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Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Smashing the glass and thankfully having the common sense to stay off of it so she wouldnt fall in right away, the spider clambered out, moving over to hectate and nuzzling against her, turning around, Hectate saw Rui back to her regular speed idle bounce now, the effects of that sex session wearing off, Taku was nowhere to be seen however and Ruis bag was slightly bigger than normal "Ready when you are~!" Rui said, smiling.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Umm... Where's Taku?" Hecate asked curiously, continuing to give the metal spider attention like she would a favourite pet, already liking the thing considerably and giving it a whispered promise for fun later if it behaved for now. "Seriously? She was just here, and why is your bag bigger?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Rui looked slightly confused "Taku? I Dunno, and my bag was always this big..." she answered, seemingly having no idea of what had happened to Taku in the mean time, curious, the metal spider seemed to be probing the area for Taku, its faceplate glowing a warm orange colour.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

"Let me look in the bag" Hecate said rubbing her forehead, already worried that Rui had done something rediculous and probably hilarious even as the metal spider wandered around looking for her "lost" friend.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Rui seemed confused, but she nodded and opened her bag, peering inside, Hectate could see a ton of toys, weapons and firearms in there, all waiting for use by Rui, however Taku was nowhere to be seen in the pile of stuff inside Ruis bag.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Facepalming, Hecate looked through the glass floor, just to make sure she hadn't gone down, before heading back to the vents. "Ok... So if she went anywhere, and isn't hiding in your bag Rui, which... We'll talk about that later. Then she went in one of these directions... Damnit." She cursed, looking around. "Well, splitting up is now a miserable idea because Taku could have very well been taken." Looking around for blood or any other indicators of a struggle, Hecate tried to pick a direction. If she didn't find any clues, she would pick one at random and they would all move together to avoid another kidnapping situation like last time.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Oddly enough there were no signs of a scuffle having broken out, picking a route, Hectate didnt get much time to decide before she was unceremoniously blind sided by that mechanical spider, which had thrown itself into her to knock her to the ground, the double timing BASTARD!1!1!, Rui yelped in surprise and dug out a hand gun, shooting at the traitorous spider to try and get it off Hectate, who was still too surprised to act, struggling she managed to get herself free as the spider opened up its abdomen to reveal its tendrils once more...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate held out her hand to Rui. Backing up a little, Hecate held her own gun at the ready. "Why betray me? I let you out." Hecate said a little confused, wondering what exactly was going on because so far the thing hadn't acted strange until Just now.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Confused by the spiders sudden change of heart, Hectate kept aiming at it, it performed a very strange maneuver, curling into a small ball, it rolled at Rui suddenely at top speed and slammed into her, knocking the succubus into the wall and making her yelp in pain as Hectate squeezed off two shots, missing with both as Rui produced a potted plant from her bag, growling, she threw it at the spider, unsurprisingly it bounced off the reinforced plating and smashed to pieces on the ground.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate sighed, sad about having to fight the thing at all. It had seemed nice enough. If she had to hazard a guess, then it was that her enemy had hacked the poor thing and she's have to put it down. Aiming at it carefully this time, Hecate fired a single shot before ducking low and charging forward, her offhand elbow brought in for a follow up strike.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Attempting to attack the mechanical spider, Hectate missed with every single attack she had, annoying her somewhat as she was knocked away by its powerful hip check, Rui was trying to get some weapons of her own out, at first only getting a rubber duck out, but then pulling out a full blown rocket launcher, this one a RPG-7, aiming with it, Hectates jaw almost dropped but she quickly dived out the way as Rui unloaded, dealing a hefty amount of damage to the spider and leaving a great big hole in its armor as she threw the now useless rocket launcher away.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was really and honestly too stunned to even move after the explosion from the ROCKET LAUNCHER HOLYSWEETJESUS! Looking at the damage the powerful weapon had dealt, Hecate once again aimed and fired, looking to slip the bullet into the hole in the creatures armour.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Pulling back the slide on her pistol to make a satisfying click noise, Hectate aimed at the newly created hole and fired, the bullet ricocheting into the spider and taking out a core function, making it slump lifelessly to the ground as Rui let out a small whoop of joy.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was still sad, fishing around in the interior of the spider for anything that resembled a control unit or a hard drive, wondering if it had been the spiders fault, or someone elses. She had been fond of the little guy. Frowning, Hecate motioned for Rui to follow, heading into the vent to look for Taku, the vent heading in an easterly direction at first.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Fishing around the insides of Hectate, she managed to get a hold of a central processing unit, after the battle, Hectate heard what sounded like muffled moaning coming from Ruis bag, Rui looking slightly confused and looking around in a slight panic, she asked "W-What was that?"
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate facepalmed so hard that she bruised her forehead. "Taku is in your bag, apparently getting attention from something!" hecate said exasperatedly at the spazzcubus "I'm coming!" She said before diving into Rui's bag.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hectate took a rapid dive into Ruis bag, making the succubus yelp and say "You arent supposed to do that!", Hectate could see she was now endlessely falling in what seemed like a tunnel made of everything that had been made ever, she eventually hit the ground, landing on a inflated rubber ball to soften it as she landed on the ground, looking around, she could track the moans coming ahead, but ahead was a thick landscape of writhing slime and tentacles, all of a dark green colour.
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate fell literally down the rabbit hole, to bounce on a large rubber ball rather then hit the ground with what could probably only be considered a messy splat. She had passed everything made ever on the way down, and was more then a little surprised to see a ton of slime and tentacles down here in the bottom of Rui's magical wonder sack. Hearing the moaning coming from one specific direction, Hecate facepalmed again before heading towards it, looking at the tentacles accusingly. "Give. Her. Back."
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Surprisingly, the area around her shifted into a great big blob with a eyeball looking at her, it said a firm and resounding "NO" that resounded throughout the entire chamber, annoyed, she then heard the...voice chuckle and Taku was deposited infront of her, fully clothed but covered in a very wet and sticky clear fluid, definetely not cum, the voice said again "Nah im just kidding take her.", Taku looked very confused...
Re: Hectate (Courage Wolf)

Hecate was just as confused as Taku seemed to be, taking her away from the odd yet conversational tentacle slime thing and looking at her to make sure she was okay, looking for a way out. "Rui! Get us out of here now please!" She shouted, looking up even as her eyes scanned for something she could possibly climb.