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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding, Zenia walked foward and sat on her knees, coughing a bit loudly, Zenia quietely hummed to herself, the spawn immediately seemed to notice Zenia and slime towards her, Zenia faked being innocent quite well as the spawns tentacles caressed Zenias bare legs, Hectate had to remember to spring the trap and not get carried away in the show, which she failed at, her instincts getting in the way as the spawns tentacles coiled around Zenias legs and pulled her closer, it was starting to turn her on, and even made her consider betraying Zenia temporarily to help this spawn out.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

But then Hecate remembered something about her new nature.... That everything tasted so damned good now~! As the creature seemed to be getting the better of them, Hecate had a choice that warred with her new nature. Why should she stop it? And there were the answers. One! Zenia was a friend. Two! She really was curious... Rather then spearing the thing, Hecate instead dove over it, completely engulfing it and concentrating very hard on absorbing it without mercy, her body diverted entirely to that goal.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Throwing herself at the spawn, Hectate attempted the ultimate coup de grace, by eating the tentacle monster, it was a hard bout, but she somehow achieved it, concentrating really hard she managed to absorb the ENTIRE SLIME, the mass she achieved from this was staggering, more slime pooled beneath her feet and the core from the tentacle spawn didnt go to waste, the core was now inside Hectate and she had control of her own tentacles now, grinning to herself, Zenia was standing there, her jaw would have hit the floor if it wasnt for pesky laws of physics and the limitations of the human anatomy.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate looked at herself, poked at her core, looked at Zenia, smiled, threw up her arms, and said... "Whoo!" Laughing, and not hungry in the slightest, Hecate wondered what the significance of the core was, until she figured it out. It gave her control of a mass of tendrils outside her own form. This was good... And it had been well worth it. "For the record! I had no idea that would work" She said laughing, before putting a hand on her chest and belching softly. "Excuse me" Turning the corner, Hecate wondered what the thing had been rubbing on...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

She realised the thing it was rubbing was a treasure chest, strange, it was probably trying to open it, Zenia followed Hectate and looked at the chest, puzzled.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate stared at the chest, and then tried to open it. If it wouldn't open, then she would ooze a tendril into the lock, and expand it, forcing the tumblers to move and the lock to open. "Being made of Jelly... Is amazing." Hecate said as she worked, smiling.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Opening the chest, she was greeted with a stereotypical sight, golden coins and jewellery were inside the chest, sapphires rubies and diamonds, literally every rare gemstone was in there along with a veritable amount of golden coins...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"So! Now we have cash... Dunno what for, but... we have it" Hecate said whistling. "Pocket some and leave the rest?" Hecate asked, wondering what they could use it for, but hoping it could be useful later. "This is a strange floor" Hecate added, sifting through the binding implements, "What do you think they were doing here?" Hecate continued, moving down the hall and looking around.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Nodding, as soon as Hectate reached to take some of the treasure, she immediately felt something grip her hand and pull her in, she realised the chest was....a lot bigger inside, the money was up to her neck and her head barely fit in the chest as the lid slammed shut and padlocked, Hectate realised there was a girl sitting in there with her, her skin was a tan colour and her hair was white, her eyes were a red colour and...she didnt seem to be wearing anything, only the money was covering her breasts and everything beneath her neck, "Well well, look at the greedy one i just caught~" she said, smirking, Hectate could feel something was definetely up...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Well well" Hecate replied, not appearing flustered in the slightest. "Do you have any idea what you've grabbed?" Hecate said "Or even any idea what's going on outside? I appreciate the trap, well done, But what do you really want? Pleasure? Food? For me to fucking Eat you?" Hecate said, her voice dangerously low.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"The first option" the girl said, Hectate didnt know why, but she felt like her slime had been severely depleted, as if she didnt come into the chest with it, whats more is that she couldnt even bring herself to move, the girl ran her hands over Hectates arms, teasing her "Oh my...ive never caught a slime girl before~" she whispered, Hectate felt her own instincts start to rise as she recognised this girl as a bretheren...yes...she remembered this from the encyclopedia, a Mimic! They would trap anyone who opens their chest inside with them to have their way with them, she felt slightly stupid, why would a stereotypical treasure chest be in a medical ward?
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate smiled back... "A Mimic... Well, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but even I should have seen that... Alright, Ill let you have your fun on one condition without any argument at all. I don't care how, just tell Zenia I'm alright, and to hide for the time being" Hecate said, giving in to her nature completely for the moment, not caring in the slightest about a tumble in the chest...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The mimic smirked and nodded "She`ll hear it in her thoughts....now", the mimic lied back "Since your so nice and polite, i think ill let you take the lead for once~"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"You're a terrible liar" Hecate said, smirking right back. "And if you take to long, Zenia is going to take the gun outside, and start shooting. Or find something else horrible to do to it to get me out. Tell her I'm alright, it's not hard not to be a miserable bitch is it?" Hecate said in response.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Rolling her eyes somewhat, the mimic said "The chest has a mind of its own, i cant open it now, just give me a second...", shutting her eyes, the mimic seemed to be thinking, after a minute or two, Hectate could hear Zenia outside shout "I-If you say so Hectate!", the Mimic shrugged and said "See?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"There we go!" Hecate said, suddenly all smiles, moving towards the girl by oozing around the coins, bringing herself right up against her, her lips meeting the girls without another moments hesitation as she kissed her, her tongue diving into the girls mouth as she moaned softly, hands felt running up and down the Mimic's sides, body pressed close and humming softly. "Too bad you nabbed me with most of my body outside, It would have been so much more fun..."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The girl kissed Hectate right back, hugging her and rubbing Hectates back, pulling out the kiss she said "Sorry, chest can only hold so much...ah, your lips taste just like milk~" she said, blushing a bit and kissing Hectate again, she went into a french to taste Hectates milk flavored slimy body.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Glad you enjoy it" Hecate said before rejoining the kiss, her lower body molding around the Mimic's, sliding between her legs and teasing her lower holes, feeling like something warm and rippling was running across her slit very quickly, and lightly prodding at her rear as she moaned softly.

Not wanting to spend too much time in the box, Hecate broke the kiss before winking and slipping entirely out of view, her entire mass focused on the Mimic's hips before starting to ease into her slit, filling her inch by inch, by inch... It was far too late to stop Hecate now... Chuckling, the vibrations echoing out from the girls folds, Hecate continued to push more and more of herself into the Mimic's body, reaching the barrier of her cervix, before forcing herself into the girls womb and hiding there. Laughing from inside the Mimic, Hecate slid enough of herself out and into her tunnel, to slip outside her folds again, completely covering her folds and latching on before her body started to vibrate with amazing power, her slime tugging and sucking on the girls clit without mercy...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

The mimic was relishing it very much, not afraid to moan as Hectate teased her lower holes, the mimics kiss was more and more passionate as Hectate aroused her further, Hectate stopped kissing to carry out her plan, starting to fill the mimics slit, moaning in surprise, the girls body fidgeted and bucked in pleasure as Hectate forced herself inside, the girl moaned and let her tongue hang from the pleasure as her belly slowly became bloated from Hectate being inside her, sliding out of the girl and covering her lower lips felt amazing for both the girl and Hectate, starting to vibrate the girls pleasure cries were more common and higher in octane as her body vibrated all over, "O-Oh god...~! T-This feels so good i-im gonna... h-Hhhnhnnnh~!" before she could finish her sentence the mimic reached her orgasm, feeding Hectate again as she continued to vibrate, the chest opened up as the mimics orgasm happened, the mimic kept her hands on her bloated belly, moaning and freely letting her body buck and writhe in the pleasure.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate came at the same time as the mimic, the sounds of her own pleasure coming from inside the girl as she worked herself out of her body and oozed out of the chest, panting and smiling widely. "And with that, we're done here" Hecate said grinning, waving at the mimic. "Well Zenia, shall we?" She said turning and pulling the rest of herself back together, feeling much better now that she was completely whole. "And note to self, avoid chests..." She muttered, oozing down the hallway.