her sentry as she spoke, a smirk spreading across her face.

"Yeah, I guessed as much," Angie's expression took on a more business-like tone as the talk turned towards the angel feathers once more, the young mechanic hopping down off her sentry. "But I am hopeful that you and your friends can help me acquire them. I wouldn't have asked if there was no risk using another item but these feathers are the only thing I can think of that will work properly. Any amount you can get will greatly help me, but like I said the ideal amount would be three to four."
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 38/66

Status: Not too shabby.

Benny gave Angie a disconcertingly shark-like grin. "Ey, no hard feelin's, toots - ain't nothin'! S'long as ya show up so's I can go see my g- ahem, I mean... conclude my business, anyway. S'real important, ya know? An' don't forget about our commish, either, yeah?"

"Oh, and eh... you got a suit?" Benny asked, suddenly. "Dunno why, but Uun seems ta think the customers care 'bout the guys at the door lookin' all 'respectable' an' such. I could lend ya this'n, if ya don't," he said, motioning to himself - it wouldn't be a perfect fit, of course, but it probably would serve well enough. Though, wearing his clothes probably wasn't the most appealing of thoughts. "Might be a little, ehh... tight, in a coupla' places... but that ain't too big a deal, right?"

Assuming she had no other questions, Angela was free to return to her workshop - or perhaps hunt for components somewhere else, or even do a little digging on what the situation was with the gan- err, mercenaries, was. She could even check out Uun's, if she wanted.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

"A uh... suit?" Angie repeated, a dubious expression on her young face. "I dunno, I may have one somewhere. If not I could probably get one from somewhere." Truth be told Angela probably didn't have a suit, it wasn't like she had a reason to wear one on a daily basis. Hell, she couldn't recall a time that she had to wear one, her usual attire consisted of what she was wearing now; a pair of denim dungarees, a white top (usually a tank top, vest or plain old shirt), a pair of boots and whatever underwear she decided to put on for the day. Still, it probably wouldn't hurt to have a dig around her closet, and failing that a look around one of the shops.

Angela raised an eyebrow at Benny's comment about his suit possibly being a bit tight on her. "Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass on borrowing your suit. Well, I'll see you guys later I guess," With that the young mechanic hops on the top of her sentry once more and directs it, planning to check out the shops first to see if any stock a suit that would fit her and to pick up any parts she may need for the two weapons.

List of parts;
Tesla Gun:-
Angel feathers (already working on)
Glass cylinders/tube (preferably reinforced)
Coils (preferably magnetised)
Small magnets
Small rods

Chains, various (different types to test with)
Blades, various
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 38/66

Status: Not too shabby.

"Arright den. Ey, catch ya later, toots," the scrawny demon said in parting. "Some people, eh," she overhead him say offhandedly to his beefy counterpart, as she left.

Wading back out into the crowds that made up Acheron's streets, where the exotic was commonplace, Angie continued along on her business. Getting parts shouldn't be too hard - with old Artmirst having been a factory town, the machinery and tools for production (or scavenging) already there, and the demons weren't ones to let an opportunity slip by. Angela could probably find what she needed at one of her regular suppliers... being a tinker, she frequently needed new parts for one thing or another of her work or her personal builds, and as more and more of Acheron was occupied by the populace that now called it home, it became far easier and more convenient to simply buy them, rather than scavenge bits and pieces from whatever she managed to find. There were a few who even did custom metalwork for her, if she needed it.

Chains were easy to find, as were blades and other sharp bits... A few lodestones, the glassware (somewhat fragile, and unfortunately not the reinforced sort she'd hoped for) and rods were common enough to not be a hassle, too, but the coil proved to be a bit more troublesome. There wasn't much that saw them used, after all... however, Angie was able to get a metalsmith to hammer a rod into a rough coil. For a grand total of forty-five denarii, she'd managed to scrape together whatever she'd need for her concept-model builds - fairly basic stuff, but it was the prototypes - quality could come later, could it not?

In addition, the blacksmith who'd made her present coil offered to make her a magnetic coil, as her plans called for - an alloy custom-smelted for it, and made properly for the job she needed it to do, rather than just some rod smashed into the appropriate shape. It would cost her twenty denarii, to be paid when it was finished - Angie just had to let her know, and she'd probably have it ready in a day. The glassblower, as well, offered to make a set of tempered tubes for what she needed - thirty-five denarii and roughly day, as well and he'd make her the sturdy, combat-tough glass she'd need.

Heading off with her parts wrapped up and in a bag, a sign caught Angie's eye.

Taylor's Tailoring
No shirt, no shoes, NO problem!
Come in and let us get you sorted

Just the place to get her suit problem solved!

...Or so she thought. As she stepped in (a little bell above the door announcing her entrance) she immediately saw that the place was mostly filled with what looked like might be underwear, excepting for the fact that most of it was either entirely sheer or didn't actually cover anything. There was a rack in the back that looked to be of perhaps more use to her, in that the things on it looked like they actually could be used as clothing - a corset, a frilly headdress and a dress with an apron, a fancy white dress with fluffy wings and a little silvery ring on a stick, attached to what looked like a headband, a... leotard, with a headband with rabbit ears on it...? Maybe there wasn't a suit in there, after all.

"No, it's still not done, Lucy," said a girl - probably the eponymous Taylor - sitting at a desk near the door reading a book. "When I said Friday, I meant Fr..."

The girl looked up, and trailed off, evidently not seeing who she'd expected to see. "Oh! ...Uhh, hi," she said, smiling - though, it looked a little forced. With her grease-smeared face, functional-not-fashionable work clothes, and her huge walking gun-thing mount, Angie probably wasn't the sort she considered typical clientele. "How can I help you?"

Upon hearing that she needed a suit, though, the girl's face seemed to light up. "Ooo, a suit?! You don't know long I've been waiting to make some actual clothes. Come 'ere and I'll take your measurements! Oooo, I'm so excited!"

Angie got a better look at her as she came over, holding a thin, knotted rope. She had verdant green hair, with a straight-cut fringe, long hair bundled into a loose bun held together with an ebony-and-jade hairstick. In contrast, she had fairly normal, pale skin - a bit strange, such normal skin with such an unusual hair color, until she noticed she also had little bat wings from her back. Another demon, it seemed. Gold half-moon spectacles sat on her nose, with amber eyes sitting behind them. She was quite petite - both fairly short, and very thin, as well, with almost no chest to speak of. What stood out most was probably her dress - it was a purple thing, and hung off her shoulders, exposing both of them and a fair ways down her chest. Straps falling on either side, lined with fur. The thing looked to be backless, on top of how revealing the front was, as well. The sleeves ended in fur - elegant, but not to the point where they'd cause the tailor trouble - and was embroidered with gold thread, while the same traced a pattern down the front - the dress terminating at about mid-thigh, in another trim of fur.

She quickly took her measurements with the cord, writing down the numbers on some paper. She looked really excited at the prospect of making this suit... Eager grin, breathing hard, cheeks flushed.

Taylor's hands slid over Angie fairly unnecessarily as she took her measurements with the cord, the woman explaining that it 'helped her to learn the flow of her body', if she was questioned about it.

"You know, you have really nice legs," the tailor mentioned as she took Angela's inseam - the inside of her leg, from crotch to ankle. "If my measurements are anything to go by, I mean. Maybe I could make you somethin' nice to show 'em off, sometime?"

Once that was one, the girl took a moment to think, and then gave a number.

"Ten denarii!" she proclaimed. "Hehe. It's a lotta money, but it's top notch tailoring, I guarantee it! And uh... maybe ya wanna buy some undies to go with 'em, while you're here? If this kinky stuff's not your thing, I know I've got somethin' uh... sensible, 'round here... soooomewheres... prob'ly... only four denars extra, but I make 'em with imported Amazonian silk! Silky smooth, really really comfy, and they're made to undo, not tear in half if some brute can't figure out the clasps and just tries to yank it off!"

"Hm... or, you know, you could pay with some spirit, too. Let's say... hmm, three feedings?"
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Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

All in all it had been quite a productive trip through the city Angela thought to herself as the parts she had procured jangled quietly in the satchel around her waist, and she had even managed to commission a few custom pieces for the finalised build of the Tesla that the young mechanic thought would've taken longer to find. And it all ended up being cheaper than she had thought it would've been. Indeed, today had been a pretty good day.

Angela had decided to head back to her workshop, perhaps rummage through her wardrobe to see if she owned anything that could pass off as formalwear and drop off today's purchases, when a sign had caught her eye. The young mechanic paused for a moment, confused and a little bit curious about the shop and only now having just realised it existed. Though she guessed it wasn't all that weird, Angela had never really been one for appearances and thus had no need to even look at the more fashionable clothing shops. Still, it wouldn't hurt to look.

As the sentry turret waddled its way into the shop a redness rose in Angela's cheeks as she realised just what kind of clothing shop this place was. Despite her quite obvious embarrassment at the garments on display Angie couldn't help but gaze at the exotic clothing, meant for equally as exotic people, the tips of her oily fingers lightly touching the fabric of a few pieces as she admired the handiwork behind their creation. Though as a voice called out to her Angela snapped back to reality and jumped with a start.

After explaining that she needed a suit Angela hopped off her turret to allow the woman to take her measurements, standing as the woman instructed her, Angie's face flushing as the woman's hands moved over her body.

"Uh, um, thanks..?" Angela stammered out at the 'compliment', fighting the urge to snap her legs shut as Taylor measured the inside of her leg. "Maybe some other time..? I'm only interested in a suit at the moment."

Ten denarii?, Angela thought to herself as Taylor finished her measurements and pulled herself away from the mechanic. That wouldn't leave Angela with much money, but she supposed that the money from her two commissions would keep her afloat for quite some time, and when was the last time she had bought something for herself that didn't go into her work?

"U-underwear?" The young mechanic stammered once more, a sudden flush of embarrassment rising in her cheeks again. The suit is just for a gig I've got later. It's uh, not going to be used to 'entertain' anyone. I didn't mean to give that impression," Though the young mechanic paused, again wondering if she should pamper herself a bit. Oh, go on then. I guess it wouldn't be so bad to spend a bit more money on myself."

"Three... feedings?" The young mechanic looked at the tailor, slight suspicion in her expression. Angie knew exactly what she meant by 'feeding', and she wasn't so sure she wanted to let this demon screw her senseless. Though she's definitely easy on the eyes, and with those demoness' from earlier still lurking in the back of her mind, and how they made her feel Angie was perhaps open to the idea of some company, instead of a cold, hard tool to ease her frustrations.

I... guess that would be alright, though it's not something I do often. And I do have guard duty at Uun's later, so, um..." Once more Angela became flustered, unsure what to say or do as she's not often found herself in this kind of predicament. "So, uh... perhaps after that would be okay? Well, for the first feeding, I guess? And where... where should we meet up?"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 38/66

Status: Not too shabby.

"Okay, later, then!" the tailor said without missing a beat, when Angie turned down her offer.

"Mmn? Oh, ah-- a'course! I didn't mean to imply... I mean- um, I was just thinkin' you might like some nice new undies to go with your new suit, s'all," the seamstress said, as Angie turned her down. "Most gals doing some 'entertainin'' don't get all covered up for it, anyway. I just thought a working girl... I mean uh, like, blue-collar working, not... not the other working... uhhh... nevermind." As she terminated her stammering, the demoness' face - already a little flushed with excitement - became a noticeably brighter shade of pink.

She perked up again, though, when Angela changed her mind. "Ooh, okay then!" she said excitedly. She continued to beam enthusiastically when Angie mentioned her stint at guard duty. "Oh! Uun's? I love that place! Maybe I'll see you there? If not, how about back here when your shift is over?"

She quickly finished taking Angie's sizes, and then consulted it for her bust size. "Hmm, let's see, for these sizes... oh, wait a tick..." The seamstress then palmed each of Angie's two breasts, giving them a few squeezes and jiggles. "Mmm, hmm, hmm... yup! I think that rack over there would be best. Uhh, clothes rack, I mean. Come on, over here. Let's see - what's your favorite color?"

The demoness showed Angie a plethora of underwear, from normal, everyday stuff to really racy lingerie - a few obscene variants of which didn't even cover her 'sensitive' bits, holding them up against her body in front of a mirror. As she did so, blathered on for a bit about her stock. "Mm... I reeeally like working on things with more... substance, to 'em, than just these panties and bras, you know? A suit, or a ballroom dress, or heck, even just overalls. But..." she said with a sigh, "No one really wears that stuff around here, though. Gotta pay the bills, and this stuff gets that done, y'know?"

After a bit of looking, they found a pair just perfect for Angela. "Like it? Then, let's bring it up to four feedings, yeah?"

The tailor then immediately set to working on Angie's suit, from which she let the mechanic choose her material and colors, as well. As she worked, it became evident she had some power, much like Angela - the cloth moved to meet her, threads threaded itself, and needles sewed without a hand to hold them. "Juuust a minute! It won't take too long~"

It took a half-hour, more or less, for the demoness to finish Angela's new outfit - which, considering it was all custom-tailored, was pretty quick. When she finished, the suit hung in mid-air, twirling to show itself off to the mechanic. "Whaddaya think?" She pointed out a little dressing room in the back of the shop... though, she also recommended using her restroom beforehand. "Don't wanna get your new clothes dirty, you know?"

You can, of course, decide on the looks and stuff for your new swag.

Clothes: AV = 2, EV = 0, TP = 30, DU = 3.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

"Um, sure, meeting you there would probably be easier actually," Angie smiled softly, her expression hiding the nervousness and shock of what she was getting herself into. Though when Taylor 'groped' her chest the mechanic let out a yelp of surprise and her face began to flush a deep crimson, but otherwise stood there and let it happen, knowing that it was something that came with being sized up. Or at least something to be expected when getting a demon to do your tailoring.

"Uh, how about this blue set?" Angela suggested, pointing out a rather plain looking set of matching light blue bra and panties, though they did sport a white trim and a darker blue ribbon between the cups of the bra and just under the center of the hem of the panties. "You like to make clothes like this?" Angie asked curiously, gesturing to her work clothes. "Well if I need something I know where to come to now. I don't anything about tailoring, these are just clothes I've managed to find while rummaging around, so having someone I can get clothes from will be really convenient."

"Four feedings?" Angie thought to herself in despair, wondering if she'd ever get time to start work on her commissions.

Angela watched in amazement as Taylor began work on her suit, the thread and needle moving on its own, the material being worked on by some invisible force to quickly create the clothing she would need for her shift later on at Uun's.

Once the suit had been finished Angela clapped, impressed by Taylor's ability. "Wow, it's wonderful~" The young mechanic gushed. In truth it was just a plain ol' black dress suit, a white shirt and a black tie, albeit accommodating for a more feminine frame. But it was the first non-work outfit that Angela had owned, and on top of that it was made by a pretty talented person. Person? She meant demon. But... looking up at the tailor Angie couldn't help but begin to wonder if she'd been too prejudiced towards Taylor's kind. She did, after all, jump to conclusions with Benny, and look how wrong was she about him. Perhaps it would be okay to let her guard down?

"Oh, ha, you're right, I am a bit dirty," Angela giggled, the flush returning to her cheeks as she realised she had been walking around all this time with a filthy face. "I'll be right back." And with that she hopped over to the restroom, leaving her sentry in the shop. Once in the restroom Angela stripped, letting her work clothes and underwear drop to the floor as she walked over to the basin. Once filled with water the mechanic hastily washed herself down, taking care to wash the more dirty and sweaty areas, partly to appear more presentable for her coming shift but also to make herself more clean for Taylor later on. Though, if they were to hook up at Uun's later on Angie supposed she could have a quick bath there before Taylor arrived. She wouldn't want to scare the poor woman away with her stink after all.

Once cleaned up Angela carefully put on her new underwear. Even something as plain as these were a step up from the hole filled things she had been wearing previously, and despite her boyish demeanour Angela couldn't help but admire herself, giggling like an excitable schoolgirl at the feel of the fabric against her skin. Once done eyeing herself up Angela finally put on her suit, minus the tie as she had no idea how to put it on, and once more admired herself, striking poses and laughing senselessly once more.

It had been some time but the mechanic finally left the restroom and made her way back to Taylor and her sentry. "Thank you so much~" Angela wrapped her arms around the demoness and embraced her, overjoyed by her new clothes and how lovely they felt and having made a new friend. "I'm... going to need a little help with the tie though..." Angela flushed once more, embarrassed by not knowing how to tie a tie.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 38/66

Status: Not too shabby.

"That one? Alrighty," Taylor said, when Angela picked out a modest set of blue bra and panties.

"Clothes like whuh?" she said, looking a little confused before realizing Angela was gesturing to her quite mundane working clothes. "Oh! Weeelll... it's just... I am a tailor, you know? All these things..." she waved at her shop's worth of skimpy clothing, "They... well, there's not material there, you know? It's just a couple scraps of thin, delicate silks - there's not much I can do with that, and I have to be reeeally careful with it. Plus, like... you know like how if you eat only your favorite food every day, you eventually start to get sick of it? Sexy clothes are nice, and all, but I can only make so many crotchless thongs before it starts to get a little samey-samey, you know? Just... I suppose, every now and then, it's nice to try and make something look good without showing off as much skin as I can! ...That makes sense, right?"

When it became apparent her customer was pleased with her work, the tailor's face lit up. "You really think so?" she asked. "Oh, I'm so glad you like it! It's not very elaborate, but that kinda thing takes up a lot of time, and you said you needed it tonight, so I figured it would be better if I just focused on the silhouette and the fit, instead of... uhh... well, nevermind. Let's see how ya look!"

After a quick wash up, Angie stepped back out of the bathroom. She didn't see Taylor, but there was a stack of hats of various make on her sentry, which had definitely not been there before. The demoness then emerged from a backroom, holding a dark maroon pork pie hat in one hand and a white stetson in the other - almost walking straight into Angie. "Eep!" she exclaimed as she came full-stop, and once again when Angie wrapped her arms around her. Despite her cries of shock, though, she didn't let go when Angela loosened her hug, keeping her arms around the mechanic's waist, having to tilt her head that much further back to look up at the taller woman. "You look great!" Though she seemed to have calmed from the excited state she'd been in earlier, it seemed to quickly return, a light reddish tinge starting to color her cheeks. "No no! Thank you - it was my pleasure to dress you up, Miss, uh... say, what did you say your name was?

"...Oh, the tie? No problem, here, watch..." Taylor showed Angela how to do up her tie - laying it so thicker end had twice the length the thin one had, wrapping the thick one around, bringing it up and through - and then had her try it a few times, just to get the feel for it. Once she was reasonably sure Angie had it, the seamstress took an odd moment in silence, simply standing in front of Angela. "W-well..." she started.

"...Are you sure you don't have time for a little... payment, right now? Maybe just a little taste - a half-feed, maybe?"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

With her mind a haze of joy Angela didn't think it anything of it when Taylor didn't release her from the hug once her own arms dropped from the demoness, and flushed with happiness when Taylor had complimented her.

"Angela. But everyone calls me Angie," As Taylor demonstrated how to do up the tie Angela couldn't help but blush once more, and turned her head to the side to avoid eye contact for fear that her face would burn up completely from embarrassment. Then it was the young mechanic's turn, and with her hands shaking slightly it took her several attempts before Angie was happy that she could do up her tie properly.

With the tie now firmly in place Angela stood there for a moment, completely aware of the awkward silence between the two of them and completely unsure of what to say or do in a situation like this. Though she mentally breathed a sigh of relief as Taylor broke the growing silence, however the question the demoness asked wasn't one she had hoped to hear so soon. But it didn't surprise her.

"A... a little taste..?" Angela asked, already guessing what the demoness means as the mechanic chews her lower lip. "I, uh... I... I guess that's alright." Realising that she probably still had a bit of time left to loiter before her shift started, and that she didn't really have a proper reason to refuse Taylor, especially after doing such a great job on her new outfit in such a small space of time, Angela thought why the hell not. She was already going to be spending some time with Taylor later on, she'd just as well 'sample the goods' as well.

Taking the initiative, Angela placed her hands on the side of the smaller woman's head, cupping her face as the young mechanic leant forward and pulled Taylor into a kiss, not daring to do anything more than lock her lips with the demoness', wondering how she'd go from the quite simple kiss.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 38/66

Status: Not too shabby.

The shorter seamstress smiled when Angela agreed to stay awhile. When Angie made the first move, though, she "eep!"'d once again, but allowed the mechanic to bring her into a kiss, closing her eyes and blushing, smiling with anticipation all the while. When their lips joined, Angie felt Taylor open her mouth ever so slightly, taking Angela's bottom lip in between her own and gently pulling away, letting it slip away, before doing it once more. The girl's hands - still wrapped around Angie's waist - let go, reaching up for a grip higher up on the taller woman, wrapping around her shoulders. After some light play, Taylor licked a corner of Angie's mouth with a grin, before slipping her pink tongue into Angie's mouth and frenching her, the demon's dexterous tongue wrestling with Angie's own. A hand reached up to comb through Angie's hair, before sliding down to caress Angie's cheek. A few more moments, and Angie felt the demon pull away with a giggle, to kiss and nibble at her neck. "Ehehehe... maybe we oughta go somewhere a little more comfortable?"

With a gentle push, Taylor separated them two and hustled over tothe door, where she flipped the 'Open!' sign hanging on the glass before locking it.

Giggling again as she giddily hurried back to Angie, the demoness took her by the hand and pulled her to the back - heading up some stairs, and into a bedroom. Rolls and bolts of cloth and fabrics, baskets of threads, needles, and other tools of the demoness' trade, and even clothes were scattered around the room. "Uhm, sorry... it's not very tidy in here. Please don't mind the mess!"

Regardless of the clutter, though, the seamstress seemed to have a grand bed, which was likely to be far more important to the impending deeds than her floors or tables. It was covered with black silks, and had a poster from which gauzy pink curtains hung.

"You know what else I like I like about clothes like these?" the tailor asked, pulling Angie over to the bed, swinging in front of her when they reached it. "Even if they're not as 'sexy' as stuff like my dress? Well, for one, I can do this!" She snapped her fingers, and all of a sudden, it became obvious that Tailor's mystical command of cloth was not limited to just helping her sew cloth together. The silky caress of her bra and panties suddenly grew a mind of it's own, gently pressing against her sensitive nipples and sex, rubbing and squeezing - she was being molested by her own clothes!

The demoness, meanwhile, nonchalantly pulled off Angie's tie and started on unfastening her suit's jacket, all of which had probably not been on her more than thirty minutes, if even near that. "Besides that, they leave things to the imagination~"

Her bra gave her a slow squeeze, gently squashing Angie's breasts against her in a circle, while her sensitive peaks were flicked this way and that. "In real clothes like this, it's a mystery! 'What's she wearing underneath that, I wonder'? 'She's so hot, I never woulda guessed'! 'Oh man, I never knew she had that tattooed there'! You have to chase to find out - not like revealing things like these," she said, motioning to her own, revealing dress. "Things like these, you get to see everything right from the start - you could just walk by, and see everything! There's no chase there, that's no fun..."

"For instance... what kinda bra do you think I'm wearing? If you guessed 'none', you'd be right! Not hard to tell, no?" Taylor rolled one of her bare shoulders, while her panties made a similar circle around her little pleasure button. "But, what about panties? Maybe I'm wearing a tight, lacy thong, that covers barely anything - like my dress? Or maybe something without a crotch - like, say... these?" She picked up a pair of dark, red panties, trimmed with white lace, showing them to Angie with a grin - a slit in the middle indeed making it clear they were made with easy access in mind. "Maybe I'm just wearing a simple little pair of cotton whities? Maybe... nothing at all?"

She'd finshed with Angela's jacket, and was halfway through with her white shirt, when she looked up at Angela's face. She let go, grabbing the hem of her tiny skirt, though Angie's underwear didn't slow one bit. "Well?" She asked, unmistakably sexual excitement plainly visible on her face. "Whaddaya think?"

Don't wanna autopilot and all :V If you wanna take control/top/whatever, go ahead~

Also, if you want to just do a quick thingy to just answer her question, I'll try to answer it posthaste instead of the usual longass wait, so's a proper meaty post can happen and whatnot.
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Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angela welcomed Taylor taking over their kiss, having jumped into it without any forethought. The young mechanic giggled softly as Taylor kissed her, and leant down slightly so that the demoness could get to her more easily. As their kiss became more passionate Angie's hands slid down the shorter woman's body, one resting on her shoulder and the other coming down to her buttocks, pulling Taylor closer as their tongues danced in their mouths.

Angie pouted as the two of them parted, and as Taylor made for the door she watched with eager eyes as the open sign was turned around and the door was locked. Just as Taylor took Angela by the hand the mechanic dispelled her energies from the sentry, letting it fall into a pile on floor where it stood.

"That's alright," Angie assured the demoness as she briefly looked around the cluttered room, her gaze quickly falling onto the impressive bed, her eyes lighting up. This is actually kinda like home for me. The young mechanic's eyes fell onto Taylor once more as the two of them made their way to the bed, the demoness gliding around Angie, positioning herself in front of Angie. Having already been aroused by the mercenaries that had paid a visit to her workshop earlier the hunger in Angela's eyes could easily be seen as the thought of what the two of them were about to do teased her. She wanted Taylor, and she wanted her right this minute.

Though her underwear suddenly assaulting her most sensitive areas took Angela by surprise for a moment, the young woman's gasps quickly turn to soft moans and whimpers as the cloth teased her. Angie could only half listen to Taylor as her underwear continued its assault on her body, the mechanic too weak from lust to do much aside from stand there, hands resting on the demoness' shoulders as Taylor slowly stripped Angie down.

Her face already flushed a deep red, Angie couldn't contain herself any longer as Taylor removed her dress to reveal her naked form, and as the demoness asked her question Angie threw herself on top of her, the mechanic softly panting. "J-just hurry up... and f-fuck me..." Angela quietly moaned out, barely able to mutter the words, her hands already moving up to Taylor's chest.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 34/66

Status: Not too shabby.

"Eek!" the demoness squealed as Angie pushed herself into her, the pair falling onto the bed. "Not interested in games or talk, huh? Hehe, you impatient girl... alright then, Angie~"

With a conductor-like swish of both her index fingers, Angie felt the rest of her clothing sliding away. In short order, the pair of them were both naked, and Taylor wrapped her legs around Angela's hips, reaching up with a hand to pull her deep into another kiss as her eyelids drooped shut, soft lips against Angie's own as tongues flickered and intertwined. It seemed like her tongue was longer than it seemed - the demoness managing to easily run her warped tongue along the roof of Angie's mouth.

Without breaking away, the petite girl twisted her hips, flipping the pair over so Angie was underneath. The mechanic felt the seamstresses' hands run along her arms until their fingers interlocked and their chests pressed up against each other. "Mmmmnnn..."

Slowly waggling her hips as she wrestled with Angela's tongue, Taylor slowly raised their arms to lie above Angie's head on the bed, and then let go, dragging them back down to finally rest on her breasts. She gave them a squeeze, rolling them around in her palms. After allowing Angela a moment to enjoy that, she started to slide another hand down across her belly to the tinker's crotch, where she started sliding her long fingers along her slit. Once both her digits and Angie herself were good and wet, the tailor slid her middle finger inside of Angela, curling her fingers to rub her sensitive g-spot. At the same time, she started rubbing her thumb in circles around outside pleasure button, and moved her other hand to pinch and roll Angie's nipple in between her fingers. She never broke away from Angela's lips as she pleasured her - excepting, perhaps, to allow her brief gasps of air.

With the intense assault against her pleasure centers, Angela started to feel her orgasm approach - in fact, it felt just a tiny bit like she was already cumming, except... not. It was much like a the pleasurable release of a very small orgasm, and yet different... like it was coming from deeper, and the pleasure was a delectable, constant stream, unlike the crest and drop of a usual orgasm.

Taylor opened her eyes, crimson orbs staring into Angela's own blue ones - strange, hadn't they been another color? - and, just as she was about to cum... Taylor stopped.

"...Hehehe! Not yet!" She giggled, eyes now back to the golden amber Angie remembered. "That's another thing I love... you humans just taste so... clean! It's so much different than another demon~" she said, putting the length of her finger in her mouth as she suckled Angela's juices from it. "Um, your soul, I mean. It's so tasty!"

With that, she reversed her straddle of the girl, bending down to tickle Angela's flower with her hot breath, as her own hung in front of Angela, neglected up until now and wet with anticipation.

"Hehe, mmm..."

Angela got no more warning than that to the incredibly delightful sensation of Taylor's tongue on the nether-lips, dipping it's dexterous length into her love canal and flickering the tip in Angie's depths. Taylor alternated between plying her tongue in Angela's depths and raining licks and kisses on her clit, and as that pleasure radiated throughout her, she felt the sensation from before re-emerge to join it.

Finally, Angela felt her climax approaching once again - the demoness must have noticed it too, as she giggled once more and increased the fervor of her ministrations to the tinker's pussy. With no signs of stopping, Angela felt licks, nips and kisses speed her ever closer to her sexual crescendo...
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie let out a gasp as the remainder of her clothes fell off her body, a hand sliding down to Taylor's waist as the demoness entwined her legs around Angela's hips, pulling the woman into another deep kiss. Her other hand came up to Taylor's face once more, cupping the side of her face.

Though as Taylor flipped the pair over, her now on top of and stradding the mechanic, Angie let out a muffled cry of surprise, though welcomed the demoness taking a more dominant role. Quiet moans escaped Angie as Taylor's hands came to her breasts, the demoness playfully kneading her soft flesh for a moment before snaking a hand downwards. As the tailor trailed a hand down the young woman's flat stomach a shiver of anticipation ran through Angela's body, her own hands sliding over the demoness' waist and coming to rest on her buttocks.

Angela's moans became more pronounced as Taylor begun to tease her womanhood, the hot flush that had covered Angie's face now beginning to spread over her entire body, which had already begun to glisten from a thin film of sweat. And as a finger entered her, Angela's body almost completely shut down from the overwhelming pleasure. It was the mechanic's first time with a demon, but she could suddenly see why people chose to willingly have sex with them.

She couldn't describe it. Well, not in her current euphoric state, but the feeling of pleasure was intense. Almost too intense. As Taylor's fingers continued to work their magic on her womanhood and breasts Angie could feel herself becoming dangerously addicted to the sensation. And she was alright with that. At that moment she wanted nothing more than to submit herself to Taylor's fingers, to constantly feel as good as she was currently feeling. Angela's arms lay sprawled out by her sides, limp and paralytic, from the waves of pleasure coursing through her body, and as the pleasure continued to build up it felt as if it was emanating from not just her physical body, but deep within her as well.

And all of a sudden it came to a stop as Taylor pulled her finger from out of Angie. The young mechanic looked up at the demoness, her breathing laboured, as she suckled on the finger she had used to pleasure Angie with. "M-my... my soul?" Angela repeated, breathing deeply, though a smile formed on her lips. "So... so that's what that feeling was..." And as Taylor repositioned herself Angela knew exactly what was about to come.

Though that didn't stop Angie from almost losing herself to the wave of pleasure that washed through her body as the demoness' tongue entered her womanhood, its unnatural length reaching places that not even some men had reached before. Deep gasps escaped the mechanic as she looked up at Taylor's moist sex, and with great effort she placed her hands on Taylor's buttocks, pulling the demoness' behind down enough so that Angie could plunge her tongue into Taylor's warmth. Angela hungrily lapped at Taylor's flower, greedily drinking down the demoness' sweet honey as her fingers caressed and fondled the demoness' buttocks, trying to at least give her lover at least a portion of the pleasure Angela was currently feeling.

But it wasn't long before Angela was brought close to her orgasm once more, and her attack on the demoness' sex grew weak, until finally the pleasure that Taylor brought upon her grew too much. Angela's body tensed up as the final wave of pleasure coursed through her very being, and arching her back the mechanic cried out, whimpering weakly as she clung onto the bed sheets.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 34/66

Status: Not too shabby.

The demoness continued to mine Angie's depths even as she hit her peak, the dexterous organ writhing in her nethers and continuing to stimulate her even as her waves of pleasure crested and finally died down. Once her delightful rapture had passed, Angela felt Taylor's tongue withdraw, and the demoness flipped around once more and gave Angela a taste of herself, pressing her soft lips to Angie's, mouth and cheeks still glistening with Angela's essences. When she finally pulled away, she flicked her tongue on the tip of Angie's nose, before sitting up straight, straddling the tinker's chest. "Eehehe. That was fun, cutey! I can't wait to get mine later tonight," she purred, licking her lips.


Angela and Taylor spent a few minutes simply cuddling afterwards at Taylor's insistence - draining was tiring, after all, wasn't it? Naked, In the tailor's cushy bed, with an attractive and just-as-naked demoness wrapped around her, and bask in the afterglow of her orgasm, it was quite difficult for Angela to protest...

Once she had gotten her wind back, the pair redressed, and Taylor offered to fold up Angela's new suit and put it in a bag for her, if she didn't want to wear it out of the store and risk getting it dirty, and proceeded to tidy up the pile of hats resting atop Angela's sentry-part-pile. If Angela left to carry on with her business for the day, the seamstress would blow her a kiss - only to run directly into a cavernous expanse of purple demon cleavage.

A very tall and very busty demoness walked in just as she'd start to leave. "Excuse you," she said, looking down at the mechanic with glowing red eyes before pushing past. Long pink hair fell down her back. Unlike the other demonic ladies she'd met today, this one's infernal heritage was much more strongly noticeable - her feet ended in cloven hooves, a long, muscular tail with a spaded tip sprouted from just above her bottom, and large, leathery wings rose out of her shoulderblades, filling up almost as much space as the rest of her.

"TAYLOR! Pleeease tell me it's ready!" she whined, for which the seamstress seemed unprepared.

"I-I told you Lucy, it'll be ready Fr-"

"Nooo nononono no! Don't tell me thaaaaat! I need it toniiight! Can't you do something?!"


The big demonesses' voice was already starting to grate on Angela's nerves - surprisingly high-pitched, for such a big lady - and Taylor, despite this Lucy's pushiness, looked like she could handle her - she might even be able to make a little extra, what with having to rush the job - which she was undoubtedly capable of doing, as shown by her stunt with Angie's suit earlier. Angela was entirely free to run off and attend to her own business.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

It didn't take very much convincing to get Angela to stay in bed for a little while to cuddle in the afterglow of her orgasm. The young woman curled herself against Taylor's front, her legs wrapping around the demoness' own while Angie buried her face in Taylor's chest.

But unfortunately it couldn't last forever, and Angela soon found herself reluctantly pulling herself away from Taylor as the two of them redressed, her suit nicely folded and tucked away in a bag to protect it from whatever dirt Angela comes in contact with between now and her shift at Uun's. As the two of them make their way back down to the shop Angela reformed her sentry, not out of needing its protection but because that amount of scrap would be too heavy for her to carry in one go. And it would be nice to have something to ride.

Bidding Taylor goodbye until later Angela turned to leave the shop, and not looking where she was going the young woman walked face first into the biggest set of tits she had ever seen. Or at least remembered seeing recently. The mechanic stumbled backwards for a moment before finally losing her balance and fell flat on her ass, a pained moan escaping Angie. She glared at the demoness as she walked passed Angela, this one looking more like what you'd expect of a ruthless race of- no, there she went again, being prejudiced against demons, momentarily forgetting to better her understanding and acceptance of the demonic races.

Pushing those thoughts from her mind Angela climbed back to her feet and watched the purple demoness make her way to Taylor, her high pitched wail like nails on a chalk board to the mechanic. "If Taylor says she'll have it ready by Friday, then it'll be ready by then," Angela interjected, deciding to step in to help her new friend. Though it was partly because she hated pushy customers. "Though if you do want it sooner... would an additional cost sound reasonable?" The question was more directed to Taylor that time, and placing one hand on her hip a sly grin spread across the young girl's face. She then addressed this Lucy once more. "After all, you can't expect someone with Taylor's talents to just bump you up ahead on her order list because you asked nicely."
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 66

Status: Not too shabby.

"Yes! I need it! Really really bad!" the demoness practically shouted. Whinily

Taylor's eyes flashed, though she tried to play it cool and make as if it was a hard choice whether or not she was willing to accept. "Weeeelllllll... there might be something I could do..." the seamstress drawled, drawing out her words.

"Fine, whatever, just make me my bikini!!"

"Well, see - here's the thing..."

A few minutes and a treatment to an amazingly shark-like bout of predatory haggling later, and Angie left the shop while Taylor finalized her and Lucy's deal - the seamstress coming out some fifteen denarii richer, promising to have the demonesses' order (which turned out to be some sort of custom-made 'bikini' that, from the sound of the description, could have easily passed as "floss with lace tangled up in it") ready 'just in time' for her to pick it up later.

EP's back from cuddles! Also, how much EP are you putting into yon Sentry?

Also, apologies for another shitty oopdoote.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Bidding Taylor goodbye for now and silently wondering why anyone would even bother ordering such a sparse outfit, let alone how a woman of her stature could even pull it off, decided to head back to her shop to drop off the days purchases and pick up several choice items for her and Taylor's rendezvous.

Once back at the shop Angela split the items bought earlier into two piles; one for each of the weapons, and divided the goods between the two. She also noted down the commission pieces for the Tesla, how much they would cost her and when she could pick them up. The young woman sighed to herself and hoped that she'd be able to get the money for them sooner rather than later. Though perhaps this Gardland would be eager to pay more up front if it meant getting a working copy of the weapon earlier than expected. It was worth asking at least.

Once done with that Angie headed upstairs to the living quarters of her shop, which turned out to be just as messy as the work station downstairs. Clothes, both clean and dirty, littered the floor of her small bedroom while tools, utensils and crockery littered her living room and kitchen and stains of all kinds covered most of her surfaces. The only area that seemed to have any level of cleanliness to it was Angela's bathroom. Walking straight to her bedroom Angie went directly to a large chest of drawers and opened the bottom drawer to reveal a collection of self-made sex toys, ranging from the plain cylindrical vibrator with a tapered end, to a massive, almost horse-sized veined monstrosity that couldn't surely fit inside the mechanic. Not for want of trying, of course. There was also an unfinished prototype lying unused at the bottom of the drawer; a strapon that Angie had hoped would allow the wearer to channel their spiritual energy into creating semen. Perhaps not explicitly to impregnate the wearers partner, but more for just the sight of seeing their partner filled up and covered in the white stuff. Of course, she hadn't been able to figure out how exactly she'd make it do that, which disappointed her immensely. And so it remained neglected at the bottom of the drawer, waiting for that day that Angela would finally work out how to make it function properly.

Rummaging through the drawer Angela selected a few choice items, including a lovely, eight inch brilliant pink strapon and a few other assorted bits and bobs for her and Taylor's get together later on. Placing them in her satchel Angie made her way back downstairs, locked up the shop and made her way back to Uun's.

Oops, forgot about that.
For the sentry;
10 EP, +1 EP for double range.

Also, does Angie gain any corruption for hooking up with Taylor?