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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Easily managing to phase herself in, Hectate had almost completely morphed with Taku, she could see out of her eyes and hear what she heard, Taku looked at her hands and said "H-Hectate...? W-what was that?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate could feel it, she had almost completely fit into Taku, giving on last push with a giggle, Hecate completely phased herself into Taku, looking out of her eyes, and trying to control Taku's arms, wondering if she was like some kind of extra brain now. She also wondered if she could control sensations at random as well, wondering if she could make Taku really horny or just flood her body with pleasure now that she was inside. "I have no idea! It's fun though!" She said as she tinkered.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

In her mindscape, Hectate could read Takus thoughts, she couldnt control her, but she could infact control what she felt, she could almost "see" Takus thoughts if she stopped looking through Takus eyes for a second, and her own mind was telling her to almost assimilate it...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate knew that that was maybe pushing it a little to far, but that didn't stop her from suddenly assaulting Taku's senses with wave after wave of absolute bliss, making it feel as if she was surrounded by woman all kissing and lapping at her in random places, the feel of hot inner folds wrapping around her tail and grinding along it as someone else lapped at her folds and suck on her nipples for several minutes before giving Taku the sensation of two, thick members pushing into her lower holes and thrusting powerfully. It was so much fun... and she really did want to see how far this could go... and then Hecate did something she probably shouldn't have, she did what her new instincts told her to do, she assimilated Taku.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Assaulting Takus senses was pretty much easy for her new self, Taku gave out startled moans and cries of pleasure, her entire body almost on fire with pleasure as the sudden onslaught made Taku reach orgasm several times in rapid sucession, as Hectate assimilated what she could only assume was Takus mind, she felt like she was fully in control now, Taku stopped dead, as did the senses, and Hectate realised she could completely control Takus actions, she even felt like she could mess with her mind somewhat, like letting her take back control, but only letting her register and feel whats happening while Hectate piloted her body.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate marveled at the new power she had, moving around in Taku's body and testing it out a little stretching and twisting. Going with her new found instincts, Hecate let Taku feel and watch while she took her body for a joyride, stripping away her clothing and heading up to the next floor, smiling widely.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Going up to the next floor, Hectate could see what looked like a blob of regular red slime on the ground nearby, Taku could only speak and not control herself "H-Hectate w-what are you doing?! A-as your mistress i c-command you to stop!" she tried ordering Hectate to stop.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate didn't answer her right away, drifting a finger along her folds to let Taku, and herself feel the pleasure, moaning softly. "Gimme 10 minutes~" Hecate said, enjoying this too much to stop, "If you hate it, I'll never do it again." She added as she sauntered over to the slime, and sat on it with all the restraint of a crack addict on a high. Grinding her hips against the slime, she just let Taku enjoy the ride from her own little mental prison.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Moaning as she was forced to rub her own lower lips, Hectate sat Takus body on the slime, which happily grabbed at the opportunity coiling its tentacles around Takus legs and swallowing her up to her waist, keeping her legs stuck in the slimy prison as her wrists were tied behind her back "H-Hectate stop this o-or you will be punished l-later!"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"I will be punished?" Hecate said, letting out a lewd moan as the slime bound her wrists behind her after molding up around her hips, locking her legs in place as well. "I think it's far too late for that~ " She said groaning even more loudly as she bucked her hips within the slime, waiting for the thing to take the invitation properly as she didn't bother fighting at all, forcing Taku to ride it out for the requisite 10 minutes, and wanting to force the pleasure on Taku by simply letting something have it's way with her body while she could do nothing but watch, and experience.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Before she could speak again, Taku was caught off with a scream of pleasure as both her holes were roughly penetrated by the hungry slime, Taku weakly struggled as the slime started to thrust into her repeatedly, causing her body to buck and bounce as she was forced to take the thorough pounding, another slimy tentacle slithered up her stomach and inbetween her breasts, then sliding into her mouth, giving out muffled moans as it started to alternate its thrusts, making her entire body bounce and buck even more as the slime repeadetely used her, Hectate felt everything that was going on, Taku was surprisingly resilient at resisting the pleasure as the slime didnt grip her tail at all, she managed to keep it outside the slime so the vibrations wouldnt get it either, however this didnt stop the slime from reaching a orgasm several times itself, pulling out to sputter its seed on her face and breasts while cumming inside both her holes, eventually it stopped, leaving its tentacles motionless in the restrained Taku as the 10 minutes were up, Taku groaned and squirmed, trying to get herself free from the non active slimes grip.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate sighed contentedly, before slipping out of Taku, giving back full control as she left her body, phasing out as easily as she had phased in. Something told her this was a permanent thing unless she did something, but she couldn't for the life of her figure out what, and given the succubus' mood, she didn't want to. It was a lot harder to punish someone who could wear you like a suit.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Phasing out of Taku, Hectate could see the slime wasnt letting go of Taku any time soon as it started to thrust into her once again as Taku gave out a muffled moan as the slime started to use her body again, Hectate could see Takus body had returned to normal as whenever she touched Taku she couldnt phase back into her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Grinning widely, Hecate grabbed a hold of Taku's tale, and pushed the spaded tip into the slime before marveling at Taku's cum covered body and her position, sitting to watch. "As mad as you may be at me~" Hecate said, "now we Know I have a very confusing and potentially incredibly useful ability~"

Hecate was quite content to just let the slime keep thrusting, thinking it all delicious as she ran a hand up her own folds, and then decided to nibble on her arm for a bit to poison herself again while she watched, moaning softly as she teased herself and felt the poison enter her own system.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Pushing her tail into the slime, Taku gave Hectate a look of anger before the slime started to fuck her again, this time making Taku experience the feeling her tail was being licked all over, moaning and blushing, Taku started to reach several orgasms in tandem with the slime as Hectate was content to masturbate and watch, the entire display arousing her to delightful levels, after about the sixth orgasm, Takus entire body was covered in cum and her belly was bloated from taking both cum and some slime that had seperated to become a new born H-Hectate...get me out...", she had a look of both annoyance and hatred on her face.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate nodded and got to work pulling Taku free of the slime, although there was definitely a part of her that didn't want to, and Taku's scary face wasn't helping. Regardless, Hecate would do just that, getting Taku free, doubting she would have to fight with a slime that had pretty well spent itself.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Pulling Taku off of the slime was easy as the slime was so tired, Taku gave hectate a stare not of daggers, but of claymore swords as she suddenely pulled the harness the tightest it could go.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate had the grin wiped right off of her face as the karada she had still been wearing tightened considerably, the rope biting into her folds and pulling on her chest, making her gasp loudly and buck her hips, which was a mistake. She knew she couldn't get the rope off herself given Taku's skill with knots and moving had now become pleasurable agony. "Alright! Alright! I deserve that! And probably more, but I saw you cum 6 times the second round alone, not to mention the ones you had before I even found the slime! It wasn't all bad" She said, bowing her head a little. She wouldn't be ashamed, but she wasn't about to show how amused she really was because Taku would probably kill her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku made Hectate kneel as she retrieved a new set of clothing from her little hammerspace, kneeling as well, Taku made Hectate look at her by placing her hand beneath her chin, tutting, Taku retrieved the handcuffs and a blindfold as well from hammerspace and promptly made Hectate wear them "Your punishment is to remain here until i see fit to free you!" Taku said, Hectate could barely tell where she was now and heard the sound of Taku walking off....
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate waited until she had heard Taku wander off before she started laughing so hard she could barely breath, rolling around on the ground, her mirth allowing her to ignore the harness for a moment as she curled up a little. As she calmed down, she looked around blindly, wincing a little as the rope was suddenly very noticable again. Flexing her hands in the cuffs, she carefully stood up, moaning lewdly and bucking her hips a little with the motion, trying to ignore it as she looked for something to hold onto and feel her way around the room, forgetting entirely about the slime.