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Telara (Mind Flayer)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Character Name: Telara Kendre

Character Race: Elf

Character Class: Assassin

Appearance: She's 5'2" tall, dark skin, white hair, pointed elf ears, light brown eyes, E-cup breasts, and a 12 inch long two inch thick penis when fully erect with testicles underneath said member, and she still has her pussy as well.

Hard to get

Hard to keep down

Weak against tentacles

'Weak against pussy rape' (i.e. her dick being gripped by a pussy.)

Telara woke to dead silence, much more so than she'd expect. Sitting bolt upright she suddenly realized this room she was in was very unfamiliar to her, and it wasn't even Elven in construction. She didn't recognize the symbols on the wall, which meant this room was somewhere she probably didn't want to be. She found she couldn't remember anything other than her name or where she was from. As she stood on still shaky legs, she spotted a pair of weapons on the wall. Both were daggers. As she inspected them, a loud voice suddenly boomed through the room via hidden speakers.

"Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure! You have been brought here my love to provide amusement to me, and of course to provide a warm, beautiful body for my friends to play with. However, I am not completely uncaring to your plight, hahaha. In order to make things somewhat more entertaining, I have granted you special abilities based upon your innermost desires. You may access your new special abilities by merely focusing upon them in your mind, they are always there with you. All you need do is think about them. Now then, soon the door to your room will open, and you will begin your trek. I am your ticket home, so you must find me if you wish to ever see your family and loved ones again. Haha, let us see if you can make it here little girl, for no one ever has. This shall be so much fun to watch, and it will be so much fun for you! While I watch, you my dear will get to have loads of sex! Now then, run along little one, and in case you were thinking of hiding in that room, don't bother. Once that door opens, you will be ripe for the taking, HAHAHAHA."


1: Take the Daggers and Leave.

2: Take the Daggers but see if he's bluffing about enemies being able to reach you.
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Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

Telara's pic just for reference

Telara woke up from her slumber, the room she was in deathly silent. She bolted upright suddenly to look around the dimly lit room she was in and saw it wasn't even an elven building... the symbols on the walls didn't look like anything she knew either. She couldn't remember much of anything save her name and where she was from, but that didn't matter right now, for she needed to figure out where she was and why. She slowly got up to her feet, with her legs shaking a good deal as she got up, she glanced over to see a pair of daggers on the wall and as she got closer to inspect them better, she heard a loud voice boom through the room so loud she had to cover her sensitive elven ears.

"But why have you done this to me? What did I ever do to you huh? And I'm no little girl, you just wait I'll get there and then you'll have to send me home!" Telara shouted back at the voice, not caring if it replied to her or not.

Once the voice was done speaking to her she glanced down at her body and flexed her fingers, thinking about what the voice had told her about the special abilities she'd been given. She decided to grab the daggers and waited for the doors to open, where she would then venture out into wherever it was she was trapped in. She new she needed to get out of here and that waiting would be just as bad as venturing out, so she decided that going on out was the lesser of two evils here.

I'm assuming Telara is butt naked. And I thought she saw daggers, not a staff? Regardless I'm choosing option 1.
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

As she examined her body, she discovered she had both sexual organs! She tried to remember if this was normal for her, but she couldn't remember. She had no idea if she'd been born this way, or if this was something that sick bastard had added on to her. Either way, it might make her wonder if all she would encounter would be sex crazed males ...

Regardless, when the door opened she stepped out, and instantly found herself standing in an open field. However, the skies weren't normal at all!

For starters, the sky was a nearly orange color, with a few blue colored clouds lining it. For another, there were five moons visible, and the grass was blood red instead of green. Wherever she was, it was safe to say she wasn't on any planet she knew of.

Suddenly, the air felt strange, and lifeless. Telara sensed something behind her and she whipped around ...

Trap Evasion Check:

Telara: 35+81=116 vs. Trap?: 40+74=114

... and just BARELY managed to avoid being grabbed by a massive sea of black tentacles that led into some kind of rip in space. The tentacles flailed about for a moment after missing her, seeming to search for her, but eventually withdrew back into the rift. Shortly after, it closed up, and everything returned to normal. It was only now that she realized how CLOSE she had come to being grabbed by whatever that thing was, and lord knows what would have happened if it had gotten a hold of her.

((You are DAMN lucky lol))


1: Move Onward.

2: Stay a moment and process just what kind of fate you may have barely avoided.
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

Telara grabbed her daggers from wall and waited for the door to open after making up her mind to leave. While she waited, she glanced down at herself now that she was armed and ready to fight to get a better look at herself. When she saw her... equipment down there, she gasped, she thought that she'd felt a little strange down there earlier, but had written it off as nothing but the cool air in wherever she was at.

"What the... why do I have this here? And what the, I have those too! And that! I... I've got everything that a man and a woman would both have. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing though, oh I'm so confused about all this. Why did something like this happen to me? I wish I could remember everything, the least he or she could have done was leave me my memories and everything," Telara asked nobody in particular as she inspected herself thoroughly.

Upon seeing her testicles underneath her penis, she brushed a finger across them to see if they were real and sure enough she felt just how sensitive they were and gasped at the sensation of something touching her there for the first time she can remember right off the top of her head, because she wasn't totally sure she'd always had them. She couldn't help but idly wonder just how much semen her large sensitive testies could or would produce, but she figured that she may very well get the opportunity to find out soon enough if what the voice said was true. She then lifted her billiards ball sized testicles up a little bit to see that she also had a tight little elven cunny just below them. Telara then tested her elven puss a little bit by probing a finger into it, finding out that she was a virgin there, this rather amazed her considerably as she had figured that whoever the voice belonged to would have had their way with her while she was unconscious earlier.

When the door opened up, Telara quickly exited the room she was in, her large member swaying with her body as she walked and her rather large testicles wobbling and jiggling underneath it and bumping against her inner thighs. She wondered what kinds of different encounters the voice told her she'd have, wondering what kinds of things she'd run into. Would they be human or humanoid rather? Would they be monsters? If she had to guess it would probably be all of the above, because this seemed like some sort of fairytale dungeon and figured that there could be anything in here.

Once she was out through the door, she found herself in an open field, though when she looked up at the sky, she saw it wasn't what she'd expected at all. She saw an orange sky with blue clouds doting it, and she also saw many more moons than she had expected to see, as there were five of them hanging up there in the sky above her. "Wow they're so pretty... I don't remember ever seeing more than one moon. Seeing five like this though, it's absolutely breathtaking," Telara mused aloud as she stared up at the multiple moons.

When she looked back down at the ground around her, she saw that the grass wasn't green like it probably should have been, and was instead blood red. While she looked around at the strange landscape around her, Telara suddenly felt a change in the air, it felt... almost lifeless in a way. Her elven ears twitched a little bit, telling her there was something behind her, so she quickly turned around and looked behind her.

Just as she turned around, she saw a massive wave of black tentacles all extending out from some sort of rift. She reacted quickly and did a very agile back flip, evading the tentacles entirely as they flailed about looking for her, only to give up after they couldn't find her after missing their grab attempt on her. She watched as the rift they extended from closed up, leaving her alone once again, to wonder just what had happened, and what would have happened had she been grabbed by them. She visibly shuddered at the mere thought of that, not wanting to know what they might have done.

"I think I should get out of here as quick as I can if stuff like that can just come out of nowhere at me, and I'll have to keep a close eye out for anything else so it doesn't get the drop on me," Telara said to herself after the tentacles left, looking around the landscape and choosing whichever direction looked the best and heading that way.

(I honestly can't believe mine eyes, I got a good roll. Also choosing options 1 in case you couldn't tell. And sorry for such a long post, I just started writing and this is what I came up with, just give me a couple of hours or so and I can come up with a ton to write regardless of how much you give me to work with.)
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

((Hey, whatever works for ya. Makes for interesting reading that's for sure.))

Telara decides not to stick around, and she moves onward. Soon enough she finds an area similar to where she had been, but here there seems to be some type of plant growth. As she investigates ....

Trap Evasion Check:

Telara: 35+72=107 vs. Trap?: 40+98=138

Pleasure Roll:

Breeder Plant: 200+79=279 vs. Telara: 150+1=151

Telara suddenly heard a rustling noise, but before she could move something grabbed her in a viney embrace. She was driven to her knees by the sudden yanking, caught unprepared. Before she could figure out where her attacker was, she felt something warm, wet and TIGHT slide over her cock. Instantly she felt as if whatever had claimed her cock was contracting around it, even as it suddenly drew tighter around her. Stars exploded in the back of her head as pleasure tore through her, and she looked down to discover the source of her sudden pleasure.

There, grown into the ground was some kind of plant. However said plant had several vine like protrusions that were the source of her being knocked down towards it. As she tried to stand and move back, a new wave of pleasure tore through her, and her mind remembered feeling something slide over her cock. Her eyes drifting down, she discovered that her cock was now very snugly wrapped inside of what seemed to be an open ended vine. Said vine was in the process of sliding over her now throbbing dick, mercilessly fucking her. It felt far better than it had any right to, and she might wonder if this was what it felt like to thrust into a pussy. Yet it wrapped around her like a tentacle jerking her off too. A quick check in her mind came up with the 'file' on this thing.

Breeder Plant:
This is a plant that lays in wait for a victim to pass close by it, prefering to grow in areas where shadows cast enough doubt that you can't really see it. Once it has spotted a victim in close enough range, it quickly imbues them with dick. Then it strikes quickly and without mercy, plunging the unsuspecting woman into a powerful sucking and thrusting of her imbued body within a tentacle mouth. This long tentacle leads directly into the main body of the plant, however it's long enough to
easily swallow your dick whole. If your brought to an orgasm for this strange sucking, you'll find a second similar tentacle thrust into your mouth, and your entire load will be forced down your throat along with a fertilized egg, impregnating you with it's seed.

If you were already pregnant, you'll escape another impregnation, but not the humiliation of having to swallow your own load. This little bastard is only about ten inches tall and maybe six wide, but it's ability to rape you is undenyable. Don't let this small brown sack of shit humiliate you ... unless you like that kind of thing. It will not release you until it either caps your KP or you give birth. It deals 35 Pleasure per attack.

Telara suffers 65 pleasure as both her weak to pussy and weak to tentacles 'debuffs' come into play here. She gains 85 KP from the sex and getting caught by the trap to begin with. Telara now has 95 Stamina left until she has an orgasm.


1: Try to get free.

2: Let the trap bring you to an orgasm to see what one will feel like with your cock.

Adjusted Stats:

Telara: 95/160 Stamina. 85/50,000 KP.
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

(Not that I've got a problem with it or anything. But how come her evasion was so low? She's an assassin with 'Hard to get'. Or is the evasion for traps different than that of actual enemies?)

After deciding not to stay any longer, Telara moved on, following the path she'd picked out before her. A time later she found her way to an area that seemed a little like the one she had been in when the strange rift had opened and the blackened tentacles came out after her. It looked like there was some form of plant growth around and she moved a little closer towards it to investigate, wanting to know what she was looking at.

While she was walking over towards the plant life she saw, all of a sudden she heard a rustling in the grass around her. Before she could even move, she was suddenly grabbed by some vines that yanked her down to her knees. When this happened, Telara gasped at the sudden attack, which turned into a deep lust filled moan halfway through as she threw her head back when she felt something very tight slide down over her flaccid cock, something warm and wet. No sooner did whatever it was that sheathed itself around her member slip over it than it began contracting around it even as she felt it tighten up even more so.

The sensation was simply overwhelming to her and her long deep throaty moan she'd let out after her gasp finally came to an end, she looked down to see a strange looking plant that had many weird looking vines extending from its main part, which she assumed was had grabbed her and knocked her down. When she tried to get up so she could get back and away from the plant, she felt a sudden burst of pleasure shoot through her, rendering her legs all but useless as she fell back to her knees from the sudden pleasure, her eyes going down a bit more to see her member fully encapsulated quote snugly inside of a vine that seemed to have a mouth on the end of it. She cooed out as she saw the vine swallowing her cock and then pulling back only to ram itself back down over it, feverishly fucking her poor sensitive body as her member came to full hardness, already throbbing in anticipation while her testicles prepared to fire a hot load of her semen into the vine sucking her hot and now painfully hard dick.

"Oh... Oh gods... i-it feels magnificent... oh if this is... what that voice was talking about by fun... then I almost don't mind trying to fight it all off to get home... Oh if a woman of some sort found me then she'd probably be able to turn me into her plaything... b-but I'm not going to just sit here and let you have me without a fight you silly vines... you'll have to do b-better than that," Telara said aloud to the vines, starting to try and struggle free even as she imagined what it would feel like to have her huge cock buried inside of a warm tight wet pussy, a real woman's pussy. She couldn't shake the thought off as the vine continued sucking and jerking her off at the same time.

The sensation was almost too overwhelming for her to even begin to imagine trying to break free. Because who in their right mind would want to break free from this pleasure? It felt so good that it would be just silly to want away from it. So when the knowledge of the creature she was tangling with popped up within her mind, she felt at least she now knew what was raping her. When she'd gone over the knowledge in her mind, she thought to herself that it was very helpful indeed, she couldn't let this thing have its way with her, because she'd rather not be impregnated by something that wasn't even humanoid, though those tentacles were hard to resist for her, but she couldn't give in now, because if she let this thing get her off after only just grabbing her, then she might as well just fully submit to it and she wasn't prepared to do that just quite yet.

[1. hopefully she can break free.]
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

((Trap Evasion is straight up Intelligence vs. Intelligence rolls, totally different system than actual combat. I went with the old "if you aren't intelligent enough to recognize the trap, you're probably gonna get caught by it" slogan.))

Escape Trap Attempt:

Telara: 150+72+10=232 vs. Breeder Plant: 200+92=292.

Telara is unable to budge the plant, and it moves to fuck her some more.

Pleasure Roll:

Breeder Plant: 200+65=265 vs. Telara: 150+13=163

Telara can't stop the plant from continuing to work her body over, drawing her ever closer to a powerful orgasm. Telara suffers 65 Pleasure as her rape continues, and gains another 65 KP. She has 30 Stamina left until she has a wild orgasm.


1: Attempt to get free again.

2: Give in and allow the trap to bring you to an orgasm.

Adjusted Stats:

Telara: 30/160 Stamina. 150/50,000 KP.
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

As Telara struggled with the plant thing holding her she couldn't help but buck her hips into it, making her cock slip deeper into the open ended vine holding it. She just couldn't break free of the thing holding and gripping her cock though as the pleasure coursed through her veins.

Oh gods... it feels so good. My... my cock, it just... oh no... it's getting so sensitive, and I can... I can feel something coming closer. Oh no... I'm about to cum... I can... I can feel it,” Telara whimpered as she felt her orgasm building very close now, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to hold out much longer as her balls began tightening up in preparation to fire her boiling hot seed out into the plant vine sucking her member. Telara tried one last time to pull the vine off of her member, not willing to give in just quite yet.

[Option 1, break free]
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Telara: 150+83=233 vs. Plant: 200+35=235 (Ugh, close one)

Telara struggles, but just as she thinks she is going to get free, the vine clamps down over her and slides her back in with a quick sucking move!

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 200+46=246 vs. Telara: 150+43=193

Telara is unable to stop the plant from continuing to work her over, and soon enough the pleasure reaches the point of no return. As she reaches her boiling point, the plant slows it's motions some, inching her closer. Then, without warning, it suddenly goes full speed ahead on her, catching her unprepared. The resulting orgasm is spectacular, slamming through her with a thrill unlike anything she can remember having felt before. Telara suffers a powerful orgasm, spurting her load repeatedly into the plant, watching as it greedily swallows her seed, pumping her and milking her for every drop she can spurt out.

Telara suffers 65 Pleasure and an orgasm, losing her turn! She gains 90 KP from the sex and having an orgasm.

Adjusted Stats:

Telara: 125/160 Stamina. 240/50,000 KP.

However, as Telara finally comes down from her orgasmic high, she realizes she can't move, and her limbs won't respond. Even as this realization settles in, she can feel the plant begin to start up it's thrusting motions again. It suddenly dawns upon her that the plant isn't going to stop anytime soon, and an involuntary shudder passes through her as her still throbbing, sensitive cock begins to get sucked on and thrusted over once more, while she is helpless to stop it.

Telara suffers another 65 Pleasure as the plant continues to work her body over even after her orgasm. She is unable to offer any resistance to it, only able to watch, and feel it happen. She also gains another 65 KP. After a while, she begins to regain control over her body, feeling a strange power ripple through her. and has a decision to make.

Telara: 190/160 Stamina. 305/50,000 KP. Adrenaline Boost: +50 Stats 4/4 Turns.


1: Attempt to get free now that you seem to be boosted by Adrenaline.

2: Let the plant continue to suckle you like a lollypop until it's had it's fill (10K KP Cap).
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

Telara struggles mightily, and she thought she was about to rip free of the plant like tentacles, but was suddenly pushed back as her limbs weakened more and more as she started losing the will to fight the pleasure coursing through her veins. Telara bit her bottom lip in an effort to hold herself back and she felt the tentacle vine slowing its pace, which gave her a moment of breathing room as the seed in her balls churned, her cock twitching madly as she felt it about to release all she had inside. Then just as she was about to attempt to break free again, she felt the vine pick up its pace again, going as fast as it could until what little concentration she had broke. Her balls tightened against her body as she threw her head back and let out a cry of pleasure as she felt her orgasm rip through her like nothing she'd ever felt before, her eyes rolling up into her head as she kept pumping out spurt after spurt of her potent seed into the vine, which milked every last drop out that it could from her.

Oh... oh gods... t-too good... I c-can't m-move, and I-It's sucking it all out. Oh gods... maybe that's all it w-wanted was my... stuff, p-please let that be all it w-wanted,” Telara babbled a bit in the aftermath of her orgasm, her body losing all ability to move any at all, and her cock still twitching and throbbing a bit inside of the sucker tentacle that was holding it. Just as she began softening up again, the vine like tentacle started back up once more, a throbbing jolt of pleasure ripping through her sensitive member and causing her to jerk her hips away from the thing, only to meet its thrust when it pulled back and thrust back down over her the second time.

Oh no... i-it's n-not going... to stop... oh p-please... p-please let me go... I want to go h-home,” Telara whimpered out to the thing as she felt it start back up again, then a few moments later her adrenaline began pumping through her body enough so that she could move it again. Telara began attempting to break free again as soon as her body allowed her to, kicking and thrashing as hard as she could with her new found strength, not willing to just give in to this thing and let it do whatever it pleased to her.
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

((Doh, just realized she should be pregnant. Fixing that, but we'll skip the rewrite on the scene this time HAHA. I also ADDED Stamina instead of taking it away on her last rape, DOH!))

Escape Attempt:

Telara: 150+69+50=269 vs. Plant: 200+100=300

Telara can't get free despite her enhancements!

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 200+79=279 vs. Telara: 150+49+50=249

Telara can't stop the plant from continuing to work her over, and soon enough her body responds to the pleasure by letting loose another torrent of seed. Her second orgasm is just as good as the first one was, and she is helpless to hold back as she wildly spurts. Telara suffers 65 Pleasure, and now has 155 Stamina until she has another orgasm. She also gains 90 KP. Telara loses her turn due to her orgasm.

Once more the plant begins fucking her in earnest again as soon as her orgasm dies down, and all Telara can do is sit back and enjoy the pleasure for the moment as she suffers 65 more. She now has 90 Stamina left until another orgasm, and gains 65 KP.

Now, she feels her strength return, and her adrenaline seems recharged. Once more, the ball is in her court.

Telara: 90/160 Stamina. 460/50,000 KP. Adrenaline Boost: +50 Stats 4/4 Turns. Pregnant 18/20 Turns


1: Attempt to get free now that you seem to be boosted by Adrenaline.

2: Let the plant continue to suckle you like a lollypop until you give birth or reach 10K KP cap.
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

Telara felt the thing pleasuring her even more, her body severely weakened by how much it was being worked by the tentacles. Before long, the pleasure became too much for her body to fight any longer and she let loose with another load of her seed, her testicles clenching and her cock throbbing as her seed poured out of her body. Her eyes rolled up as her climax washed over her, the pleasure to great for her to hold back her voice any as she screamed to the top of her lungs in her lust.

"OH GODS... IT FEELS SO GOOD!" Telara cried out, then once her orgasm had subsided enough for her to breathe again, she mumbled aloud, "Gods... please help me... please make it stop."

When she felt it starting back up on her, Telara whimpered, wishing for it to stop, yet knowing that for it to stop she would have to make it do so. Once she had recovered enough, Telara began pulling as hard as she could against the tentacles holding her, not desiring to be in this fucking place a moment longer. If she could break free she would attempt to destroy this plant thing with her weapon.

[Option 1 of course, she isn't going to give up yet.]
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Telara: 150+67+50=267 vs. Trap: 200+84=284

Telara still can't free herself from the trap, although she gets awful close.

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 200+71=271 vs. Telara: 150+17+50=217

Telara shudders as she is worked over again, suffering another 65 Pleasure, leaving her with 25 Stamina until she suffers another orgasm. She also gains 65 KP.

Telara: 25/160 Stamina. 525/50,000 KP. Adrenaline Boost: +50 Stats 3/4 Turns. Pregnant 17/20 Turns


1: Try to get away again.

2: Let the plant rape you until you either give birth or reach 10K KP cap (whichever happens first).
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

Telara struggles against her bonds as hard as she can, though is still unable to break free. The tentacles continue pleasuring her all over, driving it into her until her sack is quivering in preparation to send another wave of her seed into the tentacle suckling her. She hated to admit it, but she was almost to the point that she just wants to sit there and allow them to have their way with her repeatedly, while moaning and screaming her pleasure for any and all to hear. However just as she was about to just relax and everything, she said to herself that she couldn't give in yet. Not when this was the first thing she'd encountered out here, she couldn't lose to the first thing she ran into. Telara, with that thought in mind, tried to bite back her moans of pleasure and resolved to try and break free, trying to fight the pleasure that was causing her cock and balls both to throb in anticipation of cumming once more.

[Option 1 again of course.]
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Telara: 150+96+50=296 vs. Trap: 200+5=205

With a surge of power, Telara frees herself!

Before she can recover though, she hears a soft voice speak.

"Oooh, you look like you want some more fun with a woman. Let's have some fun shall we?"

Grapple Attempt:

Uknown Enemy: 150+89=239 vs. Telara: 150+45+50=245

Telara somehow manages to twist away despite not seeing her attacker, causing it to fly past her. Standing on shaky legs, she comes face to face with a Slime Girl!

Slime Girl
Similar to a blob in that she's made out of slime, she is blue in color and will always futa you, forcing you to thrust inside of her cool, tight body. When you're thrusting inside, you might notice that her body is semi-transparent, and you can see your own imbued dick thrusting away, and every single motion both bodies make when it comes to that concern. You'll even be able to see yourself shoot your load into her if you orgasm, right down to the semen you spew out in vivid detail. This might be one of the most erotic rapes in the game due to the nature of being able to see exactly how your being gripped, and exactly what is happening, and when you blow, watching yourself thrust wildly inside and let loose. Unlike other enemies who get pregnant, a Slime Girl doesn't get pregnant, rather she absorbs your load, then releases you and begins a division process. During this time, if attacked she will attempt to drown you in her semi-liquid self, attacking repeatedly. Special Ability: Stuck on You - Molds perfectly to your body, and prevents you from resisting for that turn. 15 Turn cool down. Weakness: Lightning. She deals 40 Pleasure per attack, and 10 HP in damage when trying to kill you.

Telara: 25/160 Stamina. 525/50,000 KP. Adrenaline Boost: +50 Stats 3/4 Turns. Pregnant 16/20 Turns


1: Try to Run Away and leave.

2: Fight her to the death ... or orgasmic defeat, whichever happens first.
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

(Hey hey, I need some XP if I can get it. So I believe I'll fight, though I'll likely end up losing.)

As Telara sat there in the grip of the tentacles still plunging into her and suckling her cock, she felt her balls begin drawing up against her, tensing in preparation to send another load out into the plant tentacle sucking her large member. She felt a few small spurts of her pre-cum squirt out of her cock just before she felt a surge of strength run through her, giving her enough power to break free from the tentacles just before they could bring her to climax yet again. She sat there panting for only a moment before hearing a sweet soft voice from behind her. The young dark elf quickly turned her head around to see who the voice belonged to and saw it was a slime girl, which dove at her.

Telara was thankfully able to spin away from the slime girl before she was able to grab her, the slime girl flying past and hitting the ground. Telara was quickly back on her feet, weapon in hand, though her legs were quite shaky from the pleasure the tentacles brought her.

"N-No... I don't want any more fun right now. M-My cock is... already aching from what those tentacles did to me, and my balls are aching too. I n-need to rest before I even think about sex for a while," Telara said in a shaky voice to the slime girl, readying her weapon to fight.

At that, Telara would ready her weapon and wait for a good opportunity to attack, using some of the special skills the voice told her she had to use to try and drive the slime girl off or kill her, whichever she could manage first.

[Option 2, fight, but not to the death for Telara or anything, she'll try and run if the situation starts to look bleak for her. Also she's using the Rune Carve Chain skill, hoping that enough will hit to take the slime girl out.]
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

Attack Roll: (didn't list the Adrenaline since you hit anyways)

Telara: 155+65=220, 155+86=241, 155+51=206, 155+36=191 & 155+76=231 vs. Slime Girl: 150+37=187, 150+41=191, 150+26=176, 150+17=167 & 150+36=186.

Critical Hit Checks: NONE

Telara lands ALL of her hits, dealing 1,000 Damage and instantly KILLING the Slime Girl outright. She gains 150 XP. She acquires an HP Potion from the dead Slime Girl!

Telara: 41/160 Stamina. 525/50,000 KP. Adrenaline Boost: +50 Stats 2/4 Turns. Pregnant 15/20 Turns. HP Potions: 1/5. 150/600 XP. 25/40 MP.


1: Move On
2: Stay and Rest some (one turn, multiple turns, til full?)
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

(Holy shit! I didn't anticipate her to do that.)

Telara swung her daggers at the slime girl, thinking to herself that she couldn't afford to lose and couldn't allow herself to be raped any more. In her flurry of swings, Telara managed to quite literally slice the slime girl to pieces before her slimy foe could do anything to her. Once she had rather handily taken care of the slime girl, Telara found herself a little spot to sit and rest for a couple of minutes or so before moving on, needing a little rest.

"Oh gods... what is this place? Why does everything want to rape me? What have I ever done to any of them? I mean I don't fully mind having sex sometimes, because it feels really good. But I mean if they would just ask and promise to let me go afterward I wouldn't mind having some fun with some of the things here. As long as it doesn't corrupt me that is," Telara said aloud to herself, trying to cope with what all is going on. Once she had rested a bit, she would get up, grab her daggers, then move on, wanting to try and get as far as she could manage before she needed some sleep, unless she found some good shelter before getting too sleepy that is, then she'd stay there and rest some more.

[Have her rest for long enough to recover her MP to max, then move on. Provided nothing ambushes her or comes along that is.]
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

Telara: 73/160 Stamina. 525/50,000 KP. Pregnant 13/20 Turns. HP Potions: 1/5. 150/600 XP. 40/40 MP.

Telara rests to full MP, and she can also tell her pregnancy is continuing along, she's closing in on the half way point, but decides she'd better get moving before something else can try to sneak attack her. She moves onward and soon finds herself in an area with a huge lake. As she decides if she can go around it or if she'll have to swim for it ...

Enemy Spawn Information:

Giant Kraken: This is a gargantuan squid found in large bodies of water. Easily ten to fifteen feet in length, it resembles the Karsetti in appearance and it's tentacles, only this creature is under water. Somehow, when the thing grabs you, it pumps oxygen into you while it has a hold of you, preventing you from drowning while it drags you under the surface to rape you. Tentacle Bind - Retrains you with it's tentacles for that turn, preventing you from resisting it's rape. Can be used every twelve turns. Weakness: Lightning. They deal 45 Pleasure per attack.

Balaur Female: Appearing to be a cross between a Succubus and a humanoid dragon, these are not women you want to be lusting after you. While they clearly aren't demonic, their upper body is curvy like a Succubus would be, but the lower half is very much like a dragon with scales, although they are bipedal. When captured by one of them, she will instantly futa you and then try to get you either into her mouth, or her shockingly tight pussy. No Special Abilities. Weakness: Physical. They deal 45 Pleasure per attack.

Initiative Rolls:

Telara: 160+10=170
Balaur: 160+44=204
Kraken: 205+24=229

Suddenly a Kraken erupts from the water, and tentacles come flying towards her!

Grapple Attempt:

Kraken: 185+33=218 vs. Telara: 210+79+15=304

Telara EASILY avoids a grapple.

Balaur Female: 170+87=257 vs. Telara: 210+9+15=234

Telara never saw the Balaur woman behind her as she avoided the tentacles, and quite literally walked into her embrace. The woman looked her up and down, smiling as she said "Well, don't you look sexy. Let's see if you can fight me off, or if I can rape you senseless!"


1: Attempt to escape her grapple.

2: Let her mount you and see what it'll be like.

Order of rounds:

1: Kraken
2: Balaur
3: Telara
Re: Telara (Mind Flayer)

Telara knew that she needed to rest a little bit after the trap thing that grabbed her and after fighting that slime girl, so she sat down to catch her breath a bit before moving on. While she sat there, Telara felt her belly had grown more than it had been, and she knew that whatever was in her belly was fast nearing its time to be birthed. She decided to head on after a short time to prevent something from sneak attacking her, as she was right out in the open with no cover at the moment. Moving onwards, Telara soon found herself nearing a massive lake, which she of course would have to go around or swim the length of it.

Before she could make a decision on what to do, the water suddenly splashed loudly and out from it came a large kraken that flailed its tentacles at her in an attempt to grab her, which she managed to easily evade as she jumped back. However when she jumped back and took another couple of steps, Telara soon found herself grabbed from behind by a strange woman as she pretty much just fell back into her arms. Telara glanced over her shoulder at the strange looking woman as her captor gave her a once over to take in her features, listening to her talk.

"Uh... w-what if I don't want you to rape me? P-Please don't, I'm s-still kind of sore from the thing that raped me earlier. M-My balls ache and my... penis is a little red from it," Telara replied to the woman as she struggle to get free, not trying to kill the woman, but if she managed to get free she intended on trying to knock her out at least.

[Option 1: If Telara gets free then she's going to use Beast Swipe on the Balaur female, if unable to get free then she's of course going to try again.]
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