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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Name: Hecate
Age: 25
Trait: Level 0 Unarmed

At 5'4" Hecate is neither overly tall or short, with long brown hair usually pulled back into a tight ponytail and an athletic figure toned from hours of hard work and training with a light tan She has soft hazel eyes and an average chest, which is more then made up for by her well formed figure. She received the invite for the EGG and decided it was just one more new thing to try, and as someone who always said don't knock it before you tried it, the decision was a given.

A skilled martial artist, Hecate has been training in one form of hand to hand combat or another since she was a child. Used to form fitting clothing and bearing a flighty and fickle attitude, it's hard to tell what she's thinking from moment to moment, if she's thinking at all. What's for sure though, is no one has ever seen her run from a fight.


After following directions to the egg building via a leaflet that came with her invitation, Hectate found herself staring up at a shining building, barely containing her excitement Hectate found herself inside and on her way to the new available egg pod, after the usual safety briefing and quick questions to help spec the egg for her, she found herself inside, almost immediately she was greeted with several option screens to fine tune her experience...

Specifications (These determine the frequency of certain fetishes or enemies):
Monster Girls: (Y1-Y5, Usually denotes monsters in the form of attractive women, for example a mermaid or minotaur)
Monsters: (Y1-Y5, denotes non-humanoid monsters like tentacle monsters or slimes)
Mechanical Constructs: (Y1-Y5, denotes robotic constructions like milking machines or even mechanical enemies)
Egg Laying: (Y1-Y5, denotes the laying of eggs in yourself or enemies, usually done by insect monsters)
Yuri: (Y1-Y5, denotes sex with people of the same gender)
Hetero: (Y1-Y5), denotes sex with people of the opposite gender)
Futa: (Y1-Y5, denotes girls or women with dicks)
Slavery: (Y1-Y5, denotes enemies that may make you a slave upon defeating you or you defeating them)
Corruption/Redemption System: (Y/N, denotes a morality system)
Unbirthing: (Y1-Y5, denotes being forced into a enemies womb)
Vore: (Y1-Y5, denotes being swallowed whole by certain enemies, this is classed as soft vore as in you are not digested)
BDSM: (Y1-Y5, denotes bindings and bondage)
Body modification: (Y1-Y5, denotes changes to your body like breast expansion etc.)
Transformations: (Y1-Y5, denotes changing into a different species)
Roughness: (Y1-Y5, denotes how rough enemies are when they defeat you)
Anything else?: (Specify something we missed)

Difficulty Level: (Determines how tough encounters can be! We aint responsible for constant defeats if you take harder difficulties!)


Story (Determines what kinda universe your in!):
Forbidden Castles - (Medieval setting, generic RPG exploration!)
Lost Worlds - (Desert setting, puzzles, traps and mysteries abound!)
Subject-076 - (Futuristic setting, experimental equipment and SCIENCE!)
The Wasteland - (Post-apocalyptic setting, survival, mutations and exploration, oh my!)
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was excited about the invitation, and looked up at the shining building that she had passed by several times in the recent month thinking about what went on only to receive the invitation and make an odd squealing sound hardly befitting anyone with any shame at all as she read it. Heading inside, she was too awestruck to speak much as they went through the briefing and she was led to the pod itself, getting inside and wriggling slightly. Here was a challenge unlike anything available, and the idea set her teeth on edge. It was time for a new world... Running through the options, Hecate found it odd that she knew pretty much what she was interested in despite the number of options available and filling everything out took only moments before she set her difficulty and closed her eyes, waiting...

Monster Girls: Y 2
Monsters: Y 3
Mechanical Constructs: Y 4
Egg Laying: Y 5
Yuri: Y 2-3
Hetero: Y 2-3
Futa: No
Slavery: No
Corruption/Redemption System: Y
Unbirthing: Y 3
Vore: Y 4
Body modification: Tentative No. (Ask me OOC)
Transformations: Y 2
Roughness: Contextual, It doesn't matter as long as it makes sense ^-^
Anything else?: Evil plants are always fun...

Difficulty Hard.

Universe. Subject 076.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Yes body modification, Its like transformations but on a smaller scale, like your hair colour changing or like the stuff i mentioned in the option itself

Accepting the options, the screens flickered away as Hectate found herself in darkness, waiting a minute or two, she found the landscape infront of her being created, eventually her vision was almost blinded as lights shone infront of her, eventually she found herself sitting on a bed in a science complex, she was in a bedroom, the floor and walls were gleaming white and everything was clean, sitting up and rubbing her eyes she saw a note with "Congratulations!" written on it and she started to remember some new memories...she had volunteered to a science corporation to test out one of their customised atmospheres, she would be placed in a large series of chambers each with a different atmosphere about it, they had also captured some monsters for her to combat with, as not to let her training go to waste, she had to make sure the monsters were not altered at all by the experimental atmospheres and ensure they would still be alive, she had a long day ahead of her...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate waited in the darkness, before waking up in her room in the complex, remembering she was here to do a job and it was time to get to it... the testing she had volunteered for wasn't going to do itself. Getting up slowly and stretching, a loud yawn escaping her lips, Hecate got dressed before moving to inspect the note, wondering if anything other then Congratulations was written on it. After giving the note a picking over, she performed a series of stretches to wake up before moving to open the door, wondering exactly what she had gotten herself into but excited nonetheless. It was going to be an interesting day.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The note did indeed have more on it than the congratulations, it basically went over what she already knew if she ever forgot, opening the door, Hectate found herself in a kitchen, there was another door leading outside into the first bio chamber, which seemed to be a simple forest with a small river running through it.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate looked around the kitchen before preparing a simple breakfast, just some toast and plenty of water before looking at the white uniform with the company logo on it. Wasn't the same as her old fatigues, but a uniform in general made her feel a little better, cleaner. Straightening her shirt a bit, Hecate opened the door to the first bio chamber and strode out, looking around and smiling. This was all really incredible, although what exactly it was for she didn't know yet. She had heard rumors that it was terraforming experiments which would be incredible to be a part of, but it hardly mattered, it was time to get to work.

She was a little unsure as to what it had meant by checking in on the creatures, assuming it meant basically making sure that everything was as it should be.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Remembering a bit more information, she was allowed to use force to non-lethally subdue any unruly monsters but that was the farthest she could go, after her hearty breakfast she stepped outside, looking around her attention was immediately grabbed by some beautiful roses growing around the forest, she could also see one of the experimental life forms hopping around, a slime, a blue blob of animated liquid, the blue colour indicated this one was docile and wouldnt attack.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Looking around slowly, Hecate stopped to look at the roses, wandering over to smell one before noticing the slime. "What the... I don't... How odd" Hecate mumbled, moving over. She knew it was docile, but that didn't stop her from poking the jiggly little thing. Chuckling softly, she gave the roses another look before continuing moving around the bio sphere. This was all really amazing.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The slime twitched slightly, the roses smelled just as nice as ones on the surface, as she walked off, she felt something rub her ankle, then her upper legs, she noticed some vines had started coiling around her legs, ignoring it, she stepped out of them, however she felt them again coiling her legs...what would they do? Was this another one of those engineered experiments?
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Looking down at the vines and stepping out of them, Hecate became annoyed when she realised she had somehow managed to become partially tangled again. Kicking the vines away from her legs, she stopped to look at them. Was this another life form she was supposed to check up on? Some kind of kudzu perhaps just reacting to her presence?

Looking at the vines suspiciously, Hecate moved if they did, keeping her distance from the odd plant and studying it, wondering what exactly it was.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The vines just kept following her, coiling around her legs no matter how close or far she got, eventually she just didnt kick them away as they continued to climb, getting under her clothing she felt more coil around her ankles, she blushed slightly as she felt one of the vines rub her crotch area, a perverted plant...?
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate couldn't seem to quite get away from the plant, and sighing, just stood there for a moment, wondering why. Feeling them coil up her clothing, continuing to coil around her, she felt several more wrap around her ankles before twitching as she felt one rub against her crotch. Squirming her hips away from the vine, Hecate tried to pull lose and actually get away this time, trying to extricate herself and run.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Trying to get out of the vines grip was easier said than done, struggling she realised the vines were coming at a faster rate now and were trying to pull her to the floor, managing to struggle out of them she tried to run but failed as a vine latched onto her ankle, the vines converged on her legs again and started to drag her towards a bush, she felt another vine rub against her crotch area, making her let out a quiet moan as her face blushed even more.

Status: Getting aroused
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate cursed as she realised how difficult it was to slip free, the vines that had wound around her ankles difficult to pull away from even as more converged on her and she felt a downward tugging as if they were trying to pull her to the ground. Thinking she had slipped lose, Hecate tried to run, but tripped sprawling as another grabbed her ankle, the plant wasting no time in starting to coil around her legs again even as she felt another insistent rub across her slit, blushing and moaning softly. "What... what the hell?" She muttered quietly, kicking her legs and trying to stand as they started to drag her towards a nearby bush.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Even as she tried to stand, she couldnt quite get away from the grip of the plant, only suceeding in turning onto her back, the vines started to impatiently tug at her shorts, eventually pulling them off and exposing her panties, she noticed as she was dragged closer to the bush a larger flower had appeared, before she could ponder she felt the vine rubbing her crotch slide down her panties and tease her clit, making her yelp in pleasure as she felt some of her resistance ebb away as pleasure washed over her body.


Status: Aroused and binded.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Turning to her back was all Hecate got for her struggles even as enough of the vines wound around her body to make movement all the more difficult, her shorts being pulled away even as she pulled and twisted in the vines. Her panties were slid away as well not long after and a long... teasing stroke in just the right spot made her gasp softly and roll her hips before remembering that it was a plant, and she couldn't move, and neither were good things. Bringing all her strength to the fore, Hecate made the effort to get away so she could fight more effectively, having made up her mind on that count before she was pulled into that bush to whatever the hell was in there...
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Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Struggling in the grip of the vines, Hectate once again found herself at the mercy of the vines, they seemed to be getting impatient as she found her wrists behind her back and she was forced to kneel with her ass in the air, before she could struggle again she gave out another yelp of pleasure as she felt a tentacle rub and then roughly enter her pucker, obviously this was to try and get her to stop resisting as it started to thrust.


Status:Aroused, Binded and penetrated.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate twisted and writhed as her own attempts to get the vine away from her slit only resulted in getting her wrists ensnared and forced behind her as she rolled over again, her hands being forced behind her back and bound all the tighter. Being bound had always set her hair on edge and a part of her did just want to ride this out, but she... Fuck she was confused! With her wrists and hips pulled a little harder, she felt her rear end rise as she was forced to kneel, her front down in the grass as her lower holes were completely exposed and she gave a soundless gasp as she felt something push into her ass without much of a warning, causing her to arch her back and close her eyes for a moment. It was like being punished for not taking it like a good little sub...

She would be lying if she said this hadn't turned her on, and her struggling ceased for a moment before resuming, but it seemed every motion seemed to send another bold of pleasure along her spine and she moaned as one particularly strong pull at her binds caused her to buck her hips, her head turning to look at the bush behind her, and the flower.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Struggling at her binds again, Hectate felt more vines coil around her to secure their grip, she felt as if she couldnt move anymore, giving out more moans as a vine roughly pounded at her rear hole, she started to feel her resistance ebb away in the pleasure as her pussy started to get wet in anticipation, unable to hold herself in anymore she felt her body explode in orgasm, wetting a vine beneath her, unable to react anymore she felt the vines shift around once again as the vines moved positions, the ones around her wrist tightened and lifted her back to her feet, hanging now she could see a strange pink tentacle come out of the bush, the vines lowered her onto it, it barely pressed against her lower lips but then she was penetrated by it as the vines keeping her hands up loosened slightly, but then kept her wrists tied behind her back again, panting, she realised the tentacle wasnt moving, she felt her own lust take command as she started to bounce her body, sending a wave of pleasure through her each time she did so, the vine in her ass was also replaced with another pink tentacle, which started to pound her in sync with her bounces, losing herself she started to speed up, two more vines with pink bulbs got close to breast area and carefully removed all her remaining clothing, before starting to lick her bare breasts with suddenely grown tongues, unable to contain her excitement, more vines converged on her, another pink bulb clamping around her mouth and giving her a passionate french as she was given a hard fucking, more pink bulbs wrapped around her athletic body, licking almost every part of it and sending Hectate into heavenly ecstasy as she reached orgasm several times, after her seventh orgasm she was panting and still horny, the bulb in her mouth retracted to let her catch her breath as she couldnt help but let her mouth hang open for it to softly french her, the vines gently unwound from her and allowed her to move, she was still penetrated in both holes but could easily get off and retrieve her clothes, or she could stay for a bit longer...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate twisted and writhed as the plant thrust into her ass until, with a loud cry, Hecate's will crumbled and she hit an explosive climax, her juices dripping onto another vine below her. Flexing her fingers uselessly behind her, the athletic woman panted on the ground before groaning as the vines around her wrists tightened and pulled, lifting her arms behind her and forcing her to stand. Dragging her back, Hecate turned to see the thick,pink tendril draw closer, extended from the bush. As she felt its tip against her wet slit, she just twisted her hips until the vines pulled down, hard, impaling her with the tendril and causing her to cry out in pleasure.

Hecate groaned in lustful frustration as she realised the tendril wasn't moving, starting to bounce herself up and down on it, moaning and gasping as she rode it without a second thought and the vine in her ass slid away, replaced by another tendril. Riding both as she rolled her hips, she could only watch in mute fascination as more tendrils with strange bulbs pulled around her, stripping her completely an licking at her chest, making her arch her back and thrust her chest out. Giving a surprised squeak as one of the bulbs suddenly latched over her mouth, she gave several muffled yelps until she hit another climax, arching and shuddering, her tongue meeting the plants in the kiss, no longer caring...

Seven climaxes later, Hecate got the feeling she was somehow allowed to leave, but she couldn't stop her hips, rolling and bucking as she worked herself up further, pushing herself towards and eight as she continued to kiss the bulb, writhing in pleasure. It was just testing right..?