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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Shooting the vine was trivial at the range she was in, she easily shot the vine off of her, landing on the ground she promptly pulled the vine out via the end stuck in her mouth and threw it to the ground, looking up she could see what looked like a large open bulb was the source of it, Takus wrists were bound together in the mean time and she was dragged closer to the mechanical spider, struggling and whimpering as she futilely tried to struggle, aimming up at the bulb and firing again, Hectate missed completely and she was tripped by a vine again, faceplanting once more and getting one of her ankles grabbed.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate, managing to free herself from the odd but effective way in which the plant had tried to snare her, took another shot at what was revealed to be a large bulb, her ankles getting snared as she was pulled down and ruining her shot, yelping as she hit the ground, the plant started to reel her in again, making Hecate twist, having to use her abs on a swinging base to try and take a shot, which was much harder then she had thought it would be.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hectate was starting to be pulled back up to the large bulb again, trying to swing herself so she could get a nice shot off on the bulb, she completely failed and missed again, only succeeding in a strange vine with a bulb on it latching around her mouth and connecting around the back of her head, gagging her mouth, before she could react she felt something get pumped into her mouth, the nectar from before, turning her face red with arousal as she tried to fight it, meanwhile Taku was being pulled closer to the mechanical spider, Taku had managed to get her arms free and stab at the spider, penetrating its armor and getting it to frustratedly slam her into the ground, almost winding her as Hectate felt her arousal get more intense...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate struggled vainly after her shot went wide and a bulb fixed itself over her mouth, latching around the back of her head and forcefeeding her something that immediately set her lust ablaze. Knowing that this plant would pleasure her made everything much harder, and rather then shoot at it, she turned the gun away and shot at the spider, hoping to free Taku because in a moment she wasn't going to be much use, and she doubted she could kill the thing reeling her in...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Attempting to shoot at the spider, Hectate got the weirdest stroke of luck, missing completely, the bullet ricocheted and hit the bulb instead, it was a perfect hit that struck the bulb hard, forcing it to drop the very horny Hectate to the ground, Taku was trying to slash at the spider, but the rapier was knocked from her hands as countless tendrils wound around her legs and started pulling her into the fall mass of the tendrils, Taku was yelling for Hectates help, but at this point Hectate could either sit and watch, join in or at least TRY to help Taku.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate, not quite believing what the hell had just happened, and almost a little annoyed by it, immediately leveled her weapon at the spider and started to unleash a hail of gunfire while she walked closer, tossing her gun aside as she passed the rapier to pick it up only to continue assaulting the spider again. Because Taku needed her help, and only she was allowed to occasionally rape her friends.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Shooting at the spider, Hectate knew that several bullets had struck home as the spider bucked and writhed at its armor being penetrated, eventually it fell lifelessely to the grounds, as did its tendrils, now inanimate and on the ground, they still had a semblance of power as Taku was still caught in their coils, making her whimper as she tried to squirm free.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate, still annoyed even as she presumably killed the spider, and now annoyingly out of ammunition as well, picked up Taku's rapier and slashed her free before returning her weapon to her. "And that wraps that up." She said, "As an apology for laying you in an egg earlier... because I really wanted to just join in..." She added, referencing the nectar she had been forced to swallow, and fighting very very very hard to control her own lust.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"R-Right...thanks..d-do you need help with that?" Taku asked, noticing Hectates almost overpowering arousal, Hectate had to stop herself from biting her lip and taku to have a bit of fun again, although if she wanted to it seemed like Taku was willing "Cause i dont want you taking it from a tentacle monster when you could be helping me out instead...." Taku said, giving a small huff and puffing her cheeks.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Well... I think if I shoved you back in my womb just for pleasure's sake and you wound up in an egg again, you would get mad at me." Hecate said, although she was breathing really heavily and her face was red as she looked Taku up and down before stepping forward to kiss her passionately, smashing their lips together as she moaned lewdly and writhed against Taku's body, her hips rolling even as her moist folds glittered with her own arousal.... her body was so hot.. she felt like she was on fire!
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Suddenely pulling Taku into a french, Taku returned it, her tongue wrestling with Hectates for dominance, she stopped to say "Id kill for a body like yours....so many possibilities..." Taku said, reffering to Hectates special venom, she had to admit that all this talk about each other was getting her really riled up, Taku was blushing still and she smiled as she kissed Hectate again.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate granted Taku her wish, Biting herself and Taku to set the venom. "For now, you do... Do whatever you want" She said smiling before Kissing Taku again, surrendering herself to Taku's ministrations completely and happily.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Giving Taku a quick nibble, Hectate asked Taku to do what she wanted with her for a while, Taku seemed to need a moment to pause and think, saying "D-Damn the one time you let me do this i cant think of anything~!" and giggling to herself.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate giggled right back, but was still unbelievably horny. "Alright then dear, Raincheck. Just ask and it's yours" She said smiling, before locking lips again and starting to pull Taku's clothing away. As soon as both women were completely in the nude, Hecate took the silk she had used to make her bag, and poured her stuff out for the moment, using the silk to start to bind Taku's arms to her sides, wrapping the strong substance around her several times before turning her around to face the wall and pressing her against it, her ovipositor sliding from her folds with a soft moan into Taku's ear.

Moving the appendage, Hecate's blood pounding in her ears as she shuddered with her own arrousal, Hecate pushed the length into Taku's folds, starting to thrust into her as she shook and gasped in pleasure behind her, reaching around to pull Taku tightly against her chest as the strange appendage continued to thrust into her.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hectate decided to just do it the old fashioned way, binding Takus arms to her sides she pushed her against a wall and thrust her ovipositor into Takus asshole, making her squeal in pleasure, squirming slightly as Hectate started to pick up her pace, pounding into the ex-succubus with horny abadon and working up her arousal even further, eventually reaching her familiar orgasm as she implanted two eggs into Takus stomach, this action driving the ex-succubus over the edge once more as she panted and recovered her breath, Hectate turned Taku around and penetrated her against the wall again, Taku giving out a wail of ecstasy as Hectate started to thrust again, Taku seemed fine to let Hectate take the lead for now...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was moaning and bucking against taku with reckless abandon, the feeling of placing her eggs within Taku's rear making her shake and cry out in bliss as she came, her juices running down her thighs as she turned the girl around and pinned her against the wall once more, slipping her ovipositor into her folds only to begin again. The feeling was exquisite, and Hecate had no qualms whatsoever as she continued to pound into her, soon grabbing her legs and lifting her against the wall as she continued to thrust, only getting faster as she kissed Taku fiercly, moaning into her mouth as their tongues writhed together. It was several minutes of this punishing pace, of taku's folds clenching and rippling around the ovipositor, before Hecate pulled her head back and screamed again in pleasure, 3 distinct lumps moving from her to force themselves into Taku's womb as she impaled her on her length, panting and shuddering against Taku.

"Oooo If only I had more silk, I swear..." Hecate gasped out, slipping out of Taku and rubbing her belly for a moment. "Thank you, I feel sooo much better."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Taku had already reached a few orgasms from the last three eggs being put in her, shaking, she nodded and said "I-Its nothing..." to Hectate, rubbing her own belly, she looked at Hectate and asked "How long do they usually take to hatch?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"I rightfully have no idea" Hecate said, smiling as her ovipositor slid back into her body, making her shudder deliciously, the sensitive appendage like a sexual gift from the heavens. "Why? Want to ride around somewhere a little more cozy while you wait~?" She asked, teasingly drifting a hand up her thigh and grinning.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Panting, Taku coughed and strained herself, with enough focus, the eggs actually managed to squeeze themselves out onto the ground, deflating Takus stomach, seemed like victims could force the eggs out on their own terms, looking at Hectate, Taku shook her head and said "Lets just keep going...", the two continued on, all the way back to the metro, they could see Zenia sitting on a chair, asleep.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Wow, Okay then next time I'll have to plug your holes with something" Hecate teased as they continued onwards until they managed to get back to the metro. Seeing Zenia, Hecate catfaced and began to sneak towards her, before suddenly picking her up and hugging her tightly. "Zenia~!!~!~"