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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was suddenly grabbed as she moved forward, the woman's hands on her shoulders tightly, almost painfully as she glared into her eyes. "I have a better idea, How about you become like me~, Become an Alraune, it's not a difficult task for myself, and then Ryan could have his damned petals and stop bothering me."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Blinking as she was dragged foward suddenely, Mino rapidly nodded, at this point wanting to do anything so Ryan could atleast get the petals he asked for...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Smiling wickedly, the Alraune picked Mino up and set her within the purple goo, the stuff surprisingly warm and making her entire body tingle as the three tendrils curled around her, stroking her body gently. Mino was in the stuff up to her neck, her face eye level with the woman's slit.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was now in the goo the alraune was seemingly in, up to her neck in it she felt her entire body tingle with its warmth making her weakly squirm.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Now you get to be just like me~" The woman said as she cupped Mino's chin and forced her to look into the Alraune's eyes even as she felt the tendrils twine around her legs, starting to force her even lower into the substance, pulling her head under slowly as the Alraune looked at her with an evil grin.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Looking up at the alraune, her face was the last thing she saw before being dragged under the jelly, making her whimper as she held her breath, shaking slightly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The top of the flower could be seen closing through the substance as the Alraune pulled her own legs out of the jelly and stepped out of the flower. The flower, sensing it was missing it's original occupant, immediately went into action, the three tendrils wrapping around Mino further as she felt the large bulbs at their tips starting to press at her lower lips and mouth, pushing for entrance and getting more aggressive by the moment. Little Mino didn't last long, holding her breath as the last tendril made a move on her pucker, pushing and writhing against her as the two below forced themselves into her, the bulbs spreading her holes wide and forcing a harsh gasp from her. As her mouth opened, she had her head forced back as the pressing tendril shoved the thick bulb into her mouth, forcing her jaw wide around it. It was pleasurable, but in a new way as she felt air, heavily laced with something forced through the tip in her mouth, and the thick purple jelly was pumped into her lower holes. She could feel the warm fluid pushing into her, making her feel stretched and filled with heat as it expanded in her body, her skin tingling as she felt certain very important changes take place.

Those changes were blown from her mind as she shuddered in pleasure, the jelly being inside of her making her nerves so much more sensitive, her lower holes immediately clamping tightly around the tendrils and milking them, drawing more into her and furthering the process her body was undertaking. The strange feeling continued as she noticed her stomach starting to swell, her womb filling with the jelly as the strange substance she was breathing drove her pleasure higher, until she experienced the single most powerful climax of her entire life, screaming around the bulb in her mouth in bliss as she immediately passed out.

She woke up several hours later, laying on the ground in front of the Alraune, her skin having taken a light green shade and a large flower starting to grow around her, albeit smaller then the one the other Alraune had been in. "I see you're awake, welcome to the family" She said smiling, watching as the large 7 petal'ed flower grew around her. She could feel the plant like her own limbs, and move them, and she found herself standing in a hollow at it's center just like the other woman was, slowly filling with a light pink jelly itself, making her feel warm. The sunlight still filtering through the trees felt like the nectar of the gods itself. She knew, in her gut, that she would never need to eat as long as the sun was out, but that she was incredibly thirsty. She could feel roots, and the three tendrils. "You are psychically connected to the flower, and it to you. You cannot leave it for more then 3 hours without killing it, and you dying as well unless you manage to get to a large source of water to grow another. I don't recommend it, it's painful. The petals you want are the small ones growing around the pool. If you want to move, you need to walk the flower using it's roots. If you cannot find water, you can steal it from other plants." Having said all she thought she needed to, the Alraune turned and closed properly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Eventually she felt two vines rub at her lower lips then suddenely penetrate them, trying to keep her pleasure at bay so she wouldnt open her mouth, Mino eventually had to give in as the one in her lower lips thrust in deeply, her mouth was quickly filled by another vine as the three vines started to squirt their jelly into her, making her give out a muffled moan, eventually the resulting pleasure from all three of these tentacles was too much to handle as she screamed into a orgasm, passing out from the sheer force of it.

She woke up eventually, now a plant like creature like the alraune, her skin was a light green colour, making her whimper slightly, she felt like her lewder personality was a bit closer to her normal personality now, she realised she needed to find water, but she had no idea how to move her roots...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Making the attempt, Mino noticed that they were like extra limbs, she had to focus on them specifically to get them to move, and that made her a little vulnerable as it made her other motions sluggish, but when she did, she felt them slide around under ground, brushing against other roots until she grabbed onto some incredibly thick ones. Finding the other roots, her own took it from there for the moment, wrapping around them tightly and pulling the water from several nearby trees, making her feel sooo much better, and for her flower to become a little more responsive. She found that moving herself, was a question of either uprooting herself entirely, or sliding along the ground, using her roots for either purpose. She new instinctively that sliding was safer, as giant insects loved the smell of the jelly, but that uprooting was much faster. She also had full control of the three tendrils in her pool, and that entirely by accident, if she flexed them like a muscle, they fire a short puff of pollen. What it did she had no idea, her lewd side could probably guess, and she also knew that she could steal the fluids of things other then plants to feed, and that they tasted... so good.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Thankfully after getting the hold of her newfound abilities Mino managed to make her roots slide along the ground, absorbing water from other trees made her feel better, but she knew in her gut that she could consume other liquids, making her smirk slightly, she felt like a venus fly trap, Ryan could surely wait, after sliding along to a nice open area, Mino would leave herself there, waiting for anyone to come by, she brushed some of her hair out of her face and tried to make the flower that was a part of her curl up into a bud that no one could see inside, but she would leave a few cracks so she could peek out and see if she could catch any "prey"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sliding along the ground became easier and easier as she moved slowly along the ground and entered a small clearing before hiding. She knew if she closed the petals, she would be safe from most things but couldn't move. Peeking out through them, Mino saw two things, a young man with bulls horns who looked incredibly strong, and 2 giant hornets. The hornets were chasing the man who saw her flower and ran towards it. What he was actually looking at was the forest behind her as he tried to get away from the gigantic insects chasing him. But the insects could smell the Jelly.... What to do.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino eventually encountered three things, one being the only humanoid but quickly running off, Mino sighed as she realised she would have to wait a bit longer, she made sure the bud was completely sealed and hoped the hornets wouldn't be able to get through, she then realised she had forgotten to get the fruit for the slime, she sighed and gently hit herself on her cheek as she waited for the hornets to give up and go away.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The hornets buzzed around Mino inside her bulb for quite awhile, trying to find a way inside the thick outer petals, one even sticking it's limbs in to try and pry the petals themselves open, but failing. As they flew off discouraged, Mino saw the man again, poking his head out from between the trees on the far edge of the clearing, looking around. Judging it was safe, he sat down against the tree trunk and caught his breath. He was big, but no giant, and the only things that really set him apart as not human were the large horns, and what Mino could now see was a tail as he relaxed.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Thankfully the wasps left and Mino could get a better look at the person sitting down, judging from the horns and tail, she could only assume it was a minotaur or demon of some kind, worrying her, she tried to use her roots to sneak off, getting back to a regular mindset she departed back to Ryans cabin before she got any other ideas.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Whether he was worn out and on edge from his run with the wasps, or just not all that perceptive, the man gave no notice as she snuck away, leaving her in piece for the moment to head back. The Dryads gave her a happy nod as she passed and she was well on her way to the Lake, though it was slower going then before
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Stopping at the edge of the lake, Mino poked the waters surface with one of her vines, waiting for the slime girl.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Lake giggled from the water, her face rising from it's surface to smile at her. "I see... You've made some changes!" She said laughing, "I like the new look, it suits you~ Did you have any luck with my fruit?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Blinking, Mino blushed slightly at the slimes compliment, but then shook her head in response to the question about finding any fruit, "I-I was shoo`d off after i was t-turned into this..."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Well then, I suppose we'll have to think of something then won't we~" Lake said smiling widely. "And yes, Chrysta can be a complete bitch. But onto my missing fruit, I'm still hungry, so I'll offer something else. You float on out into the center of the lake, and open your petals. Think really hard about smelling nice, and you'll release pollen. It'll attract all manner of things and I'll feed that way... Although, it will also attract giant wasps, best bet with them is to drown them and eat them yourself, or I suppose you could let them have their fun... Up to you."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The slime gave her a solution to her problem, she nodded at the slimes compromise and slid into the center of the lake, opening her petals and then trying to think really hard about smelling nice as she was told to do.