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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku smiled and winked right back "Ill look foward to it then Hectate dear~", eventually coming back into the aquarium, Zenia had created a amusing sight, using the table as a makeshift raft, she was using a net as a makeshift paddle, she was desperately rowing, trying to get to the lobby of the unflooded aquarium, opening the door made Hectate giggle and Taku laugh, however it became less amusing when they realised the entire room was now containing the black ink...Zenia paddled back to the two and jumped off, Hectate catching her as they hastily shut the door, Taku simply saying "Well we know we arent going that way...", Zenia greeted Taku, who in turn greeted her, Zenia was uneffected by Takus natural charm magic, since she was also a monster girl.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Ahhh so that only affects humans" Hecate said curiously, "Just like the Ink only affects non humans. Let me see that map Taku" Hecate said, moving to a table and clearing it. "Lets figure out what we're looking for before Michiko winds up in serious trouble.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Handing the map to Hectate, she could see the layout of the aquarium, the room with the strange black ink was a route to the main exhibit, but a door to the east of the big tank was a route to some maintenance tunnels, a door to the north of the tank lead to a series of tanks for fish but did lead into a fork in the road, the route to the left leading to some underwater equipment and the right most route leading into a employees only area.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Alright" Hecate said, tracing the route with her finger to show them where they were headed for now. "Down this way leads to underwater equipment, and I bet I would only keep a submersible in the employee only area. So to the north is where were headed. We'll secure the vehicle first if it's there, and then grab some equipment just in case. I take it you two don't want to be human again?" Hecate asked rhetorically as she started moving.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku smirked, Zenia looked a bit worried and shook her head, "I Can just fly over the black ink you know~" Taku said, Zenia looked at Taku, slightly annoyed, Taku teasingly pulled on one of her wings that she had sprouted, Zenia looked away and gave a huff of frustration, the two acting like bickering school kids.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Can you fly over large mechanical tendrils spewing the stuff in jets?" Hecate asked politely, ending the argument. "Play nice for now, lets go" Hecate said, moving through the door and down passage, keeping to the right fork when it came up.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Going into the north route, they thankfully found it had only flooded up to ankle height, Taku was beside Hectate, crossing her arms "So what happened to you when the sexpocalypse came~?", Taku took a moment to giggle to herself, obviously enjoying the sound of her own voice, Zenia yawned and stretched her arms as the three looked at the relatively unscathed tanks containing varying sea life.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"I was raped by a bush, met Zenia, eaten, left glued to a wall, raped by a similar bush, met a Queen slime, became a slime, and then the tables turned. And then I tried to help a mermaid who became human in the blink of an eye and I hit the ink. And now I'm human again. The only solace I take in it is I know I kicked whatever it was in the face. And here we are now, trying to sort things out." Hecate said quietly as they walked, keeping her eyes on the water.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku gave a small "aww" out and hugged Hectate, rubbing her shoulder "You`ve gone through so much so quickly....so much rape, no consent or love behind it..." the succubus said, "I Guess its why i turned myself in to these labs, im not a very stereotypical succubus" she explained, Hectate did remember many succubi only formed temporary relationships so they could extract spirit energy from victims, and judging from how Taku acted so far, she seemed to be telling the truth, eventually they came to the fork in the road, but the water seemed to get deeper in both routes, up to about waist height, meaning they had to watch the water, thankfully the black ink hadnt gotten into the water there yet either, Zenia asked "Do you think we should split up here?" she asked, "Ill go look at the employees lounge and you two look for the breathing stuff..."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"if you're sure" Hecate said. "If you see anything, come running to find us and scream bloody murder" Hecate added, nodding before turning down her own passageway, Taku in tow. "Zenia and a Mimic were the consented fun I've had, and those were very nice, but I want to figure this place out." Hecate said when they were alone. "Why are you different from other succubi" She said, fingering the metal cuffs she had pocketed earlier, continuing to move, gun in her main hand and eyes on the water.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku and Hectate departed down the left route, Taku answered "Well i guess i like it more when the other persons into it too ~" she said, smiling, thankfully nothing moved in the water to threaten them as they continued along, Taku looked back to make sure Zenia was out of an earshot and Taku put her arm around Hectate, running her finger up and down Hectates upper arm "You know, if you ask me, i think you look pretty cute, your bodys well built...how do you manage that?" she innocently asked "We succubi dont even have to exercise, we`re born like this~!" she said, giggling.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate turned suddenly and looked at Taku, leaning in for a kiss, only to drift her lips across Taku's teasingly before backing away and continuing as if nothing had happened. "I train, very hard, every day" Hecate said conversationally. "But if you reaaally want to have that fun~..." She added, letting the cuffs show dangling from one hand, and the gag from the other, before she slid them away again "Follow me~ and lets find the door"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Giggling at Hectates tease, she continued to follow Hectate until they found the room they wanted, the breathing apparatus room, they found enough oxygen tanks for herself, Zenia and Taku and the masks to wear them, as Hectate walked in, Taku shut the door behind her and used the small lock on it to lock the door, with a naughty smile on her face, Taku walked over and hugged Hectate, her breasts pushing against Hectates as she teasingly asked "So...whos going to take the lead~?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate answered that question by pushing against Taku even harder, her mouth finding hers as her tongue slid into her mouth and she moaned quietly, her hands running up her sides before Hecate placed the toys in Taku's hands. "Impress me~" She said quietly, blushing and panting softly, hoping a sex demon lived up to its name...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku smirked and slowly started to strip Hectate, putting her clothes in a pile against a wall, Taku rubbed one of her fingers up and down Hectates pussy while kissing Hectate, her tongue expertly dominating Hectates, Taku gently pushed Hectate onto a chair in the room and sat on her lap facing towards her, using the handcuffs Taku bound Hectates wrists infront of her and then she used the ball gag to muffle Hectates moans of pleasure, Taku ran her hands up and down Hectates sides before asking "Are you ready Hectate dear~?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate giggled as Taku stripped her slowly, soon leaving her nude again and impossibly excited as she kissed her, gasping into her mouth as a finger drifted along her folds, her hips rolling to follow it as she slickened quickly, only to be pushed into a chair. Grinning, she was confused as Taku cuffed her hands in front of her, but groaned in obvious arousal as she forced the large red ball into her mouth, muffling her cries of pleasure and protest. It was too late now, Hecate was in for a ride. At Taku's question, Hecate panting heavily into the gag, she nodded her consent.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku smiled as she ran her hands up Hectates sides gently, only stopping to start fondling and caressing Hectates breasts, gripping them softly she kneaded Hectates breasts and occasionally pulled and tugged on her nipples, she lowered her head to Hectates breasts and started to run her tongue against her erect nipples, using her other hand to continue pleasuring her other breast, licking and sucking Hectate felt divine, giving out muffled moans and groans of pleasure as she felt her own breasts start to lactate, Taku giggled and licked the milk sensually off of Hectates breasts, already arousing her to high levels as she felt her body shudder and reach a orgasm, Taku grinned and moved her right hand down Hectates thighs, eventually reaching her crotch area, running her hand up and down Hectates flower, teasing her folds with every stroke as she eventually plunged her two fingers into Hectates moist lower lips, starting to finger her gently and slowly, the pleasure started to build up for Hectate as Taku continued to expertly work her pussy, eventually giving a small tug on Hectates clit, hitting her pleasure button and immediately making her reach a back arching orgasm, giggling Taku made her tail visible, quite a long tail with a heart shaped tip, she put her left arm around Hectate and gripped her tail with her right hand.

Guiding the tail with her right hand, Taku ran the flat part of her tail against Hectates wet flower, smiling as she continued to relentlessely tease Hectate, eventually she let go of her tail as it developed a mind of its own, penetrating Hectates folds as she blushed and gave out more moans, Taku undone the ball gag Hectate was wearing, freeing her mouth as she casually tossed the saliva laden gag aside, letting her tail continue thrusting into Hectate, Taku kissed Hectate softly before turning it into a french, her tongue dominating Hectates so easily as she continued to thrust into Hectates vunerable pussy, Hectate was in the throes of ecstasy as the succubus continued to expertly give her pleasure, eventually reaching another orgasm as Takus tail stopped thrusting, she pulled her tail out and fed it between her legs, so the tip was up at takus face, she sensually licked it, turning Hectate on even more as Taku giggled as her tail vanished again, running her hands up and down Hectate sides again, she stopped to gently grip Hectates hips as she pulled her into another french, stopping, smiling slightly Taku said "See? We always mantain a high standard for our...clients~ I didnt even have to strip or move at all in our little session of fun~", she was right, Hectate felt amazing...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was impressed by Taku's skill as she twisted in her cuffs and gave muffled moans, the sounds lewd as her head twisted from side to side, biting down on the gag as Taku brought her to first one climax from teasing her chest alone, her mouth hot and inviting and her tongue lashing across her nipple in a way that made her squirm even as she shouted into her gag and her juices slickened her thighs. Panting into the gag, Hecate mewled and whimpered softly as she felt Taku's hand trail lower, teasing her already wet folds, making her roll her hips and buck against the hand that was teasing her petals. As her fingers slid into her folds, her flower parted happily to take them and a low grown escaped the gag as Hecate shuddered and twisted a little, her hips bucking harder even as Taku played her body like a finely tuned instrument, straight into another climax that had her thrashing and screaming into the gag.

And then she saw that tail. Eyeing it, having an idea that made Hecate writhe in her place, breathing heavily into her gag as the succubus pressed the flat end of her tail against her folds, her inner walls quivering, already wanting it inside her... The teasing continued until Hecate would have begged, but the moan that slipped from her as it slid into her depths and twisted around, starting to thrust, was a thing of carnal beauty, and as the gag came away and Taku kissed her, Hecate answered eagerly, moaning and gasping into her mouth until she came again, hard enough to leave her sitting, basking in the after glow, her bound hands resting on her legs as she nodded, not trusting herself to speak...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku sighed almost dreamily as she kissed Hectate again, stopping and saying "Ah...do you still want more Hectate dear~? I Can supply..." Taku said, smiling as she looked at Hectates face teasingly before gently kissing Hectate again.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate had had fun in her slime form, but the feeling of her old body answering in the throws of passion, the pleasure still coursing through her, was something beyond belief, and she answered her question by lowering her cuffed hands between her thighs to start fingering herself, moaning into the kiss lewdly, happy where she was, not even close to sated yet, her body begging for more.